#He's either spooked by the other asks in my Tumblr inbox...
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bumblecow · 2 months ago
(Anon who sent that ask here! I was referring to what starscream says in your pinned post; the communications officer had all but disappeared)
Oh I see! Thank you for clarifying!! ☺️
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moonlitcaster · 1 year ago
Hey tell me about your ocs on tumblr dot com
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I am going to assume this is Dyzzy, given who liked this post before this showed up in my inbox. Hi Dyzzy! You and @ilikecorndogs Have activated my trap card. I suppose I could start with the two characters in the post below, Izzy and Runt.
Izzy is currently one of the protagonists I have for the world of Gods Gambit. They're traveling with Runt currently to try and find a monster that attacked them when they were a child. They got their face severely damaged by the encounter and have worn a mask since then.
They were raised in [name pending] by their adoptive mother, who shepards dream sheep. Growing up with them caused Izzy to be able to stay awake for long periods of time, because most of the field work happened at night. I've also tossed around the idea of some other magic though so this might change.
They're the more practical counterpart to Runt, but tends to be more stubborn than their friend. Less likely to concern themselves with what-ifs and maybes because it easily overwhelms them. Not that they don't care for anything that doesn't serve a purpose though, they do. They're just kinda dogshit at expressing that though.
Runt on the other hand does just fine telling people how they feel. Even if it tends to get him and Izzy in trouble with humans. Runt is a nightmare wolf that lived in the woods outside Izzy's home. They ended up meeting because the wolves try to hunt down the sheep flock nightly. Despite this, they ended up being really good friends to each other as kids.
He is the youngest of his pack and is considered the "smallest" despite his height and size. He's not as strong as the other wolves, but still has powerful magic. Usually it involves manifesting what someone fears the most. He can't help but find human's distress extremely funny when he uses it.
That's actually why he takes on that humanoid form in cities. People don't respond well to what looks like a wraith-thin cross between some rabid animal and a man. One that looks like it probably hasn't eaten in days, too... He has though. I doubt though they'd find some long black wolf with a giant mouth that inviting either. Eh, what can you do? Born to spook.
Okay that's all I can think to write. Do ask more! It will probably be the only time I ever directly tell people stuff.
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iamanartichoke · 6 years ago
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It’s been five months since I filled any tumblr prompts, but I needed to take a break and write something aside from Sea because of reasons, so here I am. I cleaned out my inbox awhile ago but I kept screenshots of the prompts I had yet to fill. Also, this is a first draft, unrevised, so please don’t judge me. I was just kind of winging it. I hope the narrative makes it clear what’s kind of going on here but, in case it doesn’t, the short version is that Loki’s being held in SHIELD custody after the Avengers found him pummeled by the Hulk. Loki’s memory is shot and Thor is trying to put together the pieces. 
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Word Count: 2460 
Loki wakes to the sound of Thor crying.
The sound is very, very strange. His brother has never been much for tears - easier to rage first and mourn later, if ever. Loki cannot recall the last time he saw Thor cry - but, then again, his head is throbbing and the world feels dim. He cannot recall much of anything.
The room is much too bright and everything hurts. Loki opens his eyes to blinding whiteness - white walls, white furniture, white blankets on the bed. All of that whiteness makes his stomach turn. He looks over to see Thor slumped in a chair beside the bed. He has a hand pressed over his eyes and his shoulders tremble. He has not noticed that Loki is awake.
“Thor,” Loki whispers. He cannot seem to raise his voice; his throat feels raw and torn.
Thor’s head snaps up and he hurriedly wipes his eyes. His cheeks remain tear-stained. “Loki,” he gets out, and straightens up. Loki notices Mjolnir sitting on the floor beside Thor’s chair and he flinches. Something is terribly wrong about all of this. “You’re awake. How do you feel?”
Loki feels … Loki feels as if he has shattered into a million pieces. The longer he is awake, the more conscious he is of how much everything hurts. He feels like he is on fire, blazing heat, yet he feels like there is ice coursing through his veins. His stomach twists like he wants to vomit; his temples throb like he is being spun around in circles too fast to breathe. He is sore and bruised; he is weak at his core.
“Terrible,” Loki finally responds. His gaze falls to Mjolnir. “The battle. Did we win?”
“Did we …?” Thor trails off. “The battle … it’s over, Loki.”
Loki nods, giving in and closing his eyes again, just for a few moments. The pillow is soft and cool beneath his head and he is so tired. “Yes, it’s over,” he agrees. “But did we win?”
“We … we didn’t win anything,” Thor says. “The Chitauri are beaten. The wormhole is closed.”
“Then we won,” Loki says and lets out a sigh.
There is a long silence. Loki feels Thor’s palm against his forehead and he opens his eyes again, looking up into Thor’s face. Thor’s brow is furrowed, and there is a deep sadness in his blue eyes that cuts Loki to the core. “You’re confused,” Thor says, when he meets Loki’s gaze. “But it doesn’t matter right now. It’s over, that’s what’s important.”
“He’ll come for me now,” Loki whispers. Thor has to lean in closer to hear him. “Thor. He’ll come.”
“Who will?”
A chill crawls up Loki’s spine and he squeezes his eyes shut. Consciousness is escaping him, fleeing fast. “Thanos.”
* * *
The next time Loki wakes, he’s screaming and thrashing so wildly that Thor has to physically restrain him. “Loki, Loki,” Thor is saying, his hands on either side of Loki’s face, his body practically on top of Loki’s to try to hold him still. There is an alarm blaring in the background. “Wake up, Loki!”
In response, Loki summons all of his strength. He shoves Thor with a force that takes both of them by surprise. Thor goes flying back, crashing into the opposite wall.
“We need backup in here!” an unfamiliar voice shouts.
“No!” Thor shouts back. “I’ve got him!”
Loki isn’t listening. He scrambles off the bed, wildly seeking someplace - any place - to hide. The room is so white and open. There’s a row of glass windows by the door, behind which Loki sees at least half a dozen shadowy, hulking figures. Chitauri soldiers, he thinks, and panics. Thanos. Green and gold seiðr flickers at his fingertips; he hurls magic through the glass, hearing it shatter, and then Thor is yelling something and through the din, Loki recognizes the sound of gunfire being released back at him. He hurls a force-field up around himself as he skitters toward a far wall, ducking behind a low cabinet.
“Stop!” Thor bellows. Loki presses his palms to his ears and squeezes his eyes shut. It is so loud. “Don’t shoot!”
“Hold your fire!” snaps the unfamiliar voice and, a split-second later, the gunfire ceases.
Smoke lingers in the air. The bullets have torn holes through the bed and the sparse furniture; casings litter the ground, a shell rolling precariously close to Loki’s bare foot. He notices, for the first time, that he is wearing Midgardian clothing - loose pants and a tunic, both white. Where are his boots? Where is his armor?
“Loki.” Thor is crawling toward him - literally crawling across the floor, slowly, as if Loki is a wolf caught in a hunter’s trap and Thor is trying not to spook him as he nears close enough to spring the release. “Loki, it’s just me. It’s Thor.”
Loki slowly lowers his hands from his ears. The force-field is still intact around him but, as Thor moves closer, Loki allows it to dissipate. “Thor,” he gets out. “There were - I thought - the Chitauri. They’re here, Thanos is here. I have to -”
Abruptly, Loki turns and peers out from behind the cabinet to look. It is hard to see through the haze of gray but beyond the shattered glass, he recognizes Nick Fury and, behind him, several armed guards. Their weapons are at the ready, their gunfire only halted by Fury’s outstretched hand.
“No, no, it’s just me,” Thor is saying. Close enough now, he reaches out and closes the distance. He wraps his arms around Loki and pulls him close, holding him so tightly that Loki can hardly breathe. Out of the corner of his eye, Loki sees the guards finally lower their guns; with Thor there, they won’t dare shoot again. “The Chitauri are gone.”
No Chitauri, Loki realizes that now. Just humans. Stupid, trigger-happy humans. He is safe - for now.
Loki’s throat tightens and closes as he remembers the nightmare he’d barely just escaped from, woken by his own screams. Endless tortures await him at Thanos’s hand; his nightmare had been both a memory of where he’d been and a preview of what still awaited him, and now Loki cannot stop himself from crying.
A sob breaks from him as he presses his head to Thor’s shoulder, feeling his brother’s soothing fingers making small circles between his shoulder blades. Pain, hot and heavy, courses through his entire body. Nightmares aren’t supposed to hurt, so why is he in so much pain?  
“They’re not gone,” he gets out. “The Other will come, and Thanos …”
“Shh. No one is here for you,” Thor murmurs, against Loki’s hair. His breath is warm. “You’re safe.”
“No,” Loki says and shakes his head. “I’ll never be safe, Thor. I failed. I failed, I failed -” He is sobbing in earnest now, hiding his face from the observers at the glass windows, from Fury. He buries his head into Thor’s neck - Thor, who is so unwaveringly strong, who is his big brother, who had left Loki to fall from the Bifrost and into Thanos’s hands.
Thor, who had not come for him when Loki had needed him the most.
Thor had left Loki to die, and Loki had come back and tried to kill Thor. Perhaps, they are even now.
“Who did you fail?” Thor is asking, rubbing Loki’s back. His voice never loses its soothing tone. “Who is Thanos, Loki?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Loki gets out. “Don’t you know?”
“How could I know?”
Loki swallows hard, reeling in a deep breath, trying to slow his own tears. He changes the subject. “Why were they shooting at me?”
“Well, the magic might have had something to do with it.”
“I thought they were Chitauri.”
Thor hums softly and presses his lips to Loki’s temple. He doesn’t reply.
* * *
They move Loki into another room, identical to the one destroyed by the bullets. Once he is settled in, Loki sleeps for what feels like an eternity but is really, Thor informs him when he wakes again, only three days.
“You need to eat something,” Thor says, and Loki lets out a little whimper of exhaustion. He doesn’t know how he could have slept for so many hours and still feel so tired. “I’ll fetch you some soup, all right?”
“Yes, all right.” It is going to be difficult to stay awake even long enough for that, but Loki tries. He pushes himself into a sitting position, mindful of his injuries, while Thor goes to the door and presses a few buttons on the keypad. The door slides open and Thor steps through and it slides shut behind him again.
While Thor is gone, Loki draws his knees up and rests his chin on them as he glances around the room. Everything is stark white, blank, unfamiliar. Loki closes his eyes. He doesn’t even remember how he got here. His mind feels so fragmented, fleeting memories and images chasing themselves around while Loki scrambles to keep up. What has happened to him?
Thor is back before Loki can work himself up into a panic. He returns to the room carrying a large blue mug and a bottle of water, both of which he brings over to Loki. “They’ll bring you a real meal soon,” Thor says as he sits down in the chair beside Loki’s bed, “but for now, you can have these. Chicken noodle,” he explains, when Loki sniffs at the mug suspiciously.
“I’m told it’s the ideal Midgardian meal, when one is ill,” Thor adds.
“Thank you.” Loki cautiously lifts the mug to his lips and takes a sip of the thick broth. It’s steaming hot and delicious and suddenly, Loki is ravenous. He swallows down the entirety of the mug and, when he is finished, Thor gives him the bottle of water, which he downs just as quickly.
“I’m starving,” he admits, passing the empty bottle back to Thor. “I didn’t realize.”
“You’ve been unwell,” Thor says with a shrug. He sets the empty bottle and mug aside and then leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. “We need to talk, Loki.”
Loki swallows hard. He looks down, unable to meet Thor’s steady gaze. “Okay.”
“You keep mentioning Thanos,” Thor says, “and how you failed him. Do you remember anything? The battle - the Tesseract?”
“Of course I do,” Loki snaps, even though he doesn’t. He ducks his head, twisting the sheets between his fingers.
“Tell me, then,” Thor prompts, when Loki’s silence stretches.
Loki swallows hard. “I don’t - it’s complicated, Thor.”
Thor makes a sound low in his throat, like a growl, and it occurs to Loki that despite how Thor has been taking care of him, Thor is angry. The realization makes Loki flinch; he wants to curl away from this confrontation, wants to curl himself back up underneath the blankets and sleep another three days. His head throbs and he closes his eyes.
“Complicated isn’t good enough,” Thor says. “Complicated isn’t an explanation for what you - for what happened.”
“For what I did,” Loki corrects softly. He drags a hand across his eyes; he can already feel the tears starting. “You can speak it for what it is.”
“Can you?” Thor asks.
Loki opens his eyes and looks up at Thor. There is anger there, in those steely blue eyes, but Loki finds confusion as well - confusion and desperation. Thor is desperate to understand.
“Everything is a blur,” he admits softly. “Some things, I remember. I wish I didn’t. Other things, I can’t make sense of. I have flashes, images that don’t mean much. At the core of it all is Thanos.”
“You have to tell me who Thanos is,” Thor implores him, leaning forward a bit. “Is he the one who sent you for the Tesseract?”
Loki nods. “I didn’t have a choice, Thor. The things that I did … “ It wasn’t me. That wasn’t me, he wants to say, but the words get stuck in his throat because they are a lie. Thanos did not put anything into his mind that was not already there. Not like Barton, like Selvig. It wasn’t me, but it was.
“The scepter,” Thor guesses, when Loki remains silent. “He controlled you, then. Yes?”
Loki keeps his gaze firmly on his own fingers, twisting and pulling at the bedsheets. “It is very powerful,” he says, which is neither a lie nor a confirmation.
“He controlled you, and sent you here for the Tesseract. I knew it,” Thor says, which makes Loki look up sharply. “I knew there had to be an explanation. I asked you, on the mountain - do you remember?”
Who controls the would-be king? The words scream through Loki’s mind like a siren and he visibly shudders. He lets go of the sheets and wraps his arms around himself, suddenly feeling cold. “I am a king,” he whispers.
“No, Loki.” Thor reaches out and gently touches some of Loki’s hair, pushing it back from Loki’s face before he lets go again. “We’ll make this right, okay? I promise.”
Loki laughs at that, weakly. “How? Am I not a criminal?”
“No. You’re only here because we didn’t know what else to do. After the Hulk …” He breaks off, at Loki’s confused expression. “You don’t remember that part?”
“No,” Loki admits. “The last thing I remember is speaking to Stark.”
“Well, at some point after that, you ran into the Hulk. He nearly killed you.” Thor averts his gaze. “I thought you were dead. When we found you … it didn’t look good.”
That explains the dull throb of his various injuries, pain consistently on the edge of his awareness. “So I am here … because of the Hulk?”
“More or less. I am supposed to take you back to Asgard, but you have been in no condition to make the trip. Not long after we found you, you woke up and … you were hysterical. Screaming nonsense about Thanos and what you’d done. Fury had to sedate you. He used the tranquilizers SHIELD kept for the Hulk. Ironic, isn’t it?” Thor lifts an eyebrow and grins a little.
Ironic, Loki thinks, and pulls the bedsheets up. Exhaustion is creeping back in; he’s surprised he managed to keep it at bay this long. “I’m tired,” he whispers.
“Get some sleep,” Thor says, and settles in next to him. “I’ll wake you up in a few hours for a real meal. Okay?”
Loki nods. Thor’s kindness is a balm he does not deserve; Thor has offered it based on something that hovers between truth and lie, yet Loki cannot bring himself to reject it.
Thanos will come, sooner or later. Loki will suffer eventually.
He will hold onto Thor in the meantime.
* * *
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someobscurereference · 7 years ago
fe anon here! Woah I'm actually crying your answer was so Intense and just So Much. Thank you! I love hearing your thoughts on their relationships. Out of curiosity tho, I sent an ask a while back about whether or not you'd be willing to share some more headcanons on how the Nohrian sibs+Beruka and Niles would interact with/react to the deaged awakening trio (and vice versa)? Bc I know u weren't sure you'd continue. Did Tumblr eat that? If ur comfortable talking about it I'd still love to know!
Oh, no, Tumblr absolutely ate that! My inbox is empty 99% of the time, so I definitely would have remembered something like that. If I don’t answer something within a few days, definitely feel free to re-send any asks because that means I didn’t see it!
As a whole, the kids would be wayyyy more wary of the Nohrians right off the bat, even if they’re told what happened and they believe it. They’d be like, “Really? A world without Risen?” and everyone else would say, “what the fuck is a Risen” and then they’d shut up real fast because these are Strangers. All three would probably be convinced they were actually in Plegia somehow until proven otherwise. 
Also, they’d still want to fight because that’s what they’ve been used to their whole lives, but the war is probably over at this point? So it’s just wandering packs of bandits and Faceless to take care of, and if one of the Royal Sibs or even someone the Trio knows goes out to take care of Faceless, the Trio wants to go too because they’re used to protecting their home and they feel restless and anxious to just be sitting around doing nothing. 
“No?” Literally everyone else says. “You’re like fourteen???”
“Yeah, and so’s Elise?” the Trio says, even though Elise is a few years older by this point. “It’s the same thing. But we actually have swords.”
“It’s different.”
“It absolutely isn’t.”
It’s uncomfortable for everyone. 
Also if they actually did sneak away and fight a Faceless, they’d probably be very efficient about it and work together really well, despite bickering almost 24/7 amongst each other in every other minute of every day. Risen are undead, so they don’t “die” the way most enemies would, and Faceless, though without souls, don’t work the same way? A Faceless is bigger but it will fall if you slice it enough times, unlike a Risen that takes extra effort and energy. So Faceless are actually a little easier to kill, but the fact these 13/14 year olds have so much experience fighting to kill would probably bother anyone that thought about it for 0.2 seconds. “Like. I know we grew up in Nohr, but that’s Not Good.” 
Fighting bandits is a different story, and I think if the Trio had to see actual humans hurting other humans, it would mess them up a lot because they came from a time where everyone who didn’t work as a group probably died already? Since lone figures cannot win against a pack of Risen by themselves. So humans vs humans is not anything they really think about until now. Laslow and Odin would probably take this extra hard because their moms were pretty caring and kind people (especially as healers/dancers, whose job it is to help and encourage people), while this would also fuck with Selena but she maybe got a talking to a little more explicitly from her mother or father before they left. (I’m taking this from Laslow’s conversation with Odin in…either the Hot Spring or Harvest Scramble DLC, where Laslow admits that taking his first human life after jumping through time nearly destroyed him because that wasn’t something he thought he’d ever have to do.)
Honestly, living is a peaceful world without fighting is probably the most important thing for their mental health. 
I’ve been lowkey thinking about this for a long time, but Odin would probably gravitate towards Elise a lot? Both because she has a very accepting and bubbly personality (she RP’d with Odin just because it was cool, and now they’re even closer in age so she’d probably do it again) and honestly she probably reminds him of Lissa. Straight up. Blond hair, pigtail style, youngest sibling, healer, cares a lot, etc. Even if he hadn’t recently lost his mom (which was probably semi-recently, since I hc Lissa being the last to go in the doomed timeline), he still would gravitate towards her. So they chill a lot. 
Leo is probably like lowkey jealous? Because Odin isn’t as interested in him anymore whereas he’d been totally devoted as an adult. He just wants to chill with Elise and other “cool” people and sometimes be by himself to fight imaginary enemies, so Leo actually gets a little more grumpy. Plus Odin uses swords now? Even though Leo had figured out Odin hadn’t used tomes all his life, it was still something they connected on and now this kid is insisting that swords and swordsmen are the coolest (like Xander) and Leo is very :/// about it. (Until maybe Odin sees Leo use Brynhilder and gets all starry eyed. Doubly so if you hc Odin’s dad as a mage. Leo coughs and blusters and pretends it’s not super strange to be the loudly admired person out of all his sibs for once.)
Niles would put on a big teasing front for Odin and probably follow him around a lot even though Odin probably is really distrustful of him, both because he loves annoying little punk kid Odin who takes himself so seriously and because Niles feels like he has to make sure Odin doesn’t run off and hurt himself. (Either Leo or Niles is always hanging around Odin, actually, or at least has someone they trust watching all three kids because magic is strange and they don’t want anything bad happening because the kids got spooked in this new world or something.) 
Actually Niles probably spends the most time keeping an eye on Odin because of that interaction they had when Odin was first de-aged, as Odin’s reaction was so uncharacteristic of his adult self. He’s actually concerned about the kind of world Odin grew up in, and he might not pry too hard, but he’s definitely keeping an eye and ear out for any concerning stuff. 
(Odin, meanwhile, thinks Niles is Evil because he’s a creepy guy who keeps following Odin around and he’s heard bad rumors about Niles and Odin’s brain is insistent that this guy Has To Be A Villain.)
(Maybe that changes, but they’d have to have some kind of heart-to-heart first. Maybe because Odin really does go too far and Niles has to pull him out of some trouble.)
Camilla probably wants to dote on Selena pretty hard, but Selena is Not Having It. 
“But this will wear off soon, and it’s not every day I get to see my darling retainer so young and cute,” Camilla coos. “Just enjoy yourself. When you’re an adult again, I’ll having you running errands again in no time.” 
Selena: “I don’t know you!! You’re not my mom!! Stop acting like it!”
Camilla, serious: “I’m absolutely not your mother and never will be/want to be.” (Back to cheerful) “But that doesn’t mean we can’t do X/Y/Z together.”
Basically she treats Selena a lot of the same way she treated baby Corrin, only Selena resists it a lot more. As time goes by and they realize through context clues that the Trio actually had a really rough life, Camilla maybe has a few conversations with her about what it’s like to grow up in a world where you can die at any moment and the whole world is out to get you (Selena via the Risen/Grima and Camilla via assassins/the other mothers of her half-siblings and Garon’s wives.) It’s a tough life, and Camilla gets where Selena’s need to fight and get better is coming from.
Beruka probably doesn’t really have any experience with children at this point? She doesn’t know what to do except treat Selena or the others like smaller adults, which Selena actually appreciates a lot but also maybe stresses her out a bit. 
When they first meet, Selena looks up at Beruka (probably not too far because Selena is really Tall for her age and also in general and Beruka is probably shorter than adult Selena) and says, “So you’re Lady Camilla’s retainer like me, right?”
“Correct,” Beruka says. Because it is.
“Am I a better retainer than you?” Selena demands, hands on her hips, and Beruka. Stares. Because it’s really driving home that Selena’s insecurities started Young.
(Also if Subaki is ever around, she probably hates his guts because he has red hair like her mom and is viewed as “perfect” because he strives to be so all the time and it makes her too uncomfortable and she Hates It. Niles loves laughing at this 13/14 year old girl chewing the hell out of this grown ass man just for existing.)
Laslow is super short, worse about hiding his shyness than he was at twenty-something, and stumbles sometimes when talking to adults (especially beautiful people and people with a lot of power, so Xander is a double-whammy, but so is half the army), but by golly, does he try to flirt with anything that breathes. He’s not as smooth as his adult self, but sometimes he pulls off some okay lines. Even though everyone is like “You…are a child.” 
(Laslow gets that he’s a kid and he doesn’t even usually flirt seriously as an adult, but when people keep using that line on him even when he’s trying to do some good and fight, he gets really internally frustrated because he wasn’t a child when everyone died and he had been fighting a war where half the army was his age, was he? Lot of complex feelings there.)
Xander can Relate a lot because he was also super shy as a child and if this is how Laslow overcomes that in his own way (especially since this was apparently his mother’s advice, who Laslow values a lot), Xander doesn’t really want to be the one to stop him. But also he is Exasperated because he keeps getting complaints that this bratty 14 year old is flirting with half the women in the army and town and can he Not??? Can Laslow just chill for like two minutes?? Is there no better solution????
Sometimes he helps teach Laslow how to spar properly, just like he did for Corrin and his other sibs, and he respects Laslow’s apparent drive to protect others and sees somewhat through Laslow’s cheerful, flirty facade to the more struggling kid underneath.
Peri coos over Laslow a bit, but he’s not big enough to fight with her/by her side anymore and she doesn’t want to kill him, so there’s not a ton they can do together. She watches him when told to, though, and sometimes even withought even being told, and they manage to get a long surprisingly well. (She’s a great cook and sometimes shares her snacks with him, and they bond through that.)
All three kids probably interact the same way they did with each other as immature people, so they actually don’t get along very well? When not in immediate danger? Like Odin’s bffs were Cynthia and Brady, probably. He and Laslow keep getting into brawls, which is… mildly concerning, actually. Laslow keeps stealing his journals (”It’s not a diary! Give it back!” “It absolutely is, and no”) and Odin keeps insulting him. Selena and Laslow don’t get along because Laslow is too flirty and Selena thinks he’s just making fun of her. She’s a little better with Odin (who in their FE13 support I think was said to have still treated her with kindness, even when she was mean to him) but she keeps getting flustered and fed up with his antics and growing up?? Is so hard??? It’s so hard, and nobody understands. 
The difference between getting along as kids and how they get along as adults is astounding. 
(All three of them worry about their friends back home, even though they don’t say anything. Supposedly those guys and gals are all adults now too, but?? Who’s gonna walk Noire to the bathroom at night? Who’s gonna protect Brady? Who’s gonna make sure Gerome doesn’t become too much a loner and die???? They Worry.)
(If you wanted me to expand on something more specific, let me know!)
EDIT: Also one of the kids at some point definitely asks how old they were and get old “like 25” and they are all Shocked. Like. One of them (probably Odin, who also expected to die a heroic death by 16) says aloud “I made it to 20??!??” shocked.
Everyone else takes a moment to compose themselves and remind themselves that there’s a lot they don’t know about these three
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