#He like fell down a hole because Cactus pushed him then Cactus jumped in but Linc placed a block at the bottom
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pyxscythe · 1 year ago
I keep hearing about seraphim lincu and origins lincu, am curious :0?
So !! Months ago I'm not sure how long atp, Linc had a server that he invited some of his friends onto as well (Cactus, Jack (not Pyro, different Jack), Meemoo, Alicia, some others later on) that was an origins server, initially he chose the inchling origin but ended up swapping to the rabbit origin
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This was his skin (I initially made a sort of base edit for him just slapping bunny ears and a tail on his regular skin at the time) (fun fact I also made origins skins for Cactus and Jack as well :3c)
At one point iirc some things with the server broke and he had to reset the server, the second time around he chose the seraphim origin and I don't think I have the skin nor is it on his namemc still but he made the skin in a stream on his alt channel and we just kept calling seraphim!lincu a whore
Ultimately though the 2nd time around the server didn't go for very long and it ended up being closed or at least just dying out after about a couple months I believe
Here's actually doodles of both bunny!lincu and seraphim!lincu that Linc himself did I think in that same stream
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I WISH I had the seraphim skin saved somewhere alas I do not, I have screenshots from the stream but not ones of the skin in full but it also reminded me that in that stream he was drinking sonic gfuel out of a millkberry mug which he left out overnight
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elizabethemerald · 4 years ago
Water Heals; Chap 4
Today was another of Katara’s visits. Azula felt like she was getting better at telling the days apart, and keeping track of the weeks as they passed. Katara had said that she would bring a guest this week. It would be the first time she had seen someone other than Katara, her brother, or the staff since she was admitted to the hospital. Azula had promised to be on her very best behaviour. 
She smiled her own private smile when the door to her room opened to show Katara, though she kept her face otherwise schooled. As a princess of the Fire Nation she wouldn’t let herself show all of her real emotions to outsiders like Katara’s guest. 
Behind Katara entered her brother, Sokka. Katara has talked quite a lot about her brother and what he had gotten up to recently. It would be interesting to meet him face to face, and for once, not on the other side of a conflict. 
It certainly seemed like peace was suiting him well. Sokka still had the build of a swordsman, though now he was really hitting his growth spurt, he was going to be tall, possibly even taller than Zuko. He had a slightly nervous air about him, though he was masking it well. He smiled a wide, easy smile upon seeing Azula. Her spine stiffened for a moment, fearing he was smiling because of her bonds. Before she could snap at his insolence he clapped Katara on the shoulder and took a seat. Perhaps he was just in a jovial mood?
Katara took the seat next to her brother, returning his smile. Azula felt a hint of color rise in her cheeks. Katara’s smile never failed to bring some warmth to her face, and set Salmonflies fluttering in her stomach. For some reason Sokka’s smile widened, his earlier nervousness dissipating. 
“So Azula!” He said. Azula was suspicious of his friendliness, but she supposed Katara had brought him along first for a reason. “Katara’s told me a lot about her visits with you. How have you been liking them?”
Katara had side eyed him at this question, but Azula felt their mutual companion was a safe enough conversation topic. 
“Her visits continue to be the highlight of my time here. Even at my most dower Katara’s smile brightens my day.” Azula said stiffly, as if she were giving a report to the war council. Her eyes flicked to Katara, and she couldn't help but notice a faint blush dusting Katara’s cheeks, her eyes down cast as she fiddled with her hair. She decided to quickly change the subject, not trusting Sokka not to stray too near sensitive topics. “And how about yourself? Katara has kept me informed on some of the inventions you have made.”
“Oh she has!” Sokka immediately pulled a sketch book out of his satchel. Azula leaned forward as close as she could to look at his drawings. Some of the sketches seemed almost infantile in quality, but as she was able to parse the information she could see he was trying to figure out a way to trap a fire bender’s lightning, so it could be used to power other inventions. “You see, if I can make this work we can create other things that could wildly improve life for the people of the world. I’m just trying to find some way to replicate the lake of Chi a fire bender uses to control and redirect lightning. Though its really hard to get a hold of some lightning to test my theories.”
“It should not be that hard to get.” Azula said with a smirk. “Would you like a free sample?”
Before he could respond Azula took a deep breath, pulling on her own lake of Chi and spat out a flash of lightning. Sokka jumped back with a yelp as the lightning flashed wildly around the room. Without the use of her hands to control and direct the lightning, she didn’t have any where near the control she usually did. She released the rest of her breath as a short pant of blue flame. Lightning bending was far harder than fire bending without hands. 
Katara jumped up, water flying to her hand from the pitcher in the room. Azula couldn’t help her flinch, still battling the fear that Katara was going to turn against her one day and try to kill her. Instead of forming a whip the water around her hands glowed with a strange light. Azula watched, her eyes wide in awe, as Katara used the water to heal any slight mark Sokka may have received. 
“That was rude Azula!” Katara said. Azula couldn’t help but feel a rush of guilt. She had promised Katara she would be on her best behaviour. She couldn’t stand the idea that Katara would take this as a sign to stop visiting her. 
“I’m sorry Katara.” Azula said, her eyes down cast. 
Katara was about to reply in her usual huff, but Sokka, now settled from his surprise, spoke. 
“You know Azula, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you apologize to literally anyone. I didn’t think you knew how to.” HIs words, heavy with sarcasm were at least a game Azula knew how to play. 
“I prefer to reserve my apologies for those who mean the most to me. Not water tribe peasants like yourself.” Azula said, putting her nose up in mock disdain, though she met Katara’s gaze, attempting a small joke based on their first conversation. Katara’s smile showed that the joke had landed, and again there was a dusting of a blush across her cheeks. “Though I guess since the war’s over, I should make right with those I can. Is there anything I should apologize to you for?”
With that single name, Azula felt her hard won control slipping. The leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. She had taken great pleasure in ensuring she was imprisoned and in making sure her incarceration was as unpleasant as possible. 
“Do you know what happened to her?” Azula asked, her voice sounding lifeless and mechanical even in her own ears. All she could remember was defeating Suki and shipping her off. 
“Yeah, me and Zuko broke her out of the Boiling Rock.” Sokka said. His voice sounded like it was coming from a cave. 
The Boiling Rock. The start of her fall. She had tried to kill her brother again there. Mai and Ty Lee had turned against her there. Not only had they shown their true colors but she had shown hers as well, first by trying to kill them, then by having them arrested. From there she had known that there was no one she could trust. Eventually everyone would betray her. And she deserved it. She was a monster after all. 
Azula was fading fast, her grasp on the moment slipping as her mind spiraled into the memories of her many failures. She was only distantly aware of a rapid yet hushed conversation between Sokka and Katara. They were probably discussing how to punish her for imprisoning Suki. 
“Did Katara ever tell you about the time I drank cactus juice?” Sokka said. The surprise of the strange sentence shook Azula from her dark spiral. 
“Isn’t cactus juice…” She was trying to focus her brain on the bizarre statement. 
“Hallucinogenic?” Sokka laughed. His laugh was loud. Different than Katara’s soft laugh. “Oh yeah it is. I spent a few hours absolutely out of my mind. I remember seeing a giant mushroom that I was sure was going to be my friend.”
Azula felt a crooked, broken smile creep up her face at the idea. 
“Or there was the time Toph trapped me in a hole in the ground. It felt like I was stuck there for hours. I promised to give up sarcasm and eating meat if I was able to get out. That didn’t last very long.” He said sarcastically. 
Her broken smile crept higher on her face, feeling less broken and more natural. 
“How about the story when me and Katara got sick, I spent the entire time thinking I was an earthbender! Then guess what the cure was?” He didn’t wait for Azula to guess instead continuing on excitedly. “Sucking on frozen frogs! Aang had to go fetch them while we were resting in our sleeping bags!”
Azula could see Katara’s own smile creeping higher on her face as her brother brought back some pleasant memories from their time traveling the world during the war. Azula could feel her own smile grow, a soft huff coming from her nose at the thought of Katara with a frozen frog on her face. 
“Oh or the time we tried to convince those guards that I was an earthbender!” Katara said. 
“That was a good one! Especially because that one guard thought that Momo was the earthbender! Not the brightest guard.”
“Can’t forget the whole adventure in the secret tunnel! I thought you would have a handprint on your forehead from facepalming for a week!”
Azula let out a short bark of a laugh. She felt more herself, like her mind was back in her body where it belonged and less like she was going to start sobbing. 
“It seems traveling with the Avatar wasn’t all hard work and battles.” Azula said. Her voice still sounded a little flat, but it was coming back to her regular tone. 
“It was a lot of work. And there were some things that are going to be in my nightmares for years.” Sokka said, his tone more serious than it had been since he arrived. “But that doesn’t mean it was all bad. Aang’s a fun loving guy. He wouldn’t let us stay to serious for to long.”
“When we first met him, he immediately wanted to go penguin sledding!” Katara said, her smile now her usual full faced and spirit-blessed smile. 
The conversation continued, Sokka carrying most of it, for the next hour or so. By the end Azula was exhausted from the social interaction, but she was happy. Sokka had caused her first genuine laugh in what felt like months, though she couldn’t tell exactly how long it had been. Katara had also seemed to enjoy having her brother there. She fell into good hearted bickering so easily with him, her smile brightening up the entire room, causing even more Salmonflies to buzz wildly in her stomach and a warm feeling to fill her chest. 
When it was finally time for Sokka and Katara to leave for the day, Azula stopped him. He stood at the door, Katara behind him in the hall looking over his shoulder. It took Azula a few moments to gather her words and force them out. 
“Sokka… I’m sorry.” The words felt painful as she pushed them out past the lump in her throat. She wanted to apologize for everything. For the harm she had caused during the war, for the harm her people had caused, even for throwing lightning at him just today, but she couldn’t get all those words. He seemed to understand the enormity of what she apologizing for and gave her a solemn nod. “Please tell Suki...I’m…”
“I will.” He nodded again, that same seriousness from earlier in his voice. 
With that the two Water Tribe siblings left. Azula was exhausted. Her body drained like she had fought for the entire afternoon. However her mind felt like it was fully active. They had given her much to think about. 
She had been inclined to dismiss Sokka, as a non bender, and as an oaf, he was never the same threat that Katara was. However he had clearly earned his place among the Avatar’s closest. He was cleverer than she had ever given him credit for, and he had the ability, almost uncannily, to switch between lighthearted and serious at a moment’s notice. She would have to think more about him. About his ease in forgiving her. About his inventions and ideas. 
Thinking of Sokka was significantly harder considering something else occupied her mind. Katara’s smile. Katara had seen her slipping, had noticed her reaction to the mention of Suki and the Boiling Rock. She had encouraged her brother to joke to offset the tension and help ground her back in her body. Katara had seen her, and seen through her, and some how still visited again and again, and still smiled and laughed with her, not at her, but with her. It was a lot to think about all at once. 
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candideangel · 4 years ago
Outside Witnesses
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Chrono, a worker in timepieces and spellwork, and Artemis watch as their superiors start from embarrassing moments to all out prank wars.
featuring moments from @meepsthemiqo​���s @emetspersephone​‘s & @themadchemist​‘s pieces which gave me a constant joy. Sorry if they were brief mentions or if something seemed off!
The small office was quiet, one of the window panels open and wafting in a breeze that brushed strands of red hair into a young man’s face as his green eyes with a hue of blue mixed in was silently sitting at a work desk, his tools lightly clicking and clinking against metals of the project in front of him. It was supposedly a simple project, something he was making for himself, but Chrono knew that it was for someone else completely. As his hand picked up a small set of clamps he used them to pick up a delicate piece of inner clockwork to set into its new discus shaped home.
Then came the knock on his door, making the master of time as he often been teased with looked up, reaching over to lightly push away a magnifying circular glass aside. “Enter.” his voice called calmly, and at first while he kept a straight face, absently reaching over for the white mask that was across on his desk, not sure if it was a mere guest looking for his opinion or someone he trusted. However, it was relief that washed over his features as a young woman opened the door with a soft creek of hinges, his heart doing a little jump, usually hooded features were free, a very pale gold head that could have been mistaken for white or even silver, of hair wound up in in intricate bun with a few added braids with a few feathers dangling off the ties, and piercing bright blue eyes glittered like gemstones when her gaze met Chrono’s.
“Artemis, what...what brings you in here?” the young man asked, cursing himself for the slight issue with his string of words he couldn’t quite seem to form.
“Oh, I figured you would like something to drink.” Artemis replied as Chrono’s eyes finally noticed the tray she had laden in her cloaked arm. It was a simple silver tray, but with a curious white pot that seemed to shine, painted with long branches with pink flowers with a matching set of cups nested on their saucers. A steam rose from the spout of the pot in an unrecognizable aroma, but it put his tense muscles relax a little even as the door shut. Walking over with a soft click of heels she would set the tray down on the side of his desk.
“It’s a rather cute pot if I must say.” Chrono muttered, being mindful and rolling up the set of tools to make sure he didn’t knock anything over while Artemis held the pot and would carefully pour a steaming stream of a clear yet bright red liquid would start filling the delicate white workings.
“Ah, thank you. It was...a design I’ve been fiddling around with. I hope it’ll keep the tea hot for a while longer.” She replied, pale cheeks dusting with a shade of pink that matched the flowers painted on the pot.
“Well, you certainly have always had an eye for aesthetics and color.” Chrono couldn’t help but tease, being someone who worked in the offices, they didn’t work in the seats, but they often helped with designs and prototypes. When Artemis offered him the cup of tea he would take hold and took a small sip, letting the flavor put him at ease; floral, slightly sweet, a hint of fruit dancing on his tongue until the after taste was slightly tart. “Mm, delicious…” he breathed relaxing in the chair with a soft creak of the wood under him.
“Heh, rosehip tea does wonders.” Artemis chuckled and poured herself a cup that was still on the tray before the pot was set down, she would go to a small metal can and went to the various flora that had been potted around Chrono’s office. It never used to be filled with greenery, just shelves and a mess of books and ruined prototypes...at least not until Artemis arrived into his life. One who could have looked so naive as an assistant, turned out to become a great friend and confidant...he often found himself happier, able to focus a little better without the clutter, but most importantly always felt his heart leap into his throat at her presence every time. 
Chrono glanced over his shoulder a little and in the faint light of the sun that was streaming through it practically haloed the woman in his office while she watered the flowering plant in his window, the aroma coming in on the breeze. Even as he set the cup down into the saucer with a soft clink so he could go back to work, it all felt peaceful.
At least it HAD been peaceful, the foyer doors banged open as if by a nasty wind, reverberating into Chrono’s office, making the delicate work he had been working on break, and the tea in the cups ripple. “Earthquake?” Artemis muttered as she set the water can down into a stand made of thick wired material to walk to the door, Chrono in the meantime staring down at some of the parts that had broken free from his project...making it clear he would have to start over again with the inner workings. Just as Artemis reached the door however, they both froze, a set of heels clacking against the floor with utmost determination even though one of the other workers were obviously trying to get whoever it was to stop because of a meeting.
Slowly Artemis opened the door to peer outside curiously in time to see a sweeping motion of dark hair, a few pink flowers poking out, and eyes set most determined, and as she looked out more watched as she marched with purpose towards the meeting chamber for the Fourteen.
“It...seems that Lady Fae is on the warpath.” She spoke softly once the door clicked shut quietly. 
“Oh...dear…” Chrono muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose and suddenly he startled when there was another equally loud bang that echoed again further down the hall.
“HAAAADEEEES!!!!” Fae’s voice echoed before there was a third and final bang as the doors slammed shut and silence fell hard and heavy between Chrono and Artemis. They stared at each other for a long moment, but it only took one of them to softly start chuckling, then they fell into soft gales of laughter, faintly hearing the voices carry their way. Little did they know it was only just the beginning.
Then the “prank war” began. Artemis had been carrying a stack of papers with Chrono’s help, though were brought to pause when they watched the pink haired Persephone walked by carrying a rather curious green colored creature in her arms and humming a delightful tune to Lady Fae’s office. When they had dropped off the work to where they needed to be, finishing off from Hades’ office Fae had just been...oddly coming from Lahabrea’s office, speaking to Elidibus.
“What do you think that was about?” Artemis asked curiously while glancing back over her shoulder at the pair. It was a little strange that Fae was acting rather dodgy around her bonded’s questions.
“Not sure.” Chrono muttered as his fingers were dancing a gemstone between them, a spark of golden dust pouring from it. “Lady Fae hasn’t always been in Lahabrea’s good graces, but perhaps she was just simply seeking him out.” Though the first part had always contained proof as the Speaker’s voice shouted from down the hall and almost as fast as she had come, Fae had disappeared into the shadows without warning. Leaving the two rather confused.
Artemis though as they went back to Chrono’s office, couldn’t help a wry smile. “I bet for a day off that Lady Fae has some kind of ulterior motive. It did seem rather odd that Miss Persephone had come in carrying a small creature and suddenly Lady Fae is coming out of Lahabrea’s office.” It was obviously broken logic, at best to be a jest as they leaned against the door just under the frame.
“Oh, what would you do if you won the bet?” Chrono was grinning a little bit and would lean against the door a bit, Artemis gave him a smile that made his heart practically rattle like a bird trying to break free from its cage.
“For a day off? I think...if I’d gotten the day off, it would be walking through that tree park. Maybe with some company…” her voice trailed off and her breath caught a little in her throat as Chrono, practically hypnotized by her words, her voice, his feelings were overrunning. But he stopped and they both jumped when there was a very loud, and very agonized scream come from down the corridor and they both looked over, but Chrono did the smart thing and pushed them both into his office just as Lahabrea was storming by, covered in NEEDLES and his robes looking rather holed, spitting venom as he looked for Lady Fae.
“P-Probably best we stay here for a bit.” Chrono muttered once he shut the door, Lahabrea had shot them a look that could whither all the blooms in his office. “At least until the storm dies down.” But his lips trembled a little bit and he couldn’t help a slightly nervous chuckle that escaped his lips as he slumped to the ground, knees weak as even Artemis was on her knees by his desk. “Looks like you won…” he breathed and gave the light haired woman a lopsided grin, “When do you want to go?”
The next few days that came were at relative peace, Elidibus and Fae were gone for a little while, but when the two had come back, it had been both Fae and Persephone who had become the targets for the next bout of revenge pranks. Artemis and Chrono had made playful banter that perhaps it would be one of them, this time placing a few coin bets for who would be next in line for either a tongue lashing or a prank in return. Chrono had been the one to place on Fae and Persephone perhaps both, at the time, just due to the logic after the curious Cactus creature had been talked about through the hall and had the earmarks of Miss Persephone’s design work.
While it had been a harmless one, the two women breaking out in rashes, sneezing like they had colds, and watery eyes. It was obvious they were having some kind of allergic reaction to something, but in their wake had been a very, very strong scent of roses. It was very possible that the harmless prank had come from Miss Anais, the alchemist and even a medic of the city. It...did make some logical form of sense.
Artemis sighed as she would hand over a bag of coin to Chrono, who pocketed into the sleeve of his robes and gave her another wry smile, his hand reaching over to gently tug her by the waist to pull her close.
“So, who do you think will be next?” he asked curiously, they had started to find this as some type of entertainment and a way for them to bond. And in a way bonding they did! Even if everything was trying to be subtle gestures.
Artemis still looked as if she were pouting from the loss of her money, but let Chrono lightly pull her to his side. “...I think Miss Anais will be up next possibly. I know Miss Persephone and Lady Fae won’t take this little though harmless prank lying down. Or maybe there will be some bonded prank wars with Hades and Persephone.” she chuckled in a hushed voice as they walked down the streets as Chrono who was often a reserved person before was offering to purchase Artemis dinner, waiting for their next little revenge show.
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mycatshuman · 5 years ago
The Emo Who Stole Christmas
Chapter 4 : You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch or Virgil and Roman Are Done With the Who's and Decide to Get Back at Them.
Word Count: 3,477
Warnings: stealing of Christmas, may be some cursing, grown adult blaming a child for their problems, let me know if I missed any
Pairings: Pre-established Prinxiety and Logicality and Demus
Masterlist | Previous | Next | More Chapters
Again, a big thank you to @icequeenoriginal for being the co-creator. This was a mother-daughter effort and I love it.
Virgil stood staring down at the Whoville in the ice-cold snow. 
Yes, the Grinch knew that tomorrow all the Whos would wake bright and early and rush for their toys. 
"And then, the noise! Oh, the noise! Noise, noise, noise!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll bang on tong-tinglers. They'll blow their floo-flounders. They'll crash on Jang-jinglers and bounce on boing-bouncers!" He held his hands to his ears as if he could already hear the horrific noise. 
Then Whos young and old would sit down to feast. 
"And they'll ready and they'll feast. And they'll feast, feast, feast, feast!!" Virgil exclaimed as he stomped around. "They'll eat their Who pudding! And rare Who roast beast! And that's something I can not stand in the least." Virgil paused in his ranting. "Oh no!" He exclaimed horrified. "I'm speaking in rhyme!" He cried out. "Blast you Whos!" He exclaimed as he fell to his knees. 
The more the Grinch thought of what Christmas would bring…the more the Grinch thought...
"I must stop this whole thing!" Virgil exclaimed as he stood up and paced. "For year after year, I've put up with it now! I must stop this Christmas from coming! But how?" Virgil blinked. "I mean, in what way?" He let out an annoyed growl and turned to walk inside. He opened the door and was hit with a blast of cheery Christmas music. 
"Christmas is going to the dogs!" Virgil blinked as he watches Remy lazily bath himself to the music. Virgil opened his mouth only to close it again confused. He quickly jumped at the sound of his door opening and turned to find Roman dressed in sweats.
"Roman?" Virgil asked concerned. "How are you feeling?" Roman shuffled forward and fell forward into his lover's arms. Virgil's arms came up to wrap around the other and envelope him in a hug. 
"Virgil…I want to live with you. I don't want to be down there anymore. Not with the way they keep treating me, like some ornament meant to be stared at or ignored! Please! I don't care if someone finds out, I can't live there anymore!”
Virgil blinked rapidly. "Love," he started. "Are you 100% sure about this?" Roman nodded. Virgil sighed and ran his hands through the other soft curls. 
"Virgil?" Roman asked softly after a while. 
"I want to make them pay. I want them to understand. I don't-I want them to-" Roman groaned and hurried his face in Virgil's chest, ironically too emotionally exhausted to deal with his emotions.  Virgil frowned and snuggled the other closer trying to provide as much comfort as he could. Then, his mind began to whirl. 
Then the Grinch got an idea. An awful idea. The Grinch got a wonderful awful idea. 
Virgil pulled away from Roman and announced. ”I’m going to steal Christmas.” Roman blinked as Virgil smirked. "They want to hurt you so bad, they'll lose Christmas. And if they want a monster, then I'll show them a monster!" 
Roman hopped up, finally finding some energy. "Yes! I'll go make the costume. You work on the sleigh!" He turned to Remy only to stop. "And you just keep bathing yourself." Roman ran off and began working while Virgil started on the monstrous sleigh. 
”With this coat and this hat, he'll look just like Saint Nick!" Roman exclaimed. As they worked, Roman's voice sang a little song he had composed from all of the stupid rumors about the Grinch. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch,'"  Virgil chuckled as he heard the other sing. "'You really are a heel. You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch! You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel!" Roman walked over to Virgil with the hat and place it on his head as he sang and place a quick kiss to his cheeks before going back to work on the jacket. "'Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders. You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole.'" Virgil snorted as Roman danced around with the jacket before sitting on a table out of his way so he could work on the pants. "You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville, No one's denyin”  Virgil spared a glance at Roman and smiled. Boy did he love him. 
"'You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch." Roman picked up the song again. "'You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile!" Virgil giggled as Roman tossed the pants over to the same table. He closed the front door behind him after having moved the sleigh outside and walked over to Roman. He wrapped him in a hug and kissed his temple. Roman hummed happily. Virgil hated to have to wipe the smile from his face. 
"Roman," Roman made a small noise of acknowledgment. "I'm going to need you to go home. Just for tonight."
Roman ripped himself away from Virgil. "What?! Why?!" 
"I can't have you helping me-" 
"No! You can't--no!" 
"Roman, please-"
"No! No! No!" 
"Roman, I can't have you getting in trouble. I want to make sure if you ever want to go back, you can! I can't bare to have you help and then regret it and then want to leave but you can't because you've been shunned. Please, Roman. This is all I ask. Just this one night. Please." 
Roman stared at Virgil for a while before reluctantly nodding. "Okay," he whispered. He wasn't happy about it, but he knew it would make Virgil feel better about everything. "Okay, just-" Roman moved forward and placed a hand on Virgil's cheek. "Be careful, okay?" Virgil nodded. "Thank you." Roman pushed up on his tiptoes and gave the other a light kiss. "I'll see you later." 
"See you later," Virgil promised
Virgil sat with Remy watching Santa through a telescope. "He should be finishing up anytime now. Wanna talk about a recluse? He only comes out once a year but does he catch any hate for it? No! He probably lives up there just to avoid the taxes." Virgil ranted. He paused as he watched as Santa flew away in his sleigh. "Whoops. I forgot about the reindeer…" 
Did that stop the old Grinch? No, the Grinch simply said: 
"If I can't find a reindeer, I'll make one instead." Virgil turned around and faced Remy. "Remy!" Remy rolled his eyes and prepared himself to wear a headband with antlers. Virgil quickly found a reindeer headband and placed it on his cat's head before placing a red nose on his nose. "Okay, you're a reindeer and your motivation is that you're a deer with a red nose and nobody likes you. One day, you save Christmas-" Virgil paused. "Ignore that. We'll just improvise. You hate Christmas! You're gonna steal it! Saving Christmas was such a lousy ending. Okay and action!" 
Remy glared at Virgil before knocking the red nose off. Virgil blinked and then he gasped. "Brilliant! You regret your own nose because it represents the glitter of commercialism! Why didn't I think of that?" Then Virgil walked off and climbed into the sleigh along with Remy. 
Virgil flipped the switch and the sleigh came life, vibrating with power. "That feels good." Virgil turned to Remy "Here goes nothing," and he pressed the bottom to start actually start moving. The sleigh rose up in the air and Virgil grinned. "Wow! It actually works! Okay! Let's go! On, Crasher! On Thrasher! On, Vomit and Blitzkrieg!!!" Virgil screamed as the sleigh shot off and began spinning violently, turning over and over. "We're gonna die!" Virgil shrieked. "We're gonna die! I'm going to throw up! And then we're gonna die! Mommy, tell it to stop!!" He cried, eventually he was able to wrangle control of the sleigh and they flew smoothly through the sky. Virgil stayed frozen for a moment before allowing himself to slightly relax. He let out a sigh of relief. "Almost lost my cool there." 
All their windows were dark. Quiet snow filled the air. All the Whos were all dreaming sweet dreams without care when he came to the first little house on the square…
Virgil slowly brought down the sleigh on top of the roof of an overly decorated house. He noticed a traffic light among the variety of lights. "Weird." He turned back to Remy. "This will be our first stop."
The old Grinchy Claus hissed. And he climbed to the roof, empty bags in his fist. He'd slide down the chimney, a rather tight pinch, but if Santa could do it, so could the Grinch.
Virgil stood up and tied a rope around his waist. He stepped up onto the edge of the chimney and prepared to dive. "He's planning a double-twisted interrupted forward-flying 2-and-a-half with a combo tuck and like. A high degree of difficulty," Virgil muttered and jumped and dove headfirst down into the chimney. 
He got stuck only once, for a moment or two…
Virgil groaned quietly. "Stupid suit," muttered, referring to the furry suit of the Grinch. Something that helped him scare kids off and leave him alone now was slowing him down from his biggest scare of all. He huffed.
Then he stuck his head out of the fireplace flue. 
"A little more stealth, Thomas, please." 
Thomas lowered his voice. Where the little Who stockings all hung in a row. 
"These stockings," he grinned. "Are the first things to go." The Grinch opened a jar and turned it upside down, shaking out moths. "Alright, fellas, chow time." The moths quickly gobbled up the stockings. 
Then he slunk to the icebox. 
He eyed the Whos' feast. He took the Who pudding. He took the roast beast. 
"Hike!" Virgil called out as he launched the roast beast through his legs like a football player. 
He cleaned out that icebox as quick as a flash. Why that Grinch, even took their last can of Who-hash. Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. 
Virgil threw the bag up the chimney and spun around to face the tree. "And now," grinned the Grinch. "I'll stuff up the tree!" And the Grinch grabbed the tree and he started to shove, when he heard a small sound like the coo of a dove. 
Virgil turned to find Emile and grimaced. He felt really bad about this….
"Excuse me" Emile called softly. 
The Grinch had been caught by this tiny Who child, who'd got out of bed for a cup of cold water. 
"Mr. Santa, what are you doing with our tree?" 
But you know, that old Grinch was so smart and so slick, he thought up a lie, and he thought it up quick. 
"Why my sweet little tot!" Virgil exclaimed grandly. "There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side. So, I'm taking it home to my workshop, sweet child. "I'll fix it up there, then I'll bring it back here."
Emile narrowed their eyes. "Santa, what's Christmas really about?" 
"Vengeance!" Virgil exclaimed before remembering he was supposed to be pretending he was the perfect Who Santa. "I mean...presents, I suppose." 
Emile frowned. "I was afraid of that." 
And his fib fooled the child. Then he patted their head and got them a drink, and he sent them to bed. 
Emile paused their journey up the stairs. "Santa?"
"What?" Virgil asked. 
"Don't forget the Grinch-" 
Virgil couldn't take it anymore and walk out from behind the tree. "I'm sorry." 
Emile blinked and furrowed their brows. "Why?" 
Virgil bit his lip. "To show you all what's more important ...and to get back at everyone for upsetting Roman." 
Emile nodded. "Okay. Well...good luck, Virgil." 
And when Emile Lou went up with their cup, the Grinch went to the chimney and stuffed the tree up. Virgil quickly shot the tree up the chimney and grabbed everything else before climbing back up the chimney. And the last thing he took was the log for their fire. On their walls, he left nothing but some hooks and some wire. And the one speck of food that he'd left in the house, was a crumb that was even too small for a mouse. Virgil reached down and picked the mouse up deciding to allow it to eat something so long as it wasn't in a Whos’ house. Then he slithered and slunk with a smile most unpleasant, around each Who home and he took every present. 
Virgil took a saw and cut a circle above his head and the floor fell through along with the Christmas tree and its presents. He stepped up through the hole and smirked. "They're in sale. Everything must go." And he began to take it all. 
Virgil froze as he stepped into the bedroom of a magazine picture-perfect house. Oh. This was Roman's house. He glanced around at the decorations and found himself smiling fondly. He should have known. Everything just screamed Roman from the abundance of reds, whites, and golds. He carefully walked over to the bedside table and noticed the ring box the mayor had given Roman. He nearly growled as he went to take it before noticing something else. It was his gift. The one he had made for Roman all those years ago. Virgil's eyes watered and he forced himself to blink the tears away. He shook his head and quickly snatched the ring box off of the table. He went to move only to be stopped by a tan hand yanking him down and lips crashing into his. Virgil blinked in surprise before happily giving into Roman and allowing the other to wrap his arms around his neck. 
Roman pulled away after kissing Virgil senseless. "Virgil," he asked softly. "Please, let me help." Virgil bit his lip. "I suppose..." He started. "You can help...but...just promise that if we get caught, you say I forced you to do it, okay?" 
Roman's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait! No! I can't-" 
"Then I can't let you help." 
Roman blinked. "I-okay," he sighed in defeat. "I'll tell them you forced me." Virgil let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you." 
Roman froze as he finally dragged the attention away from Virgil's hiding place. He hadn't realized the Whos would put out guards to guard the path leading to Mount Crumpit after everyone went to bed to protect from the Grinch. From Virgil. But Virgil ran out of fuel for his rocket sleigh and he had to drag it up the mountain himself. But they were losing moonlight, and the long way around wouldn't work. So Roman offered to try and distract them. But now, he was very nervous. The Who guards had rounded on him. Accusing him of being in league with the Grinch. Of course, he was, but Virgil had made him promise and he wasn't about to break his promise. 
"You really think I'm in league with the Grinch?" Roman asked the guards. 
They nodded. "Yeah, why else wouldn't you have immediately said yes to Mayor Anton's proposal?” 
Roman grimaced. He really hated the mayor. 
"If I really hated the Grinch, would I do this?" Then Roman started his song. "'You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch. You really are a heel, You're as cuddly as a cactus, You're as charming as an eel, Mr. Grinch. You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel. Just face the music, you're a monster, Mr. Grinch, yes, you are. Your heart's an empty hole, Your brain is full of spiders, You've got garlic in your soul, Mr. Grinch. I wouldn't touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half foot pole. You know, if you ask the Who's Who of Whoville No one's denyin'. You're a vile one, Mr. Grinch. You have termites in your smile. You have all the tender sweetness Of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between you, I'd take the seasick crocodile.'" 
As Roman sang, he watched Virgil carefully carry the sleigh behind the two guards and try to rush up the path until he wouldn't be noticed. 
"I suppose not," one of the guards said once Roman's song was done. Then they both turned back to face the mountain. 
Roman blinked. Surely it can't be that easy! But it seemed it was. So he turned and quickly found the nearest garbage chute and took a ride to the top of Mount Crumpit. Prepared to meet his love at the top. 
3,000 feet up, up the side of Mount Crumpit, he rode with his load to the tip top to dump it.
Virgil grunted as he set the sleigh down carefully in the snow and turned to face Roman who was standing before him. "We did it!" He exclaimed excitedly. Roman grinned, leaped into his arms and wrapped him in a tight hug. Virgil placed a kiss to Roman's lips before setting him back down on his own feet. Virgil turned to Remy. "That wasn't so bad, was it Remy?" 
Remy rolled his eyes as he remembered at least 30 different breakdowns Virgil had had along the way. 
Roman turned towards the horizon. "They'll be waking up now," he said. "I know just what they'll do. All of them down in Whoville will all cry!”
"What an embarrassment! I've been robbed!" The sheriff of Whoville exclaimed as she rushed out of her house to her car. She climbed in and turned the siren on blissfully unaware of the rope attached to her bumper. She quickly drove off. 
Mayor Anton awoke with a start and suddenly, his bed crashed through the big window in his room with him in it. As Whos came out of their homes they watched as the mayor slid past on his bed. As the sheriff made a turn around the Christmas tree in the middle of town, the Mayor's bed slid around and came to an abrupt stop.  
The sheriff stepped out of her car and stopped as she noticed the mayor. "Mayor May-Who?" 
The mayor quickly jumped out of bed and pulled on his robe that was luckily still attached to the bed. He looked around noticing the damage. He frowned. "I wonder who could have done this," he said as he noticed Emile and their family come into view. "I'll tell you one thing: Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas." He raised his hands and beat on his bed. "Invite the Grinch destroy Christmas!!" He paused to take a breath and Emile frowned. "But did anyone, anyone listen to me?" 
"I did!" The mayor's assistant piped in but the mayor ignored him. 
"No. You choose to listen to a little not-to-be-taken-seriously child. And they haven't even grown into their nose yet." Anton shook his head. "Emile, I hope you're very proud of what you have done." With that, the mayor turned around. 
Emile frowned and looked down as tears welled in their eyes. 
"If they aren't, then I am!” 
Mayor Anton turned around to see Patton, Emile's dad, and Logan, their father had stepped in front of them. "What?" He asked, not sure if he had heard correctly. 
"I said, if they aren't, then I am. I'm glad he took our presents."
Who's around all gasped as the Mayor gawked at them. "You're glad? He's glad!" The mayor shouted to the crowd. "You're glad that everything is gone.? You're glad the Grinch virtually wrecked…? No, no. Not wrecked, pulverized Christmas. Is that really what I'm hearing?" 
Patton sighed. "You can't hurt Christmas, Mr. Mayor. It's not about the gifts, or contests or the fancy lights." He turned and gestured to Emile who's face showed hopefulness. 
"That's what Emile has been trying to tell everybody. "
The mayor blinked. "What is wrong with you!?! This is a child!" 
Patton pulled Emile close against his side. "They're my child. They happen to by right by the way." Patton turned towards his family. "I don't need anything more for Christmas than what's right here, my family."
The Who's all erupted into cheers and began telling each other Merry Christmas. Emile smiled brightly. They finally understood. Logan grabbed a hold of Patton's robe. "Merry Christmas honey!" He yanked Patton into a kiss. Missy and Pranks covered their mouths like they were going to be sick as they moved away from their parents. 
"Give me a break!" The mayor cried out as he turned away. 
Meanwhile, Emile was looking up at Mount Crumpit before they moved to find a garbage chute. "No one should be alone on Christmas," they whispered as the hit the side and started their ride to the top of the mountain. 
Everything Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff @maryann-draws
The Emo Who Stole Christmas Taglist: @logical-princey @mostpeopleannoyne
May I suggest listening to this song as mom or you know @ icequeenoriginal showed it to me saying this is how extra Roman is singing the song and I quite agree.
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mianite-season-3 · 8 years ago
Unofficial Season Three
Chapter 2 - Home Sweet Home?
Thank you to everyone who read and left comments on the first chapter - this one is for you! 
Tom gaped at the girl. He finally broke out of his admiration for her strangely colored eyes and got into a fighting stance. “Who the hell are you?” he growled, ready to throw a punch if he didn’t like her answer.
She laid a hand on the sword at her side but didn’t draw it. The girl regarded Tom coolly, her golden eyes calculating and slightly unsettling. She lifted her hand and he tensed, ready for an unarmed blow.
Instead, she brought her other hand to her mouth and whistled shrilly.
At once, four of the five wolves sat back and cocked their heads innocently, as if they hadn’t just been growling menacingly. But one, the smallest of the bunch, continued to growl. Its tail swished back and forth and its head sat in its front paws.
“Silly!” the strange girl called. The small wolf’s ears perked, and it sat back happily with the others.
“Sorry for the scare. Can’t be too careful, you know?” She shrugged, brushing a stray hair back into her hood. “Silly’s just a bit excitable.”
“Tom! Are you alright?” Martha called from the base of the hill. The mystic seemed to want to move up to his aid, but was unsure whether the wolves would turn hostile.
A quick whistle solved that problem, and sent the five animals trotting back up the hill towards their master. Although, the smallest’s movement would be better described as a scamper.
“Sorry! They won’t hurt you, I promise. May I come down to them?” The girl called to the group, then directing her question at Tom.
He stared at her for a while, debating whether he should knock her out or not. Instincts told him not to trust this girl, but a glance at the wolves by the girl’s side told him right now was not the time.
Maybe later. When he had some more gear.
“Yeah...” he started climbing down the hill to get to his friends first. The stranger made a hand gesture to her wolves, and they all laid down and put their noses in their paws.
“Tom, who is that?” Sonja hissed to him as he approached his friends. Behind him, the girl expertly climbed down the hill where the drops were more sheer.
“I don’t know!”
“You... don’t know...” she raised an eyebrow and sighed at him, firmly pushing him aside as the other girl approached. “S’cuse me, but my friend here,” Sonja stressed the word ‘friend’ as she glared at Tom, “seems to have forgotten his manners and didn’t ask your name.”
The girl blinked, her golden eyes confused for a second. “My name... my name is... Star.” Her eyes swept over the group and landed on Jordan, who was staring through her with blank eyes. “Is your friend ok?”
Sonja looked over her shoulder back at him. Jordan was shivering, his hair hanging in strings in front of his eyes. His glasses had fallen off in the water, so the glassy look he had in his eyes was all too easy to see. But who was this girl to care?
Star began searching her pockets for something, and a moment later came up with a potion bottle, pink with a soft glow to it. She held it up by her face, the potion casting a strange reddish tint across her cheek. “Here, give him this. Should get him up and moving for you guys.”
Sonja took the neck of the bottle and went over to Jordan, popping it open and helping him take miniscule sips.
Tucker chose this moment to emerge from the cave he’d been digging, holding a wooden pickaxe. “Dude, I don’t know what’s up with this world, but I just dug through like three different blocks and found no stone underneath. Anyone want some pink clay?” He threw the offending blocks on the ground, glaring at them like they’d killed his family.
“Oh, hello! If you need stone, there’s a bit there! And If you dig underneath the jungle wood slabs, there should be some as well.” Star piped up helpfully.
He looked around for the source of the foreign voice, and his eyes widened at the white-hooded figure standing amidst his friends. “Who the hell are you?”
Star laughed a little, a soft ringing that warmed everyone to the tips of their fingers and toes. “My name is Star. So, how long have you all been travelling?”
“Too long!” Tom groaned, stretching his arms out. “I haven’t slept in forever!”
At the mention of sleep, Star tilted her head back and studied the sun, sitting low on the horizon. The motion knocked her hood back from her head, and Tom and Tucker both let out an involuntary gasp.
The girl was young, her skin smooth and the color of melted caramel and complemented by her glinting golden eyes. Her face was thin, almost princess-like with her angular chin and jaw. Star’s hair was pinned tightly against her head, plaited into a braid and then wrapped around on her scalp. The color surprised them the most. With her skin and eyes, the brilliant silver-white of her hair stood out like a beacon light. It matched the unstained white of her robes, giving her the ethereal image of an angel. And when her hair glinted as she turned her head, they noticed golden thread braided within the silver.
“Damn, night already? Where are you guys based? I can help you get back, if you want.” Star offered, pulling her hood back up onto her head.
Jordan stood up, his breathing under control and color returned to his skin. “We actually just got here, so we don’t have a base yet.” He used his sweet voice, the one he always uses when he wants someone’s help but won’t ask them directly, to be polite.
Star looked at the group with mild surprise, caught off guard. “Oh, well, in that case... you all can bunker down in mine for the night, if you want. I have food and you can... regroup. I have some extra materials too, since it looks like you don’t have any tools or armor?” Her voice carried a question of why, but none of them volunteered an answer. The girl’s offer was genuine, and the heroes barely gave it a second thought. Free food and gear? Hell yeah.
She took their silence as a cue to turn and sprint back up the hill. She shouted a single word, “Home!” and her wolves jumped to their feet. The smallest yipped excitedly, and began prancing around the others as Star scaled the cliffside up to where they waited.
“You guys coming?” the girl called down to the group of heroes, who broke away from staring and gathered themselves to begin the climb.
At the top, Star began running ahead as the sun finally sank below the horizon line. Sonja and Tucker fell in line together, and Wag hung back to keep pace with Martha.
Tom came up beside Jordan, who was trying to avoid trampling over the youngest wolf, who seemed bent on tangling between his legs. He was laughing, and there didn’t seem to be anything wrong with him now; the potion had restored his bluish skin to a healthy tan, and his breathing was back to normal.
He shot out and grabbed his friend’s arm when Jordan lost his balance after the wolf knocked against his foot with its strong tail, protecting him from more injury. Wag and Martha ran past them as they stood, hand in hand, waiting for Jordan to regain his balance enough to continue the run.
“I’m glad you’re ok...” Tom murmured, more to himself than Jordan, looking into the distance instead of the man next to him. Jordan smiled, the corners of his eyes crinkling.
“Of course I’m ok. Thanks to you, anyways.” He punched Tom’s shoulder with his fist, though it was actually just a light tap. “C’mon, mobs are spawning.” He pulled out of Tom’s loose grip and began running again, following after the shadows of Martha and Wag.
Tom stared after him for a second before following. “‘Of course I’m ok’, really Jordan?” He grumbled to himself, feeling like Jordan didn’t quite understand how close he had come to death.
‘Stupid man,’ he thought, with just a touch of fondness underneath his harsh words. Even in his mind he couldn’t pretend to be mad for long.
Running through this quilted world was a much different experience with twilight descending. Each step was a surprise texture, since Tom couldn’t see well enough to discern what he was stepping on. Once, he fell into a one block deep hole because he had thought it was black wool. And the skyline was extremely odd, with skinny tall peaks towering high above the more rounded, slopes hills. And some of the mountains looked unnatural, as if someone had built them by hand and messed up somewhere along the line.
Tucker and Sonja, leading their ragtag group, followed Star up to the base of one of the tall mountains they’d seen earlier, just as quilted as the rest of the world. It was at this point that they’d lost Star, her footsteps fading rapidly away. They looked around. It was extremely hard to orient themselves when the world offered no landmarks aside from the mountains and hills. “Star?” Sonja called, her hands cupped around her mouth and carrying her voice. Jordan and Tom finally caught up as the girl appeared again, her illuminated eyes alerting them to a two block high opening they hadn’t noticed before.
“Come on!” She motioned for them to follow her, then disappeared back into the opening.
The heroes ducked into the dugout base, and the sight they walked into was oddly... normal.
The walls and floor were all dirt and grass, with chests lining the walls up to the ceiling made of cobble. To their right through a two block wide doorway was an open area full of tilled soil, with wheat, carrots, potatoes and beetroots planted in neat patches and lit well by glowstone in the ceiling. Beside them, Star had allocated land to crops with different growing conditions like sugarcane, cactus, pumpkins and melons. And beyond that, they could see splashes of soft color from flowers lining the back of the farming area. Some of them caught some soft moos, oinks and clucks from somewhere within the room.
To their left, a staircase down through the earth was the only reminder of the strangeness of the land outside. The blocks changed horizontally every five blocks, but there was no order to how they were split on the vertical axis. Some blocks extended the full height of the staircase wall, but others broke up into two or even three different levels.
Tom spotted a bright blue block about halfway down that he immediately recognized as diamond. His eyes widened and he elbowed Jordan and pointed at them. Jordan noticed the mischievous glint in his eyes and thought to keep Tom away from anything of Star’s, lest he take something with his five-finger discount.
Star leaned past the heroes and replaced the blocks of the door, two inconspicuous pieces of sand that hid this little place from the outside. She then calmly walked back into a room they hadn’t noticed before, the entrance being in the corner of the dimly lit base. They vaguely heard sniffling and shuffling as Star’s beloved wolves settled down.
They stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do with their limbs and unsure if they were allowed to take anything.
Well, almost all of them. Tom began rummaging through chests as soon as Star left his sight.
“Tom! We’re guests, you can’t just take her stuff!” Martha scolded, which Tom promptly ignored. After a few squeaky chests had opened and Star hadn’t poked her head out to yell at them, Tucker and Wag followed Tom’s example.
“Guys...” Sonja sighed, not really doing anything to stop them.
“Come on Sonj, she’s got everything! Look, this entire chest is full of diamond and iron blocks!” Tucker told her, holding up the blocks in question. “She won’t miss a couple, right?”
Jordan rolled his eyes as he watched his friends stuff their pockets. “If she sends her wolves on you, I’m gonna watch you guys and laugh.”
“Noted. Look, she’s got a bunch of leather and eggs in here.” Wag grabbed a handful of pieces of leather and rabbit hide and hid them away in some hidden inner pocket in his robes.
“Dude there’s like five chests over here full of health and regen pots. Who the hell needs this many potions?” Tom exclaimed, sneaking a few into his own pocket.
“Aw, fuck yeah, horse armor and spawn eggs! How the hell did she get these?”  Tucker exclaimed.
“Hey!” The rummagers shrunk back as Star poked her head out of the other room. “You guys can take what you might need, but leave that wall alone. Those things aren’t replaceable.” She pointed to the wall of chests Tucker had been searching though, motioning for him to move away.
Tucker very reluctantly put the items back into the chest he’d taken them from. Star then tossed a diamond pickaxe to him, which he clumsily caught. “Here, use that and you can grab some stuff from my mine if you need it.” With that, she left the room again.
“Give me that!” Tom demanded, grabbing at the tool in Tucker’s hands.
“No! Get away from me Tom.” Tucker retorted, rapidly descending down into the mine. Tom followed closely on his heels. Their arguing voices echoed up through the tunnel even after they turned down a mineshaft and disappeared from the group’s sight.
“Lively pair, aren’t they?” Star approached them again, this time meddling with her hair and unthreading the gold from her braid. “You guys don’t have to stand there, come on in! I’ll make some beds.” She lead the group, minus Tucker and Tom into the room she had been coming in and out of.
There were a couple more chests, though nothing as intense as the first room. The real draw in this room was the walls of books. Floor to ceiling, three walls out of the four were built in bookshelves and full of leather bound books.
Jordan and Sonja stood to the side as Star bustled around, clearing away the furniture she’d had in the room and placing down beds in a row, six in total. They examined the books on one of the shelves. They looked relatively new, judging by the leather covers, but it was cracking along the seams and it was clear the books were well loved. Sonja lifted her head and rested a finger below tiny gold letters printed on the spine of one book.
“‘Sunni - 3’? What’s this, a weather report?” Jordan snorted.
“Yeah, she kept a log of every time she sees the sun. Who knows, maybe it rains like every day in this world and we just got super lucky,” Sonja giggled, then gasped slightly as something ran into the back of her knee and made her stumble.
“No!” Star shouted at Jordan and Sonja, and they both spun around and brought their arms to their sides in an instant. Star glared in their direction and they both took a step away from the wall.
Then Sonja noticed the animal jumping around at her feet. Her face lit up when the wolf put its paws up onto her legs, and she dropped to her knees beside the excited animal and scratched it behind its ears and under its jaw. She talked to it in a soft, higher pitched voice as it jumped around in her lap, rolled over to have its belly rubbed, then eventually settled down between her crossed legs, resting its tiny head on her knee.
“Silly, I said no! Sorry, here I’ll move her,” Star sighed, holding her arms out for the pup.
“Aww, she’s fine, she can sit here, I don’t mind,” Sonja cooed, petting the wolf protectively. The girl shook her head and opened her mouth to say something, but when Silly whined happily and flicked her ears at Sonja’s loving touch, she decided not to.
“So, her name is Silly?” Jordan squatted beside Sonja and rubbed the wolf’s ear. The tiny creature leaned her head into his hand and nuzzled his palm. His heart melted a little at the adorable animal.
Star placed a final bed in the line of six beds and turned to nod at him. “Yes. Well, her full name is Epsilon, but I call her Silly.”
“It suits her,” Wag pipes up, breaking away from his whispered conversation with Martha to approach the other wolves, sleeping peacefully in the corner in one big pile. He reached out a hand to pet the bottom one on its nose. “So, what about these guys?”
“I wouldn’t get too close to them. Alpha tends to bite when she’s woken up from her nap,” Star deadpanned, staring seriously at Wag. He cast a glance at the unassuming dog pile and slowly retracted his hand. The wolf he’d been about to pet snorted and flicked its ear. Then it raised its head when Star began laughing.
“I’m kidding. Alpha’s a softie, really. But still, I wouldn’t wake any of them up. It’s been a long day.” Her eyes shifted to Alpha as the older wolf raised her head and looked at Star at the sound of her name. “Night, Alpha.”
The wolf cocked its head, but she did what they assumed was a wolf shrug and laid back down again, asleep in mere seconds.
“They’re tired.” Martha remarked. Then she stifled a yawn of her own, her cheeks turning slightly pink with embarrassment. Star just smirked and waved the four heroes in the room towards the row of beds.
“These aren’t here just for show, you know. Get some sleep. Tomorrow you guys can explain to me who you are and what the hell you were doing drowning in a tiny pond.” She jabbed playfully at Jordan, sauntering towards the doorway. He flinched at her comment, but bit his lip and smiled past it.
As she ducked out the door, she immediately threw herself back into the room and against the wall as two hooligans by the names of Tom and Tucker sprinted in, arms full of diamond blocks and smiling like lunatics. In Sonja’s lap, Silly woke up and sprang out of her embrace to investigate the new people.
“What did you two do, clear out my entire mine?” Star’s eyes widened as they dumped their loot on the ground, and mumbling something to herself that none of them caught.
“Tucker, why? We don’t need this much!” Sonja gestured to the stacks of blocks floating on the ground.
“You can never have too much, Sonja!” Tom countered.
“Besides, armor and weapons and tools for all six of us are going to cost a lot.” Tucker reasoned. Martha rolled her eyes at the greedy look in his eye. Going to cost a lot, yeah right. Those shiny diamonds were just too tempting to resist.
“Alright, you crazies. I don’t really care that you cleared out my mine, but please, worry about weapons in the morning. Your shouting is giving me a headache. Silly, follow!” Star groaned as she left the room. The wolf pup pranced around for a second, then decided to follow her owner.
Tom quickly gathered the scattered blocks and stowed them away, then he yawned loudly. “I’m beat!”
Jordan stretched his arms above his head. “Falling through the void for months without sleeping will do that,” he mumbled, sitting down on the edge of a bed.
“And knocking me out, that might have been a cause as well.” Tucker saltily snarked at his friend, who grinned back.
“What an asshole,” Sonja muttered, fighting a grin at her boyfriend’s expense. She took his hand and gently tugged him towards the two center beds, gratefully falling backwards onto one with a happy sigh. “Come on, Tucker, get over it and let’s all get some sleep.”
“I’m not sleeping next to you,” Tucker told Tom flatly as he climbed next to Sonja. The zombie man shrugged and flung himself into the bed on the end, next to Jordan. He was out before a minute passed, if his throaty snores were anything to go by.
Wag and Martha then claimed the final two beds, on the other edge of the line. As they settled down, Wag cautiously wrapped his arms around Martha’s waist, pulling her close. He brushed a stray hair out of her face and pressed a light kiss to her forehead.
“Love you, Martha,” he mumbled into her hair, nuzzling her with his nose.
“Love you too.” Her voice was thick, and in no time they were both asleep in each other’s arms.
Sonja and Tucker quickly followed their friends’ lead, mostly keeping to themselves as they slept, save for their fingers intertwined between them. Sonja’s hood had ridden up her neck, pushing her hair out at odd angles, and Tucker’s hat, still damp, fell back from his head and slowly toppled to his side.
Jordan laid on the bed silently, comforted by the sounds of his friends’ calm breathing but not tired enough to sleep. He supposed nearly dying might keep him up.
Sighing and turning over, he came face to face with Tom. The normally hyper man’s face was more serene than Jordan had ever seen before. A small smile crept across his face. This idiot was always able to make him smile, whether it was with his stupid shenanigans or his soft sleeping face.
The man felt something brush against his side, and when he looked down Tom’s hand had wandered, and was now resting on top of Jordan’s hip.
He rolled his eyes. Even in this dead sleep, Tom still invaded his personal space.
And yet, in this dim room with only the sound of sleepy breathing and his own heartbeat, he didn’t mind the touch. He turned over to face his back to his friend, and when the arm snaked its way back up to his waist and rested there, he decided to let it slide.
In this new, unfamiliar world, he liked that at least one thing stayed constant.
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