#He deserved better than that godawful w*ndigo fate
goldies-cryptobitch · 2 years
I just had to jot down some thoughts because I am on an Until Dawn/Trollhunters spiral (as if anybody can't tell from this commission lol. On a side note, I don't know if I've said it upfront before, but seriously, @undeadchestnut is such a great person to work with if you're looking for artists to visualize your art ideas, would HIGHLY recommend!) I love them both so much, and Angor and Josh both deserved SO much justice and I know I don't usually do a lot of talking here, and I know this crossover is obscure and strange and probably not interesting to most, but screw it, here's a crossover idea dump because I'm always emotional over these two (Mostly Josh right now, but I love them both equally)
◉ Josh being saved from the mines BEFORE dying or transforming into a bloodthirsty monster because seriously, screw those endings. I don't have an answer for why or how Trollhunters would end up there, but they could save his ass with ease.
◉ Jim and Josh being #TeamDaddyIssues, Jim sharing his absurd amount of troll dads because god knows Josh needs a non-neglectful father figure in his life too (Parental figure in general, for that matter. Can't believe the Washingtons ignored their last living child for so long that he could set up his revenge prank with literally nobody noticing. smh)
◉ Barbara helping Josh get over his anxiety/mistrust of doctors and the medical system, especially after those downright cruel Dr. Hill hallucinations, and getting him the medication he needs
◉ Jim and co. being a supportive friend group??? That don't fight 24/7 and bully each other to literal death????? Revolutionary.
◉ Claire accidentally becoming like a reminder of his sisters in Josh's eyes (because she definitely has Beth energy, don't @ me, you can't deny it) and Josh having to work through a lot of the Complicated Grief Feelings he's been pushing down for a damn year, but he can do that in a safe environment this time because the Trollhunters kids are a ✨Supportive Friend Group✨
◉ Sam, Chris, and Josh ditching the rest of their toxic-ass, shitstain friends in favour of the ✨Supportive Friend Group✨
◉ Barbara helping Josh get over his anxiety/mistrust of doctors and the medical system, especially after those downright cruel Dr. Hill hallucinations, and getting him the medication he needs
◉ Angor Rot and Josh both being able to relate to the whole "Most people I've ever placed my trust in ended up betraying me" vibe, but Angor being more mature and knowledgeable (and having a better understanding of actual friendship thanks to the Trollhunters gang) would have to work it into Josh's head that no, bullying each other and hating 90% of your friend group is actually NOT normal, healthy, or a stable way to keep relationships lmao. "Revenge-pranking" and ignoring the actual issue to get over your survivor's guilt and severe hatred is actually Not A Great Remedy, Joshua.
◉ The Trollhunters gang canonically enjoys horror movies, if I remember correctly, so Josh's dad being a famous horror director and the special effects/production skills Josh learned from that could be a fun thing they might all bond over.
◉ On the opposite side of that, the absolutely chaotic pranks Josh and NotEnrique could pull off together with their combined intelligence and thirst for chaos would be off-the-charts wildness. Josh and NotEnrique would be AMAZING friends.
◉ I'd say they'd start a Youtube prank channel together, but given that Josh's prank history is like a more extreme version of the Sam Pepper "Best Friend Murder" prank, that might not go over so well publicly lmfao
◉ Barbara helping Josh get over his anxiety/mistrust of doctors and the medical system, especially after those downright cruel Dr. Hill hallucinations, and getting him the medication he needs
◉ Sam and Claire bonding over their boyfriends' past "i mUsT bEaR mY pAiN aLoNe" idiocy
◉ Sam also lowkey being horrified at how much the Trollhunter kids have had to put up with too. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU FOUGHT IN A MAGICAL WAR AT 16?!"
◉ I don't know what Chris might do in the group tbh, but him and Toby sharing the whole "nerdass dork, ride-or-die best friend" role makes me smile. They'd support their bros together, I guess. 😛 (I could see Chris joining in with Josh and NotEnrique's milder hijinks, but he's too much of a mom friend to go as extreme as those two would be willing to)
◉ At that point, Biggest Mom Friend Samantha would have to reel in their craziness and give 'em a good scolding lmfao
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