#Haziq Aziz
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Seorang Menteri Punai Harapan telah dikejarkan ke Hospital kerana ditemui berkelakuan aneh, bercakap seorang diri di depan cermin pejabatnya, di Putrajaya sejak beberapa hari yang lalu.
Perbualan beliau berjaya dirakam oleh kamera CCTV. Siasatan lanjut mendapati ada seorang lelaki bersembunyi di sebalik cermin, namun beliau telah berjaya melepaskan diri sebelum berjaya ditangkap gambarnya.
Beberapa keping Biskut Semperit yang lemau turut di temui ditempat kejadian.
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TAHUN AJARAN 2020/2021
Dengan bertawakkal kepada Allah SWT. Kami Panitia Penerimaan Santri Baru Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta Selatan, setelah:
Nilai Tes Al-Qur`an, Imla’, Pengetahuan Agama dan Umum, Matematika, Bahasa Arab dan Inggris (bagi peserta Aliyah dan Mutasi) serta Wawancara Calon Santri dan Wali Santri.
Hasil musyawarah tim penguji seleksi masuk TMI Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Bahwa untuk hal tersebut perlu segera mengeluarkan keputusan.
Hasil Tes Seleksi Gelombang Kedua masuk TMI Pondok Pesantren Darunnajah Jakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Kelulusan dibagi menjadi empat kriteria; Lulus Murni, Lulus Bersyarat, Lulus di Darunnajah Cabang dan Tidak Lulus.
Peserta tes yang dinyatakan Lulus Bersyarat diwajibkan untuk mengikuti Bimbingan Belajar selama 5 (lima) atau 10 (sepuluh) bulan berturut-turut.
Keputusan ini tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Ditetapkan di Jakarta, pada tanggal 2 April 2020
Dr. K.H. Sofwan Manaf, M.Si.
Pimpinan Pesantren Darunnajah
Miftah Ahmad, S.Pd.I.
Ketua PPSB 2020/2021
Keterangan Penting Harap dibaca! :
Bagi orang tua/wali peserta tes yang Lulus Murni/Lulus Bersyarat bisa langsung melakukan pembayaran di ATM atau fasilitas Internet Banking yang terhubung dengan jaringan ATM Bersama, Prima, atau ALTO, paling lambat 7 hari setelah pengumuman kelulusan, dikarenakan tempat terbatas.
Pembayaran tidak dapat dilakukanmelalui BCA Internet Banking.
Transfer hanya dapat dilakukan dengan Real time Transfer tidak dapat di proses dengan LLG (Lalu Lintas Giro) dan RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement).
Pembayaran hanya dapat dilakukan dengan kode pembayaran Dana Bulan Pertama Santri Baru. silahkan login menggunakan akun pendaftaran ke situs santri.darunnajah.com untuk melihat kode pembayaran dan nominal pembayaran.
Batas waktu pembayaran Biaya Santri Baru yang telah ditentukan, yaitu selama tujuh hari kerja setelah pengumuman kelulusan. (Senin, 6 April 2020 s/d Selasa 14, April 2020).
Pelunasan Pembayaran Biaya Santri Baru 2020/2021 adalah syarat untuk mendapatkan kamarSantri Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.
Program Bimbingan Belajar bagi peserta tes yang Lulus Bersyarat terhitung sejak dimulainya sekolah sampai 5 (lima) atau 10 (sepuluh) bulan ke depan dengan Materi Membaca Al-Qur`an dan Imla` (Tulis Arab).
Setelah melakukan pembayaran agar konfirmasi ke panitia penerimaan santri baru, untuk pemilihan kamar santri baru tahun ajaran2020/2021.
Selama pandemi COVID-19 kantor pelayanan santri baru kami tutup hingga batas waktu yang belum ditentukan, segala bentuk pelayanan kami alihkan secara daring melalui website resmi kami atau media whatsapp.
Untuk pemilihan kamar santri baru silahkan mengirim pesan whatsApp ke Panitia Penerimaan Santri Baru 2020-2021 di nomor berikut ini.
Sukarni, S.H.I : +62 857 4869 8328
Noormala Maharani : +62 895 3324 77588
Nasropah Hopipah : +62 858 8753 1198
d. Fitri Mutia Salsabela : +62 813 8974 5545
Lampiran Surat Keputusan No.64.B/PPSB-TMI/DN/IV/2020 HASIL TES SELEKSI MASUK GELOMBANG KEDUA TARBIYATUL MUALLIMIN/AT AL-ISLAMIYAH (TMI) Hari/Tanggal, Sabtu, 28 Maret 2020 s/d Ahad, 29 Maret 2020 Tahun Ajaran 2020-2021 Memutuskan: A. LULUS MURNI (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028320 ACHAMAD FAJAR UBAIDILLAH L 2 0000027216 AHMAD NABIL ZAHRON L 3 0000028607 AHMAD SALMAN FAUZAN L 4 0000026491 AIDIL AKBAR L 5 0000026419 BINTANG AL-AKBAR JANUARI L 6 0000026830 CHOIZ BIMA SAPUTRA L 7 0000028873 DANIEL AFZAL FAUZI L 8 0000028795 DZAR AL-GHIFARI MATONDANG L 9 0000027678 FADHIL KHAYATUL MAKHI L 10 0000026679 FAISAL HAZIQ L 11 0000028504 FEBRIAN BAGUS PRATAMA L 12 0000028163 HANAFAL ACHMAD GHAISAN L 13 0000027266 HAQIQI NUR AZZAM L 14 0000026628 IDZHAR MUHTADIN L 15 0000026688 ILYASA L 16 0000025367 ISYANA KENZHI MULIA L 17 0000027424 IYAS FATHAN HIBATULLAH L 18 0000028548 IZZATUL IBAD L 19 0000030111 KHIYAR RADHYA GIFFARI L 20 0000026854 LALU ANTING PURWANE KOAR LALANG L 21 0000028709 LUTFI IHSANUL RAUF L 22 0000026801 MAHESA ARILYA NURHAN L 23 0000026584 MUHAMMAD AFFAN HUNAIFI L 24 0000028292 MUHAMMAD DHAFIN FADHLAN L 25 0000025532 MUHAMMAD DZAKI AL-FAQIH L 26 0000024533 MUHAMMAD FACHRI YANFAUNNAS L 27 0000029832 MUHAMMAD FAHRI L 28 0000024792 MUHAMMAD FAIRUZ RAHMAN L 29 0000026448 MUHAMMAD ICHSANUR REZA L 30 0000026953 RAKHADITYA DAIVA HERDANU L 31 0000030153 RIZQI NOOR ARSYAD L 32 0000028212 SALMAN ALFARIZI L 33 0000027662 SULTHAN ZAKI L 34 0000025868 TUBAGUS SYARIEF MUHAMMAD L 35 0000030137 AERO KEIZHA FIRSTCA WICAKSONO P 36 0000025022 AFIFAH AZIZAH P 37 0000027463 ARINA NASYWA MALIKA P 38 0000029816 AURA NINGTIAS P 39 0000026873 BALQIST NABILLAH HERMANTO P 40 0000028652 CELLICA APRILYA WAGIYANTO P 41 0000028209 CHIKA ROLY AMANDA P 42 0000028530 ESTININGTYAS KURNIA MUFIDAH ALDIANNY P 43 0000029972 FARJAH ADINDA KHALISAH P 44 0000026934 FATHIA FEBRIANTI SANUM P 45 0000028752 FATHIYA PREVIA ADILA P 46 0000029470 FITHRI SYARIFATUN NISA P 47 0000029093 ILMA NURUL AINI P 48 0000028553 KAYLA AULIA ASMORO P 49 0000027887 KAYLA MEUTIA RACHMAWATI P 50 0000028720 KHALISA AZIZAH PUTRI WIDIYANTI P 51 0000027844 MALEEKA RAI ADISTY P 52 0000025712 MSY. QUEENERA SALWA TSABITAH P 53 0000026566 NABILA SAFIRA MAHARANI P 54 0000028007 NADIVA NAURA KAMILA P 55 0000026390 NADYA SHOFWAH ANGGONO PUTRI P 56 0000026907 NAFILAH ERLYNDA NUR ABIDIN P 57 0000026543 NAGITA LATISHA PUTRI FACHMI P 58 0000029901 NASYWAA ZHAFIRA P 59 0000027990 NATASYA FATAHUL ASRI P 60 0000029342 NAURA CELIA P 61 0000030192 NAURA MALIKA SAID P 62 0000025522 NIKEISHA ANGIE PUTRI INDRANI SANJAYA P 63 0000030039 NIKEISHA HASNA KAMILA P 64 0000028417 NISRINA SYADZA MUFIDAH P 65 0000030401 NURJIHAN GAZKIA MAHIRAH P 66 0000028638 PUTI BALKIS BURHANI P 67 0000029265 RAIHANA SOFWA IZZATI P 68 0000026803 RAISA SHOFA MUZDALIFAH P 69 0000029384 RAYSAQILA NAMIRA MARHENDRATA P 70 0000027663 RIFAYA NURHAFIZA P 71 0000028480 SABRINA ALYA P 72 0000027551 SALWA NOVILIA NAYARA P 73 0000029628 SAMIAH P 74 0000028811 SARI NUR RIZKILLAHWATI P 75 0000026318 SYAIRA AULIA CAHYONO P 76 0000026816 SYASYA KHAULAH KHANSHA P 77 0000027076 SYAUQI QISTHI NAFISAH P 78 0000028148 TSANIA LATIFA IKRIMA P B. LULUS BERSYARAT (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama lima bulan NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030379 ADAM RAFAEL L 2 0000028139 ADITYA AL FACHRI SUSILO L 3 0000028382 AHMAD KHAIRI L 4 0000029747 ALIF RIZKY HERMAWAN L 5 0000026807 ANARGYA RAIHAN BAIHAQI L 6 0000030485 ANUGERAH Q.R. WALAY L 7 0000029836 DANISH MANGGALA AOWIN L 8 0000026290 FAREL SURYA IBRAHIM L 9 0000028015 FAREL VIANDA PUTRA L 10 0000026520 FARHAN RIZKY RAMADHAN L 11 0000025569 GEOFALDI EL GHAZALI L 12 0000028623 HANUN ANANTA PUTRA L 13 0000026264 KADAVI L 14 0000026484 KARL AMIN MANGARIBI L 15 0000023848 MAHENDRA KUSUMA WIJAYA L 16 0000028899 MIFTAHUL FATHAN ABUBAKAR FARA L 17 0000026321 MIRZA DAVI AL MUNIF L 18 0000026864 MOHAMMAD SATRIA ALVIANDI L 19 0000026337 MUHAMAD MAULANA IBROHIM L 20 0000025342 MUHAMAD RASYA SAPUTRA L 21 0000028674 MUHAMMAD FARID FIRMANSYAH L 22 0000026796 MUHAMMAD FIKRY ALY HUSEIN L 23 0000030249 MUHAMMAD HERSYA SAPUTRA L 24 0000029826 MUHAMMAD IRGIANSYAH RENWARIN L 25 0000028018 MUHAMMAD NAUFAL AZZAHIR L 26 0000028142 MUHAMMAD RIDHWAN YASYKUR L 27 0000028014 MUHAMMAD SALMAN SHIDDIQY L 28 0000023908 MUHAMMAD SATRIA KUSUMAH L 29 0000025362 MUHAMMAD ZAINAL ABIDIN L 30 0000027681 MUHAMMAD ZIDAN PERMANA CITRA L 31 0000026933 PRADIPTA ARYA DANISWARA L 32 0000026968 RAAFI AUFAA L 33 0000024145 RAFI MAULANA ICHSAN L 34 0000029229 RASENDRIYA AL BARRAA L 35 0000026851 ROFI FAHRIANDRA L 36 0000030484 SAYYID AHMAD HASAN L 37 0000026022 SYARIF BADRU ZAMAN L 38 0000028598 YASIR RASYDAN AHMAD L 39 0000024297 ZAKY MUHAMMAD AKRAM L 40 0000026989 AISYAH NISRIN ZAKIYAH P 41 0000027869 ANGEL TIARA LESTARI P 42 0000028470 ARTHIT ZARA ZAVIRA P 43 0000029387 AURELLIA ZAHRA PUTRI P 44 0000029310 AZQIA NAYSHILLA PRAMONO P 45 0000025846 ELIS MUYASSAROH P 46 0000026880 FIRYAL NAPISAH KAMIL P 47 0000025862 GHEA FRIDA NAFEEZA P 48 0000028231 JENITA AULIA RAMADHANI P 49 0000026831 JIHAN HUMAIRROH PUTRI P 50 0000028533 MAHBOBA SYIFA AHDYAR P 51 0000028092 MIKE TIARA ISTIQOMAH P 52 0000026765 MUTIARA HASNA HAMIDAH P 53 0000028249 NADIYRA AISYA ZAFIRA P 54 0000026306 NAFISA ZAHRA P 55 0000026412 NAURA ATHAYA UTAMI P 56 0000030080 NAURA SHAFIRA P 57 0000026908 RAIHANAH ADELIA ZAHRA P 58 0000030309 RAISA HANNA P 59 0000028665 RAISHA MALLIKA FAGO P 60 0000026788 SABRINA ANINDYA SYAHLA P 61 0000025619 SYAHLA ULYA ZAHRA P 62 0000030335 TARISHA NAURA SULAIMAN P 63 0000026781 VIANDRA ARTXIENESIA FAUZI P 64 0000029852 VIANDRA KHAIRA JASMINE PRABOWO P C. LULUS BERSYARAT (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI/1 MTs) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama sepuluh bulan NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028152 ABDULLAH JESSAR L 2 0000027698 ABIRA FAZLI RASYAD L 3 0000026338 AHMAD FATHAN ALZAVY L 4 0000027888 AL GHAZALI L 5 0000028599 AL GHOZALI ALIFIANZA ATTABIK L 6 0000029952 ALFATIH AGUNG L 7 0000027029 ALIEF HAWWARI L 8 0000028827 ATMA KAUTSAR L 9 0000027827 AZRIEL NUR FIKRI L 10 0000029744 BARIE SANJAYA JAYANDARU L 11 0000030184 ELLANG ADIS FARRAS L 12 0000029911 FAAIZ OMAR SURYA GANDANA L 13 0000025635 FACHRIANSYAH L 14 0000028284 FACHRY ALFIANSYAH L 15 0000025433 FADHLAN SATRIANDIKA L 16 0000025575 FADLAN ALDIWINATA L 17 0000027350 FARDAN FIRMANSYAH L 18 0000027632 FARID ILHAM MUSTHOPA L 19 0000025627 FARIZ ADNAN TRIBUANA L 20 0000030013 FAUZIAN SYARIFHIDAYAT L 21 0000028467 HAFIZ ALI MUSA L 22 0000026782 IHSANUL FALAH L 23 0000027977 IKHWAN ASSIDIQI L 24 0000026930 ILAGAMPO KHAIZURAN NARARYA L 25 0000030261 IZZA ABDIL AZIZ L 26 0000030068 LINGGA DARYA WIDYADHANA L 27 0000030264 M ALIIF AL THAARIQ L 28 0000024915 MUHAMAD ZEIN MORY L 29 0000026411 MUHAMMAD ARYASENA ARDITE L 30 0000028661 MUHAMMAD AZKA IHSAN HAKIM L 31 0000030398 MUHAMMAD BARIQ ALVINO RUSLI L 32 0000025947 MUHAMMAD FARDHAN MALIASYARIEF L 33 0000026505 MUHAMMAD TRI RASYA L 34 0000028774 MUHAMMAD WILDAN AL FARIZI KUSUMA L 35 0000027995 MUHAMMAD ZAIDAN ADHAFA WIRAWAN L 36 0000028813 NAGATA AZHAR AHYAN L 37 0000028613 RADITH NURAWAL RAMADHAN AR L 38 0000029369 RAJIB MUSTOFA L 39 0000026852 RIZKY ARDY FORDIANSYAH L 40 0000029970 RIZKY MUHAMMAD ILHAM L 41 0000027706 SABIAN BETRO SARAGIH L 42 0000029078 SUALDI LUTFILLAH FAHMI L 43 0000021749 AISYAH HANNAH MARYAM P 44 0000029367 DENIETA NOOR ZAFIRA P 45 0000021751 FAIZA AZZALIA P 46 0000030018 FARISAH NAVARRA PUTRI P 47 0000028167 FARISHA FARHA ANNISA P 48 0000029549 FAYLASUFA KHAERULLAH P 49 0000030115 INDAH CAHYANI KAMARULLAH P 50 0000027611 KEYLA POETRI AL-ZALEA P 51 0000028878 NADINE NATHANIELA ANGIE SANTOSO TOTONG P 52 0000026625 NAYLATUSYAROFAH QUROTU’AIN P 53 0000028024 RACHMANIA ALISA WULANDARI P 54 0000030000 RAISA ALIYA NOVIANDINI P 55 0000027518 SEPTYA ALFIRA AZZAHRAH P 56 0000030399 SEYSHA KIERA ANDHINI P 57 0000030143 SITI AISYAH ARHAMNI P 58 0000029924 SITI NADIAH FARHANA P 59 0000029642 TSAABITAH SYAQRAA P 60 0000027580 TSABITA DZAKIYAH ILHAMY P 61 0000024803 ZAFIRAH JAMALUDIN MAHFOUZ P D. LULUS MURNI DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026357 ALTAMIS HAIL AHSAN NASUTION L 2 0000029581 DEWA ALESSANDRO THANOVA L 3 0000025776 FIRMANSYAH ALI SANTOSO L 4 0000029992 MUHAMAD FARHAN APRIANA L 5 0000026528 MUHAMMAD ADRIEL ALTAF FATEEN L 6 0000026389 MUHAMMAD MUFTHI L 7 0000028738 PRANAJA RESWARA SUTA ISKANDAR L 8 0000025923 YUSUF L 9 0000030150 RYANTINISA GUZELAZKIA P 10 0000028834 SYARIFAH KESYA NABILA SYLVANIE P 11 0000027491 TYA AYU NARISSYA GUNAWAN P 12 0000026828 UMMU RAHMAH SAYYIDAH P E. LULUS BERSYARAT DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama lima bulan NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000025949 ABDAL AL KAMIL L 2 0000026315 BREGAS WAHYU ADI PUTRA L 3 0000028004 KHAIDAR AHMED L 4 0000028529 KHAIDIR FAQIH L 5 0000028123 M. FAQIIH BRYANWIJAYA L 6 0000030219 MICKY RAMAIZAL L 7 0000024766 MUHAMMAD DZAKI AL FAREZI L 8 0000029861 MUHAMMAD KHARUL NIZAM L 9 0000026667 MUHAMMAD UMAM L 10 0000029648 PUTRA ALFARISI L 11 0000029863 RAFLI ARIF NAZARIO PUTRA L 12 0000030486 RIVALDHI VAN ZULDI L 13 0000024080 ALIA CHAIRUNNISA P 14 0000026875 AMBER ALIFIYA ROSYID P 15 0000026792 DENISA NURALYAH GANDA PERMANA P 16 0000026858 ISMANIAH ARIELLA AZHAR P 17 0000025886 JANNATA ANGELA SYIFANIE P 18 0000029721 NABILA KHAERUNISA BUDIMAN P 19 0000030307 NAYLA RAMADHANI P 20 0000027659 NISRINA ALYSHA NAJLA P 21 0000030373 RAISA P 22 0000030061 ROSSALYNA ETTAQIYA P 23 0000029560 SERLITA YOSSI P 24 0000030203 SHAFIRA NUR RIMADANI P F. LULUS BERSYARAT DI KELAS INTENSIF (Kelas Persiapan Selama Satu Tahun Ajaran) Wajib Mengkuti bimbingan belajar selama sepuluh bulan NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000027037 LALU WIRA YUWANA L 2 0000024050 M. FARIS AKBAR L 3 0000029087 MARWAN ILHAM MUHAMMAD L 4 0000028887 MUHAMMAD ABIYYU RASYUDIN L 5 0000029703 RAIHAN NUR FATHAN L 6 0000029750 RAYHAN AHMAD MUZAKKI L 7 0000024571 ALKESYA MULIA AZZAHRA P 8 0000026972 AQNHATUL SHABRINA SUHERMAN P 9 0000029663 NURVITA DWI AGUSTINE P 10 0000024108 REVALINDA PUTRI AZZADYA P G. LULUS BERSYARAT DI KELAS 2 TMI (Diterima di kelas 2 TMI / 2 MTS) Wajib Mengkuti Bimbingan Belajar Bahasa Indonesia NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000023979 MOHAMMED ALI ABDULLAH AL-JAWDA L H. LULUS MURNI DI KELAS 4 TMI (Diterima di kelas 4 TMI / 1 Aliyah) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030333 MUTHIA SALMA AINI P 2 0000026489 YASINTA DIVA NEGARA P I. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Darunnajah 2, Cipining, Cigudeg, Bogor (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000029212 BASO FARID AKBAR L 2 0000028587 RAKHA SULTHAN PRIYANTO L 3 0000026641 REZKY DEVA PRATAMA L 4 0000030439 RYAN BUANA RAMADHAN L 5 0000028590 DZIKRAA MICHAELIA PRIYANTO PUTRI P J. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Mansur Darunnajah 3, Serang-Banten (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000030190 CLEONIMA RAFA SUBAGIO P 2 0000025408 DANISHA NAIA AZ-ZAHRA P 3 0000027885 MUTIARA NABILATUL KHASANAH P 4 0000027674 NABILA SUCI RAMADHANI P 5 0000029288 SAFFANAH SANIYYAH DASTRIAN P 6 0000027824 SALMA SHOFIANI P K. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren An-Nur Darunnajah 8, Gunung Sindur Bogor (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026314 RAFA ARYA WIGUNA L 2 0000029550 RAVEL L 3 0000027254 HANIFA SANIYYAH SAFRI P 4 0000027251 TAZKIA RAMADHANI SAFRI P L. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren An-Nur Darunnajah 8, Gunung Sindur Bogor (Diterima di kelas Intensif) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028732 MUHAMMAD ARIEF BUDIMAN L M. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Hasanah Darunnajah 9, Pamulang Banten (Diterima di kelas 1 TMI ) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000029209 ALMIRA ZAHRA DYVIA P 2 0000029717 FEREISYA NABILA ZAMRAH P 3 0000028265 NAYLA PUTRI WIDYADHANA YUSUF P 4 0000028261 REVANNA RAMADHANI ARIFIN P N. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Al-Hasanah Darunnajah 9, Pamulang Banten (Diterima di kelas Intensif) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026034 WULANSARIP P O. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten ( Diterima di kelas1 TMI ) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028073 ANDRE ADITYA SETIAWAN L 2 0000028247 FACHRY RASENDRIYA HAFIZH L 3 0000029860 MUHAMMAD ZAMAKHSYARI L 4 0000029993 OBAMA L 5 0000028255 RAFI BAGAS WELDANY L 6 0000030402 DELFIANA LARASSATI P 7 0000024974 KAYLA RAISYA PUTRI P 8 0000028256 NAILA AINUN REYAN P 9 0000029798 PUTERI DAVINA SYA’BANI P 10 0000026910 QEYSA CAESAR RIANTI P P. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten ( Diterima di kelas Intensif ) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000028732 MUHAMAD FAKHRI RABANI L 2 0000026780 MUHAMMAD ARIEL DWI SABILI L Q. Lulus ke Darunnajah Cabang. Pesantren Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14, Serang Banten (Diterima di kelas 4 TMI / 1 Aliyah) NO NO. REGISTRASI NAMA JK 1 0000026769 MUHAMMAD SULTHAN RAFLY L R. Yang Tidak Lulus NO NO. REGISTRASI 1 0000026078 2 0000023814 3 0000029981
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2RdzpB1 via IFTTT
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'Aku cuma mangsa situasi je' - Rakan dedah perbualan WhatsApp dengan Haziq nafi buat kerja terkutuk itu tetapi...
Selepas Ketua PKR Cabang Santubong tampil mempertahankan rakannya, Haziq Abd Aziz, yang didakwa melakukan hubungan sejenis dengan seorang menteri, tampil pula rakan Haziq berkongsi serba sedikit mengenai Setiausaha Sulit Kanan (SUSK) kepada Timbalan Menteri Industri Utama itu. Dalam perkongsian Habib Mazlan di Twitternya itu turut disertakan screenshot perbualan WhatsApp di mana pada awalnya Haziq menafikan segala dakwaan tersebut.
Sumber: @HabibMazlan LAPORAN BERKAITAN
(Video) 'Sayalah individu bersama ***** dalam video viral semalam' - Setiausaha Sulit Kanan pemimpin PKR, buat pengakuan
'Badan dia sekarang tak besar macam dalam video' - Rakan politik dakwa FB Haziq digodam
from The Reporter http://bit.ly/2IyuLsa via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://bit.ly/2Fh2S7l via IFTTT
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Political Engagement
In this digital era, online political engagement is becoming the main mode of participation and discussion of youngsters. The public, especially the younger generation, are actively using social media and mobile devices to participate in political activities. They use the tools to obtain political information, making their own political content and expressing political opinions (Yamamoto, Kushin & Dalisay, 2015). In political realms, more and more diversified new media and its mode of operation provide more and more convenient channels for young people to speak, such as Twitter and Facebook.
Impact of Social Media to Politics
Based on a survey of 526 Malaysian adults who been interviewed before the 2008 national election about the use of online media, levels of political participation, and intentions of voting. As expected, the survey resulted that the use of online media is positively related to the higher levels of political participation of Malaysian voters. The use of and exposure to social networking sites, political blogs, party websites, political online videos, and political ads online showed strong associations with political activism. Yet, the voters' possibility of voting was not predictable through the use of political online media (Willnat, Wong, Tamam & Aw, 2013).
There are some examples of politicians who have their own social media accounts such as Barrack Obama, Donald Trump, Dr Mahathir, and Mohd Najib. Through social media, they can access a larger audience ecspecially the younger ones. It also enables them to fill the gap between youngsters and politics, as they can reply and communicate with the audiences through the platforms, and even bring some benefits for the election if they can do or say something that earns residents' hearts. In addition, some of the users like to create memes and videos about politicians. Even some of it is made for fun, but still, it could attract more people to know about the person or what is happening to the politics nowadays.
For me, I don't follow any politician or anyone involved in politics and government on social media, because I feel bored about it, and I am not really interested in politic topics. But I do follow some news websites or some users that create memes or interesting videos. So that is where I get some information about what is happening around me nowadays.
However, we should not easily believe in everything posted on social media, because there is a lot of fake news from different unknown sources. The best example that I could think of right now is in last few months, the outflow of the lovemaking video of two men on social media, which said to be Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz with Economic Affairs Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali. After a while, Haziq then confessed that he is one of the men in the clip on social media and the other one denied. Because of these clips, it set off a wave of the news that is related to the politicians included or related to that videos, and even the topics about homosexual, for a few weeks. Until today, the police are still investigating the truth of the video. So, we can see how powerful is the impact of social media on politics, can even change or ruins someone's life with the news and online information.
Social Media for Public Participation in Politics
The Internet, especially social media, has become a new important platform for public participation in politics. According to Gil de Zúñiga, Jung & Valenzuela (2012), through the Internet's properties, political participation on the internet could be divided into virtual online political participation and offline political participation. Online political participation is mainly through visiting government websites, browsing, posting or forwarding current political information, criticizing and protesting government decisions, online complaints or protests, etc. Offline political participation includes attending hearings, contacting government officials, participation in processions, and political elections.
When the Internet is associated with politics, it spawned many fresh things, and online political participation is one of them. Traditional political participation mainly inputs demand into the political system through channels such as interest groups, political party groups, and news media. If internet, due to its fast transmission speed, strong information processing, and wide audience, it is easy to form a concentrated attention and follow-up survey on a certain topic in a short period of time, forming strong pressure on public opinions, which makes the possibility of entering the policy process will greatly increase.
To conclude, the internet especially social media is a really good platform to improve the gap between politics and residents. We as users can also gather a lot of politic information or take action online for complaints and protests. But we also have to be careful of some fake news spread around the internet. There is a lot of wrong information about the news from a lot of unknown sources, which cause a lot of trouble and different causes that could affect people's knowledge and impression.
Gil de Zúñiga, H., Jung, N., & Valenzuela, S. (2012). Social Media Use for News and Individuals' Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Political Participation. Journal Of Computer-Mediated Communication, 17(3), 319-336. doi: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2012.01574.x
Willnat, L., Wong, W., Tamam, E., & Aw, A. (2013). Online Media and Political Participation: The Case of Malaysia. Mass Communication And Society, 16(4), 557-585. doi: 10.1080/15205436.2012.734891
Yamamoto, M., Kushin, M., & Dalisay, F. (2013). Social media and mobiles as political mobilization forces for young adults: Examining the moderating role of online political expression in political participation. New Media & Society, 17(6), 880-898. doi: 10.1177/1461444813518390
GOLINGAI, P. (2019). Haziq: My political career is over. Retrieved 6 October 2019, from https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2019/06/25/haziq-my-political-career-is-over
The evils of social media. (2019). Retrieved 10 October 2019, from https://www.nst.com.my/opinion/columnists/2019/06/498361/evils-social-media
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Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi...
Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi....
Tadi telah tamat drama bersiri paling lama dalam sejarah Malaysia dan berakhir di lautan hindi. Truth to be told apa yang Peguam Negara buat itu tidak salah legally dan masih berdasarkan kedaulatan undang-undang. Dia dengan terang kata pakar cybersecurity forensik gagal kenalpasti individu tersebut dan berdasarkan keputusan sebulat suara DPP dia ; jika ada bukti terbaharu kes boleh di buka semula. "All laws in all legal systems must be just and must be seen to be just" atau undang-udang dalam sistem perundangan mesti adil dan mesti di lihat adil.
Kita sudah melalui zaman kezaliman BN di mana hakim, polis, SPRM dan peguam negara di tunggang sesuka hati oleh perdana menteri. Akibat dari perbuatan khianat ini berbillion2 duit rakyat rugi dari skandal 1MDB. Walaupun apa yang AG buat ikut lunas undang-undang, tindakan tersebut tidak nampak adil dari kaca mata rakyat. Yang memburukkan keadaan macam mana SPRM boleh release audio Najib semalam secara kebetulan pula; dah la dalam audio tersebut ada kes pengkhiatan SPRM, DPP dan Peguam Negara yang lama untuk cover up Najib. Jadi apa yang berlaku pada hari ini adalah seperti ulang tayang kerajaan BN. To be clear saya adalah orang yang membantah penyebaran dosa peribadi kecuali melibatkan kepentingan umum. Contohnya kes main judi di tempat tertutup, minum arak, hubungan luar nikah antara lelaki dan perempuan, liwat, tonton PPV kecuali kes rogol amah atau pun pedofilia kanak-kanak. Ini selaras dengan tuntutan Islam supaya menyimpan aib seseorang dan juga melarang mengintip (tajjassus)
Selagi kesalahan tersebut di lakukan dalam ruang lingkup peribadi, kita sebagai muslim tidak berhak untuk menyebarkan aib tersebut. Unless kalau pelaku tersebut berbangga dengan dosa mereka dan menayang pula pada awam, di situ tindakan patut di ambil demi kemaslahan masyarakat Tapi di dalam Negara kita kita ada undang-undang sivil dan undang-undang syariah dan ada masanya undang-undang tersebut boleh overlap. Macam contoh dalam kes oral seks walaupun di antara suami isteri boleh di hukum di bawah Seksyen 377A Kanun Keseksaan; tetap boleh di dakwa walaupun dari segi Islam ianya adalah makruh. Bila AG tutup kes macam ini, ia tidak membantu persepsi yang sistem perundangan negara kita Zaman PH adalah 2 kali 5 dengan zaman BN. Dulu AG zaman BN boleh clearkan Najib dari kes 1MDB dan zaman PH pula boleh dakwa semua kes 1MDB; lambat laun rakyat akan hilang kepercayaan pada sistem perundangan kita. Bila sesuatu kes sampai pada sistem perundangan, sepatutnya agensi penguatkuasa perlu menyiasat tanpa rasa takut atau kekangan.
Tapi minggu lepas IGP boleh kata "Pemimpin politik jangan bebankan polis dengan kes remeh"; apa maksudnya? Adakah kes libat menteri ini kira remeh-temeh? Kalau kes melibatkan menteri ini kira remeh-temeh, jadi semua menteri boleh la buat kesalahan jenayah macam mantan PM kita dahulu? Tambahan pula bila cybersecurity kata gagal kenal pasti suspek kerana gambar tidak clear. Which beg a question, kalau gambar macam ini tak boleh kenal, nanti apa pula kata orang yang sudah di sabit kesalahan hanya berdasarkan videoo/CCTV macam kes cabul budak di kedai ataupun pembunuh kim jong un?
Bukankah mereka juga boleh kata suspect tidak di kenali dan pohon semakan kehakiman? Ini yang jadi bila kita sudah setkan precedent. Macam contoh, kalau hakim yang di sabit kesalahan rasuah, mana2 kes yang pernah dia hakimi dahulu boleh di cabar keadilannya. Saya tahu dan saya faham, kata-kata peguam negara adalah final; AG boleh membebaskan siapapun yang di rasakan tidak bersalah. It's moral wrong but legally right. Contoh kalau ada ibu tunggal di tangkap mencuri barang dapur di pasaraya dan kes di bawa ke AG, AG boleh mengunakan budi bicara lepaskan tertuduh mungkin sebab dia mmg betul2 miskin dan lapar, tapi kalau ibu tunggal tersebut perangai pun macam hantu, boleh memaki2 lagi, memang la AG boleh sarankan pertuduhan yang lebih berat.
Ini sama dengan kes menteri tersebut, sudah la dia tidak mahu saman penuduh, perangai dia pula punya la teruk memaki hamun, hendak khianat amanah rakyat dengan kerajaan pintu belakang, itu belum masuk bab perkahwinan yang luar biasa dan lebih dari kemampuan seorang menteri. Yang rakyat biasa akan bertanya, kalau kes besar macam ini pun boleh di sapu bawah katil, kes-kes remeh temeh lagi la boleh pejam mata bukan? Next steps AG boleh la mendakwa penuduh yang sudah buat akuan bersumpah atas kesalahan berbohong jika tidak any tom, dick and harry boleh suka-suka tuduh orang, betul tak? - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
U.S. Forensic Analysis Report...Here’s Why Azmin Has Been Positively Identified In Gay Sex Video Scandal...
When Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Abdul Hamid Bador declared last July that an explosive gay sex video implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali was genuine, but the identities of the two men in the clips could not be determined, the reputation and integrity of the Royal Malaysia Police immediately took a hit. The verdict screams cover-up. Already tainted with corruption and incompetency for the last 60 years under the thumb of the previous Barisan Nasional regime, the last thing the new police chief needed was another half-baked story that insults peoples’ intelligence. The police force was ridiculed and mocked for relying merely on the local Cybersecurity Malaysia to conduct a forensic of the video clip. If the police could identify and arrest a Vietnamese woman wearing a white sweatshirt emblazoned with the big black letters “LOL” after the assassination of Kim Jong Nam, despite the great distance between the suspect and airport security surveillance cameras, it was laughable that two men caught in their naughty act in a hotel room could not be identified. Why didn’t the police send the video clip to the U.S. or China for facial recognition before making a fool of themselves? China has the technology to identify images not only in a fog and near-total darkness, but also possess AI technology. It’s this technology that the Chinese surveillance system keeps facial recognition databases consisting of almost every one of the nation’s 1.4-billion citizens. Yes, the police under the leadership of IGP Bador appear to be enjoying very much at shooting their own foot. After months of public pressure, the cops admitted in November last year that a team had returned from overseas after handing over the video to experts from a United States university to determine the authenticity of the sex video as well as the identity of the two men in it. Still, the mystery remains as to why the police could identify Vietnamese woman Doan Thi Huong in the assassination of the half-brother of North Korea’s leader, but could not identify two men who were just a few feet away from a camera. Did the police also engage foreign forensic experts in the case of the murder of Kim Jong Nam at Kuala Lumpur Airport in 2017?
The sex video scandal...
Exactly when the police went to the U.S. to submit the video to the foreign forensic team is unknown. It was only after the cops returned from the overseas trip that it was revealed that the gay sex video had been submitted. Federal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director Huzir Mohamed reportedly said the results of the authentication will be available by the end of the year (2019). However, the last day of the year 2019 came – and gone – without any results being announced, prompting more speculations and rumours. Yesterday (January 6), the cops could not drag their feet anymore. CID director Huzir confirmed the results of foreign expert analysis on the gay sex video have actually been obtained late last year. Now, the burning question is why the police kept quiet and didn’t immediately reveal the forensic analysis’ results of the scandalous sex video upon receiving it late last year? Make no mistake. It was due to the public pressure that the CID chief was forced to make the statement. Even then, the cops chose to play “tai-chi”, saying it’s not necessary for the police to announce the report. Interestingly, CID director Huzir claimed that the investigation papers on the sex video were already submitted to the Attorney General Chambers at the end of last year. That could only mean one thing – the forensic results have most likely identified Azmin Ali, the blue-eyed boy of Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, as one of the men engaged in gay sex in the video. Police Chief Abdul Hamid Bador was seen as shielding and protecting Economic Affairs Minister Azmin since the first day the video was exposed, presumably under the influence of the prime minister. If the laboratory results from the U.S. say Azmin was not the man as widely alleged, naturally it would be celebrated with champagne popping follows by fireworks.
Azmin Ali and Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz
Knowing Mahathir, he definitely would have called for an urgent press conference and showed the journalists the official results from the U.S. experts, if his favourite boy did not screw another boy in the hotel. The premier would be grinning from ear to ear, holding the forensic results for its picture to be snapped, as if he had just scored 8A in the recent UPSR examination. After all, Mahathir has said multiple times that the mastermind behind the sex video should be punished, not the sex actor Azmin, despite the fact that gay sex is illegal in the country. In November last year, the Selangor Shariah High Court sentenced four men to 6 months’ jail, 6 strokes of the cane, and a RM4,800 fine for “attempting intercourse against the order of nature.” The premier has been incredibly bias from the beginning when he announced that Azmin was innocent and the video clip was a fake – even “before” the police could start the process of authenticating the video last year. The premature statement from Mahathir put the police in tatters, unable to perform their job professionally and could not investigate the scandal without fear or favour. Do you think Mahathir would not brag and tell all and sundry that he has been right all along about Azmin’s innocence – if the U.S. forensic analysis had concluded that none of the two individuals in the video clip was the economic affairs minister? Therefore, there could be only two reasons why the police insisted to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers. First reason – it would be announced that Azmin was indeed the homosexual man caught with his pants down in the video clip. Second reason – the announcement would clear Azmin of unnatural sexual activity because believe it or not, even the U.S. forensic specialists could not determine the identity of the two men (with some deepfake tales). However, if Azmin is cleared, it would lead to more questions.
Dr.M and Azmin
Try showing the video clip to anybody and they will tell you that it’s above 90% of certainty that Azmin was involved. So, if the foreign forensic report could not identify the men, even with the U.S. latest technology, it means they probably have been bribed to cook up a fake result. That’s why the police needs to make a joint statement with the Attorney General Chambers. The cops have lost their credibility and integrity in the gay sex video scandal after Mahathir’s interference. They desperately need Attorney General Tommy Thomas’ credential to convince the public that Azmin was still a virgin. However, even if Thomas could be arm-twisted to do that, the police still have a huge problem – Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz. Will the Royal Malaysia Police and the Attorney General Chambers decide to charge Mr. Haziq, who has already admitted to be one of the men in the gay sex video? Haziq has claimed the other man was his sex partner Azmin. Unless the police can prove Haziq was retarded or mentally challenged, he cannot be allowed to walk scot free as if nothing had happened. Malaysia is clear about same-sex sexual activity. It’s a crime to engage sodomy (as well as oral sex), defined to include both heterosexual and homosexual acts, with punishment including fines and prison sentences of up to 20 years. However, if Haziq is put on trial, he would reveal to the world the details about his sexual activities with Azmin – creating a bigger humiliation to Mahathir. In a nutshell, if Azmin was innocent, the police would have had immediately announced the results of the foreign forensic investigation late last year. The fact that they didn’t, and require the Attorney General Chambers by their side to make a joint statement suggest that either Azmin has been positively identified, or a new cover-up story is about to be unleashed to insult the peoples’ intelligence – again. - FT However on 09/01/2020...
Attorney-General Tommy Thomas has announced that no prosecution will follow from the controversial sex videos allegedly implicating Economic Affairs Minister Azmin Ali and a former political aide. This is because forensic video experts were unable to confirm the identities of the individuals in the video, Thomas said in a statement today. "Cyber Security Malaysia found that whilst the videos were authentic, facial recognition could not be achieved due to poor resolution of the video recordings upon which such analysis was performed." "Because of Cyber Security’s inconclusive findings, PDRM sent the videos to be independently analysed by forensic experts in the United States of America. PDRM received the result of the second analysis in December 2019. "This independent report confirmed Cyber Security’s findings, amongst others, that 'the inability to identify individuals in the viral videos is primarily due to the low resolution and quality of the viral videos and the relatively few number of video frames in which the suspect is clearly visible'." The attorney-general said he had accepted their recommendation and have decided not to prosecute any person.
Blur and unrecognizable...
Thomas said that since June 13, his office and the police had worked very closely in reviewing the investigation papers on the sex videos. "The investigation was conducted under Sections 377B and 377D of the Penal Code for carnal intercourse against the order of nature. "The standard investigation protocol between this Chambers and PDRM was followed." He said that numerous discussions were held to review the evidence gathered by the police at the appropriate stages of the investigation and several instructions for further investigation were issued to them to ensure the sufficiency of the evidence before any prosecutorial decision could have been made. "Many witnesses were interviewed by the police to ascertain the facts connected to the video and there had been arrests and remand of some of these witnesses in connection with the investigation." Thomas explained that the investigations had been delayed for a number of reasons, primary among them being the length of time involved before forensic reports were finalised. "In the course of investigations, due process of law must be observed, procedures and technical requirements for proper forensic analysis must be complied with. "This also includes working within governmental constraints and procedures to secure additional funding approval to enable PDRM to complete its investigations," he added.
However, Thomas' statement did not address the issue of Haziq's (photo) confession. He also added that the police had received an unsolicited analysis report on the videos from a private individual believed to be Umno supreme council member Lokman Adam. "This report also confirmed the findings in the other two reports mentioned above that identification could not be conclusively made based on facial recognition analysis," he said. "In these circumstances and upon reviewing evidence as presently gathered and submitted by the PDRM to this Chambers, my deputy public prosecutors unanimously recommended to me that no charges be proffered in connection with the videos." Thomas added that consistent with the AG's Chambers' normal practice, investigations may be reopened if and when new evidence becomes available. - mk
Dramaaaa sangat....
Najib nafi dia kena marah dengan bini... Katanya itu perbualan biasa... Paham?
Setiap orang ada cara hidup tersendiri dalam perhubungan antara suami-isteri.... Begitu juga cara bercakap antara suami, isteri, dan anak-anak.... Ada yang main jerkah-jerkah, ada yang bercakap lemah lembut, bahkan ada yang drama bisu kurang bercakap... Itu hal masing-masing.
Tentang pendedahan audio Najib-Rosmah, bukan soal kena jerkah, bukan nak malukan Najib sebab takut bini, bukan nak malukan Rosmah sebab tak hormat laki...... Tapi isi percakapan tu yang penting, kerana ia melibatkan undang-undang negara kerana ketika itu Najib seorang PM.
Pihak berkuasa akan lakukan siasatan terhadap isi percakapan Rosmah-Najib itu... Nanti bila sudah terbukti ada unsur penyelewengan dan salahguna kuasa, mungkin Najib akan didakwa...
Bila sudah masuk mahkamah, audio itu tidak boleh didedahkan kepada umum sebab sudah jadi barang bukti.... Sebab itu pihak SPRM memperdengarkannya sekarang.
Kalau terus sisasat senyap-senyap, tanpa perlu dedahkan kepada rakyat, tak boleh ke....?
Boleh memang lah boleh.... Tapi dari segi politik, elok didedahkan.... Kalau dakwa secara senyap-senyap, nanti rakyat akan kata kerajaan PH menipu pulak....
Sedangkan Najib yang dah terang-terang mengaku duit berpuluh juta masuk ke dalam akaunnya, itu pun wala'un kata Najib difitnah.
Biarlah SPRM buat kerja dia.... ok, done back-up Lathefa Koya. - Awang
Yang ni pembangkang melalak...
Yang ni pembangkang bisu seribu bahasa...
Sumber asal: Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi... Baca selebihnya di Antara kedaulatan undang2 & dosa peribadi...
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#Semester5 #RSNPulauPinang
It’s been awhile after update the new post! (The previous one, I means) So harini seperti yang di janjikan Atiqah nak share the journey of the semester 5. To be frank, semester ni lagi mencabar kalau nak dibandingkan dengan the previous semester. Semakin naik semester semakin berat tugasan assignment yang diberikan. But that is life! (Hidup tu tak selalunya indah).
Kalau kita sedang berada di zaman persekolahan mesti tak sabar nak masuk alam Universiti. Kononnya best and lagi rileks! Nooooo!!! Seriously No! Kehidupan di univerisiti is much hectic to compared with zaman persekolahan. Zaman Universiti ni tak seperti dalam drama dimana otw nak pergi class terlanggar buku orang, lepastu jumpa jodoh! No!!!! (Kalau ada tu mungkin takdir)
Dekat Universiti ni lah kita akan belajar erti kehidupan sebenar dan pelbagai jenis manusia. Macam-macam ada. Tapi kita kena bijak dalam memilih kawan. (Take Noted!) #DontTrustPeopleEasily please guys!
Semester 5 ni dah takda nak buat master plan, layout, autocad bagai! The main is Report!! Kita akan sentiasa buat report sampai naik muak tengok report! (The fact).
Tapi nanti bila dah habis belajar kenangan inilah yang akan dikenang hingga akhir hayat. Kehidupan Universiti ni mengajar banyak benda, pengurusan masa, kewangan dan sentiasa alert dengan keadaan sekeliling.
Ramai yang DM Atiqah dekat IG sebab nak tengok macam mana life seorang town planner. Ramai yang cakap best sebab boleh pergi jalan-jalan. Yes! on one side memang best sebab dapat explore banyak tempat yang kadang-kadang kita sendiri tak pernah jejak pun dekat tempat tu! But on others side, sangat memenatkan sebab kita student town planner bukan pergi site macam pergi holiday. Turun site untuk dapatkan data dari agensi-agensi. If data-data tu tak complete, nanti balik dari site memang sakitlah time nak buat report sebab masih ada data yang lacking! Okaylah biar gambar yang berbicara! scroll down to read the journey of the semester 5! Thank you for reading guys! ;)
Seminggu sebelum turun site semua sector kelam kabut call agensi-agensi yang nak jumpa nanti. Mana taknya dibuatnya nanti Pegawai yang kita nak jumpa tu pergi outstation ke? susah pulak nak dapat data. My expectation semester ni site dekat sebelah pantai timur terengganu ke Kelantan ke. But Alhamdulillah it was in Penang! (Home sweet home). Atleast, kita dah master sebab situ area kita kan! #Fliphair (But not the whole Penang la)
Masing-masing semangat nak pergi penang especially diri sendiri la sebab (Hometown kan) ;)
Alhamdulillah first agensi done! #MPSP for d first day !
Memandangkan Atiqah dengan Raffi orang penang so kena jadi tour guide la duduk depan bas (Tepi driver) tunjuk arah jalan.
Alhamdulillah semua enjoy untuk site visit penang! it is good to see them happy;)
Thank you brother kerana sudi melayan kerenah kami semua ;)
Touch down in Penang. First attempt is Persiaran Gurney. Bawak diorang rasa makanan sebelah utara pulak. #Pasemboqqq
With lecturer En Aiman Hakim Ridza! No inside joke! ENCIK AIMAN je
with apart the classmates
with princess syitah (Kenapa princess? sebab dia paksa semua orang untuk panggil dia princess, #Akur je la)
first group for landuse thanks for d cooperation guys!
dekat masjid kapitan keling! Selepas masing-masing kepenatan collect data dekat agensi masing-masing. Berehat sementara disini #AmbilAngin
Hari seterusnya juga masih melakukan benda yang sama untuk tengok keadaan landuse di sekitar Bayan lepas. #SectorIndustry
P/s: Masing-masing kepenatan, burn, tak bermaya tunggu bas untuk pick up ;)
while in penang #AfterBreakfast
Perangai masing-masing bila bergambar. jangan over plsss! HAHAHAH
Tunggu pakcik bus lambat sangat! Panas terik pun dont care!
bawak anak-anak makan mee sotong Pata the famous in town! Muka masing-masing happy #Alhamdulillah
self potrait
Masing-masing tak behave dah Lol!
While in Taman Rama-rama.. Walaupun stay penang dah lama tak sampai sini. last datang sini masa form 6 itu pun datang sebab under the school project!
Muka-muka semangat turun meeting with the lecturer!
Thank you Dato Mizan all the way from Selangor datang menjenguk kami disini! Dan terima kasih Encik Aiman sentiasa menjaga kami dengan baik disini.
On site lagii...
Thank You En Amir for having us. #UPEN
sector-sector agriculture
sector housing and urban settlement (My own sector) ;)
Antara orang -orang kuat disebalik Sector housing
The Beluncas Fc while in Penang!
Haziq acah-acah Aaron Aziz manaaa nak pandang camera Lol!
The classmates/studiomates
with princess syitah lagiii!
P/s: Banyak gambar syitah tunggu time nak blackmail je :D
the next day lagi ke agensi
with them
we’re here!!!
Patutlah macam familiar je muka MC ni. Sekali rupa-rupanya Cik Liza laaa. Jiran sebelah rumah. What a small world! kita jumpa lagi time practical nanti :D
Thank you for having us!
with PLANMalaysia
Selesai taklimat di komtar rushing ke MPSP untuk collect data yang masih lacking for the 2nd time
hakak hakak Hipster yang cun ;)
While at MPSP capekkk menunggu! yang belakang tu over LOL #UstazUstaz
the view in penang!
nice shot!
kodinator studio with anak-anak buahnya
Again Beluncas Fc while in Penang #ArtStreet
With Encik Aiman yang sentiasa cool!
P/s: Paling kanan tu Noh Hujannn! (tolonglaaa percaya)
selfie selfus!
Walaupun orang penang dah almost 10 years tak pernah naik feri! ish ish ish! Nasib site semester ni dekat penang boleh la merasa naik feri :P
with the studiomates!
Last meeting with the lecturer sebelum balik ke Puncak Alam. #Sedihnyaaa
Lastday in penang! #PenangHill
Masing-masing tengah teropong jodoh masing-masing #TernyataKaburLagii :P
Thank You Bosss! bawak pusing-pusing penang hill!
self potrait at Penang Hill
Muka masing-masing tak ready lagiii!
smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Meninggalkan sejuta kenangan di Penang!
Its wrap our site visit at penang! May Allah Ease Our RSN Report! Walaupun masing-masing akan barai sebarai-barainya. Hidup ini tak selalunya indah, Tapi kita kena pandai untuk jadikannya indah. Buang yang keruh ambil jernih. Buang yang negative ambil yang positive. Lakarkan kehidupan dengan corak masing-masing. Kerana di pengakhiranya nanti cerita kita semua berbeza. This is a part of the journey untuk segenggam Ijazah. InsyaAllah Aminn yarobbal!
Thank you for reading guys!
By Hand,
6:58PM | 4 NOV 17 | SATURDAY
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Azmin Tak Mengaku
CCTV Hotel Four Points Sandakan yang memaparkan Azmin Ali, Hilman dan Haziq tular di Youtube dan beberapa saluran sosial media. Pegawai PKR Sabah, Blisson Zainuddin menyesal beri maklumat sulit kepada Haziq.
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Haziq merayu terhadap pemecatannya daripada PKR - Bangsa
Haziq merayu terhadap pemecatannya daripada PKR – Bangsa
2019-07-06 23:45:57 [ad_1]
PETALING JAYA: Selepas berdiam diri, Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz mengulas mengenai pemecatannya baru-baru ini dari PKR.
Ketua Pemuda PKR Santubong berkata walaupun beliau menghormati keputusan yang dibuat oleh parti itu, dia akan membuat rayuan berhubung perkara itu, tanpa menyebutkan apa-apa tempoh masa tertentu.
"Saya dihukum hanya kerana saya menggesa SPRM (Suruhanjaya…
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Haziq ditahan di KLIA, SKMM cari dalang sebar video 'semburit'
Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz yang mengaku sebagai lelaki dalam video semburit yang membabitkan Menteri Hal Ehwal Ekonomi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, ditahan di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) hari ini.
Haziq dipercayai mahu menuju ke satu destinasi yang tidak diketahui sama ada dalam atau luar negara.
Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSJ) Bukit Aman, Datuk Huzir Mohamed berkata, Haziq ditahan pasukan siasatan khas Unit Siasatan Jenayah Terkelas (USJT) JSJ Bukit Aman, untuk membantu siasatan.
Sementara itu, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) mengesahkan pihaknya dengan kerjasama PDRM untuk menyiasat dalang penyebaran video semburit tersebut.
Satu jawatankuasa teknikal telah diwujudkan di bawah Jawatankuasa Jenayah Siber itu telah memula menjalankan tugas sejak Selasa lalu dan isu tersebut telah menjadi keutamaan dua pihak berkenaan malah turut menyiasat kesahihan dan ketulenan video tersebut.
Bagaimanapun, SKMM tidak dapat mendedahkan sebarang perkembangan mengenai siasatan kes tersebut yang diklasifikasikan sebagai rahsia dan sulit.
Justeru, SKMM memberi peringatan kepada rakyat Malaysia agar tidak menyebarkan maklumat dan kandungan yang tidak sahih dan sah.
Sumber: Harian Metro
from The Reporter http://bit.ly/2XbaemJ via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat http://bit.ly/2IGv8kt via IFTTT
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Boleh dikatakan saban hari ada sahaja berita sensasi muncul dalam media elektronik atau sosial yang menarik perhatian para pembaca dan netizen. Terbaharu isu penyebaran video seks songsang yang dikaitkan dengan menteri Kabinet Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali berdasarkan pengakuan Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz, tetapi Mohamed Azmin menafikannya. Lantas, pelbagai komen bertali arus dalam media sosial berkaitan video itu.
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And the old man's next minister is...
And the old man's next minister is....
There have been more than ten names for possible education minister candidates. Among the names that I have: The older generation candidates include the prime minister himself doubling as education minister, the PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim, veteran Rafidah Aziz and former cabinet minister Mustapa Mohamed. The new generation candidates include everyone's favourite Nurul Izzah and PTPTN chairman Wan Saiful Wan Jan. The professional candidates include renowned economist Jomo Kwame Sundaram and former UKM vice-chancellor Dr Mohd Sham Mohd Sani, both recommended by Malaysian Academic Movement (Gerak). As for internal portfolio swap, we have incumbent economic affairs minister Azmin Ali, foreign minister Saifuddin Abdullah, deputy foreign minister Marzuki Yahya, and Kedah menteri besar Mukhriz Mahathir. The list can go on and on, but the probability of majority of these names is near zero. The name of the actual candidate is securely locked in a secret chamber inside the prime minister's head. So long as Mahathir keeps his mouth zipped, no one will know who the guy is. And going by his customary way of doing things, he doesn't have to discuss anything with anyone nor listen to anyone's view. No one can foretell the old man's decision, because he has always acted, and thought, out of the ordinary! However, if you were to put on his thinking cap, perhaps you may get a very near, or even exact, answer, based on his logic thinking.
Now, following the old man's logic thinking... 1. Why Maszlee Malik had to resign. The answer definitely is not because of Jawi. If the old man is not happy with the way the Jawi issue is being handled, he can always intervene in his capacity as prime minister. Moreover, he will never give Maszlee the axe just to please the local Chinese community. There are two more substantial reasons: Firstly, Maszlee lacks political mastery and has given rise to issues and troubles and hence the ruling coalition's declining support rating. Secondly, Maszlee's school network contracts and free student breakfast scheme respectively involve the distribution of business and intra-party interests. In view of his failed prior appointment, Mahathir's next education minister has to be one with political experience and mastery, not to mention total submission to the chief commander and not to have any clash with existing vested interests. While Maszlee Malik is obedient enough, the old man needs to put another more obedient man in his place. These two requirements easily eliminate Anwar's family and the professionals.
2. The new education minister must have PPBM background. At such an advanced age of 94, Mahathir is not sure for how long more he can stay in power. As such, any decision he makes has to be for short term, not long term interests. He must make sure his PPBM will remain dominant (it doesn't matter whether the government is under PH or not). The education minister is one of the two most powerful men in PPBM's government after the prime minister, the other being home minster. There is no way Mahathir will surrender this prized position to a different party at the disadvantage of his own. This precondition makes all non-PPBM candidates irrelevant. With that, we only have three names left: Mustapa, Mukhriz and Mahathir himself.
3. The old man's ultimate goal. Mahathir's ultimate goal is to have all the powers in his grip. This is an unchanging belief of a die-hard Machiavellian. He must fulfil his ultimate goals for the nation and himself during the remaining days he still has the powers with him. To him, these two things are parallel. Other than himself, he feels uneasy to hand over the powers and country to an outsider. Of course, he cannot stay in power forever. His most favourite successor must be someone closest to him and most trusted by him. To be a Malaysian prime minister, one has to cross the education threshold. All our past PMs, with the only exception of Tunku Abdul Rahman, were once education ministers. Mukhriz will miss a precious opportunity if he doesn't cross the education threshold now, and next year's PPBM elections will put him in the party's core leadership, paving the way for much bigger thing ahead. Because of this factor, Mustapa's chance is almost non-existent now. Sure enough the PM himself is fully qualified for the post, but he has very limited time and stamina to deal with the additional job duty. In the end, there is only one name left in the list. Mukhriz Mahathir. - Tay Tian Yan,Sin Chew Daily Debaran menanti pengumuman Dr.M
Katanya Dr Mahathir tulis surat mempunyai 17 perenggan meminta Maszlee Malik letak jawatan. Mahathir boleh sound direct kepada Maszlee supaya bekas menteri itu berundur, tetapi dia tidak berbuat begitu. Idea dan cara Dr Mahathir boleh duplicated untuk meminta beliau melakukan perkara sama. Rakyat boleh pakat tulis surat cukup satu perenggan seorang sahaja mohon dia juga meletak jawatan.- mso
Sekali tembak dua yang kena...
Kata Ketua Siasatan Jenayah Huzir Mohamed pihak polis dan AG akan buat kenyataan bersama berhubung status siasatan video lucah Haziq dan dua kes yang lain dalam masa terdekat. Dah lebih sekaki berjanji.
Yang timbul dahuu kes video lucah kenapa nak diumum sekali dengan kes lain? Kenapa nak dirawa dan dikapuh sekali, nak jimat masakah atau ada motif tertentu?
Cara begini nampak pak leh tak professional dan cara beginilah yang disebut oleh Abduk Hamid Bador sebagai membuang masa polis.- mso
Baca berita tadi PDRM dah terima laporan siasatan video seks dari US.. Dan menunggu masa dan laporan peguam negara untuk tindakan lajut... menjelang tahun baru 2020 baru baru ni..ada sahabat dalam PH sendiri tanya, mana janji PDRM nak dedah laporan sebelum hujung tahun... Secara prinsipnya.. Walaupun aku antara orang yang menentang Azmin dan Kartel dia.. dalam isu videoseks ni aku tetap berpegang kepada pendirian.. samada betul atau tidak video itu Azmin, tulen atau tidak video itu.. dalam prinsip jinayah Islam semua pertuduhan itu perlu ditolak.. tidak perlu kepada siasatan, tidak perlu kepada pendakwaan.. Dalam Islam..Cukup Azmin menafikan tuduhan.. Maksiat yg dilakukan secara tertutup..Aib sesama muslim mesti ditutup..melainkan melibatkan kes rogol atau cabul.. benar atau tidak itu urusan Allah.. - Ipohmali
Kisah Kleptokrat Malang...
Saya dah explain dulu yang modus operandi Najib masuk mahkamah ialah cuba melengah-lengah proses mahkamah sebab dia sebenarnya sudah tiada wild card lagi untuk selamatkan diri dari penjara. Kalau perbicaraan dapat drag sampai PRU15 dan BN menang, peluang dia lepas masih ada ( in his wildest dream) .So dari tangan kena gigit anjing, mata sakit dan yang terbaharu ialah bila dia minta kebenaran mahkamah untuk panggil pakar dari Australia untuk kenal pasti tulisan dia sendiri. Ya tuan-tuan, punya dah tersepit, tulisan tangan sendiri pun tak kenal. Kiranya Shafie Dolah ingat dia dah smart dah tu dapat buah baru untuk lengah2 perbicaraan. Tapi DPP lagi smart. Saya sampai tergelak baca yang Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP), Datuk V Sithambaram membuat permohonan untuk memecat kredibiliti saksi (Najib) di bawah Seksyen 145 (1) dan Seksyen 155 (c) Akta Keterangan, selepas mempersoalkan saksi mengenai percanggahan yang berkaitan dengan beberapa minit mesyuarat dokumen Menteri Kewangan Inc (MoF Inc), yang Najib berkata dia telah tandatangani. TLDR, Najib bagi statement yang bercanggah(contradict) dekat MACC dan di dalam mahkamah Time kat MACC, Najib menyatakan bahawa beliau telah melihat dokumen-dokumen sebelum dan bahawa dia adalah orang yang menandatangani dokumen itu.
Semasa Laporan SPRM dia mengaku tandatangan dia tapi dlm mahkamah dia tak mengaku...
Pada bulan Disember di mahkamah semasa pemeriksaan balas oleh Peguam Negara Tan Sri Tommy Thomas, Najib memberi keterangan bahawa beliau mungkin telah menandatangani minit mesyuarat pemegang saham MoF Inc untuk memasukkan Artikel 117 termasuk dalam memorandum dan artikel persatuan SRC. Walau bagaimanapun, apabila ditanya lagi oleh Sithambaram kemudian, bekas perdana menteri itu berkata dia tidak pasti sama ada dia menandatanganinya dan nak panggil pakar untuk sah kan tandatangannya Ini beza bersumpah di dalam mahkamah dan bersumpah dalam Masjid. Sumpah dalam Masjid menipu pun tak kena penjara. Tapi serves him right, ni bahana menjual nama Allah, terus Allah fast track kan hukuman penjara. Kalau permohanan DPP berjaya dan Najib di anggap sebagai saksi yang tak boleh di percayai, Najib boleh di denda atau di penjara, I would pray to Allah for the latter. Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga Sepandai-pandai Pie memutar, akhirnya Najib tersungkur juga. "Jika saya berdusta, maka laknat Allah SWT atas diri saya dan jika saya benar, maka mereka yang memfitnah saya dan tidak bertaubat akan dilaknat oleh Allah SWT di dunia dan akhirat." - Najib A.Razak Kita berdoa moga permintaan Najib untuk di segerakan pembalasan di makbulkan oleh Allah SWT. - Mohd Mukhlis Mohd Sharif
This is not acceptable ! Guess what Transport Minister Anthony Loke found out on his first spot check of the year.But he can’t do it alone he said, he’s tasked CEOs of GLCs to put in place a culture of maintenance, strive for better service to commuters in 2020 and beyond..-f/bk
$80million bounty for Donald Trump's head...
Betapa bangganya guru tok promosikan buku yg dia karang sendiri. Buku setebal tiga muka surat itu pasti akan menjadi rebutan sedunia ibarat "sotong panas" jualannya. Buat walaun, guru tok kata wajib beli buku ini...- f/bk
Selaku PM (Perdana memteri Marang), guru tok amat sibuk. Hari ini dia buat lawatan kerja iaitu lawatan resmi ke Sabah utk berkempen di PRK Kimanis. Guru tok meninjau pasaran samada di Kimanis boleh atau tidak agama dijual. Guru tok cadangnya nak jual hudud kat Sabah. Kalau calon amno menang, kita akan buat hudud... - f/bk
Australia fire map...
Sumber asal: And the old man's next minister is... Baca selebihnya di And the old man's next minister is...
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#Malaysian political aide, Muhammad Haziq Abdul Aziz, has been suspended over videos which show the young assistant having sex with a senior politician.⠀ ⠀ Aziz is accused of trying to kill the career of the Economic Affairs Minister by releasing the clips. https://www.instagram.com/p/BysG_EVB1ut/?igshid=1xtvmqx9ar78r
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Pedas! Michael Ang & Caprice Ulas Isu Video Seks Haziq Aziz Bersama Menteri http://bit.ly/2XdfxCc
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Kabinet Mahathir Diguncang Video Porno Mirip Menteri dan Ajudan
Kabinet Mahathir Diguncang Video Porno Mirip Menteri dan Ajudan
Mantapps.com, Jakarta – Pemerintahan Mahathir Mohamad diguncang skandal video porno yang viral di media sosial yang melibatkan mirip sosok seorang menteri dengan ajudan wakil menteri.
Ajudan Wakil menteri perindustrian dan komoditas Malaysia bernama Muhammad Hziq Abdul Aziz mengaku bahwa dirinya yang ada di video itu bersama seorang menteri.
© Copyright (c) 2016 Mantapps.com foto “Saya, Haziq…
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Reposted from @tapirtimes - KUALA LUMPUR: A movie produced on the 11th of May was held back and given a June release date it was revealed today to coincide with June Gay Pride Month. “June is a special month for members of the LGBT community, who celebrate not being ashamed of who they are, which in the case of Haziq Aziz, is the type of person out proudly trying to end a Minister’s political career,” explained sex video smear campaign analyst, Abdullah bin Bakar. “Gay pride month is the perfect time to release the clip as it gives Malaysians the opportunity to reflect on current issues affecting the LGBT community, including, ‘why are the faces in these videos never clear?’” In a video confession after the film’s official release, star Haziq Aziz said the man who fit into him, isn’t fit to be a leader. Malaysians say this sex video release is a welcome relief from tiresome money laundering scandals like SRC, Felda, and 1MDB with one voter reported saying, “it’s not easy following shelf companies, long court testimonies, and complex international money flows, give me a good old stained mattress scandal any day!” https://www.instagram.com/p/BymLViJnrL8rIStQxmq7Wt4XZ1FLOS_1PGBeds0/?igshid=boky84llkb5y
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Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan
Carina Payue Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia, Haziq Aziz Membenarkan http://www.unikbaca.com
#Carina Payue Video Intim Sesama Jenis yang Dilakukan Seorang Menteri Viral di Malaysia#Haziq Aziz M
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