#Hayley sleeps with everyone's family members but Vlad
vixenofthemist · 7 years
I started watching Friends for the first time (I’m young ok) and I got a great idea for a sit-com with my fav hetalia girls! I want to draw a comic, but I’m so bad at drawing I figured I’ll talk about it first Orz
(Isabel belongs to @aph-belarusia so follow her!)
So Liliya (2p!belarus) and her two best friends Hayley and Isabel (2p!nyo!norway and nyo!portugal) are offered to get their rent on their apartment lessened if they upgrade their 2 bedroom apartment to a 5 bedroom and get 2 or more people to be their roommates and split the rent.
They ofc accept the offer cause this way Isabel can have her own room again and not have to share with Liliya, Liliya wants more roommates since she thinks it will be fun, and Hayley wants a bigger apartment and more roommates.
So the girls go looking for new roommates, and the first one comes unexpectedly at their front door with a police officer looking for Liliya. Turns out her aunts best friends daughter got in trouble with the law and is on probation of sorts, and Liliya was volunteered to be the person who keeps an eye on her cause she has a completely  clean record so they hope she’ll be a good influence on Natalia. And so the girls get their first new roommate who they legally have to let live with them, and because of the rules of the probation she has to share a room with Liliya which leaves the other 2 rooms to the other new roommates. (I know probation doesn’t work that way but its a sit-com I’m not trying to hard to match legality to reality) 
Liliya also gets the next roommate Yordana (nyo!bulgaria) who is her coworker at Eiffel cafe. Yordana is a sweet girl who just graduated from college (but the other girls don’t know this until later when the age difference in the roommates becomes a thing and Yordana is outed as the youngest) She got kicked out of the campus she was living in before since she graduated, and when the owner of Eiffel cafe Francine heard Liliya saying they needed a roommate, she mentioned Yordana needing a place and Liliya agreed to let her have a room. Isabel and Hayley both become fast friends with Yordana, since she’s a real easy person to get along with and is a really good cook. She has a habit of eating when she’s feeling sad, angry, hurt, or any negative emotion really, and she’s trying really hard to stop it but she can’t when food is so comforting!  
Isabel was visiting her brother (something she rarely does) and hears that one of his best friends Julchen was needing a new place to stay, and Isabel offers the last room at the apartment. Julchen soon moves in, and with all the rooms filled drama and comedy begin.
Liliya is the only one who can serve a new regular at the cafe who everyone else is scared of and is sure has a criminal record, but Liliya is confident he’s not such a bad person and befriends him, and the more she gets to know him the more she’s sure he’s not a horrible person. She also finds out he’s related to one of the roommates. 
Vasile isn’t sure what he thinks of his practical sister’s roommates and especially what he think of Liliya, but he sure finds a way to get involved in a lot of their shenanigans.
When Yordana first moves in, her step brother Vladimir comes to help her move, and he meets and falls for Natalia. Natalia confuses his attraction and flirting for pretty much anything but actual flirting. One time she thought he was trying to communicate to her in a weird form of subtle body sign language when really he was just having an allergic reaction to something which made him itch really badly, but he was trying to hide it from her since he didn’t want her to see the bad rashes he had and so was also trying to flirt with her as normal. And another time he leaned against any solid object in an attempt to look cool and chill, since he’s trying everything he knows to get Natalia’s attention, but she just thinks he has a weak knees. The group loves to remember fondly the time they were at a bar, and Natalia was able to tell that a guy was flirting with her and got his number, and then when asked about it Natalia famously said “I’m not blind, I know when someone is interested in me.” and then two minutes later mistook Vlad’s very drunk and very obvious and over the top flirting for him re-enacting a scene from a play they all watched recently.
It was a beautiful moment! For everyone but Vlad, he was just defeated.
At that same bar, Isabel met Lovino, who she used to babysit and is shocked to find out he’s grown into a really attractive adult. She spends the rest of the night trying to figure out how the hot man serving drinks at the bar is the same 7 year old who tripped over his own feet. 
Yordana also accidentally runs into famous model and actor Laurence (2p!norway) but she doesn’t recognize him as a celebrity and becomes his friend without knowing he’s famous. She just thought he looked like the model and she didn’t want to be rude and point it out! He’s also Hayley’s twin brother, who she has beef with since he got famous as a model while she didn’t. 
The closest thing I have to an actual story line is that after 2 or 3 months of living together, When they were all grocery shopping (minus Julchen who was working), photographer Daniel stops them and asks Isabel, Natalia, Liliya and Hayley to model for a huge photoshoot for a famous magazine. Yordana just awkwardly stood there while everyone else got invited to be a model and complemented on their beauty, and then Daniel left, without looking at Yordana once.
 It was a great self esteem booster for everyone else, Yordana? Not so much.
Nothing like being the one person not invited to model, it makes you feel real great about your looks! Yordana bought a lot of sweets after that, and when they got home she immediately popped open a tub of ice cream to help her be supportive of the other girls while also eating her emotions. Later her and Julchen bond over being the only girls not invited to model by Julchen’s ex-college crush Danial, who she doesn’t have feelings for shut up Yordana and eat your brownies!
I want to try and draw a comic so this is all I’ll write but oh my gosh I love this au so much I’m invested! 
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