#Have a good week everyone !
beccawise7 · 13 hours
A Sunday evening reminder...
Have a phenomenal week and remember...
You can handle whatever this week decides to throw at you!
Stay blessed! ✌️
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praline1968 · 2 months
Bonne semaine 🤍
Good week 🍀
Gute Woche 💕
Buena semana 🐬
Buona settimana 🌹
Source : Pinterest
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tomo8455 · 4 months
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epikhightechnology · 1 year
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Yet in his eyes, all the sadness of the world / Those pleading eyes, that both threaten and adore
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cookieswithay · 11 months
🤖"Reign of Donnie 0!"💜
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🔨Donnie x female reader!🧪
Not really any warnings. A teeny bit of suggestion, since everyone's older. This is just my own special future au. New York's evolved and a little more mystic. Happy reading.
• "Uh, dearest. I don't think this is a very good idea."
• You mumbled as you stared at the mechanical clone in front of you. Donnie rubbed your shoulders in reassurance.
• "Nonsense, Wifey! This is perfection."
• He strode over to his creation.
• "Meet, Donnie 0! Your home AI for when I'm not around."
• That's right. Your genius of a fiancee has created a robot clone of himself. Due to the brothers saving people worldwide now, he can't always be with you. So, he made you something that could protect you and make sure you aren't lonely. But, you weren't really taking to 'im.
• "Has it-"
• "He, Y/N. Use my pronouns."
• You rolled your eyes.
• "Has HE been tested already."
• He revealed the bot's "tested on brothers" seal.
• "Will he be robotic and scary, like movies?"
• "He's supposed to be me so... of course not."
• "You sure?"
• Donatello sighed. Convincing you is taking a lot longer than anticipated. Maybe he should try a different approach.
• "How about this?"
• He looked towards the door.
• "I leave you two alone and you see how you feel."
• That was indeed the wrong approach. You hopped on his arm, nearly pulling his lab coat off.
• "Don't leave me with this thing!"
• D sighed once again. Your stubbornness was your best yet worse quality. Time to initiate plan B. Bribery.
• "Hey, Y/N~"
• You looked up.
• "If you check him out, we can go to that one place you like so much."
• "...The toy coffin in the hidden city?"
• He nodded.
• "That's the one."
• After a moment of silence, you got down from his bicep. Begrudgingly, you approached his invention. You looked down at it's hand. 'Hold for 3 seconds' a button said. You took a breath and did as instructed.
• A little techno jingle played and slowly the clones eyes opened. Glowing purple pupils fell on you. You looked back at your Donnie, hoping for some guidance. But instead, he waved, pressing you to continue with his creation.
• "What is your name?"
• It said, startling you. (Huh, it's teeth glow for it's speech) You looked around and cleared your throat.
• "Y/N L/N. Although my last name will change to Hamato soon."
• It silently processed your words. In a instant, the robot's ENTIRE demeanor changed. It straightened out it's coat and fastened it's mask. After checking the time, updating and other stuff, the clone's attention was back on you.
• "Salutations, Y/N,"
• It took your hand.
• "I am Donnie 0, your home AI."
• You didn't know what to say. This robot was frickin SPOT-ON. The exaggerated vocabulary. The soft tone that was only reserved for you. AND, the natural swagger.
• "Isn't he magnificent!?"
• Donnie shouted, wrapping his arms up your neck. You nodded. (Although you're still admittingly a little skeptical.)
• "I put my ALL into him!"
• He slid next to his creation.
• "Note the chiseled features,"
• "The super strength,"
• "And my favorite part, the clean paint job."
• Just like any other time he showed off an invention, you clapped. That paint job is really good. He looked just like D is he was dipped in a tub of glitter. (Mikey probably did that) Your fiancee snickered and pointed, silently asking you to look at the robot.
• "Would you like to take me for a test run, Y/N?"
• Donnie 0 asked you. You squeaked and looked down at your feet. Um...(Why'd he ask you like that?) You shook your head quickly.
• "No thanks, I got work anyway so..."
• Your words faded when BOTH Donatello's grabbed your hands.
• "No you don't, you have the night shift today."
• "Let's spend some time together, shall we?"
• They both said in unison. Your cheeks burned. This is, um... Both of them smirked at each other. This is a terrific plan!
• An experimental week later...
• "Leo, be careful with that!"
• "What? Putting your little gizmos in the tank by portal saves a ton of time."
• You snickered. That's true. Working smarter and not harder is efficient. Unfortunately, D doesn't feel the same. He grumbled and tapped away on his wrist thing. (Tech gauntlet.)
• "If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself."
• His cargo grew some wheels and rolled in a straight line to the tank. (Although it's more of a deluxe trailer now. Don't let Donnie hear you say that though!) Do it himself, huh? You chuckled and tugged on his sleeve.
• "So how long is it gonna be this time?"
• He thought for a moment.
• "2 months if we're lucky, otherwise..."
• Probbles longer. You're a little sad, but it won't be too bad. Donnie's gonna facetime you everyday (even in battle) and you got an artificial intelligence version of him too. Although, not being kissed will eventually put a hole in your heart.
• "Looks like the tech is almost done."
• You mumbled. D looked over at you. He's doing that dreamy stare thing again. That's it, you're crying. You jumped on him, clinging to him like a sloth.
• "Oh Donnie, don't go!"
• Now it's his turn for the water works.
• "Do you think I wanna leave!? I hate this job!"
• The other brothers watched as the two of you hugged and blubbered incoherent stuff. Leo snorted, a laugh was waiting in his chest.
• "Is it me or do they do this everytime we have a worldwide mission?"
• "It's everytime!"
• Mikey shouted from the trunk. The "champion" shook his head. (Y'know with the tsk tsk tsk)
• "And to think, he threw a tantrum over me saying goodbye to my bed."
• Raph unintentionally drowned out his younger brother as he watched. Those were genuine tears.
• Can I find love like that?
• "Dude. Buddy. Raph."
• Leo's snapping in his face, but he's too busy thinking about married life. Meanwhile, Mikey's sneaking around trying to get in the hug.
• "Well, my darling Y/N,"
• Donnie said while wiping his eyes.
• "See you when I come home."
• "See when you get-hurgh!"
• You were crushed in another muscular embrace. This time with the other brothers. Mikey's leading it.
• "Bye, Y/N! I'll bring you another souvenir!"
• The youngest said. You also got a kiss on your cheek cause you were closest to him.
• "I'm gonna get a girlfriend this time Y/N."
• "So, please, I ask you to forget about me."
• Leo sighed dramatically. Both you AND Donnie kicked him at the same time. (Although, your kick wasn't nearly as hard as your fiancee's.)
• "And we'll be back before you can say Ko...Konachi..."
• "Hi in Japanese!"
• Raph shouted. (He brought the hug in the air) You chuckled.
• "Looking forward to it."
• Silence. And...everyone started crying. 2 months is a long time. After 30 minutes of telling one another how much you'll miss each other, they finally loaded in the tank. But, not before Donatello gave you a kiss that could make your heart stop from lack of oxygen. You watched silently as the most interesting in your life people drove away. But at least this time, you both get a new adventure. You tapped your new "watch".
• Activating Donnie 0.
• Living with your new man bot, was a little awkward at first, but you got in swing pretty fast. It was like the sleepovers you had with his live action. He would go shopping with you. Visit the hidden city with you. (Nowadays, it's more like the exposed city. Humans and Yokai exist in peace now.) And overall just spent your everyday life with you.
• It's nice. Kinda made you wonder if this is what your life would've been, if your Donnie wasn't a world wide secret ninja... Eh, no use crying over it now. When you're fiancee returns, he's staying for a year. But what will become of your ai then...
• Day 24 (one month nearly down)
• "Donnie 0, I'm home!"
• You called from the door. As usual, your bot hovered from your room. (He's not a walker, just like his creator.)
• "Greetings, Y/N,"
• He said, with a bow.
• "Did you have a good day at work, darling?"
• He asked as he pulled your coat off. You couldn't help but giggle like a minor. You loved that D added your pet names to 'im. Made him alot more lifelike.
• "It was okay, I finally turned in my report."
• The handsome robot hung up your jacket as you rambled on about your day. He also has your iced coffee and your dinner waiting in the fridge. And is FULL ON ready to give you a massage. Just say the word.
• "How was your day, Donnie 0?"
• His heart drive sparked. There you go again, wondering about he's doing.
• "It was fine. I just shined the house and charged all day."
• He replied, trying to sound chill. You chuckled and shook your head.
• "I keep telling you,"
• You looked over at him.
• "If you stay on the charger too long, you won't be able to run without it."
• (Little fact you learned from D when you guys were teens) Once again, his heart drive sparked. This time it lasted for a few minutes. You kicked off your shoes and stretched, completely unaware how your affecting this AI.
• "I'm gonna take a shower,"
• "Could you call April for me and see if she's home? I gotta tell her about the awful Lu jutsu adaptation."
• Donnie 0 nodded
• "Yes, ma'am, consider it done."
• He replied smoothly. You smiled and disappeared into your room. And...your door is closed. The robot swooned. You're so perfect. Beautiful, smart, and funny! And with just a touch of flaws. That checks all his all his boxes! But, alas, you're in love with his creator. The one who gave him life and the opportunity to even meet you. Mecha Donnie sighed and grabbed your phone. Maybe fulfilling your request, will take his mind off of this.
• As he scrolled through the contacts, he stumbled across a voicemail. It from your real beloved. Being naturally nosy, he tapped it. Images flew from the phone, swirling around the room. It was quite a sight. (Although, he was sure he could conjure something better.) Slowly, the pictures came together, forming the real Donatello. In a rather disheveled ninja uniform.
• "Japan hasn't been kind."
• Donnie 0 mumbled, shaking his head
• "Hello, Y/N."
• The hologram purred, while stretching dramatically. This was for you alright.
• "Just checking in to see if you're okay and I have some good news."
• The robot raised his steel eyebrow. News and he wasn't notified?
• "Drum roll please,"
• The camera was turned to his brothers. Everyone "drummed" dramatically.
• "Your hero is coming home early!"
• The robot's heart drive crackled. But, not in a good way. Coming home early!?
• "Give me a week, dearest. And Japan's biggest threat will be vanquished."
• Donatello said with a warm smile.
• "And Donnie will stop crying into his pillow!"
• Mikey shouted from the background. (The Ai couldn't tell if he was being malicious or just dreadfully honest.)
• "Thank you for bringing up painful memories, Michael."
• He said, stiffly.
• "Anywhiz, I love you. Let's facetime tonight."
• He said a few other words his creation would've rather not of heard and finally signed off. Donnie 0 stood there in silence. In a week, the paradise he was living would be gone. He's VERY sure he won't be scrapped, he's the greatest robot ever created. But, going on without you...he might as well be.
• Think, Donnie, think.
• I'm best AI on the planet.
• How can I prevent the end?
• ...Eureka! Your voice! He can use a audio file of it and keep his original away. Maybe even break you two up eventually. Yeah. This is a great plan. His finger opened, revealing a audio cable. He plugs into your phone.
• "Apologies, master Donatello,"
• "I wanna spend a little more time with my fiancee."
• To be completed in part 2~
(This is part 2👆)
I know I got a LOT of series going on, but this one is gonna be finished in part 2. And maybe, I'll show off what everyone looks like now, including the lovesick robot. Anywho, chao!
(And this gif may change.)
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purplina · 6 months
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gibberishfangirl · 3 months
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300 FOLLOWERS ♥︎𝜗𝜚
OMGG?? it’s only been about one week since we’ve hit 200 followers and we’ve grown to a little over 300 now ?!?! 😭 thank you so much for the support everyone! i was having such a bad case of writers block that lasted for like 2-3 weeks. however, i’ve been feeling so much more motivated to write again! im definitely back and better than ever. thank you again to those who have been patient with me <33 i did close requests since i received so many (THANK YOU ALL FOR THAT BTW i love seeing all your ideas) which i wasn’t expecting to see. i will open them back up once i catch up all my previous requests! im glad to see so many of you enjoy my writing, thank you all once again and have a great day everyone! 😊💚
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klausysworld · 1 year
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I can’t believe there are 2000 people on this app that are all in the Klaus fandom to be honest 😭
I’m so unbelievably happy that you have all decided to follow me and I wish I could thank each of you individually for all of your support over this year!
All of your Ideas have been outstanding and I owe everything to all of you for helping me get this far!
I know I haven’t been posting very much recently, and I know I keep saying I will…I am trying!! I have some nearly finished I just can’t find a way to end them or some of them just aren’t well written and I don’t really want to post so it just gets difficult sometimes.
Either way this post isn’t about this. This post is a thank you to each of you. I love being on here, I love your ideas.
Please always feel free to message me privately on anything, klaus related or otherwise and request any time you feel like it, comment whatever you feel and yeah just enjoy the interesting things I write for you all!
I love love lovee you all and I’m really glad that I started posting on here all those months ago.
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feline17ff · 2 years
I sewed for the first time!
My moose plushie's arm was unthreading so I fixed it! 🤩
Used the WikiHow article and it only took like 2 minutes 😎
I got excited it was actually working and did a few random ins and outs to see what would happen but it's actually done!
If you squint, the moose looks like it's been working out that one arm lol
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Tagging my friendos because I shall share my happiness and little joys @stuck-in-this-mortal-form @eahravinqueen @just-a-space-rabbit @tratieisdabest @world-of-fire-and-flight @puddleslimewrites @esculentevil @callmemeg @chaoticgoodthief @the-lavender-creator @faeeclipseruine @mycatisatool @surplus-of-sarcasm @writey-unicorn @tom-bakers-scarf
You don't need to reply back lol. I'm gonna forget I made this post anyway
May my moose help you on your journey (hope you have a great week!)
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Or may you fall victim to its sparkling dark eyes 😈
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✨fuck you✨
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tomo8455 · 2 months
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tyra-atm · 2 years
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itsmyara · 1 year
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Random HisoMachi because this Picrew is too cute.
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cookieswithay · 1 year
✨ Your blog is one of my favorite blogs here.
"put this star in the inbox of your favorite blogs, it’s time to spread positivity!"
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Aw, thank you!❤
I enjoy your post too! Love the bleach gifs!
(Sorry about the lack of kitties, funds are still low😅)
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followbibble · 1 year
Bibble has blessed you all with a good day 🫶
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jaaybunny · 2 years
Yesterday was just love y’all. Very very good start to the week😌 Keep that same energy for the rest of it
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