#Have I ever written a meta about characters other than Kinn and Porsche?
matan4il · 2 years
i'd love to know your opinion on what you think is going on with buck and eddie, like why is it that they haven't had a scene since episode 1. Do we think there's a narrative reason or that it's the creator/writers way to try to stop people from shipping Buddie?
Hi lovely Nonnie!
I addressed the distance in 6a a little in this ask reply, and I also kind of mentioned it in my meta comparing Buddie to Captain Swan (from Once Upon a Time) because that actually can serve as “proof” that this general notion, of keeping a ship apart for a while only to bring them back together, closer than ever, is a known one that is employed with many ships, during slow burns, like with CS, or even when they’re already established.
I can give as an example for the latter another ship I love and have written a bit of meta for, Kinnporsche. SPOILERS if you haven’t watched yet! During ep 109 of KPTS it seems like Kinn and Porsche are being torn completely apart. Kinn’s ex, Tawan, is back and flirting hard with Kinn, making Porsche quietly seethe with jealousy. They don’t communicate, most of Kinn’s time is spent with Tawan, including going alone without Porsche to the house where Tawan hid the hard disk, and before the ep is over, Tawan manages to make it seem like Porsche is guilty of being a spy who had betrayed Kinn. Porsche is arrested on Kinn’s order in front of everyone, and not even him pleadingly addressing Kinn changes that. At the very end of the ep, when Porsche is in his prison cell, hoping Kinn would show up, realizing his mistake and freeing Porsche, it’s actually Vegas who does, giving Porsche the opportunity to run for his freedom. Ep 110 reveals that he did, he chose to run away with Vegas. And all KPTS viewers know how much Kinn hates his cousin and doesn’t trust anyone around Vegas. So it looks like Kinnporsche can’t come back from this. Except they do. After rescuing Porsche at the warehouse, Kinn reveals to him that he never believed Tawan, and it was all an act to find the real spy. Which is why he chose to let Porsche run away with Vegas. There’s no greater demonstration of trust on Kinn’s part than that (given how he feels about his cousin, and how we learn he’s right to) and this will make them closer than before and lead to the trust we’ll see Porsche put in Kinn as well at the end of s1.
(I’m gonna put here a “keep reading” cut, just in case. But here’s a friendly reminder you can toggle on the “shorten long posts” setting that means you won’t have to depend on bloggers remembering to do this!)
These events are obviously very different in nature to what Buddie are going through in 6a, but the basic storytelling principle is the same. When you know the audience really wants to see two people together, keep them apart for a bit and make it lead to them closing the gap, leaving less distance between them than there was before. That’s exactly what we saw with Buddie in 5b.
Yes, a key element is the bringing back together of the two, stronger than before. Given the domestic Buddie scene we saw in 601, which feels in hindsight like it was there to reassure us hat 911 isn’t abandoning Buddie and it hasn’t stopped caring about them. It’s one reason why I don’t tend to believe the show is trying to get us to quit shipping. Another is that I don’t think there’s any real cure to shipping. There is no way to force viewers to stop believing that two specific characters are the best fit for each other. The most a show can do is try to give one or both people in the ship another partner, one that would dazzle the viewers and convince at least some of the shippers that they’re a better match for that half of the ship than the other half. The only thing coming close to such an attempt with Buddie that we’ve seen so far have been Ana for Eddie and Taylor for Buck. But both have been so poorly invested in, both have been shown from the start of their team with their respective partner as being “off” and both end up leaving the show during the very same season, leading me to think that that’s not what 911 was trying to do with them, it wasn’t trying to get us to quit Buddie. Especially not when it had Buck help Eddie figure out that he needs to break up with Ana, and Eddie being Buck’s emotional focus during 5b, despite officially being with Taylor...
I hope that helps! xoxox
Since I’ve been getting an influx of asks (you might have noticed that I’ve been scheduling more ask replies to post per day to try and keep up), I hope it’s okay if I answer you and this other Nonnie together, since you’re asking about the same general subject:
I saw love your metas! You do a great work, even in season like this one where we get almost no buddie content. Btw I see a lot of people seeing this distance is like the one we had in 5a, but honestly I disagree in 5a Eddie was mentally distant, because he was preparing for the breakdown, but we had almost a real buddie scene every episode, plus we had 2 girlfriends, this season imo there wasn’t any real reason to separate them so much, what do you think?
Awwww, kind Nonnie, thank you so much for these wonderful words of support, they mean a lot to me! *hugs*
Regarding your comparison between the seasons, I agree that there are differences! Everything you pointed out is spot on. But I would still point out that most of the moments we have of Buddie in 5a are on calls. Up to and including 504, they still have private conversations and moments, but 505-510, while they still have moments on calls that we know are meaningful, they don’t talk about them. I think this is particularly notable in 510, when Eddie is going through the worst of it, but he still doesn’t talk to Buck. Eddie has already broken up with Ana, Taylor is there, but LBR, we all know that made zero difference the second Buck heard there was something wrong with Eddie, and she didn’t stop her boyfriend once from being there for his husband in 5b.
So I tend to believe that while the exact circumstances might be different, the principle is the same. The show wants us to pine over Buddie and lose our minds once they bring our two morons back together in 6b. If they don’t, they seriously don’t understand their audience or the kind of story that they’re telling. And so far, that is not the impression I have of 911!
Again, I hope this helps! xoxox
Have a great day, both of you! And if you need it, here’s my ask tag! xoxox
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thatgirl4815 · 2 years
Torture in Ep10 (meta)
Mood, Colors, & Cinematography
I have a lot of ✨ thoughts ✨about that torture scene from Ep10, and unfortunately my OG post for this managed to get completely wiped clean when I went in to adjust the tags (to add a trigger warning, might I add), so I’m rewriting this. Apologies if it takes me awhile. But I want to start by offering a ⚠️ TW ⚠️ up front since this scene involves torture. And not typical torture. No, this is Vegas we’re talking about. 
Pete was brutally abused this episode, but I want to talk specifically about expression, colors, mood, and cinematography. I have never been invested in VegasPete’s storyline, and I honestly don’t know how the two of them will ever develop romantic feelings after this, but I will say that the torture scene in Ep10 grabbed my attention. It was well-choreographed, well-acted, and well-adapted to the storyline. I’m scared, but I truly can’t wait to see how this story plays out in Ep11, as Vegas is sure to get even more sick and twisted. I will say that we should’ve enjoyed our time with happy Pete as much as possible, because the fallout of their time together will certainly change him. [Also, before I get into it, I want to disclose that I haven’t read the novel, so some of this is mere speculation based on what I’ve seen.]
Without further ado…
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~ Pete ~
I first want to commend Build’s acting, because while he’s been good so far, his expressions in this scene blew me away. For a moment there, I was almost more frightened of Pete than I was of Vegas, which really speaks volumes to the layers in his expression. The key takeaway in my opinion is just that: his expression is multi-faceted. I see acknowledgment, understanding, and determination. I see resolve and defiance. But, though I can distinguish these feelings, they’re all a jumble.
There are, in my mind, multiple ways of interpreting Pete’s expressions. 1) is that it’s a defense mechanism, a way of hardening himself to the pain that he knows is coming. Psychologically, dissociation and depersonalization are ways in which people tend to distance themselves from particularily traumatic experiences. The next potential reading of this 2) is that Pete is simply hysterical, which would not be unbelievable considering a) I’m sure Vegas’s bodyguards did not treat him nicely when they found him and b) he knows what’s about to happen to him. He’s aware of the pain he’s about to endure regardless if he begs…and wouldn’t that drive anyone a little mad? Knowing that you will not only die, but will be brutally punished in the process? The last, and most plausible (in my opinion) reading of Pete’s expression 3) is that it’s a challenge to Vegas.
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Pete isn’t stupid. In fact, he’s seen Vegas torture in action before. I personally see Pete’s expression in the torture scene as confirmation of the latter interpretation. Note that while I do believe Pete is opposing Vegas here (in the only way he can), that doesn’t mean he’s a masochist himself/on the same psychological level as Vegas. I talk about my interpretation of Pete’s psychological state a bit more in this post, but I don’t think Pete’s reaction here (or in the torture scene from Ep7) suggests that he craves pain. I think it’s really difficult to say just how Pete felt about Vegas’s torture tactics, but we know he certainly isn’t enjoying them now. He can smile, sure, but I think we can look deeper than that. Pete very well could have some inner turmoil that we don’t know about that Vegas resolves somehow in the future, but at this point, we just don’t have enough information to make any solid calls. My point still stands though that Pete is not enjoying what Vegas does to him. At least, not yet. 
It’s interesting because Pete knows that Vegas gets pleasure from the pain inflicted on his victims. So by smiling—by laughing—he isn’t giving Vegas what he wants. It takes Vegas shocking Pete, watching the pain up close as it passes over his face, to bring a positive reaction out of him. I believe Pete knows that begging will only feed into Vegas’s god complex.
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But that laugh. That laugh at 39:43. Truly chilling. Pete isn’t playing the game. He’s not giving in so easily like Vegas wants. And I think that’s what sets up their obsessive relationship down the line.
I want to point out how Pete looks at Vegas’s weapons (in the last photo). When he puts on the gloves, Pete’s face falls ever so slightly, but the smile doesn’t leave. It almost feels like goading. It’s difficult to make out what Pete feels exactly, though this certainly suggests that smiling and laughing is not a defense mechanism—if he truly wished to disassociate, I don’t think he would stare directly at the weapon that will be inflicting pain upon him.
I also want to briefly point out how Pete’s smile widens the moment Vegas specifically says that Pete foiled his plan. While I believe that smiling and laughing is a way of challenging Vegas, I also think it could be a reaction to the success of Pete’s own plan. He was caught, yes, but he completed the mission. 
I think it’s important to at least mention how following these smiles, we get a moment where Pete glares at Vegas. Like the smiling and laughing, it’s part of the challenge, and it’s also a way for Pete to express his cold hatred for Vegas and all the crimes he’s committed up to this point. It only lasts for a second, but it’s one of the most riveting parts of the entire scene in my opinion.
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But onto Vegas now…
~ Vegas ~
There isn’t anything about Vegas in this scene that we don’t already know, but I gotta give props to Bible because he manages to emit so much craziness in just a few expressions.
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The smile, the twinkle in his eyes, not to mention that dark red light across his face…it’s almost unfathomably unhinged. Only when Pete is in the midst of extreme agony does Vegas show signs of real joy. The climax of Pete’s suffering is the climax of Vegas’s ecstasy. Vegas probably thinks he’s sitting pretty right now where this is concerned—after all, he can torture Pete as much as he wants with no regard for the consequences (his plan was already ruined, and Pete is an outlet for his anger). The problem will be if he actually develops feelings for Pete through this obsession, which seems like a given.
Like I said, I haven’t read the novel, but I think that we will see Vegas develop this quick obsession with Pete precisely because he does not break easily. It no doubt comes as a shock to Vegas, who probably pegs Pete as quite feeble and vulnerable based on their previous interactions. But Pete is different than Vegas has ever seen him before, and I think that stirs up something inside of him. 
Remorse? Vegas will have to express it if he is going to actually have a relationship with Pete. I can’t see it now, but I’ll be really impressed if the showrunners can pull it off. Vegas has cemented himself as a complete villain, and I don’t see Pete “fixing him” exactly. More than likely, Vegas and Pete will offer each other something toxic but inescapable. I mentioned obsession before, but I think addiction is another suitable word for what I see happening in the future.  
~ Red ~
It makes sense that red pervades this seen more than any other color. It’s been used to represent both Kinn and Vegas. For Kinn, I have argued in the past that it represents his outward persona but not his inner one. But for Vegas, I think it represents everything, inner and outer (at least when thinking about red’s negative connotations). Red’s negative representations are dominance, power, and rage. We see all of these at play in some form in this scene. Unsurprisingly, we see it flash across Vegas’s face as the perpetrator of violence and Pete’s face as the recipient of that violence.
It’s also worth noting how red has been used in promotional material. Here, for example:
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I don’t think it’s any surprise that red is the color of blood, and it’s often associated with pain.
~ Pink ~
In addition to red, we see variations of the color pink, mostly hot pink, in this scene. Pink is often associated with love and romance--notably sweet things. Here, though, it is a darker shade, near red, perhaps to hint at Vegas and Pete’s romantic future. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that the pink/red color appears most prominently in this shot: 
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It could be an intentional move to highlight the irony of this situation. For two characters who will eventually make a couple, pink makes sense, but for what’s actually happening in this scene? The animosity between them? The power imbalance that Pete is pushing against and Vegas is trying to solidify? The color pink highlights just how backwards it all feels.
**EDIT: I’ve done some more thinking about the potential meaning of pink in this shot, which I go into more detail about here. 
~ Green ~
We see green in this scene shining from the light above and behind Pete and through the curtains behind Vegas. Like how red has been associated with Vegas throughout the series, green has also been commonly associated with ⚠️ danger ⚠️. We see it looming over Pete, shining down upon him, as if to indicate the danger of this moment and all that is to come from his time with Vegas. 
Green is prominent in this shot as well, as it covers a large portion of Pete’s dripping chest, as if to show how the danger is consuming him:
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It’s a nice touch.
~ Gold ~ 
I’ll end with gold, as it is not extremely apparent in this scene, but it is still visible in parts, such as in the shot above. Like green, gold has a long-lasting association with the mafia. Here, it could be a reminder of the institution that not only allows but encourages Vegas’s psychotic tendencies. It could also be a way of representing the very thing that pushed both of these characters into this situation in the first place. It all comes back to the mafia, after all. 
Lastly on this, I want to mention how chilling it is to think about the gold in this scene compared to the golden light shining between Kinn and Porsche in the final scene of Ep7. I have argued in meta about that scene that gold takes on a different meaning than the typical “mafia” association, instead representing hope and optimism for KP’s relationship. In this torture scene, however, it’s symbolism is strictly negative.
~ Mood ~
We see how each of these colors contributes to the mood of the scene, hinting at potential future developments while also offering some dark underpinnings. It all adds an undercurrent of tension and coincides perfectly with the show’s cinematography. Speaking of which... 
It goes without saying that the cinematography is excellent. There are a few key elements I want to point out.
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~ Angles ~
When showing Vegas, the camera seems to stay slightly more panned out and low angled, probably to show him more fully as he moves closer to Pete and taunts him with his weapons. As I’ve mentioned in previous cinematography metas, low angles can be used to show dominance or vulnerability. In this case, I think the low angles contribute to the torturer/victim dynamic. 
Close ups are also used, most noticeably when Vegas closes the space between him and Pete. The entire environment is dank and oppressive, but Vegas makes it more oppressive by closing this gap. There is a literal spark between them, and the camera angles make sure to highlight how Vegas is in control of Pete at all times. There are shots of the cables, wider shots of Vegas coming closer, and tight shots of both Vegas and Pete’s faces together and separately. I do think it is notable that there is only one distinct time where their faces are shown clearly together, unlike in Kinn and Porsche’s Ep7 scene, where we see them both in the same shot almost the entire time. Not to say that this scene is in any way related to the final scene of Ep7, but I think drawing comparisons can highlight some interesting things about the contrasting dynamics.
Lastly, I’ll note the music in this scene. It’s percussive and instrumental. The tension mounts and all leads to Pete’s screams to finish out the scene, letting us know that we--and Pete--are in for a lot more pain soon.
That’s all from me for now. I will definitely go back in and add a bit more to this later since Tumblr deleted my OG post, as I said. But in the meantime, you can check out some of my other KP meta here. And, if you’d like to read a lot of other glorious KP metas, visit the “Damn Good KinnPorsche Meta” doc supplied by the wonderful @luckydragon10​. :)
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