cherylmmbookblog · 5 months
#Blogtour House of Kwa by Mimi Kwa
It’s a pleasure to take part in the Blogtour House of Kwa by Mimi Kwa. About the Author Mimi Kwa has been a journalist and television newsreader for twenty years as well as appearing in TV series and commercials. She and her partner, John, live in Melbourne, with their four children, a cavoodle and a burmese cat. Mimi loves to paint and write. This is her first book. About the book Wild Swans…
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thornstocutyouwith · 3 years
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Name: Diadumenianus Žarko Sinclair Yevgraf Colobert Friduhelm Eirenaios Valentin Wilhelm Kester  
Meaning of Name: Diadumenianus: wearing a diadem, Žarko: ember/zeal/fervor, Sinclair: pure/renowned/illustrious, Yevgraf: well-written, Colobert: Cool/Bright, Friduhelm: peace helmet,  Eirenaios: peace/tranquility/harmony,  Valentin: strong/healthy, Wilhelm: 'will' 'desire' + helm 'helmet' 'protection', Kester: one who carries Christ  
Nickname(s)/Formalities/Alias: Dia, Wil, Val, Sinclair, Cole, Kes, Mr.Kester
Age: 39
Birthday: September 28
Nationality: European, Greek, Latvian, American,
Accent: Yes
Language spoken: English, Swedish
Weaknesses/Illness/Allergies: Type 1 diabetes, Moderate anemia, Mold allergy,
Pets:  Ball Python (Preston, Male), German Shepherd (Sushi, Male), Boston  Terrier (Crunch Berry, Male), Bearded Dragon (Brat, Female),  California Kingsnake  (Medusa, Female), Pet Piglet (Male, Master),
Occupation: Owns Zoo
Faceclaim: Cillian Murphy
Height: 5′ 7″
Weight: 129
Body Build: Lean
The story of  Diadumenianus begins some years before his birth. When his father, Leslie born in Europe, had taken up a particular job, all the way in Greece. Where he would meet Theokleia a woman around his age who had worked with a museum in the area. Leslie had fallen head over heels for this woman. Soon the pair would be married and having their first child,  Diadumenianus. It was around this time that the Kester family also had fallen on hard times with Leslie losing his job in Greece. With this the expecting parents moved to Sweden where they had struggled to maintain work.
Growing up impoverished and sickly, being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at around eight years old or so, Diadumenianus’ illness had caused his parents even more money troubles for their sons medical bills. Diadumenianus did manage to have a normal childhood despite these less than ideal beginning. He took an interest in animals and other such creatures early on, and would spend much of his childhood begging for a family pet, only to be denied do to the low income.
Despite these downsides the family was very loving toward one another.  Diadumenianus got along well with his younger brother Brutus, as well as their parents. The brothers grew up to become rather close to one another. Having one another’s back. Diadumenianus diminutive stature and gentler personality at times would often make those they would meet confuse his brother, only two years younger than him, for being the older child. When the two were teenagers their parents had finally hit some good luck and moved the family from Sweden to America.
After spending a couple of years in an American high school, Diadumenianus soon graduated and set out to study zoology as well as business, as he had aspired to own a zoo one day. The problem is, finding a zoo he could buy or building one on his own. He’d spend the next few years of his life figuring that out. But after finishing school he had come to one realization on this fence. Diadumenianus would spend the next several years with his high school girlfriend, and eventual wife and children owning Zoo Miami, and nothing bad ever happened to him.
(Work In Progress)
Criminal History:
Petty little thefts as a teenager, but other than that Diadumenianus really isn’t much of a criminal. He is only likely these days to get a speeding or parking ticket. But back when he was a teenager, he would steal all manner of little trinkets and such that teenagers are prone to be doing in order to impress their friends. Driving underage, a few times after some peer pressure. Some pranks that weren’t as harmless as his friends might have claimed them to be. However Diadumenianus being mostly just a participant had meant he was never convicted of any crime.
Curious, Relaxed, Educated, Exciting, Objective, Compassionate, Tough,  Competitive, Sensual, Ambitious, Formal, Mystical, Earthy, Skeptical,  Shy, Critical, Vulnerable, Crafty, Odd, Complaintive, Reactive,  Indulgent, Weak-Willed, Meddlesome, Rational, Skittish,
Quirks/Savvies/Other: Practices Christianity, 113 IQ, Knows  everything there is to know about certain animals, Likes his ice crushed  and not cubed, Blows bubbles in his drinks when he’s got a straw,  Collects porcelain dogs, Grows herbs, Polysexual,  Has a masters in animal science and doctorate in zoology, Is fairly wealthy and can afford to buy an entire zoo, Blood type: AB -
Likes: Watching television, Badminton, Football, Meditation, Eating out,  Painting, Podcasting, Meat, Banana’s, Suckers (Candy), Writing,  Sketching, Swimming, Playing card games, Zoology, Running, Music,  Cantata, Instrumental hip hop, Christian rap, Pizza, Suet pudding, Loves  animals, Pop stars, Squids, Puzzle games, Glam rock, Pigeons,
Dislikes: Hazel nuts, Bowling, Skeletons, Flower-arranging, Sailboats,  Sasquatches, Cat people, Horror novels, Horror movies, Horror in  general,
Fears: Frightened of hell, Being alone with  strangers, Fear of elevator failures, Being unable to breath,  His wife  and children dying,
Personality Tests: ISFJ-T, The Reformer (Primary), The Helper (Wing), 1w2 The Activist, The Achiever (Third), Lawful Good, Hufflepuff, Gryffinclaw, Badger Patronus, Thunderbird, Element: Water,  Right Brained, Right Handed,    Temperament:   Phlegmatic,
Other: Libra, Chinese Zodiac: Metal Rooster, Mayan Zodiac: Reed, Celtic Zodiac: Swan,  
-> Father: Leslie Kester
-> Mother: Theokleia Kester  
Sibling(s): Brutus (Younger Brother, 37)
Spouse:  Rosaline
Children:  Euclides (Dia was 16, was a miscarriage, son),  Angelina (Was born when he was 19, daughter), Monica (Dia was 22, stillborn, Daughter),  Samantha  (Dia was 23, Daughter),  Priscus (Born when he was 26, son), Eoin (Dia was 31, stillborn, son), Silas and Cato (Born when he was 39, Twin sons)
                                                                              Alternate Universes
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thornstocutyouwith · 6 years
halloween-ish starter prompts
send me CANDY! for a starter where my character has a stomach ache from eating too much candy.
Was Edward Hyde somewhat terrifying? Yes, to many. You would assume so. But there had been more to Edward than just this one-sided glance into his psychology. Edward had many, many other things going on for him. Like that he was the alternate personality to another man, Henry Jekyll. Well, at least some would say as much of him. Maybe. Though, while Henry had often been stuck up, way into his own head. Not able to see the true beauty of those who walked into his life, let alone all the beauty around it. Edward had seen it, all of it, and he enjoyed toying with it.
Today, however, was perhaps one of his off days. Because at that moment, he was curled up into a ball on the floor, the thirty something year old had looked to anyone who may have only just been approaching, as if he had just been punched in the gut and left to wallow on the floor. The truth however was quite clear upon more inspection of the space around him. Plenty of rappers had been carelessly tossed around where he had been sitting, enough to make plenty of children wretch and vomit. Which thankfully at that moment Edward had not vomited, but his stomach had twist in such away he had felt like he just might at any moment.
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