#Happy Starlight!
koijikido · 9 months
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Happy Starlight! 💙 Happy Holidays! 💙
May your wishes come true, may you be surounded by loved ones and get all the love you deserve~😘
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itsmeishmi · 2 years
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Happy Starlight from the Chai family!
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opteekaal · 9 months
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Happy Starlight~
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airis-ray · 10 months
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Happy Starlight! 💖🎄
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ephemeralxjustice · 9 months
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May you find joy in whatever the season brings you.
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thefreelanceangel · 9 months
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gposers · 9 months
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Wishing you all a very Happy Starlight from all of us at GPOSERS!
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necromeowncy · 10 months
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Another year, another cheesy holiday photo of my partner's & my WoLs (and our cat 🐈‍). Happy Starlight from our family to yours! 🥰🌟🎄
(with @nickvanis)
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velnica · 9 months
🎄 Happy Starlight 2023! ✨
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Thank you for all your support this year as I expand my OC & bard boys lore. It’s been a blast and a half, so let’s have even more fun next year!
Love ~ Vel, Fjora, Cora and the bard unit
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After the Final Days were thwarted and the various contingents returned home, the populace—soldiers and civilians alike—needed something positive to cling to. Not just hope on the ephemeral Warrior of Lights, but also something nearer and dearer to their heart: a return to normalcy. Thus for Starlight this year, the bard unit had been roped into performing on stage, and Sanson asked for every one of his team to join him and Guydelot.
They were supported by Fjora, Cora, and Haurchefant, who had settled—for now—in Gridania. To Sanson's shock and Guydelot's amusement, Commander Vorsaile had raised his hand to join the festivities, and who was Sanson to reject the chance for more merriment? Group assembled, they took to the stage, ready to share some Starlight cheer for one and all.
Individual photos and bio of the bard unit under the cut 💖
The following character bios are written to fit into my WoL's canon timeline and therefore will not reflect the game's information. Edit 25 Dec: I have updated some of their ages to a few years younger, to explain their absence from being conscripted at Carteneau.
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Warrior of Lights:
Fjora Swiftmane: A Rava Viera of fourty-eight summers who left Golmore in search of freedom, only to find it eventually trampled under Garlean ruthlessness. She joined the Dalmascan resistance for a time, though Livia sas Junius' massacre ended her involvement. Fjora left Othard with anger and grief in her heart, and Hydaelyn's calling to be her champion was the start of her healing journey. She is an Uhlan, a heavy-infantry lancer whose skill is now augmented by her Dragoon training.
Corentin Arceneaux: A Wildwood Elezen bard of twenty-five summers, born to antique trader parents in Othard. He became a ward of Rasho and Tansui after his parents were murdered by the Garleans for being undercover Resistance financiers. Cora stayed in the Ruby Sea until the liberation of Doma, when he decided to travel with his long lost sister/close family friend Fjora. His weapon of choice is his giant Hingan bow and his magic-imbued Sanshin. At present he is entangled in some kind of strange relationship to one Hancock Fitzgerald, to whom he owes money for breaking a priceless vase in his collection.
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The Twin Adder Bard unit:
Sanson Smyth: A young Midlander lancer who captains the Bard unit. He is steadfast with a strong sense of morality and justice, a trait that often puts him at odds with his Adder superiors. Yet with the support of Guydelot and Vorsaile, he vows to stay true to his conviction and lead Gridania to a better future. At twenty-two years of age, he still thinks himself inexperienced, despite the accolades that he is fast accumulating on his mantelpiece. He is in a long-term relationship with Guydelot.
Guydelot Thildonnet: A talented, wilful Wildwood bard who was infamous for his truancy and recalcitrance towards any kind of authority. In recent times he's seen a marked improvement in his attendance, and one might even say he's turned a new leaf into the straight and narrow, all under the stern command of Captain Sanson Smyth; a feat backed by the medal tally that the man cared little about. What most people do not know, however, is that the twenty-four year old bard owes this change to his genuine interest and commitment to this unit... and to Sanson himself.
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Karinae Béringer: Sanson's second in command ever since he was made Captain, Karinae is a skilled Duskwight lancer who's ready to defend her friends and comrades at any moment's notice, no matter when or where. Usually you would find the twenty-three year old in the Druthers, hustling free drinks out of any poor souls with her captivating charm—except for Dietrich.
Perinnault Deschamps: A novice bard with brilliant aim and a keen sense of tempo who joined Sanson's unit before the liberation of Ala Mhigo. At twenty and one summers, the Wildwood Elezen is eager to learn everything there is about being a bard, and is improving markedly with every mission that he undertakes.
Dietrich Eltz: Despite his splendid marksmanship, the twenty year old Midlander is a sensitive soul who is prone to crying at the drop of a hat when overwhelmed. His voice had been likened to the sweetness of a spring bloom, and his good looks had won him the admiration of many; yet all he wants is to learn how to become confident in his own skill, and to be admired by the merit of his battlesongs.
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Minh'to Zhwan: A twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon lancer who was temporarily assigned to Sanson's unit just after the Ballad of Oblivion quest, Minh'to gained the utmost respect for the Captain after they survived and routed an Ixali skirmish. He asked to be transferred permanently and is now thriving under Sanson's leadership, which allows him to learn a myriad of combat skills from their joint Alliance training. He is fiercely protective of his twin sister.
Aemi Zhwan: Stuck in a rut at her previous unit with no pathway to improvement, the twenty-three year old Keeper of the Moon conjurer eventually asked for a transfer to Sanson's unit at the insistence of her twin brother just before Ghimlyt. After surviving the bloody battle, she vowed to support her newly-found comrades in any way she could, having been awed by Guydelot's prowess in the field. She was a sickly child growing up, and Minh'to stepped in to be her protector.
Dya Nakhiri: A studious conjurer, the twenty-four year old Highlander can often be found sequestering themselves in the corner of the Nest, surrounded by books on conjury and battle tactics. When the bards joined Sanson's unit, suddenly their horizon was expanded and now they are deep into research on how to better align the bards' songs with the conjurers' healing spells. Despite their stern countenance, Dya is quietly warm and welcoming once you endear yourself to them.
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Supporting casts:
Haurchefant Greystone: Stolen away by accident to the First at the moment of his death by Crystal Exarch, Haurchefant had been living and training there for nigh ten years, all to better support Fjora when she finally comes to save them all. After a harrowing reunion, they decided to rekindle their relationship, though the plan went awry when Haurchefant became tempered by Fjora's absorbed Light. After an intervention by Hydaelyn before she departs, his soul becomes stable enough to be housed in a Hannish simulacrum, crafted personally as a gift for the Warrior of Light. He now travels with her and Cora, ever ready to defend his friends and family once more. Counting his time in the First, he is now thirty and eight summers old.
Vorsaile Heuloix: The High Commander of the Twin Adders is no stranger to challenging authority, a trait that had served him well during his mercenary days. Ever since the affair with Gylbarde's Journal, the thirty-five year old Wildwood had taken a shine to Sanson and his upstanding integrity and despite not being his direct superior, he's been mentoring the Captain to be his protégé—in defiance to every Adders protocol that keeps him employed. He still grimaces when people affectionately calls him 'Vorsie' though he might be warming up to the nickname at the slowest of snail's pace.
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friendlyeorzean · 9 months
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g'raha did an oops when sorting the tree and accidentally got a tiny one, but aren loves it anyway bc it's tiny and adorable like raha <3
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khepri-sunscale · 9 months
HAPPY STARLIGHT from the trio! 🎄💖
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elliewiltarwyn · 9 months
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it wasn't exactly a photobomb, he just kind of showed up and stood between us and the camera, and we weren't sure if we should just sort of push him away.
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he turned out to be very soft and cuddly, though. jury's out on whether we're keeping him.
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eligos-venator · 2 years
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joiedecombat · 2 years
How would your character feel about being woken up by a bunch of rambunctious children demanding they get up so they can open their Starlight gifts?
Raine would be pretty confused, first of all, since she doesn't have any children herself (and it's not really in her and Aymeric's plans, certainly not for a while yet). 😂
She'd roll with it, though! There would be a cursory attempt at combing her hair out with her fingers and finding a robe and socks or slippers to wrap herself up in - it's Ishgard, it's cold, especially if nobody's had a chance to build up the fireplaces yet. Someone would be dispatched to get some tea going. Then she'd take up the job of herding the kiddos, gently imposing some kind of order onto the Starlight morning excitement before it gets out of hand.
If she's at Fortemps Manor (or the Rising Stones), she'd also roust out the other occupants, because if she has to be up this early so do they. (Emmanellain and Artoirel, at least; Edmont she will let off. Aymeric is also exempted, only because the man doesn't sleep enough as it is.)
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humblemooncat · 2 years
I have once again gotten sucked into MSQ. At this point, just assume I'm making story progression if I go a bit without posting. xD
Also, Happy Starlight to everyone, from Sunshine and I! ♡
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I hope you all celebrate the season how you see fit, and that you enjoy every moment of it.
Me? I'll be attempting to socialize at rp venues for the first time in my year of playing. Please wish this socially awkward cat luck. ♡
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thefreelanceangel · 9 months
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