#Happy Like An Old Time Movie|Chris Luna
brooklynislandgirl · 1 month
@bewitchingbaker {{xx}}
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If anyone in the world understood what was going through Chris' soul? It's Beth. Despite all the things he would tell her otherwise, Beth doesn't find herself particularly photogenic nor is she comfortable in her own body when it comes to others. Still, she thinks Chris is beautiful and he'd be viewed through the twin lenses of her affection and talent. The painting would be personal. "Of course I'm sure. Nevah would ask oddahwise." She's quick to reassure him. First she sets down her palette, her tubes of oil, her palette knife, her brushes. If anyone were to take a close look, they'd realise she arrays things the way she would arrange surgical tools. A habit long ingrained into her, one almost mathematically precise. "Besides, it's been years since ya sat proper an' dere's somet'ing charming 'bout oils on canvas. If ya don' believe me, aks Bob Ross." She waggles her eyebrows above that soft little grin of hers. They have a long history of diffusing awkward feelings with gentle humour. "But like where ya head is at. I jus' picked up a new sketch pad and colour pencils, an' pastels." One frail hand lands on his forearm and Beth takes a moment to look up into that deep smokey topaz gaze of his. "You know, yeah, dat you nevah hafta be shy wi' me. I'd nevah do any kine t' make ya unhappy or t' feel wrong." Though Beth might not have the same kind of magick that her brother had once, it seems she knew Chris enough to know exactly what memory he'd slipped into and is replying to that old conversation, that old insecurity in the moment. It's uncanny how often that happens between them. She bats her lashes and her expression turns playful once again when she joins him in the now. "Mmm. A drink an' mebbe you pick da mood music? An' I dunno. You look pretty handsome an' is a nice afternoon."
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bewitchingbaker · 11 months
15. Is your Muse passionate about Halloween? Or are they more laidback?
'Are ya passionate about it or more laidback?'
The baker's head pops up from the counter.
A familiar hockey mask resting on his head, hands holding two extension chords. There was a brief pause as he took a look around Luna's Moonlight Delights. The once spacious walls were often decorated with local art now filled with small decorations inspired by the spooky season.
Hook hands with bees, hockey masks, and even small bats could be seen along the black strings in the lobby. A few standees of the Halloweentown residents could be found behind the windows. Patrons would be greeted with Jack Skellington, Sally, and Oogie Boogie's trio of pranksters.
Within the display cases, one could spot the usual array of sweet treats. Just with a few spooky surprises. Donuts with bat sprinkles, conchas in the shape of the Ghostface, and Michael Meyers. The cake's display cases held little pumpkin heads.
It was easy to say he was pretty passionate about Halloween. Perhaps it was his love for the novels and movies that made the hairs on his arms stand up. Maybe it reminded him of watching endless scary movies with his sister during their first year in Arizona. There were plenty of reasons to see the baker had a love of Halloween.
Another pause before he plugs in the two extension chords, causing the skeletons in front of the bakery to dance.
He lets out a bashful chuckle.
"...I'd say I'm pretty laid back about it."
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
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stansupremacy · 3 years
[NOTE] English is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes. Very excited to share this story with you, I originally posted it on wattpad, but it was really frustrating to note that it didn't seem to attract attention. Let's not focus on that, but on the now, new beginnings in Tumbrl (I still don't know how works lmao)
[COPYRIGHT] All rights reserved, copying or adaptation of the novel without prior notice to the author is PROHIBITED.
Traveling the world with a six-month-old was not an easy job, but you took the risk.
Chris was turning 40, you flatly refused to spend that special day away from him.
They were both actors, so their schedules were always very tight. Unfortunately, the idea of ​​the surprise party with the whole family in Boston had been completely scrapped because Chris was filming in France for his next project and you were in Canada giving a press conference promoting your new movie.
The chances of celebrating her birthday together had been reduced to zero, worse you being the stubborn woman you are, you did not give your arm to twist. So after several fights with your representative and several scolding from your personal assistant for having disorganized your entire schedule. You had managed to escape for seven days, so that you and your daughter could surprise her father on her birthday.
You knew there was no better gift than to take Luna to her father, it had been a few long weeks since they last saw each other. Separating from his daughter was something that destroyed Chris, it had been a very difficult decision, but being a sensitive one. Luna had to be with you, she was breastfeeding, she couldn't be away from you for long.
After two plans, more than 16 hours of travel and a lot of stress, they had reached their destination. Paris Charles de Gaulle airport. The first part of the plan was complete, without wasting time, you settled Luna in her baby carrier on your chest, she cried in protest, she wanted to keep looking around her.
"I know, I know honey ... But you have to understand, mommy can't carry you in her arms, she has to carry the luggage" you murmured kissing her little head. You took the two suitcases and without wasting time you left the airport.
Luna had started to fidget, you understood her. The journey had been long, the two of them urgently needed rest. "Honey ... It was a short time, we just have to wait for Uncle Scott to come pick up us and we can go to sleep, preferably in Daddy's arms."
You took the phone from your backpack unlocking it to enter the chat with Scott, you sent the location and put it back in your pocket, without holding on any longer, you took off your chinstrap, a sigh of satisfaction left your lips when you felt the fresh air on your expensive. You removed little Evans from the carrier baby when you noticed that she kept complaining. Her small and expressive blue eyes looked around curiously.
"Do you need a ride?" A car pulled up on the street in front of you, the driver's window opened revealing Scott's face.
"Finally!" You exclaimed, he laugh getting out of the car, his arms wrapped around you affectively I returned the gesture for a few seconds.
Luna stretched her arms as she recognized her uncle waiting to be carried. Scott did not doubt it, and took her in his arms as he helped you store your bags in the trunk of the car.
You opened the back door, to throw your backpack there before entering and stretch your arms towards your daughter, who hesitating for a few seconds, accepted the change of arms.
"Sorry for the delay, your boyfriend is a pain in my ass. He asked me a thousand questions trying to figure out where I was going" Scott commented making sure the door is closed, he walked around the car and got back on as pilot, beginning to lead. "Tired?
"You have no idea" you sigh closing your eyes, a small smile adorns your lips knowing that they had achieved it, they would see Chris. "I swear that this is the only time that I cross half the world alone with a baby, next time I will bring someone to help me."
"Well, they are here, that's the important thing"
"Yeah, you're right." You answered, you look Luna who was beginning to close her eyes, it seemed that the dream was beginning to overcome her, you rock her lightly by kissing her plump cheek
Luna played entertainingly with the TV remote while you circled the hotel room, eager to see Chris.
You had to turn off your phone because he had not stopped calling and sending messages, your last message to him had been minutes before boarding, telling him that you were going to take a nap. More than 20 hours have already passed, so it was normal for him to worry, but you had decided not to answer him, it was not in your plans to ruin the surprise.
The clock said twelve o'clock at night, officially it was Chris's birthday, who should arrive at any moment.
Half an hour later, a message from Scott warning that he has already arrived at the hotel was what got you going. The suitcases were in Scott's room because if Chris came to see them he would instantly notice that they were there, you took your girl out of bed and ran to the bathroom but not before turning off all the lights.
Seconds after closing the door, the room door was heard opening. Chris's voice and Scott's laugh reached your ears.
"Don't laugh, idiot, this is serious. Y/N doesn't answer me, I think she's angry, but I don't know what I did." Scott made fun of his brother again, you smiled amused when you heard Chris's concern about the lack of messages. Luna, taking advantage of the fact that they were near the shower ledge, took a bottle of shampoo to drop it, making a great bang.
"Luna, you give away our position! You whispered indignantly, mini Evans babbling in amusement.
The door slammed open revealing a surprised Chris. Scott came in behind him, recording the reunion.
"Surprise!" You exclaimed, Luna shouted excitedly when she recognized her father. Chris wasting no time, drew them into a hug. "Luna and I decided that Daddy couldn't spend his 40th birthday away from us, right sweetheart?" The baby smiled stretching her hands to touch her father's face.
"Oh my girls, I missed you so much" Chris sighed still without letting go of the hug, he placed a kiss on Luna's forehead before turning her face and kissing you tenderly on the lips.
"Happy birthday darling, we love you very much, I hope you liked the surprise"
"I couldn't ask for a better thing" he smiled kissing your lips again.
"Don't say that, I have others that I'm sure you will love" you whispered with a mischievous glint in your eyes, Chris smirked. "We must put on day".
"For the love of God, you two are disgusting, talk about sex in front of the baby? Gross" Scott exclaimed in disgust.
Chris chuckled coming out of the bathroom with Luna on his right arm while his left was on your waist. He couldn't think of a better birthday start.
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Sebastian Stan x Fem!Reader
Warnings: small age gap (8 years, your 30 he's 38), Swearing
Summary: The reader brings her Boyfriend Sebastian to visit her family for Thanksgiving
Town name and your family's names are made up btw.
Part 2
A/n: Hi y'all Happy Thanksgiving!
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You were practically bouncing off the walls in excitement when you woke up this morning. It was the day before Thanksgiving and you were bringing your Boyfriend, Sebastian Stan to visit your family with you, you had moved out of your small town where your family lives when you were 18 because you wanted to follow your dream of being a actress which you succeeded in after starting in a movie with Chris Evans two years ago. At a party Chris had invited you to he introduced you and Sebastian. Currently you were dragging Sebastian through the gate excited to see your family.. "Babe my brothers are waiting come on!" You said. He shook his head jogging to keep up with you.
"Dragoste they aren't gonna leave us here slow down!"
"You don't know that hurry up!" You said. This would be the first time in almost a year you saw your older brothers and to say your excited would be an understatement. You hadn't seen them since the Christmas. You are also excited to meet your youngest niece who was born a few months prior to thanksgiving. You made it out of the gate and looked around spotting the four men, three of them were sitting down a baby stroller sitting next to them, the fourth man stood beside them. "There they are!" You exclaimed letting go of your boyfriends hand and began running to the men. "Matty!" You tackled the man that was standing.
"Jeez!!" He exclaimed falling, the others looked at you shaking their head at you. "Hi baby sis."
"Hi!" You stood up giving hugs to the other three men as Sebastian made it over. "Sebastian these are my brothers, Matt, Jon, Mike, and Justin. Boys this is my boyfriend, Sebastian." You introduced. Your brothers stood up straight giving Sebastian a intimidating look. He would be lying if he said he wasn't worried to meet your older brothers. He was under the impression that they were stereotypical over protective brothers. He knows you are their only sister and the youngest of the five of you. Matthew being the oldest at thirty-seven, Jonathan is thirty-six, Mike is thirty-five, and Justin is thirty four, and you are thirty.
"Hello." Sebastian said shifting on his feet nervously before your brothers broke into smiles.
"Hey Man. Welcome to the family!" Matt said pulling him in a hug. You shook your head laughing as your brothers hugged him and welcomed him to the family. He is the first guy you've brought home since you moved when you were 18.
"Is this my baby niece?" You bent down in front of the stroller where a two-month-old baby sat.
"Yes she is." Justin said.
"Hi there Nora. I'm your auntie y/n." You said in a baby voice. Sebastian looked at you fondly as you made faces and cooed at the baby.
"Okay let's go get your luggage Mom and dad are waiting for us." Matthew said. You stuck your tongue at at him before standing. You grabbed your before hand before the 6 of you before walking to luggage claim. You guys made it to luggage claim grabbing your bags before heading out to Jonathan's mini-van which you teased him for.
"So how do you two meet?" Matt asked as he leaned back in the seat. You didn't tell your family much about yours and Sebastian's relationship.
"At a party Chris invited me to." You said.
"That's all not some exciting and adorable story? Wait Chris?" Justin asked.
"Chris Evans. My co-star? I told you bout him! The guy with the adorable dog!" You said looking down at your phone.
"Oh! That guy!"
"Chris was adamant in us meeting." Sebastian chuckled with you.
"Sebastian. Your an actor like her right?" Matt asked.
"Yeah." Sebastian nodded.
"You're in those marvel movies? My twins talk about them all the time." Jonathan said.
"And so does my oldest." Mike said.
"Yeah I play the Winter Soldier." Sebastian said smiling.
"Cool man I think thats my daughters favorite." Jonathan replied.
"You don't know Samantha's favorite character from movies she talks about 24-7?" Justin asked.
"I'm pretty sure it's him." Jon shrugged as he turned the car down the street leading into your hometown.
"Grayson said something about her favorite being Captain America though." Mike said.
"Ooooh! Jax's favorite is The winter soldier!" Jon said in realization as the car made it into town.
"In a whole year this place didn't even change a bit." You muttered looking out the window as the car passed by shops and houses.
"It never does." Matt said.
"Hey, are my other nieces and nephews waiting at mom and dad's house for us?" You asked your brothers. They each have kids, Matt has two Luna and Benji they are thirteen and eight, Jonathan has four Samantha, and Jaxon who are twins and fourteen, Violet and Hazel who are ten, and nine, Mike has four boys, Grayson, Jasper, Levi, and Griffin who are fourteen, twelve, ten, and four, Justin has three Leo, Oliver, and Nora, they are seven, five and Nora is just a baby. You were the only one without kids but that was because you wanted to wait till you were married to have children.
"No Griffin is but the rest went to get something from Jon's house before we left so they probably aren't back yet." Mike told you as the car pulled into the driveway of a two story house that was far from the street with a large yard that was surrounded by woods after.
"We're here!" You said excitedly as you unbuckled your car. In addition to not seeing your brothers for a year you also didn't see their wives who you were close with since they became your big sisters the second they met you. You had seen your parents when they came to a premiere for one of your movies. Jon parked the car and you climbed out going with Sebastian to the trunk to get your luggage. "See Seb told ya my brothers would love you." You said, he was nervous about coming for two reasons one was leaving his mom alone for the holiday but the three of you decided to celebrate it early, and the other one was just because of the fact the first time he'd be meeting your brothers and most of your family would be on a big holiday.
"You were right dragoste but you still have more family." He said leaning down to kiss you.
"No PDA!" Matt said before Sebastian's lips met your. You pulled away glaring at your brother before you shut the trunk of the van and began to wheel the suitcases up to the house with Sebastian right next to you looking around at the house.
"Mom! We're back!" Mike shouted as the 6 of you entered the house with the addition of Nora who was asleep in her car seat. A four-year-old boy came running at full speed toward you crashing into your legs hugging them tight.
"Griffin!" You said picking the little boy up and giving him a tight hug.
"Hi Auntie!" The boy said before looking up at the man standing beside you. "Who are you?"
"I'm Sebastian, your Aunts boyfriend." Sebastian said smiling at the boy.
"Uncle?" Griffin asked beaming with excitement.
"Sure buddy." Griffin made grabby hands toward Sebastian who gladly took him. You couldn't help but smile at how Sebastian was with your nephew.
"Hun!" Your mom came out of the kitchen pulling you into a hug immediately.
"Hi momma." You said. The two of you pulled away so you could hug your dad while your mom gave Sebastian a hug. "Hi dad."
You walked into the living room Sebastian no longer holding Griffin but Griffin was holding his hand. "Y/n!" You sister in laws said smiling at you, Justin's wife, Elizabeth was the first on to give you a hug, then Colleen, Jon`s wife gave you one followed by Autumn, Matt`s Wife.
"Mommy! This is Uncle Sebastian!" Griffin said to Kristina his mom.
"So your the man Y/n talked about. Nice to meet you I'm Kristina." She said smiling at your boyfriend.
"You too. I'm Sebastian." Your other three sisters-in-law introduced themselves before you showed Sebastian to the room you two would be staying in. "This is where you grew up?" He asked looking at the decorations you had left in the small bedroom when you moved out. "Is this you?" He picked up a photo of you freshman year of high school with braces, you were in a cheer-leading uniform on the back of Justin who was in a football jersey.
"Yeah." You said blushing.
"You were adorable." He said before smirking. "Think you'd still fit in the cheerleader outfit?" He asked suggestively.
"Sebastian!" You exclaimed pushing him playfully making the two of you laugh.
"Seriously you'd be hot in it." He said leaning down to kiss you.
"Whatever you say babe." You laughed hugging him before you heard the sound of 11 kids voices. "You get to meet my favorite people are you ready? This will break or make you." You joked.
"I think I'd rather stay up here with you alone... Wait I thought I was your favorite person!." He said pouting causing you to laugh and push him playfully again.
"Sorry but they win your higher on the list then my brothers though!." You said before three little boys ran into the room. "My boys!" You said leaning down opening your arms for the three to run into them.
"Hi Auntie y/n!" The youngest of the three boys, Oliver said.
"Auntie n/n I missed you!" The oldest of the three, Benji said.
"Auntie y/n who's he?" Leo, Olivers brother asked pulling away from the hug to look up at Sebastian.
"I'm Sebastian." Sebastian said leaning down to their height.
"He's uncle Seb!" Griffin said as he walking in his older brother, Grayson following.
"Your actually dating Sebastian Stan! I thought dad was lying!" Grayson exclaimed staring at the man, Sebastian chuckled at the excitement of your nephew.
"Hi what's your name?" Sebastian asked not directing it to one of the boys in particular though he had a guess to which was which. You told him about all of them.
"I'm Benji. Can we actually call you uncle Seb?"
"Sure." Sebastian said.
"I'm Leo! Uncle Seb how does Grayson know who you are?"
"I'm the winter solider." Sebastian said in a hushed secretive tone.
"Cool! I'm Oliver!" Sebastian stood up looking at the teenager waiting to hear his name though he know it was Grayson because of what Leo had said. You stood up holding Oliver.
"I'm Grayson.. Do I have to call you uncle?" Grayson asked. He was a fan sure him and two of his cousins loved marvel but he found calling a guy he just met uncle a little strange now it may not seem weird to his four year old brother or younger cousins but that's mainly because they are young.
"No." Sebastian said.
"Come on now Seb has to meet the others now." You said.
"Jax is going to freak." Grayson said leaving the bedroom you, Sebastian, and the younger boys following behind. "Me, him, and Samantha are massive fans." He said. You couldn't help but smile already seeing your boyfriend bond with your nephews.
"Really? Were all three of you team cap?" Sebastian asked.
"Sebastian stan!" A girls voice exclaimed from the bottom of the stares where two teens who looked alike stood staring at your boyfriend.
"Hi!" Sebastian said waving at them as you guys made your ways down the stairs.
"I'm here too!" You pouted. Jaxon was the first to break from the trance and give you a hug, then Samantha did the same as your younger nephews ran off to play.
"Your actually dating Sebastian stan?" Samantha asked you.
"No he's just a cardboard cutout." You joked.
"A really realistic one." Your boyfriend said.
"Hi! I'm Jaxon! This is my twin Samantha."
"Grayson said you guys are fans. Were you two on team cap?" Sebastian asked.
"I was on team ironman." Grayson said.
"I was team cap!" Samantha said.
"Team Ironman." Sebastian feigned hurt as he gasped.
"But I'm dating you aunt and I'm on team cap." He said.
"We're still team ironman." Grayson said.
"You my favorite." Sebastian whispered to Samantha jokingly.
"Ha!" She said to Grayson and Jaxon sticking her tongue out at them.
"She's only on team Cap because she has a crush on Chris Evans." Jaxon said. You couldn't help but laugh. You knew about this crush because your niece was so excited to know you were starring in a film with Chris.
"Jax!" Samantha exclaimed smacking him. The two of them began argue as siblings do. You and Grayson just shrugged when Sebastian looked at you guys.
"Was that my fault?" Sebastian whispered to you.
"No they fight over nonsense all the time." You assured. "Come one you still have to meet the rest of my nieces and nephews." You said leaving the teenagers to figure out their problems on their own.
"Uncle Seb! Come play with us!" Griffin ran over to you two pulling Sebastian outside where you noticed most of your family was now. Griffin pulled Sebastian to where your nieces and nephews except the oldest three were playing soccer. You sat down next to Justin who was feeding nora.
"The kids seem to love him. I've never seen Oliver this outgoing around an adult that isn't one of us." He said watching as Oliver kicked the soccer ball to Sebastian.
"Yeah." You agreed watching as Luna blocked the ball from the diy goals that were set up in the front yard. They were just arches made out of some extra wood from a project your parents did a while ago those arches have been their since you were six. There were two that we're across from each other.
"You finally found a good guy sis." Matt said as he sat down next to you. "And he's good with kids."
You watched as the three teenagers who formerly inside came out to join their cousins/siblings. "He's got the teens playing with the little kids! I can't even get Grayson to watch Griffin for a few minutes." Mike said joining the three of you.
"Why aren't you out there? Your the pro at playing soccer with them." Jonathan said walking over. You shrugged watching as Hazel kicked the ball to Sebastian it accidentally hitting him in the crotch. He let out a groan that your couldn't hear as he fell to the ground.
"Sorry!" Hazel exclaimed as you ran down to them.
"You okay babe?" You asked Sebastian.
"Yeah just need a break." He said staying in his position on the grass groaning.
"You killed him." Samantha said jokingly to her sister.
"I didn't mean too!"
"Girls he'll be fine he's just being a big baby." You joked. Sebastian glared at you finally sitting up before you tackled you smirking at you.
"Dogpile on Aunt y/n!" Samantha exclaimed before jumping onto Sebastian's back making you and your boyfriend groan. The rest of your nieces and nephews joined besides Nora for obvious reasons. Unbeknownst to you and Sebastian, Colleen took a photo.
"Okay can I be free now?" You asked.
"No!" Griffin said.
"You have to give us cookies before dinner!" Oliver said.
"Okay fine but you can't tell my brothers or your moms." You agreed. The kids got off and ran into the house ready for their cookies. Your brothers were all gonna go home with their families before dinner so this was the only chance for your nieces and nephews to get their cookies.
"So doll you said that would make or break me how did I do?" Sebastian asked holding himself above you with his hands on either side of your head.
"You did great even my brothers admitted it." You said smiling. "Now come one there are thirteen kids waiting for cookies it's going to become a riot if they don't get any." You said as Sebastian got off helping you up.
The rest of the day went great your brothers and sisters-in-law loved him, the kids adored him. It is now Thanksgiving, your brothers and their families are already here the kids, you, and Sebastian watching the parade on Tv. You leaned against Sebastian 's shoulder as your nieces and nephews excitedly pointed at the floats. Nora was sat your lap sucking on a binky as she watched her brothers and cousins go crazy over the floats.
"Doll when are we gonna have one of these?" Sebastian asked looking down at the baby.
"Not for awhile Stan." You said bouncing the baby. You actually loved being the cool aunt that didn't have any kids of her own especially when sometimes during the summer you get to bring your older nieces and nephews back to New York with you for the summer which they always love. It's really only when you don't have any filming going on.
"But come on I think Nora wants a new cousin." He smirked at you.
"I think she should beg her other aunts and uncles for one then." You said.
"Please I want a cousin close to my age!" He lifted the baby up the his face her facing you as he did a baby voice.
"Not happening." You laughed taking you niece back. "Keep dreamin babe. But you gotta put a ring on my finger before you put a baby in me." You looked but at your nieces and nephews who were laughing and playing around.
"Will you marry me." He whisper pulling a ring pop out of a candy bowl your parents had in the living room for the kids. You couldn't help but laugh.
"Sorry but I like my jewelry not to be edible." You joked trying to take the ring.
"No! You don't get the ring you said no!" He pouted.
"Hey love birds! Stop flirting while you have my daughter on your laps!" Justin said walking over and taking the baby from you. "I'm sorry baby that must have been scary."
"Okay okay Justin." You laughed. "We won't flirt anymore.
"Speak for yourself. I can't resist it." Sebastian said pulling you closer to him making you laugh.
"Whatever Y/n Mom wants you in the kitchen."
You stood giving you boyfriend a smile before walking into the kitchen. "Yes mom?" You asked.
"Can you and Sebastian go down to the basement to kid the kids table and chairs?" She asked not looking up at you from the turkey.
"Okay." You turned around going to the living. "Seb come help me get the kids table and chairs." You said peaking into the living. You saw your sister in laws and brothers now there talking to your boyfriend.
"Coming doll." Sebastian stood up walking over to you before following you to the basement door.
"Into the dungeon." You said opening it to reveal some rickety looking stairs.
"Gonna lock me down here? My fans will notice I'm gone though." Sebastian laughed following you.
"Maybe I will." You laughed going over to a fold up table. "Here's the table let's get it up stairs." You said lifting a end of it. He grabbed the other end and the two of you brought it up the stairs. You set it in the dining room before going back to the basement to grab the chairs. After you finished grabbing everything, Levi and Jasper stole Sebastian to go play outside with while you set the table up. You sighed finishing setting up the table before going out the back door to see all of your nieces and nephews crowding around your boyfriend, him holding two of them, Jasper was on his back while he held Griffin on his hip. You couldn't help but smile before taking a photo of them for Instagram you captioned it happy thanks giving then posted it tagging Sebastian, your brothers, and your sister in laws in it. Your oldest three niece and nephews have Instagrams but you never tag them in your posts deciding to keep them away from the unwarranted fame that comes from being a actress' niece and nephews. Your boyfriend looked at you smiling as Jasper jumped off his back and Leo tried to take his cousin's spot.
"When will we have one of those! You need a mini you running around the apartment." Sebastian whisper to you as you guys went back into the dining room where your family had been waiting.
"Okay love birds cut it out!" Jon said rolling his eyes as you sat down. You stuck your tongue out at him. (Add saying grace if your family does. Mine doesn't so I don't know how to do that)
The dinner was filled with laughter as everyone began talking about what had happened in the year you hadn't seen each other. You and Sebastian went into better detail on how you met. You met him two years ago a month after filming the movie you were in with Chris E. Your sister in laws asked about the movies he had been two of them knowing a lot about the Marvel movies he had been in because of their kids. Your mom shared as many embarrassing stories as she could. "When she was 4 she was the bossiest kid, she'd make the boys make be in mini movies with her, we still have some of those I'll find them." She said.
"Mom! No!" You whined laughing.
"I'm sure you were just as good of an actress back then as you are now." Sebastian said smiling at you. You shook your head.
"No the videos are so embarrassing." You mumbled.
"Yeah for all of us! You used to make us put your tiny ass pink dresses on." Matt said. They could never say no to you. So wearing a pink dress 7 sizes too small was something they did for you. You didn't fit into those dresses again until you was 13 because they stretched them out.
"You didn't have to say yes!" You laughed.
"None of us could say no to you! You would pull the puppy dog eyes then we'd be in dresses!" Justin said. Sebastian laughed knowing exactly what Justin meant. He could resist your puppy dog eyes either.
"Or our Halloween candy! You took all my snickers!" Mike said pouting.
"Your still mad at me for that! I did the dishes for a month to make it up to you!" You said laughing.
"Get over it babe." Kristina said. She knew all about this whole thing as she was friends with your brother most of your guys childhoods.
"You're supposed to be on my side!" Mike whined.
"She likes me more!" You teased sticking your tongue out at him. Sebastian watched fondly as you and your family joked and brought up old stories. He smiled every time you got embarrassed over a story your brothers and their wives decided to bring up. You looked over at him a smile so big that looked it hurt.
"Sebastian do you have any new roles? I already know y/n has a project coming up." Autumn asked you before taking a sip of her wine.
"Filming for Falcon and the winter soldier started a few months ago actually." Sebastian said beginning to talk about his role to which there was plenty input shouted from the kid's table from Grayson and the twins.
After dinner everyone watched a movie once it was over your brothers and their families went home then you and Sebastian retreated to your bedroom. "You told me you only use your puppy dog eyes on me." Sebastian said pouting at you.
"No I just implied that I never made it a fact." You smirked at him hugging him. "You know maybe we should have a baby. The world need another Stan." You thought aloud. Though you probably only thought that due to the fact you got baby fever everytime you were around your brothers kids.
"Really?" Sebastian looked down at you beaming with delight.
"Sure why not?" You said closing your eyes as you rested you head on his chest.
"Maybe we should start trying." He smirked as your eyes popped open and glared at him.
"No! My family is still here." You said. "We'll start trying for a baby when we get home." You muttered.
"But why not a headstart." He pushed a little harder jokingly, he, in reality, didn't mind waiting but he liked how you looked when you got annoyed he found it cute.
"Because my parents are down stairs!"
"They won't hear." He teased smiling at you as you scrunched you eyebrows up glaring at him. "Chill baby I'm joking." You sighed laying you head on his chest once again.
"You better be." You mumbled yawning.
"Come on baby let's get you ready for bed." He kissed your forehead smiling at you. He was immensely happy with you agreeing to start a family.
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You woke up the next morning remembering your talk with Sebastian and you couldn't help but smile. Especially when you began thinking about what your family's reactions were gonna be. You knew your brothers would be excited for another niece or nephew, you parents would be a little iffy as you want to start before marriage, the kids would love having another cousin, and your sisters in law have been saving their kids clothing for you since each of their youngests except Elizabeth's grew out of them. You rolled over to look at Sebastian but found that he wasn't there. You furrowed your brows before climbing out of bed to make your way downstairs to find him, but first you got dressed. As you were making your way to the stairs you could hear talking from downstairs. You made it to the kitchen where Colleen was smiling ear to ear at you with Sebastian sitting next to her with a guilty look on his face, your parents weren't in the room but you could hear them talking in the living room.
"Your trying for a baby!!! Your gonna be a mom!" Colleen squealed jumping up and down giving you a hug.
"How did you find that out?"
"I let it slip on accident." Sebastian gave you an apologetic smile.
"Colleen you can't tell anyone!" You said.
"Fine but when you find the gender out! I have some adorable clothes from each of my kids you can have!"
"Thank you." You chuckled before going to sit down by Sebastian. "Good job."
"I didn't mean to."
"It's fine babe." You said giving him a kiss.
"You guys are so in love you two better make me a bridesmaid at the wedding." Colleen said before leaving to kitchen.
By the time the week ended your family grew attached to Sebastian. Your oldest three niece and nephews were definitely the most attached enjoying to ask him questions about the marvel movies and their favorite actors from the franchise Sebastian was a little butt hurt he wasn't any of theirs favorites. Your younger nieces and nephews loved him, the girls all managed to get him dressed up as a princess with a tutu and all. You obviously posted a photo of him and your nieces all dressed up. Your older brothers were definitely grateful that he was the guy you brought home knowing you have had plenty of failed relationships in the twelve years since you left town. Your sister-in-laws were more then happy to welcome into the family even before you brought him and their opinions on him didn't change.
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pixie88 · 4 years
Rem’s Birthday BBQ
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Chapter 5 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: Remy set Laila up on a date, but Laila and Harry aren’t happy about it. How will the birthday celebrations go? Yes, Laila’s embarrassing moment has happened to me haha! I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know!
Read previous chapters HERE!
Warnings: Fluff, Mild NSFW & Adult Language.
Word Count: 2106
Pairings: Laila x Harry
"A date?" Laila questions him "Yeah, with one of Alec's mates" Rem seems super excited about this "What friend?" Harry asks, looking over to Alec "Freddie, I didn't think he'd be Laila's type, but Rem seems to think that he is" as soon as Alec tells him its Freddie Harry chuckles "Freddie?! Really?! Good luck Laila!" There is almost a hint of jealously in his voice.
"Come on, Harry he's not that bad!" Alec tries not to laugh through his lie "She'll fall asleep before they have even ordered drinks. He has no chat when it comes to girls" Laila looks over to Rem "So you're setting me up with a bore?" Rem shook his head "No, he is actually really funny! Ignore these two! I just want you to find someone...it's been 8 years since Josh...you need to get over him at some point!"
A sadness still came over Laila each time someone mentions his name "Rem! Look, it's your birthday and I don't want to fall out with you over this, so here is your present I'm going to walk away from this conversation before I say something I regret!" She gets up leaving before anyone can say anything.
"Auntie Laila!!!" Carly collides with her "Come on, we are all on the zip swing" Laila parents had a huge back garden surrounding their house, so her dad built a park for the grand kids. All the kids loved the zip swing they would take turns on having a go and pulling the seat back each time.
Having 3 older brothers Laila had a total of 11 nieces and nephews. Chris had Lilly - 11, Luna - 9 and Carly - 5, Max had the twins Isla and Arya - 10, Nate had Alfie - 5, Issac - 7, Blake - 11 and  Zeppy the oldest at 18.
"Auntie Laila" Alfie zipped past on the swing as he hit the end the swing flies up nearly dropping Alfie off backwards "Wow, be careful Alf!" Laila watches her nephew run back to the start with the swing in tow.
"Where are your parents?" she looked round at the kids "Nanny and Grandad had us stay over last night. We had a camp out in the living room" Carly tells her "Why don't you have a go?" Carly pushes her towards the swing "Yeah, Auntie Laila!" Alf cheers her on "But....!" she hesitates but the kids aren't taking no for an answer.
Laila gets on, gripping the swing for dear life "3...2....1...Go!" they count her down, she zips along the line, then as it hits the end.... the chair flies forward up into the air and Laila's grip loosens, she fell backwards onto the grass the swing above her with no passenger "LAILA!!" she hears a familiar voice shout within seconds she knows whose voice it is as he stands over her "Are you OK?" Harry looks down at her as soon as he asks, she bursts out a laugh "Other than dying of embarrassment? Yeah, I'm OK" he starts to laugh with her as he helps her up off the ground.
"You went down before the seat did!" he laughs, "I didn't expect it to throw me off," she looks over to the kids who are laughing at her, "Should we get you a drink?" he puts his hand on the small of her back leading her to a table.
She sits as Harry grabs them a drink "Laila, are you OK?" Terry looks at her worried "Dad, I'm fine," she laughs, "Still, I better go and tell them to be careful" he leaves her alone at the table walking over to the kids.
Harry hands her a Pimms can "I wasn't sure what you wanted but thought you can't go wrong with Pimms right?" he sits down next to her with a beer in his hand "Actually, I don't like Pimms" she lies, "Oh! I can go and get you something else?" he's about to get up when she giggles and pulls him back down "I'm joking!" She laughs, he narrows his eyes at her with a grin "That was just mean!" he laughs, "Erm...Its looks like you have a date this Friday!" She scrunches up her nose at the question "Argh...I need to find a way to get out of that one!"
"Oh?" he's sips his beer trying to sound neutral "I know Rem means well..." he has to ask. It's now or never right?! "What was he talking about earlier? When he mentioned someone called Josh?" He watches as her walls slowly go up.
She turns to him "No judgment?" He nods just wanting to listen to her "OK, Josh was someone I met in college, we were together for over 4 years. Engaged, but then he got sick...." she takes a deep breath gearing up to say the words "He passed away...." she looks down at her hands in her lap.
He wished he never asked now, he takes her hand.
She looks up at him "It took me a while to date after that and I'm not trying to give you a big head or anything, but you are probably the first person to have made it to a second date," he tries to hide his smirk, but it breaks out "Must be my amazing dates" she shook her "About that... do you do normal dates" she raises a questioning brow at him.
He chuckles "I...to be honest with you, I've never done dates as extravagant as I have with you.." Laila tuts at him finding it hard to believe "Honestly, it's the truth. You have this thing about you that makes me just want to impress you"
She lets out a little laugh, "I love the big wow dates, but I prefer simple ones," he smirks at her "Now she tells me! What if I was to do a movie night and dinner at mine? You would be happy with that?" She pretends to think for a second "It depends on your cooking skills" she winks, he howls "My cooking skills are fantastic actually!" she shoves him "Of course they are!"
"Friday come over and I'll show you!" she knows exactly why he has chosen to do it on that day "Have you forgotten? I have plans," he knows she's baiting him, "We both know you don't want to go on that date and I wasn't lying earlier when I said you'll be asleep before ordering" for a split second she could see a hint of jealousy in his eyes as she decides what to do "I'll let you know" she smirks, teasing him.
Later everyone is a little tipsy now and Nate drags Laila up to dance "Nate, No!" he isn't listening to her "Come on, every family gathering, we always get up and dance!!" all the kids that haven't fallen asleep are up dancing too. Pharrell Williams - Happy is playing everyone that is still at the party is up dancing except Alec and Harry who are watching from the sidelines.
"Grandad, you dance like an old man!" Carly laughs at Terry doing the robot, Remy dances his way over to Laila "I'm waving my white flag!" she shook her head at her oldest friend "Rem! I'm sorry I snapped a bit earlier," she hugs him "Hey, you made up for it as soon as you came flying of the zip swing. That was priceless! But one thing I did notice Harry seem to run to your rescue pretty quick?" Remy gives her a look he always give her when he knows there's more to the story.
She can't keep it a secret from him anymore, she looks round Harry isn't within earshot, but his eyes are glued to her, "If I tell you something you can't tell anyone! I mean not even Alec! Pinky promise?" Rem rolls his eyes "Laila, how old are we again?!" she huffs at him "OK, I pinky promise! Now what is going on?" she checks one more time "Harry and I have been on a couple of dates" Remy's face lights up "W...what!? You and Harry?! When did this start?" Rem has 21 questions for her.
"It started after your stag weekend. He came to the salon for a haircut and it went on from there," she whispers to him, "Do you like him? Have you....you know?" He winks at her, she can't believe he just asked her that "Rem! No! We haven't! I do like him" Rem pull her in for a hug "Lulu! I'm happy you've finally gotten yourself back out there!"
She blushes "Lulu, you haven't called me that in years!" She laughs. "Called her what?" They hear behind her, turning they saw Alec and Harry joining them "Lulu, I used to call Laila it growing up"
"Well, Lulu you won't mind if I stole my Remy for a dance?" Alec spins Remy, she laughs, "No, of course not. I'm happy for you to take him off my hands! His dances moves are awful" she laughs.
Alec and Remy start dancing together with everyone else.
"Lulu huh?" She turns towards him "Oh, no! Don't tell me you're going to start teasing me about it?!" He laughs, "Nah, I might start calling you it myself. Oh, by the way your dad offered to let me stay the night" she looks at him confused "He did?!" Why has he done that? "I told him I couldn't have more than one beer because I was going to drive Alec and Remy home, so he said we could all stay"
"That's my dad for ya! I'm staying the night too" her dad had already told her that she could stay a few days ago "We could be sleeping next door to each other again?" He winks. "Just keep the snore session down, yeah?!" she laughs, "I do not snore!" he protests "OK, if you want to believe that!" She teases him more "You are so irritating, but I like it. I really want to kiss you!" she smirks "Sorry, but you'll have to keep your lips to yourself!" He huffs.
Its after midnight Remy, Alec, Harry and Laila were the last ones to head the bed "Night Lulu and Haribo!" a drunk Remy sways into his old bedroom with Alec. "Which room did your mum say I was in?" Harry whispers trying not to wake everyone "The guest room next to my old ro...." his lips crash to hers, the kiss is electrifying making every nerve ending stand on end.
They stumble into her bedroom onto the bed. His lips trail down her pulse line, his hand glides up her leg, slipping under her playsuit and brushes against her centre "Harry?" he pulls away to look at her. "I want to....its just..." he strokes her face and smiles as he collapses on the bed next to her "It's fine. We can take it slow" she felt relieved he understood. "Not too slow we can't cuddle?" he lets out a soft chuckle "I do like to cuddle" he wraps his arms around her.
"I am sorry! It's been so long since I've been with someone in that way," he kisses her forehead "Don't give it a second thought. I can do slow" he begins to stroke her hair making her eyes drift.
"Laila! Are you awake?" she heard her mum call out, followed by a knock on the bedroom door, she looks around the room realising where she is.
With Harry is asleep next to her "Laila?" her mum calls out again.
Shit! She can't have her catch Harry in here! Laila tries to wake him "Harry! Wake up!" he begins to stir, she silences him with a finger to his lips.
When the door handle twists Laila pushes him off the bed and he falls to the floor with a thud "Ouch!"
"Laila, Are you..?" Laila smiles at her mum "Mum?! You alright?" Laila tries not to blush.
"Yep, I just wondered if you wanted breakfast?" Laila nods "Great, what about Harry?" Laila is shocked by her mum's question "What? Harry?" she asks, "Sweetheart, if you're going to get him to hide behind the bed at least make sure his feet aren't sticking out the bottom or did you forget he's nearly 6 foot? Well, I suppose we are all the same size when we're doing the horizontal tango" she winks as turns to leave the room "I'll take his silence as a yes to breakfast" she closes the bedroom door.
Harry pops his head up smiling at a very red Laila....
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 6.
@secretaryunpaid​ @lem-20​ @aussieez​ @khoicesbyk​ @irisofpurple​ @shewillreadyou​ @txemrn​ @pixiezilla6​
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p-and-p-admin · 4 years
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Interview given to The Severus Snape and Hermione Granger Shipping Fan Group.
Hello Lariope and welcome to Behind the Quill, it is a pleasure to talk with you.
Many of our group’s members requested you as an interview subject, but amongst more than a dozen stories in the HP universe you are probably best known for Killing Time, Second Life, and Advanced Contemporary Potion Making.
Okay, let’s jump right in. What's the story behind your pen name?  
So, there's a really common plant in my area called Monkey Grass. Most people use it as landscaping filler. I thought it was pretty and asked someone who had some what it was called. She told me that it's technical name is Liriope, which I heard as Lariope. This was around the time that book 6 was released, and it struck me as a very witchy name, particularly as JKR likes flower names. Which Harry Potter character do you identify with the most? Wow. Probably Neville. I'm certainly not as brainy or as confident as Hermione, not as out-there as Luna, not as athletic as Ginny. I'm less angsty than Harry and less apt to charge off in my own direction. And I am certainly not as thoughtless as Ron, not as strict as McGonagall, not as dark as Snape. And if you've read Second Life, you know my feelings about Dumbledore! But I was someone who took some time to come into my own. Often bumbling or nervous, but when my back is to the wall, brave and honorable. So I'm going with Neville. Do you have a favourite genre to read? (not in fic, just in general) 
I love fiction, but honestly, other than Harry Potter, I don't read fantasy! I tend to like "domestic" fiction, as in Anne Tyler, and literary fiction. I also really love Stephen King, oddly enough. Do you have a favourite "classic" novel? 
By classic do you mean like, the literary canon, or just not fanfiction? My top five favorite novels are, in no particular order, The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, It by Stephen King, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, The Temple of Gold by William Goldman, and The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I'm not big into the classics, which is weird for an English major to say. At what age did you start writing? 
I've been writing all my life. The first time I saw Stand by Me at 11 years old, I rewrote it with a new ending because I could not bear the death of Chris Chambers. I think I've always been interested in working with other people's texts. How did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I loved Harry Potter so intensely. I came to it as an adult at a particularly lonely time in my life. When book 6 was released I read it all in one gulp, and then felt kind of despondent when it was over. I thought of the good old rule of the internet, that if it exists, there is porn of it, so I went looking for what I called "Potterotica," figuring that it would give me an opportunity to read more about the characters I loved. I didn't yet have a concept of fanfiction, let alone fanfiction that wasn't erotica! As I read, I had the persistent feeling that I hadn't yet found exactly the story I was looking for. I kept feeling that I would do this or that differently. Then after the release of book 7, I was tormented by the fate of Snape. I really felt I needed to save him. That I couldn't relax until he'd had some love in his life before his death. I didn't have the sense yet that I could change his fate, only that I needed him to have happiness and love before he died.  I have a Master's Degree in fiction writing, so I decided to just give it a try. My first story was terrible!!! It was called If Memory Serves and was archived only on the Restricted Section. But it definitely forced me to reawaken some skills, and whetted my appetite. What's the best theme you've ever come across in a fic? Is it a theme represented in your own works? 
Hm. I'm not sure how to answer this question. I know that one of the things that I respond most strongly to in fic is a feeling of inevitability--that regardless of how or when, these characters had unfinished business with each other. I hate to use the word destined... but that feeling that there were many points in canon where something minor could have changed which would have changed everything and brought two characters together--and that that could have happened at any point, in any number of ways. I like very much when canon is reimagined or reinterpreted to make that relationship deeper--like reimagining the scene where Snape insults Hermione's teeth to have a totally different meaning in the context of their relationship. I think I am remembering Somigliana's The Traveller being particularly gratifying in that way. Obviously I play with canon a lot in my own work. I like for fanfiction to feel "real" as in, possible in a canonical context. What fandoms are you involved in other than Harry Potter? 
Almost none! I've been fannish all my life, but Harry Potter was the first experience I ever had of "fandoms," that is to say, community built around a narrative. I usually just freaked out over things in private. After HP, I tried very hard to get into the Sherlock fandom, because I had a dear friend from the SS/HG community who was into it, but in the end, I could just never become invested in quite the way I had with Harry Potter. Subsequently, I had children, so I mostly support their fannishness now. If you could make one change to canon, what would it be? Do you have a favourite piece of fanon? 
I wish Snape could live. I really do. He had a lot left to learn and a lot left to give to the world beyond the sacrifice of his own life to the cause. There are certain things I have ultimately accepted as head canon, as far as pieces of fanon are concerned. Honestly, they are so ingrained that I'm having trouble thinking of any! Sometimes when I watch the movies with my kids, I think, but wait, what about?... oh yeah, I forgot that wasn't canon. Do you listen to music when you write or do you prefer quiet? 
I need dead silence to compose, because I hear the words in my head as I write and I can't be distracted from them. But I often pick pieces of music that I listen to obsessively in my downtime when I'm writing a story, that I think of as sort of like theme songs. Falling Slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova was one for Second Life. Table for Glasses by Jimmy Eat World still calls up Dark Santiago for me. What are your favourite fanfictions of all time? 
Oooh. Ok. So I read a lot of Drarry, and I pretty much love everything that Sara's Girl has ever written. Somigliana's work--the Traveller was amazing. All the Best and Brightest Creatures by Wordstrings (Sherlock). I also really loved greywash's Sherlock fic. There was an SSHG that has been long since removed that was called Dear January--I still think of it.  I loved all the epics of my particular time in the SSHG fandom. Mia Madwyn, Subversa, Loten. Are you a plotter or a pantser? How does that affect your writing process? 
Definitely a plotter. I kept pages and pages of working notes and planning points as I was writing Second Life. I always began a chapter with a working document of where I thought the chapter was going, as well as a reread of that portion of canon.  Points of discovery along the way still happened all the time--I'd be in the midst of something I had planned when all of a sudden I'd see some point of connection I hadn't even thought of, and something would open up bigger than I had thought it would be. I remember in particular the end of the Bathilda Bagshot chapter of Second Life, when Snape is running toward James and Lily's house and feeling like time is doubling back on itself--I didn't see that parallel until I was in it.  I think you always have to have room to surprise yourself, even in the thick of your planning. That sense of discovery affects the reader's journey through your work. What is your writing genre of choice? 
Haha, fanfiction is my writing genre of choice. No, I wrote short stories when I was pursuing my degree in fiction, which is kind of hilarious now, as I became sort of known for my long-windedness. Why say 100 words when 10,000 would do? I grew to love the novel during my time in fanfiction. It would be hard to imagine turning back to a shorter form now. But who knows. I always tell myself that once the children are grown I will get back to writing. I was beginning a sort of cross between fantasy and domestic fiction when I had children and I still think the idea has legs. Which of your stories are you most proud of? Why? 
Oh, different ones for different reasons. I think Dark Santiago is the most structurally tight and sound thing I've ever done. Second Life is like a miracle that it even happened, that I was able to control such a behemoth and bring it home. I was terrified the whole way. And weirdly, there's a drabble series that is called The Sins of Severus Snape that I am still really proud of. I think of those like linked poems. A real exercise in being concise for someone who likes to sprawl all over the page. Did it unfold as you imagined it or did you find the unexpected cropped up as you wrote? What did you learn from writing it?  
I think I've pretty much covered those questions in all my ramblings. I knew the general structure, I was happily surprised along the way, and I learned to write novels from writing fanfiction, Second Life in particular. How personal is the story to you, and do you think that made it harder or easier to write? 
There's not a lot of personal parts of the story to me in Second Life. I mean, every character is drawn from me, in a way, just because they come into being informed with my way of looking at and understanding the world and other people. But there isn't a lot in there that echoes my experience. Advanced Contemporary Potion Making was personal, and I think you can feel that in the story. It takes the biggest step away from canon. It wasn't hard to write, but it was hard to live. And now, as I look back, I have a different perspective on my life and on the story itself than I did at the time that I wrote it. What books or authors have influenced you? How do you think that shows in your writing? 
Oh man, Stephen King is all over my writing. I don't think I've ever written a sex scene that didn't have a grain of that scene in the sewers of It inside it. Not because of the child thing--I know that skeeves people out about that scene--but because in it, Beverly discovers the power of sex--sex as a force, a life-giving force, something with teeth. I think that idea shows up a lot in Second Life. I like fiction in which you are very much inside the character's heads, and I think that's apparent in my writing. I think I got that initially from Stephen King, who leaps around inside his different character's heads sometimes in the same paragraph! I also think the theme of unending loyalty, the power of friendship, the triumph of good over evil--those are very Kingian themes that I recognized in Potter and then carried into my own writing. Do people in your everyday life know you write fanfiction? 
Yes. That wasn't always the case. During the time that I was active in the fandom, I was a young elementary school teacher, and I dreaded anyone finding out that I wrote sex scenes with children's book characters. I was very private about my fanfic then, and even a few of my closest real life people did not know. My parents still do not know. My children are teenagers now and into fanfiction in their own right; they know I wrote it, but they don't know my ship or my pen name. My husband has read most of Second Life. I recently started a new job, and during one of those "get to know you" games, I was asked to share something that other people wouldn't guess about me. I said that I had once been a fanfiction writer. How true for you is the notion of "writing for yourself"? 
Mmm. I wrote the stories I wanted to read. Do you know what I mean? I wrote things because that's how I wanted to see them, how I wished they were, and I wrote to my own preferences. But writing in real time, for people who were actually reading and responding--that was crucial to the process. My biggest fear during the writing of Second Life was that I wouldn't finish it, or that I would lose control of it and it would become crap. "Breaking the story," I used to say, and I was terrified of breaking the story. But the fact that there were people experiencing it with me and waiting for it, reacting to it, and giving insightful feedback--that helped keep me very focused and motivated. I never wrote something because I thought it would be appealing to others, but I was so gratified that what I wrote did appeal to others. How important is it for you to interact with your audience? How do you engage with them? Just at the point of publishing? Through social media? 
I had a LiveJournal and although I was not a frequent poster, I read my friends list every day during that time. I read what everyone else was reading and talked about the stories and themes that everyone else was talking about. I made a number very close friends during that time--other authors, people who were reading my stories and commenting. We talked on the phone frequently, and I had a team of beta readers. I went to conventions. I participated in the ss/hg exchange. A lot of those people were my audience, were reading my stories. And many of them became my good friends. I had a policy to answer all reviews when I was writing Second Life, and I did that until I was unable to do it anymore. When I had multiple stories it got much harder. That community changed a lot toward the end of my time in it. People were leaving LiveJournal, and Tumblr was on the rise, which felt like a much bigger pond. AO3 was replacing the smaller archives on which I had really grown as a writer. And once the movies were over and there was no more "fresh canon," people started to drift away. I do think that I might have lasted longer if that tight knit community had stayed in place. It played a big role in my commitment to my work and continued enthusiasm. As a side note, one of the friends I made in the SS/HG community is still my best friend. She is the "aunt" to my children, and we still talk on the phone weekly and visit at least yearly. What is the best advice you've received about writing? 
If you want to write, then write. Make a routine. Write a certain number of words a day. Read them out loud to yourself. You'll hear your own bad habits and improve them.
What do you do when you hit writer's block? 
If I'm already in a project, I will force myself to write a certain number of words per day. I will hold a scene that I'm longing to write out in front of myself like a carrot. Like, if you write this transition part that feels yucky and like you are stuck in it, then you can write the big reunion scene that you know is coming. If I'm not in a project... well, then I don't get through it. I just don't start a new project.  If I need to write a story, as I did during graduate school or during the ss/hg exchange--I would do this thing one of my professors suggested--pick three headlines, words or ideas that have interested you over time and force them into the same story. Dark Santiago was that way. I had the prompt of fortune telling. I added an idea about the way magic works for muggleborns and the ocean town where I was living. Voila: Dark Santiago.   Has anything in real life trickled down into your writing? 
I'm sure it has in ways I can't even see. I remember once talking to a friend on the phone about Second Life as I was writing it, and she pointed out that the fact that I'm a Quaker was informing the story--like my own perspective on war and the horrors of violence were bleeding into the the kind of philosophy of Second Life. Do you have any stories in the works? Can you give us a teaser? 
I don't. I wish I did! I often miss my time in fandom, the spirit of creativity and community, all those ideas just bubbling out in every direction. Any words of encouragement to other writers? 
I don't believe that the end goal of fanfiction is to become a published writer, just as I don't think every guitarist has to have the goal of selling out a stadium, or every golfer has to want to compete in the Masters. I think you can love a thing without making it your livelihood. You become a "real" author the minute someone else reads a story that you wrote. Many of you reading this right now are people who made me an author. It is, as Stephen King once wrote, a kind of telepathy. I thought of something once, in 2008, in the southeast of the US, and you can read it right now wherever you are, and experience the thoughts and feelings I was dreaming up then. It's a wonderful gift, writing. And working among people who are dedicated to improving their craft and talking about stories and ideas--that is just the very best ground for making something that makes YOU proud. Thanks so much for giving us your time.  
Thank you! I am really honored to be asked
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nomattertheoceans · 4 years
The 100?
Thank you Nonnie!!! :) 
Top 5 favourite characters:
Echo / Emori / Raven / Murphy / Octavia
Other characters you like:
A lot, actually! Off the top of my head, Lexa, Clarke (although not in the way most people like her, I enjoy her as an anti-hero lmao), Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Lincoln, Indra!
Least favourite characters:
Aside from the obvious villains obviously, I’m gonna say Kane and Abby. I never really cared for their stories, I’ve hated Abby since season 1 and Kane since s5 there’s just something about them being absolutely awful leaders and blaming kids for their failures that I can’t get behind.
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Basically lmao.
No but seriously, I think their love story is just great on so many levels, they’re the only love story I really care about in the show.
Other couples I really like are: Bellamy and Echo, Octavia and Lincoln, Octavia and Niylah, Octavia and Diyoza, Murphy and Emori and Raven, Echo and Raven, Jasper and Maya, Monty and Harper
..... Bellarke lmao.
I enjoy the dynamic between Bellamy and Clarke, but I never saw it as romantic, and that’s how I enjoyed it. I love their ennemies to reluctant allies dynamic, I love the fact that their relationship is dysfunctional I love the parallels between Clarke and Octavia. But I don’t enjoy it at all as a romantic dynamic.
Favourite friendships:
Monty and Jasper, Octavia and Jasper, Raven and Murphy
Favourite family:
This is almost only found family because this show has a ton of found family dnamics that I love!! The Blake siblings, Spacekru, Octavia Diyoza and Hope, Raven and Finn.
Favourite episodes:
Murphy’s Law, Blood Must have Blood part 1 and part 2, Thirteen, The Chosen, Pramfayia, Red Queen, The Garden
Favourite season/book/movie:
Season 2. It has my favorite version of Lexa, it has Bellamy and Echo meeting, it has the most interesting antagonists (in my opinion haha). Season 4 is a close second though!
Favourite quotes:
“You believe that to defeat an ennemy who will stop at nothing, you must stop at nothing. How is that any different than Blood must have Blood?” - Luna in s3, because I think this quote shows very well the central conflict of the show, one that was established by Finn in s1: We have to try not to repeat history, and yet everytime, they do repeat it. I disagree with Luna in that instance because the threat that was ALI wasn’t like any other, but I agree with her sentiment.
“In peace, may you leave this shore. In love, may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels. Until our final journey to the Ground. May we meet again.” LISTEN. If there’s is one thing of the world building I absolutely adore, it’s the Traveler’s Blessing. It’s a beautiful prayer, and it gives me all the right emotions when I think about it. I was disappointed with what the show was making of it in seasons 2 and 3, with characters saying it all around, but then there are two instances that really get to me: Octavia and Bellamy saying it over the dead radio at the end of s4, and Monty / Bellamy and Clarke saying it at the end of season 5.
Best musical moment:
I loved the way the music carried the scene right after Lexa’s death, how it melts from Lexa’s death and Titus saying his ritual words, to Becca reaching earth, back to Lexa and the Flame coming out of her.
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest:
Oh boy there are a LOT Off the top of my head: when Monty refuses to leave Jasper alone when he gives his blood to Maya, when Murphy says “Touch me again and I’ll end you... in a non-criminal way”, when Becho was confirmed in s5, When Clarke managed to align the satellite dish in Pramfyia, when Octavia confronted Skaikru in The Chosen,.... I can’t think of others right now but there are a lot lmao You can check out my favorite scenes series if you want, I’m working on it slowly!
When it really disappointed you:
A lot of times, honestly... I’m gonna say, all of season 6. I hated it. It had so much potential, with characters having to deal with the aftermath of season 5, Monty and Harper dying, Jordan existing, Wonkru.... Instead we got a whole mess that didn’t do much for any character and I was really disappointed.
Saddest moment:
Lincoln’s death. I knew it was coming because I knew the actor was leaving the show, but I was so NOT READY for it omg it’s the scene I still cry everytime I watch it because it’s so sad and heartwrenching....
Most well done character death:
Okay so I think The 100 is really bad at having well done character deaths, so I’m gonna say my less well-done one lmaoooo
Lexa’s. Her death was so stupid. I wasn’t in the fandom at the time so I wasn’t aware of the awful queerbaiting that was going on, so without talking about BTS and marketing ploys, I do believe that her death was heavily predicted by the show. However, it was a stupid death and Lexa was too awesome a character to die by a stray bullet. She deserved a proper send-off, she deserved to die in an epic battle, or fighting for what she believed in,..... not a bullet. 
Favourite guest star:
I know Shawn Mendes (Mendez? I don’t know lmao i don’t know him) was a guest star but I don’t know any other guest star so I guess that’s my answer lmao
Favourite cast member:
I don’t follow the cast, so I don’t have a favorite xD
Character you wish was still alive:
Jasper and Finn both deserve to still be alive, because the show treated their mental struggles like shit and I’m very bitter about that!
One thing you hope really happens:
Honestly, I don’t know? We have four episodes left of the entire show and I have no idea where it’s headed lmao I guess I hope both Emori and Murphy survive to see the end and have a long and happy life <3
Most shocking twist:
Okay I actually have three so I’ll you my top three:
1- The revelation of the Mountain Men. I was absolutely NOT expecting this to happen and I was gasping and going “nooooooooo way!!!” at my computer because it was so out of nowhere!! I loved it lmao
2- Murphy discovers that ALI destroyed the world: the ending of s2. That scene is so chilling, Murphy watching the video of Chris crying and killing himself, cut with scenes of Jaha getting to the mansion and the wholse scene with ALI herself... that whole scene was really cool and unexpected!
3- Clarke and Jaha steal the bunker during the conclave. I was so SHOOK by this moment, it was such a bold move and I loved it!
When did you start watching/reading?:
Early January, 2015. I was back at my appartment waiting for the semester to start, my roommates weren’t back from the holidays yet, and I was bored. So I started the show, and I binged all of season 1 and half of season 2 in 24 hours xD I caught up at Spacewalker, and then had to wait two weeks for the next episode to air and it was agony!!!!
Best animal/creature:
Favourite location:
The Second Dawn Bunker. Yeah I know it’s strange coming from me because I absolutely hate so many things about the bunker xD But it was such a cool location!! With the rotunda/arena, the farm, the huge corridors,.....
Trope you wish they would stop using:
“It’s the end of the world, whatever shall we do???” I’m just tired you guys. Nuclear apocalypses and other bombings should not be that common lmao
One thing this show/book/film does better than others:
I love the fact that it has so many different and well developped female characters.It shouldn’t be rare, but it still is, and this show really stands out to me for that reason. I’m not saying it’s the peak of feminism or anything because lmao IT’S NOT. But the women of the show have agency, freedom, they’re all distinct from one another and not just tropes and cliches. I really like it.
Funniest moments:
Nothing comes to mind right now? I feel like an idiot lmao I have so many moments that make me laugh and I can’t think of a single one right now x)
Couple you would like to see:
I would love to have canon Murphy x Emori x Raven!!
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast:
Nobody haha sorry
Favourite outfit:
Blodreina’s cape thingy!
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Favourite item:
Raven’s necklace!!! I’m actually hoping to make myself one someday, it’s my favorite thing ^^
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?:
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?:
I wish I could be spacekru haha they’re the best found family of the whole show and we deserved a flashback episode for them <3
Most boring plotline:
the entirety of season 6 xDDDDD
No but seriously, I’m gona say Illian’s plot. Honestly I never got into it at all, I didn’t care enough about him, or his family.
Most laughably bad moment:
I mean, the pilot is pretty cringe-worthy xD
Best flashback/flashfoward if any:
the flashbacks of the Dark Year.
Most layered character:
Most one dimensional character:
Jordan lmao I was so disappointed with his story in s6.....
Scariest moment:
OMG in season 2 when Bellamy, Octavia and the guards go into the old parking garage and CAROL OF THE BELLS START PLAYING THAT WAS SO FUCKING CREEPY
Grossest moment:
Ewwww the whole worm thing happening in s5, AND the weird trees growing inside people in s6 xD
Best looking male:
S5 Murphy, hands down. Also s7 Murphy cause he spends half his time shirtless lmao
Best looking female:
Emori! She’s so pretty.
Who you’re crushing on (if any):
I mean everybody is gorgeous but I don’t have a particular fixation haha
Favourite cast moment:
I don’t watch interviews or BTS stuff so I don’t know much, but Richard Harmon wearing hie sister’s costume and wig was really funny ^^
Favourite transportation:
Becca’s rocket
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise):
It’s very obvious symbolism, but I love the last shot of Blood must have blood part 1, with Clarke standing alone in front of the door of Mount Weather.
Also, Octavia forcing the clans into submission in Red Queen, the mini conclave in fron of the doors of the vafeteria. The shots in that scene were really good!
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you:
Lmaooooooo do you have ten hours? Because that’s how long I can ramblr about the inconsistencies and plotholtes of this show x) Off the top of my head:
- Why does everybody on the Ark speak Enlighs?
- If Becca knew Nightblood could let you live on Earth then why didn’t she distribute it among the space stations?
- Why did Cadogan build the bunker in the middle of the city when he had a prefectly good FOREST??
- If Lexa is the first Commander to unite the clans then what was the role of the Commander before her?
- Why didn’t the Ark send one adult with the 100 (Pyke) to protect and help them?
- How come the Eligius IV prisoners don’t die when they come back to Earth in s5 since they have no nightblood and didn’t adapt through evolution?
- How is it that Spacekru survived with algea alone but Wonkru had to have this huge variety of plants?? WHAT’S THE MAGIC ALGEA MONTY???
- Why did Mount Weather crash the Exodus ship?
- If the ressources on the Ark are so scarce then why would they float people with clothes on them?
- How come Raven could visit Finn in prison but Bellamy couldn’t visit Octavia?? If Octavia was in solitary, why?
...... Okay i’m gonna stop for now lmao but I could write an entire memoir on the inconsistencies of this show lmao
Best promo:
That one:
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At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: 
I’m thinking Murphy’s Law? The first few episodes were a little too teenage-drama for me but this episode shifted my opinion enough to get me to keep watching ^^
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daggerzine · 7 years
Awaking Up Together- Ben Crum discusses the different lives of Great Lakes.
It was the S/T debut in 2000 that was released on Kindercore that initially got me interested. I loved most everything on that label so when a cd by a band called Great Lakes popped into my po box I was excited to check it out. Like a few of the others under the Elephant 6 moniker, (Apples in Stereo, Olivia Tremor Control, etc.) it exuded a sort-of grandiose 60’s pop charm with bits of psychedelia and some beautiful noise ala Pavement, too. Other records followed (including the brand spankin’ new, and very good, Dreaming Too Close to the Edge) and along the way Crum lended his skills to bands such as Ladybug Transistor and the Essex Green. The more recent Great Lakes records have been a bit darker, more guitar heavy (less sunshine pop) than previous records but still with excellent songwriting and an overflow of hooks. I wanted to know a bit about Crum and what made him tick and when I shot some questions his way he was more than happy to expound and expand on his life from the early days until present day. If you’ve never heard the music of Great Lakes then by all means check out one of their many releases, each one with its own distinct personality. Read on dear fans….
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L-R- Kevin Shea, Suzanne Nienaber, Kenny Wachtel, Chris Talsness and Ben Crum
Where did you grow up?
Mt. Airy, Maryland, though I finished high school in suburban Atlanta.
What was the first band that made you take notice?
The Descendents was really the first band that I was in to. I mean, I was discovering classic rock at the same time, but that 80s punk stuff was big for me. I came to them through skateboarding videos. They’re still one of my favorite bands, though I confess I haven’t kept up with their latest music. Fugazi was also an early big one for me. That first EP especially. I also loved, and still love, The Misfits.
When did you first pick up an instrument? Was it a guitar?
I was required by my mother, who played piano, to take piano lessons. She made me practice right after school. While sitting at the piano practicing my scales I could hear the other neighborhood kids playing and having fun. I found it miserable at the time. But my piano teacher let me come early to the lessons. She had a giant leather recliner and a nice stereo system with headphones. She’d let me play whatever records I wanted to listen to. That was my introduction to CCR. The main lick from “Down On the Corner” really grabbed me as a kid. That and the lead guitar part from “Up Around the Bend” had really caught my attention.
By middle school I chose to be in the school band. That lasted about one year. I think I mainly did it because I didn’t like the other options. I “played” saxophone. When I was about 14 I was watching Maryland public TV and I saw the One Night With You movie with Elvis. It’s taken from the 68 Comeback Special. I still love that stuff. I got out my mom’s old nylon string guitar and started teaching myself to play. I begged my parents to let me trade my sax for a steel string Guild acoustic. I took a few lessons, but those didn’t really take. I learned to play “Dust In the Wind” though.
What was your introduction to independent music? Was it hardcore? New wave? Something else?
I used to have a skateboard ramp in my backyard. All kinds of people would hear about it and come to my house to skate. There was an older dude who had a hardcore band and he gave me his 7 inch when I was about 15. That must’ve planted the seed in my mind that independently putting music out was something I could do. Before then, I don’t think it had occurred to me.
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What was your first band? And how/when did Great Lakes come about? That was in Athens, GA, right?
 It’s all kinda related, to me. The way I got started in doing music was that during breaks from college, around 92-93, I started getting together with high school friend, Dan Donahue, when we were both visiting our parents in Atlanta. We would write songs and record them on 4 track. We liked Galaxie 500/early Luna, The Flaming Lips, Pavement, Dinosaur Jr. And I remember he liked The Chickasaw Mudpuppies a lot and got me in to that stuff. He didn’t really play an instrument, though in the early days neither did I, really, so we both played whatever we could. He liked writing lyrics, though. That was his main thing. It always felt like a chore to me, and I was happy to have him be the lyricist. We called ourselves The Patty Melts. We had a song called “I’m Alive” that was kind of a fictional blues about how bad life was for the narrator, but the idea was that at least he was alive. A choice nugget of the lyrics, referring the guy’s wife, went: “ she’s a briarpatch with an eyepatch”, and later the narrator says:  “…gettin’ my ass up is a damn chore.” We made a pretty cool 4 track recording of that song. I had this homemade 4 string fretless instrument that my dad and brother had built. I’ve still got it. It was made out of paneling for the body and a piece of molding for the neck. The tuners were eye screws, screwed right into the wood. I tuned it to an open chord and played slide on it with a screwdriver as the slide. So we made this Chickasaw Mudpuppies-inspired song with that. By about 94 I started visiting Dan in Athens, where he was in college, and we would write songs and try to record them. Jamey Huggins, who was then in high school but came to Athens a lot on breaks and weekends, joined us on drums. We were all really into Teenage Fanclub by that time, and one night we stayed up all night and wrote a song that we thought was so good that we had to start a band one day. Even then, I was focused on the recording. Unless we had a cool recording of a song, it was as if it almost didn’t really exist. I think we all felt that way. I still do.
Meanwhile, I was in a band in college in Birmingham, Alabama with some friends. We were first called a few different names that I’ve forgotten, but when we started playing shows we were calling ourselves Wonderock, like a superhero or something. We had a couple good songs, actually. I remember getting some encouragement from the sound guy when we played our first show at The Nick. He was a pretty grizzled old guy, Johnny Mack, and he came up to us after our set and said begrudgingly, “Well, my toe was tapping and my toe don’t lie to me…” One of the members of that band, Craig Ceravolo, moved to Athens with me in 96 and went on to play in the earliest version of Great Lakes. Another member of that band formed a band called Three Finger Cowboy. They were on Amy Ray’s label and, I think, did a tour or two opening for The Indigo Girls. After that band I had a short-lived band with Craig, Jason Hamric, and Jamey, called Alaska. Craig, Jason, and I all lived together in Southside, and Jamey had come to Birmingham to stay with us for the summer. I think we chose the name because of that line in “Stephanie Says:, “It’s such an icy feeling / It’s so cold in Alaska”. We also called ourselves Cherry Valence for a bit (this was back before there was a band called The Cherry Valence). Anyway, that band had 3 members of what would become Great Lakes in it. I tried to convince Jason Hamric to leave Birmingham and move to Athens with us, but he wasn’t into that idea. He definitely would have been in Great Lakes, though, if he had moved with us. Great player, and great guy. So, anyway, in Athens, Dan joined us as a lyricist, and we merged Alaska/Cherry Valence and Wheelie Ride and The Patty Melts and became Great Lakes. And then Great Lakes evolved over time. But it wasn’t until 2009 or so that the current iteration, the longest running consistent lineup the band has ever had, came together. But Great Lakes is really more than a band to me. It’s what I consider my life’s work as an artist.
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Tell me about your tenure in both the Ladybug Transistor and the Essex Green.
Well, when I got to Athens I arrived right as the Elephant 6 thing was coalescing. The first Neutral Milk Hotel and Olivia Tremor Control records had just come out and they blew me away. Elf Power, too. All those guys were into 4 track recording, like us, but, of course, they were way more advanced. We became friends with that whole group of people. And then, after years of recording (including really learning how to record), the first Great Lakes album came out on Kindercore/E6. Ladybug Transistor had a connection to E6. Their album The Albemarle Sound had certainly caught nearly everyone’s attention that year. I mean, if you liked Love and The Beach Boys and Van Dyke Parks’ Song Cycle and stuff like that, then that record was pretty much made for you. We loved it. That and that Lilys record that sounded like The Kinks (Better Can’t Make Your Life Better). Through E6 connections some of the people in Ladybug asked the Kindercore guys to release the first record by their other band, Essex Green. Kindercore happily did. We played a show or two together with Essex Green and Ladybug in Athens, which was fun. We hung out and kinda bonded over shared musical tastes, they way you can only really do when you’re in your 20s, it seems like. A few years later when I moved to Brooklyn they were some of the only people I knew. Jeff Baron, of both bands, immediately asked me to get together with him and Mike Barrett and play some music. We quickly realized that not only did we all love 60s psych and pop, but we also really loved old country music and the whole Flying Burrito Brothers style of country rock. Because we each knew so many country songs, and because we just loved to play, we would get together and play a lot. Mike and Jeff lived together, and had a cool little low volume set up in their apartment, and we’d hand out and play for hours, swapping instruments and trading off singing lead on all kinds of stuff. Eventually we started doing some of Mike’s originals, and Jeff and I would do some tunes. We talked about making a record, possibly of Mike’s original songs, and probably should have. But for some reason we ended up not doing that. But, like I said, we had a bunch of fun. It was also like some kind of music school for me, in a way. Jeff and Mike helped me train my ear to hear the changes, and to improvise. Previously, a live show for me had been about basically just executing what I’d written beforehand; but I came to see music differently through that experience of playing with those guys. I mean, with them, nothing ever sounded the same way twice, and I learned to love that. Then, soon after, Essex Green didn’t have a bass player for a tour they had booked, so they invited me to play. Tim Barnes (Silver Jews, Royal Trux) was on drums for the first tour or two that I did with them, and between Jeff’s great guitar playing and Tim’s incredible drumming and way of listening and responding, it was a great experience. That lineup of that band was definitely one of the best bands I ever played in. We did a tour or two with other drummers, and despite the fact that the Essex Green songs are great and I love playing with them, there came a point when I decided to bow out and focus on a new Great Lakes record, which became Diamond Times. But after that album came out Gary of Ladybug found himself without a guitarist. I guess Jeff didn’t want to do it at that point, so I started playing guitar with him. We did several tours, sometimes with Ladybug Transistor and Great Lakes on the same bill, and then we made what I call the Buckingham Kicks album together (officially titled Can’t Wait Another Day). I wanted to change the band name to Buckingham Kicks and release a self-titled debut, because the album we did was so different from previous LT albums, but Gary decided against that. The great thing about joining Ladybug Transistor, apart from playing with Gary, who is one of the better singers around, was that I got to play with longtime Ladybug drummer San Fadyl. He was another fantastic drummer, and he taught me tons as a musician. After he died tragically, my days in that band were numbered. But Gary soldiered on and made another record, and he’s still doing stuff now. I think he’ll keep making great records for a long time. I’d like to think that I’ll do more stuff together with the Essex Green/Ladybug Transistor folks. We’ve talked about wanting to do something, but logistically it’s a little tough. Maybe one day, though. There’s a new Essex Green coming out soon, though. I’ve been listening to it and it’s great.
When did you move to Brooklyn? What prompted the move?
I moved in 2002. I think I stayed in Athens a little too long for me. I’m not saying people shouldn’t stay in Athens. It’s a great place and I love it. But I was there 6 years, and it’s a small southern town, you know? That has its up and downsides. I think I should have left a little before then, but I didn’t for some reason. The way I actually ended up moving is that my girlfriend at the time was moving and I came along. We promptly broke up, but I stayed in New York because I liked it. Though New York is expensive, it’s a fun place to raise a family. We got to the Catskills, we have a great beach nearby, and we live in a community that is progressive politically. That goes a long way.  
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Tell us about the new Great Lakes record, Dreaming Too Close to the Edge. Where was it recorded? Who played on it?
Dreaming Too Close to the Edge, the 6th Great Lakes record, ended up being the third in a series of three records that sort of share a lyrical theme. The previous two, Ways of Escape and Wild Vision, are much more country-inflected, however. I think those two are good records, but they’re kinda heavy in terms of the moods and subject matter. This new one feels more fun to me. The subject matter is still pretty heavy, but the songs are back in major keys again. I think it’s a really strong batch of songs. I’m proud of it. I think with Ways of Escape I finally really found myself as a songwriter. I think the stuff I’ve done since that record has been my best work, and this new one feels very strong to me.
The lineup is pretty much the same as played on the previous two records. The drummer is Kevin Shea. He’s been with me for over 10 years now. Suzanne Nienaber sings with me again. Kenny Wachtel plays some guitar. Joe McGinty is back on keys, and Dave Gould on bass. There are a couple other people who played on a song here and there, Luis Leal played mellotron on a aong, and Andrew Rieger did a guest vocal on one song. They’re great musicians, all of them. And just nice, easy-going people. I have no intention to shake up that lineup. As long as those lovely people want to play with me, they’ve got the gig. Of course, it’s different when you’re in your late 30s and early 40s. We’re not trying to tour the world, and I really don’t have ambitions beyond making what I think are good records, and maybe playing the occasional show.
As for the recording of Dreaming, the drums were recorded at Brian Eno’s old space in Gowanus, Brooklyn. I think Martin Bisi has been there for 30 years or more. There’s a documentary film about the place. It’s now called Seizure’s Palace (when Jason LaFarge is behind the desk). It’s a huge room, but Jason’s got a great handle on getting good drum sounds in that space. A Boredoms record or two were done there, as well as several Swans records. It’s a great and really weird space. The keyboards were tracked at Joe McGinty’s vintage keys studio, Carousel, in Greenpoint. I played with him and got to know him through Ladybug Transistor (especially when we were rehearsing with Kevin Ayers, but he was also a good friend of San’s, too). Nearly everything else was done in my home studio. And I went to Don Piper’s Brooklyn studio to track vocals. He’s got a Neve desk there, and gets nice sounds. The record was mixed by Steve Silverstein, who mixed each of the last three records. Steve and I have a long relationship of working together, and he’s great.  
Is Loose Trucks your own label? Do you release other music other than your own on it?
Yes. My old friends Andrew and Laura of Elf Power run Orange Twin Records in Athens. They put out a couple Great Lakes records, but for Wild Vision, the 5th record, Andrew suggested to me that there was really no reason anymore to give them a cut of the money. He just hooked me up with their distributor and I started my own label. So far, so good. But I teamed up with Mike Turner (of HHBTM Records, and the guy who released the first ever Great Lakes 7”) to help me with distribution this time. I think that’ll be a positive thing. The truth is, I’d never want to start a label, necessarily, but it just made sense for me to do it.
I haven’t released anything else on the label except the last two Great Lakes records, and I really don’t have any desire to do so.
Who are some of your favorite current bands or musicians?
Steve Gunn. I especially love Way Out Weather. That’s the modern record that I’ve listened to the most in recent years. I love the Fahey meets drone-y raga thing; but it’s the strength of the compositions and the melodies that I find elevates it above other records in that style. I also think David-Ivar from the band Herman Dune is one of the most criminally underrated songwriters around these days. And Bill Callahan has long been a favorite of mine. I think he’s peerless.
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What is one musician you’d say who’s had the biggest impact on your music?
My biggest influence as a guitar player is/was Dean Wareham. First, I always thought his sound was really cool. And his solos and lead playing, from Galaxie 500 on, has all been consistently great. I mean, as a beginning guitar player I’d sing along with the guitar solos. It doesn’t happen that often, when the long guitar solo or outro is the highlight of a song, or just as good as the singing part. Wareham was kind of my guitar teacher in a sense, because the way he plays, it’s not super fast. It’s about the melodies and the feeling and the mood. Because his stuff wasn’t very technical, I was able to play along with his solos and lead parts pretty easily and figure out what he does and how he does it. Every now and again I still kind of think to myself, “What would Dean Wareham do on this song?” if I’m stuck trying to figure out a guitar part for a song.
Tell us about your day job as a teacher. How does it fit into your lifestyle? Any of the other teachers know that you’re a musician?
Well, I don’t have a very wild lifestyle, I can tell you that. I’ve got a 7 year old son and a 1 year old daughter. With a full-time job as a third grade teacher, I’ve got my hands full. Lots of responsibility. But I still find the time to play a handful of shows each year, and to release records regularly. I’ve kind of gotten into a pattern of working, that works for me. During the school year I write songs when inspiration hits. But then I have the summers off. That’s when I have more time to work on music. If I can get all the songs for a new record written, revised and ready to record by August, I can track drums for an album. And then the cycle of overdubbing on the recordings, while also writing new songs, can begin again. That’s really my pattern.
People I work with know I write and play music, and put out records. Sometimes they’ll come to the shows. Some of my student’s parent’s have actualy looked me up and bought my records. I leave a guitar in my class and we sing all the time. The parents know me as this gentle teacher who sings Paul Simon and Cat Stevens songs with their kids, but I could tell by the way they some of them talked to me about my music that they were a bit surprised, after hearing my music, at how thematically dark some of my stuff is. It’s not children’s music that I’m making, you know? If they’d asked me I’d have warned them.
As a teacher, I think about Robert Pollard a lot. He’s not only one of my favorite songwriters, but he made a bunch of his best records while he was working full-time as a 3rd grade teacher. It’s really not hard to balance teaching and music. The hours can be tough, though. I have to be on point at 8am when I have to face a class of 8 year olds. One of my regular working times is between 4am and 6am. It’s been less this way since we had our second kid, because I’m really tired from having a baby,  a 7 year old, and a demanding job. But I made most of the previous two records, and a lot of Dreaming, between the hours of 4am and 6am. That’s when my brain works best, anyway, I don’t even set an alarm. I just wake up naturally when I’m feeling inspired to work. It’s nice. The house is quiet, and I’ve got a tried-and-true system for recording electric guitars, bass, and keyboards silently. My wife is also very supportive, and often graciously allows me weekend mornings off of childcare duty so I can get some recording work done. I’m one of those people that if I’m not recording and getting work done, I’m kind of irritable and feel unsettled. So it’s probably in her best interest to do that… (haha)
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 You’re the only remaining original member of the band., then? What’s that like?
Yeah. I've been the only original member of the band for over 10 years now. But it was really only for the first 2 records that the original members were a big part of the band, anyway, to be honest. And even then it was really just the first one that was the product of genuine collaboration. Back then it was me and Dan writing songs together, but by the time the first record came out we'd put together a big band that also featured Kevin Barnes from Of Montreal, Scott Spillane from Neutral Milk Hotel/Olivia Tremor Control, Bryan Poole from Elf Power, and Derek Almstead, Dottie Alexander, Heather McIntosh, and Jamey Huggins as a multi-instrumentalist and our main drummer. Jamey and I really collaborated very closely on the first record, in terms of working out the instrumentation on the songs. That was a really good, positive collaboration. And, truthfully, it hurt me when he chose to pretty much leave the band and focus on Of Montreal. But I understood his decision. They were getting really popular, and I couldn't blame him. Then, in 2002, I moved to Brooklyn and Dan followed not long after, and once we'd both left Athens that was basically the end of the original lineup. Dan and I kept writing songs together, though, with him writing the lyrics and me writing the music. We went back to Athens to record Diamond Times, and a bunch of the old crew pitched in and played on the record, but by that point I'd formed a pretty strong connection with Jeff Baron of Essex Green and Ladybug Transistor, and had convinced him to come down from Brooklyn to Athens with me for the recording sessions. He ended up playing a big role in terms of making that album what it became.
The last released songs that Dan and I co-wrote, apart from one that made it onto Ways of Escape, came out on Diamond Times in 2006. After that album came out, I put together a 3-piece lineup of the band in New York, to tour behind that album. We did a long tour of the US, opening for The Clientele. It was Kevin Shea on drums, and Kyle Forester, who I also roped into The Ladybug Transistor as a keyboardist, on bass. We did a few tours of Europe with that lineup, too. What's strange is that, though it's not the original lineup, we played more shows together as a 3-piece than any previous or later Great Lakes lineup ever played, yet the three of us never made a record. Kyle left right before we began recording the 4th record, Ways of Escape. Around then Dan and I had a disagreement over the musical direction of the band and he abruptly moved back to Athens. Him leaving really turned out to be a great thing for me. Kevin Shea was happy to keep playing drums with me, and I wrangled a bunch of great NYC-based players to help me make that record. Towards the end of that process, Suzanne Nienaber started singing with me. As soon as we started doing stuff together I thought it sounded great. That lineup ended up being the players I've continued to work with for a decade and counting. We made Wild Vision together, which, to me, really felt like a highlight in the band's discography, and then we made the new record, Dreaming Too Close to the Edge, together, too.
 Looking back, I think I went out on my own at just the right time. I was feeling weird about singing somebody else's words. And it felt so much better to sing my own. Dan also just wanted more say over the music than I was willing to give him. I think a lot of artists reach a point where they get fed up with making art by committee. At a certain point, you need control to really realize your vision. I've done 6 Great Lakes records now, with the most recent 3 being made without any other original band members. And it's the 3 I've done on my own that I feel most proud of, to be honest. I'll never disavow the early stuff, and if you're a fan of unabashed 60s psych-pop then that's the Great Lakes stuff for you.
 The thing about bands continuing on without original members is tricky. A lot of times those bands aren't very good without the original lineup. But I always think about The Byrds when this subject comes up. My favorite Byrds records are the ones Roger McGuinn made without Gene Clark and David Crosby. I mean, I love the Gene Clark solo stuff, and that first David Crosby solo record, too. And of course the early Byrds stuff is great. But those late Byrds records are the ones I like the most. I like to think of Great Lakes like that. Maybe some people prefer the early stuff, and that's fine. But I'm just going to keep on doing my own thing, regardless of what anybody else thinks.    
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 Any closing comment? Final thoughts? Anything you wanted to mention that I didn’t ask?
I’m always focused on what I’m doing next. I’m working on the 7th Great Lakes record now. More and more, I find myself drawing on more of my influences from the time when I was starting to play music, lthe stuff I was into in my early 20s. Dinosaur Jr., Pavement, Sebadoh, Luna/Galaxie 500, Teenage Fanclub, Guided By Voices, Built to Spill. Not that there’s a cohesive sound there, but that combination of sounds is really where my heart is lately. I’m working on the next record now and I can feel it going in that direction. It’s not at all thematically connected to the other records. I feel like it’s going to be good.
Thanks for your interest in my music, Tim. I appreciate it.
 All photos by Jami Craig except the 3rd pic from the top (the outdoor shot with the Puerto Rican flag) which is by Diego Britt. 
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ferretly · 7 years
my 2018 reading list/challenge:
beneath the cut it’s long
(these are all options in each section; i won’t read every book in each section. if anyone has recs for which book i should read tho that would be appreciated!!)
a book made into a movie you’ve already seen
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Misery by Stephen King
Holes by Lois Sachar
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold
true crime
No Place Safe by Kim Reid
The 57 Bus by Dashka Slater
the next book in a series you started
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe by Douglas Adams
Bitterblue by Kristin Cashore
Twenty Years After by Alexandre Dumas
Fearless by Cornelia Funke
Among the Free by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
Through the Ever Night by Veronica Rossi
UnSouled by Neal Shusterman
a book involving a heist
White Cat by Holly Black
American Gods by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
nordic noir
October is the Coldest Month by Christoffer Carlsson
a novel based on a real person
Crank by Ellen Hopkins
The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
a book set in a country that fascinates you
Ogniem i Mieczem by Henryk Sienkiewicz
The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
a book with the time of day in the title
Dawn by Octavia E. Butler
Princess of the Midnight Ball by Jessica Day George
The Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson
a book about a villain or antihero
Battle Royale by Koushun Takami
Feast of Souls by C.S. Friedman
a book about death or grief
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe
Sanctum by Sarah Fine
The Everafter by Amy Huntley
Ferryman by Claire McFall
Beauty of the Broken by Tawni Waters
a book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb
Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree
a book with an LGBT protagonist
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz
Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older
a book that is also a stage play or musical
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Elliot
a book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
Dawn by Octavia E. Butler (Black)
Fledgeling by Octavia E. Butler (Black)
Parable of the Sower by Octavia E. Butler (Black)
Wild Seed by Octavia E. Butler (Black)
The Grace of Kings by Ken Liu (Chinese-American)
Shadowshaper by Daniel Jose Older (Afro-Latino)
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki (Japanese-American)
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alaire Saenz (Latino)
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera (Latino)
The Education of Margot Sanchez by Lilliam Silvera (Latina)
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas (Black)
a book about feminism
Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi
a book about mental health
Wishful Drinking by Carrie Fisher
a book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift
Accessible Gardening for People with Disabilities: A Guide to Methods, Tools, and Plants by Janeen R. Adil
Women of Valor: Polish Resisters to the Third Reich by Joanne D. Gilbert
Tarot: Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis
Fairest by Marissa Meyer
Poles in Wisconsin by Susan Gibson Mikos
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks
a book by two authors:
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
Welcome to Night Vale by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor
a book about or involving a sport
Wing Jones by Katherine Webber
Openly Straight by Bill Koningsberg
Finding the Edge: My Life on the Ice by Karen Chen
a book by a local author
The Girl who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill
Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu
a book with your favorite color in the title
The Red Chamber by Pauline A. Chen
Redheart by Jackie Gamber
Silvered by Tanya Huff
Green by Jay Larke
Red Branch by Morgan Llywelyn
Iron Hearted Violet by Kelly Barnhill
Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen
Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
After the Red Rain by Barry Lyga
The Golden Day by Ursula Dubosarsky
The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring by Ruth Sanderson
Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson
a book with alliteration in the title
Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin
Tiger Burning Bright by Marion Zimmer Bradley
A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle
Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings
Flesh and Fire by Laura Anne Gilman
Stray Souls by Kate Griffin
Fox Forever by Mary E. Pearson
Krik? Krak! by Edwidge Danticat
a book about time travel
Life After Life by Kate Atkinson
Spin by Robert Charles Wilson
The False Princess by Ellis O’Neal
Passenger by Alexandra Bracken
Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox
a book with a weather element in the title
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
Snow Country by Yasunari Kawabata
The Way to Rainy Mountain by N. Scott Momaday
Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi
Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder
Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
Frostfire by Amanda Hocking
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
After the Red Rain by Barry Lyga
Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin
The Prince of Mist by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
a book set at sea
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb
Above World by Jenn Reese
a book with an animal in the title
The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Tiger Burning Bright by Marion Zimmer Bradley
The Lions of Al-Rasson by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Shark God by Charles Montgomery
Raven Girl by Audrey Niffenegger
Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi
The Bees by Laline Paull
Reindeer Moon by Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang by Kate Wilhelm
Dov Arising by Karen Bao
White Cat by Holly Black
Cuckoo Song by Frances Hardinge
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring by Ruth Sanderson
Ferrets (Barron’s Complete Pet Owner’s Manuals) by E. Lynn Fox Morton
The Ferret: An Owner’s Guide to a Happy Healthy Pet by Mary R. Shefferman
Black Canary #1 by Brennden Fletcher
Lumberjanes, Vol.1: Beware the Kitten Holy by Noelle Stevenson
a book set on a different planet
Luna: New Moon by Ian McDonald
Coyote by Alan Steele
Glow by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Salvage by Alexandra Duncan
Dove Arising by Karen Bao
Stitching Snow by R.C. Lewis
a book with song lyrics in the title
Don’t Turn Around by Michelle Gagnon
All These Things I’ve Done by Gabrielle Zevin
Yesterday by C.K. Kelly Martin
a book about or set on Halloween
The Halloween Tree by Ray Bradbury
a book with characters who are twins
Nightfall by Jake Halpern
Affinity by Sarah Waters
a book mentioned in another book
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. LeGuin
The Last of the Wine by Mary Renault
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Price of Salt by Patricia Highsmith
a book from a celebrity book club
Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie
Tigana by Guy Gavriel Kay
He, She, and It by Marge Piercy
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters
The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin
Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers
a childhood classic you’ve never read
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Winter of Fire by Sherryl Jordan
a book that’s published in 2018
Unearthed by Amie Kaufman
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert
These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch
Reign of the Fallen by Sara Glenn Marsh
The Apocalypse Guard by Brandon Sanderson
The Diminished by Kaitlyn Sage Patterson
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning
Hullmetal Girls by Emily Skrutskie
Witchmark by C.L. Polk
Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
Hurricane Child by Kheryn Callender
Blackfish City by Sam J. Miller
a past Goodreads Choice Awards winner
The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
A Work in Progress by Connor Franta
a book set in the decade you were born
The Miseducation of Cameron post by Emily M. Danforth
A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar
a book you meant to read in 2017 but didn’t get to
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan LeFanu
Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
a book with an ugly cover
Poison by Chris Wooding
Starters by Lissa Price
a book that involves a bookstore or library
The Library at Mount Char by Scott Hawkins
The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 reading challenges
Explorer: The Mystery Boxes by Kazu Kibuishi
Watchmen by Alan Moore
Lumberjanes, Vol.1: Beware the Kitten Holy by Noelle Stevenson
Habibi by Craig Thompson
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
Fearless by Cornelia Funke
Swallows of Kabul by Yasmina Khadra
The Boy at the End of the World by Greg Van Eekhout
Where the Mountain Meets the Moon by Grace Lin
a bestseller from the year you graduated high school
Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
Dewey: the Small-town Library Cat who Touched the World by Vicki Myron
a cyberpunk book
Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
Vurt by Jeff Noon
Moxyland by Lauren Beukes
Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress
a book that was being read by a stranger in a public place
lol i don’t like ... even go to public places; if anyone’s reading this do u wanna help me out
a book tied to your ancestry
Polish Roots by Rosemary A. Chorzempa
Women of Valor: Polish Resisters to the Third Reich by Joanne D. Gilbert
Poles in Wisconsin by Susan Gibson Mikos
a book with a fruit or vegetable in the title
Oranges are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson
an allegory
Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie
Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Carcia Marquez
Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
a book by an author with the same first or last name as you
A Dirty Rose by Nannah Marnie-Claire
[censored] sorry
a microhistory
Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Dorris Pilkington
Earth Then and Now: Amazing Images of our Changing World by Fred Pearce
Straight: The Surprisingly Short History of Heterosexualty by Hanne Blank
a book about a problem facing society today
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
UnDivided by Neal Shusterman
a book recommended by someone else taking the reading challenge
anyone wanna help me out???
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scvedbylove-archive · 7 years
How would your muse furnish their dream home? Would they prefer a traditional style? Or something more contemporary? Would they crave open spaces, natural light, and minimalism? Or do they not mind a little clutter and would, instead, want for there to be curtains and drapes and patterns galore? How many bookcases? Any plants? Antiques? Wicker — yes or no? What would the overall vibe be? Warm and cozy? Light and breezy? Old-world sophisticated? Artsy and eclectic? The height of glam?
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sunny, you always send the most detailed questions omg
so, harry technically owns grimmauld place but he... doesn’t have any desire to live there, not least of all because sirius hated that house & spent the last year of his life cooped up, miserable, inside it. his dream home, really, would be something reminiscent of the burrow. he considers the burrow his home & the weasleys his family. from the first time he set foot there, he LOVED it. having spent most of his childhood with the dursleys, the difference between privet drive & the burrow was like night & day. 
ofc in my main verse, harry is w/ draco & they have a flat together after graduation, so draco’s tastes play a part in the decor, obviously. me & chris haven’t talked much about this, actually, since most of our threads are in the 8th year verse... but i always envision their flat as being very modern, & it’s also in muggle london ( largely bc harry gets draco hooked on going to movies & musicals & buying overpriced coffee lmao ). 
draco is tidier than harry by nature, so too much clutter grates on his nerves, but they compromise. harry can have a bunch of silly knick-knacks that he probably bought at a thrift shop, but draco gets to choose the curtains. & the paint. & no, on absolutely no condition are they wallpapering ANY room in this flat. or putting in carpet. 
hardwood floors & nice, unobtrusive solid colors. also -- no to wicker, & harry agrees. you might think that draco would have antiques, but i imagine he doesn’t bring anything from the manor. he tries to distance himself from all of that post-war.
so, the general feel of the place is a weird mesh of sophistication & just... homey. draco has his elegant bookcases & his aesthetically pleasing furniture, but then harry sits random shit he thought was neat everywhere. draco comes home one day & harry has put star wars bedding on their bed. draco sits an expensive see-through vase on the mantle, & harry turns it into a makeshift piggy bank for no other reason than ‘it looks cool!’ 
harry also has an obsession with photographs. he puts pictures of he & draco everywhere, & pictures of the weasleys & luna & neville & basically everyone he loves. when he was growing up, he never once saw a photo of himself or his parents in the dursleys’ house, & now that he has a place of his own, he’s putting pictures EVERYWHERE, goddamn it. 
but tbh he would be happy living anywhere as long as he’s there with somebody he loves, this boy is not picky. 
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brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
Have a beach day with, watch the sunrise with, have dinner at a fancy restaurant with: Ben, Chris, Peter Parker
Three of a Kind || Accepting {{ tagging @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave for reasons}}
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The question makes her laugh and this is one of those rare few that show her teeth and wrinkles her nose. A real smile that doesn't have any strings trying to tie it shut. "Oh, see? I really expected you to go hard on me wi' dis one, mebbe only for me to do whole 'Never go in against a Sicilian when deat' is on da line!' scene." Each of her friends come up in the forefront of her mind. "Beach day is absolutely Petah. I no can remembah las' time he actually took time for himself an' set down alla his responsibilities in favour of have some fun. But I will also hafta require his body-weight in sunscreen cause he is surprisingly pale under his...tee-shirts an' stuff." She runs fingers through her hair. "How many times have we spent whole night talkin' an' tradin' comics, or listenin' t' music until wee hours of da morning before? We got our sunrise blanket, you bring da donuts or cinnamon rolls, an' I bring da coffee. We got our spot on da mountain wi' dat really great view. So why risk a good kine when ours is already perfect? Sunrise wi' you." Her face softens a little as she thinks of the third name. Ben's been going through a bit of a rough time lately. Its unusual for him to put off plans or text her an hour after they're supposed to meet up so she knows she shouldn't wait for him. "An' while I know he hates da kine, I'd make Ben do fancy grindz. If we're in a restaurant li'dat...is because his mom or da Admiral are makin' us do it for da 'optics', you know...whole situation dat tastes a lot like poison to us. An' if we get to pick da restaurant, den he an' I already got escape routes an' hide-outs mapped out in our heads from years of experience."
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bewitchingbaker · 1 year
♭ for a song that reminds me of our muses' relationship <3 <3 <3
[ @brooklynislandgirl ]
Make you Happy ll A Tune for Two
There was nothing like the downtime after the lunch rush. With fresh goods baked, tables cleaned, and beverages stocked for the dinner rush; he had some time to relax with some music. Since Alice and Angela were out on deliveries, that just left Chris and Camillo in the bakery.
Which meant all the best music could be played.
Westcoast tracks that earned some c-walks, old Cumbia classics that brought back memories and old school R&B that could make you think of your lover. Even some old Chicago house where Chris could show off his Chicago roots. Speaking of, Chris was in the middle of demonstrating his best footwork when a certain nurse walked in.
Elizabeth 'Beth' Riley. Or 'Hermosa Riley' from Camillo.
As always, Camillo noticed and said nothing. After all, it was always funny seeing his nephew surprised when the nurse caught him being his usual dorky self. A moment that would never get old. Once the young Luna noticed Beth was there, he stumbled over his words attempting to lean on a nearby table like he wasn't just dancing all over the place.
"I can't belive you didn't notice the most beautiful girl when she walked in, Chris!" Camillo laughed, giving Beth a hug. "I'll let you two lovebirds talk while I take care of some stuff in the back."
A cherry red Chris offered a wave to Beth, taking notice of the small basket in her hands.
"Hey, what ya got there?"
A smile spreads across her face, earning that all too familar red hue from the baker.
"Jus a few herbs, I thought ya could use em for a recipe," she replied with a kiss on his cheek, handing him the batch of herbs and flowers. The baker examined a few of the herbs, one hand rubbing his beard in thought before letting it levitate.
'Chamoile and lavender?' he thought as he rubbed his chin. There was a recipe for chamomile cookies and a lavender scented tea. A small smile spreads across his face.
"I can make something right quick for ya," Chris smiled before going into the kitchen while Beth followed.
This didn't go unnoticed by Camillo, eyes following the duo. Even though they were fully grown adults, he would always see them as the two shy kids finding new ways to get into trouble with their siblings. His hands scrolled through his phone, smiling once he found the perfect song for this situation.
'Satisfaction, satisfaction' satisfaction'
A hypnotizing and mellow guitar tune filled the bakery as Chris prepped everything. There was something...different about watching him bake these days. Maybe it was the way his face focused on making everything perfect. Perhaps it was the way those once thin arms had expanded over the years and made kneading any dough a breeze. It could even be the way those massive hands gingerly sliced and organized all of the ingredients.
I'm just the kind of man, work hard every day To make you happy, real happy now baby To earn a dollar more, 'cause I know for sure It's gonna make you happy (Ooh hoo-ooo)
Her eyes were drawn to his, memories of treating black eyes from fights. Wiping tears from bad news back home and the pain of his magic. Cheeks that were always perfect for little pinches or rubs whenever he laughed. Despite growing into a walking mass of muscle, she couldn't help but still see the young man she fell in love with so many years ago.
Still the eager Chris who was always ready to bring a smile to her face.
Chris's eyes met hers for an eternal moment, the lyrics playing over in his head.
That means I love you, and all I wanna do Is make you happy, so happy little babe-baby Oh girl, I never do nothing to hurt you'
It was no secret to anyone that Chris loved Beth, as evidenced by his constant excuses to cook for her. Or help her move anything and even pick her up from work. As long as he could spend time with her and see that smile, he was happy.
As his magic put the finishing touches on the batch of cookies, the duo found themselves staring at each other.
Camillo could only chuckle at these two. Made for each other and the knew it. Out the corner of his eye, Chris could spot his uncle giving him an approving nod and smile.
'You did good, kid. Love her and cherish her.' Camillo thought as he heard them laugh and poke fun at each other.
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laurendzim · 5 years
Asian, Asian American heroes to power Marvel Comics series “Agents of Atlas”
Asian superheroes — assemble.
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Jung-Geun Yoon, Marvel via AP
This image provided by Marvel shows the cover of the first issue in “Agents of Atlas,” Marvel Comics’ five-part standalone comic book series set to roll out in Aug. 2019. Marvel Comics is giving ink to an unprecedented team-up of nearly a dozen of its mightiest Asian and Asian American heroes.
Marvel Comics is giving ink to an unprecedented team-up of its mightiest Asian and Asian American heroes, also known as the new Agents of Atlas. Established icons like martial arts master Shang-Chi and newbies like Wave, the newest Filipino superhero, will team up in a stand-alone, five-part comic book series starting this summer, the publishing giant told The Associated Press Thursday.
The roster of 10 super-powered pan-Asian champions made their debut as a team earlier this month in “The War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas.” That comic book is one piece of an ongoing saga involving several different groups across the Marvel universe, including the Avengers, doing battle with a fire goddess. But the exclusively Asian limited series is set to roll out in August.
The man leading the heroic charge is veteran comic book writer Greg Pak. Pak is credited with ushering in a new era of Asian characters in co-creating Amadeus Cho, a Korean-American genius teen. The character first appeared in 2005. A decade later, he absorbed the Hulk’s powers and started going by Brawn.
“It’s always been my dream to do a team book using a bunch of Asian and Asian American heroes,” said Pak, who thinks there���s more appetite for representation with the success of the movie “Crazy Rich Asians.” “There’s literally never been a better time in my memory with more opportunities for doing work that specifically includes Asian and Asian American characters.”
The decades-old character of Agent Jimmy Woo (portrayed by Randall Park in last year’s “Ant-Man and the Wasp” movie) leads the pack as head of the revived secret protection society Atlas. Others getting in on the action include Brawn and Cindy Moon, who is the Korean American web-shooter Silk.
Other recruits have only previously been seen in Marvel video games or web comics only available in Asian countries. Among them is Korea-born Luna Snow a.k.a. Seol Hee, a K-pop star who can manipulate frozen elements. There’s also Aero and Sword Master, the products of creatives in China. Besides crime-fighting, the group will spend time doing things like eating dim sum or singing karaoke.
“That kind of diversity within diversity is amazing,” said Pak, who is half-Korean and half-white. “No one character here has to represent all Asian-ness or Asian American-ness. That’s a ridiculous demand for any character.”
The rest of the “Atlas” creative team includes writer Jeff Parker and artists Nico Leon and Carlo Pagulayan. In the series, the do-gooders find that someone has flipped a switch and created a “cross-Asian portal city” called Pan. In Pan, Asian neighborhoods get geographically scrambled and then stitched together into one city. So, the streets of Tokyo could be next to neighborhoods from Honolulu, Manila and some of Marvel’s fictitious Asian countries.
Filipino American Loren Javier, 50, discusses Marvel comics on his “Castles, Capes & Clones” blog and podcast. There were few Asian characters in the lexicon he could look up to as a child, and many were often stereotypical mystics or man-servants.
“I love Marvel but I didn’t necessarily see myself in the comics,” said Javier, who recalls being teased by a classmate who called him “the enemy.”
“Now, finally, I think about kids who are reading this new generation of comics and heroes and getting to see themselves a little bit more,” Javier said. “It’s very powerful.”
Charlie Kirihara, who is half Japanese and half white, was thrilled by “New Agents of Atlas” and tweeted at Pak and Marvel pleading for more content.
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Kirihara, 26, said it was a welcome change to see characters that represented Asian and American cultures in “The War of the Realms.”
“I read through the book and realized that was the first time I’ve read a comic book that was all these Asian characters and that wasn’t manga written in Japan,” Kirihara said, referring to a genre of comics or graphic novels. “I want to see it have legs beyond this storyline.”
That’s Pak’s wish as well. But it depends on how Marvel finds the fan response.
“If people buy the heck out of it, I’m happy to keep writing them,” Pak said.
from News And Updates https://www.denverpost.com/2019/05/23/agents-of-atlas-asian-americans-marvel-comics/
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kynodontass · 7 years
Thank you @wellwelldroogieboy for tagging me for answering this (and for tagging me in all the other stuff like this :D) 1- Do you practice any sport? No, I actually never practiced any sport but I used to love football, table tennis, any athletics sport and gymnastics, I was pretty good in all of them but I grew old and lazy and now Walking is already too much for me. 2- Favorite lyrics? This one's pretty hard, I'd guess the whole STATE OF LOVE AND TRUST by PEARL JAM SUGGESTION by Fugazi "Rebel girl you are the queen of my world"-BIKINI KILL "Hoy me levanto sin razón Hoy me levanto y no quiero" Dia Luna dia pena Manu Chao And Basically every Screaming Females song. 3- Do you speak any foreign language? Well, English of course and this last year I learnt to speak almost fluently Spanish. I'd like to learn Russian (which I know sim loose sentences/words), basque and some Scandinavian language. 4- Do you have any tattoos/piercing? Nope. I'm too indecisive for this shit. Piercings I'd never do but I'd really love to do some tattoo I'd love and would never get bored of it but for now it seems really hard to find that :/ 5- Top 8 bands 1)Screaming Females-PearlJam ->Right now Screaming Female are by far my favorite band, they put me in the shitty position where all I look in new music is something similar to them. Marissa Paternoster is my favorite everything in music. I also can't count Pearl Jam out because everything and how they changed me, my views and my confidence overall 2) Screaming Females-Pearl Jam 3) Pixies-> I hate them the first time I heard, but I spent summer holidays who works abroad in Reunion Island and all we listen was to them. Adding to that, they were my first breakthrough into music and into finding new music. They made me want to listen to different things other than Nirvana. 4) Despite not listening to them that much now, and not liking everything that surrounds them now. They are my first band, the first band I really liked and defined my style. 5) (From now on its hard) Soundgarden/Temple of the Dog-> I just liked a couple of songs when I first heard them, but since I'm with my girlfriend something different happened and I couldn't listen to anything else for months. Chris is the best singer and temple of the dog has one of the best albums ever!! 6)Hole-> "Niñas Gritonas" are my thing in music now, and Courtney's yells are the best, her raw voice is everything plus I love the lyrics :) 7) Manu Chao-> it's the perfect music, it's good to listen while drinking, in the background while talking, in the car, everything. Lifts up the mood, it's funny, you can dance to it and the lyrics are amazing. It reminds me when I was a kid and my parents where together, it reminds me when the first time I spent more than a month in a year with my dad in the past 10 years, and now it reminds me of th best moments I spend with my gf 8) I'll just put here the rest of the bands I love here. Sonic Youth, Le Tigre, Bikini Kill, The Julie Ruin, Sleater Kinney, Hinds, Pj Harvey, The Strokes, Bob Marley, PATTI FUCKING SMITH, Björk, Fugazi, Stone Temple Pilots, Massive Attack... 6- Is there any musician you'd like to be? If so, who? That one is easy. Eddie Vedder is the only one I'd aspire to be, musically, personally. He is perfect. 7- Who's your favorite band from the grunge big 4? That one's easy too. Pearl Jam are my favorite by far. 8- Do you consider yourself a music snob? Like 2 years ago or more I was, and a pretty hardcore one, but now I don't care. There's still music and musicians I hate but it's not affecting my view on people right now, unless you like someone like Chris Brown and some twat like him. And also musically related I hate everyone that says that Courtney killed Kurt. 9- What's your favorite movie? Everyone gotta have a cliche one. My favorite movie is probably Pulp Fiction. I also like kynodontas, which is a Greek movie and every movie with Milla Jovovich... 10- There's a really nice neighborhood 500m from where I live that there's a lot of cats and some dogs in the street. There's always a person giving food, giving water and taking care of this stray dogs/cats and my dream is to live in that kind of place, where people take care of the animals and they are just free, healthy and safe. I'd also like to live in U.S.A. Because they have everything over there. Or In Bilbao (perfect big city to live). 11- Free Question to myself. What's your favorite part of the day? When we finish dinner and we go for a walk with our dog, we are getting in the elevator and his happy face, his excitement and he looks at us makes me so so happy!!! (When I get home, ill make the questions and tag the people!)
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Questioning Neverland--My Thoughts On the Michael Jackson Controversy And Idol Worship In General
The following post deals with a disturbing, but important social issue that I feel people should know about. If you’re not in the mood to read that, however, use that symbol as a reminder to back away from this post and read another one.
10 days ago, HBO released a documentary called “Leaving Neverland”, which out-lines the lives of two men, Wade Robson and James Safechuck, who explain they were sexually abused by pop mega-star Michael Jackson as young boys for years, in disturbing detail.
The documentary explains how Mr. Jackson used a friendly facade to “befriend” the then-super-fans Robson and Safechuck at different times, and used his super-star glamour to charm and enchant their mothers into letting their little boys stay with this man (who, in both cases, only knew him for a few hours) at his Neverland Ranch, a sort of indoor amusement park for kids…which served a much more devious purpose than just a fun getaway with their favorite pop idol.
Because Mr. Jackson’s favorite attraction at that “park” was, in fact, his bed–where he took the boys almost immediately after meeting them…so that he could start touching them inappropriately, on a regular basis, for years and years–as if these innocent children were just his play-things. And many witnesses report that there were a lot more where that came from–no girls, no men, no women–just little boys. He even went as far as to buy an engagement ring for James Safechuck! (*shudders!*) And to ensure that nobody knew about this “dirty little secret”, he lied to the boys’ parents, brain-washed the boys into thinking that this was how people “show love” to one another, and anybody who would dare tell on him would either get paid huge sums of money to be quiet or be threatened with anything from jail-time to death.
This documentary practically shook the world when it came out–America in particular. It seems everybody’s taking sides now– one side who absolutely won’t defend him after what he did to innocent children, and another side, mostly loyal followers and family members (the Jackson Estate tried to stop HBO from releasing this documentary at first) who say that these men are compulsive liars and/or just out for his money, and that Jackson was just an innocent, child-like weirdo.
And then you’ll find people like me, who don’t know the real truth, and are confused and completely conflicted as to whether it’s better to burn or hug their posters and record collections. Now, I’m not saying I’m a fan of his work myself–but I have experienced this dilemma many times over the course of my life. In a different way than most, however.
You see, it’s odd, but when an autistic person loves something (and that can be anything from a pop star to, say, a pretty color scheme on a fictional character), they feel this sense of true love for that particular thing, and like it could never do us wrong in any way. So when anything even remotely bad does happen (and that can be anything from the character changing designs and getting an ugly new color scheme to the pop star turning out to be an abusive scum-bag), it’s complete emotional turmoil, and we feel like the thing we love had just been ruined for us forever. And this happens for two reasons–1. Autistics tend to think of things only one way or the other, and it’s weird for us to think of something in a neutral way. And 2., we’re way too emotional. Neurotypical (“normal”) people tend to think that we’re not able to feel any complex emotions or empathy. The truth of it is, we actually feel too many–far more than we can express sometimes.
There was a point where I felt like everything I love has been “ruined” for me at some point. To name just a few examples: “The Amazing World Of Gumball” had its aesthetic changed to something I don’t like after its first season. “Pastel Yumi”, a magical girl anime I really liked when I watched the first episode, turned out to have loads of fan-service (meaning characters acting sexy to please the audience) of the 10-year old protagonist. The “My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic” toys only became better-built and actually accurate to the show after I stopped liking the show (I stopped watching it after Season 3). And speaking of My Little Pony, even though I think Nightmare Moon had the prettiest color scheme of any character on the show, I’d feel bad for liking her more than Princess Luna, because call me a goody-two-shoes, but I usually don’t root for evil characters. And, the same goes for the Once-Ler from “The Lorax”.
Since then I’ve changed a lot, and I’ve started finding ways to cope with most of these things and “un-ruin” them…but that’s because they’re all small things, mostly media of different types. I feel very differently on the matter of real people–which brings me back to empathy. While I’m all for #MeToo, it also devastated me. Not because a lot of my favorite creators and directors were being put out of jobs–but because they turned out to be horrible human beings that only think of women as helpless toys that they can stalk, grab and kiss whenever they want. I’ve never been in any of these situations (*knocks on wood*), but just hearing the fact that beautiful, innocent people are getting treated this badly just boils my blood and, at the same time, makes me want to cry for years.
Yet that still doesn’t stop me from watching the kids’ sit-coms created by Dan Schneider or the Disney/Pixar movies directed by John Lasseter, and it doesn’t stop me from wanting to check out The Loud House, which was created by Chris Savino.  All the men mentioned here were very talented, but all sexual predators themselves. Which brings me back to Michael Jackson.
He was a house-hold name when I was a kid, and my first knowledge of him came from both “The Simpsons” episode “Stark Raving Dad”, which featured his uncredited voice, and the Jackson 5 song “ABC”. But I got my first real exposure to his artistry and music during my Dad’s 50th birth-day party last October, where we all sat around, ate cake and watched music videos, and we played several of his hits in a row. I fell in love with the song “Remember The Time”. I also binge-watched that corny “Jackson 5ive” cartoon from the 70’s (which featured a huge portion of their early catalogue) the following November. So to be exposed to such amazing talent and good looks only to be compelled to forget about it all a few months later because he was a horrible person certainly boggled my mind a little. (Bad or confused reactions to sudden changes in plans are another casualty of autism which can be difficult to handle at times).
Suddenly, I begun to seriously ponder my own morals. If I’m a so-called “social justice warrior”, then how can I possibly still enjoy work made by awful people? If I care about minorities so much, then why do I still get joy out of art made by people who obviously don’t care about them? If I can’t bring myself to sympathize with people with such horrible attitudes, then why is it so hard to just ignore them completely? It’s going against my character, and it’s going against my own common sense. Yet if I push these things out of my life, my life will turn up-side-down. What’s a poor puzzled panuki like me to do?
Well, if there’s one up-side to this whole Michael Jackson thing, it’s that it gave the entire world a huge lesson in the dangers of idol worship. So naturally, everybody else is writing about the same types of issues I’m having with this, and how they choose to resolve them. I looked at some of the things they wrote for answers. After looking at the opinions of several different people, I finally found the one article that rang with me the most, and it was written by Constance Grady of Vox. It’s called “What do we do when the art we love was created by a monster?”. You can read it here, but to put it more shortly, this woman basically looked to 3 different literary professors for advice and reference, and they all explained different ways of separating art from artist through different types of methods, created by classical literature theorists. Ms. Grady presented each one in her article, and how it works, to show that there are many different ways of handling a situation like this. To quote Ms. Grady: “All these tools are there, just waiting for me, just as they are waiting for you. And the moment we start to question how we should think about any work of art, we can pick them up and wield them accordingly.”
Another helpful piece of advice came, believe it or not, from Pete Davidson of “Saturday Night Live”, who gave a surprisingly insightful lecture on the “Weekend Update” segment of the show that basically said, that it’s OK if it feels right to let some artists go. But if there’s another artist whose work resonates with you on a personal level so much that they’ve become a part of your heart, you shouldn’t put them out of your life completely. But you should acknowledge that these people did bad things each time you enjoy their work. Basically, that just because someone is talented doesn’t mean that they’re just as good on the inside, and you should acknowledge that. One of the things he said was very smart: “Any time any of us listen to a song or watch a movie made by an accused serial predator, you have to donate a dollar to a charity that helps sexual assault survivors.” After reading all these articles, I found my final, set-in-stone stance on the matter, that bridges the gap between my morals and my enjoyment of a piece of art. Here’s what I think:
If you really don’t like what an artist did in real life, then directly rooting that to their art will only give the real person power over your brain, your fun, your happiness. My mommy told me that no matter what the original artist intended, a piece of art stands alone, and is open to interpretation by anybody who looks at it. Anybody. It’s what she told me to help me understand the appeal of abstract art. And on top of helping me separate art from artist, it also helps me read (some) fan-fiction without cringing, watch modern adaptations of classic books without being to critical, and on top of it all, it also mirrors the Barthes and Livingstone theory mentioned in Constance Grady’s Vox article.
Besides, acknowledging or enjoying their work doesn’t necessarily mean I support the people behind it (as far as their companies are concerned, at least). To these famous people, money is one of the most important things in the world–a lot of times, more important than other people. So unless you have some money to throw out, you’re completely anonymous as far as they’re concerned, because you’re not rewarding them for their work, even if you enjoy it.
The only time I’ll completely make an exception with any artist is if the work they make is too similar to their real life. For example, the Cartoon Network show “Clarence” is about a boy…named Clarence…who has a positive attitude, but things and does things in very weird ways. An eerie mirroring of Skyler Page, the creator, who was fired from Cartoon Network for grabbing the breasts of a crew member for “Adventure Time”, and was later revealed to be a complete mental case…by one of his best friends, who turned out to be the inspiration for one of Clarence’s own friends! (*shudders again!*)
The same thing is very real for R. Kelly, an R&B singer who I never took interest in or even listened to, but who is said to have a catalogue full of highly sexual songs, a lot of which regard age differences and mutual consent. (*shudders one last time.*)
As for Michael Jackson…I don’t really associate his songs or performances with his real self because, if you really think about it, it’s pretty obvious that his pop persona was way different from that. a lot of his popular hits never mention hanging out with little boys. He mentions girls, a lot of which actually prey on him…he also never mentions any of his child-like interests that he had in real life…in fact, I think the only connection the artist Michael has with the real Michael are a few songs that are based on the good side of him (his humanitarian values) and those that are based on his awful childhood, where he himself was abused (not sexually, but still abused) as a boy…which could actually be one of his reasons behind his own abuse crimes. Almost as if he had this secret mentality, like “if I couldn’t have a childhood, then no boy will.” Or maybe he became overly obsessed with male children because he felt like he was getting back a piece of his life that was stolen from him, but expressed his love and sentimentality for it in the most disgusting way possible. I’m not excusing it at all, I think it was still horrible and completely uncalled for. These are just a few theories I had.
Yes, these are all just my personal opinions. And of course, you shouldn’t take that, or any of my personal opinions, as the gospel truth just because you’re reading my blog–everybody has their own individual opinions. And if you haven’t really formed your own, I suggest getting opinions from everyone and everything around you–your friends, your parents, other news sources, other blogs–and see what other people have to say on the matter, and let what you find help you form your own. It’s just like building a puzzle–it takes more than one piece of information to get the full picture.
As for my big picture, the real Michael Jackson doesn’t exist, as far as I’m concerned, and doesn’t deserve to. Just his character that he plays on the stage. And just like the rest of the male characters I’m attracted to, he’s someone I’d never want to be around in real life–just pretty, talented, and charismatic. And in a world where always thinking about the little things can drive you completely insane, sometimes that’s all that really matters.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Here’s my proper reply :)
*hugs back* I love talking to you toooo you’re such an awesome friend *ugly tears*
Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that too. I guess the only explanation is that some part of Kaneki’s body is still human, since he IS an artificial ghoul. Though I have to wonder how Touka can be sure the kid needs human food….it seems she hasn’t told Ken or anybody else so she couldn’t have gotten advice/info about it, and though Touka’s no idiot it’s not like she’s an expert on biology.
I wonder if Ishida’s going to be like ‘lol sorry the kid’s basically full ghoul and Touka’s been poisoning it with human food in the womb’
(jk, jk, but really)
Or wait, crack theory (please don’t take this seriously, it isn’t meant to make sense):
You know those theories that Uta isn’t actually 100% ghoul (or at least not a 'normal’ ghoul)? So, what if it was Uta back in THAT chapter. I mean, he’s been trolling Ken since the first series so…
And Touka somehow found out about the whole thing and still wants to keep the kid, which is why this is happening.
Wow, it would actually be awesome if Eto adopted the kid and raised them to understand what it means to be a part of both the ghoul and human worlds! If she was planning to pass on the title of the OEK to the child but ended up growing too attached, giving them the childhood she never had and telling them that though she’s crowning them as the new 'King’ she wants them to truly live- “Bridge the gap between the two worlds, become a leader and a spark of hope for those who need it, but never lose sight of yourself and your happiness. Martyrdom doesn’t pay, you know?”- because their father, Kaneki, failed to do so and that was what ruined him.
I think the hair suits Chris Hemsworth pretty well (OTL I have sinned, forgive me Queen Luna) but it doesn’t suit Thor…? Idk. He doesn’t look like Thor anymore haha
I feel like they’ll let it grow back in later movies, though :)
I agree that their canon bond is supposed to be platonic (possibly goes deeper than that, just not in a romantic way) but the fandom can dream ^^ I actually don’t mind either way because I ship Clint with Laura (his wife) as well.
Well, not exactly. Sharon’s still a pretty minor character but I think she had a lot of potential until that romance just killed it (I mean, she doesn’t have much of a personality, but she had one pretty cool scene in Civil War (before the Notp happened) that made me like her).
Don’t you dare I need someone to ship Stoki with me, please ;-; don’t leave me alone with all this pain
I’m glad you enjoyed the comments about Kanae ^^ (sorry I’m in an evil, gloating cinnamon roll mood today)
Oh, we’re actually pretty similar then! I mean, I have a few artists I could say I’m a fan of (Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Marina, Fall Out Boy) but most of the other songs I listen to are just chosen at random from all over the place.
If you liked Still Sane, though, I recommend Lorde’s new album (Melodrama)! It’s been years and she’s finally back :) there’s a song called 'Liability’ on the album that I really relate to and also reminds me of Kaneki ;-; I’ve also been obsessed with 'Perfect Places’ and 'Sober’ for a while now.
Oh my XD reading that reminded me of one of my older MCU characters who was pretty bad: it’s been a while so I’ve forgotten most of the details, but I remember she had a cat theme (her powers were probably something like enhanced agility??? and claws??? I think?) and was this super edgy anti-hero who shouldn’t even have been allowed to work with SHIELD in the first place but you know, terrible OC logic. She’d stand on top of buildings and make angsty speeches with her impractically long hair flowing in the wind…. and of course she had this intense love-hate relationship with Loki that was just full of unnecessary drama.
(Again, I don’t really remember much about my old OCs (conveniently forgot all my worst creations haha) so I’m just guessing here ^^;; I think this is mostly the sort of cringe-worthy stuff I came up with though)
Nara sounds cute! It’s admirable that she doesn’t get discouraged and tries her best even with guys like Yuuri and Phichit around :) I’d love Kya (that’s her name, right?) also seems really cool- her powers are a nice twist on the old 'communicating with/controlling animals’ thing :D
Whew, I’m glad Tatsuo didn’t get lost ^^ I accidentally erased his 'profile’ like two or three times when I was trying to send him to you and I was getting really frustrated…was he ok?
Also I was trying to make his profile a bit 'light’ and funny but I probably failed lol
And since you said you wanted to see my suffering TG OC, I’ll send you Naomi now! :) And maybe some of my other OCs with her, because I love creating characters and end up making some for almost all the fandoms I’m in even if I have no intention of ever using them (Naomi and Tatsuo are probably going to be confined to our conversations because I have no idea how I’d use them in a fic).
Ayyyy the blog is so pretty ! ! ! <333333
Wow, first you somehow associate me with my favorite color before I ever told you that’s what it was, then I choose the character you most relate to as your icon…? This is weird but also strangely cool, if that makes sense lol
I actually learned to play Merry Go Round of Life on the piano a while ago and my teacher told me it was a waltz-like piece, so I should try to stay true to that (needless to say I failed miserably for quite a while haha). You’re right, it’d be lovely to see a couple dancing to it :)
(Why am I imagining Yumikuri waltzing to that song ;-;)
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((This is my favourite hug gif of all times))
I mean, yes, Kaneki is a half ghoul, but he’s more powerful than some full ghouls, not to mention his Rc levels are as high as a ghouls. I think that getting a Kakuja also ‘helped’ him to bridge the gap between half-ghoul and more or less-ghoul. However, since it is an incomplete Kakuja.
This is all so confusing ;-;
That wouldn’t surprise, me honestly. It would make fans suffer more and what does he like more than suffering?
OH MY You’re totally right! When a healthy baby is born, with black hair and always has his kakugan activated (I don’t trust Uta’s explanation of it), Kaneki starts to doubt some things.  Not to mention, he never actually slept with Touka, so how the fuck would the kid be his?
Honestly, if Eto adopted the kiddo and gave it a beautiful childhood full of wonders and fun, somewhere away from Japan, I’d forgive Ishida everything, including (maybe) killing Hide, or, at least, if he’s not dead, keeping Hide away from us for so long.  She’s George Washington here. ‘Dreams of dying like a martyr?’ ‘Yes’ ‘Dying is easy young man/lady, living is harder’ So she encourages them to live, despite how hard it is, because the world is cruel, but also beautiful.
YES! It suits Chris, but not Thor! Which is why they should’ve given him a wig, at least =3= Oh well, all that’s left to do is wait for it to grow back. Hopefully it will.
Oh, I see. Then, it truly is a shame that the writers decided to go through with the ship of her and Steve :/
Heh. I’ll see...  Idk when I’ll watch Civil War, tho. Soon, probably
The only reason why I want to see Re animated is because of Urie and Kanae. That’s it, as long as those two get so much as 5 seconds of screen time, I’ll be happy.
Alrighty, I’ll make sure to listen to the album soon ^^
Oh wow, that’s certainly an interesting OC...  So, angsty catwoman in MCU? Sounds exactly like something I’d make, just with wolves instead of Cats (i had an unhealthy obsession with wolves (and werewolves!) when I was younger ;-;)
I recently remembered my Fairy Tail OC. You ready for it? Idk which one’s worse, this one or the FMA one ;-; A dragon slayer (which is already a very Sue trait), but she didn’t have one element. Oh no, she was the QUEEN dragon slayer, which meant she could use any element she wanted *nods head* See, that was my worst problem when making characters. I was more or less tame with looks and I tried to give them character flaws (but it usually made them endearing, whoops), yet I just had to give them powerful abilities or something.
Now that i think about it, I’m glad I never made an OC for TG. Now that would’ve been a show. Waddaya say we make the biggest, most sueish character we can think of?  Let’s see, to begin with, they would definitely have a chimera Kagune. Now, the most kagune a ghoul can poses, as far as we know, is 3, but why stop at that? The glorious character should definitely have all 4!
At one point, I stopped writing down my OC stuff. Now I’m very thankful about that, since it means I forgot most of it.
Aw, I’m glad you like the characters ^^ Honestly, as a writer, one of my first impulses when watching something is either to make an AU (for the show’s characters or for characters from other shows thrown into that situation) or to make an OC. So, Nara and Kya are one of the more recent ones.
Tatsuo is a magnificent bastard, if I’ve ever seen one. Seems like either the guy who’d immediately become my problematic fave or the character I can’t stand. Keep them coming huehuehue I definitely enjoy reading about other people’s OCs! I can’t wait to see Naomi! And feel free to send me other ones as well ^^
Thank you! I’m glad you like the new blog ^^ I wanted to change the palette to something lighter and more summer-like, so I think pastel yellow was a nice choice ^^
We are connected 
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Oh, that’s so cute! I never had the will to print the sheet music out, honestly. I’m too lazy for my own good :p
Why are you giving me the feels™ :))
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