the-smallest-star · 3 hours
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//An older Hannah
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spoal · 1 year
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How To Stay Motivated And Be Happier At Work
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art-now-poland · 3 years
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Red nude, HannaH ART
Red nude, oil and acrylic on canvas, Prints available, author: artist painter: Barbara Konarska
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teatimewithamz · 7 years
I just fucking love Hannha Hart!
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amhannahart · 7 years
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Playing with Wings by Anna Ewa Miarczyńska. Available for sale at Imagekind.com as a fine art print ready to frame, and can also be finished online with a huge selection of frames. Gallery-quality, hand-stretched canvas also available. Imagekind uses archival, artist-grade materials, and makes each print, frame, and canvas by hand in workshops in Oregon and North Carolina. Proceeds from sales go directly to the artist.
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unholyhelbiglinked · 7 years
The clock's subtle and rhythmic ticking seemed to pound against the edge of my skull. Each passing second feeling like a minute as each minute slowly mounted to an hour. The palms of my hands began to sweat- a nervous habit I suppose. It made the pen that was between my fingers harder to hold, my pulse meeting with the noise the clock continued to make.
Test's didn't make me nervous, not usually. I was a calm and collected person. I had studied, the facts almost drilled into my mind through online quizzes and notecards. Each time my eyes moved to another question the answer came to mind- history not being a hard subject for me.
I couldn't help the weird anxiety that passed through me though, my whole focus shifting to the different noises in the room. The tapping of someone's foot, the creaking of desk chairs, and most importantly that damn clock that rested right above the door.
My whole body ached, sweat starting to form on my collarbone as I sat back in my own seat. My desk creaked too. It sounded like everyone would notice- but no one did. Or no one said anything. I couldn't really tell.
I had made it to the third page of the test before the pain started. Not the type of pain that moved through the base of your skull. Not the type of pain you got after a good run or a nasty fall. This was a searing pain. One that halted every train of thought I had on the papers in front of me.
The Manhattan project didn't mean so much anymore.
My face scrunched up as I glanced at the inner edge of my forearm. There was a sweater blocking most of it- it was cold that day. But it burned all the same. Like a hot press was being branded into my skin.
My whole body shifted as I glanced up at Mr. Brandon, he didn't seem to give a damn about anything that was going in the room other than the tinder profile he was contemplating swiping right on. I knew one girl who cared about this test more than I did though. She cared more than him too.
I could feel her eyes sear into the side of my face, my whole neck prickling as her stare continued to stay trained on me. My own gaze moved towards her- the blue orbs that looked back were full of conviction and curiosity. I usually had full focus when it came to tests.
It felt like there was acid dripping though my veins at this point, slowly working it's way past my wrist as it spread to my fingertips. I glanced back down at my paper. I knew the words wouldn't make sense, the dates being blurred and distorted.
The legs of my chair scraped against the tiled floor, everyone seemed to look at me, adding to that prickling feeling. Whatever I was doing was more interesting than the test sitting in front of everyone. Mr. Brandon decided it was more interesting than a potential hook-up too.
My footsteps were quick as I walked to the front, a few people going back to the task at hand. But she didn't. She continued to stare. Mr. Brandon looked annoyed as I pressed my hands against the edge of the desk.
"Can I use the restroom?" My voice was ragged, my stomach dropping from the movement.
"I don't know if you'll cheat."
"I won't." I growled slightly, seeing the skepticism on his face "Look, grade what I have. I need to go."
His dark eyes scanned me for a moment. A moment long enough for his phone to shut off- the red headed girl on the screen disappearing from my view. He let out a thick sigh before nodding. I swallowed and walked from the room- more like stumbled.
It had moved past half of my side at this point, sweat wicking into the fabric of my shirt around my collar. The bathroom was only right around the corner but it seemed like it was miles away. I let out a small breath, clenching my forearm as I pressed my back against the nearest locker- the cold almost shocking me awake.
I could feel the edges of each locker press against my skin and dig into it like it was malleable. It wasn't, but I didn't care at this point. I wanted to scream, every part of me afraid to look down at my arm, every ounce of my resistance lessening with the pain.
"You essentially just sacrificed your class ranking."
"I don't care."
"You should." She spoke "that little stunt you pulled in there. Walking out without even looking at the questions."
"I looked at the questions-"I cut myself off, realizing that arguing with the blue eyed girl wouldn't do me any good. She was petty, petty and angry all the time. For as long as I could remember Hannah Hart was the second in our class.
I was valedictorian. I didn't want it, of course, I wanted to be a lawyer. All my life I wanted to stand in front of a court and argue either side. It wasn't about the grades, it was about the destination that would get me there. Hannah, on the other hand, wanted to give the speech at graduation. She wanted the cords and the recognition. We were always neck and neck.
"Why would you do that, huh?" She asked, leaning against the lockers as I let out a small grunt, my fingers wrapping around my arm right near my elbow. Everything burned, stung more than a wasp sting amplified.
"Hannah," I swallowed, pressing my head against the cool surface of metal behind me. "Go finish your test."
"Oh, I'm already done." She knit her eyebrows together "I wanted to see if you were okay."
I scoffed, "I hope you're a better test taker than you a are a liar."
"No, really." She knelt down, her voice laced with a thick worry as my lungs filled with the sharp minty scent she carried with her. It was early morning, I didn't know if it was from her toothpaste of a piece of gum she popped in order to keep awake during class.
"Grace look at me," She placed her cool touch against my chin, turning my eyes towards her "What's wrong?"
"Everything hurts." I managed to choke out, glancing quickly at my forearm "This hurts."
Hannah nodded. She didn't seem too concerned about the test anymore- hell, neither was I. I just wanted relief, and answers. I wanted to pull the fabric away from my arm, but I was terrified. The blue-eyed girl on the other hand wasn't.
I stared at the ceiling, my vision focusing on the lights. A cool gust of wind hit my now exposed skin as Hannah pushed the sweater up to my elbow. It was nice to let the pain breathe, the let it lose its cage.
"oh, my god." Hannah whispered, her words hot on my collarbone as I struggled to keep my composure. Everything burned at this point.
"What is it?" I asked "A spider bite? Holy shit, it's a spider bite isn't it. I need to go to the hospital I'm-"
"It's my name." She cut me off, her voice firm, her eyes widened as I dipped my head down to meet her gaze, but her focus was on my arm. "Grace, it's my name."
I looked down, my own breath catching in my throat as I stared at the inked letters. Big block letters that were glowing in irritated red. Like I had gotten a tattoo. I never would have. Not there. It would look bad in a court room, bad in any situation.
"What the fuck," She whispered, knitting her eyebrows together.
"I don't know what this means." I let out a small sob, my fingers shaking "Hannah, I don't know what any of this means."
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dot-gain · 5 years
my tumblr is so ded i’m pretty sure 50% of my followers are inactive lmao
follow my art insta: @hannaharting
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peaceshine3 · 5 years
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the-smallest-star · 8 months
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//A dickface
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the-art-of-curves · 5 years
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art-now-poland · 5 years
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Abstraction, HannaH ART
Abstraction, oil on canvas, artist: Barbara Konarska
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teatimewithamz · 7 years
I just fucking love Hannha Hart!
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amhannahart · 7 years
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Birth of Lotus Land by Anna Ewa Miarczyńska. Available for sale at Imagekind.com as a fine art print ready to frame
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unholyhelbiglinked · 8 years
Tattoo| Hartbig
"Hannah, calm down." Mamrie tried to sooth her friend's nerves as she draped a long arm over the smaller girls shoulder, engulfing her in warmth. Mamrie knew this idea would never pan out as soon as Hannah called her up and stated blatantly that she was ready for a tattoo.
Hannah was never one for spontaneous decisions like this, but she needed a change after the three months of wallowing in her half empty apartment. After Sarah moved out of the county and broke it off with her- nothing was the same. Hannah was repressing the pain for a while, but now she was channeling it into other things like getting tattoos and taking long weekends in the mountains without informing anyone.
"You don't have to get one, you know?" Mamrie mumbled as Hannah moved her sweaty palms over her knees, digging her nails into her black slacks. "We could leave right now."
Hannah shot Mamrie a wary glance as she stilled her movements. She wanted one. She felt like she owed it to herself. She needed to move on from the memory of Sarah and the long nights they shared together by the fire. She decided that she wanted something that was a symbol for her life.
She wanted a play button followed by a pause. It reminded Hannah of that it was time to move on with her life, but it was okay to take a break every once and awhile. And right now, she wanted to hit play.
"Is it hot in here?" She turned to Mamrie for a moment, fear evident in her expression. She grasped the front of her t-shirt and began waving it in and out, enjoying the bursts of cool air that followed.
Mamrie chuckled as she shrugged her arm off of Hannah's shoulder in time for the tattoo artist to make her way into the room. Both girls cocked their heads to the side in confusion. They were expecting some burly man with sleeve tattoos and a handlebar mustache. Instead, they were treated by the warm face of a smiling blonde.
Her hair fell into her coffee brown eyes, she was tall, almost the same height as Mamrie. She wore a casual outfit, just blue jeans and a tight fitting black shirt. Her sleeves were rolled up, reveling a slew of colored ink. She was stunning.
"Uh, Hannah Hart?" she raised the eyebrow that had a silver rod through it, the corner of her lips turning up into a slight smirk.
Hannah's mouth hung open slightly, she almost got lost in the beauty of the girl that stood in front of her, but Mamrie's sharp elbow to her side shook her out of it. She blinked and squeaked out a response as the girl moved her head towards the back room, waiting for Hannah to make her way back to the room.
The blare of the loud music was drowned out as soon as they made their way into the hallway that was filled with doors on either side. Hannah could hear the buzzing of each machine as others got ink etched into their skin.
"First tattoo, huh?" The girl asked Hannah as she stumbled with her key, trying to open the red door that was at the end of the hallway.
"Am I that obvious?" Hannah finally got the nerve to form so coherent words. "I'm pretty much a nervous wreck."
"Well I wasn't going to put it that way." The girl replied, finally giggling the door handle open. She looked back at Hannah for a moment, giving her a wink. It sent shivers down her spine.
She stepped into the small room. It was calmer than Hannah would expect. It was well lit and carried a certain feminine touch to it. The room was cold, a black and white checkered floor was a backdrop for an intimidating chair that reminded Hannah of a dentist, she hated the dentist.
"The first one always hurts," The girl said, as she walked over to the counter in the corner, she turned on the facet, filling the space with a low hum of the water hitting the sink. "I'm Grace by the way."
"Nice to meet you," Was all Hannah could say as she scratched her opposite elbow. Grace, that was a beautiful name, not like Hannah would ever say so.
The next couple minutes went by in a blur as Hannah was instructed to sit on the edge of the chair; she was relieved that she didn't have to lean back, that would have really reminded her of getting her teeth cleaned. Grace pulled up a black stool, rolling it close to Hannah. Their knees touched as Hannah stiffened in her spot, warmth filling her at even the slightest contact with this girl.
"So where do you want this thing?" Grace smiled even wider as she tried to make conversation with the nervous girl. She knew how this went; most people opted out of a tattoo as soon as they heard the purr of the machine. Grace secretly hoped that Hannah wasn't like that, she wanted to hold a conversation with her.
Hannah's face turned red as she motioned towards her chest, This made Grace smile even wider "I am slightly offended," She placed her hand on her own chest in a mockery "I thought you would at least buy me dinner first."
This caused Hannah to let out a giggle. A cute one at that, it made Grace feel warm inside.
Grace continued to make small talk with the girl, talking about their favorite restaurants and movies as she studied the design that Hannah had asked for. It was simple enough, she knew there was a meaning behind it, but didn't ask right away. She instructed Hannah to unbutton her shirt, which Hannah began to do from the bottom up, reveling her toned stomach first as she got up to the top button, Grace couldn't help but stare- but Hannah didn't seem to mind.
She peeled the cloth away from her body, leaving her in a bra and high rise jeans. Graced raised an eyebrow as I continued to make conversation- asking about Hannah's current relationship status as she slid on a pair of blue gloves.
These made Hannah's nerves spike, but as Grace put her cold hand unexpectedly under Hannah's chin, all of her focus was directed away from the large machine Grace held in her other hand. "hey, look at me the whole time, okay? You'll be fine, Just tell me more about yourself."
"You're just trying to distract me," Hannah countered with a small smile, but she didn't pull her eyes away from Grace's defined features even when Grace did glance away.
"Is it working?" she asked, Hannah could feel Grace's breath on her collarbone. That was enough of a distraction for her. She couldn't help but notice how gentle Grace's touch was. She silently wished that she could feel it all the time, instead of this one moment.
"I'll get back to you on that," Hannah whispered, causing goosebumps to rise on Grace's arms. Her hair stood on end.
After a few long moments of comfortable silence, Grace pulled away as she wiped a cold cloth across the top of Hannah's chest, she was smiling again. Hannah hadn't felt a thing other than Grace's warm touch. "I think it worked," Hannah whispered again.
Grace was aware of everything in the room from the cold chill in the air, to Hannah's warmth that countered it. Hannah smelled like spices, it filled Grace's lungs as she breathed in, she bit the edge of her lip before leaning in.
She pressed her mouth to Hannah's feeling the girl fold into the kiss immediately as her hand moved to the back of Grace's head. She tangled her hands in Graces mane as she pressed forward. Hannah's back hit the chilled leathered chair.
Graces' knee rested against the edge of the seat as she continued to hungrily kiss Hannah, who just as starved, kissed back. Grace placed her hand on the side of Hannah's stomach, leaning closer into the girl.
"Ow!" Hannah yelped,
Grace smiled, her mouth still on Hannah's as she pulled away slightly, looking at the red around the tattoo she had just given Hannah.
"Now, I did feel that," she laughed as Grace got back to her feet, reaching out a hand as she pulled Hannah to her feet.
"Yeah," Grace scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. "That'll hurt for a while."
"It would be easier with a distraction,"
Grace lifted her chin slightly, smirking "Well," She started, moving close to Hannah again, making the girls breath hitch in her throat "Now you really do have to buy me dinner first,
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the-smallest-star · 1 year
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//confused smol noises
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the-smallest-star · 1 year
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