#Hannah waddingham media
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The HW being the face and spokesperson for biscuits is the best thing I’ve heard today 🙌🏻
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damelucyjo · 1 year
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Hannah Waddingham Masterlist Page
Click on the link above and you will be taken to a page containing links to various Hannah media.
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wadderz · 1 year
An absolute must watch Hannah performance! I have never seen someone sing the shit out of a song like she does in her first number. (She enters for the 1st time around the 24 minute mark.)
“The Entire Universe” BBC (2016)
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lassoweltonham · 1 year
Kansas sunflowers to Richmond greens
Chapter 6
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kelly-clarksons · 9 months
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kellyclarksonshow: Getting in the holiday spirit with our friend Hannah Waddingham and sisters Nikki & Brie Garcia today on Kelly!
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Beatrice “Bea” Campbell ♦ Cis Woman (she/her) ♦ 44 ♦ Government/Media ♦ London Mayor PR Representative
The only person I can authentically be is me and I’m going to do a bloody good job at it.
The Campbell family were people in London who were not well-known but certainly well-off. Beatrice was the daughter of a general surgeon and a lawyer. They lived in Knightsbridge and as she grew up Bea certainly didn’t wish for anything. Perhaps it was that security that set Beatrice on the path she ended up in.
She was a ‘free spirit’ and in a family that was prim and proper she didn’t fit in. By the time she was 15 her elder brother was heading to law school, following in their father’s footsteps and instead she was barely passing high school classes and instead focusing on fun. She knew the time would come that she’d choose a profession and settle down but for now she wanted to enjoy things. She’d go out with friends, her boyfriend, do live art classes or late parties. She wanted to have some stories to tell before university.
That outlook changed her life. She was eighteen when the positive pregnancy test turned up. Of course Beatrice and her boyfriend were stunned, this certainly had not been the plan. But they loved each other and in their naive eyes that was all that mattered. Their bubble was quickly popped once their parents found out. Both pairs of adults were furious and absolutely adamant that if the pair wanted to have the child they’d have no support from either of them. So the pair made a huge decision. They would become parents, on their own. However, it didn’t stay as just the two of them for very long. The two of them were polyamorous and although they presumed that their partner would not want to continue a relationship after having a child involved it turned out they did. So Bea, her boyfriend and her girlfriend moved in together. The home that they could afford was very small, a one bed flat in a very different area of London to the one they were used to.
Beatrice left school to raise their child, her partners continued on at school so that he could get a better job for them. Up until her pregnancy progressed too far Bea had a job as a checkout assistant at the local shop. Throughout school her partners took on different jobs to try and provide.  The trio had a son and the little family became one of four.
Despite the difficulties with money the family got by and they were happy with the three adults very much in love. Over time Beatrice was able to return to college to get her qualifications and started looking into full time work once her son was in primary school.
It came to a surprise to most that knew her that she became interested in media and PR. She worked for an HR company in her twenties whilst working part time on a college course for a better qualification. From there she continued to make her way in the world of PR soon creating a good reputation for herself as she began getting involved with bigger, more prestigious companies. It was quite the riches to rags and back to riches story and although certain details of her private life were kept unknown she didn’t shy away from the majority of it.
Which is also how Bea ended up involved within the world of politics. PR and media relations were becoming more and more important. Press attaches were looking for PR representatives to work with different politicians. For a few years Bea freelanced but when Safiya was employed with Luis things changed once more. Bea trusted Safiya and more than that she was interested in the policies that Luis was suggesting as the mayor of the city Bea loved so much. Since then she has been working as a PR representative soon becoming head of PR for Luis Espino’s office.
At the moment Bea is very content in her life, she has two partners she adores, a son who is thriving and a job that she is continuously challenged by. What more could a girl ask for?
+/-: intellectual, quick thinking, passionate, caring, reckless, stubborn, loud, sarcastic
If Bea was to have done another job she’d have loved to be an illustrator, in particular children’s books.
She writes everything down in lists claiming that if she doesn’t she won’t do it. Those lists are also covered with doodles.
Being a mother is Beatrice’s proudest achievement.
She hates broccoli but adores cauliflower
Safiya is Bea’s cousin. Bea’s mother’s brother is Safiya’s father. He did his best to help her when she was starting in PR.
FC: Hannah Waddingham
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lizbethborden · 4 months
I periodically think about how Hannah Waddingham had a graphic rape scene in Game of Thrones replaced at the last minute with a waterboarding scene. This was a "better alternative" because the show, at the time, had come under criticism for excessive sexual violence. They did not let her know prior to shooting, only told her to wear a wetsuit to set. Then they proceeded to actually waterboard her for hours on camera, to the point that she developed claustrophobia from the experience.
“‘Thrones’ gave me something I wasn’t expecting from it, which was chronic claustrophobia,” Waddingham said. “It was horrific. Ten hours of being actually waterboarded. Like actually. I’m strapped to a table with all these leather straps. I couldn’t lift up my head because I said that would be too obvious that it’s loose.”
Lena Headey also remarked in retrospect that filming the scene, where she was actively torturing Hannah Waddingham for hours, made her deeply uncomfortable and upset. Famously, Kubrick and other auteur directors operated this way, creating actual pain, distress, and suffering to achieve a gratifying effect.
Ultimately, this is entertainment generated by operating under pornographic principles. The pleasure is generated from actually, literally torturing a woman onscreen in the same way that pornographic pleasure is generated from actually, literally penetrating (and often torturing) a woman onscreen. I wonder how much of what we see in media is created this way, and we won't find out until years later.
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
The Alitos and flags again. Of course.
This time Mrs. Martha-Ann Alito was recorded ranting against Pride flags. We probably won't be seeing the rainbow colors on the flagpoles at the Alitos' Virginia house or their beachfront cottage in New Jersey.
Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr.’s wife, Martha-Ann, recently told a woman posing as a conservative supporter that she wanted to fly a Catholic flag at the couple’s Virginia home in response to a Pride flag in her neighborhood. “You know what I want?” the justice’s wife said to the woman, Lauren Windsor, who secretly recorded the conversation during a black-tie event last week at the Supreme Court. “I want a Sacred Heart of Jesus flag because I have to look across the lagoon at the Pride flag for the next month.” But Ms. Alito said that after she suggested the Sacred Heart of Jesus flag as a retort to the symbol for L.G.B.T.Q. rights, her husband said, “Oh, please, don’t put up a flag.”
At least Justice Alito seems to be moving away of his own flag phase.
She said that she had agreed, for now, but that she had told him that “when you are free of this nonsense,” “I’m putting it up and I’m going to send them a message every day, maybe every week. I’ll be changing the flags.” She added that she would come up with her own flag, which would be white with yellow and orange flames and read, in Italian, “shame.”
Apparently Mrs. Alito intends to become the Shame Nun of her neighborhood. Move over, Hannah Waddingham!
The segment with Ms. Alito, which is roughly six minutes long, includes a wide-ranging conversation in which the justice’s wife appears to voice frustration with the media and liberals. Justice Alito did not respond to a request for comment earlier in the day about a secret recording of his conversation with Ms. Windsor, and a court spokeswoman did not immediately respond to a late-evening request for comment on the recording of Ms. Alito.
She suggests that she'll be unleashing her self-described Teutonic wrath upon people who stand in her way.
“Look at me, look at me,” Ms. Alito said. “I’m German, from Germany. My heritage is German. You come after me, I’m going to give it back to you.” She did not elaborate.
Justice Alito may be getting tired of flags but he's still showing signs of his Christian nationalism.
The Alitos and Roberts discuss politically sensitive topics in secret recordings by liberal activist
In conversation with the activist, who represented herself as a religious conservative and did not disclose in the recordings she released that she was producing them and would make them public, Justice Alito endorses her suggestion that “people in this country who believe in God have got to keep fighting for that – to return our country to a place of Godliness.” “Well, I agree with you, I agree with you,” Alito says. At another point, the activist represents herself as a devout Catholic, telling the justice, “I don’t know that we can negotiate with the left in the way that, like, needs to happen for the polarization to end. I think that it’s a matter of, like, winning.” “I think you’re probably right,” Alito responds. “On one side or the other — one side or the other is going to win. I don’t know. I mean, there can be a way of working,  a way of living together peacefully, but it’s difficult, you know, because there are differences on fundamental things that really can’t be compromised. They really can’t be compromised. So, it’s not like you are going to split the difference.” 
Somehow, many people like the Alitos who push "godliness" also support Donald Trump who's an adjudicated sex offender, a serial liar, and a corrupt businessman who never goes to church except for weddings, funerals, and campaign events.
Although I mostly disagree with him politically, Chief Justice Roberts at least has some concept of American values.
During last week’s event, Windsor also secretly recorded a conservation she had with Chief Justice John Roberts. In that exchange, the chief can be heard on tape rebuffing some of Windsor’s comments, including her position that the Supreme Court should be “guiding” the US as a “Christian nation.” “Yeah, I don’t know that we live in a Christian nation. I know a lot of Jewish and Muslim friends who would say maybe not,” Roberts says in the recording. “And it’s not our job to do that. It’s our job to decide the cases as best we can.”
So two cheers for Roberts and two thumbs down for the Alitos.
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the-wales-5 · 9 months
"Strength & stay"
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30th November 2023.
His emotions already were at a high level as he straightened his bow tie, but after hearing the words “Your royal highness..” and knowing it was directed at Catherine, he swore that if he could, he would step towards that man and would punch him. Instead, he tried to hide his anger and just quickly walked to the front. He needed to see her to check if she was alright.
A hand on her stomach in a protective gesture, downward gaze, and slightly hunched posture. In a second, Catherine became nervous despite the strength & ability to stay calm she had in herself most of the time over the years. She was never looking straight to the cameras in the past, but at that moment, she wanted all of the media gathered in front of her to go away.
William stood there, waiting for her and ready to help her. Within seconds, Catherine noticed him and sent him a little smile with a sign of relief. Time stopped for the two of them. Initially, William wanted to put his hand on her back in a usual protective gesture, but when he saw her lifted hand, he read her mind.
Soon, their hands were intertwined. Catherine held onto him stronger than usual. She needed his touch to get courageous, and William knew that. Holding hands were over after a few seconds. William put his hand on his wife's back, not simply leading her this time but shielding her. Literally. Their height difference, though not that noticeable when the Princess of Wales wore high-heels, now was helpful.
When he made sure that not even one camera on the side was able to get a glimpse of her, he looked back as if he wanted to tell that rude, shameless guy “Stay away from my wife”. They walked past the wall where it was written “Royal Variety Performance 2023”. They did not stop and pose there, nor waited for Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel, who joined them for this year's event.
Yet before the performance started, the prince and princess of Wales met Hannah Waddingham, who attended the recent Earthshot Prize Ceremony in Singapore. Catherine was smiling, and so were her eyes when she was looking at her husband. Soon, the prince of Wales also began to feel relaxed. He was seen laughing a few times during the show.
They left the Royal Albert Hall, and after saying goodbye to the hosts, they sat down in the car.
“How are you feeling now?” William's wife quietly asked him
He hid a sigh and said “I'm fine”, but Catherine asked once again as she placed her hand on his.
“It is so frustrating to hear these people screaming to get your reaction after those false bloody accusations in that book” William said and looked at her “Are you okay now?” .
Catherine nodded and weakly smiled at him. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered “You do not have to worry about me. I have never been a weak person, right?”
William smiled a little bit as he said “Of course, but those questions today...”
“Today I simply needed to get a little bit of courage from my husband. That's it” Catherine smiled as she squeezed his hand
“I am so proud of you” he replied and wanted to kiss her, but instead of doing that, he simply brushed some hair away from her face. Kate shyly smiled in response.
“In moments like this, under so much pressure and frustration, I am always wondering about one thing, Kate” He said as he looked into her green eyes “Why have you chosen this life? You could literally have anyone. All the other guys in Fife, they were obsessing over you”
Catherine tried not to smile as she said “Well.. They were obsessing over me, but that did not flatter me as much as your ‘innocent’ stares. You know, sometimes it was difficult not to notice. And nowadays it also happens. I see everything” she said.
It was followed by the sweetest sound ever, or at least William described her laughter like that in his thoughts. After a few seconds, Catherine spoke up again:
“This is exactly what I mean. An ‘innocent’ stare at me”.
William shyly smiled, and their fingers were locked within seconds.
After they returned home, the princess went to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, her husband checked on their children. All of them were sleeping soundly, and he smiled while again thinking about them and the life he shared with Kate.
Even after all these years with her, he still couldn't believe that a woman like her fell in love with him, with a man whose life was more than troubling with the trauma after losing his mother, media intrusion, pressure and other things that he hated.
After taking a shower himself a few minutes later, he went to the living room and poured some wine for Catherine and himself.
She came there a few minutes later after checking on George, Charlotte and Louis.
“Are we going to drink alcohol tonight?”
“We're just going to talk about a few things, my adorable Kate” William replied and smiled.
“What things?”
“It has been a while since we had time just for ourselves like this, hasn't it?”
“Yes, but why now? It's late”.
William put a glass of wine in her hand “It is indeed late, but this is the only time when we can talk peacefully”
“It is not our university time anymore, I'm sorry”.
They both giggled and sat on the sofa while looking at one another. Catherine said quietly
“But I am not looking glamorous anymore either. I wiped all of my makeup away”
William shook his head before taking the first sip of wine. After a second, he said “You look even better without all that makeup, Kate”.
She blushed a little but then cleared her throat and said whilst looking at his face. “From the moment you asked that question in the car, I have been wondering about the same thing. Why did you choose me when you literally could have anyone? Other girls were crazy about you. They were basically hiding in every corner of the university. Meanwhile you tried to find a moment to talk with me while going to the lectures together anyway. I know I was often called “beautiful Kate”, but I was shy”.
“That is the official version for our engagement interview. What is the truth, William Wales?” She teased him
William smiled and finally took a sip of wine. “This is why you were special”
“This is the truthful version, Kate. You were special. Honest, kind and, as they all said, beautiful as well”.
“I was just your friend at first. There is nothing special about that”
“Every single day with you has been and is special, Catherine. And from the moment I saw you for the first time, I knew that. I simply knew that you were extraordinary”.
She laughed as she teased him again “Wow, either that wine worked unbelievably fast or you are getting that romantic mood again”
“On which option do you bet?” William smiled
“The first one” she said and winked before bursting out into laughter.
William was looking at her and caressing her hand while she was still laughing.
She looked at him after a few seconds “What? Why are you staring at me?”
“I just fell in love with you again” William said
Catherine giggled “Stop that”
“I'd never understand why a girl like you fell in love with with me though”
“Well, there were plenty of reports in the media over the years” she said and took another sip of wine
“I am asking you about the reality, Miss Middleton”
“The truth is that you were sincere, handsome, and, well, funny” she said
“See? I was right in that interview after our engagement was announced” He teased her again and they both giggled.
William looked into her eyes and then gently kissed her on the forehead. After that kiss, he caressed her cheek and whispered “It is so relieving to see you laughing like this, to see your eyes shining. For years, I knew that you would badly suffer from media scrutiny, and I really wanted to protect you from it”
“And you're succeeding each time, no matter what happens. You're with me. That gives me enough strength to go through these times” His wife weakly smiled as she squeezed his hand in hers.
“There is nothing I would not do to make you feel secure. I am aware that I failed many times” he said
“It isn't true” Catherine replied confidently and took another sip of wine.
Tears filled William's eyes as he stared at her face and whispered “Remember that you are my everything. You will always be safe”.
Kate wiped his tears and nodded, but he ran his fingers through her hair, saying: “No, you don't know. You have no idea how many things I can yet sacrifice for you and your safety, Catherine”.
There was a silence between them for a few seconds. Neither of them knew what to say, but William's wife could feel that his words were sincere. Within seconds, she put her lips on his, but it was not a deep kiss, rather a soft brush against his lips. One of those simple and intimate moments they often shared in the first months of the courting phase at St. Andrews University.
“Oh, that romantic mood of yours still hasn't faded” Catherine chuckled a little, but then her facial expression changed to a more serious one and she whispered “Now I feel exactly like during that flirting stage when we used to almost run away from everyone and you'd kiss me in the same way. It was so embarrassing, overly sentimental” Catherine finished her sentence with a theatrical roll of her eyes and giggled.
William pulled her in a hug and their soft kiss was repeated, this time it was started by him.
“It still feels like our first kisses” he said
“There's no need to rewind those ‘overly sentimental’ moments in your memories, Kate. I almost never do that, because we still are in that phase nowadays” William said
“You definitely are, sometimes” Catherine chuckled and covered her face in hand.
“With you, it's simple to get in that mood, Miss Middleton. Actually, every single thing is so simple with my adorable Kate” he said and traced her face dimples with his fingertips.
Catherine blushed a little and tried to avoid his blue eyes. At that moment, her whole body was relaxed, bad memories of the Royal Variety Performance beginning vanished from her mind completely. All of a sudden, it was her who sent her husband ‘an innocent stare’ and a little smile appeared on her face unconsciously as she watched him drink wine for a few seconds.
“Oh, that shy and sweet facial expression of yours. I've always loved it” William said as he noticed her look.
“Obviously yes” he replied before taking the last sip of wine.
Catherine did the same and it was followed by her words “I do not want to drink anymore”
“Me neither”
“This day has been exhausting” she closed her eyes and sighed quietly
“Yes, but you did a brilliant job out of it, my beautiful Kate”.
Their lips met in a soft kiss again. Soon, they decided to watch a movie together, still in the living room. Halfway the length of the movie, William noticed that Catherine had her eyes closed. He smiled at her lovingly and lifted her up in his arms. Although her sleep was rather deep, this act caused her to chuckle softly.
When he heard it, William could not help himself but kiss her on the cheek.
As Catherine woke up in the middle of the night, she saw her husband's face. She quickly remembered how earlier in the evening he held her hand when she most needed it, their long conversation, a promise he once again made to protect her. For a second, William's wife also thought of their courting phase. She caressed his chest and then pulled herself closer to him. He was her safe place for way longer than the last 20 years, and she never wanted that feeling of happiness and safety to be over.
The end 💙✨️
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alexzalben · 2 years
12 episodes, premiering weekly on Wednesdays on Apple TV+
Teaser trailer, a new poster and synopsis below:
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In the 12-episode third season of “Ted Lasso,” the newly-promoted AFC Richmond faces ridicule as media predictions widely peg them as last in the Premier League and Nate (Nick Mohammed), now hailed as the “wonder kid,” has gone to work for Rupert (Anthony Head) at West Ham United. In the wake of Nate’s contentious departure from Richmond, Roy Kent (Brett Goldstein) steps up as assistant coach, alongside Beard (Brendan Hunt). Meanwhile, while Ted (Jason Sudeikis) deals with pressures at work, he continues to wrestle with his own personal issues back home, Rebecca (Hannah Waddingham) is focused on defeating Rupert and Keeley (Juno Temple) navigates being the boss of her own PR agency. Things seem to be falling apart both on and off the pitch, but Team Lasso is set to give it their best shot anyway.
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damelucyjo · 5 months
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As you may be aware, I update the list and add things to it as it happens, or I get links. I keep a separate list of what I've done and that's what these updates become. Anyway, with that being said; I think we're in for an influx of Hannah content shortly, so I thought I'd post this update now with what I've added recently so I can start again with all the new stuff!
Recently added:
“You Moved Me Greatly” - Stephen Sondheim To Hannah Waddingham After She Sang “Send In The Clowns” (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) (Part 1)
Hannah Waddingham Did Her Own Stunts In “The Fall Guy” And “Game Of Thrones” (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert) (Part 2)
Hannah Waddingham's Eurovision 1974 Celebration
Hannah Waddingham Career Retrospective | SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations
Olivier Awards 2024
Anything Goes MP3
Hannah on The One Show
And episode 18 of Krapopolis
As always, please let me know if there is anything you’d like to share and add to our growing list, or if any of the existing links are broken. Thank you!
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wadderz · 1 year
Hannah on Deadline’s “The Actor’s Side”
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Rebecca Welton's F*** You, Ted Tour
I have literally no idea where this came from. It stated out as a lighthearted homage to Hannah Waddingham's fantastic social life but it grew just a little bit bigger and a bit more angsty! Ahh well there's a happy ending at least!
Rebecca Welton and friends having fun in the VIP area at Glastonbury watching Elton John. 
Cowboy boots. She was wearing fucking Cowboy boots and shorts. With glittery face paint across her cheekbone and Keeley Jones under her arm. She looked free, unburdened, wild. Ted felt all of his blood rush south. Fortunately he was in his car. And alone. 
A week later, another sighting. 
Rebecca Welton attends the Men's European Under-21 Championship Final at the Adjarabet Arena, Georgia. Ms Welton saw the England team beat Spain and is no doubt looking at potential players to join AFC Richmond.
Seeing her at a football match, Higgins by her side was like being at home again. He pushed the thought away. 
Another week later, a veritable flurry of sightings. 
Saturday: Rebecca Welton attends Wimbledon with friends. She's pictured here with the AFC Richmond Captain, Isaac McAdoo and his sister.
God, that white sundress was something else. He scrolled through picture after picture of her laughing and pulling faces until his vision swam and he couldn't see any more. 
Sunday: Rebecca Welton attends the British Formula 1 Grand Prix at Silverstone with her Goddaughter. 
Formula 1? Formula fucking 1? He had no idea that she was even a fan of the sport until she was interviewed on the track and he had to hear her voice, hear her laugh. And goddammit if she didn't suddenly spill stats from her gorgeous mouth. 
"Are you having fun Ms Welton?"
"I am. Looking forward to a fantastic race and hopefully a British winner on the podium."
"And are you ready for the new season in a couple of weeks? When do you plan to announce the new gaffer?"
"Ready and raring to go. New manager will be announced next week."
She was then pictured giving Pep Guardiola a warm hug and the pair posed for a photograph together. She knew exactly what she was doing. 
Sunday: Rebecca Welton attends Bruce Springsteen at BST Hyde Park with AFC Richmond Coach, Roy Kent and Head of KBPR, Keeley Jones.
How the heck did she go from Formula 1 to Bruce Springsteen in the space of an afternoon?! She was with Keeley again, and Roy. The women pictured with hands in the air, dancing wildly and singing along. One of his biggest regrets was not asking her to dance more. 
Apart from anything else, she must be exhausted. He hadn't really noticed her in the media much when he’d lived in the UK, but now, she seemed to be everywhere. Every weekend a different sporting event or gig. In light of his departure, Ted had taken it upon himself to avoid contact as much as possible. To put up the fences around his heart - he learned it from the best. But here she was, week in and week out making it impossible. 
She was on the 'Rebecca Welton Fuck You, Ted Tour'. 
He could have made life easier on himself, sure. Turned off the Google alerts for her name (former married name, and maiden name). Maybe uninstalled Instagram. But that all seemed a bit extreme. He could do this. He could go cold turkey. He definitely, absolutely did not need to look at every single notification. And the phantom notifications as well when he was so sure he'd heard his phone ping (it hadn't). He'd then have to check the volume was up on his phone - wouldn't want to miss a call or message from Henry (he never did). The worst bit was that Henry was seeing the same posts and articles.
“Dad! Are you kidding me - we could have seen Elton John?!”
“Dad, dad, dad! She went to a FINAL and the England team WON and we could have been there!”
“Fast. Cars. Dad. I could have had such a badass summer, instead I’m still in boring Kansas!” Ted had explained his reasoning for coming home to both Henry and Michelle but both seemed so… disappointed in him. Certainly more disappointed than Dottie had been during her visit - and that was really saying something. 
“We were just so excited for a really fun summer, Ted. That’s all. I’d booked an AirB&B between Richmond and the city, Henry and I were picking out shows to go and watch. I’d signed up for pre-release Wimbledon tickets - turns out I didn’t need to, I could have just asked Rebecca! We had so much planned.”
“Oh? Oh, you move over 4000 miles back to the US without consulting me and all I get is ‘oh’?”
“I didn’t realise I had to consult my ex wife in order to move closer to my son.”
“You know that’s not what I mean. Don’t twist my words because you’re angry with yourself for leaving and angry with Rebecca for daring to live her life.” He looked up, shocked. “I’ve seen her out and about the last few weeks - having fun. Bit of a contrast to when I last spoke to her, when I could barely understand what she was saying she was crying so hard.”
“I’m sorry, what? When did you speak to her?”
“I shouldn’t have-”
“Michelle, when?” He stressed.
“You were on the flight back here. She said she was at the airport and she wanted to apologise to me. She said she’d tried so hard to make things work for you in both countries. She asked me to look out for you once you got back. Wanted me to really make sure that you’d be ok. She was worried about you, she was… heartbroken, Ted. Utterly heartbroken.” Ted managed to find a kitchen chair before his legs gave out. “You foolish man. Did you really not have a clue?” He shook his head. “And now you’re torturing yourself every time she’s photographed leaving the house.”
“I had no idea she’d called you.”
“She didn’t want you to know. She just wanted to be certain that you’d have someone here to check in on you. I guess she knew you’d struggle with being away from the club. She clearly knows you better than you know yourself.” He gave an empty laugh. “But she’s not ok, Ted.”
“She looks it, she looks incre-. Never mind, she looks fine.”
“You were right the first time, she does look incredible. She’s also still heartbroken. Look at the pictures of her, Ted. Really look at her. That smile never reaches her eyes, she’s hanging by a thread.” She patted him on the shoulder and left him alone. He reached for his phone and scrolled back through. Michelle was right, he really concentrated, noted the tension in her shoulders, the dullness in her eyes, the automated smiles, and made a decision. 
“Chelle, I need to-”
“Yes you do, Ted. You need to get on that 'Fuck You, Ted Tour' before the tickets sell out.” He looked incredulous. “What? That’s what she’s doing! Hoping that keeping busy and mentally saying ‘fuck you’ to you will heal her. Now pull yourself together and book a damn flight.”
“What about Henry, what about you?”
“We’re fine, we’ll figure it out. I’ll book something to join you next week and we’ll work it out once your brain is not completely at capacity.”
“My mom?”
“Should never have made you feel the way she did. The only person who can confirm what kind of dad you are, is Henry and guess what? He loves you, he’s happy and he wants you to be happy. That’s all there is, your mom’s opinion on this counts for nothing.”
He was at the airport before Henry was out of school.
From his flight, he arranged a place to stay and let Beard know of his impromptu visit. It took what felt like forever for a reply to come through. Eventually, he responded with a to the point: The boss is at a Bon Voyage party this afternoon for the Lionesses before they travel to Australia for the World Cup. It’s being held at the Sky Gardens. Keeley has called them up and added you to the guest list. Helpfully, Beard had also included a link with the location. Ted hadn’t specified a return date, and Beard didn’t ask. He stared at the invite email, which had just landed in his inbox. Go get her. The follow-up message arrived, interrupting his pensive freaking-out. He landed at Heathrow in jeans and a button-down shirt. Hardly the right attire for a red carpet event for women’s football. He sent a vaguely panicked message to the Diamond Dogs message thread and received a reply from Trent: It’s not about the clothes, it’s about the man. Stop stalling and go. So he did. Straight onto the train, straight into the city and then, following the directions on his phone to the looming skyscraper, which appeared to lean down to look at him. With the Sky Garden closed for the event, there was no queue, so he made his way to the front desk and handed them his phone with the invite on screen. They cross checked his information with their list and he was directed to the elevators with an “I’m sorry sir, the event has already started but you’re welcome to go straight up to join the attendees.”
The view was spectacular. Not the view across the Thames of the Shard, though that was impressive. The view of the who’s who of women’s football. England Lionesses milled around talking to club owners, managers and other players. Sponsors and executives filled the gaps and servers held trays of champagne aloft. He could already see Rebecca through the crowd, he could always see her. She hadn’t seen him yet. He made his way through the sea of people until he was spotted by the person she was speaking with. He had no idea who they were, but they knew him.
“Coach Lasso! What a pleasant surprise!” Rebecca, who still had her back to him, spun around so fast that the heel of her shoe twisted underneath her, sending her slipping backwards. He dashed out an arm to catch her at the waist and used his other hand to pull her up to standing. He could feel her trembling in his hands, she let go as soon as she was upright and able to, her eyes not moving from him.
“Well, I just had to see off the Lionesses and wish them luck for the World Cup.”
“I’m so glad you came. Rebecca, we’ll catch up later.” The woman patted her arm gently and left them alone. As alone as they could be in a room of a couple of hundred people. Rebecca grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter and chugged it. 
“Crushed it, boss.” He murmured just loud enough for her to hear.
“What. The fuck. Are you doing here?” She hissed. He hesitated.
“I’m not entirely sure. Can we go somewhere? Can we talk?”
“You can talk here. I’m busy.”
“I noticed. You’ve had a stacked out few weeks. Tennis, Formula 1, gigs.”
“Keeping tabs on me? I had a husband who did that once upon a time.”
“I’m worried about you.”
“You don’t need to be. I’m on my 'Fuck You, Ted' pity party where I go around and live my life like you didn’t leave a big gaping fucking hole in it.”
“I’ve been refering to it as the 'Rebecca Welton Fuck You, Ted Tour'.” He shrugged, she stared. “I’m worried about you,” he repeated. “Your smile ain’t the same, you’re tense.”
“Fuck you, Ted. These things happen when the person you love decides to walk away without even trying. Without even considering other options."
"I didn't have another option."
"Yes, Ted, you did. But you were so hellbent on being right that you chose not to see it. So now you have to live with the consequence of being wrong and seeing the truth. It's the shitty equivalent of having your cake and eating it."
"God, I love it when you talk like this. You're incredible."
"Do you know what, Ted? I know I am. It's taken a lot for me to see it, and at first, you were the biggest help in doing that. Then you fucked off back to America and I had to start all over again. So again, for what feels like the millionth time, fuck you. I'm not going to let you switch me on and off like a sodding light bulb. Excuse me, I have people to speak to here." She brushed past him. He caught her hand just in time, but she tugged it away from him and stepped outside onto the large viewing platform. He watched as she shook her hands and body out, trying to loosen up and relax, but it wasn't long before she clutched her chest, panic creeping across her face. He was pushing through the doors before she'd even had a chance to turn towards the window to seek him out. He maneuvered them to a corner of the terrace. The terror in her eyes broke his heart. He took one of her hands and placed it on his chest and then did the same with his own hand. Her heart pounded against his palm. 
"Breath like me, baby. Nice and slowly in…." her free hand fisted at his shirt, anchoring her to him, "and out, slowly now, baby, I got you. Slowly, Becca, sweetheart." It took a couple of cycles before she was breathing regularly enough to let go of him, and another couple before she was able to speak. "I'll get you some water." He whispered once he was sure she was OK to leave for a moment. He kissed her forehead and let her rest. When he returned, he had water in one hand and champagne in the other. "Pick your poison, sweetheart." She took and downed the water and then took the champagne. He accepted a couple of chairs from a porter and guided her into the seat. 
"Thank you. I can usually… I can usually stop them in time. I was just so angry, I couldn't focus." He took her hand and looked out at the view. "Why are you here, Ted?" Her voice cracked. 
"Because I love you. And I'm sorry I wasn't brave enough to tell you before I left. Thank you for being the brave one."
"Fuck you for leaving. And thank you for coming home." She smiled over the edge of her glass, her heart rate recovering.
"Will you call off the 'Fuck You, Ted tour'?" She leaned in towards him, her eyes flicking down to his lips. 
"Depends, will you call off being an oblivious fool?"
"Think I can probably work on that, yeah," he chuckled before wrapping a gentle hand around the back of her neck and pulling her into a kiss. 
Rebecca Welton and Ted Lasso enjoyed the view at the Sky Gardens today at a leaving party for the Lionesses before they travel to Australia for the World Cup.
"Mom, look!" Henry pushed the article into Michelle's hands. 
"It's about time, huh buddy?" She smiled. 
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