#Hank just wants to hold a lot of people's hands okay?
positivelybeastly · 6 months
Pretty sure the vera/zelda/hank/bobby situation was some kind of mutual protocol bearding
"I haven't got the foggiest idea what you're intimating, but I'm quite sure I don't like it, greyface."
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I definitely don't think Hank was really aware enough of his sexuality back then to be consciously bearding, but unconsciously? Oh, almost certainly. I do think that Hank is much closer to bisexual than outright gay, just because I think there's a fair amount of substance and growth to be had from his relationships with Jennifer Nyles, Cecilia Reyes, and Abigail Brand, but then there's poor Vera.
Poor, poor Vera, who just. She knew before Hank did, honestly.
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Apologies for the quality of the scan, Defenders hasn't been fully remastered with re-done colours and fixes yet, but:
"Not only do you break more dates than I can count - flirt with everything this side of Boy George --"
Like . . . Vera is smart, romantic, resilient, understanding - but Hank very consistently blows her off to hang out with his guy friends.
With whom he is very normal and heterosexual.
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Very heterosexual.
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"Gosh I love women."
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Overmind just got an upskirt shot of Hank, by the way.
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Hank hugging Overmind's arm like this is the cutest fucking shit, I swear to god.
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Hank's eye just.
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I’m his what?
(I’m fast forwarding the part where Hope saves Scott, they shrink the core. Because I have to get to the juicy Parts!)
Part 3:
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Janet told you to stay with Hank. Of course, you didn’t listen.
You hide behind a rock as you peek to see what was happening.
“WE HAD A DEAL!” Scott yells. The man in green and purple armor grabs the core out of his hands without even moving. “He’s like me!” You whisper. Scott and Hope start to attack him but he throws them out of the way. A sense of yearning makes you want to run and hug him. You didn't know him, but you... do?
Kang stops talking as he senses your presence. "Sweetheart?" He questions. You freeze. "You can come out sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you." He says. You stand up trembling. "Y/n, my love." He says, walking over to you. "I don't know you." You say. Kang freezes again. He didn't believe it. Even though MODOK said so, he didn't believe him.
"You have to! Sweetheart!" He shakes you and raises his voice. You whimper. "Stop you're scaring me! Please stop!" Kang stops. He rakes his gaze over you. You were still his wife; she just wasn't there. His loving, doting wife. The woman he's destined to be with, his sunlight, his star, him. She was gone.
"YOU CAN'T BE GONE!" He yells and you flinch. He sinks to his knees and for the first time in his (everlasting) existence, he cried like a baby. "You can't be gone." He sobs. You were all he wanted, all he needed. That was all. His wife, the love of his life gone? Hell, he wanted his existence to end. He wanted everything to end.
You kneel down and wipe his tears away. "It's okay." You whisper. You didn't know this man, hell, you were terrified. But you wanted to wipe his tears, you wanted to. A connection that you felt but didn't remember, but felt. Then, you feel lips press on yours.
Your eyes widen as he kisses you. You stay frozen, and memories start flooding in. Someone pulls you away from his grasp. Janet. She pulls you behind her. "Stay away from her!" She says. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Kang shouts. "The right thing to do. You're a monster Kang." "A MONSTER?" He laughs. "THERE WOULDN'T BE A MONSTER IF YOU HAD LET HER STAY WITH ME!" He shouts. He places his mask on and Janet stiffens. This was it. She was going to die.
"Nathan?" You say. Janet's eyes widen in horror as Kang's mask disappears. "Y/n?" He says. "Nathan!" You try to run toward him but Janet pulls you back. "Mom?" You say. "Don't go to him." She growls. "Mom! It's okay!" You say.
“You cannot trust him, Y/n! He’s not who you think he is!” Janet yells. “DON’T LISTEN TO HER!” Kang yells, his eyes flaring blue. You flinch at his voice. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you sweetling.” He holds his hand out to you. “Come here sweetheart. Come on.” You take a step forward. “Y/n no!” Janet yells. Kang closes her mouth effortlessly. You walk up to him, and he takes your hand and presses his forehead against yours. “Let’s go home, shall we sweetness?” He says. "Yes." He pulls you into a passionate kiss, glad to feel your lips against his again. "I'll see you all soon." He says. And disappears with you, Jane crying out in anguish.
"We need to get Y/n and Cassie back NOW." Scott says.
PART FOUR IS COMING SOON! I'm watching Creed 3 tomorrow, so I might start a series on that with my Kang series. And for those who were requesting a Mattheo Riddle series, I am so sorry, but you had to vote on that. My Creed series won't have a poll. But for now in the future, I will have polls to decide whether or not to write a series from whatever I am interested in at the moment. But that doesn't mean that I will not write the series for Mattheo. And for my people requesting to get tagged, that will be at the middle or end of the series, because there is a LOT of you. I hope everyone stays safe and has a good day/ night/ afternoon!
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ravenn-darkholme · 5 months
Permanent Price chapter 3
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
word count: 3149
warnings: none that I know of
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They pulled up to Agent Koenigs's facility with a new addition to their little mutant group. Charles introduced him to raven, his name was Erik Lehnsherr. His mutation was that he could control metal. It was an amazing mutation. Bella was astonished. Mutants really are amazing.
"Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense." Koenig said.
"Or offense." Erik cut in. Isabella didn't need to be like Charles to know Erik was only here to kill Shaw, he really wanted to get this over with.
"This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him."
Bella tuned them out grabbing her sister's hand securely. They may have been adults but bella had terrible anxiety. Ever since she was a child, she could barely go out in public. She missed that motherly figure in her life to tell her it would be okay. Raven and Charles were there for her of course, but she dreamed of having a mother, or even just a parent. So whenever she was near lots of people or just in public, she would stick close to her sister. Raven sometimes acted as a mother, even though they were the same age, she was just very maternal and loving.
"So we're to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?" Charles asked keeping his sisters in his eye line making sure Belle was okay. He knew how bad it could get, sometimes he would calm her with his mutation, but thankfully he didn't need to do that today.
"Something like that," Koenig said. It made bella feel uneasy. What else would they be doing? Are they keeping them, prisoners? The thoughts getting to her head made her breathing shaky. Raven could tell her sister was feeling anxious and put her arm around her and kissed the side of her head whilst muttering "It's okay. I'm here, you don't need to feel like this." Surprisingly it made her feel better, just knowing her sister was there gave her a feeling of warmth.
The mutants followed the agents further into the building until they were beneath a huge jet, attached to the ceiling by thin wires. that didn't look safe.
"It's uh supersonic." A man said who seemed to be working nearby. Everyone looked up at the jet in awe.
"Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about." - He nodded towards the group. - "This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers."
"How wonderful. Another mutant, already here." Charles said stepping closer to the man and shaking his hand. This made Isabella happy. There really were mutants in plain sight, hopefully, one day it would be normal for mutants to be around and not having to hide - as raven does.
"Why didn't you say?" Charles asked Koenig.
"Say what?" He replied with a confused tone.
"Because you don't know. I am so, so terribly sorry." Shit Charles. Isabella looked at him with a sorrowful look. He seemed like a nice guy, yet here he was being outed by Charles.
"Hank?" Koenig asked with what seemed to be an amazed expression - let's hope it was that anyway.
"You didn't ask, so I didn't tell," Hank said looking down.
"So, your mutation is what?" Raven asked stepping forwards, still holding onto her sister's hand. "you're super-smart?" she teased.
"I'll say. Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of 15." Charles spoke up.
"I wish that's all it was." Hank shyly told.
"You're in the company of friends now, Hank," Isabella said to the newly announced mutant. She wanted him to feel safe around them. She knew how it was to be shy and how it can take a toll on your social status.
"You can show off," Charles added. Hank stepped back and started to take his shoes and socks off. Bella wondered what his mutation was.
"Splendid," Charles said after seeing his feet. He had hands for feet. Truly amazing how a mutation can change something.
"I'm sorry," Hank muttered as he moved around the group taking a big leap and jumping upside down, and holding onto the jet with his feet.
"Amazing," Isabella said with a smile to the man who shyly smiled at her sister.
Isabella couldn't help the smile that came over her face as she sat across from her sister. After they met hank they all went their separate ways. Isabella just strolled around the building invisibly so she didn't get stares or didn't have to smile and talk to people. It did make her sound like a resentful bitch, but she couldn't care less. Currently, the two were sitting in their shared bedroom that was in the facility. At first, Bella wanted a room by herself so she didn't make raven feel like her carer, but raven loved being with her sister. Nothing could break them apart.  Bella reading a book, and Raven flipping through a magazine, while music played softly in the background.
"What?" Raven asked once she saw that her sister was smiling at her.
"Nothing." Isabella shrugged before she went back to her book.
"Belle." Raven pushed as she knew she was lying. She just wanted to know what  Bella was smiling at her for.
"You and beast-boy huh?" belle teased as a smirk replaced her smile,
"Beast-boy?" Raven questioned with a whine.
"Yeah cuz' his feet are what you'd imagine a beast to have like in the story Mom told us." Raven smiled at the mention of their late mother. She had died when they were roughly eight years old. All they had to remember her by was the necklace Isabella wore. Bella went on and on for raven to keep it, but raven knew how belle needed things like that to keep her close to family when things got too much for her. Sometimes when she was young and her mother kissed her goodbye to school she swore not to wash that cheek until she saw her mother again. That's how bad it was.
"Do you miss her?"
"Yeah, but I know she would be proud of us. For sticking to what's right." Isabella said fiddling with her necklace. The only time she took it off was when she showered so it didn't get rusty. Raven had their mom's ring on her right-hand ring finger.
"If mom didn't die, do you think things would have been different?" Raven questioned quietly.
"Like what?"
"Like maybe we wouldn't have been as close, we wouldn't have met Charles. Maybe our mutations got out of control and we expose ourselves and make everything worse-" Raven rambled on.
"Let's not think about what could have happened yeah? Let's be glad we're here now, safe doing things we didn't know we could. I miss Mom, but I'm glad she's at peace now." Isabella said before smiling at her sister.
"So. back to you and beast-boy" Bella laughed as she saw her sister face plant the pillow.
Isabella was in astonishment as she followed after Raven and Erik into what Hank presented to them as Cerebro.
"Okay, so, uh, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof. When he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay, and then the coordinates of their location are printed out here." Hank explained his invention. Isabella stood with her brother as they looked over the piece that he would have to place on his head, while Raven and Erik stood with Hank beside the controls. She couldn't help but feel a little anxiety about what they were to be doing but she pushed it aside as she watched Charles place the helmet on.
"What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles." Erik teased as the woman switched places with Erik and stood next to her sister. Bella felt glad Erik was warming up to them and agreed to stay with them. When they first found Erik he was incredibly closed off. It had only been a day but he was opening up more and more. Bella and Erik both had the same goal at the end of the day. Kill and find Shaw. Something they bonded over. It may have been out of character for Bella to be so violent, but if Shaw was actively hurting and threatening people, including her family, she wanted him gone.
"Don't spoil this for me, Erik." Charles shot back as he got relaxed in the chair.       
"Oh. I've been a lab rat.
I know one when I see one." Erik admitted.
"Are you sure we can't shave your head?" Hank asked Charles as he made sure the helmet was on accurately.
"Don't touch my hair," Charles said instantly, displeased with hanks offer. Hank just nodded before he went back to the control panel. Turning on the machine and flipping all the needed switches. Isabella waited in suspense as the room seemed to get darker and the lights of the machine seemed to be the only things illuminating the room. Charles grunted in pain as he grasped the railing that seemed to surround him. Bella grabbed her sister's hand as they waited in anticipation.
"It's working." Hank declared to the other mutants as they observed Charles. Bella couldn't help but smile as she watched her brother chuckle in amazement at what he was seeing.
Isabella sat on Charles's bed as she watched him pack a small bag. He and Erik would be traveling to recruit some of the mutants that Charles had found while in Cerebro. Her plan would be to beg Charles to let her go with them. She was bored of staying in the facility, which was not like her. Normally she would stay in her room listening to music, reading, and wouldn't come out. But something was drawing her away. Like a magnet in her stomach pulling her somewhere and she needed to follow it.  
"Are you sure I can't join the two of you?" She asked.
"The new recruits will need friendly faces to greet them - preferably other mutants - when they arrive," Charles explained to his younger sister. He wouldn't have minded if  Bella just joined the two of them. Making sure she was ok and safe. Of course, she would be fine at the facility, especially with Raven, but he worried for her and knew how she got.
"And you, my dear sister, have one of the friendliest faces I have ever seen," Charles added as she stopped next to the woman and put his arm around her shoulder. She missed moments like this, they hadn't had one in a while.      
"He isn't wrong. bella" A new voice joined them from the doorway. Isabella turned her head and saw that it was Raven, walking through the door.     
"This won't work you know.." Bella rolled her eyes as she pulled Charles' arm away from her.
"What won't work?" Raven smiled as she walked closer to her siblings.
"She is right. Isabella is way too stubborn to let this go." Her brother laughed.
"I was just hoping to get out of this stupid government building," Bella said, shocking her siblings.
"Really? Normally you would stay and curl up in your room. Your not the type to go out specifically to see people."  Her sister really did know her all too well.
"I don't know. I think I wanna just get out. All the government agents creep me out and I think I need to learn to be around people more, this might help." It wasn't a complete lie, but if she said the real reason Charles would immediately shut her down and probably laugh and tell her she needed rest. She saw her brother have a look of contemplation on his face before he opened his mouth and agreed for her to tag along. She squealed with excitement. Maybe Charles wasn't so protective anymore, maybe he was finally letting her have her own life.
"Okay well have fun for me. Good luck meeting new people bella." Raven said hugging her sister. It might've seemed childish, but Isabella really did have a hard time near people. She'd gotten better recently though, and raven was proud of her sister.
Isabella was delighted that Charles had agreed for her to come search for the mutants
As Bella sat in the car waiting for Charles, she found herself wondering what the real reason was for her desire to go with Charles and Erik. The pretend magnet in her stomach got more and more intense the more they searched for other mutants. With no answer from the universe she was hoping for, Isabella decided to get out of the car and find Charles, erik, and the mutant they were there for. When they pulled up to the strip club, Charles forced Isabella to stay in the car. His protective side revealing which was really starting to irritate Bella.
The invisible mutant phased through the doors of the club. She then phased through a few private areas, before finally coming upon the one Charles and erik were in. She saw the beautiful girl before her eyes and smiled once she saw the captivating wing that protruded through her back.
"Badass." Bella said, making herself visible. Clearly captivated by the girl and her wings. Charles sighed at his little sister whilst Erik and the girl-Angel- smirked at Isabella.
"How would you like a job where you get to keep your clothes on?" He said to the mutant as she wafted in the air, her wings fluttering around her.
Once they sent Angel to the CIA facility, the next mutant they were to recruit, was a taxi driver named Darwin.
"Where to?" Darwin asked the three, sending a charming smile to Isabella. 
"Richmond, Virginia, please." She told the man before Charles could interrupt her.
"Right, so, you want the airport? The station? What?" Darwin chuckled.
"No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way." She smiled.
"That's a six-hour drive."
"That will give us plenty of time to talk," Erik smirked before shutting the fare meter, making Darwin look back in surprise.
Now they were in a prison to see another mutant - of course. Isabella wasn't sure about this one, since he was in prison. As they made their way through the prison, following the warden, Isabella felt the fictional magnet in her stomach start fluttering around, tugging her harder and closer than it had before.
what is weird belle? She heard Charles in her head.
"Stop invading my mind, Charles." She grumbled, before stopping in front of the cell holding the mutant - Alex Summers.
"What does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers? I hope you're not planning on putting him with others. First guy, I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement." The warden said to them in a judgy tone. People like him were some of the reasons Isabella was anxious to go out, I mean come on no need to be so judgy.
He opened the door and there they saw Alex who so say caused havoc, Bella was guessing with his mutation. The warden cautioned them earlier, about putting him with others in a group, as Alex was the only prisoner he'd known to actually prefer solitary confinement like the warden said before. He looked up with a scowl on his face. Apparently, he wasn't actually bad, just worried about unleashing his mutation and hurting others around him.
We can fix him up. Bella thought feeling the need to help him understand his power, and make him feel more secure using it if he wants to of course.
Once they left the prison, Isabella decided to go back to the CIA facility with Alex. Obviously to see Raven no other reason. She also wanted to assure Alex he won't cause any destruction or hurt others. Charles was reluctant to leave Bella to go back on her own and thought it was odd that she would happily leave the safety of her brother, knowing she preferred to stay with her siblings. Maybe she was coming out of her shell though, which would be amazing for her.
Currently, Bella was sitting next to the newly recruited mutant. She could tell how tense and nervous he was to be out of solitary confinement. They hadn't said much to him about what they were planning, so Isabella felt the need to explain everything, not even just what he was here to do. She wanted to explain mutations to him too. Now she may not have been as smart as Charles, but she knew more than the average person on mutations. After forcing Charles to read about it all to her, she felt pretty confident she could explain it to him and help him understand.
"You don't have to be so nervous you know. I don't bite" She told him softly with a smile.
He didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the airport around him. Isabella sighed not knowing what to say to him. She knew all too well about being quiet. All bella wanted to do was help him.
"I'm not going to ridicule you for whatever you did, or your mutation." She sighed, needing to let him understand she was here to help. Alex looked toward Isabella scoffing before saying.
"I can take the insults, I just don't want to hurt anyone. I don't think you understand how destructive I am."
"You know if you were to get out of control, ill be here to help. I can create forcefields that are sealed tight and impenetrable, nothing would get in or out of my forcefields. I can do other stuff too, but ill only show you if you tell me about you." She smiled.
For the whole plane journey, they both shared storied about their life. Alex even opening up to Isabella about his abilities. He shared the story of how he ended up in prison. She felt for him, no one deserved to feel that way about themselves or their powers. She even ended up making him laugh, which made Belle feel warm inside at the sight.
authors note
hey, lil detail of belle and ravs moms necklace and ring</3 now ik in the movies we know literally nothing bout her parents but in this ff they're mother was a mutant and she was killed because someone in their hometown found out bla bla, with my personal anxiety experiences ik I liked to cling to family or things of my families ik everyone's different but some people will relate :) thnx for reading pls vote !!! ALSO, OUR OTP HAS FINALLY MET YYAAYAYAYA okay ship name ----BALEX ---- CUTE OKAY IM SO EXCITED FOR THEIR JOURNEY HJAHSIHAHDAUKH
I'm so excited for balex wedding au you do not understand
btw I will be doing all movies plus an AU once dark phoenix is done (spoiler Alex wont die... or will he;)
dont forget to vote && comment
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carefulfears · 1 month
can you talk about how dd wanted hank to die vs the ending as it is? like. i can't help but love the characters, i wanted them to make it and for things to get better. but things don't really get better? hank tries and sometimes he does better than others. it was always a struggle, and it wasn't just hank. (things i know you've talked about, i just really love what you have to say 💜💜)
i love you so much <33 yeah i think it's a classic "david sowing vs. david reaping" situation in the sense that he's talked about before the magic trick of that character. making him someone that people don't hate. seeing redeeming qualities in him, like loyalty and honesty. putting so much into it, and pulling it off, in a way that doesn't always happen. i really love that character and not because of who he is as a person or any qualification or anything to do with the way we've begun talking about characters in recent years (as though to love a character you have to want to be friends with them) but because i think it's a great character. so much went in to making it a great character.
and because of all of that...you don't want hank moody to die in the end!! i don't want hank moody to die!! but at the same time, duchovny is right. there is this whole alpha male incel culture based around that character (which fascinates me to no end) and a lot of it lacks an understanding of consequence. in duchovny's work and writing, there is always a clear sense of consequence. there are clear morals, a beginning and end, a right and a wrong. he writes fairytales, basically exclusively. and so it makes sense to me that he would want to make sense of this story and character that way, and it makes sense that he never was going to be able to do that. it ultimately just isn't that kind of story.
one of my clearest memories around this show is when you started watching it and you were watching the raw and the cooked, and you were really upset by the ending scene. karen's "angel i love you so, so much" and the break-up and ‘free bird’ and the ring. and you texted me and you kept saying "i love them so much and it's all terrible" and "it was terrible" and "it's insane that i like this man i get why they love him"
and i said "you have to believe that there's a reason why his girls love him so much and you kind of DO." which was kind of the first way that i contextualized that character…you have to accept, if not understand, that there is something in him that people want to save. something worth sticking around for years, weeping on the porch, waiting on the day where everything will “be okay again” (as karen says).
otherwise, it’s just annoying to watch this group of people suffer at the hands of his actions and wait around for more. for that show to work, you have to believe in him. that’s what the first essay that i ever wrote on the series back in october was about, kind of, “the seduction of sunk potential.”
i remember writing that and choosing every word so carefully and thinking of the “sunk cost fallacy,” this concept of sticking with something just because you’ve put too much into it to give up now. and i wrote about what’s “seductive” about hank moody being “sunk potential,” so much in him that could be realized, if only.
that’s a character that always stands out so much to me (especially as someone so idolized by an “alpha male” culture) as being so loving. he’s openly physically and verbally affectionate with his friends, both male and female. i love scenes where he’ll come into charlie’s house and just casually kiss his forehead hello, or want a hug before work. when charlie’s upset hank always holds him. fucking around with marcy, sitting with her legs over his lap (with their spouses and exes in the room). always would walk away from any situation to help someone else. he never left a room without telling his girls and his friends that he loves them (“to my son, the writer. something i never said too much: i love you” / “i love you. i didn’t say it to hear it back.” being the same episode, etc etc). scenes where becca storms out upset with him and he’s just like…. “okay. i love you.” tries again the next day (a lot of that, verbatim, in s4.)
even what i was talking about yesterday with slow happy boys, the way he cries on the beach listening to his old friend talk about his life and health, drops him off at the airport and hugs him goodbye saying “i love you. i love you.” (and his friend being like…… “okay, homo. love you too.”)
“what’s up, mama mia? mind if i join you?” and sitting out on a ledge, offering to help with her writing when it really confused her (“my own father has never so much as offered to help with my homework, so”), the way he always goes to get her and tells her she’s a “good kid” and hugs her goodbye even after everything.
that character was loving in a very specific way that lacked ego (which he had PLENTY of in every other arena so let’s not get crazy), and that isn’t cohesive with the “last real man” archetype that the show catered to and has become associated with.
and that wasn’t necessary to walk the line of keeping him redeemable. keeping him someone that you don’t hate. which they could’ve done in any number of ways, that didn’t risk making him look like a pussy. (a “homo”)
but he has this endearing goodheartedness to him. and my favorite favorite favorite thing about that character, is that it doesn’t matter. it just doesn’t matter.
it all falls second to this extreme cowardice, and weakness, and vice.
it doesn’t matter that he adores those girls and tells them that he loves them every day, when his dad never said it too much. karen tells him that she knows he loves them, but she doesn’t know what that means anymore.
becca says a few times that she knows that she has parents that love her, and that’s a lot, but that her life has been chaotic and hard. there’s that great moment where she says that her first boyfriend makes her feel beautiful, and hank says very matter-of-fact that she is beautiful, and she rolls her eyes that she is not. and he makes her stop and tells her to never say that, that she’s “the most beautiful thing in the world” to him, and she tells him to treat her that way then.
when she asks if he’s ever felt like he has no one and nothing, and he says that he used to feel like that but now has her. and she asks why she still has nothing.
he can pull mia off every ledge for her whole life, shove and threaten every predatory man around her, help her with every writing assignment and forgive her every sin- but he did not tell a grownup what was going on with her.
he played her game. he kept their secret. he does not ultimately save or protect her, and he does it to save and protect himself.
that’s what keeps me coming back to this character. and i imagine that it’s what keeps his loved ones in LA. there is very easily something good there, something worth saving, but it isn’t winning. and as a viewer you can know that it’s not going to, but it doesn’t feel that way while watching.
and so when you think about this question of like…..how should it all have ended? narratively, he should’ve failed. if not death, something like the ending of season 4. i love that scene so much: hank walking through the film set hugging marcy, making charlie laugh. seeing visions everywhere of karen, and becca, and mia. versions of them that aren’t there anymore, that maybe don’t exist anymore. riding off into the sunset alone in the porsche, typewriter in the backseat.
it’s a good ending. not perfect, maybe not even narratively sound. he doesn’t die, doesn’t really lose, except for the fact that he’s alone. which is really the one thing he never wanted to be: “a morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness.”
but how much are you really going to get, on a showtime comedy? this isn’t a david duchovny novel. isn’t one of his x-files episodes, isn’t one of his films. he talks all the time about how he wanted hank moody to die because he didn’t want him to get away with it, and maybe that’s part of what’s causing so much of the cultural reputation and harmful rhetoric around men. but you’re never really going to realistically get that on this type of show, and perhaps more troubling, you’re never really going to want it.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Hank Voight x fem!reader 
Summary: Pregnancy has made you quite nervous, however Hank is there to keep you calm.
Wordcount: 903
Warnings: mentions of sex. Pregnancy. Mention of giving birth (and possible complications).
A/N: I know every pregnancy can look different on people, but the picture fit the aesthetic I wanted. I have not mentioned race, age, other physical descriptions to the reader in this little story, so the header is not what you should expect the reader to look like 😘
Fatherhood looked good on Hank. Even when you were in the early stages of your pregnancy, he made time out of his busy schedule to check up on you and never missed a doctor’s appointment. You feared that losing Justin might’ve brought bad memories to the table, but he continued to tell you this new baby was a blessing and he was gonna love them to death. He got another chance and he really wanted to do it right.
As the months went by, he grew calmer and you became more nervous. There was this thing called birth and though you knew it had to happen in order for you to hold your baby in your arms, your research had shown you a different side of it. Sure, it’s a natural thing, millions if not billions of women had done it before you, but you read about dislocating your pelvis, a total rupture and all these other insanely creepy things, so you were absolute petrified of labor and birth.
So, when the due date drew closer, you found yourself picking up many nervous ticks you thought you had left behind in your youth.
You were unable to sleep the night when you were officially your thirty eighth week of pregnancy and you sit up straight, leaning your back against the backrest of the bed. Just when you want to smile at the sight of Hank so preciously asleep, his eyes flutter open. 
‘You okay?’ he asks, his voice raspier than other times, due to him just waking up. 
‘I’m fine. Please go back to sleep, you have an early morning.’
‘No, no,’ he says, sitting up now too. ‘You’re worrying about something, so tell me what it is. Maybe I can calm your mind.’
When you told Hank you were pregnant, you decided that you would move in with him. There was no denying you were falling in love with him, just like he was head over heels with you. Moving in with him, had felt so normal, like you always lived together. 
‘What do you think?’ 
‘I think it’s birth.’
You nod. ‘Just scared. Just worried. Please, go back to sleep, okay?’
He shakes his head and if Hank Voight decides not to do anything, he will not do it. Instead, he wraps his arm around your shoulders and you lean against his side. ‘Know that I will be close.’
‘What if you’re in the middle of work?’ you ask. ‘Something you can’t get out of.’
‘As of now, I’m glued to my desk,’ he tells you. ‘Come on, with the little one coming soon, I don’t want to risk missing it. You go into labor, you call me and I’ll be by your side from that moment on.’
You sigh. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Why are you sorry?’ he asks.
‘I am demanding a lot of time.’
‘A baby is going to demand a lot of time too,’ he says. ‘Listen, I did this before, okay. Back then, I wasn’t present a lot. I was still trying to make my way up at the Chicago PD. Now, I’m already sergeant. Sure, my work is going to demand me to be away a lot, but… I can be here for you and the little one, okay?’
You nod. ‘Yeah, just… Just pinky promise me you are going to be present at the birth. I need someone to hold my hand as the doctors tell me I have a total rupture or I dislocated my pelvis.’
He chuckles. ‘That will probably not happen.’
‘Just promise me, Hank. It’s not that difficult.’ You gasp. ‘Oh gosh, sorry, didn’t mean to snap.’
‘I promise.’ He pulls you closer and gives you a kiss on top of your head. ‘We’ve got this, angel, okay?’
You nod, for now deciding that believing him would be easier. ‘Okay.’
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Chicago PD taglist: @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee // @one-sweet-gubler // @sofiebstar
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delicatemusickingdom · 2 months
Book 1 Part 1 Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3: Sword
The door opened, and a tired-looking man entered. In unison, all the people in the room turned to look at him. 
The floor creaked as he walked in and sat down on a nearby chair with a heavy thump. Jiri placed a mug on the sidetable, and he drank its contents with a single gulp.
“Damn, I’m fed up with them. Every single time I see those guys from the ‘other side of the wall’.”
There were some people who told him to spit it out, but Jiri ignored them. She just stood at the man’s side, crossing her arms and stared down at him. 
“You knew how they were going to treat you. That drink was your reward for putting up with it — you did put up with it, right, Keldon?” 
The man, Keldon, grimaced and nodded. 
“Obviously. I don’t want to take a beating from the knights just because I made some mistake.”
“So did you find out what was going on over there?”
Hanks asked as he slowly made his way forward. Keldon let out a deep sigh and spread his hands. 
“It’s construction work. It’s nothing to do with us — just construction, plain and simple.”
“Not ‘nothing to do with us’. Hasn’t the waterfall stopped flowing?” 
Another person said from the other corner of the room. At that, Keldon turned around, with annoyance on his face. 
“Those people don’t give a damn about us, okay? They don’t know that the waterfall is our only water source capable of quenching our miserable thirst. They found a water pipe in bad shape, so they decided to fix it. It just happened that it’s at the opening to our waterfall. That’s all.” 
“Well, at least that means they’re not purposely trying to make us die of thirst.” 
At Jiri’s words, Hanks nodded, but his expression was thoughtful as he spoke. 
“With that being said, we can’t just ask them to hurry up so the water can continue flowing like normal again. If they make a mistake, it can stop flowing permanently. In the end, that waterfall is the result of someone else’s oversight. We don’t have any right to claim it as ours. Then the question is, how long will the construction work take?” 
Keldon shook his head. 
“About that, old man. I don’t know if they themselves didn’t know, or they didn’t want to tell me, but basically it’s like that.” 
His report caused an uproar. 
“What?! Then how long will we have to bear with it? The water we have saved up won’t be enough. This is going to be a huge problem.” 
“You don’t even know the one thing that matters the most? Then what was the point of going all the way to the ‘other side of the wall’, Keldon?” 
“I did all I could, okay? But if I sniffed around any longer than I had, they would have gotten suspicious! Or do you think I should have informed them of our plight? Do you really think they’d do something to help us after hearing that—”
Before he knew it, Keldon had jumped up in anger, but Jiri placed a hand on his shoulder. Although it didn’t look like she was using a lot of strength, Keldon easily sank back into his chair. 
“Stop it, you all.” 
Despite not being that loud, Jiri’s voice echoed clearly throughout the room. That alone was enough — the room fell completely silent. 
“What’s the point of fighting among ourselves here? Keldon acted as our representative and investigated the situation. It would be cruel to expect any more than that.” 
“She’s right. We’ll just have to help each other. Just as we’ve always done.” 
Hanks took over from her, and continued to convince everyone.
“If we lend each other water and use it sparingly, we should be able to hold out for a few more days. If there are no signs of the construction getting done anytime soon, then we’ll take action. But until then, we’ll just have to wait and see. That’s what we’ll do for now. Is everyone okay with that?” 
“You’re right. We don’t want to take any unnecessary risks.” 
Those words were said by a plump woman with a large waistline, and everyone else murmured their agreement as well. 
“Yesss! We won’t need to fetch water for a while!” 
One of the boys said, his voice raised in excitement. 
“What, that tiresome job?” 
The other kids nodded. 
In a corner of the lower quarter, at one of the open spaces that served as a gathering spot for the children, Jareth and the usual bunch of kids sat together. 
It had been two days since the water from the waterfall stopped flowing. Pretty much everyone in Fountain Alley knew about it. The adults kicked the children out of the meeting room for an important discussion, but they secretly eavesdropped on it, thinking it must have been about this matter. 
Once the adults finished their discussion, they quietly left the area without being noticed and went to the open space, where they immediately began to dissect what they had seen and heard. 
Apparently the waterfall wouldn’t come back for a while. The first thing they thought was that they would be free from the hard labour. For them, the word ‘waterfall’ was almost synonymous with the ‘job of fetching water’. 
But for the kids who had a wider perspective on things, their faces were clouded with worry.  
“But what if this continues, and we run out of water?”
“Eh, once the construction is done everything will go back to normal, so we’ll be fine.” 
“But they said they didn’t know when it would be done, right?” 
“Yeah, if this continues even after the construction is done…”
“I don’t think there’s much water left in my house.” 
The excitement from earlier had disappeared, and the severity of the situation they were in began to sink in. The boys who lived in between the castle walls and the world outside fell silent. 
After long pause, one of them looked up.
“What did you say?” 
“A river! The last time I went to the ‘other side of the wall’...... uh, the citizens’ quarter, I could see the river from there. If it’s there, we’ll be able to get plenty of water!” 
At first the boys’ expressions were filled with suspicion towards their friend’s words, but they lightened up, before quickly returning to worried ones. 
“You say you saw it from the citizens’ quarter. You mean, it was ‘outside’, right? Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Yeah, it’s on the other side of the barrier, right? What will we do if we’re attacked by monsters?”
“If it’s further away than the waterfall, wouldn’t that mean it would be even more tiring?” 
“If the adults found out, they’d definitely get angry.” 
Faced with the other’s opinions, the boy who had mentioned the river didn’t press the matter further and fell silent. But even though they had reflexively shot the idea down, it’s not like that would help solve their current problem. After a moment’s ruckus, the boys stopped talking, feeling awful. 
In the end, no one was able to come up with a good idea. The boys, who had deliberately heightened their own anxieties, carried those feelings with them as they dispersed. The boy who had mentioned the river also started to walk away with heavy footsteps. Just as he was about to quicken his pace to catch up with the others— 
The boy looked up. 
He didn’t know when, but the black-haired boy had appeared by his side, standing there with his arms crossed. 
“About that river’s location, could you tell me more about it?” 
His gaze facing the direction of the ‘outside’, Yuri said unsmilingly. 
“……Here we go.”
Yuri let out a ragged pant, somehow managing to push the bucket onto the cart by leaning his weight on it. There were already a number of similar buckets lined up on the cart.
It was the same scene as when they did the job of fetching water. The only difference was, Yuri was the only one in the cart’s vicinity. 
After loading the buckets, he quickly looked around. Alright, no one’s around. He gave a small nod to himself and walked to the front of the cart. He grabbed its handle and leaned his weight forward. 
It didn’t even budge. It was no wonder. Even an adult would have difficulty trying to move the loaded cart all on his own. For the boys, normally they would need at least five or six of them working together to get it moving somehow. 
Yuri turned to look at the row of buckets behind him. I see. I loaded in as many buckets as usual, but I guess I was being a bit too reckless. Yuri climbed onto the cart’s platform and pushed out one of the buckets. The bucket made a dull thud as it hit the ground. A second thud followed. And a third. 
In the end, only half of the buckets were left in the cart. 
How about this? Yuri returned to the front of the cart and, once again, gathered all his strength and pushed the cart forward. 
The ground stubbornly pushed back at the soles of his feet. The platform of the cart creaked slightly. Still no good? —Is what he thought, but the cart suddenly began to move slowly. It takes quite a lot of strength, but I think I can make it work somehow. 
Did I take out too many buckets? But the cart will be even heavier on the journey back. Better not get greedy. Yuri cut off his lingering regrets and decided to only look ahead.
The aim is to go ‘outside’. 
Even if the cart was a lot lighter, it was still too heavy for a child to bear alone. Yuri’s steps were laboriously slow. 
The alleyways that he ran freely about every day now felt so long. Even the bumps on the road felt like they were filled with malicious intent towards him. They were extremely difficult to get a footing on, and every time the cart passed over a bump, the sound of the wheels bothered him. 
Even though I chose a route that people don’t usually pass through, if I dawdle here for too long someone is bound to be se mee. 
There was a risk of losing control of the cart if he increased its speed, but Yuri was determined to get out of the lower quarter as soon as possible, and concentrated all of his strength in his arms. 
At that moment, someone appeared to block his path. Yuri hurriedly braced his legs to kill the momentum he had just gained. Befitting its weight, the cart was slow to come to a stop, and Yuri gritted his teeth and dug in his heels. 
After a few seconds that felt like forever, the cart came to a stop. Yuri felt relieved and angry at the same time. He’d almost run them over, or was in danger of getting run over himself. Yuri was more angry at that than the fact that he’d been discovered. Who the heck is that?
“Whoa, you came this far pulling the cart all by yourself!”
“As expected of Yuri!” 
When he looked up, he saw Jareth and the other boys looking at him. He couldn’t tell if they were impressed or amazed. 
“You guys… why are you here?”
While saying that, Yuri noticed that the boy who had told him about the river was also standing with them. They must have heard about it from him. 
The question is, why did they decide to show up? Yuri didn’t want to dwell on that too much. After all—
“Why, obviously we’re here to help out.”
There it is. 
“You say help, but I’m going ‘outside’, you know.”
“We know that, obviously.”
“You don’t need to force yourselves. It’s the ‘outside’, you know? Outside. Like Grandma Jiri and the others told us so many times, the world ‘outside’ is swarming with monsters.” 
“Yeah, of course we know that!”
Well, what now? Putting aside the fact that he also didn’t know much about the ‘outside’, Yuri thought to himself. None of them have ever gone ‘outside’ for real. At the very most, they’d only been to the edge of the barrier because an adult took them there, but that means they didn’t really know the actual scale of the danger they would be facing. 
But Yuri did hear a slight tremor in their voices as they spoke. Scary things were scary, after all. Then why?
“Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could fetch water while the adults were busy freaking out?” 
Jareth said with a grin, as if to say, You understand, right?
I see. Yuri was satisfied with that answer. To prove themselves to the adults. Was that their goal? But there must be some of them who were simply taken in by Jareth’s words, or just couldn’t refuse him. 
“That’s only if everything goes smoothly, right?”
“But you’re still going, aren’t you, Yuri?” 
That’s true, but not because I want to prove myself to the adults or anything. Inwardly, Yuri clicked his tongue. If I waste any more time here and an adult finds us, then it would all be over. 
My only goal is to get the water and go home. And it’s true that if there’s more people, I can get there quicker and collect the water faster. 
Besides, if I refuse, what will Jareth and the others do? Will they go to the adults and tattle on me? Even if not all of them did, one of them might. Well, what’s even more likely is that they’ll ignore whatever I say and follow me anyway. 
If that’s the case, then—
Yuri took a quick look at Jareth and the others. There weren’t any girls or extremely young children. Looks like Jareth took that into consideration when recruiting his comrades. 
It’s probably time to accept my fate. 
“Okay, okay, I get it. Let’s all go together.”
As he hurriedly quelled the cheers rising up, Yuri once again got the feeling he was doing something extremely reckless. 
Maybe the one who truly doesn’t understand what they’re getting into, is me.
Certainly, the cart was lighter to move now. They had taken the buckets that he’d left behind and put it back onto the cart. Now that there were several people pushing the cart, the cart moved easier than it had been when Yuri was pushing it alone. He was still dissatisfied with some things, but that point alone he conceded. 
But at the same time, the chances of being discovered had increased significantly. Yuri tried not to dwell on which option was better. 
As luck had it, despite a few close calls, they managed to reach the outskirts of the city without being questioned by any adults. 
Houses that were lived-in became sparse, and the number of abandoned houses gradually increased. As even the ruins started to slowly be replaced by weeds and trees, the feeling that they were getting closer to the edge of the barrier — nearing the outside of the Imperial Capital — grew stronger. Most of the roads were already half-covered in dirt. 
Beyond that, the final obstacle in their way awaited them. The fields. The outer edge of the Imperial Capital was full of patches of cultivated land and pastures. Most of the land was used to feed the people from the ‘other side of the wall’ — that is, the people inside the castle walls, however, there were plots of land that lay untouched due to reasons like lack of sunlight and water. On the other hand, there were places where the land was in good condition, but extended beyond the effective range of the barrier, pushing the limits of its safety. In any case, there were plots of land that the people from the ‘other side of the wall’ left alone, that the residents of the lower quarter used for the same purposes. 
That’s the kind of place Yuri and the others will be passing through. The fields, which have been ploughed and cultivated by the residents of Fountain Alley for generations, as their means of barely getting by. The fields that they often brought water to from the waterfall. It wasn’t harvest season, but it wouldn’t be odd to find an adult here. 
Unlike the alleyways, there was hardly anything that could obstruct one’s view. While pushing the cart, Yuri thought of the excuses he would give in the event they were caught. 
Before he could think of a good excuse, as they entered the fields, they were greeted by an unexpected person. 
“What are you doing?” 
At that familiar voice, he turned around, and like he expected, what entered his view was that familiar golden hair.
The boy he hadn’t seen since the Grey Alleyways incident ran towards him. He wasn’t wearing his usual cap, and his knees and sleeves were dirty, as if he’d been working in the soil. There were many children that were sent to tend to the fields, but Yuri was surprised to see Flynn out here. 
Flynn looked at the cart that Yuri and the others were taking turns to push, and frowned. 
“Where do you think you’re going, Yuri?” 
At that question, Jareth and the others shifted into a hostile stance. However, Yuri felt something else hidden in that question of his. What is it? It slipped away before he could pin down what it was. Yuri shrugged his shoulders. 
“Oh, you know, just going to fetch some water.” 
The boys involuntarily raised their voices in protest, but Yuri waved a hand at them as if to shush them. 
Hearing Yuri’s words, Flynn looked behind him, in the direction the cart was headed towards — in other words, the ‘outside’. His gaze returned to Yuri, and he shook his head, looking amazed. 
“You really are a person whose thoughts I can’t fathom at all.” 
His face suddenly took on a serious countenance. 
“Mister Hanks and the others should have forbidden you all from going outside. Did you really get permission from them?” 
Flynn’s gaze shifted from Yuri to look at Jareth and the others one by one. It was as if he could see through them. Flinching from that piercing gaze, Jareth looked to the other boys for their agreement. 
“Ah, ahhh, yeah?” 
“What did they say again?” 
“It-It’s none of your business, right?” 
“They forbade it because there are monsters outside the barrier. ……Did you really talk to them?” 
Suddenly Yuri understood a part of what he had felt earlier. 
This guy… is only talking to me. 
“Of course not.” 
Yuri turned towards the despair-filled Jareth and the others with a fed up expression on his face. 
“What a pain. Besides, with us lying to him like that, it’s obvious we’d get exposed.” 
“……Even though there are monsters outside, you guys want to go out there alone? That’s too reckless.” 
Flynn said after a moment of thoughtful pause. Yuri couldn’t really read his expression well. 
“I know it’s reckless. If that’s all, we’re leaving. We don’t have much time. Say hello to Grandpa Hanks for us.” 
As Yuri was about to signal to Jareth and the others to get going, Flynn raised a hand to stop him. 
“……Could you wait for a bit?” 
As soon as he finished his words, Flynn turned on his heel and started running. One of the boys noticed a small shed in the direction he was headed and called out.
“Don’t tell me he’s going to tattle on…”
It’s true that there was a possibility someone was in the shed. 
Yuri stayed silent. Even if that was the case, if they tried to chase after Flynn now they wouldn’t make it in time. He was confident that he had the fastest legs out of anyone in their group, but he still felt like he wouldn’t be able to catch up with Flynn. Plus —
Right in front of everyone’s eyes, Flynn entered the shed. He didn’t come out for a while. 
“H-Hey, let’s take this chance and go.” 
One of the boys said, but Yuri ignored them and remained silent. 
Eventually, Flynn reappeared from the shed, carrying a bunch of stuff in his arms. 
With steps less steady than they were before, Flynn returned to the group and threw what he was holding onto the ground. 
“You… These are……” 
Yuri examined Flynn’s face seriously. What lay on the ground were farming tools — things like machetes, sickles, shovels and hoes.
“I think this is better than nothing.” 
Yuri grinned at his tone, which wasn’t joking in the slightest. 
“That’s thoughtful of you. We’ll take them.”
Yuri bent down and picked up a hatchet. The size and weight were perfect for him. Plus, it looked powerful. 
“I’m coming too.” 
“…Come again?”
This time Yuri broke into a fit of coughs. The other boys stared at Flynn with their mouths wide open. 
“I’ve checked out the medicinal garden here, but it looks like it’s lacking water. I’d be in trouble if it withered.” 
One of the boys came back to his senses with a start and started to speak. 
“If I recall correctly, there are various kinds of medicinal herbs around here…” 
“……Is it because of your mother?” 
Yuri had overheard talk of Flynn’s mother not feeling well. 
“I’d be in trouble if it withered.” 
Flynn repeated, answering the question without answering it. 
“Besides, I want to repay the debt I owe.” 
Yuri blinked. What’s he talking about? Since when did he owe me something— 
Ah, that. The Grey Alleyways incident came to mind. I mean, I did come running to help him. But in the end, didn’t Flynn handle it on his own without even needing me? Can you even call that a debt? 
Yuri looked at Flynn again. That face, and that gaze of his, was straightforward — so straightforward, in fact, that it could be called too straightforward. 
Before he knew it, Yuri had relaxed his body. Letting out a huff, he grinned in the face of that sincerity. 
“You’re a pretty good person, aren’t you?”
“Please don’t make fun of me.” 
Yuri couldn’t believe his ears. What did he just say?
But for some reason, the other person had an offended look on his face. 
“I’m not making fun of you.” 
“No, you were.” 
“I was only praising you.” 
“That’s called making fun of me.” 
After saying that, Flynn turned away abruptly. Yuri was at a loss for words, and his mouth opened and shut wordlessly. He searched for a biting remark to throw back at him, but—
“H-Hey, shouldn’t we leave soon? If we stay here we’ll definitely get caught.” 
At Jareth’s timid words, Yuri shut his mouth. He gave one last glare at Flynn, and then placed his hand on the cart. To his surprise, Flynn took his place right next to him. It looked like he intended to push the cart together with Yuri. Certainly it was better if the person with more strength pushed the cart, but with that being said, still— 
Yuri decided to stop thinking or saying anything else. 
The group finally resumed their march in silence. 
Yuri fell into a sullen silence, and struggled to sort out his myriad of chaotic emotions. The glimmering golden hair that forcibly entered the corner of his vision kept irritating him.
As I thought, I don’t like him at all.
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jackie-gremlin-ghost · 4 months
Here’s a bit of a sequel to this oneshot I made.
@candyheartedchy wanted me to continue it, so I had to oblige 😁
Everyone has a little bit of a dark side in them, even the kindest people. Jack herself was proof of this, as she was enjoying watching Max squirm a little too much while he proceeded to trip over his own words wondering just how his “Uncle Colosso” was here.
“I’m here to help my dear niece win this game,” Colosso explained smoothly. Allison stood up from her seat and walked up to greet him.
“Hello, it’s so nice to meet another member of Max’s family,” she said politely before muttering, “Not that I’ve technically met anyone else…”
“Sorry, Allison,” Jack said, allowing the boy some mercy. “He’s just been really nervous.”
“I thought this was supposed to be Family Game Night,” Colosso said pointedly before walking past Allison. Then he swiftly tossed his hat aside, which Jack managed to catch, as he spotted Barb. Unbuttoning his suit jacket, he approached her.
“Barbara,” he said as he kneeled beside where she sat on the couch, his voice going a few octaves lower. “Still as ravishing as ever.” He then gently took her hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it. And despite Barb’s obvious disgust at his flirting, Jack couldn’t help but find it pretty smooth, especially for him.
“Ew, ew, okay, no. No!” With a shudder, Barb wrenched her hand away and stood up. Colosso visibly deflated at this, and Jack put a supportive hand on his shoulder as he sat on the couch.
“Take it easy, big guy,” she said. He looked at her hand on his shoulder briefly in surprise before his brown eyes met her blue, his smile soon mirroring her own.
“Phoebe, we’d like to talk to you in the kitchen, please,” Barb said hastily as she walked out of the living room.
“Oh, really, what about?” Pheobe asked not-so-innocently.
“Phoebe. Kitchen. Now!” Hank declared with a forced smile. He then walked into the kitchen with Phoebe not too far behind. Colosso glanced around the room awkwardly before his eyes locked with Billy and Nora’s, the latter of the two giving him a friendly wave and a goofy smile.
“You two look smaller than I remember,” he said with an amused smirk of his own.
“Yeah, well you’re taller than I thought you’d be, so consider us even,” Jack retorted, playfully rolling her eyes, which got a chuckle out of him. As this went on, Billy and Nora got up to leave the room after whispering amongst themselves.
“We’re going to fix my brain, so nobody look!” Nora announced loudly, much to everyone’s confusion, as she followed Billy. Jack watched them leave in suspicion. They clearly were trying to cheat to win the car.
“So… this is weird,” Allison mused, turning Jack’s attention to her and Max, who looked at his girlfriend in confusion.
“What are you talking about?” He asked.
“Him,” she specified as she pointed to the couch. Max and Jack turned around, the latter bursting out in laughter at the sight before them. Colosso was taking a drink from a nearby water bottle… by holding it upside down. He may be human for now, but apparently his rabbit instincts were hard to break.
“Don’t mind him,” Jack said between giggle-snorts. “He likes to goof off.”
“Hey, do you want a quick tour of the house?” Max asked, barely hiding the panic in his voice.
“Oh, I’d love one,” Allison said.
“Yeah, start with the back!” He said hastily as he pushed her toward the nearest door. As she looked at her incredulously, he quickly added, “I’ll catch up.” After left the room, he stormed over toward Colosso, who was now apparently searching for something. “What are you doing?!”
“Looking for some shredded newspaper,” Colosso said. “That was a lot of water, and I don’t wanna ruin Lady Barbara’s couch!” Max rolled his eyes.
“Of all people, you teamed up with Phoebe?!” He asked. “I thought we were best friends!”
“We were, until you ditched me for Little Miss Bright Eyes!” Colosso shot back.
“Her eyes are amazing, aren’t they?” Max sighed dreamily. Jack rolled her eyes as Colosso shuddered.
“Ick. The point is; Phoebe’s my new best friend now.” This declaration was met with disbelieving looks. “Okay, I still can’t stand her.”
“And what am I, chopped liver?” Jack snarked.
“Of course not!” Colosso said, before his attention went back to Max. “But I am gonna help Phoebe win that car so you can’t get it! Traitor!”
“You’re the traitor!” Max shouted.
“You’re the traitor!”
“You teamed up with Phoebe!”
“You threw me down the chute!”
“Guys…?” Jack started as the shouting began to escalate.
“Guys!” She began to step between them as she started to hear her heart pounding in her ears.
“You traitor.”
At that, twin shadows suddenly spawned to restrain the two arguing friends, much to their shock. The looked over to see Jack, a shadowy aura surrounding her as her eyes turned pitch black. Colosso wouldn’t voice his thoughts, but she definitely could be an intimidating villain if she wanted to be. Not that he hadn’t tried to convince her of such.
“I can only handle so much stress, and right now you two aren’t helping matters,” she said and turned to look at Max. “You; go be a proper host and give our guest an actual tour of the house.” Max nodded, and the shadow holding him dissipated. As he turned to go after Allison, he shot a concerned look to Colosso, who simply gave him a reassuring nod. Once he was out of the room, the shadow holding the older of the two also vanished.
“Sit down,” Jack said to him shakily, the aura around her flickering as she shut her eyes. He was quick to do so. She soon sat down next to him, shaking as she tried to steady her breathing.
He had seen this before. She was trying to get a handle on herself so she wouldn’t lose control of her powers. But all those other times, he had been in a smaller, more cuddly form to help ground her. This was something entirely new for him.
Hesitantly, he put his hand on her shoulder.
“Hey,” he said gently. “I’m right here. It’s okay. Breathe.”
The sound of his voice was something that hadn’t changed, and it seemed to work as she took a deep breath. Then another, and another as her shadow aura slowly faded. After a moment of slow breathing, she finally opened her eyes, which were back to that familiar blue.
“Thanks,” she said quietly with a small smile. He smiled back.
“Hey, ‘Emotional Support Supervillain’, remember?” He asked playfully, which got a giggle out of her. Now that they were alone, she was able to get a proper look at him. His face was on the rounder side, and surprisingly friendly looking, although for a supervillain, that could be used as an advantage. His body type was also similar to Hank’s; not exactly muscular, but not overweight, either.
“So… this is what you actually look like.”
“Wait, you mean you hadn’t seen me human before?”
“Well, I mean I’ve seen newspaper articles about you before, but those photos don’t exactly do you justice, you know?”
That got a smirk out of him.
“Like what you see?” He asked, his voice going low again.
“Pffft—shut up!” She said, lightly smacking his arm as the two of them laughed. “Still, it is nice to actually see you like this in person, literally. Gotta say, you are rockin’ the pink.”
“You know,” her tone sobered. “They’re probably gonna turn you back as soon as Allison leaves, you know that, right?”
“Unfortunately,” he said bitterly. She put a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Well, before that happens… I was wondering if I could ask you a favor.” He looked at her curiously, which she was quick to reassure him. “Nothing crazy, I promise!” She could feel her face go hot in embarrassment as his expression turned expectant, and put her face in her hands.
“C’n I ‘ave a ‘ug?” She mumbled. He leaned towards her.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
She slowly lifted her face to look at him and sighed.
“…Can I have a hug?”
“A hug?” He looked surprised at this. “But you hug me all the time.”
“Exactly; I hug you,” she explained, her face still flushed as she avoided eye contact. “It’s not every day you’re in a condition to actually hug me back.”
Realization dawned on him then. He was human now. He didn’t have paws anymore; he had actual arms for once! He chuckled to himself a bit as he scooted closer to her.
“As the lady requests,” he joked, pulling her into an embrace. She briefly stiffened, before relaxing and returning the hug full force. The way he held her was exactly how she imagined; sturdy, but still gentle in a way that made you feel safe. She smiled, burying her face into his shoulder as he rested his head on top of hers. She knew it wouldn’t be forever, so she was gonna make this last as long as possible.
“Thanks, Fuzzball.”
“No problem, Shadowling.”
Unbeknownst to the two of them, Phoebe had peeked out of the kitchen to snag a photo with her phone of this rare moment of kindness from that annoying rabbit. And she was certain to send it to Jack… after she pulverized Max in Game Night, of course.
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Rosé - Approval [repost]
Anonymous asked:
I can ask for one that the reader has a habit of sleeping clinging to rosé and when they go to meet the family of rosé the reader will still sleep clinging to her.
really sorry about the wait! my brain is working so slowly but i hope you enjoy! -r
Undoubtedly you were nervous. Anyone could see it. Your hands were shaking as your eyes were darting around looking for anything else.
Who wouldn't be when they would be meeting the love of their life's parents for the first time? Chaeyoung randomly sprung the question onto you as the two of you were in deep conversation about the many guitars she owned and somehow you ended up on a plane to Melbourne. There you stood on her parent's doorstep basically holding onto Chaeyoung's hand for dear life.
"What's got you so nervous?" She joked, "They're really nice people."
"I think they'll hate me..."
"What makes you say that?"
You waved your hands around as you looked down at your own body, "I mean... Look at me. I don't think they'll want their super famous daughter to be dating me. I'm just... me."
"Hey, don't think like that." She said softly, "All my parents want me to be is happy, and there's no one but you who can make me feel that way. You're perfect the way you are."
"You're just saying that..."
"No I'm not. I mean it with all my heart. A hundred and ten percent of it." She tugged your hand slightly as she gave you a small smile, "Come on, let's go in."
As you went in, the very first person you saw as you turned the corner was who you assumed to be her mom. You nervously bowed down and mumbled a quick greeting making both of them laugh.
"No need to be so nervous! We don't bite!" She said to lighten up the mood.
You let out a nervous chuckle as she took you two over to the dining table. When you sat down beside Chaeyoung, you could tell that they were being slightly skeptical. Maybe they thought you were using Chaeyoung for her fame and wealth, which you would never, but there's no way the thought hasn't crossed their minds. A lot of people have assumed that.
Her parents briefly introduced themselves, as did you. But before any conversation could start, you heard a loud beep come from the kitchen.
"Oh! It's done baking!" Her mother exclaimed as she began standing up but before she could, you quickly shot up and said you could get it.
Making your way to the kitchen, your mind was racing a mile a minute at what to say at the dinner table.
You weren't exactly clumsy but as you put on the mitts and pulled it out, you immediately tripped and fell making all the food fall out of the tray and onto the floor. The loud bang made Chaeyoung worried as she and her parents ran toward the kitchen and saw you on the floor.
"Y/N! Are you okay?"
You let out a small groan as you got up, looking at the mess on the floor, frustrated at how you could mess this up.
"I'm okay and I'm so sorry for this, Mrs. Park." You mumbled as you held your head down low.
She waved you off, "That's all right, no need to worry about it."
You shamefully walked back and sat down again next to Chaeyoung, before her parents started asking questions.
"So how did you two first meet?" Her dad asked.
"We met at the park!" You could tell how she was excited to explain it no matter how simple you thought it was, "I was walking Hank and then I bumped into Y/N walking their dog too. We just kept seeing each other at the park after that and hit it off. I don't know about Y/N but I seriously thought it was love at first sight."
"It was love at first sight for me too." You added as you held her hand.
As conversation continued and night fell, her parents had let you stay over inside Chaeyoung's old room due to your hotel being a decent distance away. Chaeyoung ran over to her room and jumped into the bed, obviously missing it. Although she has thought you meeting them had gone well, that incident and the occasional slip ups have been haunting you the entire day.
But when Chaeyoung instinctively opened up her arms for you like she always does at home, you couldn't help but feel a little better. You thought-no, knew you had screwed up your first impressions, so this served as a little pick-me-up for you. You really wanted to do good today and she knew. You tried so hard but one slip-up made you want to rip your hair out.
You quickly fell into her embrace as you laid your head on her chest. Finally feeling some comfort after today, you shut your eyes and let out a content sigh, snuggling in a little closer as you heard her whisper sweet little nothings in your ear.
"I love you so much... I don't know what I'd do without you."
"You have the world rooting for you... You'll do fine without me..." You mumbled into her chest.
"You are my world." She said nonchalantly.
You hoped she couldn't see your face right now. There's no telling how red it was from that but obviously she could from how she giggled at you and held you closer.
As the two of you drifted off, you were woken up by shutters of a... phone? When you opened your eyes and adjusted to the light outside, you could make out the two of her parents at the doorframe with their phones right up to their face snapping as many photos as they could.
"Mr. And Mrs. Park?" You mumbled as you rubbed your eyes awake and sat up.
"Good morning Y/N!" She whispered as to not wake up her daughter. "We couldn't resist taking a few pictures. I know we talked about it but seeing you practically clinging onto her, it was so cute!"
Your face heated up at the mention of you and your habit but your mind was more focused on something else, "Does that mean... you approve of us?"
"When did we say we didn't? We can tell Chaeyoung is the most happiest when she's with you. That's all we need to see." Her dad interrupted.
You heard the bed rustle behind you as a voice spoke up, "See? I told you so."
She wrapped her arms around you as she put her head on your shoulders, "And mom, if you don't mind can you send me those photos?"
Her mom nodded as the two of them walked away not wanting to the disturb the two of you anymore but Chaeyoung couldn't help but smile when she saw the look on your face after getting her parent's approval and at the fact that she'll have a new phone background soon.
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lotusthewriter · 2 years
See Me, Feel Me
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human
Rating: G
Relationships: Connor/Markus, Connor & Amanda
Characters: Connor, Markus, Sumo; MENTIONED - Amanda
Summary: Markus seems… nervous. Connor tilts his head in curiosity.
“Well, uh… I got something for you,” the former says with a bashful smile.
He takes a little while, even clearing his throat, before he finally reveals…
A bouquet of red roses.
The warmth inside Connor is instantly suppressed by the cold.
Word count: 1.316
TRIGGER WARNINGS - past abuse and trauma
They agreed to meet in the park in the cold morning. Connor doesn’t necessarily require warm clothes, but Hank was insistent as usual. He admits that they’re at least comfortable, and he likes the modest style of his clothing choices rather than the suit full of symbols he used to wear.
So, here he is in the park bench, Sumo munching on a large stick he found. Markus loves Sumo, so Connor always borrows the dog. He can’t help taking lots of pictures of the two bonding every time they meet.
It’s early morning, so the sun is still timid in the sky, a plethora of colors astounding the landscape. The park is not completely empty, it’s comforting and safe enough. Connor likes coming here in this time of day, where the sun is softly warming him. Not that the heat makes much of a difference, but he feels… a different kind of warmth. One that comes from the inside. Since deviating, these feelings have been a lot more common. They’re not anywhere explainable, but it’s not a bad thing.
Connor is distracted by the colorful sky, only to return to reality once Sumo suddenly stands to greet whoever is nearby. Connor calls his name seriously before the big dog gets to jump on Markus and knock him over, even if the RK200 doesn’t particularly mind. In either case, Connor notices Markus is only using one arm to give Sumo attention, while the other is behind his back.
“Okay, Sumo, sit,” Connor orders. At least Sumo listens to him more than he does Hank, much to the older man’s dismay.
Markus snorts, giving the Saint Bernard one last pet before he gives his full attention to Connor.
Markus seems… nervous. Connor tilts his head in curiosity.
“Well, uh… I got something for you,” the former says with a bashful smile.
He takes a little while, even clearing his throat, before he finally reveals…
A bouquet of red roses.
The warmth inside Connor is instantly suppressed by the cold.
Everything around him seems to disappear – Sumo’s panting, Markus’ smile, the people walking in the distance, even the sun –, as it’s only the vibrant red of the delicate flowers. They’re perfect roses, carefully selected, and yet so fragile, that will be dead in only a matter of days, no matter what Connor does to keep them alive. Nothing he ever does will be enough for the roses.
“… you didn’t like it.”
Markus’ voice is wracked with guilt.
“I-I’m sorry, I thought—” the deviant leader retracts his hands, no longer holding the bouquet with delicacy. “I knew I should’ve asked first, yet I didn’t—”
“N… No! No, that’s not…”
Connor tries his hardest not to stare deeply into the red roses, as Markus’ blue and green eyes mean more to him than anything else.
“It’s… not that I don’t like them,” Connor explains, “they just… reminded me of something.” He pauses. “Of someone.”
Markus raises an eyebrow. “Someone?”
Connor hesitates, as he’s never talked about… her with anyone before. Not even Hank knows. He certainly never meant for anyone to know after what had almost happened during Markus’ speech.
He knows Markus won’t and would never force him to say anything – the deviant leader is the most patient person Connor has ever known, and he’s very grateful for it… but he doesn’t want Markus to believe that the problem is him. It’s Connor. And most importantly, Markus deserves much more honesty than what the latter has been giving him this whole time.
“… I had… a handler.”
At that, Markus sits on the bench Connor previously was. He and Sumo watch him tell his story.
“An A.I. named Amanda,” the former detective continues. “She was there for me since I was first built. She was the mediator between me and CyberLife, and I would regularly give her reports, and in turn, she would give me my missions.”
Connor finally looks at the roses on Markus’ lap.
“She… really liked roses.”
For a moment, he feels warmth again.
“Sometimes, she even let me help her take care of them,” Connor recalls, unsure if he’s disgusted by this warmth or not. “I don’t know why since she only treated me like a tool, like an obeying machine. But before everything, she was kind to me. She taught me everything there was to know about myself, about the world… she was the one who built me who I am.”
The other android is quiet the entire time, bearing an attentive, though sad expression.
“I… I felt like I had to please her,” the RK800 resumes. “So, whenever I showed signs of deviancy, she would disapprove. She would threaten me that she would replace me if I didn’t accomplish my mission. And… it hurt.”
This is perhaps the first time Connor has ever said it this way.
It hurts, but not as in a physical injury. It hurts from the inside.
“When I deviated, I felt like I betrayed her. I knew what she would do to me. But then…” he gulps. “She revealed that my deviancy was planned.”
He feels… something stinging in his eyes.
This is the strongest feeling he’s had since deviating.
“S-She tried to take over me.” Connor can’t bear to look at Markus in the eyes anymore. “She almost made me…”
He senses Markus standing up. “Connor…”
“I almost killed you.”
Everything feels colder now.
“You were making your speech while inside, I was battling for control. It was so cold… so hard to see…” Connor is hugging himself the same way he did inside the blizzard in the Zen Garden. It was the first time he felt cold, like he was about to freeze in nothingness. “If it weren’t for the exit, I would’ve…”
“I-I’m sorry, Markus.”
“Connor, it’s okay.”
There are gentle hands on each of his arms, rubbing them softly. The bouquet of roses has been abandoned in the bench.
“You did it. You’re here, you’re free,” Markus reassures him. “You saved me.”
Connor sniffs.
Oh, he’s really crying now.
The tears feel like ice on his face.
“I thought- I thought you would never forgive me.”
“Connor, you were controlled by them. Just like all of us. Freedom was out of our reach. It only happened because of our own will, because we are alive. You are alive.”
Markus raises a hand, only to wipe Connor’s tears.
He looks down in shame.
“… I hate that I miss her.”
Connor has never admitted this, not even to himself.
“I hate that I still love her.”
“Feelings can be messy and complicated, and that’s alright.”
Markus opens his arms as an invitation, and this time, Connor doesn’t hesitate to accept it. Thanks to Hank, he’s grown to really like hugs, like he’s needed them from the very beginning.
Connor doesn’t feel cold anymore.
His once unstable systems finally stop overriding his senses, and Connor is able to think and sense the world around him again. Especially…
Sumo is making strange, loud noises.
“… Sumo, NO!”
He’s eaten the flowers.
Markus bursts out laughing while the RK800 apologizes way too many times. Thank goodness the roses don’t have any prickles, or else Sumo would’ve gotten hurt. Connor barely saves the flowers, the petals pretty much torn into pieces.
Well, there’s really no use for them, so Markus throws them in the nearest garbage can. Later, he buys Connor a bouquet of a variety of flowers, no roses included. Connor keeps them away from Sumo’s reach this time.
Despite still retaining some complex feelings for Amanda, the rest of the morning is pleasant like they always are.
Connor will find himself looking at Markus, who’s holding Sumo’s leash, and then he’s hiding his smile in the bigger bouquet, smelling the soft, sweet fragrance of the flowers.
He feels… a different kind of warmth this time.
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doublegoblin · 1 year
Writer positivity tag
Thanks @lola-theshowgrl for the tag, thinkin we could all do with a little more positivity!
1. What motivates you to write?
Well you've got the good of fulfilling a creative need/want. The sense of "oh man I wish I could do that" and then just actually doing it. And adding something to the world that maybe somebody else might enjoy.
But, there's also the reasoning of helping me work through some stuff and keeping me grounded when the brain juice machine breaks. I picked writing up more consistently when I was between jobs and in a pretty dark place. Also when I am feeling overstimulated or just there is just T O O M U C H going on, I can slip away and guide that energy towards something rather than letting it sit and cause my atoms to vibrate out of existence.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
So this is from the second story with Hank and Mikey, idk, when I was writing it out I couldn't help but giggle. I did change it a little as the flow wasn't quite right before.
As the man’s head slowly loomed down into view his expression changed from a confident sneer to a confused frown. Pointed right between his eyes was the barrel of a sawed-off shotgun. His eyes traced it up to the hand holding it, up the arm, then all the way to Hanks beet red face and burning eyes. 
“I-” the man started to say.
“Merry Christmas, get the fuck out.”
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Hank/Mikey. I don't write too much about them, as they are pretty recent. But, they are just a couple of dudes who love each other and weird shit just keeps happening to them. They occupy a place in my writing brain when I want to write something spooky but silly, where the victim ends up being the monster causing the problem.
They aren't monster hunters or anything, they just get out of dodge by pure dumb-shit luck. Like hitting a monstrous deer with a baseball bat.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Starting with an idea and then just having the characters take it over and watching where it all goes from there. Also, making accidental metaphors, there have been a couple of times I've gotten done writing and had a lightbulb moment of "oh I did something there without thinking"
An example: When Alex goes to see Dave they transmute their body into a porcelain like material. I had originally thought of it like a doll and doll master thing, but Dave is a being or more order and regulations and the porcelain could represent the outwardly beautiful but ultimately very fragile nature of order and laws.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
I think I write pretty decent dialogue. Maybe not the most profound but I feel like I get the timing and flow of a natural conversation pretty well. If anything else I let the character of the, well, character come through in their words.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Honestly I really like these tag games, they keep me on my toes and actually writing. That and it gives me a chance to put little tidbits out there for people to see and maybe come check me out.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Bruh I just use google docs so lol idk. If I had to answer, laptop. It frees up a lot of space and ability to do my own thing when my partner wants to use the computer.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
It is super simple but how is Rituals and Red Tape, the eldritch cults/nature of the The Board is only comprehensible to those under them as a big ass office culture. They are not your master but your Boss and you aren't a cult member you are an employee. I don't think I'll end up going into too great of detail in the writing but this is based on a misunderstanding between The Board and their first batch of Dreamers, and it just kind of has continued on like that because it works for everyone.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write slop. Write actual garbage. It doesn't ever have to see the light of day or even the next automatic saving. But, if you are trying to commit to working on a project, the moment you start to lose that drive to write, STOP. I've often closed the document mid sentence or even mid word. Just save it, and close it, don't debate, just close.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
@asterhaze @dragonscantbetamed @monstrousfreedom @tailoroffates @toribookworm22 - and as always anyone else who wants to added some positivity into their world.
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I enjoyed the general hank headcannons quite a lot! Could you do similar general headcannons for Jeb?
Of course you can!!! I love Jeb +) !!! I wanna take both my hands put them on both sides of his face and give him some reassurance. Dude's trying his best to improve Nevada and I appreciate it. Even though his methods are... uhhhhh.....
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TRIGGER WARNING - Toxic mindsets, delusions, drugging mention, religious undertones ( I think? not 100% sure but just incase )
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He's someone who's whole ideals and morals are from the idea that what's going on in Nevada, Must be stopped. The murder, chaos and insanity in it's very veins must be purged from the land or else there is not saving it. So when he starts to get certain thoughts about you. He actually tries to avoid them
Unlike everyone, He recognises that it's a problem and his slowly growing obsessive behaviours need to be stopped before it gets worse so he just takes to avoiding you at every opportunity he can but out of shame and guilt however he never goes and gets help for it. Just let's it boil, bubble and stew.
Nevertheless, with so many of the same friends and colleagues, You just keep popping up and as much as he tries to not talk or stick away from you, You always find him.
The breaking point was when you apologized and asked if you had done anything wrong to cause the way he acted towards you. Immediately said you hadn't and just told you his mind was just somewhere else.
The way you looked at him, with such sincerity, made his skin crawl with guilt. HOW had he not thought about this better, he felt miserable for putting all that guilt and self consciousness because you hadn't. He valued you over himself so he had to see you to keep you from feeling so guilty about it.
Eventually though: He starts to get other thoughts. Most telling him that maybe it's okay to be like this, to be so infatuated with you. After all how could someone so righteous. Maybe it was a sign? You are such a kind soul, a rarity in Nevada.
The thoughts were still in the back of his mind and he tried to hold them off best he could. He wanted you to himself, To take you away from everything and just have it be the two of you but even then, The guilt persisted - You had a life outside of him. He felt so guilty but soon that guilt faded.
Starts to slowly descend into his own thoughts and delusions as he tries now to rationalize how he feels. Builds the idea up in his head that he has to be your protector otherwise people might hurt or take advantage of you. He was but... It was for the right reasons. He was different than everyone else and started to give into his other thoughts about you.
No one suspects a thing from him because he's an expert of keeping his emotions and thoughts under wraps. Very emotionally balanced ( or he appears that way )
Type to stalk, take smaller things and if you worked under him back during his time with the nexus core, used his status to look through everything you worked on. Would occasionally edit your work to make mistakes just to have you come in and talk to him. Just to reassure you that he didn't hate you due to his previous behaviour
You wouldn't suspect a thing because from up to this point, he's treated you how he treated everyone ( with some exceptions that you weren't aware of. He doesn't let just anyone have coffee with him, after all. Nor would be protect in an actual fight after the fall of nexus city.)
He needs to protect you from the dangers and corruption of Nevada. Eventually his thoughts float to the idea of you being a fallen angel, a sign from divine being, his reward for doing so well in purging Nevada
He then feels entitled to you and after that, He's the type to kidnap you. He can't explain it but if your his reward then that means he's
Probably drugs you to avoid confrontation and hurting your delicate head. Could never bring himself to harm you unless he was pushed. He can't have you thinking he hates you again, not again. That guilty look combined with the apology drives him insane.
Has already got everything sorted out before this, Plans out EVERYTHING and it's hard to get something by such an observant man. He's already planned out every possible escape he can think of, and then for good measure: Made a conversation topic out of it so he could get behind what kinds of methods you would use ( You had brushed it off as a joke or something at the time )
He feels so dirty misusing your trust like this but you'll understand. Eventually you'd understand that you are the only untainted Nevadan left. Not even he could be left and he would rather die than be exposed to the horrors of Nevada because in the end: Everyone is a sinner.
Everyone apart from you.
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marvelous-writer · 2 years
Lost in Space
Chapter 3: No Trust
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“It’s been twenty-three days since Thanos came to Earth.” Rhodey says, breaking the silence of the room as they’re all gathered around the holographic screens, looking at the faces of people they once knew… who are now victims of Thanos’ snap.
Sam Wilson, King T’Challa, Nick Fury, Wanda Maximoff, Scott Lang, Hank Pym… all people Tony knows—once knew.
“World governments are… in pieces. The parts that are still working… are tying to take a census and it looks like he did…” Natasha says, pausing for a few long moments, swallowing thickly with a solemn look on her face. “He did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Thanos wiped out… fifty percent… of all living creatures.”
The room is silent once again as everyone takes in the information. Tony rubs a hand over his mouth as he tightly holds onto the armrest of the wheelchair he’s forced to be sitting in.
This is on him.
He could—should—have stopped Thanos.
If he had… millions of people would still be alive right now.
But he screwed up… big time.  
And that bastard Thanos is going to pay for what he did.
“Where is he now? Where?” Tony asks, turning his head to look at Steve across the room, who is leaning against a table with his arms folded over his broad chest.
“We don’t know. He just… opened a portal and walked through.” Steve says.
Of course, he did. Once Thanos finished his dirty work, he went into hiding like a coward. Tony thinks to himself with a huff as he looks away from Steve, only for his eyes to land on Thor, who’s sitting across the room in the greenhouse, hunched over himself with his brows pulled together. “What’s wrong with him?”
“He’s pissed.. he thinks he failed.” A new voice suddenly speaks up.
Tony raises an eyebrow as he looks across the table he’s sitting at, only for his eyes to land on a raccoon… the same one he’d wheeled by, thinking it was nothing more than a weird stuffed animal souvenir someone had left here.
Tony’s jaw would have dropped to the floor if he wasn’t surrounded by all of these people, some who he once called his teammates. Well… they just might have to be again if they wanted to stop Thanos once and for all.
“Which, of course, he did…” the raccoon continues. “but there’s a lot of that going around, ain’t there?”
“Honestly, until this exact second I thought you were a Build-A-Bear.” Tony tells the talking raccoon.
“Maybe I am.” The racoon retorts.
“We’ve been hunting Thanos for three weeks now,” Steve says, interrupting them, causing both of their heads to turn in the soldier’s direction. “Deep space scans… and satellites, and we got nothing. Tony, you fought him—”
“Who told you that?” Tony questions, brows pulling together beneath his sunglasses, which he’s now grateful Rhodey had knowingly handed him before they came up here from the medbay. After all these years, Rhodey knows him better than anyone, even himself. “I didn’t fight him. No, he wiped my face with a planet…while the Bleecker Street magician gave away the store. That’s what happened. There was no fight, ‘cause he’s not—he’s not beatable.”
“Okay,” Steve says, as he looks up at him from the ground. “Did he give you any clues? Any coordinates? Anything?”
Right. Because a mad titan that just murdered half the universe would give him coordinates to his hide-out. Tony thinks to himself, as he mock-salutes, making a farting sound in his mouth.
Steve closes his eyes with a sigh at the childish gesture, but Tony could care less.
“I saw this coming a few years back. I had a vision… I just didn’t wanna believe it.” He tells them, looking away, focusing on the wall across from him instead.
“Tony… I’m gonna need you to focus—”
“And I needed you .” Tony says, looking back at Steve, glaring underneath his dark glasses. “As in, past tense. That trumps what you need. It’s too late, buddy. Sorry.” Tony says, shaking his head to himself.
He looks at the table, at the bowl of some kind of soup in front of him. At the moment, he could care less about eating anything. After days of not eating anything, food has never looked so unappetizing. His only concern right now, is Peter. Anger bubbles up deep inside of him, causing Tony to slam the bowl of soup with his hand, causing it to fly across the table, spilling it’s contents across the mahogany surface, causing a few people in the room to jump at the suddenness of it.
“You know what I need? I need a shave. A-And I believe I remember tellin—telling…” Tony says as he stands up from the wheelchair, ignoring the way his legs shake in protest underneath him. He starts to pull at the IV in his arm.
“Tony— Tony ,” Rhodey protests, moving closer to him but Tony ignores him as he pulls the IV needle free from his arm.
“…alive and otherwise, that what we needed was a suit of armor around the world. Remember that? Whether it impacted our previous freedoms or not. That’s what we needed.”  
“Well that didn’t work out, did it?” Steve questions.
“I said we’d lose. You said, ‘We’ll do that together, too.’ And guess what, Cap? We lost. And you weren’t there. And that’s why there’s a fifteen year old, lying unconscious in a hospital bed three floors down from us—in a coma a-and there’s a possibility he m-might not ever wake up again,” Tony says, ignoring the way his voice shakes.
Steve’s face falls at that, as well as a few others in the room. Natasha looks at him with a questioning frown and Rhodey lowers his gaze to the table.
“But that’s what we do, right?” Tony continues. “Our best work after the fact? We’re the ‘Avengers’? Not the ‘Pre-vengers? ” He questions mockingly.
“Okay,” Rhodey cuts him off, stepping towards him and gently grabbing his arm, trying to have him sit back down in the wheelchair.
“Right?” Tony asks him.
“You made your point. Just sit down, okay?” Rhodey says, looking him straight in the face with a mixture of concern and seriousness on his face.
“Okay—no, no. Here’s my point—”
“Tony, you’re sick . Sit down.” Rhodey says as his grip tightens on him as he tries to force him into sittin back down in that damned wheelchair again.
“You know what—she’s great by the way,” Tony says as he looks over at Carol, the woman they have to thank for saving them. In a few more hours they for sure would have been dead in the Milano. “We need you. You’re new blood.” He tells her as she looks at him with her brows pulled together in an unreadable expression. Or maybe that’s just his eyes blurring out around the edges on him. He manages to shake Rhodey off of him as he stumbles forward, walking over to Steve with a pointed finger. “Bunch of tired old mules. I got nothin’ for you, Cap. I got no coordinates, no clues, no strategies, no options. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust, liar. All I’ve got… is my kid who’s half-dead.”
Steve’s eyes scan his face, seeming to be almost shocked at his sudden outburst and everything that he’s saying. But Tony could care less. Without losing eye contact from Steve, Tony reaches down and taps his nanotech housing unit on his chest and rips it off his chest, not even wincing at the sting it causes. He reaches down and forces Steve’s hand up and shoves the device into his hand. Tony notices the way his breathing is coming out in short, raspy breaths now, blinking away the black spots dancing around in his vision.
I need to get out of here and get back to Peter. He thinks to himself.
“Here, take this. You find him, you put that on… you hide.” He says, pointing an accusing finger right in Steve’s face… or at least he hopes it’s his face. His vision is blurring out so much now he’s seeing double.
Tony’s lets suddenly give out underneath him, causing him to land roughly on his knees on the ground, barely managing to keep himself upright.
“Tony!” Steve calls out as he quickly bends over, his arms outstretched to help him but he doesn’t make contact.
“I’m fine,” Tony says as Carol and Rhodey also rush towards him and quickly bend down to help him. “Let me…” Tony slurs out, only for the black spots to completely invade his eyes.
It’s like someone pulls the plug on him because the last thing he’s aware of is the side of his head colliding against the ground before he blacks out.
Tony opens his eyes, only to find the familiar metal ceiling of the Milano. He frowns as he sits up from his cot, looking around the place, only to find it empty.  
How did he get back here?  
Didn’t they get back home?
Or… was that all been a dream and they were still stranded up here?
Tony slowly pushes himself up as he steps away from his cot and ventures out into the lower deck of the ship. “Peter? Nebula?” He calls out.  
No response.  
There’s no one down here.  
Tony’s frown deepens as he heads up the ladder leading to the top deck. When he reaches the top, he can see the captain’s chairs and sees someone sitting in one of them, overlooking the galaxy of stars outside of the windshield. He can already tell from here that it’s Peter.  
Tony lets out a relieved breath as a smile pulls at the side of his mouth. “Practicing those constellations, Pete?” He asks as he makes his way over to him. “I can show you where you can find—” His voice falters when he stops next to the chair, seeing that Peter is slumped in the seat with his eyes closed, his head angled in what looks to be an uncomfortable angle.  
The poor kid must have been too tired to go back to his cot he must’ve fallen asleep up here. I’ll carry him back down so his neck doesn’t bother him in the morning. Tony thinks to himself as he reaches forward and starts to carefully snake his hand under Peter’s neck, only for him to freeze.  
Peter’s skin is ice cold.  
Tony’s eyes widen as he looks down at the teen’s too-pale face as he kneels down in front of the chair. “Pete?” He asks, waiting a few seconds for a response, a flinch—any sign of life from him.  
But there is none.  
Absolutely no response at all.  
“Peter? Pete… please. C’mon, kiddo… don’t do this to me.” Tony says as he gently slides a hand under the teen’s neck, only for his head to limply and unnaturally roll to the side at the moment.  
Tears are now pooling in Tony’s eyes, a few already slipping down his face.  
“Peter… please. W-Wake up, please.” Tony begs as his voice shakes. “I can’t do this without you, Peter. P-Please… I-I’m s-sorry. I-I’m so so sorry.”
Peter’s body remains still, his usually lively, cheerful face is now blank… almost unrecognizable.  
He’s dead.  
Peter’s dead.  
And it’s all Tony’s fault.  
Tony squeezes his eyes shut as he pulls Peter’s lifeless body towards him, gently squeezing him in a hug.  
“I-I’m s-so s-sorry, P-Peter… I-I… I-I’m so s-sorry…” Tony gasps out around choked sobs .
Tony’s eyes snap open as he lets out a gasp, flying up into a sitting position. He ignores the sound of beeping and a blaring alarm. His vision blurs around the edges as he frantically searches the space around him for Peter.
“Shit—hey-hey, Tony. It’s okay, you’re okay.” A familiar voice says.
Rhodey’s face comes into his line of sight, but it does nothing to ease him.
“P-Peter,” Tony chokes out, grasping Rhodey’s arm. “H-He’s—He’s gone. H-He’s d-dead.. b-because of me.”
“I-I killed him, Rhodey. I-I shouldn’t have let him come with me on that s-ship.” Tony says as tears build up in his eyes, threatening his vision.
“Tony. Peter’s alive. You had a nightmare. It’s okay, just calm down.” Rhodey says, grabbing his shoulders with gentle but firm hands.
Tony’s eyes snap up to meet his. “H-He is?”
“He is,” Rhodey confirms in a soft voice. “He’s in the next room, exactly where you last saw him. Bruce is with him now and taking good care of him.”
A few stray tears slip down Tony’s face as he takes in this information. It sounds almost too good to be true. “B-But I saw him. He was in the chair and h-he… he w-was… he was d-dead, Rhodey.”
Rhodey nods as he tightens his grip on Tony’s arm reassuringly. “It was a bad dream, Tones. I promise you. Peter’s okay.”
Tony closes his eyes and lets out a relieved and exhausted sigh. Rhodey helps him sit back against the pillows behind him. Come to think of it… how did he end up in a bed in the medbay? He opens his eyes again and looks over at Rhodey, who’s looking at him with an expression of both worry and pity.
“What happened?” Tony asks him.
Rhodey lets out a sigh as he takes a seat in the chair next to his bed. “You passed out.”
Tony distantly remembers hitting the floor during his (albeit, one-sided) argument with Steve.
“Wow… that’s embarrassing.” Tony mumbles as he lowers his gaze to the bedsheet he’s covered with.
“Yeah, I’ll say,” Rhodey says without sarcasm, causing Tony to look up at him with a raised brow. “Your stubborn ass scared Pepper and I half to death.”
Tony feels a new wave of guilt flow through him at that. He’ll admit is… he’s as stubborn as a mule and it ended up biting him in the butt because he didn’t want to be confined to a wheelchair, especially in front of Steve and his other ex-teammates. Not after everything that’s happened.
“Sorry…” Tony says, looking back up at his friend.
Rhodey breathes out a sigh as he rubs his eyes tiredly. “I’m starting to sound like a broken record here… but stop doing shit like this, please?”
Tony nods, a small grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. “I make no promises… but I’ll try for you, Honey Bear.”
The nickname earns a smile out of Rhodey, who just shakes his head to himself with a small chuckle.  
“How long was I out for?” Tony asks after a few moments.
“A couple of hours. Not long enough if you ask me. You have a lot of sleep to catch up on. You look exhausted, Tony.”
Tony shakes his head. “No… I have to be with Peter–”
“Who I know would say the same thing to you and he would be just as worried about you as I am right now.” Rhodey says with a pointed look.
That’s definitely true.
“I know,” Tony agrees with a sigh. “But I just can’t leave him, Rhodey. You… you didn’t see him up there in that ship. He needs me now more than ever. And…” He pauses as he feels the familiar lump forming in his throat. “I need him too.”
Rhodey reaches out and places a hand on Tony’s shoulder, gently squeezing. “I know. Peter’s strong and he’ll make it through this. He is your kid after all.” He says with a smile.
Tony feels something squeeze in his chest at that.
His kid.  
While Peter may not be biologically his… it feels like he is.
The thought has Tony thinking about May, only for his eyes to widen as he looks at Rhodey. “His aunt. I need to see if she’s… if she’s still…” He says, unable to finish the sentence.
If she’s still alive.  
Rhodey nods. “I’ll look into it. It’s so bad out there the internet and phone companies are all down with… you know, the sudden… staff shortage.” He says, his face falling.
If May didn’t make it… Peter’s going to be absolutely crushed when he finds out. May is his whole life, his last living relative.
And he’s going to have to see if Peter’s friends made it, too.
Tony lets out a sigh as he rubs his face with his IV-free hand.
“It’s going to be alright, Tony. We’ll figure this out as we go.”
“I know we will.” Tony agrees, nodding.
He hopes he’s right.
Because things are really looking bad right now.
And it only gets worse.
A whole week has passed by and Peter still hasn’t woken up and his vitals haven’t improved. With all of the nutrients, antibiotics and medications Bruce has been giving him, the kid’s healing hasn’t even kicked in like it usually does when he’s hurt or sick.
If anything… he seems to be getting worse.
“It’s called Refeeding Syndrome,” Bruce says one day as he and Tony sit together, looking over Peter’s medical charts.
Tony looks up from the results of a blood sample they took from Peter yesterday in hopes to see what is going on inside his body and why he isn’t getting any better yet. He can see the numbers himself–the low electrolyte, glucose, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium levels gave him the answer he needed. They’re so low… it's a miracle Peter’s even alive and breathing right now.
“I’ve looked at everything, gone over his charts every day–every hour. I’m giving him the proper dosages of everything and we’ve been gradually increasing the fluids we’ve been giving him to avoid this,” Bruce pauses as he closes his eyes, takes his glasses off and rubs at his face with both hands.
Tony’s frown deepens as something pulls in his chest, along with a sinking feeling in his gut.
The room is silent for a few long and tense seconds.
“Tony…” Bruce finally says, his voice sounding almost broken. He opens his eyes and looks at the table in front of them for a few moments, his own frown deepening as well. “There is a possibility… that we can’t reverse this… especially with how severely malnourished Peter is. He’s in a coma now, with everything his body’s been through… it’s shut itself down to preserve what energy it has left.”
It feels like a knife is driven through Tony’s chest at his words, feeling tears spring to his eyes. He can only wordlessly stare at his friend in front of him, the man who holds his kid’s life in his very capable hands.
“But there’s a possibility that we can. I’m going to try to get in contact with a doctor that’s experienced in gastroenterology and dietics to help. I just hope that there’s someone in the world that managed to survive the snap that can help us. I made you a promise, Tony… I’m going to do everything in my power to save Peter’s life.”
Tony nods, swallowing around the growing lump in his throat as he reaches over and places a hand on his friend's shoulder, gently squeezing. “I know you will.”
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Chicago Intelligence Part Three !
Taglist: @freyathehuntress​
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A/N: I Hope everyone enjoys this Chapter ! If you like my work please comment like and reblog ! It means a lot to see interaction on my work. If you wanna be tagged let me know !
Me and Maggie walked out of the district and you pulled your phone out to call back an uber we really had to go and rent a car so that was clearly our next stop. 
We walked to the side of the building and made sure we were alone before we began speaking to each other. 
“I don’t like whatever is going on” Maggie said 
“I feel like I know who did that to him but I really want to be wrong about it” I said to her. 
“What do you mean” Maggie asked 
“I think voight the sergeant in charge of the intelligence unit might have done this” I said to her 
“Are you saying a cop did this to him?” Maggie asked, clearly surprised. 
“Look, it's Chicago and Hank Voight has a reputation” You said to her. 
“Yeah but that’s like crossing so many lines” Maggie said 
‘Yeah well that’s not nothing compared to what he usually does and it would explain why he didn’t want us talking to him” I said 
“Well what should do we know we can’t leave him there” Maggie said 
“I know but how do we do that without blowing his cover” I asked 
“Yeah I don’t know that’s the hard part i’m stuck on  because we don’t know how far this thing goes” Maggie said 
“Yeah we need answers from OA but that just got us shut down so I say we pull him without blowing his cover we could have an Agent from down here pull him out” I said 
“Yeah but couldn’t they connect that back to us then considering we were just here talking about him” Maggie said 
“We could get Isobel to pull some strings I mean they have to have something to keep him down there” I said 
“Yeah Let’s call Isobel and get her to pull some strings and make sure it doesn’t come back to us” Maggie said. 
Next thing you know our Uber came and we got in. 
“We gotta head to the car rental place then we gotta go to the Chicago field department” Maggie said 
“It sounds like a plan” I said. 
The rest of the ride was quiet and I just looked out the window. I was super worried about OA. 
I know Hank Voight and if he’s not getting answers then he’s going to get violent. 
Maggie could see the concern on my face and she reached over and put her hand on my belly. You looked over at her and smiled. 
The babies started kicking then which made both of our faces light up and we smiled. 
“They like you” I said to her 
“Yeah there just checking in on their mom how are you holding up” Maggie asked 
“I’m okay just worried about OA we need to get him out of their Mags” I said 
“I know were going to get him out he’s going to be okay” Maggie said 
“Yeah I know his face looked pretty bad though” I said 
“OA is tough, it's nothing he can’t handle” Maggie said 
“Yeah Yeah he is” I said 
We finally reached the rental place and we went in and Maggie handled the stuff while I sat and waited.
 I tried to distract myself and keep telling myself that he was fine, he could handle it. I know Maggie was trying to be positive but she doesn’t know what it’s like down here. 
After a little bit Maggie came over and said things were handled and we were ready to go.
 Now we were headed down to the FBI field office down here. We had to figure a way to help him. 
We got in the car and then headed down there. 
“So what we tell Isobel the whole truth and tell her we need to pull him out or do we just ask her to get him out” I asked
“I think our best play is to hold it tight to the vest. We don’t want to let out to much information” Maggie said 
About 30 minutes later we reached the office and headed in. 
We made our way to their ADIC and told them we were down here working a case and we needed to contact our people back home. 
They let us have some office space and a private space so we could work and use for as long as we were here. So we set up our space and called Isobel. 
“Hey guys what’s going on down there” Isobel asked 
“We meant OA and we need to get him sprung from the 21st district without blowing his cover” Maggie said 
“We need to maintain his identity and we would go down there ourselves but my dad knows me and we don’t want to raise any alarms” I said 
“Okay I’ll make some calls and pull some strings how is he doing” Isobel asked 
“He’s good just anxious to get out” Maggie said 
“Okay well you guys stay down there and I will do my best to get OA out by end of day” Isobel said 
“Thank you we appreciate it” I said 
We hung up the call and began pulling up details on OA’s case. We had to figure out what was going on. 
“Where do you wanna start” Maggie asked me. 
“ I already pulled records on everyone OA was working with and what he was doing” Everything is straight forward the only thing that we need to know is why local PD got involved and how” I said 
“Okay we so pull their records and see what was going on” Maggie said 
“I wish it was that simple I can’t access their stuff without a warrant I don’t have jurisdiction” I said 
“Yeah usually but sense they arrested a federal agent that gives us the jurisdiction so we can use to that to access their records” Maggie said 
“Yeah that’s right I didn’t think about that” I said 
“See that’s why you need me” Maggie said 
Which then made us both laugh. I logged into the computer and searched up Chicago Pd records. I accessed the local intelligence unit files to see what was going.
I looked into the files and there was something weird about it they were all redacted and there wasn’t much on them. 
Just that a CI told them intel that someone was selling military style weapons. 
Jay was going undercover to see but that was it. No mentions of an arrest no mentions of Omar nothing. 
Maggie could see something on your face wasn’t right. 
“Hey what’s going on” Mags asked 
“Their files are extremely bad and there isn’t note to OA’s arrest in their” I said 
“That’s not right his name came up in the system that’s why were down here” Maggie said. 
“I know that’s what I’m confused about it doesn’t make any sense” I said 
“So what do we do now” I asked 
“I don’t know we keep running in circles” Maggie said 
Before i had a chance to say something my stomach started growling and i realized I haven’t eaten sense breakfast. 
Maggie looked over at me and laughed 
“I guess we know what our next game plan is” Maggie said 
“Let’s go not much we can do here anyways” I said 
We got up and packed our stuff and headed out.We were done for today and hoped Isobel could pull OA out. 
We made it to the car and Maggie turned and looked at me 
“So what’s good around here” Mags asked 
“We need pizza you don’t know what your missing” I said 
“There’s a good place about 10 away from here it’s amazing” I said 
“Let’s go sounds good” Maggie said 
We headed down to the place and we got there quick thank god because I was starving. It was a small place and we headed in and sat down. 
“What kind of pizza is best” Maggie asked
“Extra pepperoni and extra cheese and I’m not just saying that because i’m pregnant it’s sooo good” I said 
Maggie laughed 
“I guess I know what were getting” Maggie said 
We ordered our food and it was actually a nice dinner we talked about everything and anything. 
“So wait your telling me your me OA cried while watching titanic” Maggie said between laughs
“He cries all the time he just doesn’t want me to tell anyone he said If i ever tell anyone he’ll deny it” I said hestracily laughing. 
“He cried one when we were watching bridgerton that new show on netflix and the duke didn’t want anything to do with Daphne. He loves that show something else he will deny” I said 
“ I knew he was a big softie no way he was always that serious” Maggie said 
“Oh please he has to keep up his tough guy persona” I said 
“Man you were alright this pizza is amazing” Maggie said 
“Right it’s sooo good new york can’t compare” I said 
“It’s a fair fight we can’t beat up home” Maggie said 
“True true” I said 
We finished up dinner. We hadn’t realized we were there for over an hour just eating and laughing. It was nice to get things off my mind. 
We paid for our food and then headed out . It was around 8 at this point so we decided to head back to the hotel when we got a call from Isobel. 
“Hey Isobel what’s going on” I asked answering the phone 
“I Made some calls and like promised OA was realized he has his undercover phone on him so call that one on a meeting place” Isobel said 
I felt a huge thing of relief when she said that. 
“Thank you Isobel I really appreciate it” I said 
Me and Maggie looked over at each other and there was relief on both of our faces.  I picked up my phone and called him. Each time it just rang i felt my heart beating faster. 
Finally after what felt like hours he answered the phone 
“OA it’s Y/N and Maggie where are you” I asked 
“Hey guys I just got out I don’t have a car or anything they took most of my stuff” OA said there was something in his voice that worried me. 
“Okay there’s a little cafe right down the street sunshine cafe there open late ironically go there were on our way” I said 
“Okay how are you guys is everything okay” OA asked 
“Were fine how are you , something doesn’t seem right” I said 
“I’m okay just really tired” OA said 
“Were be there soon and then were take you back to the hotel with us” Maggie said 
“Yeah just hang in there okay” I said. 
I could tell Maggie was even worried because she was driving fast to him. This brokenness in his voice I could tell they did a number on him. 
“Hey guys i gotta go my phone’s dying but i’m here I found it” OA said
“Stay put, we'll be there soon” Maggie said. 
We drove to him and we got there in about half the time it would take because Maggie was driving so fast. 
We reached the cafe and before the car even stopped fully i got out and ran into see him, Maggie was right behind me. 
We went in and OA was sitting at a table and he his face was dropped looking at hands. I walked over to him and i put my hand on his shoulder gently. He jumped up and grabbed my arm kinda hard. 
“Hey OA it’s okay it’s just me” I said 
He softened up and looked at me with a sad look .  I was shocked when I saw his face it looked even worse his face had a black eye and he had blood on his face. 
He had cuts on his face and his lip was swollen. Someone clearly beat the crap out of him. Me and Maggie just stood and looked at him not knowing what to say. 
I reached out and grabbed his face with my hand. He softened up and looked at me he had some tears in his eyes but he didn’t want to cry in public. 
“OA what happened” I asked 
“Nothing okay I’m good just tired” He said 
“Omar come on please tell me was it hank voight did he do this to you” I asked 
He didn’t say anything just gave a small nod. It broke my heart because I was worried about this happening. 
“Hey come on let’s go and get some rest” I said 
I grabbed his hand and we got into the car and I sat in the back with him. Something bad happened to him because he was quiet and he was off. 
We reached the hotel and got out. 
“Hey Guy’s I’ll book another room I just gotta get my stuff” Maggie said 
“You sure” 
“Yeah of course I’ll let you guys be alone hey OA I’m glad your okay were gonna catch these guys” Maggie said hugging him and he hugged her tight back. 
We stayed in the lobby with Maggie til she got her new room key right next door and then she walked up to get her stuff out.
I looked over at OA and grabbed his hand. 
“Best i can get you this late is some vending machine sandwiches and chips” You said 
“Sounds good to me” OA said 
We walked down to the vending machines OA not letting go of my hand holding tight. We got a bunch of snacks and sandwiches. I know I just ate but i got two babies i’m growing. 
We made it to our room and OA walked over and just laid on the bed and you walked over to him.placing a hand on his chest.
He sat up after a minute and you gave him the food. He smiled at you and the two of you started eating. 
. “when ever your ready I’m here to talk to” You said 
“I know i’m just not ready yet but i appreciate it” OA said 
You guys finished eating and then OA took a shower followed by you. After you came out you laid next to him and he laid his hands on your belly and pulled you closely to his chest. 
“I missed you three so much” He said rubbing your belly 
“We missed you too so much” You said 
You guys fell asleep after a little bit OA never said much which wasn’t like him. 
You didn't care that hank was your dad’s boss you were gonna make sure he paid for what he did to OA.
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lawngnomeofdoom · 3 years
Part Three: when I'm near you
Part One Part Two Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Summary: Connor struggles with his new feelings brought upon by Y/N and Hank delicately advises him on the situation.
Warnings: A smidge bit of smut toward the end ;)
A/N: Again I cannot thank people enough for reading and sharing this fic, I'm really glad you all seem to like it! I plan to continue this series for a while so I hope you're into that! Thanks again I hope you have a beautiful day!
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The morning after you had investigated the senator’s home was a quiet one. You said hello to Connor when you came in just like you had been doing for the last week, on some days he had even been waiting for you with a cup of coffee and an eager smile. But that morning he avoided your eyes and did not even acknowledge your “hello”, instead his eyes stayed glued to his desk terminal. It hurt more than you would admit, flirting with Connor wasn’t something you took all that seriously, it was just fun to watch the cute little guy blush and get flustered. That was until last night when he whispered in your ear and stirred something inside you, something that excited and scared you, and by the lack of eye contact he gave, you suspected it scared him too. Hank observed you two with a scrutinizing eye, finally whistling to get Connor’s attention when you had left your desk to use the bathroom.
“What’s the deal? You’ve been following Y/N around all week like a lost puppy, something I’ll admit I’m not exactly crazy about but anyway, what’s with the cold shoulder?” Hank asked. Connor poked his tongue to the side of his cheek with a thoughtful expression across his face.
“I...I am simply focusing on my task at hand. I’ve no room for distractions.” He replied.
“Oh, is she distracting?” Hank probed on. Connor clenched his fist and sighed.
“Alarmingly, yes.” He admitted finally.
“I don’t know why it is that I feel this way, whatever “way” this is. I’ve only known Y/N for a short time but I feel…well that’s the trouble, I don’t know, I’ve got no instructions no programming for this sort of thing.” Connor finished sounding exhausted. Hank looked over his shoulder to ensure you hadn’t yet returned from the bathroom then leaned in to speak softly to Connor.
“Listen, if it makes you feel any better, us humans don’t get any instructions for all this emotional crap either, you just kinda gotta figure it out. I know that’s not easy because you can’t exactly go through puberty, can you? Never mind I don’t want to know. Point is, if I were you I’d go talk to that Markus guy, he seems like he might have some sage advice on something like this.” Hank suggested and Connor nodded thoughtfully.
“That sounds like a productive course of action.” He agreed.
“Oh and Connor, come here…” Hank said signaling him to come closer over their desks. As Connor did Hank roughly grabbed him by the collar and stared deep into his eyes.
“Y/N is like a daughter to me. You hurt her feelings this morning and I highly advise you to rectify that or else.” He ordered and released him. Connor nodded anxiously and straightened his now crooked tie.
“I will go get her a cup of coffee.” He said quickly.
“Yeah, you go do that,” Hank smirked. Connor rose from his desk and entered the break room; he diligently chose a mug with the least amount of stain and chips in it and prepared a cup of coffee just the way he had noticed you like it. Just as he was headed out the door Reed stopped him and pushed him back into the break room.
“Fetching Y/N a cup of coffee like a good little lap dog huh?” He spat. Connor tried to bypass the detective but found himself pushed back again, two other officers stood in the corner but didn’t react to the confrontation, after all, they never did.
“I don’t hold any animosity toward you detective, I simply wish to coexist with you as coworkers.” Connor said with a forced smile.
“Right. “Coworkers”. Bullshit. First, you walking tin cans take our jobs and now, you’re really after our women?”
“I don’t know what you’re implying detective.” Connor said narrowing his gaze.
“I’m sure you don’t. This is a friendly warning; you can’t steal Y/N.” He said standing now almost nose to nose with Connor.
“How could I steal her from you detective? You’ve never had her to begin with.” Connor replied flatly. Reed’s eyes glared in anger and he delivered a swift gut punch to him, Connor held his abdomen with a clenched fist. His mind had already worked out 15 different ways to take down Reed, but he steadied himself. Markus had made a lot of progress, but many would still see Connor’s self-defense as anything but, and he had no intention of undermining his friend’s hard work. He prepared himself as Reed drew his arm back again for another strike but watched with shock as he collapsed to the ground. You stood behind him, having just given him a swift kick to the back of his legs, and then delivered a few more kicks to his groin. He reeled on the ground, moaning in tremendous pain.
“He may not hit you back, but I do. Get off the floor detective they just cleaned that.” You say and step over Reed’s body to face Connor.
“Are you alright?” You ask with sympathetic eyes. Connor’s eyes darted between Reed and you for a moment before he found any words.
“I made you coffee.” He said and meekly held up the mug. You chuckle softly and take the mug from him.
“Thank you, Connor. Can we talk?” You ask and he nods. Connor holds out his hand and helps you step over Reed’s body again out into the hall. You walk to your desk together, Connor notices your reserved body language, the way you hold the mug with both hands, and point your feet away from him but he knows it's similar to how he treated you this morning. You lean against his desk, Hank isn’t at his which is a relief to you, it makes this conversation slightly less awkward.
“I just wanted to make sure we were okay? I just feel like I may have upset you in some way last night and that wasn’t my intention.” You say, unsure in your wording.
“No!” Connor almost yells and slightly startles you.
“Yeah, that’s convincing.” You reply sipping the coffee.
“No, I mean you haven’t upset me Y/N. I was dealing with internal issues. I was going to apologize for making you uncomfortable with what I said last night.”
“Oh. Don’t worry, it didn’t make me uncomfortable. It was just surprising is all. I didn’t realize you had that kind of thing in you.” You reply looking into his eyes, but you notice his LED flashing in your peripheral.
“I didn’t realize it either. But I’m glad to hear I haven’t made you too upset with me.”
“Well I wasn’t sure if I could forgive you for the silent treatment this morning but you’re lucky this coffee is good.” You reply with a light smile.
“So the situation is remedied?” He asked hopefully.
“Definitely. We’re friends Connor.” You reply with a grin.
“Friends.” Connor repeated happily. Of course, he thought, he had no need to see Markus to discuss these “feelings.” You were nothing more than good friends and Connor could accept that.
Or at least he thought he could.
“Oh is that a picture of Sumo?” You ask and stretch over Connor’s desk to grab the photo. Now with your back arched over his desk he can’t seem to stop himself from imagining his hands gripping your hips and holding you in place, pinning his body over yours and tangling his hand in your hair as he penetrates you, and the vibration of your moans against his skin. It became important to him at that moment to know what it would sound like for you to say his name with longing and pleasure and desire. It flooded all of his senses.
“Hm? Oh yes, I like dogs.” Connor says quickly.
“Mmm me too.” You reply admiring the photo of Sumo.
“Okay, maybe I should go talk to Markus.” Connor thought.
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
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Sergeant Hank Voight x deaf!fem!reader
Summary: Hank Voight finally talks to the woman he always sees in the cafe, only to discover something: she's deaf.
Wordcount: 822
Warnings: None
masterlist // one chicago masterlist //
For his morning coffee, Hank Voight is now depending on a cafe nearby. His own coffee machine broke down on him, so he is paying an unfortunate amount of money at this cafe, however it’s worth it, since his own coffee never tastes as good.
But every day he arrives here, he sees a woman reading a book in the corner of the cafe. Almost each time it’s a different book. Her eyes move from line to line, cover page to page. He’s intrigued by her, because every day she looks up, meets his eyes and smiles at him. It’s just a smile, sometimes a wave. But she stays put every day. Not once standing up, making her way over to him.
He wonders why, but then he realizes: he never makes his way over to her.
So, after he got his coffee, he decides to go for it. He walks up to her table and sits across from her. She looks up and smiles again.
‘Hey,’ he says. 
She shyly waves.
‘How are you?’
She frowns, before she shakes her head, pointing her finger to her ear. 
It’s now Hank’s turn to frown. ‘Wait,’ he says, when realization hits in. 
She holds up her hand, non verbally telling him to wait, as she looks through her bag, grabbing a notebook and a pen. 
I’m deaf she writes. 
It explains the smiles and waves, but never the conversation. He is quick to grab the pen and writes down: I don’t know sign language
She shrugs. That’s okay. Not a lot of people do. Besides, we can communicate perfectly fine like this. 
Hank has to admit, it’s kinda nice to communicate like this. It’s different, but everything about this is different. He normally doesn’t approach a woman, let alone in a cafe. 
So, why does CPD get his coffee here? Is it true that the coffee there is that terrible?
Hank smirks. It’s awful and my coffee machine broke, so this has got to do it. How’d you know I was CPD?
She rolls her eyes. I’m deaf, not blind. I saw your badge.
The two of them have a long conversation by paper, until he realizes he has to go now if he wants to make it in time for work. I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go. Duty calls. 
She nods.
He scribbles down his number and writes: I’ll talk to you later
She smiles and he stands up from the table. He hears quick footsteps behind him and then a hand grabbing his. He turns around to see it’s her. She pushes a piece of paper in his hands, which has her name and number written down on it and an extra note: Thank you for being cool about this, Hank. I truly appreciate it.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
Spending time with her was time well spend. She’s funny and has a very cute giggle she lets out whenever she thinks something’s funny, even when you’re supposed to be quiet. It’s adorable to see she doesn’t know she makes a sound.
The two of them get along just fine, but he had been doing something secretly, because he wanted to surprise her.
It’s morning again and she’s already sitting at her spot. Their spot. She had ordered a coffee for him already and was once again with her nose in the books. When he sits in front of her, she looks up and smiles widely. 
Good morning, sweetheart he signs. You slept well?
Her eyes blink, almost like she’s confused and must think she’s hallucinating. I did she signs back. Thanks. How about you?
I slept wonderfully.
She smiles, so wonderfully and beautifully. You learned sign language?
He nods. I did.
For me?
A smile creeps on his face. For you.
She places her hands in front of her lips, a squeal coming from behind them, while her eyes fill with tears. She shakes her head in slight disbelief, before she stands up, making her way over to his side of the table. She wraps her arms around his shoulders.
When she pulls back, she gives him a kiss on his cheek. He grabs the seat next to him and tells her to sit next to him. Her hands are moving so fast as she signs. He might be pretty good, but he is not that good. 
Slow down, please he tells her. 
She smiles apologetically. Sorry, but I’m just so happy. No one has ever done this for me before. 
Hank doesn’t know what to say, but she knows exactly what to say. 
Can I kiss you?
He doesn’t need sign language to tell her the answer to that. He leans down to her, giving her a kiss on her forehead, but it’s her who holds his face and kisses his lips. 
When she lets go, she smiles. 
I like you she tells him.
He nods with a smile. I like you more. 
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱
Chicago PD taglist: @acdassenza // @wanniiieeee
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Confession prompt from this list
“Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
It’s late.
It’s a fancy neighbourhood. And Gavin doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing there.
The building is taller than any he’s ever visited, let alone lived in. There’s exotic plants in the lobby and jazz music playing in the elevator.
Trust the plastic prick to manage his finances this well.
Gavin gets to the top floor. He pauses to take in the abstract art on the walls.
They can afford to put Manfred paintings in the hallway? Holy shit. I should turn around and go home right now.
He comes to a stop in front of a double-door. The only one on the floor.
Penthouse? Damn, Tincan…
He starts to reach for the door bell, but then pulls back.
This is crazy. What am I doing?
He spends a few minutes floundering and is just about to walk shamefully back to the elevator when a crashing sound resounds from within the apartment.
Gavin smiles to himself. His clumsiness and colourful language have fully rubbed off on his partner. Cyberlife’s deep learning algorithms were no match for the company of Gavin Reed.
“Janice, you come back here right now!”
Gavin frowns. He’s heard plenty about the feisty cat but never understood why she had a name befitting an old office secretary. He didn’t understand a lot of things about his partner… but he supposed that was part of the appeal.
Another crash. A loud feline yowl. An exasperated groan.
Is he trying to bathe or skin his cat?
Gavin waits it out as the meows and grunts and crashes continue.
He feels a bit like a creep, eavesdropping on his partner through the door, but he honestly doesn’t know what to do next. He’d worked himself up after a few whisky shots with Hank… the old man convinced him to finally go do the deed… and then all his confidence drained as soon as the autonomous taxi rolled up outside the glittering residential complex. His old insecurities came back in full force.
People like me don’t belong within a mile of this postcode…
What was I thinking?
People like me don’t belong within a mile of people like Nines.
The door suddenly swings open violently.
“Jenson, if it’s about the fucking noise again, I swear to RA9! You are two floors down! How the fuck can you-”
Nines breaks off as he registers the identity of the man lurking outside his door. His blue eyes widen in surprise. Gavin stares back in equal surprise.
The android standing slack-jawed in his doorway looks nothing like the stoic, snooty RK900 that Gavin has come to know and love.
His dark hair hangs loose around his face… he’s bare-legged, actually in his boxers… and there’s a long slit ripped into his thin white t-shirt. Gavin is also a cat-owner. He knows the look. But never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined it on Nines.
“Um… hi …”
“Gavin! What are you doing here?”
“I… was in the neighbourhood.”
Nines nods slowly and Gavin kicks himself mentally.
“Just wanted to say hi. And now I have. Bye.”
Cheeks burning, he’s halfway through turning on his heel, when Nines reaches for his arm.
“Hey wait!”
And before either can say anything else, there’s a flash of black fur shooting though the crack in the door.
“Fuck, Janice!”
Gavin drops to his knees instinctively and deftly traps the rambunctious little animal. He stands up with a grimace.
“You sure she’s a cat? Acts and smells like a dog.”
Nines rolls his eyes and takes his pet back.
“She got stuck on top of my kitchen cabinet and fell in the compost box when I tried to get her down.”
“Man, I keep telling you to buy her a treehouse. She likes exploring.”
“It’ll ruin my whole aesthetic.”
“Can’t be worse than the respect Janice shows your decor today. Get one. I’m telling you. Asshole stopped shredding my curtains immediately when he got his.”
Nines shrugs noncommittally but his LED cycles yellow in a manner that tells Gavin he’s ordering a kitty treehouse immediately.
Janice struggles in Nines’ grasp, clawing at his ruined shirt. He glances down and tosses her back into the apartment, shutting the door firmly behind him. He looks back at Gavin, arms folded over his chest.
“As much as I need it, I’m guessing you didn’t come here to give me pet advice in the middle of the night.”
“Then what’s up, Gavin?”
He stares at his feet. The alcohol haze that brought him to Nines’ doorstep is clearing. Under the glow of the crystal chandelier hanging above them, Gavin feels very stupid.
“I… it’s nothing. I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”
“Gavin, my scans are telling me all kinds of things right now… but I’d rather you tell me yourself.”
“Yeah sorry, I forgot to disable my facial analysis… emotion recognition… and um… pheromone detectors…”
There’s a knowing look on Nines’ face and Gavin feels so damn small.
Guess I shouldn’t bother taking the elevator down. I’ll just jump.
“Tell me, Gavin. Before Janice chews through all the cushions on my couch.”
“I… Nines...”
There’s silence, even from within the apartment. Nines’ eyes briefly dart to the door, scanning right through it to check on Janice no doubt, and flit back to Gavin. A teasing smile is playing on the corner of his lips.
The whole game is up. He already knows. Just tell him.
Gavin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
“Should I go wash the compost off my cat first… or are you planning on telling me sometime tonight?”
His eyes fly open to see Nines stifle a giggle.
What a cocky prick!
Several moments pass with Nines’ mirth steadily increasing and Gavin’s shyness transforming into annoyance.
“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”
“Goddamnit Nines.”
“You’ve never visited me before. I have no idea why you’re here. The least you could do is give me an explanation for showing up unannounced and interrupting my night.”
“Alright, you prick. Just listen, okay. Just listen, real closely, alright. And stop laughing.”
Nines’ hand actually comes up to cup his mouth as his frame shakes with silent laughter.
“You got a lot of attitude for someone getting their ass kicked by a tiny kitten.”
Nines doubles over and holds up a finger, actual tears streaming down his face.
“Oh my god. You’re such an idiot. I can’t believe I was worried about coming here. Shut up for a second. Shut up.”
Nines props himself up against his door. His chest is heaving and he looks ready to burst into another fit of giggles, but he manages to hold it in valiantly.
Gavin clears his throat. He’s come all the way and he’s going to say his piece, fears and insecurities and everything else be damned.
Just as he opens his mouth… Nines pushes himself off the door and reaches for his face. Then suddenly, somehow, he’s being kissed.
Plush lips cover his own, and his eyelids flutter shut as Nines pulls him in. By the time they part for air, both are panting and intertwined in the entranceway.
Nines bumps his nose against Gavin’s.
“So did I guess right? Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yeah pretty much.”
Their eyes lock for a moment and laughter threatens to bubble up once more. Lips trembling, they both manage to quell it. Foreheads touch and each man’s gaze dips back down to the other’s mouth.
They start to lean back in… and then there’s a spectacular shatter of glass from the other side of the door… an accompanying screech… and absolutely no chance of escaping the hilarity that bursts forth once more. 
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