#Han Hyunmin
iconsfinder · 3 months
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ab6ixpics · 2 years
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(221110) SIVillage instagram update
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psychesdisco · 6 months
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this still my husband
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skz-fanfic-recs · 8 months
comment any song on this post, and i'll give you a skz fic that matches it's vibe.
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kpop-locks · 1 month
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ meet arrc; ”♡ᵎ ꒱
like/reblog | @chinzhilla-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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lyramundana · 1 year
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The Kim family are seemingly perfect in the eyes of everyone who meets them. Rich, nice houses, gorgeous children and marriages built upon pure love and respect.
It started with Kim Felix and his wife, Jeonjin, a cheerful, if a bit excentric married couple. They had two healthy, handsome sons, Seungmin and Jisung. When they grew, Jisung met Hyuna at his workplace, where she worked as a model. He spend months pining from afar before he finally asked her out and, eventually, brought her home as his formal girlfriend, marrying her soon after. Then Seungmin met Lina some years later and, after weeks of mostly bickering and agressive flirting, he asked her out on a date. He brought her home to his parents as his the same way Jisung did, and ended up getting married too.
Jisung and Hyuna had two adorable sons, Changbin and Chan. Seungmin and Lina took their time, but when little Chan was five, Lina gave birth to a precious girl, Lixie. The ball of joy became made Seungmin's smile brighter than ever and brought a soft side of Lina that no one thought possible.
Don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen
This is the story everyone knows. It sounds like the dream family, right? They make such a pretty picture...as long as you don't look too close at it.
Don't let them see through the curtains
Because if you do, you'll see the cracks surrounding it. And you'll hear the dirty secrets the walls will whisper to you.
The wallpaper listens
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She became Lixie's babysitter by a recommendation from her friend, Jeong, Lina's younger sister. Hearing the woman's complaints about not finding a proper caretaker for her babygirl and knowing Nessa could use some extra cash, Jeong decided to kill two birds with a single stone.
She's been in this practically since Lixie was a newborn, exactly three years and half. It was supposed to be a short-term job until Lina managed to find an alternative so she could stay more at home, but she grew to adore Lixie and got used to the routine of taking care of her, so she stayed. At least that's what she explains to whoever asks about the matter. she's trapped, can't bring herself to leave
As babysitter, her job is very simple. Feed the baby, change her diapers, shower her, play with her and make sure she's healthy and happy at all times. That's all she must do.
As a babysitter, her only focus should be Lixie. She's all she needs to care about. And if she happens to hear or see something she definitely shouldn't have like Seungmin's brother coming out of Lina's room or the breathless moans and dirty words when Seungmin isn't home, that's none of her business. Oh, what is it? Is Lixie hungry? Let's fix that now and forget everything else.
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She's been the family's housemaid since Channie was still in the crib. The bills don't pay themselves and she was struggling when Jisung contacted her. He and his wife had demanding jobs and two kids, so they couldn't handle everything, he said. They needed someone to take care of the things they didn't have time for, and she needed quick money. It was an easy deal.
Officially, her duty consists on doing the house chores, like laundry and cleaning the rooms, but eventually she also began to look after the kids too. It was only natural, since they were the main sources of dirt she had to clean after, and in some way, they were house chores too. If Mr Jisung and Mrs Hyuna aren't around, she helps them with homework and entertains them, even thought it isn't part of her contract. There were talks about her quitting the job to move somewhere else, but it never happened. She clearly prefers to stay here, with this cozy job where she gets to spend time surrounded by luxuries she couldn't bare leaving them behind, not after everything
A housemaid's duty is simply keeping the house clean and comfortable for when her masters arrive. She does the laundry, cooks their meals, fixes their rooms and does as she's told until she returns home.
As a housemaid, she has mastered the art of being invisible. Her presence remains subtle unless she's needed. She's the ears and eyes of the house, nothing wents on there without her knowledge. Nothing. Mrs Lina's husband visiting them when Mr Han leaves the house. Hands and whispers wandering where they shouldn't. She's merely an spectator, unable to intervene. Look at that, the boys left their toys out again! She better put them back before the Masters arrive.
Taglist: @channieandhisgoonsquad @2chopsticks2eyes @moonlightndaydreams @linlinaert @queenmea604 @hanjisunglover @kpopsstuffs @noellllslut @bangtanmix73 @thightswideforhanin @boi-bi-ahaha @grayscorner @rosierosaaa @ren0325
Important: That's just how I envision the girls in my head, but you're free to self-insert yourselves. Imagine them however you prefer.
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mylovehalfway · 2 months
My interpretation of ARrC’s concept based on what I’ve seen so far.
Starting from the beginning with their concept photos:
“Fancy the notion that what you presumed sour could be sweet?”
This phrase was captioned on all of their concept photos. After seeing this, plus the cover art on their upcoming physical album,
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(Credit to @luvyudays on Twitter because I did not catch this at first).
I think it’s safe to assume that their concept is based on the Aesop fable “The Fox & the Grapes”.
The tale is about a fox who desires to get a bunch of grapes he sees hanging from a vine. After failing to do so, he no longer viewed the grapes lovingly, but with disgust.
“What a fool I am,” he said. “Here I am wearing myself out to get a bunch of sour grapes that are not worth gaping for.”
This quote from the tale was the one that reminded me most of the one from earlier. The fox presumed the grapes were sour and refused to entertain the idea of them being sweet, even though he hadn’t gotten the opportunity to taste them. As the moral of the story states, “There are many who pretend to despise and belittle that which is beyond their reach.”
Now, onto their song "Dummy" and it’s lyrics. I don’t know if the song is connected to the aforementioned concept because it is a pre-release after all, but I’d still like to point out some lyrics I found interesting and thought could have some ties to the story.
“Everybody looks so thirsty
Dopamine bomb in the bad news
Saccharine addicted bad tooth”
When describing the grapes, the author of the aforementioned tale stated that they “seemed ready to burst with juice,” which could describe the thirsty feeling.
Now onto the next line. Dopamine is a chemical messenger in the brain that can give you feelings of pleasure, satisfaction, or, like we saw from the fox, motivation. After seeing the grapes, the fox barely hesitated before leaping towards the branch, only to fail after many tries. The attempt was “bad news” from the beginning due to its difficulty, but the fox disregarded the fact due to his addiction to the sweetness.
Something I noticed in their recent concept photos is that three members (Jibeen, Kien, and Rioto) have grapes while the other four members don’t.
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This could have little to no significance, but seeing how they’re incorporating fables into their music and overall image, I think there's a possibility it does and leads to a bigger story.
If you've made it this far, let me know what you guys think!
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7698 · 1 year
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swehtee · 3 months
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Episode 1
Release date: June 12, 2024
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aureliahillshqs · 9 months
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todos conocen a LEROY CAMPBELL, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
vanna, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
OUT OF CHARACTER: Nombre/alias: vanna ¿Tenés más de 21 años? sí Zona horaria o país: gmt-5 Nivel de actividad estimado:  6 Triggers: desordenes alimenticios, descripciones muy gráficas de violencia. ¿Aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí ¿Algo que agregar?: <3
Nombre: Leroy Campbell Faceclaim: Han Hyunmin Cupo: 68 Edad y fecha de nacimiento: Septiembre 09, 1999. (24 años). Descripción física: Si bien no son características muy especiales per se, lo que más destaca de Leroy es el hecho de ser bastante alto, así como su sonrisa brillante.
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Descripción psicológica: ( + ) gracioso, elocuente, simpático, supersticioso. ( - ) perezoso, necio, terco, distraído.
Historia o datos curiosos:
i. a Leroy siempre le ha causado mucha curiosidad el saber quién es su padre biológico, ya que el único dato que sabe de él es que es coreano. Por supuesto que ama a sus madres con toda su alma, pero no puede evitar pensar de vez en cuando en el hombre que sirvió como donante para que él pudiera nacer. A veces le cae el capricho de pedirle a sus madres que le cuenten un poco más, pero es consciente de que si bien no es imposible saberlo, sí resultaría un proceso largo y quizá complicado.
ii. A pesar de ser relativamente joven, ha probado un sinfín de carreras universitarias y siempre termina en lo mismo: no siente que alguna sea para él. Probó finanzas para seguir con el linaje familiar, arquitectura, leyes, literatura, psicología… y en ninguna se halló contento o lo suficientemente motivado como para continuar. Lo más cercano a una carrera que ahora posee es tal vez su constante presencia e influencia en redes sociales, pero tampoco se dedica a ello como un trabajo — resulta que el público lo encuentra gracioso y a Leroy le gusta mucho hablar, no pudo haber una combinación más perfecta para él.
iii. Le gustan mucho los deportes y es una persona activa físicamente, pero nunca consideró la idea de dedicarse a ello formalmente. Al fin y al cabo prefiere disfrutarlos como pasatiempo, pues es consciente de que tiene el privilegio de hacerlo.
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iconsfinder · 2 months
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ab6ixpics · 2 years
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(221021) hhm0519 instagram update
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cat-okaka · 2 years
Dj Nafiy has my ❤️☺️
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chon-hiran · 22 days
Another very good K-pop group to add to my playlist!
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yeoufic · 9 months
Hey Sasha! Happy New Years! 🎉
I need some help finding a fc for an oc who is Yujin’s (IVE) older brother.. do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much!
hey nonnie! happy new year to you! 🌟 here are four face claim suggestions who could possibly portray an older brother of ive's yujin! i might have cheated a little since hyunmin would technically be a half-brother but he looks too good to pass on. 🤭
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bang chan   ·   stray kids   ·   korean   ·   1997
park serim   ·   cravity   ·   korean   ·   1999
han hyunmin   ·   model   ·   korean + nigerian   ·   2001
kang taehyun   ·   tomorrow x together   ·   korean   ·   2002
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kpop-locks · 1 month
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ arrc; ep 'ar^c' ”♡ᵎ ꒱
sour and sweet
like/reblog | @chinzhilla-edits
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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