#Halt yes I'm looking at you. Begin a war AFTER breakfast
biggestqiblifan · 9 months
Ranger To-Do List.
Drink coffee
Evoke fear, mayhem, madness, drink coffee, chores, disturb barons, spook kings, drink coffee, stop and start wars/international crisis, drink coffee
Drink coffee, never sleep, repeat.
I've got it basically correct, right?
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Could I request a Sokka x Pregnant reader? Where It goes through when the reader tells him their pregnant, and then when they were choosing names, and then when she gave birth, and he holds his child (girl or boy) for the first time? I just really want some Sokka fluff please!
Oooo adorable! I’m the biggest sucker for pregnancy fanfics! Also how could I not use this gif?? Please enjoy!
Warning;This is long
Part 2!
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After war obviously
Sokka wanted to waste no time when it came to your relationship. At the same time, he wanted to take it slow but he also wanted to marry you on the spot.
He had gotten you a beautiful betrothal necklace, and an even more stunning ceremony. It was back in the northern water tribe, where they held your wedding. The only thing that made it better was that it was the first snow of the season.
Let’s just say that he couldn’t control himself over the honeymoon. He claimed he was cold and needed to warm up. Even after you left for your new home, he wanted to ”make it official”. Was it worth it though? Yes and no.
Since now you were huddled over throwing up your breakfast. Sokka was out for a conference for the council that morning, so you were left with No one but yourself. This wasn’t the first time either. The past week has been you throwing up, and mood swings.
“I-i... Well, It’s a possibility I could be” you whispered as a hand climbs to your stomach. The thoughts flooding your mind, thoughts of you expecting. Your heart speeds against your chest as you realize you were late. You shoot up to your feet and wash your face and hands.
There was a healer not too far from your home, who was known for an accurate diagnosis. You get ready and walk to the door finding Momo. Your home shared the same yard as Aang and Katara, so Momo would drop in every now and then.
“I’ll be back momo, so you're in charge of the house” you joked petting his large ears.
time skip
”Y/N! I'm home!” he called out as be entered his home. He expected you to come and greet him, instead, he got momo. He flew threw the air making small noises, settling on his shoulder.
He looked threw the rooms, the yard, and even the closets and you were nowhere. He was beginning to worry, the war was over and things were quieting down. However, it didn’t mean he wasn’t worried about losing those close to him, primarily you.
He was pulled from his thought what he hears the door open and close. He sped-walked to the door and embraced you
“Where did you go? You could have left a note or something“ he held you tighter “...I got worried“
“Oh Sokka, I’m sorry. I just went down to the healer I should have left a note for you“ pulling away from you he sees that you had a small sack in your hands. He raises his brow 
“They gave you medicine? Are you sick?“ his hand coming to check for your temperature. You move his hand from your head and intertwine your fingers
“Maybe, we should sit down first,” you say as you lead him over to a chair
“Awh don’t tell me you’re tired of me already” he frowned which baffles you that he would believe that.
”w-what? No, not that” you shake your head ”the healer gave me some herbs to make sure we get our nutrients” you explain coming closer to him. You stood between your legs, his blue eyes gazing into yours. His hands running up and down your thighs
”We?” his head cocks to the side. ”I have to take ’em too?”
You take a hold of his hands and bring them to your lower abdomen.
“No but we do” he took a minute and glimpsed between his hand and your face. He was hit with the realization of what you meant. He shoots up from his seat
”Are you pregnant?!” he searches your eyes for answers only to find tears. You nod and wipe your tears away
”yeah...we’re having a baby..” you said trying to keep your voice from cracking. He stutters over sounds and words but reso to pick you up. He spins you around and settling back down
He halts and pulls away ”Oh sorry, I shouldn't be squeezing you that much should I?” He smiles as he catches his breath. He cups your face in his hands and admires you.
“So, you’re not upset about it?” You ask cautiously looking up at him. He shakes his head
“I could never be upset about this. So, we’re really having a baby?” He whispered
“Yeah, we really are”
He gently kisses your lips and holds you a bit longer. His life was only getting better after marrying you. Your own home, the woman of his dreams, and now their own family.
Sokka was just so excited about your new addition. He had called for everyone to meet at your house, immediately. He claimed it was too crucial to miss out. In fact, you were just getting up, barely even awake. You walk into your living room messy hair, drowsy look, and still in a haze.
”look she's up, now tell us so we can let her wake up properly” Katara said feeling bad that he basically forced them inside when you weren’t ready
Top crossed her arms “well, what is it? Did she find someone who can bend?” She sarcastically said with no expression
“I-we- what? No!” He stuttered making you giggle, some things never change “how about I just cut to the chase.” He took you hand in his and brought you closer to him
“We’re expecting a baby” you said sleepily with a closed eye smile. What came next were multiple gasps and feet coming to you. Suddenly a group hug had engulfed you
”This explains a lot...”
“I knew he would be first!”
“Oh, I’m so excited when is it getting here!?”
“Do you think they’ll bend something?”
So many questions and comments there was no way you weren’t awake by now. This is when Sokka went into protection mode, peeling everyone off of you. He said they would crush the baby before he could even hold it.
The next few months were both blissful and a nightmare!
Trimester 1
Morning sickness, exhaustion, and cravings. It was basically that but in an endless loop. Of course, he was there through it all. Holding your hair, feeding you, and everything in between. He was very fond of something you do. Every so often you would stand in the mirror in search of a baby bump.
The way you would gaze at your figure running a hand up and down your skin. It made his heart flutter, to know the woman he loves was carrying his child. He would come up behind you and caress your belly, kissing your shoulder
Trimester 2
Finally! After 3 months your bump was now showing and you were ecstatic! Sokka loves it, even more, now he was able to see it growing.
His conversations were always energetic and funny. But at night was when he really let his heart out. When you were sleeping or when he thought you were, he would talk to your belly more
”Hey, it's me again. I just wanted to say, I already love you and I can barely wait to hold you in my arms. Your mother is doing a great job making sure you grow healthy. You’ll love her as soon as she hold you, I know I did.” He places a kiss to the skin “I love you”
The hardest part was not crying after he was done.
Trimester 3
“Come on what’s wrong with Sokka Junior?” He exclaimed as you both went through the list. You were currently 8 months pregnant, and you were very close to meeting you baby.
The nursery was done, supplies were bought, all you needed was a name. And so far Sokka Jr. Was on his mind
“Sokka, I want something memorable and meaningful for our baby” you pouted
“So you don’t want to name them after your husband?” He said making his angry pout. You huff air through your nose and cross your arms
“Sokka, this is our first child together and I wanted to name them something special.” you start out ”and I was thinking if you're okay with it, name it after your father” his eyes darted to yours
”Really? Hakoda?”
”Yeah, I think it's something meaningful and special especially for you” you smile. He pecks your lips and rests his forehead on yours
”Thank you, ” he whispered as a hand came to your belly ”for everything. Carrying our baby, marrying me, and now this.”
“Awh Sokka, but really I don’t mind at all” you asure him “but we do need a name for a girl”
“Oh....” well here goes another hour!
You were shaken gently awake in the middle of the night. You go looking over your should and see Sokka fully awake. You love him and everything but, what could he possibly want at this ungodly hour?
”Y/N...i think it's time” he whispered trying not to sound worried but fear was in his voice. He helps your sit up as you look down to see the large wet stain in the sheets.
You throw your legs over the edge of the best ready to head to the healer. Sokka quickly got dressed and came to you to help you stand. Just as he had lifted you up you sank back down. The pain already commencing, your breath started to hitch. You could have been far or close to pushing but you didn’t know.
Who knows how long you’ve been having contractions for. You needed someone with experimace but you couldn’t think straight at the moment. He squats in front of you not knowing what to do.
”Y/N? Please talk to me! What do I do? What do you need?!” he was terrified? This was it! You were going to give birth and he wanted you both to be okay.
You let the pain pass taking his hand and look at him seriously
“Sokka, I don’t think we can get to the healer in time. You need to go and get help and bring them here” you tried to get out before the next contraction came. He takes your hand in his as your face contours in pain.
He couldn’t leave you in this state! He would never forgive himself! “What?! No, Im staying with you!”
“Sokka...please..” you breath through the pain. A tear slipping from your cheek. “Please, I’m scared....I need you to go and get help...” you stare him straight in the eye. It was a hard decision but he stands up and kisses your head firmly. He gets you comfortable before he runs out of the house and for help.
He was first going to run to the healer but then Realized something.
Katara. She helped the lady deliver her baby on serpents pass. If she could do that’s he could help him. He ran with all his might to their front doorstep and banged on the door. She came out ready to give him an earful but he beat her to it
“I know it’s late but please, Y/N is having the baby. I need your help” she didn’t ask him another question or make another remark. Aang had woken up and heart what was going on. He was holding her water pouch and hands it to her. She grabs her water pounce and runs back to your home.
“Sokka I need you to get hot water” she asked stepping into your bedroom. Only 3 minutes gone and you looked exhausted. Out of breath, tired and in pain. Sokka brought the hot water and sets it aside, scrambling to you. He pushes your hair back from your sweaty forehead and you gave a tired smile.
”Alright Y/N, I need you to start pushing. The baby is ready to come out” Katara announces from the end of the bed
So with the next contraction, you bare down and push. This was the worst pain you had ever been in! You try to suppress a scream but it just slips out. It was like you were on repeat, push, breath, and push. Over and over again, screaming and certain for this to be over
”push again!”
”Aaaahhh!” you were rushing Sokka’s hand but he didn't care. Of course, he knew where babies come from our to see his own wife in pain for it, completely changed his perspective. You were in pain, and he was mostly the cause of it, but you were bringing life into the world
”Good! Keep going an-”
She was cut short when a cry erupts in the room. Katara quickly places the baby on to your chest and throws a blanket over them. You shakey hands coming up in disbelief,
”Y/N, you did it! Look at them I-i couldn't be more proud of you” he kissed the top of your head, looking down at the baby you had given birth to. Katara had to take her from you to wash her up, while you did the same. You didn't mean to but as you changed from your clothes you had fallen asleep.
His eyes become soft, he pulls the blanket over you and kisses your temple.
“Thank you Y/N. For everything possible”
“Hey,” Katara stood by him with a smile on her face. The small bundle in blankets “..it’s a girl”
It was rare to make Sokka speechless, but this tiny human made it possible. He stepped forward and looks down at her. His arms cradling the bottom of the blanket to take her in his arms. Did he really make this with Y/N? She was just so, perfect. Tears run down his cheeks, his chest full or love and warmth.
“So what did you guys pick as a name?” She asked picking up her things
“Well if it were a boy we would have named it after dad but, we got a girl instead. Her name is Lien” he softly said running a finger down her cheek
“Sokka, that’s a beautiful name. And she’s a beautiful girl too,” she would have stayed but she sees the glint in his eyes. It was the same of when he looked at you. Nothing but love and admiration
Katara took this as a sign her work was finished here. She starts her leave when Sokka stops her
“Katara,” she turns around “thank you, you’ve done more than I could ask for”
“Anything for my family” she smiles back and quietly shuts the door. He then walks over to the chair near your bed to admire his daughter
“Hey, we kinda expected a boy first but I’m so happy you’re here. Ugh you’re so beautiful, you get that from your mother. I’m going to protect you with my life, princess” he kisses her silky head “I love you more than this world could know”
He now had 2 girls in his life. The 2 girls he would fight the world for
Phew! This took a while! I hope you enjoyed it!❤️
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biggestqiblifan · 8 months
Pauline: Halt yes, I'm looking at you. Begin a war AFTER breakfast.
Meanwhile Horace just trying to live his life.
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