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xltcharlotte · 1 year ago
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ygoartreviews · 2 years ago
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Rainbow Bridge Bifrost
The literal bridge to gay heaven has come, and man is it beautiful. While I do like the background and all of the details put into it (Asgard floating on clouds, Yggdrasil with all its shiny little ornaments, the landscape scene in general), it does feel a little... Distracting from what is meant to be the star of this card: Bifrost itself. The bridge kinda feels like a secondary addition to what is otherwise a picturesque landscape. That’s honestly kind of a shame, thinking about it. Still a very pretty card though (even though I don’t really understand the significance of the little sprout at the end of the bridge. Being gay makes plants grow? Idk).
Rating: 8/10
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yugioh5ds2025 · 3 months ago
Jack Atlas is a god slayer and that's a fact
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years ago
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Town Hall (1963-65) in Fredericia, Denmark, by Halldor Gunnløgsson
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sacredwhores · 1 month ago
"To be able to look forward is to live."
Halldór Laxness, Independent People
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haveyoureadthisbook-poll · 1 year ago
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aaronsrpgs · 1 year ago
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"If one wants to steal, dear boy," said the pastor, "then for God's sake one should never steal from the rich. A rich man has a hundred peats, and then suddenly he has only ninety-nine left: one of them has been stolen. He won't forget that even on his deathbed. A poor man has only one peat and is just as poor if it's stolen; and by the next day he has forgotten all about it. The wealthy man will inevitably get you into trouble if you steal from him; the poor man doesn't even bother to mention it. That's why all genuine thieves have the good sense to steal from the poor. The only really dangerous thing to do in Iceland is to steal from the rich, and the only really profitable thing to do in Iceland is to steal from the poor, dear boy."
- from World Light by one of the great socialist novelists, Halldór Laxness; written in 1938
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thatsugarglazedlook · 6 months ago
“The snow blew straight into their faces, as it always does with such people.”
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onenakedfarmer · 7 months ago
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Reading Again
Halldor Laxness THE FISH CAN SING [Brekkukotsannáll[
Translated by Magnus Magnusson
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xltcharlotte · 9 months ago
Harald's happy Valentine
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ygoartreviews · 2 years ago
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Baton of the Hero
Back at it again with another anime only card, this time we have a not so exciting one unless you’re really pumped for the appearance of (from left to right): Warrior Lady of the Wasteland, Marauding Captain, Gaia, or Freed the Brave Wanderer. Gaia would probably be the only one most people would be excited to see tbh. I really don’t have a lot to say here. It’s alright artwork but it’s clearly an anime only card from the style. That’s not inherently a bad thing, but it does tend to mean that the art isn’t very exciting or memorable.
Rating: 4/10
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checkthefeed · 1 year ago
[ We Are Losers 2 | Lobster Snowboards Team Movie ]
A team movie celebrating all the wonderful losers out there and all the people chasing their dreams and having the most fun humanly possible along the way.
Featuring: Halldor Helgason, Eiki Helgason, Hrund Hanna, Fritdjof Tischendorf, Sparrow Knox, Frank Bourgeois, Birkir Georgsson, Juho Laine and more.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years ago
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Kirke (1977-78) in Gammel Holte, Denmark, by Halldor Gunnløgsson
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biboocat · 1 year ago
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doktorphil · 2 years ago
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Hellebo Park Housing Estate (1966-70) by Halldor Gunnløgsson, in Helsingør, Denmark.
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cfkingdoms · 1 year ago
tyr puts a hand over his heart, tilting his head to the side in a mock display of contrition. the reply that immediately comes to mind is, perhaps, too cruel, too pointed. but he can never resist the urge to poke the bruise, irritate the wound that much more, hoping for...what? confirmation, maybe, that halldor would leave again, that it would be worse if he stayed, that maybe the same rotten piece of their father that lingered in tyr lingered in him, too. "i find it's quite easy to sound like someone when you stay around them." his tone is biting, aggressive for reasons he knows but won't voice, and reasons he barely understands himself.
he nods. good. vidar needs more people than just tyr himself, and if halldor keeps insisting he won't abandon them, this is a test. if he leaves after this, well. tyr doesn't think he has it in him to go through it again, but he hadn't thought he could the first time either, until he'd done it. it isn't what he wants. he wants his brother back, wants to feel safe talking to him, wants to be the way they all used to be, even if two of them are gone now. but he knows better than to lean too hard on what he wants. he rarely gets it, in the end. he can settle for vidar being happy.
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mocking. the fact that they were of the same blood was hard to grasp with how they seemed to reside on completely different planets. would him arguing with the statement do tyr any good? he saw not a scenario where they would accept that his words had not been spoken with ill intent, so what would an explanation do? and what was it with these two, insisting he marries them off to spare the other? as if he had a potential wife at the ready and was simply waiting for the go-ahead from either of them. the martyrdom, though admirable, was unnecessary. "you sound like father, tyr. stop it. i am not marrying you off. nor your brother."
on the topic of vidar. he had heard as much, but the suggestoin coming from solidified it as fact rather than a mere rumour. though he could not imagine vidar would feel inclined to speak to him in such regards, but, well. this felt the closest to an open door he would be granted by his younger sibling, and he would not be foolish enough to let it pass by - unsure if another one would ever be granted to him. a relationship consisting merely of mutual care towards the same person was still a relationship, and so he would take it. perhaps in some sense, he could still convince himself that he was needed. "okay," he therefore agreed, simple as that, a contemplative nod accompanying the acceptance of this new task that had been granted to him in lieu of brotherly love.
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