#Hajimari Mona Version
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asoulofatlantis · 3 years ago
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I translate that for you, Bad-Ending-Rean, since you are a bit out of the loop. What he actually means is: “I love her.” XD
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This hurts a bit... I’ve had to say godbye to this version of Rean so often now... doing it again is just too painfull.
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Do it, Jusis! No, seriously. He deserves it. He may be saved afterwards tho... he... earned it.
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Roll Credits XD
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It was about damn time that we were FINALLY able to solve that big ass problem that has been looming over our heads ever since the beginning of the Crossbell-Saga, before even the Erebonia-Arc began. Its been two years or so since then. (I am happy for you, Crossbell and the SSS...)
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Were not hinting at anything here. Nooooooo. Not at all would we be even thinking of trying to hint a relationship between Elie and Lloyd. Noooooo. Never. BTW... now the Credits are rolling for real XD
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We all saw that coming WAY before the Crossbell-Saga was even over. Nothing the less, I am really glad and happy. I always liked and supported that ship. Plus, we have one more man with a Ring on his finger. Just a dozent more to go or so XD
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Even tho Duvalie herself hinted that (just like one of the Anguise predicted at the end of CS4) she is still part or Ouroboros, I do hope we will have her at our allie once more some day. She has really grown on me.
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I am so damn glad about this too. Welcome back Iliya. We really, truly missed you.
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Class7 finally gets to spend another night under the starlight sky of Nord. And all is how its supposed to be. Tho I do wonder who took the picture, given how that should be Altinas Camera...
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*lol* I love how Erika and Angie are watching and how George and Agathe are just like: “Oh boy...” XD
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You can hardly see it, but Randy wears his wedding-ring on this picture.
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Nothing can beat the CS4 Ending, but this was a nice way to finish all their storys for now.
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I like the idea of a Hajimari two were we are fighting alongside the Calvard-Team and another one that we come across after that, the third team being a mix of our Liber, Crossbell and Erebonia Teams. That would be kind of nice.
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I am taking a look at the special scene on YouTube and I have to say... this person is a riddle for me. The Grandmaster must be very special, thinking of how highly Vita thinks of her and all. And yet... there is something off about her.
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All this is hinting at the fact that this is not the grandmasters true form. That this is somewhat her disguise. That she looks different normally... This is all very confusing ^^’
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In about 3 years from Hajimari, the world is supposed to end. That is what Bad-Ending-Rean wanted to warn Lloyd about, which he has been rejecting to hear, because hope-speech and friendship-speech and if Rean gets killed because of that, Lloyd will burn in hell... (achem) and he too stated, that it might be even less then 3 years. Kuro no Kiseki plays 2 years after this. Meaning there is likely only half a year left, before whatever is going to happen is going to happen. So lets see how they fit that into the Kuro timeline.
So I am more or less done with the main plotline of Hajimari no Kiseki. I stay with the 8 out of 10 points until I am able to play the english version of the game.
But it was a very good game all in all.
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the-one-who-have-no-idea · 2 years ago
Thank you for tagging me!
So I guess I will just name songs that are living rent free in my mind recently
1. Fleeting Lullaby by Ado (yeah this is the Film: Red one. Actually the whole album lives rent free in my head since August. I love every song there. If I HAD to choose my favourite it would have been The World's Continuation but for some reason Fleeting Lullaby is the one my head recently plays nonstop. It was written by FAKE TYPE. btw)
2. Kawaikutegomen by HoneyWorks (as I said. This is the living in my head rent free list. My most favourite HW songs are Mona's but I love the energy Chuu-tan's have. And this is just so passive aggressive. Plus it slaps)
3. Guitar, Loneliness and Blue Planet by Kessoku Band (no fictional band has the right to have such a banger of an album yet Bocchi the Rock does. Again recommending the whole album. What song is stuck in my mind changes constantly but now it's back to the most iconic one)
4. Stellar Stellar by Hishimachi Suisei (actually I love every single song be her. She recently sang this song in The First Take and it's even better than the original single. She improved and grew so much. If it wasn't for TFT bringing this song bach in my head this spot would most likely belong to one of the songs from her new album Specter. Michizure or Newton most likely)
5. Taste of Death by Mori Calliope (this was hard to choose but I guess this is the one that stuck the most in my head now? I mean, if I wasn't holding myself back each spot here would be Calli's songs. She's my most favourite singer of all times for a reason! This song being chosen does not mean it's my most favourite. Again, I love every single one. And Sinderella is such a good album. But I had to write one. In the end I was debating between this one and Internet Brain Rot. But again so many other songs both from the latest album and all the previous songs are in my head on repeat. And covers by her. Like Roki.)
Honourable mentions (because it was really hard to choose just 5)
SHUT UP, GET HAPPY ep by DEMONDICE (yeah, all 4 songs)
Puzzle by CircusP feat. Hatsune Miku
God-ish by PinocchioP feat. Hatsune Miku (but also Ado's cover of it)
Overdose cover version by Sou
And the two last ones are character songs from One Piece because they just that good at being stuck in my head. Family (10 members version) and Hajimari no Houseki
Tagging: @will-ruadh @froggy-cryptid @peabeanmilk @timidusnix + anyone else who wants, I just don't want to be intrusive.
So people who I tagged you don't need to do it if you don't want to. And people who I didn't tag, I just thought this would too much of me and I would be rude if I did
🎶✨ When you get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favourite followers ✨🎶
Tagged by @halizumab and also @artbyblastweave
Here are five songs picked while being extremely sad and bored on a 2 hour drive through the rain
Never Love An Anchor - The Crane Wives - I really like minor key sad folk music okay, this shouldn't surprise any of you
Some Nights - fun. - Screw all of you, the hipster crap I listened to at 18 was great and I will not hear otherwise.
High on Sunday 51 - Aimee Mann - I enjoy the ambiguity of whether the line is 'let me be your heroine' or '-your heroin' altogether too much. (Also top ten songs I just simply don't believe aren't supposed to be gay)
My Computer - Everything Everything - 'you're in love with the future/I don't know why' is one of those phrases that has just permanently burrowed into my skull
Crazy Classic Life - Janelle Monae - Dirty Computer album of all time
tagging uh @txttletale @theoutcastrogue @lifeattomsdiner @triviallytrue @self-loving-vampire @rox-and-prose @wearethekat @frankly-ludicrous @booksandchainmail @circletofcircles
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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*lol* I would be cowering in fear too XD
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WTF?! Am I going to fight Mishy? Are you serious?
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T-This is a really fucked up place.
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D-Don’t make me go through this again! *sniffle*
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I refuse to believe that!
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It hurts me to see him sit there in the background, to weak and confused to stand among the others and yet already planning their next move. My poor boy.
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This was a freaking rollercoaster-ride and I am sick of it! I need to calm down, but we have to move on for a little longer.
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Yeah... but he was really good at pretending he wasn’t XD
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Especially given recent events that you guys don’t even know about...
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I have to mention that Alisa is only visible because she said this line and while she stays visible for quite a while despite saying anything more... later on, someone else says something small and we only hear it in the background and don’t even see the face of this person. (Because we absolutely need to see Alisa look worried at Rean XD)
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Someone is jealous XD
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I get that they wanted to be reunited with their real teams, but splitting of here when they actually meet at the same place anyway makes absolutely no sense!
This is the worst moment to stop playing but the playstation is so hot I fear it will melt if I don’t stop here. So... yeah... I have no choice but to stop. Tho it pisses me off that I likely need to wait for the next weekend to reunite Rean and Alisa.
But oh well...
So far, by the way, I really have to say that this is a really good game. As I have reached the final chapter I would give it at least an 8 out of 10. Maybe even a 9, but I can only say this after I completely finish it.
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Of course he is! And I will make sure he stays safe this time, this idiot.
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B-But Mueller isn’t here with us O.o
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Scared now, huh? I would be too, if I were you. Because I am going to punish you fur ruining Oliverts honeymoon!
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That he is indeed...
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MUELLER! I have never been so happy to see you before! And considering how happy I usually am to see you, that has to mean A LOT.
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Ah... shit!
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This is ridiculously unfair! This Ishmelga-thing coming out of nowhere just after we stopped the Bomb from the Railway-Cannon.
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Rose! I will be forever in your debt! I could not survive watching Olivert getting blown up a second time, especially not with his wife, unborn child and Mueller on board. (I would not miss Musse that much tho... ^^’)
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Oh honey... In case you are confused... simply put, the Rean that sacrificed himself in the “normal ending” of CS4 (also called the “bad ending”) kind of fused with our “true ending” - Rean, thus inflicting some emotions in him that the “other” Rean feels. In this case, he thought he would never see his friends ever again and now he does...
Chapter 3 was amazing in all 3 routes. A few small annoyances and small mistakes here and there, but all in all they were all very good and well worth the immense amount of time.
Also: My 3 blond angels are all collected now XD
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Uh... you know Rufus, you just ruined the cuteness of the moment! You are a walking disappointment, do you know that? Whenever you do something that makes people thing good of you, you ruined it later... V.V
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They link event has changed O.O (To the better, I may add.)
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And here is Duvalie! I missed her.
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Well duh! She is called “the Swift” for a damn reason! Rufus that idiot took of his helmet without warning. He literally back-stabbed the Steelmaiden, what did he think Duvalie would do, other than attack him?
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In case you were wondering where the real Arios is... here you have him!
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asoulofatlantis · 3 years ago
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I am just watching Cedrics Special-Episoden and... boy Shirley is harsh with him. The enhanced jeagers themselves noticed how she is especially cruel with his training...
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Hehe... I guess given his relationship with Shirley, he HAS to get stronger or we will be getting nowhere with those two, that much is for sure.
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It may look like it... but I think what she actually does is making him learn to survive on his own. The harsh jeager way, tho ^^’
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Look at that... she is definitely proud that he came this far and she does know he can handle Gilbert just fine. Cedric still is far to arrogant, but he has already grown and I think I might join her in being proud XD
Shirley has been born a jeager, and she doesn’t know any other way. So it makes a lot of sense that she forces Cedric to learn things the way all jeagers do. Plus, given how Garret wanted to intervene when Gilbert didn’t fall back when he was supposed to, I highly doubt Shirley really told them that it would be fine if he ends up dead, he was just pushing his buttons, as per usual, so she could get out of him what she wanted. It also might be important to add, that she was in contact with the professor to get Cedric something to help him, until he learns to help himself, something that is strong and helping him, but wouldn’t be useful without him using it the right way. So even the Machine that is supposed to help him, is no use, if he doesn’t know how to use it properly for support and diversion and other strategies. So essentially, she helps him to learn to help himself and the fact that she goes so far to talk with this crazy professor for this says a a lot. (Tho I imagine she would get along with that freak ^^’) Anyway... she herself has been helping him by fighting against him multiple times even tho she KNEW he was no match for her (WHO IS?!) and in my eyes, her essential goal is that he gets on her level so that she doesn’t have to babysit him anymore XD Jokes aside, I do think she will feel better knowing he is strong enough to do well on his own, when the time comes for him to be on his own and as an Enforcer he certainly will be, eventually. (Tho I hope to see these two together again eventually.)
So with all the talk about how harsh she is with him and everything, she does this for him and given Shirleys character, you have to admit that she does put up with him for quite a while. And what does she get out of it when he reaches his goal, gets stronger and becomes and Enforcer? And what does she have to lose in case he would fail? Nothing but him, if you get me. If he wins, he stays closely as an enforcer who also seemed to be mildly accepted by the likes of Garret and thus might be welcome around the red constellation as well, if needed. And if he loses, he is disgraced and has to leave, will be a lost child once more, as he can not return home after this. There is no way that he would find a place in the red constellation after such a failure, no matter in how well accept he is by people like Garret - which is likely only because of Shirley - meaning that he would be out of her life for good, as she could never accept a weakling around her. Not as an enforcer. Not as the jeager princess of the red constellation and not as the strong, independent and amazing woman she is herself.
So... assuming losing Cedric means nothing to her, why would she go to such length of training him for like half a year and put up with his whining, complaining, arrogance and spoiled brat behavior if there is nothing in for her?
The answer is simple: She wouldn't. He is like that lost kitten back in Crossbell. She gave that one back to her owner happily. I think she might intend to keep Cedric tho XD
That... turned out longer that I wanted it to be ^^’
I am going to play the theme-song from 50-shades-of-grey now XD
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asoulofatlantis · 3 years ago
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Confusing, right?
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So you remember the time Rean cried because he kind of fused with the Rean from the bad ending and was so happy to see his friends again? For some reason, these people, feel what the bad ending class7 was feeling when they lost Rean.
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Or were too stupid to think of using it, despite all my hard efforts to even get it in the first place...
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That it is what our Rean from the bad ending had to endure for all eternity, while neo class 7 was standing there smiling and scolding old class 7 for not believing that he will come back to them eventually. Smiling, while he was suffering in an eternal battle that he just couldn’t win. Looking forward seeing Rean again in THIS state, after the cruel fate that he had to endure... I just had to mention that again, because it was supposed to look like neo class7 is so amazing in happily believing that Rean would come back to them eventually, even tho old class 7 was mourning his loss...
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I absolutely want to make a Gif out of that in-sync-reaction of those two. This is absolutely not the time for me to be a shipper but they really close their eyes at the same second. Its amazing XD
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That is so... “Rean” if you know what I mean. This way of thinking, sacrificing himself and yet still thinking of others while doing so.
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That is the scene were in likely under 2 minutes Alisas voice actors only job was to say Rean in 3 different variations XD
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Its truly a gift, how many characters ended up in this game to support us. Even the souls of our Diving Knights returned to us.
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I am so damn proud of you, my son. Really, this is the one thing that was missing. With the happy ending with got in CS4 - a well deserved one, I may add - it seemed like everything with Class7 was said and done and everyone has reached their destination. But that is just not it. There was one person among them, who hasn’t reached his true happiness yet. And it was Rean. All this time, the guy who suffered the most, just hasn’t reached the end of his journey yet. That is why in his route, the focus seemed to be only on him, while the other routes dealt a lot more with the character surrounding the MC of the route. Class7 is were it is supposed to be. They are all happy and found their way. But Rean hasn’t. This lesson, that he needed to be happy himself to make other happy, has been one that he needed to learn and he finally, FINALLY reached that point. It makes me so happy.
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My Rean! ♥ Why do I always have to worry about you not going back to your black Hair and Lavelndel-Eyes? Your Girlfriend is certainly glad too to see you back to your old self... XD
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At least... once in his life he is doing the right thing ^^’ Just saying... I mean, for someone who gained freedom after deserving a dead-sentence he should... you know... do something drastic to deserve it. Honestly, that is a lot more then Crow ever did to redeem himself... or George... or even Richard, if you think about it.
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Anyone want to wonder how the teleportation-spell decides who to place were? Because Rean was quite far away from Alisa when they got teleported out of that Tower and now he is... awfully... close XD
Seriously tho, I would like to know if there is a system behind this ^^’
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Here I am waving goodbye, while my ship is sailing happily XD Seriously tho... aren’t they cute? ♥
This is evil of me to myself that I stop here... but I need rest ^^’
Rufus has to get burn for a little bit longer :P You know, as part of his redemption and all XD
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asoulofatlantis · 3 years ago
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I do often wonder who makes the decision of who is sitting and who isn’t. Because sometimes there is no system behind it at all. Its not like it seems age or gender matters most of the time. It often seems rather random. (Tho I guess certain people just like to stand close to Rean, so they prefer standing as long as it is close to him.)
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How extremely convenient that a large ass military-fortress was completely unmanned and unprotected just when it was about to be destroyed.
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I am not sure if it was a smart move from Falcom to make the new president if Calvard into a corrupt bastard after we just had Osborne. Yes, Osborne wasn’t exactly corrupt and at the end of the day he did what he did for his plan to stop the curse to work, so you can not exactly call him a villain or so, but I still would have preferred to not have another political figure be our target eventually in the next game. Someone unrelated to politics would have been nice just once.
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It is always the same. We do have a time-limit and yet we find it possible to walk around and do sidemissions for hours... conveniently, nothing bad ever happens while we walk through cities and stuff ^^’
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Let me take a wild guess... did Olivert came up with this name? ^^’ (I have been struggling with the spreadsheet quite a bit, as I wanted to jump over the optional dialogues (2000 lines!) and then I had to equip them properly for the final battle and as my frustration-toleranz-level is getting lower by the minute today, it was quite hard and frustrating to do so... but we are finally here!)
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Just to give you a rough picture of the situation, we currently have the Guardian Force and the Police of Crossbell fighting, in addition manned pancer soldats from the branch and the main campus of Thors. Adding to that both Bobcats as well as Jingos new ship, with her armed mother on it. Adding to that, Vita managed to add our Zephyr guys, Guilberts with his enhances jeagers and some of the red constellation and we are hardly even haven an advantage and Alisa still believes (rightfully so) that this wasn’t the end of the forces our enemies can attack us with. (If you are wondering, our whole 30 people (or so) large team is currently on standby and watching in utter panic as they are absolutely not used to just watching ^^’)
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Adding now almost the full force of the Grahlsritter. Kevin and Ries are supposed to be among them, but just like with Josette, we didn’t get to see them - to the huge disappointed of Kevins big ass fanbase. (Which he really doesn’t deserve in my eyes - I allow myself to add ;P)
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One of the best moments of this massive scene is the “false Courageous” being lead by Zeo AND Sieg - which we haven’t seen in AGES.
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I absolutely love how they turned the tables with Liberls new Arseille. It was amazing because NO ONE even thought of the possibility of them building their own new high end ship.
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You have to give it to Olivert, organizing this crew must have been quite hard. Its not like he had that much time to do it. (Alfin, Elise, Mueller, George, Mint and a lot of others are on that ship.)
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Lets just... pretend we are currently not - once again - questioning the state of their relationship, as it is rather weird of Lechter to expect Kloe to tell him such an important secret...
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We have to remember that those two have never been separated since they were made partners in the organisation and they are still kids. So while Rean is like: “I an worried, but I know they can hold their own”, we do have to remember the panic he had at the beginning of CS2, when they were separated. These days, he and his friends are mostly adults and strong and independent and have learned that you can not always be together. Nadia and Swin are still children that have learned that nothing good ever comes out from being separated. For them, this is quite the challenge to not be together and able to protect each other and feel save do to the other person being there.
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Rufus... is it just too hard to admit that you care about her and thus of course are worried about Lapis?
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You probably already guess that I separated absolutely non of the ships XD (Aside from Rufus-Team, were the game forced me to do it.)
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This guy is handling Swin and his panic because of Nadia extremly well. He is an instructor after all... but I think he can also relate to Swin for many reasons.
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Tho I think the focus on Rufus team is almost unfair... they are very cute and now that I am playing it myself, I get why they are the way they are and why the focus is the way it is.
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Lets imagine that all groupes got mixed up... I found it almost... weird how they found back together again... and yet it oddly fits ^^’
And now the true final battle begins...
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Finally, Rean is not hogging the spotlight in those pictures anymore XD
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Just like Reans-Team, Lloyds Team too as “hug” - people and “Hand” - people who prefer holding or shaking hands over hugs. It doesn’t make the connection any less special tho.
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Surprisingly, Randy of all people, seems to be a “hug” - person O.O
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And here is the rest of my class7-people. All unharmed and accounted for. Just as we were promised by Lechter.
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No wonder Randy needed a hug. I knew Mirelle was hurt, but I didn’t think the situation would look this dire.
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It is absolutely tactless of me to say that now... but I hope you kick yourself in the ass now for acting like she was really just a former colleague to you.
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I can’t say it often enough how amazed and happy I am, when I look at Lloyds character-development. It also makes me a bit proud.
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YEAH! I mean.... achem... Estelle, Joshua, where have you guys been the whole time?
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Its the old link-event, but its still adorable! ♥
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She is absolutely the right wife for him XD
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It was about time!
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Uff... I guess it is time to go back to this guy, to find out what he did to look like that AGAIN.
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Ah yes, it is that time again...
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Why is she here?
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Yes, leaving your daughter with the guy who shot your best friend in the head, from behind, when he wasn’t even aware that someone was standing there, was definitely something that should be giving you a good feeling... achem.
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You know... it just dawned on my what a team we have. We have two backstabbing traitor, two former assassins, the freaking angel of slaughter - a former Ouroboros member, we add to this, tho only fairly innocent people which are a Rosenberg doll and Duvalie and with that team of murders and traitors and naive idiots we go visit the guy who killed Lloyds brother by shooting him in the back of his head in freaking prison.
Seriously, what the hell am I doing here?
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This story was long, complicated and boring. And the tip of the iceberg is that I still don’t fully get it. I almost fell asleep while reading the explanations about Elysium and Lapis, because they were so damn long and made no sense whatsoever. So... no I still have no idea what is going on. Nothing besides that Lapis is some sort of artificial intelligence created by whatever Elysium is, whos consciousness got put into that doll.
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Riiiiiight. He shot Guy from behind because he was seeking righteousness. Yes... lets believe that, so it feels less stupid that everyone puts their trust in this man.
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Uff. This was... hard in so many ways.
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Well... we are not complete yet, but we get there.
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No one should XD
So... Fie gets some extra lines in the translation for being the “Girlfriend-choice” of the translator. Something about making her family worry and stuff, since Rean tends to hide when something is off and he just... lets say it worked XD Means, as expected, all I would get - if I had a translation for that - will be an additional line or two as well. I think its a bit cheap, given the situation. But... I guess I am just too spoiled, given all the hugs and stuff I got throughout the curse of Cold Steel ^^’
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That was exactly my reaction XD
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Well... that is unusual.
You know... I am not sure if the extra lines from having a girl as your special girl or from a girl being a strong link event really differ. I guess well see later when we meet up with Alisa. (Which will likely not happen today ^^’)
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Also stop pretending to think of her like a sister, while you are at it, alright? ^^’
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FINALLY! Were have you been?
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Seriously. What an idiot. (Yes, I know KeA gave him the green light, but a bit more caution might still have been better.)
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Hui... he is in full “Dad-Mood” now ^^’
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^^’ Oh boy... western-fans aside... she is probably the worst anti-shipper for Tita and Agate there is.
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My first reaction was: “Oh no... McBurn!” My second reaction was: “Ah... he is just a copy.” My third reaction was: “Shit! Isn’t he rejoining Ouroboros after this is over?”
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I guess this works the other way around as well, huh?
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Urg. Feels like the original FF7 all over again V.V I absolutely HATE missions like that. But it can’t be helped...
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Wow, Noel. That was one hell of an entrance!
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She always pretends that she has made peace with the past and that she is fine with being Renne Bright and Cassius daughter, but in the end, she does still long for her real parents...
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This reminded me of Nier:Automata. Not a pleasant memory tho...
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This was kind of cute... (Falcom... your so evil! How can you make it look like Rufus is the good guy, after everything he did? Grrrr!)
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Awwww. The cuteness of this team is almost too much, even for a fluff-person like me ^^’
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Don’t you just love it when the game itself reminds you of how much of a hypocrite you are? V.V
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As I said, it is a slight bit too much cuteness at this point ^^’
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A-Aurelia? I am glad your here... but why are you here?
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This one is obviously not the real one...
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Ah... I missed you two ♥
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*insert loud fangirl scream here* YES! A Baby-Olivert(or Shera) is on the way! And with those two beautiful people, imagine how pretty their child will be. *swoon*
This is the worst moment for me to stop. But I’ve been playing all day and I am tired and dizzy, so its better to leave the Olivert part for tomorrow.
Now I am going to debate with myself about why I KNOW it is right and good how the Link-Event between Alisa and Rean goes and why I despite that, am still disappointed about that XD
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Rean once again the main focus of his route...
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Wow... I totally forgot about that. But it seems like Grace is here for some reason. She didn’t want to cover the independence-story, now that I think about it, because she wanted to cover something else. Is she maybe searching for Olivert too? O.o
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I honestly believe that at one point, this woman could find out all the dark hidden secrets of the church, that is how good she is XD
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Wow. This speech was amazing. Wazy is putting all the Gralsritter to shame right now with how mature and serious he is right now - Wazy, of all people no less! 
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I am not emotionally attached enough to Lloyds Team and Crossbell to tear up, but it was an amazing and well done scene that touched my heart.
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Lloyd is getting all the hugs this time XD (Guess our translator is a shipper, not just a Tio-Fan *lol*)
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*lol* I am glad for them too tho.
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Lloyds route in Hajimari is a lot better than how the Crossbell-Saga went. It feels a lot better to play him in this game. He has grown immensely and finally feels like he is a worthy main character.
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Well... *cracks knuckles* I guess it is time to gather the rest of my blond angels, so that I will have them all together at the riveri-corridor at some point.
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What a mess! But at least Erika was aware that Agate could and would be able to protect Tita. I guess when her daughters safety is at risk, her anger towards whatever feelings Agate might harbor for Tita wasn’t important anymore. Especially as, if he really is in love with her, hell would freeze over before he lets anything happen to her - which we all know is already the case. So I guess at least that got through to that stubborn head of hers. We will save her later, tho...
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The timing is so damn bad. A few more steps in each route and I had all my 4 blond angels back. Damn it!
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Poor Gaius! He had to train with Eien. Given that Toval, her very own boyfriend, called her a monster, only can mean that it was certainly not easy to train with her, which Wazy basically is confirming here too ^^’
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Look at those two idiots bonding while fishing XD
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Looks whos Link-Event got updated! A headpat! That is progress. I am proud of you guys XD
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I was so lucky with Alfin... and now I am getting the guy who almost killed Olivert... *facepalm*
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As expected, we are back to “high five”, which is fine for me, but it seems to be weird after the hand-holding in CS4. Well... better then the generic just randomly talking, I guess.
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He is always concerned about her, and that still gives me a wave of satisfaction XD
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Thank the goddess! I will finally be able to get Rufus team properly equipped soon.
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Mueller! I was wondering were you’ve been hiding while Olivert is missing.
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YEAH! I have not been working with Mueller in AGES.
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Wow! He has grown so much, since we last saw him. (Then again, it was in CS2, if I remember correctly, so its been 2 years or so.)
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Right? Makes one feel old, all of the sudden XD
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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I have FINALLY reached my dearly beloved weekend, so its time for Hajimari. Chapter 3 is coming and its looking cute XD
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First of all: Why not Rean? We would likely play Olivert for a while in this route! *sniff* Second: W-Whats going to happen in Lloyds route? O.O
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J-Jingo? Uh... okayyyyy... Any more surprises in store for me? ^^’
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Not to play down Rufus abilities or anything, but given that he was surely not imprisoned with a sword, how was he able to get rid of the obviously armed Guardsmen, just with his fists? Never seen him using anything but a sword.
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You can’t deny that. I do think disguising himself as “C” to get Class7 to deal with the corrupted military was a bit overboard and I am sure there would have been other ways, but I guess it was easier than making up a new fake name that no one would relate anything bad with and thus might not stirr too much panic within Class7. Especially, even tho MOST of them knew it wasn’t Crow, choosing this name indicates a lot of danger, given that Crow shot Osborne right in the heart with no regrets whatsover and endangered civilians while at it, without any second thought. So even if it wasn’t the real “C” the person behind the mask would only choose to adapt the name if he was really serious. (And it WAS convenient for the plot to be able to just use “C” as his identity for the time being.)
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Well... that certainly is cute. It was hinted at in the books of 3 and 9 that she can only calmly sleep when he is close by. Apparently mostly when they are touching in some (innocent) way. So it does make sense for her to be able to sleep peacefully when her head is on his lap, no matter the surrounding circumstances (or the awful sound of the engine...)
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Shouldn’t he have grown after half a year? He looks like a husky or something.
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Uh... well... I guess it depends on who you ask. I mean, he is cleaning up the mess he made, you have to give him credit for that. But he has done A LOT of shitty things in the past.
But the scene was really nice. Lapis really represents the essence of characters of the Trails games. No matter what one does... this person, is this person. Nothing else. If good or bad doesn’t matter if you care for this person. And that is basically how she sees it, in a more simplified way.
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Ah... I should have seen Rufus sad background-story coming from miles away. After all, you are supposed to feel bad for what he has been through, because it means opening up to forgiveness...
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The difference in the two pictures tells you an interesting tale. Both brothers have had it rough, but in the end, Jusis came out as the one, who made it through it all without disgrace. Surpassing his father and brother, by overcoming things the right way. While Rufus on the other hand, failed and had fallen, because he tried to reach his goals the wrong way.
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Look at that picture and you know why. Look at what Jusis has and... with that, what Rufus is lacking.
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The best way to get the best out of a man like Rufus... is by using a naive little girl, that is not afraid of him or his past.
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Okay, okay! I admit, that this is really cute.
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Uh-Oh... I wasn’t expecting Ilyas cursed dance to be able to affect them...
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Damn. That was close! Thank you, Renne! That could have ended really badly.
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Not at all honey. I mean... its not like this group can get any more weird or colorful, anyway ^^’
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I rest my case XD
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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You know... I do think he should just kill you... But Crow is past that and I guess that is a good thing... SOMETIMES.
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Don’t call us friends you backstabbing asshole!
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That looks like a weird family-picture ^^’
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At least they are honest. We actually keept switching back and forth between Reans Team and Rufus Team all the time. It was... refreshing and unnerving at the same time XD Tho it felt A LOT more annoying when I was watching it back on YouTube ^^’
My cats were constantly laying on the PS4 and it has gotten hotter in here somehow so the playstation is burning up. Means I am forced to take a break for now.
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Its recommended to watch this sidestory before we continue with the plot. (I also have another side-story but that one wasn’t recommended yet.)
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They should talk to Toval about how Emberassing it is if someone writes a book about your lifestory ^^’
(Shame on me btw. I’ve read “3 and 9″ but never cared the read the “Carnelia” books. I should do that one day I guess ^^’ I actually also just did fly over the “Red moon rose” books, because those books are so freaking loooooong - tho the one with their story was very interesting.)
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Swin uses the very successful head-pat-technique that was invented by Trails-Games to sooth young girls and make them swoon afterwards XD
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(Sorry, I had to do it XD)
The Story was nice tho... aside from that weird scene, that is ^^’
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We are finally back to the main plot!
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Aw we saw with Allan in CS4, there are many different reasons for people to accept the “curse”. In Shanshans case, she wanted Rixia to be save and thus expecting “Rufus” ideals seemed to be the easiest way to ensure Rixias safety.
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There is only one thing that KeA loves more than Lloyd... and that is hugging Lloyd XD Seriously tho, KeA absolutely loves hugs.
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You know... despite her swooning over Lloyd, in my opinion, the one Rixia really, truly loves is Ilya. Which is what makes this whole situation so hard for our moon princess here.
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You know... I am always wondering if the plot of those games is amazing or ridiculous XD we’ve been fighting alongside witches, 800 years old vampire witches, a goddess send police dog, diving knights, artificial humans, speaking cats and now we add a freaking human-like Rosenberg-Doll to our list. Looking at how the protagonist of Kuro seems to transform into a powerranger of some sort I am wondering what is next ^^’ I mean... we’ve been saved by a Diving Blade riding a Dragon once XD
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Oh so we do not have just an amazingly realistic looking and acting Rosenberg Doll. We have one with a special “reason” for existing, who has currently amnesia XD Wonderfull...
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This team is funny XD Ru- I mean “C” doesn’t fit in it at all tho ^^’
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That sneaky bastard... were did he even get that from?
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I guess it is still hard for vincent to see Magaritas “inner beauty” ^^’ But... he IS trying. I mean... what a progress if you think back to CS1...
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Before you ask... yes, she too is currently sister-zoned ^^’
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I’ve done this before, ageses ago, but I have to ask it again: Are we even allowed to do that?
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How can they even recreate a freaking something like this? Wasn’t it supposed to be an artifact created by the goddess herself?
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S-She is scary ^^’
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asoulofatlantis · 4 years ago
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Lets continue with Lloyds story. The start-screen background gives you a hint at who we are going to meet next...
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Those two are doing really well in battles too, I have to admit that.
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I guess at this point I am finally allowed again to all excitedly scream: Lechter!
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In case you haven’t noticed... Shera has been reduced to “Prince Oliverts Wife” now. I think no one has mentioned her name ever since the game started even tho she was mentioned a few times... just not with her name.
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XD Its great to be finally allowed again to admit that I actually really like Lechter. He is actually a great character. And if we are forgiving George or Crow... might as well forgive this idiot too. (Tho I would have loved to forget the tropical shirt. He looked ridiculous ^^’)
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His voice immediately dropped to a much more gentle tone XD
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Here are our 5 seconds of looking actually surprised. And then...
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...smilig, hugging her back, even drawing her in. Voice all gentle and soft and cute and happy.
Remind you of anyone? A certain scene in CS3 maybe? ;)
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And this just makes it perfect XD
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Lechter XD
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In Elies eyes, she has failed as a mother-figure to KeA and as Lloyds girlfriend who should have protected KeA in his name. I understand why she is feeling so down about it, because she feels like is disappointed about herself, frustrated about the situation, worried about KeA and to top it all off, she feel like she failed and dissapointed the man she loves.
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Man... this hand on her shoulder is making him dangerously bold ^^’ But he does mean well and I am sure she knows him good enough to know that.
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Its been hinted at many times, that she is likely to become a leader or at least assistant to the leader of Crossbell eventually. And I agree with Lloyd, she will lead Crossbell to a brighter future eventually.
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Awwwwwwww ♥ So... anyone still questioning if this ship has sailed or not? Here is your answer.
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Lechter... you have become such a good boy. I am sure Kloe and Lucy are very proud of you. And so am I - although I always knew that you actually were a good boy at heart.
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Ah yes... I tend to force myself to forget that this game has a “Phantasma” just like Sky 3 had... (I hated that game so very much...)
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Reans group has split up for information gathering across the Empire. So we only have Altina and Ash with our golden child. But we will quickly refill our ranks with other supporters it seems.
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