#Haikyuu request
kamisama1kiss · 4 months
Howdy hey and hiya!! Could I request a jealous Suna or Sakusa? Iiiii don't know if you write them though so if not could it be a jealous Akaashi pretty please? Alg if not love your writing either way!!!
How about all 3..?
Hello!! I love writing for practically every character in HQ. You don't need to be shy about asking (when my request/ask is open) 🫶 a little short, but I hope it makes up for doing 3 of them 🫶😝
Haikyuu Headcanons { Jealousy Sprouts Loudly Yet Calmly }
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~ Akaashi Keiji ~
He wouldn't often be jealous as he himself trusted you when it came to loyalty. But nothing could ever 100% make him ready to see someone standing close by and trying to flirt with you, even with your disagreement it hurt to watch.
Simply walking up from behind, wrapping an arm around your waist with a small smile. "Sorry for taking so long. I couldn't find my way back." Kissing the top of your head before turning over to the other person. Seemingly playing innocently, "Go ahead, what did you say?" a hint of possessiveness lingering in his eyes.
~ Sakusa Kiyoomi ~
His aura dubled, feeling uneasy to see others talking with you. He trusted you, just not other people, so without much thought, he would make his way over after trying to find the most calmest approach to this situation.
Quiet steps up to your side, looking at them with a rather unnerving gaze. "We should go." Saying out loud as he took your hand with a light squeeze before dragging you away before any answer could be said. He preferred being the only one who talked to you in that way.
~ Suna Rintarou ~
It would take him a good minute or so before even walking over, never being a fan of action, and would rather stand by to watch. Felling a ping of hurt in his stomach when seeing the interaction and your uncomfortable body language.
Walking over with hands in pocket, looking at the other with a simple yet a glare that said many silent words. "Hey, love." His tone being more assertive yet kept it soft enough to not raise any suspicion of yourself.
Hope you all enjoyed!! ♡
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ayyyez · 2 years
Haikyuu you say? Can you do kageyama, goshiki, and Tsuki headcanons? Their love languages, relationship headcanons sfw and nsfw, or anything you want!!
A/N: Bless youuuu! Thank you for sending one in for me and oh this ones really good! I love options. YES KAGS! Some characters I haven't done yet yeeees. I can do this for sure <3
TAGS: relationship headcanons, love languages, dating them headcanons, fluff, smut under the cut, each one has a little bit of smut after the fluff, praise, words of affirmation, physical touch, quality time
CHARACTERS: Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Goshiki Tsutomu
Kind of awkward almost shy in the beginning like he's afraid of doing something wrong to ruin your relationship. He's aware that the things he says can be taken the wrong way and doesn't want that to happen with you.
If you ask him about it he will just 'I'm sorry, I don't want to mess this up.'
'Mess what up?'
'Us.' He's so serious too, blush over his cheeks and everything.
You have to set him straight and assure him it's fine to mess up. You're not going to break up with him over a misunderstanding. Plus you know what he's like by now.
Give him a reassuring hug and maybe a big smooch and he's all better. Also, he's a sucker for head pats, especially if your fingers really work and get tangled in there. He pushes into your touch like he craves it.
Tobio wants to be good for you so he feels reassured by this even more. He's your good boy.
Speaking of wanting to be good, words of affirmation are very big for him in terms of love languages. Praising him and acknowledging him is assure way into his heart.
Tell him things like 'Wow that set was so impressive!' and 'I never get tired of watching you play.' It really brightens his day. It also gets him going~ if you know what I mean.
Tell him you love him, little compliments about his outfits, that you appreciate him. These all go a long way. 'Damn baby you're looking extra good today!'
He stops and blushes all bashful before a smile crosses his lips. 'Thanks.' He says, pressing a kiss to your temple. 'You look good too.' His hands slide up and down your sides. 'But you always look good.'
'Well aren't you sweet.'
Even that gives him a little extra pep him his step. Being told he is sweet. Because he'll be anything for you! Sweet, loving, affectionate. As long as he can be yours.
Likes spending time just the two of you at home for dates. But isn't afraid to also take you out and spoil you. Kind of gets a sense of pride holding your hand in public.
Also big on other kinds of physical touch but more in private. Relies on you to recharge his battery after a long day. Just falls against you and cuddles.
Craves your warmth and affection. Wants you to stroke his hair. Likes it when you whisper those sweet affirmations to him at the same time.
Likes lying on top of you and pressing his face against your chest. Kind of has thing for you chest. Also a thing for squeezing your chest. The size doesn't matter nor does it matter if you've got breasts or pecs, he's just fixated there.
There are times he likes to just bury himself there, mouth attached to your nipple, sucking and licking to his hearts content. Will nip just to play around.
Works the other nipple with his fingers. Sometimes is there for ages ignoring how hard he is in his sweats.
It doesn't matter that he's been leaking pre-cum for ages. He contents himself by thrusting against you every now and again to relieve it.
It's not until your hands thread into his hair, tug at the roots and pull him up that he remembers to continue to the next step. He's a little dazed and starry eyed so bear with him.
Then your hands are on his cock and he's whining, begging for you to make him cum after he's edged himself for so long without even realising it.
Tsukishima held his cards close to his chest until the moment the confession came and then all of a sudden he's dating you and he's not really sure how to switch to being vulnerable.
His cards don't all come down onto the table right away.
You've sort of got to pry them from him or just wait until he naturally gives them to you (either way he needs little pushes because he's rather stubborn).
He's not overly affectionate and sappy. But will catch you of guard sometimes with soft smiles or stares in your direction.
'What?' You'll ask.
'I'm just looking. Got a problem with that?'
'Not if you give me a kiss.'
'Tch.' Gives you one anyway. And not just some cheap chaste kiss. Puts the whole Tsukki back into it. A big old passionate kiss.
'Happy now?'
'Not quite.'
Rolls his eyes but he's smirking because yeah he's coming in for another kiss. and another and another. The kiss deepens and ohh here comes that tongue at a steady pace. Nice and easy. But oh does it take your breath away.
He can be sweet and a little shit all at once.
Will walk over and bonk you on the head for attention. The second you whip around to scold him he will steal a kiss. Sometimes its on the forehead, other times its the cheek but there's other times its smack bang on the lips.
Pulls away smirking like. 'Hey.'
Punch him honestly, he will just give you another one. Or laugh. Which ever one you don't mind about.
Loves to tease you but really enjoys partners who keep him in check about being a shit or tease him back. Humble him he finds it hot. Will be all 'Tch.' but inside he's like 'Damn, you really can handle me.' Wants to kiss you real bad but won't if it's in public. Just gets all smirky lol.
His love language probably falls more on the quality time side of things. Just being able to hang out and exist together is most important to him.
It doesn't always have to be big dates. He's good with easy hangouts at home with homecooked meals, watching movies together, listening to music and just chilling. Prefers it honestly.
He does, not that he'll admit it out loud, like going out occassionally just to show off that you're together. Kind of has this complex about it. Feels a rush of superiority having been the one to bag you. Drapes an arm around your shoulder or waist proudly, head held high. Ha, you're his.
The complex kind of falls in reverse though in terms of making him feel a little self conscious. Feels like he doesn't deserve you sometimes. Doesn't seek reassurance but tries not to be such an asshole from time to time.
Goes through 'I've gotta be good for you.' Phases. Where he thinks he really needs to be better. You can pick up on it and assure him he's fine, just a little prickly sometimes. 'Aren't we all?'
Huffs when you pepper kisses all over his face to make him feel better. Appreciates it though.
Does appreciate and crave a bit of that physical touch too. Isn't always good at initiating it. Sometimes sits there craving it while staring holes into the back of your head.
That's your cue to climb on into his lap and just hold him and kiss him all over. Nip and suck at his neck to hear those sweet gasps and moans.
His hands will find your waist and hold you tight. That allows you to naturally push down against him. Before you know it the two of you are grinding together.
Exchanging kisses, touches and and dry humping all the way to that sweet friction until that final release. He's not even embarrassed because hey, the both of you got lost in the moment.
The two of you are just crazy about each other.
This guy omg, he flits between hell yeah you're going out with him to wow he can't believe you're actually going out with him. Bear with him alright? He's a bit all over the place emotionally.
The biggest sweetie though. Like, he always has your best interests at heart but is super self sacrificing at the start.
You have to be like boy! You need to tell me what you want too! This relationship is between two people! Please!
Appreciates you so much for it. Takes awhile to get there but is finally to be able start actually breaking that habit and tell you how he's feeling and what he wants to do.
Takes you on cute little dates. Starts wanting to show off in other ways other than just his volleyball skills. (totally compliment him on those btw he will love you forever)
Shows off by taking you to restaurants he thinks you'll like. Really gushes if he is right and you like the food. 'I'm just really good at picking places, I'm so glad you like the food.'
You snort but don't pay it much mind. 'Sure thanks for bringing me.'
You've got to give it to him for at least getting his confidence back right? It's kind of sweet.
Always asks permission to do things, like even the little things, doesn't just do it. 'Can I hold your hand?' or 'Can I hold you.' even 'Can I kiss you.' It's very endearing.
He has a blush on his cheeks every time even after you've been in a relationship for awhile. It's not that he's nervous anymore he's just really excited still. He will always be exited to be with you!
Really wants you to be at his games (if you can). He says it gives him extra strength knowing you're there cheering him on in person. Always asks for a kiss before the match too. It's for luck.
If you can't make it to the game he will ask for two extra kisses for EXTRA luck. Honestly he will just miss you but you don't need to know that. He also just likes kissing you.
The first time he tried to kiss you he accidentally got your nose. Was so embarrassed you had to grab him and kiss him to make him calm down. It didn't calm him down but it made him stop babbling lmao.
His love language is also Word of affirmation so praise that guy! Tell him you appreciate him and that he's the coolest, most talented guy you know.
One time, in bed while you were giving him a handjob you told him that he was the hottest, strongest ace you've ever seen and he let out the loudest moan and came right there and then. You just caressed his face and stroked him through it.
That's how you learnt that words of praise REALLY affected him. Especially in the bedroom. You could be in the middle of making out or having sex and a few praising words will having him moaning and tettering on the edge.
It's fascinating to watch just how quickly his brows knit together and his whines spill out.
Goshiki is very big on reciprocation too. He never likes to leave you hanging if he cums first. A bit of an overachiever too. If he cums once before you, he wants to make you cum twice.
Will spend hours going down on you. Kissing and biting up and down your thighs. Sometimes gets a bit hung up marking you he needs some help getting directions back to the main event.
Won't ever forget to please you though. Just likes to admire every inch of your body first.
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dawnisatotalqueen · 4 months
erm pookie you should def write for kageyama
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anything for u pookie...
kageyama bf texts !!!
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a/n: he's so silly bf to me... like all dry but cute and awkward I wanna eat him up
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moonbeam-writing · 2 years
Hii! :) may I request an Osamu x fem reader where Osamu has a crush on the team manager? And also maybe a confession to!
Thank you for your time ❤️
— Miss Manager
๑ Requested by a lovely Anon!
๑ Characters: Osamu Miya (Haikyuu)
๑ Quick Note: I'm so sorry that this took so long, lovely! I hope you enjoy this regardless!
๑ Contains: Fluff; Third Person from Osamu’s perspective; Use of She/Her Pronouns for the Reader; SFW
"Starin' again, 'Samu?" Osamu blinked, being pulled back into reality. Atsumu's hand rested on his twin's shoulder before Osamu shook it off.
"What d'ya mean?" Atsumu rolled his eyes as Osamu took a step away from him, looking away from where he was before. Osamu didn't need to tell Atsumu anything. Especially if Atsumu already knew.
Sometimes, Osamu wondered how he got where he had in his life. He had become a living cliche, getting a crush on his team's manager. How couldn't he, though? She was beautiful. And sweet. And-
 "Osamu, are you okay?" Her voice replaced his brother's, and Osamu nearly jumped out of his skin. There (Y/N) stood, giving him a concerned smile, slightly furrowed brows, and his water bottle in hand.
"Yeah," Osamu smiled. "I'm okay. Thanks, (Y/N)."
"Of course." All he could focus on was her smile and how sweet it was, purposefully ignoring his brother laughing with Suna behind him. They didn't matter when (Y/N) was there in front of him. "You're doing great today, you know!" 
The tips of Osamu's ears warmed at her compliment, and the boys behind him laughed louder. "And you do great everyday, (Y/N)." Osamu now felt paralyzed. Any heat that had built up during practice was now replaced with a cold feeling and a sinking gut. Oh no, Osamu thought, there's no way I just said that. His mind raced as he stared at the space right above (Y/N), unable to risk looking her in the eye.
"Thanks, Samu!" She smiled widely. "You're so sweet!" 
"Oi, Samu! Either confess yer feeling's or come back to practice!"
"Damn, sorry for keeping you, Osamu! I didn't realize break was over. Oops, haha." Atsumu's taunt may have gone right over her head, but he was right - Osamu needed to tell (Y/N) how he felt.
"No, no, you're perfect! Um, I, uh,"
"Samu!" Atsumu yelled. 
 "Shut up!" Osamu yelled back, turning his head and seeing Suna with his phone pointed at them and Aran giving him a thumbs up. "Go on a date with me since we have a free day tomorrow?"
"Of course, I will, Osamu!" She pressed her lips against his cheek with a warmth spreading across her cheeks as she turned to walk toward Kita, undoubtedly to apologize for keeping them from practicing.
With a smug grin on his face, Osamu turned back to face Atsumu and Suna, promptly flipping them both off.
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h3yl4dies · 9 months
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writeinstone · 5 months
Haikyuus heating back up y’all so i’m starting a new page for it <3 requests are open to all so please share whatever devious thoughts are running around
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tsxkkis · 3 months
# rules for requesting
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i will only be taking 3 requests at a time, so first, please check if requests are open (the info will be visible on my navigation post).
i don't write smut, so any requests of this sort will be immediately ignored or deleted. i'm open to any fluff or hurt/comfort, not so sure about angst since i don't like writing sad stuff (this might change in the future).
most of my requests will be fics under 2k words, drabbles, hcs or other short forms in general so please please please don't ask me for anything overly complicated because i will be simply unable to write it. also, remember to state which of these forms you'd like me to write!!
be understanding of the time it takes me to write a piece, as i want to be able to write my ideas too and not have to focus solely on requests. i will always try to finish a request in under a week, but sometimes due to unforseen circumstances i'm sure that it won't be possible (especially when i'll have more than one request at once), so i hope you'll be understanding of that.
as of now i only write for haikyuu (which will probably change in the future), so i will be taking requests only regarding haikyuu characters.
tysm for reading the rules, now ur free to request!!
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stinkylittleanon · 2 years
Oki birthday hcs? How about how the kurasuno boys would plan a surprise party? Or what they do on their own birthdays?
HI, I’M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT </3 I saw this the day after my birthday at work, started writing the day after, and then now I tried to write more but I’m really struggling to write more than three characters D: I’ll have to smush it down to Asahi, Daichi, and Suga if that’s alr! 
How the Karasuno 3rd years would react/celebrate your birthday! 
- They all definitely knew beforehand... Just kidding, only Suga and Daichi knew besides Coach! Those two like to know what’s important to their teammates!  - Everyone except for Daichi and Suga are just “WHAT?!?!” and immediate panic to start party planning!  - Like it’s you!! Everyone loves you so much, how could they not plan?!  - But it’s fuckin’ chaos to plan who buys what... Stuff can get expensive! Not all of them have jobs!  - Until Coach just tells them he’ll bring stuff. Then it’s settled (They just can’t let him choose what to bring... Old man tastes are a no-go! /j)  Daichi 
Daichi is the one who tells everyone along with Sugawara, he finds it amusing how Tanaka and Nishinoya start freakin’ out (Asahi is quietly panicking). He takes control over deciding who does what, he knows his players well enough to know who can do the best at certain things!  He personally takes over finding out stuff you like subtly. Like cake flavor, color, all that stuff if he doesn’t already know. Daichi knows how to smooth talk! So does Sugawara, but Sugawara can’t lie for the life of him.  Despite being calmer, he’s so excited!! Your first birthday with them?! And he’s your captain?! WOAH!!! He’s so proud of you! Sugawara 
After Daichi tells everyone, Sugawara is quick to give Asahi a good slap on the back to get rid of any negative thoughts... This will be explained at Asahi’s part but moving on! Suga is so happy that everyone is getting together to celebrate ya! Like look at his team go! And he’s part of it, even bigger yay! He’d help Kiyoko keep a list of who does what (despite Kiyoko being completely capable of doing it herself, Nishi and Tanaka are yelling out so many ideas... How could you keep up?) He cannot wipe the happy smile off his face, he’s so happy to celebrate you in any way. Sugawara may not say it well but... He appreciates you so much. You do so much for the team! And you do so much for him too... He wants to show you that he’s thankful!  Asahi
HE DIDN’T KNOW?! Poor guy feels so bad for not knowing, he never even thought to ask!! But those thoughts go away after Suga give him a back-breaking slap on the back! Ok ok! He needs to keep track!  A bit overwhelmed by Tanaka and Nishinoya literally yelling at the top of their lungs again, but secretly matching their excitement. Not only will he get to see you so happy when you see the surprise, but he gets to help!! Asahi doesn’t hesitate to take the role of planning out the decorations. Afterall, the team really hyped him up on his designing skills!  Asahi could never say this to your face, but he’s so happy that you’re friends with him. You make him so happy, you help him when his anxiety is too much, and he wants to give back to you. You’re an amazing person and you deserve to have something special! He’s gonna make sure this is the best lookin’ party you’ll ever see! (Even if it’s dollar-store decorations... That doesn’t count stop-) 
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justyelln · 3 months
may i kindly asked if anyone could write hq (specific character: kuroo or bokuto) x reader fic where they have manager with albinism/or and neurodivergent then tag me, please?
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beybuniki · 5 months
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kofi request: bnha x haikyuu crossover pt. 2 🌸
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kamisama1kiss · 4 months
I just watched the Haikyuu movie Dumster Battle, and omg!! It was SOOO good😭😭🙏 I nearly jumped out of my seat so many times when at the cinema
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ayyyez · 2 years
Oh your requests are still open, yay! May I request some hcs of a movie date night for Hinata, Kageyama, Tendou, and Nishinoya with their partners?
A/N: oh yeah yeah yeah! I can definitely do this for you. Thanks for sending in a request (at the moment requests are also still open for headcanons if anyone else wants to send some in!)
TAGS: headcanons, fluff, movie night, making out mentions, mentions of sex but nothing explicit, suggestive content
CHARACTERS: Hinata Shouyou, Kageyama Tobio, Tendou Satori, Nishinoya Yuu
The idea of having a movie date with him at your place is very cute but he's also the kind of guy who can't sit still for long periods of time without doing something. He's just? Gotta move! Can't not be restless! Gotta fiddle. Get him a stim device or just offer up your thigh to let him massage with his hand.
Better off watching an anime movie of a manga he likes (like One Piece). He'd also be down to watch comedies, rom-coms and will probaby be into action movies.
Just make it something you can tune in and out off. Don't watch something where you have to watch every little detail or you don't want to miss a thing because he's a talker too. Hinata just wants to know all of your thoughts and tell you his.
The thing is, his attention span with movies is a little eh~ Between that and having the need to always be doing something with his hands, you're either going to have to help or deal.
That means occupying his hands (put yours in his~ hey hey~) or if you're feeling extra bold, just climb right on into his lap/pull him into yours.
He's also the kind of guy who sees pulling 'the move' of throwing his arm around your shoulders as the perfect moment during movies. His hand on your arm will be restless too and fiddle with your top or will massage your shoulder/arm.
With the talking it's nonstop too. It's very cute. He just goes and goes making jokes and doing impressions of the characters. Join in with him if you want, he loves hearing all your jokes and impressions too. It becomes a competition of who can do the best ones.
Quite literally the only way to shut him up (unless you enjoy the rambling) is to make out with him. Many a movie night with Hinata turns into a makeout session.
Who knows what the movie was even about?
DO NOT watch horror movies with him or he will smack you in the face (ACCIDENTALLY!) because he jumps at everything! Shrieks and flails. Throws the popcorn. Will cling to you like a koala. And then at the end will declare it wasn't even that scary! Sure babe.
Okay so movie nights with him are also sweet. The poor honey though it's a 50/50 if he stays awake the whole way through. It's not that he's bored! He's just so relaxed and comfortable in your presence he can't help but drift off, especially if it's after a long day or week.
Loves to be cuddling. Even if you two are just hanging on the couch movie or not he's wanting to be indulging in some couple time. For him movie night is more about spending time together than the movie itself.
Ask Kageyama what half the movies you watched were about he can't give you a solid answer tbh. 'Idk romance?' It was a thriller babe but sure it was a romance let's go with that.
He can't help it. Kageyama was just so caught up in your warmth, your scent and nuzzling your neck to the backdrop of screams.
Can literally watch anything. When he is awake and pays attention does ask questions. Appreciates you taking the time to answer them and not make him feel silly.
'Wait why's he mad and got a gun on him I thought they were friends?' Kageyama asks brow furrowing.
'No honey, he was lying to get information out of him.' You explain.
'Tch.' He hugs you tigther. 'Loser, he deserves to have a gun on him instead.'
You snort. 'Sure babe.' It's cute that Kageyama takes friendships and relationships so seriously even in silly action movies. He's sweet that way.
Sometimes his hands just seem to wander during movie nights. Not necessarily in a sexual way but he just likes to be touching you. Likes the connection. A hand under your shirt, on your thigh or over your chest. Just touching, softly kneading and stroking. Always asks 'Is this okay?' and makes sure you're comfortable with it.
Only takes it further if you want to. But if he does it's really slow and drawn out because it's his only chance to really take his time. Just likes his down time with you.
The man with a plan that loves a good movie night. Has the collection both physically and digitally. He thinks there's just something about collecting physically but started up a digital collection once he moved to the dorms because he had to travel light so it became a habit he took into adulthood.
Likes to have a whole set up having movie night with you to make it an experience. He's showing you his favourite movies after all so he wants you to get the best out of them even if you don't like them Tendou wants to give them the best chance.
Owns a projector to make things fun. Likes having popcorn and treats. Tells you lots about the movie beforehand (not spoilers) just general things to get you pumped! Blankets and comfy couch or those fancy two person bean bags to cuddle on.
While he does want you to watch the movie he's more about the experience so he talks if you talk. Is just buzzing with energy. Likes watching you! Seeing you laugh when things are funny. React at the shocking or sad things or just seeing if you react the way he thought you might. If you're touched the same way he was.
Tendou mainly hopes it's fun or just worth the time. He does like horror and thriller films so bonus if you do too or are willing to put up with them. Loves seeing you jump. Finds it fun if you want to analyse the film with him. Even if its just to make fun of the tropes.
If you watch a new thriller or horror together he likes trying to guess what will happen. Singing victory songs and cheers for whoever guesses things right! Perhaps winner gets smooches.
Cheeky. He likes trying to throw in his own jumpscares in movies sometimes (if you aren't already too terrified--he's not too mean). Do it back! He gets a thrill. You two will be doing it all week when the movies long over.
Throwing popcorn at each other. Trying to catch it in your mouth. Lots of laughing. The making out doesn't happen until the credits roll.
Sometimes the best sex you've ever had together happens after a movie marathon and you two are high on analysing the films and laughing about theories and stupid jokes. The next minute you're making out and taking each other's clothes off and just so wrapped up in each other.
Tendou the movie man knows what he's doing when it comes to recommending movies and setting the mood.
Movie nights with Nishinoya are absolute chaos where anything can happen. You'll start of watching a movie but then you two will see a cake in the movie and will crave cake that you just have to have the next minute you're at the grocery store running amuck buying instant mix to bake a cake.
Other times you manage to make it all the way through an entire movie together. Sometimes you get through half of one and want to watch another.
Life with Nishinoya is just following the happy trail wherever it takes you, honestly.
When you do watch movies though they could be ANYTHING.
'Hey Tanaka was talking about this movie the other day we should totally watch it!' and that's all it takes you're watching a comedy movie that came out a year ago. You'd meant to go see it when it came out but life got in the way.
He's not one to sit still and be quiet during a movie. The two of you will start cuddling on the couch. Probably the first maybe fifteen minutes of the movie continue that way. The guy is restless though. Will start thinking outloud.
'You think he's the love interest?' He'll start asking about every random guy who comes onto the screen.
'Babe it's the guy on the cover.' You'll assure him.
'I didn't look, it keeps it a surprise.' He smirks. No not a surprise he just wants to be funny/annoying and say it's every guy BUT the love interest and feign disappointment when the main couple does get together.
'What do you mean she's getting together with him what about background character B she bought coffee off in the first half? They totally had chemistry!'
'Wow if only you had seen this coming somehow.' You pat him on the head. 'Like, say, by looking at the dvd cover the movie came in?'
He pouts. 'I think I'm going to need a lot more than head pats to feel better. Background character B totally got cheated, babe!'
And that's how Nishinoya gets kisses out of you from movie night. It is fun though. It becomes it's own fun experience each time you watch a movie.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 5 months
Which one of the JJK men/boys would grab your hand, wait for a bit and then raise it up to press a kiss to your knuckles?
this is very cute. it also got very out of control. and the haikyuu boys joined. i apologize.
How would/would he kiss your hand??
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Bows with a dramatic flourish and takes your hand like he's going to kiss it. Instead he started chewing on your knuckles, ignoring your swatting and screeching in favor of gnawing and drooling all over your hand
GOJO, inumaki, toji (if he's in a playful mood), ATSUMU
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The two of you are cuddling, your intertwined hands resting on his chest as he leans against your front. You're using your free hand to scroll through social media when he picks up your hand and presses your palm to his lips, lingering there for a moment. When you look down at him curiously, he just gives you a sappy grin and tells you he loves you.
geto, OSAMU, SUGAWARA, asahi, akaashi, YAMAGUCHI, YUUJI
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Kisses your hands when you dance in the kitchen, or on romantic dates. Not an everyday occurrence, but when it happens it's always very sweet and tender. He's a gentleman through and through.
NANAMI, daichi, AKAASHI, megumi, kuroo (he tries)
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Why would he kiss your hands when he can kiss all over your adorable face and lips???
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That's really cheesy and embarrassing. Why would he ever do that?
megumi, TSUKISHIMA, sukuna, SAKUSA
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Maybe during quiet moments at home. He doesn't like pda, but he supposes it's fine if you're not in public.
MEGUMI, sakusa (if he knows your hands are clean), iwaizumi, kenma
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Wants to, but he's too shy </3
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Too dense to consider kissing your hand.
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h3yl4dies · 8 months
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➤ Scenarios! ✭
• "she's my girlfriend, idiot" (tsukishima Kei x reader)
• New years kiss (Bokuto x reader & Akaashi x reader) NEW YEAR'S 2024 SPECIAL
➤ Headcannons! ✮
• Sleeping with haikyuu boys! (Kageyama, Tsukishima, Daichi, Oikawa, Bokuto)
• Relationship headcannons! (Akaashi, Kenma, Tsukishima)
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leahrintarou · 2 days
ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖𓉸ִֶָྀི ִֶָ་ 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐇'𝐒 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑
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Author's Note: hello! welcome to my third year of doing kinktober. for now, this is what i have planned when it comes to kinks paired with characters. however, i may or may not change things up later on. i won't be posting EVERYDAY because of my busy schedule, so we're sticking to posting every other day lol. blogs and reposts are appreciated. leave a comment if you want to be on the kinktober 2024 taglist!
Content Warning: afab!reader , MALExFEM & FEMxFEM, soft dom and hard dom characters, reader's role can range between sub and dom as well, she/her is used, pet names are used. individual and detailed warnings will be in each chapter as well.
2022 & 2023 KINKTOBER HERE!
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WEEK 1; oct 1, oct 3, oct 5, oct 6
oct 1st: Suna Rintarou | Phone Sex
oct 3rd: Dabi/Touya Todoroki | Caught
oct 5th: Toji Fushiguro | Voice Kink
oct 6th: Ran Haitani | Mirror Sex
WEEK 2; oct 8, oct 10, oct 12, oct 13
oct 8th: Rindou Haitani | Fingering
oct 10th: Hawks/Keigo Takami | Sexually Frustrated
oct 12th: Osamu Miya | Breeding Kink
oct 13th: Kazutora Hanemiya | Cunnilingus
WEEK 3; oct 15, oct 17, oct 19, oct 20
oct 15th: Gojo Satoru | Blindfolded
oct 17th: Yuki Tsukumo | Biting Kink
oct 19th: Kuroo Tetsuro | Angry Sex
oct 20th: Mikey/Manjiro Sano | Morning sex
WEEK 4; oct 22, oct 24, oct 26, oct 27
oct 22nd: Katsuki Bakugou | Brat Taming
oct 24th: Suguru Geto | Face Fucking
oct 26th: Maki Zenin | Hair Pulling
oct 27th: Mitsuya Takashi | Praising kink
WEEK 5; oct 28, oct 29, oct 30, oct 31
oct 28th: Kento Nanami | Choking
oct 29th: Shoko Leiri | Thigh Riding
oct 30th: Izuku Midoriya | Massaging
oct 31st: Kozume Kenma | Dacryphilia
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all works written belong to © leahrintarou
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sanstoons · 29 days
haikyuu doodles requests (from twitter)
doodle 1: kagehina eating popsicles/ice cream 🥺
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look at them!! my sillies!! Also hinata is actually eating açaí ice cream 🫡🧡
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doodle 2:
transl: kagehina drinking caipirinha in rio!
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drawing this made me lowkey sad bc I Do miss drinking caipirinha
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