#Haidar Nasir
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rattlyglitch · 2 months ago
Protector of the Beasts Ch 2: Secrets Hidden and Forests explored
Wild Kratts Fanfic
Chapter Summary: The Tortuga Crew find out about secrets that the government was keeping from them and the Kratt Brothers visit a forest.
The walk back to The Tortuga was silent. Martin did his best to keep as quiet as possible and watch for anyone that may be nearby. Everything seemed to be back to normal. There was nothing abnormal about the forest and the animals that lived there seemed to be out and about not hiding from anything that may have caused them to feel fear and no jerky movements either.
He had been walking for about an hour when something grabbed his arm. That made Martin make a jerky movement. Within seconds he had grabbed the person and had them in a standing hammerlock hold. “Uncle. Martin. Uncle. It’s just me.” Martin quickly released Chris’ arm before checking over him and inspecting the used to be pinned arm. “I didn’t hurt you right?”
Chris carefully removed his arm from Martin’s hand. “I’m fine Martin, you didn’t hurt me.” A concerned look came over Chris as he looked at Martin.. “Are you though? We lost connection for a while. I came out here with Jimmy to search for you.” Martin gave Chris a reassuring smile and patted his shoulder. “I’m ok little bro. Promise.” Chris didn’t seem entirely convinced but let out a sigh of relief and hugged Martin.
“I’m so glad you’re safe. I was so worried. We couldn’t get a hold of you and when we flew back with The Tortuga whoever was there was already gone or somehow escaped underneath the building.” Martin was confused at what Chris had said. “There’s no way. I saw a bunch of people enter the building. I had to hide in the ceiling but I know there were at least twenty people that entered.”
How all the people who had entered the building escaped without being seen was impossible. None of them could have fit down the holes that the animals had been sent through especially since the building was attacked. No one was expecting a full on attack on the lab but thankfully had been prepared. “Wait Martin you saw them?! We have to tell the others!” Martin pulled at his gloves a bit fiddling with the tips of them.
“Yeah I did but I didn’t see their faces. Only masks..” Chris didn’t seem to care that Martin may have barely seen anything; the proud and happy look he had showed that Chris was glad there was at least something. “Doesn’t matter what you saw Martin, this is huge. Let’s hurry up and get back to The Tortuga.” Chris took Martin’s hand and quickly hurried over to the buzz bike he had brought with him. Within moments they were back at The Tortuga and safely inside.
All the animals that had been being taken care of by the crew were around the ship with the others taking care of them. They were put in their safety areas as soon as the others spotted Martin. The other three were quick to make sure both of the brothers were ok and ask Martin questions about what he had seen. Martin tried to answer them the best he could and in the end the masked people were of the most interest.
“Did those masked people by chance leave anything behind that you possibly saw?” Koki asked with a notebook in hand. She had searched through all the video footage and it seemed to stop as soon as the attack first began. “Like a sign or a message?” Martin was immediately reminded of the pixelated rat that had a saying underneath it. He hadn’t gotten a good look at it but it was much easier to think about how it looked when he wasn’t worried.
“There was something on one of the main screens. It was a pixelated rat. The way it was made was weird. The rat’s background was purple and the words beneath it was pink and said ’mouse trapped’. You think it could stand for whatever the person that enters the bases does? ” Koki hummed as she looked over her notes. “Possibly but then why hasn’t the government told us anything about it? They were supposed to keep us in the know how and all that. That’s gotta be the reason why we’ve never seen that before.”
The question brought up had sent Koki trying to get ahold of the government agent they had been in contact with. The agent was a tan fifty-year-old man with green eyes and black hair that had one of the sternest looks in existence while having the least serious name. Alvin DeVante. Martin had been the first to point out how the agent's first name reminded him of the talking chipmunk.
Laughs were had when he had said that after the call. It seemed though it took forever to get ahold of him like the character as well though. It took two hours to get a hold of him and he didn’t seem pleased. “If you are calling to inform us of the break in that happened at the faux lab we have already heard about it.” The man already seemed annoyed about something that happened at the lab.
“We actually have a question about something we witnessed at the faux lab and wanted to ask you about it,” Koki spoke up giving the agent a forced smile. “Martin said he saw something that looked like a digital footprint on one of the large computers. A pixelated rat. Do you know anything about that?” Agent Alvin’s face seemed to change from annoyed to unease. “So you’ve found out about The Edelgard huh?”
A look of realization came over Koki and Jimmy’s face while the others looked confused. “You mean that’s who's attacking the labs? Me and Koki saw a note left by them that had the directions to the lab we’re at but didn’t know that was the actual person.” Koki looked at Agent Alvin judgingly. “Secondly, you know who this Edelgard is?” Agent Alvin gave a solemn nod.
“Yes. The United States government has known about The Edelgard for some time. We just hoped you would help us take care of the problem since you didn’t seem to know about them yet.” Several articles popped up on The Tortuga screen titled but a prominent one was “The Future of Animal Protection.” The article was set in Florida and talked about new technologies.
The most talked about one was a computer and camera system that had been given to help wildlife preservation areas and national parks that could detect a certain animal that was named after having a drop of their blood put in its system. “So you’re saying that the government meant to hide this so we would help track down The Edelgard and not be against helping?” Aviva asked. She seemed to be heavily judging Agent Alvin and looked confused at the same time.
Everyone was judging what the agent had just told them. The Edelgard seemed to be helping wildlife and animals more than harming them. “Yes but there is a reason as to why. After the reveal of the labs happened, riots began and animal activists took to the extremes and started trying to break into police stations and try to get them to hunt down labs. Hundreds of people have been arrested for battery against officers and have damaged police property. We hoped if The Edelgard was caught the protests would settle down and people may start to calm down.”
Chris looked at Alvin with crossed arms. “So you’re trying to get us to catch a possibly innocent person? I mean maybe the animals they're taking are severely injured and they think they can help the animals because they have more resources. There has to be another reason you’re not telling us.”
Agent Alvin gave a sigh and another article was pulled up. On the front cover was a picture of a stocky man with straight blonde hair, green eyes, and a dashing smile wearing a suit with a wolf embroidered on his dress jacket. He would have looked normal if he wasn’t holding the head of a lion by its mane. Everyone had looks of disgust on their faces.
“The public doesn’t know but there is a man who we believe is responsible for the reveals of the labs. His name is Mordred Zepar and he is a well known animal poacher and trafficker. Not much is known about him but he has supposedly had some kind of project of his in the works for years. We believe it has something to do with the animal labs that are being hunted.
Either he is or is working with The Edelgard. Our best idea as to why is because The Edelgard as you can see is well trusted and can most likely get close to any animal he so desires. The fact as well that the information being taken from these labs seem to be about genetics leads us to believe he might be making some kind of advanced tracking animal like a dog. In his line of business it would make sense.”
“If we are only helping you with the labs then how do you plan to take down the leader of all of this?” Aviva questioned. “The Edelgard might not be able to give you any information on Mordred and might not even be him. Why haven’t you tried contacting them yourself?” A tired look came across Agent Alvin’s face.
“We have but they don’t seem to want to communicate with us. Nothing we have tried worked and so far it just seems like The Edelgard themself view us as an annoyance or an enemy. People who have taken cases against The Edelgard end up quitting only weeks after beginning because their computers catch the ‘Mouse Trapped’ virus or they keep getting false leads that go nowhere besides traps made by extremely angered animal protectors.
The best you truly can do is help us with tracking down these labs. Even I wish there was something more you could do. For now the only other way you would help us besides visiting and tracking down the labs is maybe seeing some of the protection areas in Florida. Scout out what technology The Edelgard has placed to help protect the wildlife and see if they’ve ever tried to harm or change it by chance. If they have then we’ll figure out how to go from there.”
Agent Alvin gave the Tortuga Crew an empathetic smile. “You have helped us much and truly we thank you. For everything.” Agent Alvin signed off the call leaving the crew to figure out however they wanted to go about the situation.
It was decided that the next day Martin and Chris would go down to one of the national parks to look over the technology they were using. It was the most they could do at the moment because Chris had the only working creature power suit. Martin's suit had gone completely out of whack after the lab and Aviva was tasked with fixing it and Jimmy knew a couple who owned a national park in Florida called Holly forest that had accessed some of the new tech.
There was another task besides looking at the technology that the brothers had though. Aviva had made a hard drive that could hopefully be plugged into whatever ran the tech and hopefully may provide a lead to The Edelgard. Martin and Chris were welcomed to see the area happily by the caretakers of the area and had spoken to one of the park rangers named Susan Bryony beforehand.
The brothers entered theough a metal gate and were greated with two thing. The first was a large trees and several trails that led into the woodsThe seciond was a a four wheeler that came driving up to them from inside with someone dressed all in camo and with a helmet on it. The person hefted themself off and gave a friendly wave before walking over to the brothers. “I’m guessing your Mrs.Susan?” Chris asked the masked rider.
The person nodded and took off their motorbike helmet. A elderly woman in her seventies smiled at the brothers happily. She had dark brown skin and kind green eyes with round gold glasses and curly grey hair that she wore in a bun and wore a full forest camo outfit that had a matching t-shirt and pants with brown boots.
“My name is Susan Bryony it's nice to meet you both. I’m so excited to show you brothers around Holly forest. My husband, Haidar Nasir, would love to be here but he’s currently out in one of the deer stands. He wanted to do some bird watching and headed out before we knew about you two visiting. We’ll see him for sure though as we go around the trails.” Mrs.Susan looked around and then back at the brothers.
“Did Jimmy not come with you?” she asked, a sliver of disappointment in her voice. Martin gave her an apologetic look. “I’m sorry to tell you he didn't. He stayed behind to help Koki and Aviva back on The Tortuga with the animals we’re keeping watch of at the moment.” Mrs.Susan gave a smile to Martin and patted his shoulder.
“Thanks for telling me. Now though boys, let's get looking around these trails. I have some four wheelers in that garage to your left you can use unless you want to run with me and the wheeler. I personally like to ride around the trails on a four wheeler. It helps me and my husband to get around easier.” Mrs.Susan said, patting her wheeler. The brothers shrugged.
“Sure we’ll take one. I’ll go get one that me and my bro can ride” Chris replied before heading off to the garage. “There’s keys on the wall to the right of the four wheelers!” Mrs.Susan called out. She turned towards Martin and smiled. “I’m truly am so excited to show you boys around. I can tell you’re both going to love looking around the area.” Not long after Chris left he was back with a four wheeler and Mrs.Susan and the brothers took off into the forest.
The trails were amazing to ride on and along the way Mrs.Susan told Chris and Martin interesting facts about the park such as that it was a ten mile radius not including the land Mrs.Susan lived on. There was also a large mile big lake inhabited by crocodiles and a smaller lake that was half a mile. The last fact the Kratt Brothers heard was that the most looked at animals were birds, deer, wolves, and the rare fox sighting that came about. A yell interrupted Mrs.Susan as she was telling a story about one time she had gone fishing.
“Susan, is that you?!” a man’s voice called up from above. Mrs.Susan looked up with a smile and waved towards the trees. The Kratt brothers looked up as well and sure enough there was a man in the trees with a deer stand next to the branch he was on. “Stay there, I'm coming down!” Quickly the man hurried down from the trees. He was around the same age as Mrs.Susan and had a round build, blue eyes, dark olive skin, and a white beard and mustache.
“Hello sirs, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Haidar Nasir and I see you’ve already met my wife Susan. It’s a pleasure to meet the both of you” The man spoke, giving a smile to Martin and Chris before shaking their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Mr.Haidar. My name is Martin Kratt.”
“And I’m his Brother Chris Kratt.” Mr.Haidar gave a small nod. “So why are you young men here? Were you hoping to camp out in these forests for a few days?” Mr.Haidar seemed as happy as his wife to share all the wonders about the Holly Forest. “Me and my brother were actually hoping to learn some about the forest and the new tech that you have. We’ve heard a bunch about it and thought it would be neat to check out.”
Mr.Haidar let out a chuckle. “Well boys I sure can tell you a bunch about the forest but I’m not big on the tech part. I know how to make it work and what it does and how to read that but I know many deeper details on it like how the scanning and storing process works. I do have a granddaughter around here somewhere who knows all about tech things that was especially. Wait a moment and I can get her for you.” Mr.Haidar looked around for a moment before facing his left and yelling out. “RILEY!” Within seconds the sounds of leaves crunching and someone quickly running through the forest was heard and out from the forest a teenage girl with glasses emerged, a bow in her left hand and a worried look on her face.
She was short and stout with fair skin, blue eyes, and medium length curly blonde hair with a beauty mark on her right cheek. “Jeddo I heard you yell? What do you need?” It took a moment before the girl noticed the Kratt brothers. “Oh you have visitors?” the girl replied, relieved. “Next time please just call me. Yelling is quicker but it’s better than having me worry.”
Mr.Haidar let out a chuckle and patted Riley’s shoulder. “I promise to call next time. It’s just these young fellows here were hoping to learn some about the tech we have around the place. Do you think you could show them?” Riley looked at the brothers judgingly before giving a nod. “I can. Do both of you want to come or does one of you want to stay here?” she asked, plucking at her bow string a bit.
“Martin, do you want to go and I’ll stay here with Mrs.Susan and Mr.Hairdar? I wanted to learn a bit more about the trees.” Martin got the hint that Chris was trying to point out. He had the hard drive and it would be much easier if only one person was to go with Riley than the both of them. “I’ll go with you while my brother stays here if you and Mr.Haidar and Mrs.Susan don’t mind.”
Riley looked at the elderly couple. “Do either of you want to come? And are ya both gonna be ok without me here right?” Mrs.Susan gave Riley a reassuring smile. “Me and your Jaddi will be just fine here. You go now though and have fun showing off the tech we got.” Riley grinned and gave Mrs.Susan a quick hug. “Alright Memaw. I’ll go get my four wheeler and be back here soon.” Riley headed off quickly into the forest where she had come from and came back from down the trail a few minutes later.
“Get on one of the four wheelers dude. We’re heading back to the gates."
After Notes:
Just in case anyone is wondering I did find out four wheelers are allowed depending in a National Parks rules and for this on because of how big the park is I think the paths would be wide enough.
Mrs. Susan and Mr.Haidar can also use the four wheelers because they own the area where the National Park is because they work as the rangers and they had a large amount of area and the government was interested in making it a park, the trails were made years before they arrived most likely, and they are elderly so the wheelers make it easier to move around.
The reason I’m saying this is because I did research to figure out about four wheelers and they aren’t the best for the wildlife because they can harm areas that aren’t trails such as messing up the soil and killing the plant life there but they can be ridden on trails.
It would be so cool if the buzz bikes were widely available and not just to the Kratts because with those it would be so much easier to get around areas without harming the plant life because they levitate.
Also please let me know if I used the right name for grandfather. I searched as best I could and found Sido, Jeddo, Jaddi, and Ajadaad as Arabic names for grandfather and in the end simply chose one that I wanted to use. Jeddo was said to be a term used for grandfather so I decided to use it.
There's also an ao3 link to my story and comments on Tumblr and ao3 are appreciated.
ao3 WK fic
other chapters: Chapter 1, chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5
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koramilsblog · 2 years ago
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Komandan Koramil 03/Kasihan Mayor Arm Mespan menghadiri peresmian Masjid Khusnul Khotimah oleh Bpk Prof. Dr Haidar Nasir DPP Muhammmafiyah Pusat, bertempat di pedukuhan Peleman,Tamantirto,Kasihan,Bantul. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkZn-qxP4Ux/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hadeesorg-blog · 8 years ago
5000 Muslim freedom fighters in British Records, India Office Library, London
MORE THEN 5000 INDIAN MUSLIM FREDOM FIGHTER NAMES.. Can any one please let me know the details of the Freedom Fighters of India who took part in Independence of INDIA, because mostly we Muslims dont know about there work and names so we think that only non-muslim leaders took part in this movement and got independence. If possible give there names with there short biography so it will be easy for ourself to remember them and also we can say that no Our brothers also took par... Continue Reading MORE THEN 5000 INDIAN MUSLIM FREDOM FIGHTER NAMES.. Can any one please let me know the details of the Freedom Fighters of India who took part in Independence of INDIA, because mostly we Muslims dont know about there work and names so we think that only non-muslim leaders took part in this movement and got independence. If possible give there names with there short biography so it will be easy for ourself to remember them and also we can say that no Our brothers also took part in Independence. British snatched Indian govt from Muslims & Islamic clerics issued fatwas of jihad againstBritish Empire FORCED on India. So, large number of Muslim ulemas(clerics)were killed from Delhi to Khyber. Some of 5,00,000 names of of Muslim freedom fighters are: Hyder Ali, Shaheed Fateh Ali(Tipu Sultan), Sh. Sirajuddaulah, Sh Mir Qasim, Sh Yusuf Khan, Sh. Waali Khan, Sh Teetu Miyan, Maulana Shah Waliullah Mohaddis Dehlvi, Shah Abdul Aziz Mohaddis Dehlvi, Syed Ahmed Shaheed, Maulana Vilayat Ali Sadikpuri,Abu Zafar Sirajuddin Bahadur Shah Zafar, Fazle Haq Khairabadi (originator of 'Inqilaab Zindabad'), Sh Muhammed Husain,Sh Ahmed Yaar Khan,ShNizam Ali Khan, Sh Gulam Ghaus, Sh Khuda Bakhsh, Ejaz Ali Khan, Pir Ali Khan, Haidar Ali Khan Gaya, Subedar Ali Bakhsh of Hamirpur U P, Waris Ali, Sh Burhanuddin, Mujahid Gul Muhammed, Sh Shekhu Khan Pahalwan, Sh Pir Ali, Sh Syed Hasan Askari, Sh Begum Shah Zamani, Azimullah Khan, ShAbdullah, Sh Sher Ali NWFP, Sh Rahmat Ali, Sh Rasoolullah, Sh Imtiyaz, Ahmedullah Azeemabadi, Sh Ali Ahmed Siddiqui, Sh Gulzar Ali Khan, Sh Israel Allah Rakkha Of Malegaon, Sh Abdul Ghafoor Khan, Dr. ZakirHusain, Miyan Hamid Khan, Syed Fida Husain, Syed Geenu Babu, Sh Tajammul Husain of Sonpur Bihar, Sh Mir Abdullah & Sh Abdushshakoor Samastipur, Sh ShaikhulHaq of Dhamdaaha, Sh Hatim Tai of Shahabad, Sh Jumrati of Bhagalpur, Sh Akram Ali, Sh Mohd Abdul Qadir, Sh Abdurrashid Peshawar, Abid Husain, Sh Altaf Husain, Sh Allah Daad, Sh Ayub Khan, Sh Ikhtiyar Ali, Sh Abdul Khaliq, Sh Basheer Muhammed, Sh Badruddin, Sh A B Mirza, Sh Babu Khan, Sh Chiragh Khan, Sh Dilawar Khan, Sh Fateh Khan of INA, Sh Feroz Khan,Sh Fazal Karim, Sh Fazal Mohd, Sh Farzand Ali, Sh Gulab Noor, Sh Ghulam Khan, Sh Ghulam Mohammed, Sh Gore Khan, Sh Ghulam Isa Khan, Sh Ghulam Nabi, Sh Gulzar Khan, Sh Hatim Ali, Sh Husain Ali, Sh Hidayatullah & Inayatullah, Sh Ibrahim, Sh Ismail Khan, Sh Imamuddin, Sh Arshad, Sh Jalali Khan, Sh Jalaluddin, Sh Khushi Muhammed, Sh Khan Baig, Sh Khan Muhammed, Sh Khan Baas, Sh Laal Khan, Sh Mohammed Banaras, Sh Muhammed Din, ShMuhammed Akbar, Sh Mohd Yusuf, Sh Yusuf Bhatti, Sh Mohd Ghulam, Sh Mohd Aslam, Sh Maal Khan, Sh Mohd Ilahi, Sh Mumtaz Ali, Sh Mubarak Ali, Sh Majnun Husain, Sh Mahboob Shafi, Sh Muhammed Yaamil, Sh Muhammed Akbar, Sh Mohd Bakhsh, Sh Mohd Yaqoob, Sh Mir Gul, Sh Noor Mohd, Sh Nasir Ahmed, Sh Nannhe Khan, Shaheed Muhammeduddin, Sh Nek Mohd, Sh Nabi Bakhsh, Sh Nizamuddin, Sh Noor Muhammed, Sh Noor Husain, Sh Rahim, Sh Shubrati Khan, Shaheed Syed Alvi, Shaheed Syed Rahman, Shaheed Shadullah Khan, Sh Sharbat Khan, Sh Syed Ghafoor, Sh Shah Zameer, Sh Sher Mohammed, Sh Sargand Ali, Sh Saeedullah Khan, Sh Sayyad, Sh Zaman, Sh. Sadiq Muhammed, Sh Sultan, Sh Momin Khan, Sh Taj Muhammed, Sh Umar Muhammed, Sh Vilayat Shah, Sh Waris Khan, Sh Zaheer Ahmed, Mirza Jassu Baig, M S Khan, Maulana Abdul Aziz Banglauri, Qudratullah Khan, Maulana Sant Singh, Ghaus Mohammed Khan, Chacha Jaan Muhammed, Khwaja Abdul Majeed, Mohd Husain Zaidi, Shah Mohd Ishaaq, Haji Fazal Wahid, Muhammed Yasin Ansari, Chaudhari Islamuddin, Chaudhari Hakim Khaziq, Maqsood Ali, Pir Mohd Monis Ansari, Nijat Husain Ansari, Jannat Husain Ansari, Amanat Ali Ansari, Haji Abdullah Sardar, Shaikh Bhikari, Hafiz Deen Muhammed Ansari, Batakh Miyan Ansari, Sharfuddin Ahmed Qadri Ansari, Hafiz Tabarak Husain, Husain Mian Ansari, Abdul Ghani Ansari, Alaqat Mian, Wali Muhammed Quddus Mian Ansari, Dr Mukhtar Ansari, Prince Feroz Shah, Maulvi Mohd Baqar, Begum Hazrat Mahal, Maulana Ahmed Ali, Maulana Ahmedullah Shah, Nawab Khan Bahadur Khan, Azizan Bai, Maulvi Liaqat Ali Ilahabadi, Haji Imdadullah Mahajir Makki, Maulana Qasim Nanutvi, Maulana Rahmatullah Keranvi, Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmood Hasan, Maulana Ubaidullah Sindhi, Maulana Rashid Ganguhi, Maulana Anwar Shah Kashmiri, Maulana Barkatullah Bhopali, Maulana Kifayatullah, Subhanul Hind Maulana Ahmed Saeed Dehlvi, Maulana Husain Ahmed Madni, Sayyadul Ahraar Maulana Muhammed Ali Jauhar, Maulana Shaukat Ali
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payrawanwar-blog-blog · 7 years ago
The Future of Iraq
By: Payraw Anwar
The nuclear deal between Iran and P5+1 (the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council-The United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China-Plus Germany) and the European Union was signed in summer of 2015. On May 8, 2018, Donald Trump the president of the United States announced its withdrawal from the deal due to breaking the deal by Iran. Trump also announced that the United States of America will put more sanctions on Iran and those countries that have helped Iran. He simultaneously said the U.S. will try to contain Iran because the deal not only has not been able to limit Iran’s power and activity but also has made the Middle East much more problematic and chaotic beside has strengthened the terrorist groups in the region.
 The future of Iraq and role of Iran
 The people of Iraq cast their ballots on May 12, 2018, to elect a new parliament. According to the final results populist cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr’s coalition wins the majority of the seats (54) and took the first place, Fetih coalition headed by Hadi Amri has got 47 seats, Nasir coalition headed by Haidar Al-Abadi has got 42 seats and the State of Law, headed by Nuri Maliki, has got 26 seats. This result has complicated the process of forming the next cabinet. Iran through Major General Qasim Soleimani who is the commander of Quds Force wants to play a crucial role in forming Iraqi government and prevent Sadr from forming a new government. This is a scenario but there are some other scenarios as well.
 Scenarios of forming Iraq's new cabinet
First Scenario
(Forming a new government close to Iran)
This scenario argues that Iran plays a major role by Qasim Soleimani to shape a government that includes Maliki, Abadi and Hadi Amri to further increase its political and sectarian hegemony in Iraq and expel Sadr because Sadr is known as an anti-Iran and tries to prevent regional intervention and policy in Iraq. Abadi has already rejected to join this scenario.
 Second Scenario
(Forming a government close to the US)
The US wanted Abadi’s coalition to win and the US itself would have played a role to form a new government with the participation of most sides including Kurds because Abadi had kept the political and sectarian balance between Iran and Saudi Arabia and he didn’t allow Iran to impose its full hegemony on its cabinet. Additionally, Abadi was able to defeat ISIS with coalition forces and preserved the unity of Iraq. The US argues that if Abadi becomes a prime minister once again the US will be capable of restoring political stability in Iraq and prevent Iran from intervening in Iraq’s internal affairs.
 Third Scenario
(Forming a technocrat government)
This scenario is about Sadr and its partners. Sadr coalition has won the majority and they want to form a technocrat cabinet which includes all different components of Iraq. Sadr’s conditions for this new government are: restoring political decision for Iraqis themselves, preventing Iran's intervention in Iraq and confronting corruption, but the weak point of this scenario is the Sadr’s stance against the US as he is also anti-America.
 Challenges and opportunities for Kurds:
The political process in Iraq is a multi-dimensional and comprehensive process. The model of democracy in Iraq is a concordant democracy. This means that all different components of Iraq would participate in government. Today, Kurds face many challenges and opportunities in the upcoming government.
1-There will be no political and constitutional guarantee for Kurds if they will separately go to Baghdad or will not form a united bloc and that their demands will be totally neglected by Baghdad. 2-If a majority government is formed and uses PMU to control military and civil apparatus the government will impose more economic and political sanctions on KRG.
1-KRG will be able to restore its diplomatic and political position or rebalance power through the participation in the upcoming government but it’s necessary that Kurds go to Baghdad with a strong political agenda. 2-It’s difficult to form a central and strong government by Shias because Shias have been largely divided among themselves so the US may give another chance to Kurds to play their role in the next cabinet.
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salmanania · 7 years ago
Silaturahim ke PP Muhammadiyah, Sudirman minta doa dan nasihat
Salma Nania Silaturahim ke PP Muhammadiyah, Sudirman minta doa dan nasihat Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Silaturahim ke PP Muhammadiyah, Sudirman minta doa dan nasihat Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Silaturahim ke PP Muhammadiyah, Sudirman minta doa dan nasihat Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Silaturahim ke PP Muhammadiyah, Sudirman minta doa dan nasihat
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Sudirman mengaku mengikuti pandangan-pandangan Haidar Nasir soal kebangsaan. Pemikirannya soal kebangsaan jelas, jernih. http://www.unikbaca.com
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harianpublik-blog · 8 years ago
Ucapan “Gebuk” Jokowi, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah: Buat Dulu Kriteria Obyektif
Ucapan “Gebuk” Jokowi, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah: Buat Dulu Kriteria Obyektif
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Ketua Umum Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah, Haidar Nasir menanggapi ucapan Presiden Jokowi yang siap menggebuk ormas apapun, baik dari yang anti Pancasila maupun Komunis yang ingin merubah Pancasila dan merongrong NKRI.
Haidar menilai ucapan Jokowi sebuah penegasan yang ingin menunjukkan bahwa pemerintah bisa berbuat tegas. Hal ini, dia sampaikan dihadapan puluhan wartawan usai meresmikan Gedung B Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah, Jalan Ronggowarsito 130, Solo, Sabtu (20/5/2017).
“Tentu pak Jokowi menggunakan kata-kata itu hanya sebuah metafora saja. Sebuah kosakata ingin menunjukkan pemerintah tegas untuk menindak siapa pun yang melawan prinsip berdasar berbangsa dan bernegara,” ucapnya, Sabtu (20/5/2017).
Dia meminta pemerintah rezim Jokowi harus bisa menjelaskan bentuk luas melawan NKRI. Menurutnya upaya Separatisme sudah masuk pada kategori melawan Negara.
“Konteksnya bukan otoriter tapi sebuah tindakan hukum konstitusional. Sedang tindakan melawan NKRI harus lebih luas. Jadi paham apapun dari golongan mana pun, termasuk yang mengusung separatismeancaman Merdeka dari mana datangnya harus dimasukkan dalam kategori melawan Negara. Bukan berideologi agama tapi juga termasuk Komunisme,” katanya.
Haidar berharap pemerintah membuat kriteria yang obyektif terhadap gerakan yang dikategorikan melawan Negara sebelum melakukan usaha pembinaan terhadap kelompok maupun organisasi yang dinilai merongrong NKRI.
“Bikin dulu kriteria obyektif, transparan, dan demokratis tentang tindakan paham dari apa yang disebut melawan Negara dan konstitusi. Jadi bikin kriteria yang bertentangan dengan NKRI, Pancasila, Kebhinekaan dan pilar berbangsa dan bernegara, sebelum melangkah usaha-usaha pembinaan,” pungkasnya. 
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goldeagleprice · 5 years ago
Coinage of Awadh Princely State
Awadh was a Princely State during the British rule in India. The Political unity of Awadh can be traced back to the ancient kingdom of Kosala with Ayodhya as its capital. The region is located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh and it is ruled by different dynasties like Delhi Sultanate, Mughal Empire, East India Company, and the British. Nawab of Awadh is the title of the ruler who has governed the state of Awadh during the 18th and 19th Centuries.  The history of Awadh depicts that in 1720, Muhammad Amin who was popularly known as Saadat Khan the Wazir of the Mughal Empire was made the Subhedar of Awadh. His dominion expanded from the divisions of Lucknow and Faizabad and the district of Ghazipur, Banaras, and Gorakhpur. In the later period, Awadh declared its Independence towards the decline of the Mughal Empire. A mint was opened at Banaras in 1737 under the name of Muhammadabad Banaras. The mint produced coins in the name of Mughal emperors under the authority of the Nawab of Awadh. It was only in 1819 that Nawab Ghaziuddin Haidar finally started to strike coins in his own name. Soon thereafter, Awadhi coins started to feature the kingdom’s European style coat of arms.  The coinage of Awadh Princely State also saw drastic and dramatic changes. So, let’s discuss and explore the history of the Coinage of Awadh Princely State.
Shuja-ud-Daula was a Nawab of Awadh from 1754 to 1775 AD. Though a minor royal, he is best known for his key roles in two definitive battles in Indian history the Third Battle of Panipat and the Battle of Buxar.
Above shown silver Rupee was issued in the reign of Shujaa-ud-Daula in the name of Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II. It was struck at Balwant Nagar (Jhansi) and depicts the Persian legend ‘Saya Fazl Ilah Hami Deen Zad Bar Haft Kishwara Muhammad Shah Alam’ on its obverse face. The reverse showed the legend ‘Sanah 3 Zarb Balwant Nagar Julus Mainamat Manus’.
Jhansi was occupied by Awadh for four years after the battle of Panipat. The coins struck under Awadh control are markedly different than the Maratha issues and also include extra inscription ‘Roshan Akhtar’ on the reverse, of which very little is seen on this coin.
  Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula
The accession of Asaf-ud-Daula, the fourth Nawab Wazir of Awadh, brought a great change in Awadh politics. Under the rule of Asaf-ud- Daula, the court of Lucknow became utterly magnificent and the town of Lucknow acquired great splendor. The capital was finally shifted from Faizabad to Lucknow in 1755 which contributed to its significant growth.
The most important outcome of Asaf-ud-Daula’s consolidation of the court at Lucknow, was the emergence of a powerful Shia culture, in constant interaction with the Shia heartlands of Iran & Iraq. The increasing number of Shia emigrants from Iranian cities veritably transformed Lucknow into a great intellectual center.
An extremely rare silver rupee was issued by Nawab Asaf-ud-Daula from Anupnagar Shahabad mint in AH 1189. The obverse has a Persian legend ‘Sikka Zad Bar Haft Kishwara (Saya) Fazl Ilah Hami Deen Muhammad Shah Alam Badshah’ with AH 1189. The reverse of the coin is inscribed with the legend ‘Zarb Anupnagar Shahabad Sanah 17 Julus Mainamat Manus’ and Trishul mint mark.
Anupnagar Shahabad is perhaps the rarest mint of Awadh, known from not more than 3-4 specimens, including one in the British Museum from the RB whitehead collection. The location of this Shahabad is not certain, but it is most likely Shahabad near Qanauj. The ‘Anup Nagar’ indicates that the issue of the coins was probably linked with the powerful courtier Anup Gir Gossain, aka Himmat Bahadur, who served as an important mercenary commander in the army of the Nawab of Awadh. The mint mark of the Trishul corroborates this connection.
  Nawab Saadat Ali Khan II
Nawab Saadat Ali Khan II was the second son of Nawab ‘Sauja-ud-Daula. He sat on the throne of Awadh in the year 1798 CE, after succeeding his half-nephew Mirza Wazir Ali Khan.
Saadat Ali Khan II had constructed much building; most of the buildings between the Kaiser bagh and Dilkusha were constructed by him. He also had a palace called Dilkusha Kothi which was designed and built by Sir Gore Ouseley in 1805.
This gold Mohur issued by Nawab of Awadh ‘Saadat Ali Khan II’ during the Hijri year 1227 in the name Shah Alam II.
    Ghazi-ud-Din Haider
Ghazi-ud-Din Haider was the ruler of Princely State Awadh, he ruled Awadh from 1819 CE till 1827 CE. During his reign, Awadh was declared as an independent kingdom and he was conferred with the title of King by the East India Company. Ghazi-ud-Din Haider was the third son of Nawab Saadat Ali Khan and Mushir Zadi. He sat on the throne of Awadh after the death of his father in the year 1818 CE. He declared himself as independent in the year 1818 CE under the British Governor Warren Hastings.
After sitting on the throne of Awadh he issued coins in gold, silver, and copper in various denominations such as Mohur, Ashrafi, and Rupee from Muhammadabad Banaras and Lucknow mint.
The obverse of the coins usually have Persian legend ‘az fazl rab dhul muneen Ghazi-Ud-din Haider Aali nasb shah zaman zad bar seem wa zar’ with full jeem and AH and the reverse of the coin depicts Crown flanked by rampant lions holding a flag, two fish below facing upright, Regnal year, Dar-Ul-Sultanate Lucknow, Julus Mainamat Manus above, Zarb suba-e- Awadh below.
  Nasir-ud-din Haider
Nasir ud din Haidar was the second king of Awadh. He was coroneted in 1827 after the death of his father Ghazi ud Din Haidar.
Nasir ud Din Haidar lived up to the title of Nawab and enjoyed the luxury of the royal house. He had a strong belief in Astrology and Astronomy, which led him to set up an observatory at Lucknow ‘Tara Wali Kothi’ or ‘Star house’ which is decorated with exceptionally good astronomical instruments.
During the reign of Nassir-ud-Din Haidar, the Awadh government started declining. The administration of the kingdom was left in the hands of Wazir Hakim Mahdi and later in the hands of Raushan-ud-Daula. However, the fight between these three came to an end in the year 1837 with Nasir ud din Haidar being poisoned by one of the members of the court.
Nasir ud din Haidar died without having any offspring. The queen’s mother, Padshah Begum, put Munna Jan on the throne, but he was not acknowledged as a member of the royal family. The British arrest both Padshah Begum and Munna Jan and arranged the accession of late Nawab Saadat Ali Khan’s son, Nasir ud Daula under the title ‘Muhammad Ali Shah’ who promised to pay to the British Government a large sum of money.
His silver rupee inscribed with the name and title of the king which read as “Sikka Zad Bar Seem Az Fazl Haq Zil Ilah Mehdi Nasiruddin Haider Badshah”. The reverse of this coin depicts ‘Crown’ flanked by rampant lions holding a flag, two upright fish below.
  Muhammad Ali Shah
Muhammad Ali Shah was the third Nawab of Awadh from 1837 to 1842. He built the shrine of Hurr at Karbala.
This gold Ashrafi was issued by Muhammad Ali Shah. The obverse of a coin is inscribed with ‘Ba Jud-o-Karam Sikka Zad Dar Jahan Muhammad Ali Badshah Zaman’ with Hijri Year 1253. The reverse of a coin is inscribed with the ‘Coat of Arms’ encircled by the legend ‘Zarb Subah Awadh Dar us-Sultanat Lakhnau Julus Mainamat Manus’ with Regnal year Ahad (1).
    Amjad Ali Shah
Nawab Amjad Ali Shah succeeding his father Muhammad Ali Shah, to become the province’s fourth Nawab in 1842. He was born in Lucknow on 30th January 1801. During his illustrious reign, he issued a remarkable variety of gold, silver, and copper coins from Lucknow and Muhammadabad Banaras mints. These coins were found in the denomination of Ashraf, Rupee, Falus, and their different fractions.
Muhammad Ali Shah had taken many efforts to ensure that the heir apparent received an excellent education and had therefore entrusted him to the company of religious scholars, but instead of making him an intelligent ruler, he made him a devout Muslim. Thus, he became the most religious ruler of Awadh.
He built a new bridge over Gomti and a metalled road from Lucknow to Kanpur. He also established the Hazratganj and Aminabad Bazar, major shopping markets in Lucknow.
He died in 1848 and was buried at the Imambara Sibtainabad in the western part of Hazratganj, a quarter which he had himself established.
Represented here is gold Ashrafi weighs around 10.73g, issued by Amjad Ali Shah in 1258 AH. The obverse of the coin is inscribed with Persian legend “Dar Jahan zad sikkah shahi betaid ilah zil haq Amjad Ali Shah Zaman Alam Panah” (Amjad Ali king of the universe, a refuge of the world, the shade of God, struck royal coin in the world) while the reverse of the coin depicts a crown with parasol above it and fish below, flanked by curved swords and the legend “Sanah Ahad Zarb Mulk Awadh Bait-Al-Sultanate Lucknow Julus Mainamat Manus”.
  Nawab Wajid Ali Shah
Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was the last Nawab of Awadh, holding the position for 9 years from 1847 to 1856 AD. He issued coins in gold, silver, and copper from Lucknow and Muhammadabad Banaras mint. These coins are found in various denominations viz. Rupee, Ashrafi, and Falus in various fractions.
His gold Ashrafi depicts the portion of Persian legend ‘Sikka zad bar sim wa zar az fazl tayeed Ilah, Zile haq Wajid Ali Sultan Alam Badshah’ with AH date on its obverse face. The reverse of the coin depicts the coat of arm: a crown with parasol above it, flanked by mermaids holding a flag, crossed swords below and legend ‘Julus Mainamat Manus Zarb Dar-Us-Sultanate Lucknow Mulk awadh sanah’ inscribed around the circle.
  Brijis Qadr
The last Padshah-e-Awadh, Brijis Qadr ruled the Awadh Princely state for a very short period. He was a son of Wajid Ali Shah.
When Brijis Qadr was proclaimed the Nawab by revolutionaries in Lakhnau, the Coins were struck in the name of Shah Alam II with mint-name ‘Subah Awadh’. His gold, silver, and copper coins were found in round and square shapes in the denomination of Ashrafi, Rupee, and Falus.
One of his gold Ashrafi was sold by the Classical Numismatic Gallery for INR 71,000. The obverse showed the Persian legend ‘Sikka Zad Bar Haft Kishwara Ilah Hami Din Muhammad Shah Alam Badshah’. The reverse of coin bore the mint name, RY, and Julus formula which read as ‘Zarb Suba Awadh Sanah 26 Julus Mainamat Manus’.
  In 1856 British annexed Awadh and it was in the fertile soil of Awadh that the Great revolt of 1857 took place. Awadh along with Agra came under the same administration in 1877 and later on, in 1902 it became a part of the United Province. This blog covers some of the beautiful aspects of the Coinage of Awadh Princely State. Visit our Coin section for more detailed information. The Coinage of Awadh Princely State remained as some of the most brilliant examples of Indian coinage. Coin collectors from all over the world are fond of collecting some of these rare gems!
The post Coinage of Awadh Princely State appeared first on Blog | Mintage World.
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ikhlasberamal · 5 years ago
Milad BPKH ke-3, Wamenag Harap Sinergi dengan Kemenag Makin Kuat 
Jakarta (Kemenag) — Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji (BPKH) hari ini, Rabu (10/06),  memperingati Milad yang ke-3 tahun 1441H/2020M. 
Peringatan Milad ke-3 BPKH ini digelar secara virtual dan diikuti Wakil Menteri Agama Zainut Tauhid Sa’di, Ketua Umum PP Muhammadiyah Haidar Nasir, Ketua BPKH Anggito Abimayu, Anggota Dewan Pengawas dan keluarga besar BPKH.
Wakil Menteri Agama Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi…
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adabadaab · 5 years ago
sad poetry in urdu
Ehsan Ul Haq Mazhar Sad poetry denotes the expression of grievances and sorrows that a people experiences in their life. The best way to mend feelings is to recite, listen and share poetry especially sad poetry in urdu. In urdu there is a galaxy of poets who composed great sad poetry. Hundreds of books contain thousands and thousands of couplets expressing sad feeling and emotions. When people read listen or recite sad poetry, the major aim behind this act is most of the time to have catharsis and after doing so most of the people feel relaxed. Sad poetry in Urdu is considered to be best therapy to tackle with sad feelings and emotions which every human being face in different spheres of life.     Gard parhne pe bhi srashar hua krta tha Aik rasty se muje pyar hua krta tha Un dino wo bhi samjhta tha haqeeqat mujh ko Un dino m bhi adakar hua krta tha The leading poets of Urdu who are famous for their sad poetry are Meer Taqi Meer, Meer dard , Momin Khan Momin, Mirza Galib, Haidar ali Atish, Allam Muhammad Iqbal, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ahmad Faraz, John Elia, Sagar Sidiqui, Ahmad mushtaq, nasir Kazmi, abbass tabish and shaheen Abbass.  On this channel we provide you best sad poetry in urdu, love poetry in urdu, hindi poetry also with best romantic poetry in urdu.
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provokatorpositif · 8 years ago
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Pimpinan PP Muhammadiyah DR.K.H Haidar Nasir, MSi. Salah satu alumni ponpes Cintawana mengenang masa2 indah saat menjadi santri di pondok Pesantren Cintawana. Pada acara puncak Milad seabad ponpes Cintawana. Santri di ponpes cintawana sangat moderat dan menghargai perbedaan. No Radikal No Liberal #ponpescintawana #miladseabad #cintawana #ajeungan #kyai #nahdatululama #muhammadiyah #wasathiyyah #noradikal #noliberal
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nahlathia-blog · 8 years ago
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Ahlan yaa malik salman.. Jujur.. Aku senang sekali tat kala mendengar Raja salman bin abdul aziz akan berkunjung di Indonesia.., aku menanti-nanti saat itu, hingga akhirnya hari itu datang.. 1 maret 2017, namun yg membuatku begitu sedih dan kecewa adalah.. Photo ini, lihat lah... Ada si penista agama di sana.., lihat!! Saya kecewa pak jokowi.. Bisa2nya.. Org yg saat ini menyakiti seluruh umat islam di Indonesia khususnya, di hadirkan untuk menyambut Raja salman, yang jelas2 kitabnya telah di buli oleh si penista agama itu!! Tak taukah kau? Hati kami terluka pak jokowi.. , kalo memang alasannya adalah karena dia gubernur Jakarta saat ini, hey.. Bukankah seharusnya ini masa pengosongan jabatan, seharusnya memang dia sudah tdk duduk di kursi itu!!! Di tambah lagi dia adalah tersangka.. Terdakwa malah.. Pak jokowi.. Tidakkah pak jokowi berfikir alangkah senangnya Raja salman di sambut oleh ust habib RiZiq, pak haidar nasir dan ulama2 lainnya? Tdk sampaikan fikiran pak jokowi ke sana? Saya yakin seyakin-seyakinnya.. Raja salman akan sangat senang sekali... Saya sangat yakin itu!! Tp kenapa pak??? Apa bapak takut jika raja salman akan lbih senang di temani ulama2 ketimbang bapak? Apakah bapak takut umat islam akan benar2 bangkit di Indonesia sehingga mau tidak mau kebusukan2 dr pemerintah akan terungkap ... Pak.. Agama bapak apa??! Hormati umat islam Indonesia pak..
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indopressid-blog · 8 years ago
Haidar Nasir: Kapolri ke PP Muhammadiyah Berdiskusi Deradikalisasi dan Kasus Ahok - IndoPress
Haidar Nasir: Kapolri ke PP Muhammadiyah Berdiskusi Deradikalisasi dan Kasus Ahok
Indopress, Jakarta – Kapolri Jenderal Pol Tito Karnavian siang ini (23/11) mengunjunggi Kantor Pimpinan Pusat Muhammadiyah di Menteng Jakarta Pusat.
Ketua Umum Muhammadiyah, Haidar Nasir menyatakan bahwa kunjungan Kapolri ke PP Muhammadiyah untuk berdiskusi santai terkait beberapa hal, diantaranya adalah tentang radikalisme dan bagaimana melakukan pemetaan deradikalisasi.
“Bagaimana untuk kita berdiskusi perlu peta yang lebih komperhensif mengenai masalah ini, tadi kita ngobrol-ngobrol santai,” ujar Haidar.
Pembicaraan yang kedua adalah terkait dengan isu nasional dan konteks penanganan kasus hukum Ahok. Sebab menurut Haidar sejak semula, Muhammadiyah, NU dan MUI membawa aspirasi Umat Islam ke proses hukum dan saat ini kasus terkait pensitaan agama yang dilakukan oleh tersangka Basuki Tjahaja Prunama atau Ahok ini sedang ditangani pihak kepolisian.
“Alhamdulillah kan semuanya sudah di titik hukum,” kata Haidar.
Maka, menurut Haidar karena sudah berada di koridor hukum, Kapolri dan Muhammadiyah berbagi pandangan agar semua pihak menjaga situasi kondusif. Baik itu umat Islam, masyarakat luas yang mungkin masih ada yang pro dan kontra, pihak kepolisian dan tentara, semua bertangguung jawab untuk menjaga suasana yang sudah bagus ini ditata lebih bagus lagi.
Bagi Haidar, Muhammadiyah berkepentingan kalau suasananya bagus, dalam arti perbedaan pendapat ataupun pro-kontra dalam soal apapun di negeri ini menurutnya tidak ada masalah sebab negeri ini adalah negeri demokarsi. Namun lebih jauh dia menjelaskan bahwa negeri ini membutuhkan kerja-kerja produktif.
“Kalau banyak demo itu kan nanti capek tenanganya, karena itu kita minta kepolisian bareng-bareng lah jaga situasi yang cukup bagus ini,” pungkas Haidar.
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adabadaab · 5 years ago
sad poetry in urdu
Ehsan Ul Haq Mazhar Sad poetry denotes the expression of grievances and sorrows that a people experiences in their life. The best way to mend feelings is to recite, listen and share poetry especially sad poetry in urdu. In urdu there is a galaxy of poets who composed great sad poetry. Hundreds of books contain thousands and thousands of couplets expressing sad feeling and emotions. When people read listen or recite sad poetry, the major aim behind this act is most of the time to have catharsis and after doing so most of the people feel relaxed. Sad poetry in Urdu is considered to be best therapy to tackle with sad feelings and emotions which every human being face in different spheres of life.     Gard parhne pe bhi srashar hua krta tha Aik rasty se muje pyar hua krta tha Un dino wo bhi samjhta tha haqeeqat mujh ko Un dino m bhi adakar hua krta tha The leading poets of Urdu who are famous for their sad poetry are Meer Taqi Meer, Meer dard , Momin Khan Momin, Mirza Galib, Haidar ali Atish, Allam Muhammad Iqbal, Faiz Ahmad Faiz, Ahmad Faraz, John Elia, Sagar Sidiqui, Ahmad mushtaq, nasir Kazmi, abbass tabish and shaheen Abbass.  On this channel we provide you best sad poetry in urdu, love poetry in urdu, hindi poetry also with best romantic poetry in urdu.
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