#Hades x Jafar
evildisneydorks · 2 years
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2 days into 2023 and I'm back on my bullshit
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assortedvillainvault · 5 months
Love that prompt list! How about 24 - “Did you just bite me?” - for the DV'Cule, please?
In honour of the fact I've just quit my weekend job - DC please humbly accept my first outrightedly suggestive prose answer: praise the soup and your patience, here we go:
TLDR: Venomous bites and kinky viziers is certainly a match, and not one made in heaven, even for gods.
TW: Suggestive themes, biting, nothing overtly described. Implied threesome.
Did you just Bite Me?! - The DVCule: Jafar x Hades X Facilier
The yelp that cuts though the warm, heavy air startles them so badly that someone – Facilier maybe – tumbles off the bed with a swear, helped by one of Hades legs as the god flails. Flames roar between blue and orange as he grabs the back of Jafar’s head and tries to yank, grunting at the teeth buried in his shoulder.
The sorcerer remains locked in place – dazed and cross eyed as he clings - sweaty, sinuous, satisfied and apparently on another fucking planet for all that he was paying attention.
“Did you seriously just bite me?!” Hades croaks incredulously. “Jaf- Jafar, what the fuck-”
Muffled groans and what sound like an aborted reply leak between wet flesh. Hades winces as he tries to pry the sorcerers head away but finds him all but locked into the muscle – golden ichor dribbling between them. Despite the sudden burst of flame all the sorcerer does is grip harder, tongue idly flicking at the blood as it dribbles down his skin and smears the sheets.
Facilier stumbles up, nursing a bruised backside and scowling - swatting at Jafar to move but only getting a strangled hiss and an unfocused red glare for his trouble. The bokor blinks, noticing the odd..smooth sheen of Jafars skin, and the subtle red and black banding beginning to show.
“Ah, fuck. Is he-”
“Fanged up? No shit.” Hades hisses, feeling the two white hot, needle-like fangs twitch and flex what feels like down to his bones. “I don’t- fucking- need an anatomy discussion doc, get him off-!”
“I’m tryin-!”
Mood murdered - they attempt to wrangle the punch-drunk half-transformed sorcerer off the larger god, trading swears every time the teeth buried in his neck jostle, grimacing as Jafar swallows more and more godblood and slowly begins to giggle and produce some kind of awful hissy purr that shakes the bed and makes Hades especially regret the fireproof spells written into it.
Eventually they manage to pop Jafar’s unnervingly stretchy jaw off, tossing the ex vizier to the side while Facilier grabs rags for the bleeding and Hades glares at his lover. Slitted red eyes blink out of sync back as the half snake curls languidly in place, sleepy and pleased.
Hades scowls. “Memo to me – add a clause about biting...” He pinches his nose and sighs explosively, letting Facilier swipe at his shoulder where the wounds are already closing. “Oy, he’s such a freak.”
Facilier chuckles at that. “Yeah. An’ you like it, so what does that make you?”
“A pincusion apparently, oy-” He rolls his eyes and rubs his temples, feeling a headache coming on. “Was just starting to relax too...”
Facilier makes a sympathetic noise and throws the rag away. He slides back up, all smooth grace now that tall dark and twisted was slightly snoring. He gently cards a hand through the flames, letting them wrap around his fingers as Hades leans into the touch. “You wanna keep goin? Or leave it here? I’m game for either.”
Hades hums as he mulls it over and leans into him. Facilier’s brows pinch as he realises he’s… actually having to brace the god kinda hard. “Uh...Cher?”
Yellow eyes slowly blink open, and alarm bells start ringing as he sees just how wide the pupils are. “Hades..??”
“Faci...” He mumbles. “...have...have there always been three of you?”
The bokor feels his stomach tie into knots as he suddenly connects some dots - snapping his head around to see Jafar yawn, yellow drops of venom still clinging to his fangs.
He about launches himself out of bed – ignoring Hades sudden whine - and scrambles for his trousers, slung over the dresser. “Gotta get Ursula darlin’ - berightback-!”
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kaythefloppa · 2 years
"Party rockers in the House Tonight!"
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"It's party rock is"
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dudadrawings17 · 1 month
Disney first fanfic
ok, here goes nothing
Disney Villains: Next Generation
— x — x — x — x — x —
Introducing my OCs:
Azmodeus, Hella, and Dantalion: They are the triplets of Chernabog and Maleficent. Being babies, they don't have great personalities yet.
Hilary: The oldest of the group, 14 years old. Daughter of Cruella and Clayton. Ironically, and against everything her parents stand for, she is vegan and an animal protector. She always cries when her father returns with a new dead animal.
Zac: Son of Hades and Jafar, 10 years old. He has magical powers but doesn't know how to control them well yet. A trickster and liar, but when he makes a deal, he is bound to fulfill it.
Pietra: At 6 years old, she is the adopted daughter of Captain Hook and John Silver. She has a very creative and vivid mind, and dreams of becoming a pirate as famous and feared as her parents.
— x — x — x — x — x —
Chapter 1: An Adventure to Call Our Own
On a cold and dark night, the mist spreads and covers the dark sky. In the middle of a cursed forest, a massive stone castle houses the most hateful, wicked, and ruthless villains to ever walk the Earth. While the monthly meeting has not yet begun, the villains spend their time chatting amongst themselves. At a particular large table, eight villains are drinking wine and conversing.
Maleficent: It was a great idea to leave our children together while we are here. Jafar: Of course, it was a great idea—it was mine! Hades: Here we go again… Silver: But was it really a good idea to leave them alone? Cruella: Don't worry, my pirate friend. My Hilary is old enough to take care of herself and the others. Besides, it will be a good lesson in responsibility for her. Clayton: Yes, maybe this will curb her rebellious behavior. Hook: Even so, perhaps we should have left an adult with them. Mr. Smee, maybe. Chernabog: That old fool? It’s the same as leaving them with no one! Maleficent: Shhh. Frollo is about to start the meeting.
As soon as Judge Claude Frollo begins to speak, everyone else falls silent, and the meeting officially starts. Far away, in the eerie castle of Maleficent and Chernabog, young Hilary struggles to meet the needs of the triplets Azmodeus, Hella, and Dantalion.
Hilary: Seriously, how does aunt Maleficent manage to handle three little demons at once??
While she changes Azmodeus's diaper, Zac and Pietra are playing a board game. But the half-god, half-genie boy quickly gets bored.
Zac: This is so boring! Hilary: You could at least help me with the babies! Zac: No way! You’re the oldest one here, so you have to take care of us. Hilary: But you’re the one with magical powers. Stop being a selfish brat for once and help me! Zac: Depends, what do I get out of it? Hilary: (sigh) Forget it, I forgot you’re not even that good with your powers… Zac: Hey! I can do whatever I want, okay? Watch this!
Using his powers, Zac tries to levitate Azmodeus's dirty diaper into the trash can. Instead, it flies and hits Hella in the face, making her cry loudly.
Hilary: You idiot! Zac: Okay, I’m still learning, but you saw that I almost got it! Pietra: Hey, I know what we can do! Zac: Nobody asked you anything, brat. Hilary: Let her speak, you idiot! What is it, Pietra? Pietra: Let's hunt a crocodile! Hilary: Pietra, no! Hunting animals is wrong! Zac: Your dad hunts. Hilary: And he’s very wrong! Just because he does it doesn’t mean we should do it too. Zac: Aaaah, okay, but let’s do something! This boredom is killing me! Pietra: Oh, I know! I know! Zac: Here we go. What now?
With some difficulty, due to the weight of the mechanical legs her father made for her, Pietra gets up from the floor and grabs something from her backpack.
Pietra: papa John stole a treasure map from an alien! We could take his ship and search for the treasure! Zac: An adventure all our own through space? … I’M IN!! Hilary: Are you crazy?! No one is going into space! Not with three babies for me to take care of! Zac: Okay, then you stay here with them, and Pietra and I will go after the treasure. Hilary: What? No!
But before Hilary could protest, Zac grabs Pietra by the hand and flies out of the castle with her.
Hilary: NO!! Come back here, you brats!!
Desperate, Hilary does her best to carry the triplets in her arms and runs after the other two. The meeting in the villains' grand castle would continue for many more hours, and Maleficent, Chernabog, Cruella, Clayton, Jafar, Hades, Hook and Silver had no idea what their children were up to.
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sp00kies · 11 months
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onceupona-crossover · 2 years
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a jafar X hades moodboard both from the original animated disney movies
Requested by:anon
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bloodbirdmystery · 1 year
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Ever since I saw the Hercules crossover with Aladdin I've been thinking about making a drawing of these two and this idea came
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whimsi-clown · 5 months
A New Form of Psychological Torture Discovered.
Part 2 of the Reverse Isekai Disney Villains x Modern Reader AU
(Or RIDV AU for short)
Warning: Still a whole lot of swearing and OOC
"So... What would you like to know first?"
You asked with your hands clamped together, gathering the energy of minimum wage customer service workers just for this moment.
Those people have the highest patience, and you so badly need that right now.
The rest of the villains remained silent, glancing at one another until Dr. Facilier spoke up.
"How about you start by telling us how we got here... Wherever here is..."
He spoke, leaning forward against the back of the couch, the rest of the villains nodding and muttering in agreement.
"Well, to borrow your words, Dr. Facilier... You're in my world now, not your world... And you guys are the friends on the other side that I seem to have... Accidentally summoned??"
Dr. Facilier raised a brow at that, wondering how you knew that phrase. The rest of the villains, however, either rolled their eyes or groaned in irritation.
"Yea, we know that, babes. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out. What we wanna know is how we got here."
You turned to Hades, whose flaming hair was now turning light orange at the tip, showing how quickly he was losing patience with you,
You nervously gulped at that. You're gonna have to speed this up if you want your mansion to remain intact, hoping that reason will save you from 3rd degree burns.
"Alright, alright. Look, I really don't know how you guys got here, but I can tell you what I've been doing before, and you can take away whatever from there. Is that fine with you all?"
Thankfully, most of the villains agreed with reason, turning to Maleficent, who had been silent for most of this entire exchange, for the final say.
"Very well, speak."
With the mistress of all evil's confirmation, you began summarizing the events before their unexpected arrival, from your employer's death, you moving into their mansion, the mysterious door you found, the random junk on pedestals, how you cleaned them, and then the wierd lightshow that happened after that which resulted in their arrival.
By the time you were done enumerating, you were already out of breath, panting as your mouth felt like it had just gone through a marathon.
Was this karma for all those times you didn't speak up during those group presentations?
The villains contemplated your words, processing every detail (including the ones they deemed useless and unnecessary) before Jafar finally decided to speak up.
"You mentioned having cleaned some... Random junk before our arrival, correct?"
He asked with a raised brow, the other villains turning to face you for confirmation and a silent order for you to fetch those items for them.
You nodded at that, wordlessly running back to the mysterious room to gather every item in your arms and rushing back to the living room, laying them on the coffee table.
Most of the villain's eyes lit up in recognition of some of the items, snatching them off the table and inspecting them closely.
Maleficent held onto her staff, watching as the crystal orb at the top glowed a soft green. (1st mistake, letting the tall dark fae hold onto what is the equivalent of a lethal magical weapon)
Grimhilde didn't seem too fond or attached to the mirror in her hand, but she appreciated still being able to admire herself in its fractured surface.
Hades didn't seem too attached to the item he held too, inspecting the lit torch with a raised brow.
Jafar on the other hand was all too eager with the lamp in his hold, aggressively rubbing its surface with the cloth of his wrist, only to let out an irritated huff when it did not yield the results he desired.
Captain Hook was carefully inspecting the silver hook and the iron hook he had on him with a critical eye, and after careful contemplation, he decided to trade his rusty iron hook for a clean silver one, disregarding it over his shoulder as he gleefully applied the new hook onto his arm. (2nd mistake, letting the fancy ass pirate attach a deadly weapon onto their person. At least you won't get infected with tetanus when he makes good on his promise to slice your throat)
Gaston was checking his hunting rifle for any marks or scratches on the surface, doing mock firing poses before letting out a hum of approval. (3rd mistake, does not need an explanation whatsoever. He is a big dumb man with a big gun) As he was about to set the hunting rifle down, he accidentally pulled on the trigger, causing everyone within the vicinity to flinch in surprise at the loud bang, looking up to see the large bullet hole that was made on the ceiling of your home, some debris falling off. (Case and point)
Shaking his head at Gaston's mishap, Dr. Facilier continued to shuffle the deck of tarot cards in his hands, effortlessly doing card tricks like it was second nature. (You may or may not have been momentarily entraced by the smooth and eye-catching movement)
Shan Yu, who had not said a word since the "summoning incident" stood at the far side of the room, leaning against a wall as he simply watched the scene before him, the sword now kept on a sheath that was strapped around him. (4th mistake, again, very self-explanatory. Big man who's literally and probably the only person in this room with the largest body count) Shan Yu's head turned to your direction when he felt your gaze on him, his gold eyes seeming to pierce through you, causing another unsettling chill to crawl down your spine.
You decided to quickly turn your gaze away from the ruthless hun leader and focus your sights back on the rest of the group.
Watching Scar boredly play with the lion skull like it was a sock puppet of some sorts, Ursula and Cruela already wearing the nautilus shell necklace and the exotic fur coat respectively, and finally Oogie Boogie rolling the pair of die around his pointy stub of sack he called a hand. (How the dices remained on his hand despite his lack of fingers is a mystery you will never learn the truth to)
"Great. Now that I've satiated your curiosity. I'm gonna go..."
You mumble aloud, not really caring if they heard you or not. You just wanted to escape to the kitchen right now. You were starving.
Before you could make your great escape, however, a gloved hand grabbed a hold of your shoulders.
"Now hold on just a moment darling, you haven't completely satiated our curiosities just yet..."
Cruela stated, her grip surprisingly strong for someone of her age and stature.
"She's right. We've still got one thing left to ask."
Says Ursula as she comes closer to you, a tentacle wrapping itself tightly around your leg, preventing you any chances to bail.
You begin to grow nervous as they all begin to crowd you once more.
"Uhm... And... What exactly... would that be?"
You hesitantly ask.
"You referred to us as... Disney Villains... Why?"
Grimhilde commanded, glaring down at you.
"And you best not deceive us, little one, because I'm starting to get quite... Hungry..."
Threatened Scar as he licked his tongue over his canines, eyeing you like you were gonna be his next meal.
Oh shit.
Gods you and your big mouth, why did you have to say that before them? They obviously don't have any idea that they're works of fiction and entertainment like in Mickey's House of Mouse or Once upon a Studio.
Actually, how would they react to that?
It was never really shown how the characters coped with the idea of being created for the purpose of entertaining children.
So how would they respond to the realization that their lives had been depicted for them from the very start and that they had no actual say in the course of their stories?
A morbid curiosity begins to settle in your mind as a smile spreads across your cheeks, making the villains unconsciously flinch at the uneasy feeling that came with your wide and ecstatic grin as you look up at them.
"How likely are you all to suffer from an existential crisis?"
End of part 2
Previous Part, Next Part
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blueninjablade3 · 2 months
How the Disney villain men react to you off-handedly calling you their spouse.
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This was requested by the wonderful @genderqueermercury who I thank for this ask. Anyways let’s get to it! (Also apologies for not writing for any of the female villains I couldn’t get any ideas!)
Jafar is going to act normal while the other person is still there before turning to you. You can tell he’s not angry, just confused. Why the hell did you say he was your husband? Did you wanna be married? Overall a lotta confusion on his part. Don’t worry he’ll tease you about it later. He’s also after the shock is gone, be so smug. Like “Yes, Yes my spouse.” Expect to be teased for weeks.
Like Jafar, Hades is gonna act calm in front of the other person but THE MOMENT they’re gone he is teasing you. Husband? He hasn’t put a ring on that pretty finger of yours yet. So smug about it. On the inside he’s dying because you love him enough to call him your spouse to another person. No one has ever really loved him so it means the world to him that you do.
Captain Hook
Poor Hook- he’s so flustered. Husband?! Since when was he your husband? Not to say he’s not over the moon! He’s completely shook. He doesn’t know what to do and has to ask Smee later. Once he’s calmed down he’s a lot more. “Smeeeeee! What do they do?! They called me their Husband. Should I propose?!” Bless his and Smee’s hearts.
Frollo doesn’t immediately realize what you said but the moment he does he turns and goes, “Excuse me?” Like he did with poor Quasi. Yet again part of the confused gang. He’s gonna be a bit distant for a while but he’s just kind of grappling at the fact you called him your Husband. He’s just loading currently.
Clayton hears you and knows what you said he just thinks of it as a snip of the tongue. He’s still flattered that you even think of him as worthy to be with you for life. Just not so smug or flustered. He’s probably just gonna do a polite “Boyfriend" actually.
“Ah yes I- what?” He was about to continue talking about something before registering that you called him your husband. That’s new. That’s different. He liked it. Once the person is gone yet another smug villain. He’ll make it a point to call you his spouse instead of partner from now on.
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seaslugfanclub · 11 months
Hello! I just wanna say I really like your Disney Villain writings, they are funny and really cute! Can I request where the Disney villains are fighting over who is Y/N’s favorite villain? I thought it would be funny
Oooh great idea! This one was so much fun to write! (Can you tell that Honest John’s my favorite?)
No, I’m their favorite!!
No one knows how the conversation subject was brought up, but it more than ruined the villians weekly poker night. Curses filled the air and sidekicks where used as meat shields.
“I’m easily (Y/N)’s favorite person out of all of us, no- this entire park!! No one is better friends than Gaston!!” The Frenchman boasted, loose hair’s flying around his face. “They regularly compliment my physique, and they sneak me in special hair products!! There’s no room for argument!”
“Oh please frenchie, (Y/N) isn’t as daft as the other cast members. They have taste for more refined gentlemen. Like yours truly.” Captain Hook scoffed, ignoring the glares from the other villians. “Might I remind you how they gifted me the entire trilogy of ‘The History of Piracy’? Or how much they enjoy my culinary skills? They have supper with me every Tuesday.” Hook affirmed, more than confident he had bested the competition.
That was quickly interrupted by a swift *bonk* on Hooks head, Jafar looming over the ex- pirate with his staff in hand.
“While I agree with (Y/N)’s taste, it surely isn’t a cowardly captain.”
“Why you-” Hook started, only to be bonked on the head again.
���Why me? Well that’s easy, I’m a very persuasive individual. I’m able to… ‘charm’ those in upper management to give (Y/N) longer breaks, or keep any unsavory park guests from harassing our dear caretaker. (Y/N) obviously favors someone who makes their job easier.”
“Your joking right? Didn’t I see (Y/N) yell at you for 30 minutes straight because you were eyeing that princess Jasmine?” Hades chimes in, finally deciding to butt into the conversation after watching the other villians argue from the sidelines. Jafar stopped speaking, averting his eyes and mumbling.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought. But c’mon guys, you know it’s ya boy here who’s (Y/N)’s number one pal.” Hades points his thumbs towards himself.
“I was one of the first people here who (Y/N) met, we knew each from day uno. I can’t count the amount of times that they’ve kept my shit-ass sun god of a brother from bugging me. And they even made the most adorable altar for me, with pomegranates and the whole works!!”
“Oh, so gauche. If it wasn’t for my expertise (Y/N) wouldn’t be half as stylish as they are. Not to mention our ‘girls nights’. I’ve opened an entire new world of skincare for them!” Cruella hissed. (Actually remembering she had to pick up (Y/N) that special cream made from horseshoe crabs)
A threadbare glove raised amidst the crowd, Honest John appearing from seemingly nowhere
“Im sorry to disappoint you all, but it’s myself who’s won (Y/N) heart. They’ve fallen for my effortless charm lock, stock, and barrel! I mean, I’ve been their nap partner countless a times, they quite enjoy cozying up to my fur.” John preened, smiling back at the memories of warm afternoons snuggled up next to (Y/N).
“Fur!? Why you little- I’ll skin you-”
“Just wait till (Y/N)-”
The poker room devolved into full out brawl, nearby cast members rushing into the room in attempt to break up the crowd. All the while, in an empty back room (Y/N) was sharing a sandwich with their guest.
“Y’know what, Ratigan?” They said between bites. “Your my best friend.”
The rat stared up at them, finishing his bite,
“…. Ew.”
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yinyangyandere · 4 months
💔 Gone, But Not Forgotten ll Disney Villain HCs💔
Synopsis; 'How Scar, Frollo, Jafar, Hades, Hook, and Ursula would react to their s/o losing someone close to them'
ll Caution: Discussions of death, somewhat of a vent
A.N.; Man, first post on this blog and it's something sad. What a way to start this whole thing. In any case, I wanted to make a small "vent-imagine" as my own grandmother passed away today. I won't get into too much detail, but I find solace in thinking about my favorite characters helping me during all of this. Sorry if anything's OOC; I'm not the best at writing, and even if these are just headcanons, I still apologize if there's some mischaracterization I accidentally did. But, I hope you enjoy. Have a great day!
ll SCAR ll
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Admittedly, he’d be rather standoffish about the subject at first. He’ll still be there beside you as you grieve, but he’s more at a loss of words than anything.
Scar disliked his father, so he didn’t feel too much grief when King Ahadi died protecting the Pride Lands. If anything, he felt more resentment towards him since, with his dying breath, Ahadi had given the title of king towards Mufasa.
However, even if they were distant at times, his affinity towards his mother, Queen Uru, was more apparent. They were more close together, and while he’d never actually say it out loud, her eventual death of old age tore through him. So, in that aspect, he does somewhat understand your pain.
He’ll be more quiet as you process everything, but he’d still offer some words of understanding to you.
If you cry in the attention of others, he won’t do close PDA; he’ll wrap his tail around you and sit close to you though. But if you two are alone, he’ll wrap a paw around you and gently bring you over to do the lion version of a hug.
If you’re okay with it, Scar will give you several licks and allow you to weep in his mane. Even if he may dislike the prospect of dirtying his special source of pride, he’ll allow it for you alone.
“Life is often unfair, but we must keep pushing on. If not for your sake, then let it be for their’s.”
/// ✨ ///
ll FROLLO ll
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Out of all the villains, Frollo probably handles what you're going through the best.
Thanks to it being around the 1400s, people passing away were definitely more common, so he was used to any grief you display and assure you that it's alright to cry.
Due to his job of being a figurehead of the Church, he is accustomed to death in general and, while he doesn't officiate the funerals of every single citizen of Notre Dame, he'll gladly do your loved ones.
In fact, he'd probably find a way to be the priest for the funeral even if you were hesitant. Frollo is both persuasive and assertive at once.
It would be a standard, if not slightly more sophisticated, Catholic funeral. Knowing him it would be a burial rather than something like cremation. Otherwise he would probably say some shit like "And send them down to brimstone and fire?! No, they shall be buried and that's final."
Of course, his stony expression doesn't waver before and after the funeral. Though, deep down, he's worried for you. He knows that, after losing someone close to you, you are capable of spiraling down into depression and…the chance of losing you.
He’ll be clingy for a little while, subtle enough for you to not catch attention but enough to make others raise a slight eyebrow.
“My Lord, please watch over my love, for they are currently weak and vulnerable. Allow me to protect them no matter the cost.”
/// ✨ ///
ll JAFAR ll
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Jafar’s much like Frollo in how he approaches the situation. On the inside, while he’s truthfully more grateful about the prospect of your attention being more on him in the future, he’s still concerned for your well-being and does wish to help you in any way he can.
He may be a bit overprotective of others coming near you during all of this. God forbid someone, peasant or otherwise, makes fun of you for any reason. It doesn’t matter if they taunt you over you weeping or anything else, he will have their head. Not even to aid him in any magic or sacrifices he tries to do. He’d probably just feed their body to pigs or something.
In normal circumstances, Jafar adores teasing you. However, he’s sensible enough to know not to do so with the problem at hand. While he misses the comebacks you would snap back at him, Jafar would rather not potentially hurt your feelings. He’ll be glad to wait until you feel better.
Remember what I said before about him being grateful for the possibility of your attention being focused more on him from now on? If he notices you’re upset after a while, he decides to shove his pride a bit to make you happy. He asks if, when he’s able to become Sultan, you would be alright with the idea of him actually resurrecting your loved one.
If you say yes, he’ll actually be honest about it. After the Genie grants him his first two wishes, especially the sorcerer one, it will be done post-haste for your sake. If Genie tries to dissuade him from it, Jafar’ll make “the blueberry-pasted moron” zip his trap.
Whether you say yes or no, you’ll ask him how he could do that. After all, despite still being able to do some sorcery, subjects like necromancy are still foreign to him. In response, he’ll grin and say back to you:
“For you, I would remake the world to suit your vision with no qualms. For you, dearest flower; I would do anything for you.”
/// ✨ ///
ll HADES ll
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When you tell him the news, crying all the while, Hades would look confused at you for a second.
“Uh, doll? You know who you’re talking to, right?” Oh.
If you ask him if that’s even allowed or not, Hades would laugh and give you a wide smile. Like he cares about “rules” or what not. It’s his Underworld to reign over, not anyone else’s.
He’ll fish out their soul and allows you to see them. It’s a heartfelt reunion, and as both of you cry in happiness, Hades would be standing off to the side like 🧍. 
If both of you agree to it, he’ll also allow your loved one to come back to life as well. If they were old when they died, he’ll make them younger and healthier as a bonus.
He can’t stand mushy-stuff, but he refuses to see you in sadness or in pain. A tad bit of jealousy aside, Hades knows this will make you fall further in love with him. As if you weren’t already head-over-heels for the smug bastard before…
“C’mon, babe. No need to thank me. Go have fun or whatever; just don’t tell Zeus. Guy’s a killjoy!”
/// ✨ ///
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Not going to lie, if you tell him about the situation and start crying, he would join in with you. He may be a pirate but he’s not completely heartless.
While you grieve, Hook would be there for you every step of the way. And if he’s there for you, so is the rest of the crew. You’d be pampered and spoiled, anything to show he’s here to help whenever you ask for it.
He’d probably be the type to try and get your mind off of it. Looking out at sunsets, going through collected treasure, sharing stories (especially ones that he knows you would laugh at), that sort of thing. 
Even if he’s in front of his crew, Hook will give you the best comforting hugs. If you’re feeling sad, just resting your head on his shoulder with his soft, fluffy hair would be enough to soothe you.
When you two are alone, he’ll quietly sing gentle songs to you, far different from the usual sea shanty he’d parade about. If you begin to cry, he’ll wipe away the tears falling down your face (of course making sure his hook doesn’t cut you) and urge you closer to him.
Definitely the sweetest out of all the villains.
“Look up at the stars, love. See how many there are? Know that, one of them, is your loved one. They’ll always be there to guide you on the darkest nights, even if you are alone.”
/// ✨ ///
ll URSULA ll
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As you go through the stages of grief, like with all of the villains listed here, Ursula would do her best to stay by your side and help when need be.
She’d be very touchy with you, offering hugs, kisses, hand-holding, all the works. She knows all too well the feeling of being alone in the world, and Ursula is determined to make sure you don’t feel like you’re going through all of this alone.
I hope you’re okay with her embraces being a bit “slimy” feeling; though, if you’re dating her, I’d say you’d be used to it by now.
Thanks to her deal-making skills, she always knows just what to say in this situation. Except, while she was often dishonest with the deals she made, she’s 100% genuine here. 
All-in-all, definitely second-best when it comes to being the sweetest to you in this time of your life.
Not related to Ursula herself, but Flotsam and Jetsam would be all-over you. You know how dogs can sometimes tell when their owner is feeling sad, and they comfort you by just laying their head on you? That’s them. Despite Ursula sometimes being overwhelmed by the two’s shenanigans, deep down, she’s thankful that they help cheer you up.
“Oh, angelfish, there, there. You were good to them, and I’m sure that they’ll always watch over you from now on. Just like me.”
/// ✨ ///
Thanks for reading! 💛
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evildisneydorks · 1 year
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Colored this sketch from January just so you know I'm still alive
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pastelpousay · 7 months
Disney Villans reaction to reader calling them little omega 💀
A/N:just so we’re all clear..this shit is clearly a joke I just thought this was funny all of this is a joke even the warnings
Warnings: fluff, some cursing..(sorry pook I’m a bit of a sailor)mentions of tough alpha zaddy, mentions of super submissive omega uwu senpapi
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Was like actually shocked…
What tf did you just say??
“Excuse me..??”
Little Omega
Bitch wtf
Then when you repeat yourself…
He’s bewildered
“I know for a fact you didn’t just call me that”
Im pretty sure once he does find out what that means
He’s never gonna look at you the same again
Especially with the given context and the voice you said it in
He just sort of side eyes you now
Okay but on a real note is actually wondering what the hell is wrong with you…
“It’s okay little omega” bitch what????
He just stands there in shock, trying not to cringe
Is still wondering what’s wrong with you
That was so random and it came out of no where he knows your joking and all but like…
That was unnecessary and unneeded 😐
And if you ever call him that in public….
He’s currently fighting the urge to actually kill you
What tf is wrong with you
He doesn’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about either on of you
So don’t call him that in public…or at all actually 😃
Like he knows your joking but also…be normal
“My dear…do you have to joke around like this?? It’s a bit odd my love..”
“It’s okay if you can’t handle these big alpha jokes little omega, you’ll get used to them soon”
“In what world are you the quote on quote “alpha””
“This one”
Every time you call him that be prepared to have a full blown conversation about who would be the alpha
And jafar is dead set on taking that alpha spot 💀
Hades(my man 😍):
He just gave you this super unamused look
He gets the joke, and the reference but he’s actually done with you….
How he gets the reference we’ll never know 🤷🏾‍♀️
Sometimes if he’s feeling playful he’ll play along but that’s in private…..but never do this bs in public
Or infront of pain and panic
He’d actually just end all three of you right then and there
“Hey little omega how was work??”
“…….okay you need to stop, babe..it’s getting out of hand”
“What’re you talking about, are you forgetting I’m the alpha wolf here little one???”
“….—_— get away from me..”
No but like he’s actually done with you
he gets the joke but like….
Like I said before he does play along with you so remember if he gets on your ass about it remember to take note of what he says when he does play along
“Hey there my little omaga…how are you today”
“Good my big strong alpha wolf”
“Wait what…wtf is a screenshot??”
And also just like jafar, he likes to fight over which role he is
“I told you before little pup, you aren’t ready to be an alpha”
“Do I look little to you….”
yea, he also sometimes does genuinely wonder if you’re joking are not..
How would he know he’s not a mind reader
It’s like a 30-40 % chance…
He often just brushes the topic aside
I mean it’s weird yes but it’s not like he’ll love you any less
Pain and panic have definitely overheard some of those conversations
Don’t tell hades 💗
His reaction to that information:
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No like literally he would make this exact face 💀
He didn’t get the reference or that it was even a joke in the first place
What does ‘omega’ even mean???
I’m pretty sure he’d be the only one to never question you about it and just rolling with it for the hell of it 😭😭💀
He secretly wonders if your joking or not
He sure is hoping so..
He won’t play along with you either he’ll just kinda look at you funny
Or he’ll roll his eyes and or chuckle a bit
Not even knowing what that even is
He secretly questions why he likes you
What drove him to like Such a…
Lightheartedly of course 😙
He will still question if there’s something wrong with you
He just now registered that it’s a joke but like
Why can’t you be normal…
What was the reason???
He doesn’t understand it
No matter how many times you explain he’s still confused
Your only allowed to do this in public because he doesn’t understand what an ‘omega’ is
Once he does….
Ngl his goofy ass would probably be shellschocked 💀💀 not even upset about it 💀😭
But like…he’s still salty about it
And if you guys ever have a disagreement he’ll definitely bring that up
Like it’s fucking blackmail 😭💀
“…that’s why I’m the alpha bitch 🐺🤫🧏‍♂️”
Meanwhile he doesn’t even know what blackmail means probably 💀
He’s so fucking goofy bro- i love him sm
Dr. Failicer
I’m gonna be dead honest….
He knew you had to have been joking…there’s no way you just said that and now have the audacity to laugh about it in his face
“….your ass better be joking…”
He said that in more of a warning tone if anything
Like he’d loose his mind if you were actually being serious
Now that he knows you aren’t(for sure)
He can somewhat live in peace (not really)
Still thinks your a mega freak
Lowkey uses this shit as blackmail
He always gives you that look after you say some shit like that
Like it’s either that 100 yard stare or the “Ik you didn’t” ahh look
“Hello baby, my little omega-“
“Tf is wrong with you-“
He gets used to ur bullshit after a while but like and starts to laugh with you about it
But still don’t do this shit in public with him
There will be an argument about it
Everytime you do it now he just smiles and rolls his eyes choosing not respond with to you bs
“Pookie butt omega…why’re ignoring me 🥺🥺🥺”
“…chér…..just……be normal for once please”
Bro is begging 💀
Don’t get me wrong he thinks it’s funny and all but still 😭😭😭
Your lucky he loves you enough to deal with this type of buffoonery
Hook (ft jake and the neverland pirates cuz jake is his son 🤫🧏‍♂️)
Definitely had to do a double take….
The only thing he got out of that was ‘little’
But still wtf💀
“……what’re you on about dear….”he says pinching in between his brows
He doesn’t even know what that means
Nor will he get the reference
Probably ever
And even then he’s still done with you and your bs
Don’t get caught doing this shit when Peter is around either
Or his crew for that matter
If you do it in front of Mr. Smee they’ll be giving each other that look💀💀
“Are they okay??”
“I think the barnacles are starting to get to them”
Ngl this shit would probably spread to jake so quick it’s not even funny💀💀
“You don’t get it dad your not an alpha wolf like the rest of us 💪🐺” 💀💀💀
By this point he’d actually just turn a blind eye to it
He’s so done with you
First Mr. smee now jake??
Might as well the rest of the crew huh??
The only person that knows what an alpha is is probably jake and that’s cause you taught him 💀💀
He gets that your joking and all (now at least)
After a while it’s probably just be such a normal occurrence to the point he just gives up
“Hey little omaga, how are you??”
“Good my…..alpha-“ he shudders at the thought of even calling you that but I digress
Still don’t do this infront of the crew 💀💀
You already got jake in on it he doesn’t need his crew knowing about what a freak you are….but hey he loves that freak right?? 😭😭
Just kidding your not a freak
Just a bit of a weirdo
And talking with you definitely doesn’t get old
Frollo (haven’t watched this movie in a while so forgive me if this isn’t accurate)
Your ass is getting crucified idk what to tell you 🧍🏾‍♀️
Jk(not really)
He’d definitely be baffled
He give you this disgusted look then shake his head before walking away
He needs at least an hour long break from you after that 😭💀
He never would have thought you would’ve done something like this
But whatever
He didn’t register it was a joke but while he’s taking his break from you he’d probably figure it out
He still thinks it’s a really weird joke
It doesn’t even make sense😭
He questions you about it later
In the end he still doesn’t get the point of the joke
“How is that funny in any way shape or form”
“It just is”
“It just isn’t”
“But it is”
“But it’s not”
“Shut the fuck up little omega daddy’s always right🤫🧏‍♂️”
Que frollo fainting
You two will usually go back and forth about this topic
After a while he won’t even care to argue about it anymore it just becomes a borderline normal occurrence
Key word borderline
He still thinks it mega weird no matter whether it’s a joke or not
It’s exasperating for him at this point
“Why must you you be this way?”
“It’s funny to see you upset 🥳”
Another one of villans whos done with you shit
Everytime you do it it gives him a migraine
But hey it’s worth it to keep his love entertained right?? 😭
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Her actual reaction not even kidding
What’s wrong with you man??
She just looked at you
It wasn’t even worth it to her to respond 💀
Your lucky she didn’t turn you into a rat after that 💀💀
She knows you were joking
The joke just didn’t land
“…….omega…….?? I’m the omega here???”
“…….sorry pookie🧎”
She soon realizes she made a mistake by not checking you behavior
Because you kept at it
Now the only response you get is her face scrunching up in disgust
It’s so funny bro 😭😭
“How’s my little omega kitten today, mally??”
“…….I should have turned you into a salamander when I had the chance 🤦‍♀️”
There’s not really much else
There’s not really anyone else around that can catch you doing it
But if they were to shed actually just kill you both 💀💀
She’s sick of you to say the least
She knows you joking why can’t you be normal or quiet at least
Definitely questioning why she hasn’t killed you yet or why she loves you for that matters
When you do this you might doubt if she does at all but her not turning you into the rat you are should be proof enough 🥳🥳
I would have added the others but I got hella lazy and I had already spent over a week on this so enjoy little omegas of the world 🥳🥳🥳 I might add more later but who knows
I’m never writing again /j
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Disney Villains x Clueless!Reader || Excerpts
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Plot: You had absolutely no idea about their villainous deeds… until you walked in. Part 1??
Characters Included: Cruella De Vil, Hades, Jafar, Lots-O’-Huggin Bear
Warnings: Angst. Also kidnapping, hypnosis, and attempted gas lighting/manipulation.
Tagging: @asperol-with-izzy , @disney-android-foundation , @lady-love88 , @marinerainbow , @miss_understood , @moxiiscool , @ryantryan6969 , and @yesthetrashbin . Hey y'all! Have some drama with your August. xo
Cruella De Vil:
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When you walked into Cruella’s house, using your own key (You were meant to surprise her. It was supposed to be nice!), and heard her talking to Le Pelt on the phone in her office, you were so shocked. And so was she, when she left her office and saw you there in the hallway with a horrified look on your face.
Cruella is non-too-happy about your surprise, that is for sure. As soon as she lays eyes on you and realises what you just heard, she is so frustrated. Now you’re going to make this a thing, damnit. You’re probably going to try to leave her- all because you acted stupid and tried to surprise her. Ugh! … now darling, don’t lose your little head over this, they’re just some puppies, after all- When you immediately turn and storm back towards the front door again, chucking your key at a hallway table, Cruella wouldn’t move. She wouldn’t run after you; She’s not the type. But the frustration in her voice would build and she’d give up trying to be calm and careful with you, yelling after your retreating form. Wait right there! Y/N! Turn around. You walk out that door and you’ll never work in this- or any industry, ever again! I promise you that!-
When you slam the door behind you, she will not follow you.
… But never fret, she does care… and she’ll have her admirers Le Pelt and Alonzo abduct you in the middle of the night.
Good, put the nitwit in the truck, now. Gently, you fools. Y/N- you didnt think it would be that easy, did you?? Ha! We're taking the train to Paris, soon. You've always wanted to go- so keep quiet and enjoy the ride...
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When you walked into the throne room and saw Hades holding Meg up off the ground precariously by her throat, and you heard him say something about taking over Olympus and Hercules- and Hades noticed you standing there horrified and disgusted- everything stopped.
Hades would know immediately that he fucked up. That you would have a hard time forgiving him- if you ever did at all. He would know.
Hades would be desperate. He’d be pathetic, true slimy used-cars-salesman style; Following you as you storm out of the room and down the hall to your room and begging you all the way. Offering you things which fast develop from foot rubs and chocolate coated strawberries to being Master of the Gods- Master of the World- Master of whatever you want! He tries to convince you that this is a good thing, that he’s doing it for you, so you two can be happy together.
This is all while you’re grabbing your most important things and throwing them into a sack, throwing him poisonous glares because how dare he even look at you right now that make him flinch and be quiet. If only for a second. Overall, the man cannot stop talking.
I love you, babe, you can’t- No, no, you’re not leaving. I’m not gonna just allow-
Okay okay okay, I get it! I get it, I shouldn’t threaten you right now, I get it. I’m sorry. You- you probably need some time to cool off, yeah?? Hey, that makes sense!! I would be the same, yeah?? You know what? Take a week- two! Take two weeks… take all the time y’like. And then when you’re ready, you’ll call me, and we’ll talk! I’ll set out a nice cheese platter, some wine,.. we’ll make it a picnic! It’ll be great! Ba- Babe, you’ll understand, you’ll agree, I promise! This is- this is the best thing for the both of us! I promise! I- I’m only thinking of you, sweetheart, of us. I promise! Baby- after I do this, we’ll have everything! I swear! Everything we ever wanted; You can get that house on the mountainside you had your eye on, doesn’t that sound fabulous??
And Zeus?!
 Zeus?! Zeus, is a needle brained moron who doesn’t deserve- Okay okay! I’m sorry! You’re right, you’re absolutely right, baby how are you always so right about everything?? We'll set him up with a nice cottage on the coast. What??? That’s a good deal! Coconuts, babes in bikinis, the sky- he'll love it! Come on-
The man would end up on his knees, reaching for you, but you just slip out of his way, flashing another terrible glare. He has talked a lot while you packed but you've said barely two words. And its terrifying to him.
Baby… sweetheart, where’re you gonna be? You- you’re comin back, right?
… Just tell me if you’re coming back, please. Gimmie something-
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When you walked in and heard Jafar and Iago cackling about marrying the princess and hurting the poor Sultan, and they saw you standing there, Iago immediately flew off leaving more matted feathers on Jafar’s shoulder than usual from the force he used to get away so fast.
Jafar groans, brushing the feathers off him and muttering. Meanwhile you’re horrified, disgusted, creeped out- and about a million other awful emotions all at once, but you stand your ground. You lift your chin and you focus on him. You ask, really? Is that true?? Are you- Are you going to do that??? Is that the plan!?
… an eye roll, is the response you get and that make you feel even sicker. How could you??? As Jafar starts to cross the throne room, at his leisure, towards you- you start to completely lose your composure; Panic building. The- The sultan is a good man! He’s been kind. He’s your friend! I- I- I don’t understand! Jafar, I- Please, explain!
He sighs at that idea and rolls his eyes deeply, getting closer, leading with his snake staff as he always does. I already tried that.
Wh- What?
You heard me, Y/N. Now stay still.
You don’t know what he means by that, but you don’t like it, it- he, scares you. So quickly you try to turn and leave the room, leave him, but he’s too close now and his fingers are surprisingly strong; Holding you forcefully right where you are. That staff’s pushed right in front of your face, the snake’s eyes beginning to glow and burn into yours. This won’t hurt at all, my dear…
… This isn’t the first time you’ve walked in, before.
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When you walked into the library, seeing one of the new toys tied to the ‘time out’ chair that Lotso told you (No, no. Swore to you) was a joke, you were shocked. And it was dark, so Lotso didn’t see you at first.
Twitch did. But by that point you’d heard too much, eyes wide and furious. Uh… boss?
Uhuh what Twitch? I’m kinda in the middle of something here-
Your uh… your Keeper’s, here.          
Wha- my- Oh, honey! At first, Lotso tries to act like you don’t even see what’s right in front of you. Like you’re blind. Like you’re stupid. Like he can wash it all away with some papa bear charm and a kind smile- but there is something darker behind it that you see, now. What are you doin’ outta bed, sweetheart?? Its so late! You’ve had a long day. I’ll be with you in just a second, I just… When he realises that your canyon-deep glare isn’t getting any lighter, he lets it go. He lets it all go; All the sweetness and the charm that you knew him for and all that is left is… something cruel. He looks at you in a full deadpan, a cruel and disappointed deadpan that makes you actually feel cold. Physically. Alright, honey, what’d you see?
And what do you plan t’do about it, huh?
I, I…
That’s right sweetpea, there aint nothin’ you can do! This is my shop, now. C’mon, come with me, I’ll explain it all to ya, and you’ll see that this is the best thing for everybo-
I’ll leave.
When you say that, all the warmth in the room is sucked out- some of the other toys like Twitch and Ken look to eachother slightly wide eyed behind Lotso’s back. The look on his face turns from patronising to hard, mean, mad.
He can’t accept that. … Grab ‘em, boys.
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Request-ish for great 7 au if you dont mind, but what kinds of pictures do you think the g7 keep of yuu? Whether in like a photo book or their wallet or whatever? (Also if you dont mind maybe what their favorite photo of yuu is as well?) Love your writing have a good day!
A Picture of Yuu
Trying to ease myself back into writing and decided to try this out as a semi request! Gn yuu per usual, minot spoilers for ch 2— This is based of my Great 7 fic Unit:Yuu!
Notes: I do not know what kind of Arab Jafar is Aba/Baba for him, please let me know if this incorrect—
Queen of Hearts + Jabberwock
The Queen of Hearts has always been a zany one to say what photo she has of you that she adores on any given day would be difficult. In short, she loves them all!
It is such a shame that instant photography wasn't a thing back in her era, she would have taken so many photos of herself and Wonderland and she would have loved to show you all of them, it would certainly save the Jabberwock from having to explain so much.
The Queen watches you from afar as she drifts into her own thoughts. How she would have loved to take you into Wonderland with her and have your portraits done together.
Perhaps you could take your camera with you and you both can record all the memories you make together? How fitting would it have been to have photos of you in your wackiest poses and outfits up on the walls without having to get each one painstakingly painted?
She watches you rest the Jabberwocks head on her lap, and a smile graces her face at the sight of her little Rose with her greatest warrior. Should she still have her kingdom, she would have barked orders for the royal painter immediately.
Perhaps she doesn't have a favorite photo or picture of you because it hasn't made it yet, and as you take a photo of you and her with the Jabberwock all together (a photo you will undoubtedly hide from Crowley), she realizes she would never be able to find a favorite, as all she wants to now is to keep taking more.
Scar + The Hyenas
Scar has seen Rafiki's artwork before, and he was never impressed by the crude cave paintings he made, especially the ones that represented him.
If Rafiki were to have made one of you, however... he wouldn't know how to feel.
Even then, he much prefers these cameras and their strange instant paintings, after all he has never looked better in them! They really catch his good side!
Scar would huff in faux uninterest when he sees you pointing the camera around and taking photos of those three idiot hyenas around Ramshackle. And when you take photos of him he certainly doesn't strike a pose on purpose! (He snarls at Ed who even thinks about mentioning the idea.)
Still even as you show all of the photos you took, even of the ones of you, the hyenas, and him, it can never compare to the old "photo" of you and him together that he keeps hidden.
Cub is what he called you. To him, you were one. He was teaching you how to hunt with those Hyenas, how to sneak up on your prey and attack, and your victorious smile as you helped them take down a gazelle.
He remembered his muddy paws dragging across stony ground as Banzai carried the gazelle carcass with him, the group of hunters having to take it to the fire so you can eat.
Scar noticed how you suddenly stopped in your tracks and stared down at the ground. Annoyed, Scar huffed telling you to hurry up, and when you went on your knees and poked at the ground below you he snarled and circled back to you
That was when he noticed you were staring at his paw print in part of the ground. Your child self seemed to glow when you saw it, and you took your own muddy and bloodied hand and put it right over his print as if comparing sizes. When you took it away, he saw your small handprint right on his.
He may have actually have had a soft moment with you then and there if it wasn't for the hyena's prodding. Upon seeing the hand and paw print, Ed immediately remarked on how he wanted to do that too, and put his own next to yours, then Shenzi and Banzai, ever competitive, started arguing about doing the same, shoving each other out of the way to put their paw down as well.
In the end, all of your prints were together in a way that oddly resembled Rafiki's dribble. "Are you all satisfied now?" He huffed, snarling, "Now go! All of you!" He barked making the hyenas walk off and you follow. As you all walked off he tore up that part of the stone from the ground and carried it in his mouth, following the cackle closely behind with it.
He despised the way some child managed to worm his way into his heart and yet here is years later with you all grown up, and he still has the stone tablet hidden away for his eyes only. He refuses to let you see how soft he has gotten for you.
Shenzi definitely knows of it and tells you about his secret, prompting Scar to try and kill her.
Ursula + The Eels
Oh dear, now that's a question all right.
If it was up to her and she was able to have had you down in Atlantica, she would have hung so many paintings of you and her poopsies on her grotto walls, your chubby baby self was adorable, you know?
She often has fleeting thoughts of being the one to have brought you up under the sea. Just her a single mom and her three kids as her accomplice in villainy. How she would teach you how to brew the most powerful potions and run a good business...
Even now, she watches the curious glint in your eyes as you explore NRC and takes photos of everything, she's happy you have started to discover who you are.
You naturally take a lot of photos of her new makeup looks, along with your eel brothers wearing matching drag with you. She loves to pick up the Polaroids and commits them to memory, swiping her thumb over herself along with her children's faces lovingly.
It was during one of your weekly drag/makeup nights together. You had on some dramatic trashy show in the background as you all talked and did makeup. You kept one of your eyes closed ad Flotsam hangs on your neck like a scarf, using his tail to hold a brush and dab on eyeshadow while you work on Jetsam's eyebrows. Ursula smiled at the sight of her children bonding.
The peace didn't last long, as you made a particularly shady remark about that crow bastard causing Flotsam to cackle and squeeze you slightly, and Jetsam to slap you fave lightly with his tail.
As the Sibling Codex states, you all now must duel in a free for all and allow no survivors. There are no rules to uphold any honor.
Standing up, you pried Flotsam's body making him loosen the grip around your neck, and flung up the arm that Jetsam was anchored on.
Comically, the dangling eel slapped the camera sitting on the coffee table up from where it was and snap a photo.
"Jetsam! I swear if the camera is broken—" "Hey you're the one that flung me!"
Picking up the camera and looking it over you let out a breath of relief before checking out the film that came out
"Come here dear let me see..." Urusla spoke as you walked over.
Though slightly blurry, the photo featured all of you. You had a bright smile on your features as did your siblings who were smushed into you as fashionable accessories. In the background, Ursula sat elegantly admiring her children. And though she wasn't the center of the photo, she loved to see her children happy.
Were she were back in her grotto, this photo would have been displayed as one of her most prized possessions.
Jafar + Iago
It wasn't often he dreamt, but when he did, he dreamed big. He was Sultan of the Sands and the most powerful sorcerer of all with you as his heir by his side. Sure, Iago would be there too he supposes...
He would rule with an iron fist and bring about a Golden Age for his kingdom while tutoring you on the side, teaching you laws and ideals and the most powerful spells he knows. There would be all sorts of depictions of the two of you, mosaics, tapestries, poems, paintings, and perhaps even a few statues as well.
You would both be depicted as you should: powerful and intelligent... and Iagos there too he guesses...
So imagine his surprise when his favorite photo isn't a pretentious one at all.
When you first got your camera, he took pride in being photographed and always posed his very best, he wouldn't stand for any unsightly photos you may try to take. He would stand tall with Iago on his shoulder and staff in hand, evil and powerful. He would hate to be depicted as anything less.
As you set up the ghost camera on the stand, you start to take a few experimental photos as well as test out the timer function on it. Honesty it was thanks to Jafar it worked, his intuition and knowledge of technology were always remarkable.
"Any more trouble from that device, Yuu?" Jafar's voice snaps you out of focus as you turn to him standing in the common room, Iago perched where he usually was. "Nope not anymore, thank you Baba" you smile as you check out the camera again.
"Want to try and take a photo with me to test it out?" "If you mean one of those 'selfies' I will have to refuse!" "No, no, not like that I promise!"
Arching a brow and heaving a sigh Jafar relents. You get to work setting up the camera before running over to pose with them. You watched as the timer counted down... 4...3...2...
Suddenly, you throw yourself into Jafar in a deep hug as Iago squawks indignantly. The flash goes off. Sputtering for a moment as he takes a moment to adjust himself, he huffs. "What was the meaning of that Diamond?" Jafar snaps as he shoots you a glare. "Yeah that's the big deal?!" Iago cawed.
You smirked as you snagged the Polaroid out of the camera and aired it out with a few shakes before showing the pair.
The photo showed you pulling Jafar closer to you, holding onto and nuzzling into him dearly like a toddler would do their mother. He actually wore the slightest smile in the photo. Iago's wings were spread and for once he looked like the lively bird he was and not some villainous lackey.
"I have a lot of photos of Jafar and Iago, but none of my baba and my friend" You muttered holding the photo close to you. "But now I do, and don't worry it's for my eyes only... I would hate to ruin your image.
Jafar shuts his eyes for a moment, perhaps he was unintentionally and unknowingly strict. "No no, retake the photo, little one." He says as he holds your shoulder. "Let's take another photo as a family this time."
Jafar and Iago both sat on the rickety couch of Ramshackle as you set up the camera again before running back and sitting next to them. Iago hopped into your lap as you hugged the vizier. Jafar looked down at you both lovingly before wrapping his arms around you gently, allowing the camera to snap, and like that, his favorite photo of you was made.
Queen Grimhilde + The Raven
Ever since staying in Ramshackle, the Evil Queen would dream about being back home in her palace. She would walk down the halls of rooms and for a moment pretend the floors were stone and echoed with her steps and not creak under her weight. The walls were to be lined with intricate decor and tapestries along with art, and as she walks into your room to look at the mirror, she imagines it's her vanity where she would admire herself.
Raven stood on her shoulder preening her and she shut her eyes imagining the glory days when she ruled but this time she imagines herself with you at her side.
How you would sit on the stool in front of her vanity and look at yourself in the mirror as she clasps a necklace onto you after she finished dressing you up. How you would walk beside her amongst the guards and servants as she enters the throne room which used to have a lone throne but now has two.
How you would both sit regally as she deals with nobles and teach you how to rule with an iron fist and to be your worst possible self. How she would take you to her garden and poisons and teach you how to grow and use each one, later taking you into her study to practice your potionology.
You deserved much better than this place in her eyes, and once she gets her body back she will ensure you both rise to power once again. Even if you are currently living in a... less than ideal situation she will have you carry yourself with the same level of respect and pride she feels like you should have.
She shows you which plants can be used for hair and skin and makeup. She shows you how to embroider your clothes and sew. She shows you proper manners for everything as well— no child of hers will be taken for a slob. Your elegance hides your wild side and villainous upbringing well, only showing it to those who are worthy.
Her ghost sits across from you in the guest room, a glass of tea poured out for her in her honor though she can't drink from it. You finish up your latest piece as you push the needle through a few more times. Letting out a breath of relief, you tuck away the needle and hold out the new dress shirt you made in your preferred style. "Good work," she says approvingly as the Raven lets out a squawk, and you both continue to chat about your day.
The next day, you put on the shirt you worked so hard on, slipping on the right pants, shoes, and homemade accessories to match. Today, your mother decides to help you put on some light makeup, her ghost guiding your hands to apply foundation.
She then helps you put on your accessories and she is reminded of the fantasy she had the other day. "Thank you, Mama." You say smiling. "I guess this is my first official... complete outfit..." You didn't any decent clothes to start with since coming here, and even when you wore nicer things, you could never truly make it your own, you couldn't have your own style. Yet in the mirror you see all of your hard work put into sewing and saving, creating an outfit from your mother's love.
You look at yourself in the hand mirror you own as the Queen holds your face lovingly. "Shall we take a photo to commemorate the occasion?" You ask, smiling. "Ah yes, that ghost camera of yours can see me, can't it?"
You nod and begin to set the camera up. The Queen never cared for the photos it took, preferring the status symbol of oil paintings in her castle. As you stood next, she helped to pose you at the perfect angle, adjusting your posture and such as she stood beside you, hand on your head.
The photo came out, and it was as perfect as she would imagine it to be. Admiring it, she thinks back to getting her power again and her castle back, and for some reason, the first thing she imagines doing is to recreate this portrait with you, this time in paint, and the highest quality clothes you want.
Hades + Pain & Panic
His favorite photo of you? One where you look your best, one where you look powerful and strong and— oh wait his favorite photo of you?
When Hades found out the ghost camera can register him, he and his imps were over the moon. You best believe you had to make him look cool. (You gave in because Hades was never given the same respectable portraits compared to his family).
Every photo of him portraying him positively... touched my heart. He wasn't the unwanted brother or the laughing stock, outcasted and forgotten. He was Hades, God of the Underworld.
The imps also loved any photos of them taken positively, but they also didn't mind the funny ones too. Honestly, these two were absolute menaces with the camera, often stealing it and taking the worst photos of you.
Though you have some photos of yourself, or with your friends, none of them ever truly called out to Hades. He would simply see some as neat or use photos to lovingly bully you. Yet when he thought about it, all of his siblings seemed to always have some sort of art piece representing their children, he remembers Zeus and his insane amount of photos of his brat when he was born after all. He can't help but sort of desire one... but what?
For a good, while he can't help but look at all the photos you take and pay special attention to the ones that you were in— you best believe that if you have a photo with one of your friends he's gonna tease you for your "boyfriend".
As he goes through them he tries to find one that feels like it shows off his kid well, yet he can't. You look good in all of your photos, but you didn't feel like you. That's the one thing he's noticed since coming here. You couldn’t be your true self, you weren't allowed to bare your teeth and be truly free the way you should be.
Hades actually stews on this for a while silently, Pain and Panic bother him about it much to his chagrin. As the days went by Hades seemed to get more and more and more annoyed by your environment sucking the life out of you. Homework was annoying, Ramshackle sucked, and that damned crow bastard keeps dumping responsibility onto you! How is his kiddo supposed to shine like this?!
Recently, Crowley dumped another annoying task onto you— something stupid about looking into clumsy kids. You hated it but got Pain and Panic ready to help you as you went about interviewing victims and such. It was rotten work.
Maleficent + Diaval
Eventually, with your idiot squad, things picked up, and you came up with the idea of catching the perpetrator with your camera, as Crowley states he needs evidence. One thing led to another. Here we are in the Savanahclaw Dorm, facing the lion down face to face. Pain and Panic stood on either side of you as you stood your ground, stance widening to prepare for a fight.
And fight you did. Hades watched in absolute awe as you fought against the blot, rolling and sliding past attacks while seizing any opportunity to get a hit or to create an opening for your friends. Pain and Panic both helped, occasionally lashing at Leona to throw off his aim or providing your some healing and shielding with their shapeshifting abilities.
As the dust settled, and the sun rose higher in the sky, your silhouette stood amongst the rubble as you panted, fists still clenched. You had a powerful aura around you along with a steely gaze as you stared down at the lion beneath you. Panic suddenly pops up, ghost camera in hand as he snaps a photo. "How's that for proof?" he snickers alongside Pain as you finally relax.
The photo standing over your opponent had exactly what the other photos of you lacked. There was a fire in your eyes, a confident stance, and though dirt-covered and sweaty, you were unapologetically you in the moment. Not to mention badass.
Yet that wasn't the only reason Hades adored it. The image reminded of him Zeus' brat he despised. How that damned Hercules would be painted and shown off everywhere as a legend with his powerful stance, often standing over the slain monsters that Hades meticulously put together to defeat him.
And yet... here you were: A mirror image of him, a perfect foil. And unlike Hercules, you were still here and so was he. That brat failed to kill him. Through his child, he has won... Ha! Take that, Zeus! Just wait for round 2! This time, he won't fail.
Maleficent is also one who doesn't understand newer technology. She simply can't wrap her head around a device that makes portraits instantly without magic. After a bit of explanation from Diaval (who still doesn't know much), she simply accepts it.
Like Grimhilde, the Fae much prefers painted portraits, and often finds herself imagining how you would look in one every time she sees one of your "selfies".
The Fae Queen finds it endearing that you want to take photos of her and your dear uncle Diaval, trying your best to make some good memories in this miserable place. Even on your nightly walks together, you bring your camera with you to photograph the wildlife around you.
Seeing your features light up just by seeing the smallest bug makes her feel a strange sense of pride as if this proves you belong to her and the forest of the fae. She's glad to know that enjoys nature just as much as her.
Passing by a small pond, the three of you pause for a moment. Diaval, in his crow form, is happily perched onto your shoulder, nuzzling and preening you as you give him a few scratches and look up to the night sky above you. As your eyes reflect the stars, Maleficent is reminded of a fond memory.
You were a child at the time, to be honest, she couldn't tell you how old you were, at her age, all children start looking the same.
The fae was coming to terms with being a ghost— a ghost stuck inside a child no less— and she certainly did not appreciate it. How could such a pudgy and idiotic vessel possibly be worthy of the Mistress of All Evil?
She would sneer at the idea of growing attached to you. Even as your child self waved and smiles at her, she snarled in response, baring her fangs at you. To her surprise, you merely giggled. She wasn't amused.
No matter how many times she snapped and told you to go away, or order Diaval to distract you, you would always come back to her eventually. She just didn't get it, why do you like her so much?! Under the guise of not wasting her breath or energy, she stopped trying to distance herself from you, allowing your small baby hands to play with her cloak or touch her horns. You were a curious little beastie, weren't you?
She remembers watching you grow up little by little, watching your kid self play with Diaval as a crow and give each other affection, how she cast protection spells on you as you ran through the forest barefoot, cursing any sharp stones you may step on.
She remembers guiding you as you picked berries and copied the animals you saw. She remembers singing you lullabies and telling you stories of her home, hoping she could take you to it. Her warnings about trusting men.
She remembers how unequivocally she fell for the child that melted her heart, and how she assigned Diaval to you, making him promise to always watch out for you and to serve you as he did her.
And she especially remembers how you approached her with a scribbled-on, crumpled sheet of paper. You babbled as you held up the piece to her. Kneeling down with her usual stern expression, she examined the scribbles closer.
Crude lines depicted an all-black horned figure holding a staff in one hand, hand awkwardly stretched out to touch hands with the tiny figure in the middle. An attempt at a blackbird was drawn in the other outstretched hand of the child, its best open in a caw. All of the figures had clumsy smiles. Arrows pointed to all of the figures labeled 'Me' 'Malycent' and 'Diovl'
Diaval perched on Maleficent's shoulder, getting the best look he could before swooping in and nuzzling your kid self. As you laughed and giggled Maleficent allowed a small smile to grace her features as she watches you play.
To this day, she still has the piece of paper in her cloak, enchanted with the strongest protection spell she could do in her current state. In her mind, no other portrait than the one you drew could ever compare.
Perhaps one day when she rules from her thorny castle, she will have this art piece framed in her study, for her eyes only.
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sp00kies · 2 years
Who do you ship Hades with? That I mean by the Disney version?
And don't tell Me it's Persephone (Hades' Wife) from Greek Mythology, because I've been a Hadephone shipper for a long time.
This one’s easy! I ship Disney Hades with Jafar!
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