animeoutofcontext · 8 months
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lovinglapislazuli · 2 years
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Employee of the Month
A very unconvential wall of fame for a very unconventional evil company... I've been thinking about this one for a while, I'm very satisfied of the result!
ID under the cut:
Image description: a digitally colored traditional drawing featuring the villain group Nightmare from Yes Precure 5. A series of eight portraits hanging in three rows (3-3-2) on a dark blue wall, each with a golden plaque lit by a dim light under the frame. Each portrait depicts the defeat of that characters as if happened in the show, all of them are in their monster form except for Bloody, Bunbee and Desparaiah. In order, from left to right: Girinma’s silhouette in side view, eye and mouth open wide, the dark mask floating in front of his face as they are both about to disintegrate, the plaque says “ACCEPTED”; Arachnea is standing and screaming in pain with her head towards the sky, as she is burning, the plaque says “VOLUNTEERED”; Gamao is holding his head with both hands while being surrounded by a pink glow and small lights of the same color, the plaque says “SCAMMED”; Hadenya’s dark grey silhouette, filled with squiggly lines, stands against the sky full of floatin feathers and looks upwards as she is dissipating, the plaque says “FORCED”; Bloody is sinking into a grey puddle while wearing a dark mask, his left hand reaching for the viewer, his plaque says “BETRAYED”; Bunbee is falling from the roof of a building, as smoke and debris surrounds him he’s trying to reach upwards with his right hand, the plaque says “OPPOSED”; Kawarino is being dragged down by Bloody’s hand, he’s yelling in despair and reaching with his left hand towards the next portrait, his plaque says “DESCENDED”; Despariah in her youthful look is kneeling before Coco and Natts, giving them the used Dream Collet while a warm yellow glow shines upon them. She is on the left on the portrait, the opposite direction of Kawarino’s cry for help. Her plaque says “REPENTED”.
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numberonepeacock · 29 days
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Origin Story
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In the year 2993 BCE, a young butterfly wanted nothing more than for her sick mother to get better. She worked hard to get money for the medicine needed but on the day she collected her 55th cent she tragically died with her last words being that she wished for her mother to get better. At that moment her 55 coins started to glow as a pink butterfly flew from her body. The glowing coins turned into the Pinkies before the pink butterfly turned into the Dream Collet. As the Mobians watch, Vanessa appears and takes the device in her hands as the Pinkies go into the Dream Collet. Vanessa then turns to the girl's mother and tells her that her wish is for her to get better so this device was created to grant it. Once granted, Vanessa disappears with the Dream Collet. She then created a new world where she made the Palmier Kingdom to protect the Dream Collet. She also creates a big gate around the kingdom with five special lights to keep evil people out. She tells the two rulers that if the Dream Collet must leave the kingdom the five lights would transform into five butterflies, which hold special powers for the Pretty Cure to use.
About 4,986 years later, in 1993 CE, Diabolos is searching for a greedy Mobian to turn into a Negative Boss using the magic of the Dream Collet (the Dream Collet and the five lights are made out of the same magic). He found a female crane who feared growing old and thought being young would grant her eternal happiness. He offered her eternal life if she made the whole world fall into despair. She agreed and began building an army with Diablo's help.
Vanessa saw this and began creating Cure items with her children to prepare for the trouble ahead. When the evil organization Nightmare invaded the Palmier Kingdom and destroyed it, the two princes of the kingdom fled to Mobius with the Dream Collet to hide, leaving many of its citizens to be controlled and brainwashed by Nightmares. The five lights transformed into butterflies and flew with them to Mobius before spreading out to find their linked Cures. When the two princes, Coco and Nuts, were attacked by Hadenya on Mobius, Vanessa activated the Dream Collet, telling the Pinkies to go and hide. She also put Nuts in the Dream Collet to heal him and turned both Coco and Nuts into Cure Flickles.
Fun Fact; Nozomi Yumehara is the descendent of the girl, whose wish created the Pinkies and the Dream Collet.
I would like to explain why the CE and BCE system was introduced and when it transferred from BCE to CE. That year was the year when another powerful entity was born and various magical phenomena occurred, leading to the belief that the Universe was reborn. Among the things that were born that year are Flora, the Rose Deer, the youngest sister of Vanessa, and the Goddess of the Red and Blue Cure Roses. Additionally, the Red and Blue Cure Roses, the Cure Rose Garden, and the Rose Pact were created that same year. Vanessa created the Red and Blue Cure Rose as special weapons with the Universe's power if the need arises. The Universe created the Cure Rose Garden to hold the Red and Blue Cure Rose and gave birth to Flora as the guardian of the Cure Rose Garden. Vanessa created the Rose Pact as a key to enter the garden. Also, all of this was created from the same magic.
Now fast forward a few years, Diabolos wanted to create another Negative Boss that would collect powerful items to use so he sent one of his generals to go and collect an item with powerful magic. Funny enough, in the year 1593 CE, the general ended up in the Cure Rose Garden and took one of the roses to Diabolos, who twisted the magic inside and created Boss, a crow Mobian. After being created, Boss left and started to build his collection and the Eternal for 414 years.
During the battle against Desperaia and Nightmare, Boss is drawn to the Cure Rose Garden since its power is similar to his, and there he meets Flora, with whom he falls in love. He wanted to preserve the garden like the other stolen treasures of Eternal but Vanessa told Flora that in doing so Diabolos would get the two roses and the power of the place making him very powerful. Flora locks/seals the gates/entrance and hides the garden away to prevent Diabolos from getting the two roses, however, this only makes Boss want the garden and her more. When Diabolos and Vanessa found out what magic Boss was made out of, both were shocked. Diabolos tells Boss to find the garden so he tries to find the Rose Pact. When he finds that the Cures have it, he sends his employees to get it from them.
Now let's go to Vanessa’s side of all of this; Vanessa knows that all of this would mean there needs to be another Cure group, but the problem was that the keys to activate the Rose Pact were with the four other rulers from the kingdom surrounding the Palmier Kingdom. They had them because Flora had become good friends with them while hiding their kingdom from Nightmare while the Cures were battling them via Vanessa’s order. Boss found this out thanks to Diabolos and attacked the kingdoms. When he did, Vanessa turned the rulers into Palmins. She decided that the Yes Cures would rise up again but with different magic. She asks Flora to give her the Red and Blue Rose. She and her children create the CureMos and Cure Fleurets from the Red Rose and the Milky Palette, Milky Note (she created the power that was placed in it which she gave to Princess Crepe when she turned her into a Palmin), and the Milky Mirror (this she did create but stored in the power of the Milky Note) from the Blue Rose. She then takes the items from the five lights and replaces them with the items from the Red Rose. She also gives the Rose Pact and the Milky Palette to Flora to give to the Cures and Milk.
Since Syrup was born in the Cure Rose Garden, he is the only Cure Fairy to be born one and not turned into one.
The Palmer Kingdom crowns were made and given to the kingdom by Vanessa when she first created the kingdom. The crowns have special magic to help the two rulers protect their kingdom. When Coco and Nuts gained the power of the Palmier crown, Vanessa linked the Cure’s weapons to the crowns as well as the power to combine the Red and Blue Roses’ power.
Milk is a Rabbit Flicky, and when she is Kurumi Mimino and Milky Rose, she is a Rabbit Mobian. When turning into Mobians, Coco is a Mobian Fox, and Nuts is a Mobian Squirrel.
Previously: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕 | Next: 🍎🪩♠️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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msimpossibility · 1 year
And now I've reached the Aqua-fights-Hadenya-on-horseback episode.
I don't care what my sister says, a good fight scene is always makes an episode better.
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pochqmqri · 6 years
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Why does she look like she bathed in the same chemical vat as the Joker?
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 194
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 45 - “Nozomi and Coco’s Christmas Vow” Date watched: 13 June 2020 Original air date: 23 December 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YQ3pJKw Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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This is really the only picture worth putting as this episode’s thumbnail
Christmas is the time for lovers, but what happens when the lovers know their time together is limited? That’s the question this episode seeks to answer.
The Plot
While walking around, Rin and Nozomi find themselves at the chapel where Akimoto Miku’s friend got married in episode 32. They find and catch the forty-fourth Pinky, leaving only one remaining before the Dream Collet is filled and Coco, Nuts, and Milk can use its power to restore Palmier Kingdom. Everyone celebrates a little bit.
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Later, at Natts House, everyone is building a snowman while Milk wonders out loud whether Coco or Nuts will become the king. Nuts says Coco should do it, because he’s good at listening to people and dispensing helpful advice, while Coco thinks Nuts is the better fit because he’s strong-willed and knows how to work behind the scenes to get things done. This goes back and forth for a minute until it comes out that, regardless of who takes the crown, once they return to Palmier, they probably won’t have the time to come back to visit the girls because they’ll be too busy running the country. All the girls are sad, but Nozomi is floored by this revelation, because she’d never really thought too hard about what would happen after they achieved their dream, and now the idea of losing Coco is hitting her like a ton of bricks.
Over in Nightmare, Kawarino muses over the loss of Hadenya, and Bloody starts to chew him out for his management style. The veteran employee accuses Kawarino of having ulterior motives, but he denies this and says he’s only acting in Despariah’s interests. Bloody leaves, huffing about doing things his own way, and Kawarino turns to Bunbee and remarks that Nightmare has no room for useless people. Very nice guy.
Back at Natts House, there’s a big Christmas sale going on and the shop is bustling. Nozomi is cashiering and hiding her sadness behind a facade of cheerfulness, but her friends can see through her. Coco and Nuts shovel snow off the roof as Nuts asks Coco if he’s really okay leaving things with her as they are now. When the sale is over, the girls all sit down to relax and eat a cake made by the fairies. Nozomi goes to make a toast but gets lost in her own thoughts, and admits that she feels uncertain about their future. Just then, Bloody interrupts the proceedings, turning Natts House into a Kowaina from the inside, so everyone runs outside to see the store come to life as a quadrupedal monster with arms coming out of it from every direction, the first and last time Bloody makes a somewhat traditional Kowaina.
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The girls transform into Precure and prepare to fight it, but as they do, Bloody declares that in his observations he’s finally found the weakness in their alliance, so he finally transforms into his monster form of a giant bat and attacks Dream, forcibly separating her from the others while the Kowaina keeps them from rescuing her. He fights Dream one-on-one, managing to overpower her physically, but then he lays into her psyche. He taunts that she’s just going through the motions because her heart isn’t in this fight, and observes that her “dream is at odds with itself,” because she wants to restore Coco’s homeland but stay with him. He tells her that this internal conflict is what causes despair, and he knocks her over, preparing for the final blow. However before he can attack, the other four knock the Kowaina over and come rushing in to save Nozomi. They reinforce that it’s okay to be hesitant and unsure sometimes, and assure her that they’ll be there to support her always. Bloody taunts that she’s too weak to get up, but get up she does, and she thanks her friends for the show of support. Newly invigorated, she vows to make Coco’s dream come true, and performs Crystal Shoot to expel the Kowaina as Bloody flees.
In Nightmare, in Despariah’s office, Kawarino informs Despariah that there is only one pinky left to capture, and the Dream Collet will soon be usable.
Night falls at Natts House, and since it’s cold, dark, and snowy, Karen agrees to have Jiiya drive the girls home. Nonetheless Nozomi gives a halfhearted goodbye to Coco and starts walking off on her own. Nuts urges Coco to walk with her, and gives him a coat, while Komachi helpfully provides an umbrella.
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she knows exactly what she’s doing
And so Rin, Urara, Komachi, and Karen drive off while Nuts and Milk watch from the store window as Nozomi and Coco set off down the street. Just being with him cheers her up a little, and when they see an alleyway with fresh, undisturbed snow, they decide to be the first ones to walk down it. Nozomi gets sad again when she realizes that when the snow melts, their footprints will disappear and there will be no record that anything happened, much like their relationship. But Coco tells her that they’ll always have the memories, and he will never forget walking together like this. They continue their walk until they reach the chapel once again, and this time the tree is lit up. Seeing it causes Nozomi to cry a bit, even though she’s still smiling. She berates herself for this because she knows she should be happy, but she can’t ignore her own personal sadness either.
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Coco tells her how much she inspires him with her smile, her affection, and her courage and she admits that she wants him to stay here forever. He says he wants the same thing, but they also both admit that they know it’s impossible. They wipe away their tears and agree to treasure the time that they still have together as they stare into each other's’ eyes.
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The Analysis
I criticized Max Heart for not exploring the ramifications of their macguffin quest on Hikari’s existence throughout the course of the show, so I’m glad to see them do so more in this series. The writer for this episode in particular is Narita Yoshimi, who wrote for Precure the beginning through Go Princess, and was the head writer for most of Splash Star as well as both seasons of Precure 5 and later Happiness Charge. In reviewing her body of work for Precure, I saw she was mostly responsible for episodes that I thought were good, although there were a few duds in there. As far as Max Heart in particular, she often wrote episodes that featured the Heartiels deciding to enter the Queen Chairect, but rarely included commentary on Hikari’s looming identity crisis. Now that she’s in charge, she has made sure that the conflict between the fairies’ relationships and the results of achieving their goal is brought up throughout the series several times until it all comes out into the open here, which I appreciate, even if I still wish it had come up sooner than it did. Nonetheless, this is the third or fourth time the idea has come up in the last few episodes, thoroughly establishing to the audience that this is an important conflict which is intensifying as they approach the finale.
We’ve previously seen Coco, Nuts, and Komachi wrestle with this realization, but Nozomi’s struggle is particularly heartfelt, because she’s internalized this dream of reviving the Palmier Kingdom and made it her own, so with the realization of that dream very close at hand, she's feeling a heightened mix of emotions. On the one hand, her dream is close to fruition and she’s elated, but on the other, she’ll have to say goodbye to Coco forever and she’s devastated. The writer, directors, animators, and Nozomi’s actress Sanpei Yuko all work in harmony to fully realize her feelings as she works through this. She knows she should be happy, but she can’t stop her personal feelings from getting in the way, so she’s constantly choking back her tears or trying to hide her emotions because she feels bad about feeling bad. We get closeups of her face to emphasize this and it’s really moving.
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See how torn she is?
Yuko’s voice acting sells this, as her voice cracks when she’s upset and trying to choke back her tears, and at other points it’s artificially high pitched because she’s faking her happiness. During the fight with Bloody, her voice falters a bit because she can’t fully refute his statements about her feelings, he can see right through her because that’s his talent. She’s at a low point and he’s trying to push her even lower, like he did with Mint and Nuts in his debut. Her despair feels tangible, and it’s a haunting look at what happens when someone so hopeful finds themselves internally conflicted. However, her true feelings shine through during her walk with Coco, and despite her voice cracking a bit more and tears in her eyes, she’s less tormented than it was before. She’s still sad, but it’s clear that she understands the situation and will eventually reach peace. The powerful emotions she carries and the way they’re expressed vocally and visually in this episode are just excellent.
Through the course of the episode you can see Nozomi go through some of the stages of grief before she finally accepts it at the end and tries to make the most of her time with Coco. The scene in the shop where she acts fine is denial, the battle with Bloody is depression, and then the walk with Coco is acceptance. Each of these emotions is given its due diligence in the script, and I described above how the performance really brings them out, but it’s a clever and intelligent concept to showcase in this show, and a good demonstration for the audience of how to work through your grief (minus the fighting a bat villain part, but you know, semantics). Nozomi and Coco coming to a mutual understanding that they should make the most of what they have while they can is beautiful and poetic. There’s no way to sugarcoat the sadness of knowing they’ll have to leave each other, and they don’t try to, but they’re done dwelling on it. For this reason, that ending scene of the two of them staring into each others’ eyes, laid over the Christmas Tree at the church, is possibly one of the best images that the Precure franchise has ever produced because of everything that it conveys.
Now I’m going to talk about Nightmare for a bit. Bloody is on top of his game once again, but I’ll come back to that in a moment. First I want to bring up the tension between Bloody and Kawarino. Bloody is now Nightmare’s last remaining executive, other than Bunbee, who is treated as insignificant and useless. Bloody is extremely upset that Kawarino has been getting rid of Nightmare’s other employees with the black masks, and accuses him of having ulterior motives ever since he became Despariah’s right hand. This would be an excellent setup for a plot twist where Kawarino betrays Despariah, but unfortunately, that’s not where the series goes. I’ll discuss that in episode 49. So, Bloody himself has a good plan, proving once again that he’s really earned his reputation as Nightmare’s elite. Isolating a particularly vulnerable member of the team and trying to wear them down emotionally and physically is his forte, and this time he’s targeted Nozomi. He knows exactly what to say to manipulate her into despairing and it almost works.
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Bloody’s skill at reading people and wearing them down might be unparalleled in this franchise, and I wish we saw him more, because the only way to fight him is as a team, which is a great reinforcement of the message of the show. Since Bloody’s weapon of choice is words rather than fists, it takes a show of moral support to overpower his verbal assault. Friends supporting and helping each other, making each other stronger, lifting each other up when they’re down, that’s what this series is about and they do it excellently here.
This episode also marks two firsts for Bloody: the first time he’s used a traditional Kowaina, and the first time he transforms into his monster form and fights directly. He’s a man-bat (but he’s no Kirk Langstrom) and finally all the pieces of his identity and appearance make sense. His style of dress as a human evokes a vampire, and vampire bats are so-named because of their blood sucking habits (though greatly exaggerated by the media), hence the name Bloody. It’s impressive that it took 15 episodes from his first appearance to actually transform, as most other villains do so on their first episode, and I think that’s a further testament to the effectiveness of his generally non-confrontational fighting style.
I think I talk about pacing a lot.... and I’m not going to stop now. Once again, the action takes up a little less of the episode than it might normally, because the fight represents the middle of the story’s conflict, not the resolution to it. While I might have liked for Nozomi and Bloody’s fight to go on a little longer, I’m satisfied with how it played out. He pushed Nozomi further into her depression, and her friends pulled her out. The real resolution to the conflict comes when she talks to Coco on the walk home, and they put all their feelings out in the open. I really appreciate this approach, because it’s more thought out and heartfelt than some other episodes. Sometimes a 2 minute epilogue will suffice, but in this episode they needed 7 minutes (out of 21 minutes of narrative content) after the fight to clear the air, and that’s where they take the time to finally openly address their shared sentiment that they care deeply for each other, and understand the road that lies ahead which will eventually separate them. The moment when the choose to walk down the alley prompts a great analogy about memories.
One element of this episode and its passage of time that I think is notable is that it all takes place in one day, and specifically on December 23rd, which is when it aired. Normally it can be hard to pin down exactly how much time passes but in this episode it’s clear that when they’re making a snowman outside Natts House, that’s prep, the sale occurs the same day, the party that Bloody crashes is after the completion of the sale, and then Coco walks Nozomi home that night. I always enjoy a good nighttime scene, and at Christmas time it’s especially beautiful. I wrote about this a little in my Christmas special a few years ago, but the lights and joy that come from a good Christmas episode really are hard to match. At the beginning, Nozomi is dancing with Milk because their quest is almost over and it’s a joyous time of year. Then at the end, they show that Christmas tree all lit up, which is beautiful.
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Also this provides a nice contrast both to the earlier scene where we saw the tree in the daytime, and the setting in general is a callback to episode 32, when the girls were at this chapel for Miku’s friend’s wedding.
By the way I think I’ve talked about this before, but a couple sharing an umbrella is a romantic symbol in Japanese culture.
And then a small note, Coco and Nuts each arguing that the other one should be the king because they’ve got the best leadership qualities is wholesome. They see the best in each other and have imposter syndrome about their own worthiness to lead. Look forward to seeing how this resolves in a few more episodes!
Overall this is a really moving and heartfelt episode. The animation is great, the story is weighty and it has an uplifting ending tinged with sadness. It finally resolves a longstanding concern of the characters and clears the air in preparation for the finale.
Next time, the final pinky is caught! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 kettei!
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Precure in Sports & Martial Arts
There is a Cure section in this post but that’s only for the Martial Arts portion, broken further down into sub-categories since almost every Cure has some proficiency in physical combat after transforming. :P
If I missed someone, please let me know.
Comments under the cut.
Note: This will be continually updated as new additions come along.
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- Nagisa (lacrosse), Saki (softball), Akane (volleyball), Homare (figure skating), Chiyu (track & field)
Multi (for those shown to participate in more than one athletic activity)
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Martial Arts (Civilian) :
  Unarmed Martial Arts
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Martial Arts (Cure) :
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Sword-wielder (*see comments below cut)
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?? - Berry
Sports - Those who fit here fulfill the criteria on regularly participating in a sport(s) of their choosing.
Elena is the exception. She’s very talented and is always being sought out by clubs so the theory is if she wasn’t so busy with responsibilities at home, she’d probably join or help them out if asked. 
Did I miss anyone else, btw? Once in a while, I think one of the girls is active in a non-mainstream sport but if it’s shown only very briefly then I wouldn’t remember what it was.
...on another note, I want a Cure who’s on a swim team. So many water Cures and no competitive swimmers? :(
Martial Arts (Civilian) - Actual practitioners/received formal training in their respective fields.
Martial Arts (Cure) - Like I said above, once a girl transforms into a Cure, she’s endowed with fighting abilities and endurance she wouldn’t normally have if she’s never trained in it before. Some are more accomplished than others, especially if they carry over their skills from their civilian forms, but as every Cure is at least capable of basic combat, there’s no point in having an unarmed subcategory for them.
Archery -  First off, group attacks don’t count so no full starter cast for DokiPre. Second, a great irony that a Cure named for the sword doesn’t even wield one. Instead, she uses the Love Heart Arrow like one would shoot a crossbow (yep, definitely Archer class) and it’s actually her fighting style that resembles anything sword-like (ex. she can cut through her enemies with her arms). However, that would fall under the “unarmed martial arts”.
Sword-wielder - Originally titled “swordplay”, I changed it to “sword-wielder” for better accuracy because while all the girls in this section can manifest something like a blade, how effective each of their skill is varies. Top row consists of Cures who were shown to hold their own with a sword during a one-on-one battle. Dream in the GoGo movie against Mushiban; Aqua in ep 34 of the first Yes5 season against Hadenya and in its respective movie against Dark Aqua; and Beauty sprinkled throughout the Smile season but notable mention of ep 43 against Joker. Second row is for those who utilized their weapon to a much lesser degree. In other words, there was hardly any display of swordplay with them. Berry’s position here is questionable because while she does hold the Berry Sword like a blade (for a few seconds anyway), it’s mainly used for a finisher attack and nothing more. Lovely can manifest a sword but the most we’ve seen her do is swing it down to smack a monster, I believe. Same goes for Chocolat, who I think formed an elongated chocolate bar on her Candy Rod in ep 29 against Elisio...only to be easily deflected and then it was never seen again after that. Upon double checking, she uses in the final boss battle, too, but that is not a one-on-one duel. Finally, the most recent addition being Grace in ep 9 of HealPre but the attempt was less than successful.
Update log:
4/15/20 - Post published.
4/21/20 - Added further explanation on criteria for Sports section, corrected info regarding Chocolat.
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leohamasaki · 12 years
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numberonepeacock · 24 days
Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Characters as Mobians
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Nozomi Yumehara/Cure Dream - Dark Magenta Rabbit/Bright Pink Rabbit
Rin Natsuki/Cure Rouge - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)/Red Cheetah (has bright red hair, like flames)
Urara Kasugano/Cure Lemonade - Golden Blonde Mouse/Bright Yellow Mouse
Komachi Akimoto/Cure Mint - Dark Green Echidna
Karen Minazuki/Cure Aqua - Dark Blue Whale/Bright Blue Whale
Milk/Kurumi Mimino/Milky Rose - Pale Pink Rabbit Cure Flicky/Purple Rabbit
Coco - Fox Cure Flicky/Brown Fox Mobian
He can transform into a human and later becomes a teacher at Nozomi's school to keep watch over her under the alias Kokoda Kouji.
Nuts - Squirrel Cure Flicky/Dirty Blonde Squirrel Mobian
He can transform into a human, acting as the clerk of a jewelry shop called Natts House, by the name Mr. Natsu.
Milk - Rabbit Cure Flicky
She can transform into a human and attends the Cures’ school as a second-year transfer student under the alias Kurumi Mimino and is in the same class as Nozomi and Rin.
Syrup - Bird Cure Flicky/Orange Bird Mobian
He has two forms he can turn into: a human and a giant bird, used as an aerial transport when necessary.
Magical Allies:
Pinkies - Spirits
Flora - Rose Deer
Is the youngest sister of Vanessa and the guardian the Cure Rose Garden, which holds the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
The boss of Eternal is interested in her.
Goddess of the Red and Blue Cure Rose.
Four Rulers:
King Doughnut - Dragon Flicky
Queen Bavarois - Phoenix Flicky
Princess Crepe - Tiger Flicky
King Montblanc - Turtle Flicky
Mailpo - Walking Pink Mailbox
Is a walking pink mailbox that works with Syrup.
She helps with sending and receiving letters.
Palmins - Flicky Spirits
A Pink Mouse with a butterfly mark on it’s head
A Blue Wolf with a six-point star mark on it’s head
A Yellow Goat with a flower mark on it’s head
A Red Bird with a sun mark on it’s head
A Green Dog with a apple mark on it’s head
Desperaia - Crane
The leader of the Nightmares who intends to gain eternal life and to bring despair to the world.
Kawarino - Chameleon
Desparaia's secretary.
Girinma - Mantis
The first Nightmare to appear.
Gamao - Toad
The second Nightmare to appear.
Arachnea - Spider
The third Nightmare to appear.
Bunbee - Bee
The boss of Girinma, Arachnea, and Gamao.
Bunbee also worked for Eternal as a low-ranking member, often acting as comic relief.
Hadenya - Bird
She appears after Arachnea's death. She likes to take what she wants and often forces Bunbee to serve her in some way.
Bloody - Vampire Bat
Bloody is the last Nightmare to show up. He usually tries to win by persuasion and talking, only using Kowaina to help him rather than to do all of the work.
Boss - Crow
The leader of Eternal, intending to gain eternal life by finding the keys to Cure Rose Garden.
Anacondy - Purple Gorgon (Eternal)/Purple Snake (Mobius)
Anacondy acts as an administrator among Eternal
Scorp - Brown Emperor Scorpion (Eternal)/Indian Red Scorpion (Mobius)
Scorp is the first Eternal member to be shown.
Nebatakos - Octopus (Eternal)/Squid (Mobius)
Nebatakos is the third original member of Eternal to be shown.
Isohgin - Sea Anemone (Eternal)/Jellyfish (Mobius)
Isohgin is one of a duo from Eternal that are said to be the best hunters.
Yadokhan - Hermit Crab (Eternal)/Lobster (Mobius)
Yadokhan is the partner of Isohgin and the small, fat one of the two.
Shibiretta - Mice with a large Mushroom on their head
Shibiretta manipulates fairy tales to fight Pretty Cure, trapping them in fairy tale worlds with Hoshinas.
Mucardia - Orchid Mantis (Eternal)/Dragonfly (Mobius)
Mucardia is the most recent member of Eternal.
For Nightmare, In their humans forms they look like normal Mobians but in their monster forms they are still the same as their Mobian form but more like what they look like in the fandom
Tsutomu Yumehara - Brown Rabbit
Nozomi’s father.
Megumi Yumehara - Dark Purple Rabbit
Nozomi's mother.
She is a beautician and runs a beauty shop called "Espoir".
Kazuyo Natsuki - Yellow Cheetah (has brown hair)
Rin's mother.
She and her husband run a flower shop "Fleuriste Natsuki".
Ai Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Her brother Yu and she are twins and Rin's younger siblings.
Yu Natsuki - Yellow Leopard (has brown hair)
Rin's young brother and a twin with Ai.
Heizou Kasugano - Gray Mouse
Urara's grandfather, Maria's father, and Michel's father-in-law.
Maria Kasugano - Brown Mouse
Urara's late mother.
Michel Kasugano - Lion
Urara's father.
Madoka Akimoto - Dark Green Echidna
Komachi's older sister.
Minako Minazuki - Black Cicada
Karen's father.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Taro Minazuki - Dark Teal Whale
Karen's mother.
Karen's parents are famous musicians and do a lot of concert tours.
Supporting People:
Sakamoto - Harp Seal
Minazuki's butler and takes care of Karen when her parents are overseas as Famous Musicians.
Mika Masuko - Bat
Mika is the chief editor of the Cinq Lumieres News.
Otaka-san - Border Collie
The mistress of the cafeteria in the girls' school where they always eat lunch.
Secretly, she is the school headmistress.
Kouta Washio - Jackal
Urara's manager from Production Eagle.
Previously: 🌸🕊️🎐🌕 | Next: 🍎🪩♠️
Masterpost of AU: Jewel Sonicure AU Masterpost
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lovinglapislazuli · 2 years
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Today I offer you another precure redraw but with a twist! They were the exact number to replicate this scenario so I went with it ✍️ Could this be a nightmare Bunbee actually had? That sounds about right :')
Image Description: a traditional drawing reproducing a scene from episode 24 of Yes Precure 5 but instead of featuring the five heroines it pictures Bunbee at the center surrounded by Hadenya and Gamao on the left and Girinma and Arachnea on the right. As they keep him from moving, he has a look of anguish on his face, with wide eyes and open mouth. The four of them wear the infamous black masks with yellow eyes and orange tears. Girinma is holding Bunbee’s head with both hands. Behind them is dark, exepct for the the light coming from the tables of the Nightmare headquarters. A strong light from below is cast on the characters. Under this text is the original shot from the show featuring the heroines used as reference.
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lovinglapislazuli · 3 years
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Queen's absolutely chaotic energy reminds me of Hadenya so I had to do this XD  Also I like to think both Bunbee and Girinma used to work in her department prior to the series, leading to this kind of shenenigans 
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lovinglapislazuli · 3 years
Giga Nightmares
I used the track "Giga Size" for a tribute to the Nightmares' final forms and their fate! Damn this season really knew how to be haunting 
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lovinglapislazuli · 3 years
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The turmoil of a worker bee 
 After a several funny pieces here is a bit of angst feauturing the whole crew :')
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lovinglapislazuli · 3 years
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This was very fun so I did some more, Yes 5 villains as Heartcatch and viceversa!! At first I put Kawarino in the role of Dark Precure as a joke but they actually have a lot more in common than I thought...
Dark Precure’s Nightmare form is dragon based, and for Sasorina and Kumojacky I tried to distance the designs from Scorp and Arachnea as much as I could since they have the same animal motif :D
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 192
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 43 - “Komachi’s Resolve and Nuts’s Future” Date watched: 9 June 2020 Original air date: 9 December 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/iT40izm Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Poor Komachi. She was once so eager to write her love story, inspired by her feelings for Nuts and his unconditional support for her. Now she’s struggling with it, because she’s started to realize what her real-life conclusion is going to look like...
The Plot
Komachi is in the library, trying to write, but the words won’t come, and she looks very forlorn. Karen sympathetically suggests she talk to Nuts for advice, but she hastily rejects that idea, insisting she needs to finish the story herself. When they get to Natts House, Urara asks her about her book, and Komachi gets flustered and embarrassed talking about it. Urara asks if it’s based on anything, which Komachi ardently denies as she steals a glance at Nuts, and then she hastily turns around and goes home. Karen noticed Komachi’s wandering eyes and turns to look at Nuts as well, starting to put the pieces together.
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Over in Nightmare, Kawarino bemoans to Hadenya about how he has to present the black paper to someone, and she says whoever it is should be glad because it enhances their abilities and they’ll surely be able to bring down Precure. Kawarino is so relieved to hear this, and he reveals it’s for her. Her mood changes instantly, as she swats away the black paper and storms out of Nightmare, insisting that she doesn’t need it. However, when we next see her, sitting on a park bench, she admits she didn’t really have a plan when she left and she needs a way to follow up that dramatic exit. Just then she sees a pigeon pecking at a Pinky, right in front of her, and she gets an idea...
At school, Komachi opens up to Karen about her specific problem. She explains how she used to be overflowing with ideas but now they’re gone. She wants to make “his” dream come true, but she knows that when she does, he’ll have to go far away. She tries to explain she’s talking about the characters in her story, but it’s clear she really means Nuts. She admits that if their farewell never arrived, she’d be fine with that, and Karen insightfully says that she may not know about the last scene, but it does sound like how it plays out will be up to Komachi. In the story, of course.
Later, at Natts House, Nozomi and Urara are berating Nuts for not going out of his way to help Komachi. He insists that giving unasked for advice is being nosy, while they say he needs to understand her feelings. Karen arrives and gently assures everyone that Komachi can find her own solution to her problem.
Nonetheless, Nuts shows up to find Komachi sitting on a park bench (what is it with park benches lately?) and he talks to her, promising to do anything he can to help. They have a really heartfelt conversation where he explains he’s nice to her because he’s powerless in other ways, so he does what he can to help her because she’s fighting so hard to help him. Komachi breaks down in tears, upset that he’s so nice while she was only able to think about herself, and she admits that she was afraid to talk to him about her concerns, because talking about it would make it real to her, and her potential future would crumble away with the knowledge that he has to leave.
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Nuts placates her, saying she’ll find an ending that works for her, and she should stop worrying. (it sounds insensitive but in context it’s very sweet)
At that moment, Hadenya shows up and scoffs that she’d be happy to crush whatever future they have together and shows off the Pinky she’s captured. Nozomi, Rin, Urara, Karen, Coco, and Milk all show up and transform while Hadenya is in the middle of gloating. Annoyed, she turns the Pinky into a Kowaina, which takes the form of a giant concrete block that immediately falls on top of everyone. They avoid it, and Dream, Rouge, and Lemonade fight the monster while Mint protects all the fairies from Hadenya, who is trying to snatch the Dream Collet from Nuts. Hadenya continues to degrade Komachi’s dreams of happiness, and Aqua joins Mint in fighting the villain. Hadenya and the Kowaina manage to overpower Mint and break her barrier, leaving her exhausted. Hadenya scoffs some more at the idea that they’re protecting Coco and Nuts’s “worthless” dream, but Dream, Rouge, and Aqua show up to defend their friend and explain how reviving Palmier Kingdom is their shared dream. Komachi looks at her teammates fighting so hard for her sake and finds new strength within her, and manages to restrain Hadenya long enough for Dream, Rouge, and Lemonade to destroy the Kowaina mask and save the Pinky. Lemonade and Aqua notice Mint’s shield has appeared over her head as she blocks and fights Hadenya, suggesting she’s channeling her barrier powers into her body to overpower the villain. Hadenya tires to use strong air currents to outclass the Precures, but Mint holds her ground. Aqua uses Aqua Tornado to halt Hadenya’s charge, and Mint summons the Mint Leaf directly in front of her, unleashing a point-blank Mint Shield on Hadenya that blows her away as it expands.
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Hadenya flees and when the smoke clears, a huge crater is left in the ground. Dream collects the Pinky.
A later date, at school, Karen visits Komachi again and realizes she isn’t writing anything. Komachi admits she’s decided to put her story aside for now, but she’ll be sure to find a conclusion that suits her, and the two share a half-hearted smile.
The Analysis
This is a good episode, but it’s a bittersweet one. Komachi seems to be the frequent subject of bittersweet plots, because they really want to emphasize to the audience that hey, writing is difficult, and so is navigating your emotions. When these struggles meet, well, the results aren’t pretty. Obviously, Komachi’s novel has always overlapped with her relationship with Nuts, and as she’s gotten to the departure and farewell scenes, she’s starting to realize what Coco realized a few episodes ago: that the closer they are to finding all the pinkies, the closer they are to saying goodbye, and Komachi is afraid and unsure how to put that into writing. She is afraid to write a conclusion, because that means acknowledging that her own relationship will come to an end, which she isn’t ready for. It’s a moving exploration of writer’s block, which is a particularly resonant phenomenon to me as I’ve been struggling to write this particular review. Anyway, her choice to simply set the book aside for now is somewhat astonishing. It’s a mature and somewhat sad direction for a generally optimistic kids’ show to take, but I respect it that much more for not taking the easy road and saying “Komachi magically found a solution to her ongoing troubles with little difficulty.” Sometimes there aren’t easy answers to complex problems, and since the matter of her book was causing her far too much emotional stress, Komachi decided it was best for her mental health to shelve it. Telling suggestible audiences that this is sometimes an acceptable solution is important.
I do love the positive message, though. The uplifting and encouragement she receives from Nuts especially is really inspiring. His explanation for why he helps Komachi so much is emotionally resonant, as he says he’s weak in other areas so he helps where he can. He is still plagued by guilt for his role in the destruction of Palmier Kingdom, which informs his actions now, and he wants to do everything he can to help Komachi since she’s helping to restore his home. His support for her, and his reinforcement that all of her friends support her allows her to overcome her self-doubt in the battle against Hadenya. It’s also a clever reversal of her role in the team. Normally she wants to protect everyone, but in this episode, she’s the one who needs to be protected while she’s emotionally vulnerable, and the others are happy to help lift her spirits. Karen, her oldest friend, sees Komachi hurting and makes it a point to help her during the fight, double teaming Hadenya when Komachi can’t take her alone, and offering her the last push of encouragement she needs to power through.
Speaking of the fight, it’s a good battle. The Kowaina that just bodyslams indiscriminately is hilarious and what I expected out of the Kowaina from ep 40. Dream, Rouge, and Lemonade have to get creative when fighting it and it results in cool moments like Dream being trapped as it falls and the others having to save her before they hit the ground.
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Obviously the main event is Mint’s fight against Hadenya, and it’s intense, with the general mostly having the upper hand despite being assaulted by both Mint and Aqua. When Hadenya kicks the barrier hard enough to break it (with some help from the falling Kowaina), it’s a visual metaphor for Komachi’s spirit breaking, but the follow up where Aqua encourages her turns her mood around results in a fantastic scene where Mint effortlessly blocks Hadenya’s attacks and then uses Mint Shield on her at point blank range, launching her into the atmosphere and creating a huge crater in the ground. THAT is badass.
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I love this kind of creative use of their abilities and I wish we’d see it a bit more often. Between the emotional resonance and the incredible physical fighting, this might be one of my favorite battles from this season.
I want to briefly mention that Karen clearly understands the root of Komachi’s concerns, and knows she’s not just talking about her book. I think Komachi knows that she knows, but continues to describe it in terms of her novel for plausible deniability. This might be Karen’s first time realizing Komachi has feelings for Nuts but she definitely knows, and all her advice to Komachi is predicated on helping her friend with her real relationship woes. She’s a good friend to have around. I also love the use of lighting during most of their conversations, the twilight scenes are always beautiful and of course it lets them play with light and shadow in creative ways. When they’re talking in the library, Komachi is mostly seen in shadow, representing her sadness and uncertainty, while Karen is in the light, as the beacon of hope that can help her. After Karen offers her advice to Komachi, she is half-lit, as she’s beginning to come out of her sadness.
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And lastly some bookkeeping. Hadenya was given a black mask today, but rejected it, and then failed when she went out to try to collect the Dream Collet. This is typical of her bravado and pride, but suffice to say this isn’t going to end well for her in the next episode.
Next time on Precure Daily, Milk tries to figure out just what a good caretaker is supposed to be like, and the answer may surprise you. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Kettei!
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precuredaily · 4 years
Precure Day 182
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 34 - “The Knight on a White Horse! Karen Protects Milk″ Date watched: 29 April 2020 Original air date: 30 September 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8mj9Wl3 Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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Where there is light, shadows lurk and fear reigns. Yet by the blade of knights, mankind was given hope.
Every so often there comes an episode of Precure that is absolutely iconic. This is one such episode. Milk gets sick and Karen has to joust Hadenya on horseback to protect her, putting her up there with other female action icons like Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley in my book. Let’s explore!
The Plot
Karen is showing off her equestrian skills for her friends, and invites Milk up to have a ride, but when Milk collapses in her arms, Karen realizes she has a fever. They take her inside the mansion to assess her, and Nuts informs them that the only way to cure a resident of the Palmier Kingdom is with a special Pinky known as Cappy, which is not one that they’ve caught yet. Karen opts to stay behind and tend to Milk while the others go out to find the elusive pinky.
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We’re treated to a brief scene in Nightmare where Bunbee is also sick and everyone else dismissively tells him to go home, they won’t miss him anyway. Hadenya volunteers to go fight the Precures and retrieve the Dream Collet this time.
Back at Karen’s residence, Milk is still suffering in bed and Karen flashes back to when she was sick as a child and Jiiya cared for her, so she goes to ask him for advice. He provides her with towels, ice water, and apples and instructs her how to tend to someone. He doesn’t ask many questions but it’s implied he knows more than he’s admitting about Karen’s patient. Karen goes back upstairs to attend to Milk, keeping her temperature regulated and feeding her porridge and apple slices, and she seems to be doing better.
Over in a nearby park, Coco, Nuts, Nozomi, Urara, Rin, and Komachi split into two groups to go look for the pinky. Coco and Nuts separately flash back to all the nice things Milk has done for them since arriving on Earth, and the girls encourage them to stay cheerful in their search, and they soon find Cappy. However, the fairies soon detect an evil presence back at the Mizuno estate...
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After her horse makes a fuss, Karen looks out the window and sees Hadenya strolling across the pasture towards her house! Karen heads outside to confront her, vowing to protect Milk, so the vibrant villainess tosses a Kowaina mask all the way into the stable, where it lands on a saddle, flying out and turning into a demon horse. I include all that information because usually the kowaina sprouts from wherever the possessed object is, so the fact that it came flying out before mutating is unusual. Anyway. Karen transforms into Cure Aqua but Hadenya and her devil steed resist her kicks and thrash her about. Karen tries to stand, resolute on protecting Milk, but she’s visibly weakened and Hadnya knocks her back down, mocking her ability to protect anything. At that moment, the other four girls arrive and transform to face off against her, but even their combined might isn’t enough to overpower the general as she makes a lance out of a nearby signpost. From inside the stable, Karen’s horse Charlie is able to tell his owner is in danger and he breaks out to go help her. Aqua mounts her steed and summons the Aqua Ribbon, turning it into a sword (a feature that is not possible with the toy #falseadvertising). She squares off with Hadenya and they charge at each other, jousting back and forth for a few rounds before Aqua summons all of her strength to knock Hadenya’s lance out of her hand in a crushing blow. She dismounts and performs Aqua Tornado on the Kowaina, with Hadenya admitting that Karen surprised her before she flees.
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Later, in Milk’s room, the girls all surround her bed as Karen explains that she protected her because she loves Milk’s smile. Cappy works his Pinky magic, healing her, and she seems a little confused about the day’s events. Coco and Nuts thank her for all her hard work for them, which makes her smile, then everybody but Karen leaves the room to go have tea. Milk thanks Karen sincerely for looking after her and protecting her, and the episode closes on a still of them embracing.
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The Analysis
Starting in episode 26, and seen again in episode 30, Milk and Karen have been developing a closer bond with each other than what Milk has with any of the other members of the team. Karen is very patient with and supportive of Milk, and having been fairly high-strung herself at one time, she knows how to get through to her and explain things in a way she’ll understand. Now we get to see Karen’s compassion and protectiveness when Milk is at her most vulnerable. She does everything in her power to help, and even when she’s overwhelmed, she just stands right back up and keeps pushing forward and fighting the good fight. Would Karen do this for Coco or Nuts if they were in the same situation? Of course, but because Milk is more vulnerable, it’s more meaningful to their relationship that she does this. And the ending of the episode really shows the closeness of their bond as Milk thanks Karen very personally and sincerely for treating her and protecting her from Nightmare. The music during this scene is a slow violin and piano piece which accentuates the mood. It’s very tender and heartwarming.
Karen’s determination to help Milk is really inspiring, but one aspect I appreciate is that she doesn’t automatically know HOW to help. Instead, she thinks back to a time when she was in a similar situation and turns around to ask her own caretaker for advice. She actively seeks help, which fits her attribute of intelligence, and she works hard to help Milk. She tries her best to tend to the fairy, but we see her mess up a little bit. She cuts her finger when peeling the apple, and when feeding the porridge to Milk, Milk chokes a little bit and coughs it out. No harm is done, but these are both representative of Karen’s novice at this task, as well as her persistence in never giving up. You see this again during the battle with Hadenya. Aqua doesn’t know how she can beat the monster on horseback, but she knows she has to try. She isn’t explicitly able to ask for help, but Charlie comes to her aid anyway, showing her the way forward.
Persistence also applies to the other girls, Coco, and Nuts, who are out looking for Cappy. Everyone is doing this for Milk’s sake, and they know they can’t give up until they find the Pinky and save her, but while we see them searching for a while (It’s mid afternoon when they get to the park, and sunset when they find Cappy and return to the Minazuki estate) the emphasis isn’t on them, this is Karen’s episode. I do like the cutaways where Coco and Nuts are remembering the fun they’ve had with Milk, good times and bad. Coco in particular remembers a time when Milk scolded him for eating too many cream puffs... which actually is going to be topical in a few more episodes, so look forward to that.
I’ve said before that twilight scenes can enhance the drama, and that’s in full effect here. The entire battle sequence takes place at sunset, and the liberal use of secondary colors goes a long way to increase the intensity of the fight.
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The kowaina is a deep purple, the sky is orange, the grass and trees are brown. Even Hadenya’s red and yellow appearance fits in with this, Aqua’s cool blue and cream clothes are the only thing breaking this up, helping to paint the picture that it’s her against the world. When her pure white horse arrives, it’s like a beacon of light, and she becomes Milk’s knight.
The idea of knights on horses protecting fair maidens is actually set up earlier in the episode, when Nozomi sees Karen practicing she daydreams about Coco riding in on a horse to rescue her as a princess.
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However, it is of course Karen who ultimately takes the charge, becoming the knight on horseback, sworn to protect Milk from evildoers. It’s a powerful image and a powerful fight. Using the Aqua Ribbon as a sword is about ten times cooler than what the toy actually does, but Precure has an ongoing policy of no physical weapons, so this is about as good as it gets.
There is one flaw that permeates almost the entire episode, and that is the art style. Awkward facial expressions abound here, mostly involving wide mouths and half-lidded stares or just vacant expressions. Aside from this being mid-30s filler before they start to ramp up the plot in the late 30s and 40s, I have no idea why this is so ugly. The animation director for this episode is Kawano Hiroyuki, an animator at Toei with a long track record, who has been involved with the franchise as an animator, key animator, and animation director since the beginning all the way through to Maho Girls. For this series, he was the animation director on episodes 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 41, and 49, as well as key animator on all of those episodes as well as 8, 33, and 35. I looked back at a bunch of these I could see a few similar instances of this kind of sloppiness, but his work is generally decent. Maybe they just rushed this episode out. The artwork in this show is usually solid, so maybe that’s why it stands out to me more when it’s bad, but half the episode looking like this sets off alarm bells in my head.
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The last thing I want to touch on is Hadenya. She lost her previous outing, the episode right after the girls demonstrated that they’re exponentially stronger as a team than they are when even one of them is missing. And yet, here she is, kicking Karen’s ass and then the asses of the other four, only to be bested by Karen again in one-on-one combat. It’s effective at showing how strong she is, much more so than her previous appearance, but by the same token it shows just how determined Karen is to protect Milk, as she keeps standing up even after getting beaten into the ground repeatedly. I hope we get more battles with this level of intensity.
In summary, it’s a great episode, a beautiful focus on Karen and Milk’s growing relationship, and it was marred only by some ugly faces.
Next time, Bloody finally enters the scene. Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 kettei. Don’t worry, we’ll have some next time!
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