anotherhibiscuswow · 5 years
Silly analysis time :P
lol I just wanted to write a silly lil bulletin on I what usually see in fanfics for JATNP and PJM. But here take a short description of the characters in show. This is for giggles don’t take it to heart, but feel free to add!
Jake: Season 1-3: brave but an idiot, perfecto Disney main character role model children. just appears whenever you say help (really creepy at times lol) Season 4: Ew.
Connor: Brave but and somewhat overachiever and idiot, another main character perfecto Disney role model.
Izzy: Flying girl, not enough merch (seriously). Booknerd, glasses not included. Sassy (Admit it you wanted her to take a jab at someone at least once.) Automatically shipped with the main guy. Useless in season 4
Amaya: Flying girl, not alot of merch (they only love the hero side). Booknerd, glasses included. A prick at times. Automatically shipped with the main guy.
Cubby: Map kid. That one character that you don’t know what to do with. But gets a lot of things regardless. Spooked easily. Can’t cry on camera. younging. Also useless in season 4
Greg: Wannabe strong boy. Sad most likely. Shy kid. Reptile dad. younging but the same size as everyone else.
Fanfiction time babyy (Props and sorry if you know the authors I’m referring to) 
JATNP styles: Ranges from it's all about Jake to Fluffy fluffy sugary sweet Jizzy romcom or Straight-up psychotic [entire Jake or Izzy here] without logic.
PJM styles: Ranges from a lot of Ocs to OOO somethings now they're in love! :0 whatever shall happen;) to copy titles such as When a [blank] loves a [blank] or dark, gritty and *raise brow* serious
Jake: Either sappy or lovesick and abusive, his actions are not questioned or he has little to no consequences in the slightest. Weird, depending on the fanfic he either cares about his crew a lot or somewhat disregards them either for a girl or something else. Treated as babey but isn’t deserving of it. Or he's a sex addict. He decent in some of them.
Connor: Hero TIME BOIIII. Greg or Amaya whichever shall it be?? Eh, normal dude, or soyboy. In some instances an anime protagonist. Wannabe boyfriend. Mega straight or Mega gay. borderline psychotic. I’d say pretty okie.
Izzy: Jake’s punching bag. shheEE LITERALLY DOES NOTHING BUT CRIES IN SOME OF THIS STORIES. Out of everyone she is the gorehound and doesn’t die somehow. Pretty much the opposite of what she is... there are exceptions. In a romcom, she either starts the conflict or/and she turns the problem up to 11 then cries and screams at Jake. Then THEY MAKE UP LATER LIKE ITS FREAKING NOTHING.  Sad, just sad honestly and not rlly smart. Very aggressive in some manner with usually no real motive. BUT the Izzys that are smart  👌👌👌. especially THAT Izzy (You know the ONE I’m talking about), she loves her gf and fecking it's adorable :)
Amaya: “Cute anime girl protagonist uwu” Can do no harm. Love interest 99% of the time. Luna girl or Connor? An “uwu anime cute girl nerd” or big titty nerd girl that secretly hot. Or you know just owlette. She actually is a bit more useful and down to earth in certain stories. Or edgy.
Cubby: That one character you don’t know what to do with.
Greg: Either luna’s boy toy or Connor’s.
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anotherhibiscuswow · 5 years
If anyone manages to anger her enough to point where she gives the silent treatment and cold shoulder. It might take a month or so but basically she’ll give you a pot and some seeds and tell you to grow them until they become something. The more they grow the more she’ll talk. If the plant die then :/ ya gotta start over bud.
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anotherhibiscuswow · 5 years
I was rewatching an episode and noticed that at the opening when jake goes “You wanna join my pirate crew?’ and it zooms out to show everyone.
Jake is looking at the camera, cubby is looking at Jake, Skully is looking down at Jake. Izzy left eye is looking at the camera while her right eyes just looks lost. 
Now I’m no animator what so ever but can someone please tell me what was going on with her right eye like the entirety of season 1-3??? like idk it bothered me lol.
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