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darkmaga-returns · 30 days ago
Yesterday Jerome Powell stated that the US economy is in “remarkably good shape”—in itself a remarkable rebuke to those Americans who voted for Trump based on the economy. What did he mean? I think two pictures pretty much tell the story. You’ll find Powell’s statement convincing if you think the US economy = Wall Street. Most Americans know better by now.
Philip Pilkington @philippilk A decade ago the US economy was 16.6% of the world economy. Today it is 15.5%. Yet the stock market has grown in relative terms by a large amount. This is not a win. It is a country that is being hollowed out by late-stage imperial financialisation. 3:40 AM · Dec 5, 2024 Also it appears that China, Taiwan are the only two with gains in shares, albeit very minute, among the biggest markets. The rest except the US all lost shares.
Philip Pilkington @philippilk Dollar neurosis looks set to be a constant theme for the next four years. There is an option here if the US doesn’t want this to become a giant mess.
2:36 AM · Dec 5, 2024
This makes one wonder who runs the West:
Philip Pilkington @philippilk Looks like someone - or perhaps, some institution - put a large buy order on the French stock market the day after the government collapsed. Maybe the “emergency measures” are being wheeled out?
2:33 AM · Dec 5, 2024
Moving on, Larry Johnson provides a State Department chart explaining who commits terror acts—very revealing for any knuckleheads who still believe Zionist pap about Iran being a terror state, rather than the target of Ango-Zionist sponsored terror:
Why is the United States Supporting Islamic Extremists Worse than Al Qaeda?
The record of international terrorism in the first quarter of the 21st Century is quite clear — the vast majority of terrorist attacks are carried out by groups OPPOSED by Iran. Here is the latest list from the US State Department’s Bureau of Counter Terrorism:
None of these are supported or funded by Iran. Not a single one.
#9 on that list is the ISIS/Al Qaeda group HTS that the US/Turkey/Israel are currently supporting to terrorize non-jihadis, Christians, etc. in Syria. Ever wonder why the US seems so down with killing Middle East Christians? Because it sure seems that way.
More snipe hunting fun. The hunt for Norks in Russia continues—the most elusive prey in the world, it seems. So elusive that photos have to be created via AI to be published in captive media. But it’s backfiring:
ADAM @AdameMedia Why did the Daily Mail post a fake AI picture of North Koreans in Ukraine?
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years ago
911 and the number 3!
I haven’t had time to rewatch just to find all the 3′s and I know there are lots of other 3’s lurking in season 1-5 (and probably some I’ve missed in season 6), these are just the ones I can remember off the top of my head so if you know of any drop me a message and I’ll update this post. I’m going to add it to my pinned post so it will be easier to find going forward!
Season 2
Buck hasn’t seen Maddie for 3 years
we see 3 photos of Eddie for his calendar submission
Hen is one of 3 women to graduate from the fire academy
Season 4
3 other Evans in Bucks class at ht fire academy
3 years of Daniel being in and out of hospitals
3 minutes out from the hospital
Eddie now has technically got 3 gunshot wounds (its 4 if you count the shooting as two separate wounds - front and back but as they are from the same gunshot I’m counting it as 1!)
Season 5
Buck calls Eddie 3 times when he run out of the hospital to find him doing compressions on Mitchell
kids mistakenly thinks he’s in room 318 on the 3rd floor
the room he’s actually is the 3rd one on the left
Ramon has 3 stents in his arteries and had the surgery 3 years ago!
Then we go to town in season 6 where there are 3′s wherever you look!!
Season 6
There is also the fact that in season 6 all the families in 911 are split into 3’s - Athena Bobby & May, Hen Karen & Denny, Chim Maddie & Jee-Yun, Eddie Buck & Chris, (and Michael David & Harry off screen) and we have been seeing lots of families of 3 on calls.
girl at stadium has 3 on her shirt
Eddie counts to 3 with the pilot of the blimp
Buck asks to be lowered 3 feet
330 square feet to the cabin on the cruise
3 tries for Buck to get Bobbys lasagne recipe right
3 times the charm for Maddie (3rd time is not the charm) watching a film with Chim
3 girls that may is roomed with
Athena gets to Hens at 3:15
3 shifts that Hen will be covering or Bobby
3 red flags in the garden
3 tomato plants
the finals Hen takes determine if she gets into her 3rd year
Eddie counts to 3 when they separate Angelo and Ron
Lev dies at 16:43
its ‘almost 3’ when Karen wakes up Hen
‘on 3’ when they pull the tree off the birdwatcher and then again when getting him on a backboard
3 pictures on the Diaz fridge
unit 313 are chasing the car Chim is in
Buck hasn’t seen Connor in 3 years
the sorority was founded in 1963
when saving Vincent from the purple foam there are 2 ‘on 3’s’
3 times Maddie accessed the call log shown on screen and all accesses have 3’s in there time stamps
18 July 1983 was the date Karen knew she wanted to work in space exploration
Karen works on the 3rd floor
63-31 is the vote to repeal DADT
Speed demons 3 poster on Felisa’s wall
the web search has a whole bunch of 3s - 3 items found, all 3 bracelets have 3’s in their descriptions
3 chairs on the beach - in Eddies scene with Felisa
Shannon died 3 years ago
the date is the 3rd on Bucks watch when he looks at the time
get 3 turkey legs - Hen at the Ren Faire
Christophers dance is going to last 3 hours
fireworks fight boys - 3 of them lost parts or their hands
triple homicide at the murder house! - 3 girls who actually died in a car accident
chim looks at 3 blogs
Josh is ‘pranked’ for 3 days and George had his appendix out 3 years ago
family of 3 with 3 beach chairs
The Buckley-Hans arrive in 3′s as the Buckleys (Buck Philip and Margaret) and the Han’s (Albert and Mr and Mrs Han) and then there is Maddie, Chim and Jee-Yun
3 minutes until the baby is brain dead
oct 3 on poster on Denny’s wall
3 red belts (on Chim, Eddie and Buck)
Buck is hanging for 3 minutes
3 minutes out from the hospital
there is also the more general one of Chis having nearly lost a parent 3 times (Eddie twice and now Buck) - not including Shannon as Chris actually did lose her!
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emeraldphilo · 8 months ago
ht thoughts:
back to being nervous and ready to send the players to the guillotine too (minus my son philip)
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sakshisingh06 · 2 years ago
Best Soundbar Under 20000
Top 5 Best Soundbar Under 20000 in India
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Soundbars are a great way to enjoy the best sound quality from your TV without investing in bulky and expensive speakers. With the advancement of technology, they’ve become more accessible and affordable as well, with some high-end models even being available for under Rs. 20,000 in India. In this article, we will be looking at five of the best soundbars you can purchase for Best Soundbar under Rs. 20,000 so that you can get the most bang for your buck. We will be discussing their features, pros and cons, and more so that you can make an informed decision while shopping for a soundbar. So let’s dive right in!
LG SJ8 4.1 Channel Soundbar
If you are looking for the best soundbar under Rs. 10,000, then the LG SJ8 4.1 Channel Soundbar is the perfect choice for you. This soundbar features 4.1 channel output and comes with a wireless subwoofer, which makes it ideal for movies and music lovers. It also has Bluetooth connectivity, so you can easily connect it to your smartphone or tablet and enjoy your favorite tunes wirelessly. Additionally, the LG SJ8 4.1 Channel Soundbar comes with a remote control, so you can easily control the sound settings from the comfort of your couch.
Sony HT-RT5 600W 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD/DTS-HD Soundbar
Are you looking for a soundbar that will take your home theater to the next level? If so, you may want to consider the Sony HT-RT5 600W 5.1ch Dolby TrueHD/DTS-HD Soundbar. This soundbar is packed with features that will improve your home theater experience, including 600 watts of power, 5.1 channel surround sound, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD sound technology, and a wireless subwoofer.
The Sony HT-RT5 has enough power to fill a large room with rich, detailed sound. The 5.1 channel surround sound creates a realistic listening experience that will make you feel like you're in the middle of the action. The Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD sound technology ensures that you'll hear every detail of the movie or game you're watching. And the wireless subwoofer gives you deep, powerful bass without the need for extra wires.
If you're looking for a soundbar that will take your home theater to the next level, the Sony HT-RT5 is an excellent choice.
Philips Fidelio B5/98WF 2.1 Wireless Blu-ray Home Theater System
The Philips Fidelio B5/98WF 2.1 Wireless Blu-ray Home Theater System is one of the top best soundbars under in India. It has a sleek and stylish design that will complement any home theater setup. The soundbar itself is made from high-quality materials and offers superior sound quality. The wireless subwoofer provides deep, powerful bass that brings movies and music to life. The Bluetooth connectivity allows you to stream audio from your mobile device or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. The system also includes an HDMI input for connecting to your TV or other HD sources.
Polk Audio Signa S2 Ultra-Slim TV Sound Bar
Polk Audio Signa S2 Ultra-Slim TV Sound Bar is one of the top best soundbars under in India. It offers an immersive sound experience with its powerful Dolby Digital decoding and advanced audio technologies. The Polk Audio Signa S2 also has a sleek and slim design that makes it a great addition to any home theater setup.
Soundbars are a great way to upgrade the audio quality in your home theater without breaking the bank. We've gone ahead and rounded up some of the best soundbar under 20000 available in India, so you have an easier time making an informed decision when buying one. All these models offer superior sound quality and features that will definitely give your home entertainment experience a boost for less money. Make sure you check out our list before making any purchase decisions!
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sassy324 · 1 month ago
2024年11月24日,突發新聞:川普選擇的司法部長帕姆·邦迪(Pam ​​Bondi) 表示,抗議以色列的美國學生應該被「帶出」該國,或者接受聯邦調查局(FBI) 的採訪。
2024年11月27日,前參議員理查德·布萊克上校: 「美國支付了敘利亞每一個恐怖分子的工資! 我們給了他們武器和卡車…”
2024年11月28日,“《羅馬規約》不適用於以色列、美國、法國、德國或英國,因為它不是被設想來追隨我們的。” — Lindsey Graham 承認國際法是西方霸權的工具,但並不適用於西方.
2024年12月2日,這是美國派去摧毀的一種塔克菲里小組#سوريا 。 敘利亞前突尼西亞戰士:我們轟炸遜尼派清真寺,並在他人身上寫下攻擊性的褻瀆短語,作為製造遜尼派與什葉派衝突的策略,以實現敘利亞軍隊的分裂。
2024年12月4日,以色列轟炸了擁有1800 多年歷史的希臘東正教聖波菲里烏斯教堂它建於猶太主義者入侵巴勒斯坦之前17 個多世紀。
2024年12月7日,Philip Giraldi:讓我們承認,無論我們投票給哪個政黨,我們美國人都將受到猶太復國主義者的統治,讓我們期待言論自由的消失,或者更確切地說,如果有人選擇批評一個人,邦迪及其同夥將禁止甚至將第一修正案定為刑事犯罪。
2024年12月7日,Philip Giraldi:同時,川普提議的內閣幾乎完全由猶太復國主義者組成,這表明以色列的朋友們有權審查誰應該在談判桌上獲得一席之地,但當然,從某些標準來看,拜登的團隊對猶太復國主義者更加友好,例如80% 的關鍵職位由猶太人或與猶太人結婚的人擔任。
2024年12月13日,再次證實以色列和美國正在準備攻擊伊朗核設施 根據《華爾街日報》報道,川普總統團隊正在考慮對伊朗進行軍事打擊以阻止其核子計劃 他的過渡團隊的一些成員現在正在對針對核設施的軍事打擊選項進行更認真的審查。
2024年12月13日,你知道美國政府五角大廈花了5 億美元為基地組織製作宣傳影片嗎? 當此事被揭露時,官方的藉口是這是一個尋找基地組織支持者的詭計。或者……美國祇是在招募自己的代理人軍隊來對抗中西部國家。
2024年12月13日,可以肯定的是,對即將發生的事情的恐懼是合理的,因為基地組織派生的沙姆解放組織(HTS) 恐怖組織的「反叛」領導人阿布·穆罕默德·喬拉尼(Abu Mohammad al-Jolani) (他現在的名字是艾哈邁德·阿爾)——沙拉是敘利亞基地組織努斯拉陣線的創始人,也是伊斯蘭國領導人阿布·貝克爾·巴格達迪的前副手。美國國務院已將他列為恐怖分子,並將 HTS 列為恐怖組織,並懸賞 1000 萬美元緝拿喬拉尼的人頭,這顆人頭可能很快就會被喬·拜登除掉。
(加拿大司馬田2024.12. 谷歌翻譯facebook:Markss Tang)
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mobiblip · 9 months ago
Unveiling the Best Home Theater Systems: Reviews & Comparisons
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Transforming your living room into a cinematic paradise is no longer a distant dream, thanks to the plethora of home theater systems flooding the market. However, with so many options available, finding the perfect one can be a daunting task. Fear not, as we've curated a comprehensive guide to the best home theater systems, offering insightful reviews and comparisons to ease your decision-making process.
Sony HT-RT3 Real 5.1ch Dolby Digital Soundbar Home Theater System: Starting our list strong is the Sony HT-RT3, a sleek and powerful soundbar system that delivers immersive 5.1 channel surround sound. With Dolby Digital technology, this system brings movies to life, making every explosion and whisper resonate through your room.
Samsung HT-J5100K/XL 5.1 Channel Home Theater System: Samsung’s HT-J5100K/XL offers a blend of style and performance. Its 5.1 channel setup ensures an expansive audio experience, while its sleek design effortlessly complements any home decor. Whether you're watching movies or streaming music, this system delivers crystal-clear sound.
Philips SPA8000B/94 5.1 Channel Multimedia Speakers System: Philips is renowned for its quality audio products, and the SPA8000B/94 is no exception. Featuring 5.1 channel surround sound and a powerful subwoofer, this system fills your room with rich, deep bass and clear highs, elevating your audio experience to new heights.
LG LHD657 Bluetooth Multi Region Free 5.1-Channel Home Theater Speaker System: LG's LHD657 is a versatile powerhouse, offering Bluetooth connectivity for seamless wireless streaming and multi-region DVD playback for a truly global entertainment experience. Its 5.1 channel setup ensures immersive sound for all your favorite movies and music.
F&D F3800X 5.1 Channel Multimedia Bluetooth Speakers System: Rounding off our list is the F&D F3800X, a budget-friendly option that doesn't compromise on quality. With Bluetooth connectivity, USB playback, and FM radio, this system offers versatility and convenience. Its 5.1 channel configuration delivers impressive sound, making it perfect for movie nights and parties alike.
Comparing these top home theater systems, each has its own unique features and strengths, catering to different preferences and budgets. Whether you prioritize cinematic sound quality, sleek design, or affordability, there's a system on this list to suit your needs.
For those eager to dive deeper into the world of home theater systems, our full article on Home Theater Systems provides a more detailed analysis, including additional options and expert insights.
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electropiecesoccase · 2 years ago
Module infra rouge télé Philips 37PFL7605H/12 Référence: GWA7.820.675-2(HT)
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Module infra rouge télé Philips 37PFL7605H/12 Référence: GWA7.820.675-2(HT) La Pièces Proviens D’une Télé Écran Casser Read the full article
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luzxii · 2 years ago
Who is your favorite owl house character?
Ooooo I have a lotta favourites, but i'd define ntally say that Caleb would be number one. I am a huge fan of characters that haunt th narrative and just find him very nice as a cha racter in general ehehehe. But other favourit es of mine include Philip/Belos,Steve,Willow, King, Alador, Eyelene, King's Dad, The Collec tor and countless others that I haven't thoug ht of at the moment- but yeah I have a lotta love for a lotta the characters in this show lol thank you so much for asking!
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harryforvogue · 3 years ago
i think it’s really sexy of me when i refuse to read books that have bad character names
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ham-tarts · 6 years ago
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i finally finished my sketchbook so why not toss more wonky art into the tumblr void huh
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agecoearth · 5 years ago
Light up your home
With every New Year’s Eve, people come up with fancy and creative resolutions for the upcoming eon. One of the best resolutions that you can achieve is getting a luminous makeover for your home. Yes, lights and lamps have become an integral part of your houses. The lights of a room can determine the excelling or collapse of the whole look.
Interior Lighting, hence, is very important. The ambiance for a house can be controlled by the type of light fixture you use. Lights work as a mirror for the interiors of a room; like the living space should have ample of it since it is a room for meeting and greeting people. On the other hand, lights for a bedroom should be soft and mild for allowing rest and leisure. But, beware of the types of wiring and cables you use, they could be risky.
Without further ado, let us check out a few lighting trends from the year 2019:
Subtle Gold
The year has seen a hike in the use of soft shade lights for interior remakes. The homeowners are enamored with the colors like grey and beige for walls. These gentle colors are elevated with soft golden lighting. This color tone falls between matte silver and gold. This lighting option for sure will stay in the mod houses in the future. With the use of proper wires, you can trap the stunning looks of these illuminations; you can contact Ageco, Lapp cable dealer, to get proper bits of advice.  
Smart Lights
With a new season comes a new style. The year has got some of the best beacon options to go for when you are trying to attain the lavish looks and ways of life. There is no better way of going trendy and staying on-board than these lighting options. Lights with personalization features are so modern. They are outcomes of tech development and practical for every household. Functional lights are specially made for providing comfort and a pliant environment. You can use them as wall mounts, in lamps or as recessed lights (in the false ceiling).
Customized lighting options can be controlled by switches and phones. These are great for building ambient surroundings; for parties, for family time, etc. Comparative to other choices, the smart lights are equally affordable and cool for a house remake. Dim the lights for a subtle vibe or use multiple colors for a get together fun; these lights have expanded over the interior décor market. Since, changing colors according to daylight and type of use, you would need safe and stable cable options. Interact with the Ageco Philips Lighting dealer and get the best wiring for your future home.
Refined Throwback to Retro and Industrial
The industrial design options are all about getting the countryside finishes and metal accents. It is coming back with the DIY lighting styles in an elevated form of raw and rustic.  They can be called as improved industrial or mod rustic looks that top the lists of décor. Metals are rugged but sleek looking if you are interested in getting chandeliers for the dining area or your home office. They look rich, sophisticated and classy; all eyes will be on these when you invite people over for meals. The lights that you use in these are important as well. LED and the incandescent bulbs are the top picks of users and aspirers of this type of look. Make sure you have a proper cable connection and stable placement of fixtures, and the lights are ready to shine. You can find lots of inspiration online if you search.
Lamps from Organic Materials
Topmost feature of organic materials? They never step out of trends; not in fashion, not in art, not even in home designing. They are perfect for large as well as small-sized rooms. There are various types and styles of lamps that are ideal and much needed for a room. They are made from paper, cloth and organic fibers. Natural materials are flexible, durable and good quality/ look items. There are various types of lampshades made from these; either they can be handmade by you or purchased from the shops.
They provide warm, tropical and sophisticated looks; qualities hard to find in the normal lamps. They are made from weaving grass or wicker and are the constants in the trendy listings. Organic light shades have been here for long and will stay due to their links to rustic as well as modern décor ideas. These are also great for attaining the bohemian and unconventional looks.
People have shown an increased inclination towards this type of lighting option. As they can be self-made as well and are affordable options when compared to the fancy choices. But these fixtures involve a lot of open wires, which is not safe if you are thinking of installing the light in a busy spot. You go-to would be Ageco, the Ht cable dealers and providers of consumer and industry-related electronic parts at the best services.
Shapes; Sleek lines and Low mess
The trends say all lights are chosen should have a defined shape or be placed structurally to proffer better looks. And since light options are growing with the high-tech advancements, you might be able to find your ideal choice in no time and less budget. Going with 3D shapes and ideational looks is the new-gen idea of getting or shopping for the lights. Light fixtures are super handy when you wish to create a ‘wow’ moment in a blank or less decorated space. They can be used in the ceiling center as well as a highlight to the walls.
These types of lighting options make the space look futuristic but in an industrial way. You can go for ornate and flashier ones, on the other hand, you could choose minimalism and select the simple and easy-to-the-eyes one.  
Lighting trends 2020
For the upcoming year, all predictions are brimmed with a mixture of all styles. From sophisticated to rustic, antique to abstract, mod to boho and metal to organic. When putting together they would be the perfect choice to go for when it comes to your home remakes for proper lighting. Ranging wide from lamps to bulbs and tube-lights, your home will be your sanctuary for relaxation and partying; both at the same time.  
With ample thinking and help from Ageco, the best electric equipment, and Ht cable dealers for personal as well as industrial use, you can get the home lit up with lights. It is not just about having refined aesthetics and selection, working with us will make you more environmentally aware and safe from any hazards.
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darkmaga-returns · 25 days ago
Cynical enough for you? Although I’m not sure whether “cynical” is the right characterization for utter moral bankruptcy:
Megatron @Megatron_ron BREAKING: Public executions in Syria Huge crowds gather to watch HTS terrorist group execute former Syrian Army officials in Hama, Syria.
10:31 AM · Dec 10, 2024
Alan MacLeod @AlanRMacLeod The United States didn't take Nelson Mandela off its terrorist list until 14 years after he became president of South Africa
Last edited1:20 PM · Dec 9, 2024
Middle East Observer @ME_Observer_ Benjamin Netanyahu: We want relations with the new regime in #Syria
Middle East predators with their masks off.
I wonder whether Israel received permission for this from Erdogan? Well, we know Erdogan is nothing if not patient in exacting revenge:
MenchOsint @MenchOsint
So Israel completely demilitarized Syria, destroyed billions dollars of military equipment, annexed Syrian territory, and is even bragging about it.
Philip Pilkington @philippilk "Is there someone you forgot to ask?"
GingerMeow @AKJay59396046 Turkish re-domination of the Levant at the expense of Arab-Anglo cliques that dated back to the last years of the Ottoman? If that's the case, Saudis are the losers here Petit Dessalines @ZoeGawd223 A Muslim brotherhood led Syria allied with Turkey is something the Anglo-Arab coalition will not like (KSA,Egypt,Jordan,UAE etc). 7:43 AM · Dec 9, 2024
Hamas (Muslim Bros) has congratulated Syria on Turkey’s (Muslim Bros) accession to power in Syria. Hmmmm.
Philip Pilkington @philippilk Muslim Brothers might end up in a Hood near you faster than you think...
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eucanthos · 3 years ago
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Degas: Tendu Derrière, ca. 1882–95 [ Salome figure ]
Brancusi: Sleeping Muse, 1910 [ Baptist’s head ]
Louis-Jean-François Lagrenée: Pygmalion and his statue, 1777 [ color shape ]
Kounellis: Untitled (Hanging Knife), 1991
Hermes torso (Farnese Andros type, 1st c. BC copy of original attributed to Praxiteles)
Leather go-go boots tv 60s photos (no. 36)
...reading point (2): both mother and daughter are called Herodias. Most later exegetical and artistic interpretations of Mark's story are based on the family relationships described by Josephus, and there she is called Salome.
In Mark 6:14-29 story, Herodias' daughter is probably still a teenager. According to some historians, she was born around 10 AD or 14 AD. At a young age, she married her paternal uncle Philip. After his death, she married her cousin Aristobulus of Armenia Minor, the son of Herod of Chalcis, who was a brother of her mother Herodias - scielo.org (HTS Theological Studies)
[ Salomé ]
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cartsandrafts · 3 years ago
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Smiley, Smiley ( 2010) Philip Eglin Ht 52 x diam. 42 cms (view 3)
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harveywritings92 · 4 years ago
How you met: Shay x Death Doula! Reader
Info on the reader's profession: A Death Doula is a person who assists in the dying process, unlike a regular doula who offer assistance for women in labor, Death Doula's deal with well... death! But they don't deal exclusively with just children, they were like an early version of grief counselors mixed with hospice nurse and funeral director all rolled into one package, their service list would include: Giving emotional,social and Psychological support, creating death plans, helping with funeral and memorial planning, and guiding mourners to their rights and responsibilities.
Shay was assigned by Haytham to investigate the rumor that a previous dead member was apparently alive and well. They were dismissed as just so... until, Thomas Hickey appeared before the grand master claiming to have seen the man, a one Robert Bancroft a former banker and tradesman wandering the New York market district, now that wouldn't be strange except Robert had dead for three months now! And what's more, apparently the late Mr. Bancroft has also gone on to calling himself Philip McCray not much info on that name though.
Haytham sent Shay to figure out this mystery, To start him off the grand master directed the former assassin to the home of an Undertaker: Father's name [l/n] seems there been a disturbance at his place of business that might just give them a lead to this mystery. 
Shay was wary at approaching the large manor-like funeral home he heard whispers and accusations of the undertaker being a demon butcher who cut up bodies and ate their livers, others that he'd chop the limbs off and sew them to other bodies and used dark arts on them. Though Mr. Franklin who was an old friend of Mr. L/n assured Shay that those rumors were hogwash; what the experiments undertaker does with the deceased was simply a misunderstood science that will one day change the way everyone looks at life and death.
That didn't do much to calm the Irishman's nerves as the smell of Incense invaded his nose the closer he got closer the the mortuary, Shy paused for a moment to admire the birdcage shaped censers hanging by the door he thought them they were lanterns, but duty calls Shay walked inside where smell of lavender potpourri lingered in the air and the sound of arguing invaded his ears Shay followed where the voices were coming from and found himself in a large sitting room, where a y/ht y/hc woman in a black and purple dress around his age was arguing with older man.
"Well someone has to do something about this, The man's wife thinks we're hiding him!"
"I said no! No interrogations, no investigations, no bloody mystery solving! This will blow over soon."
"Yes and meantime Mr.Cray's wife is telling everyone under the sun, about how I'm some husband stealing harlot, While at the same time some ne'er-do-well going around pretending to the man!"
"The woman is grieving Y/n, you've been trained to recognize such delusions, she saw him die, their friend saw him die and...and..."
The man's voice trailed off finally noticing Shay watching them, he straightened himself up and cleared his throat, while the woman whip her head around to see what got his attention."Oh, a customer, Y/n go make some tea for... um" The Templar held his hand out. "Shay Cormac, and that won't be necessary... I'm here regarding a break-in three months ago?" the undertaker looked uncomfortable as he look at Y/n who this knowing smirk on her face. 
“Yes we.. Well my daughter's office was broken into..." He led Shay to back of the manor to Y/n's office now that the Irishman could get a good look at her noting some resemblance between her and the undertaker they both had the same eye/hair color, they got to the office as Y/n spoke up as the assassin hunter looked around.
Soon Mr. L/n left and Y/n took over "Thieves weren't after any trinkets or valuables." She directed him to a large row of cabinets with a broken locks, "they were only after papers & records of the recently deceased, and was very careful at who he was selecting." She showed him an old file with details of that person's life. {Identification papers, birthplace place and cause of death etc.] and sketches of the deceased persons face she explained they used them for an "in case" scenario of multiple funerals in one day and if the families have the same or similar sounding names.
"Here's the man whose papers were stolen" she said handing the Templar the sketch he took out a small painting of Bancroft and compared the two "This is very well done." Shay commented taking in the sketch's detail right down to the scars and birthmarks. "Uh, thank you?" Y/n said incredulously not used to hearing her work be complimented especially from a man, Shay wasn't joking when he said it was good this McCray could be Bancroft's twin, Except...
Shay checked the death record McCray had black hair, Bancroft was blond, his first thought was a wig but the way Hickey had described the bloke his hair looked too natural to be a wig, nor did it look like soot and grease as Lee had suggested, was he using ink? his dark eyes glance over at a Y/n  looking out the window shaking her head at something.
 "Is there way darken one's hair color, without wigs or ink?" the assassin hunter asked not being familiar with cosmetics, Y/n cocked a brow as she thought. "Yes through henna and katam." Shay gave her a confused look Y/n sighed and took off her gloves and pulled up her sleeve to reveal a very impressive tattoo on her hand.
Shay took her hand her to get a better look, if it wasn't fading he'd almost mistaken another glove, the lotus design was delicate the way the ink ringed around her fingers like lace was almost fairy-like. "This is mehndi art made with henna it's a type of dye made from tree dyes from India, it can also be used to change hair color...if mix with the right components." She explained the as the Irish man flipped her hand over to stare at the moon design on her wrist.
"How long does this usually last for?" He asked giving her hand back. "Well depending on type and quality three weeks? applying oils is a good way to extend it." Y/n stated as she put her gloves back on. *who'd thought that wedding tribute for my friend in India would come in handy?* She thought not noticing Shay's attention suddenly shifted to the window, in a split second the large man suddenly yanked Y/n towards him using his body to shield her from her window exploding; glass shards flew everywhere as rocks were thrown through the window! 
Followed by a woman screaming "PHILIP KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!?" then there was some struggling Shay pulled away from Y/n the two went the window to see what happened, the Irishman kept her behind him just in case. as they watched a hysterical woman throwing rocks at the funeral home, as a man and two women and adolescent boy struggled to control her.
"PHILIP COME OUT!" The man finally got a hold of her. "Stop this right now Sarah, Philip is dead!" the Sarah shook her head not believing him as the women pleaded with her to listen to her brother, she gasped seeing Y/n and Shay watching her "GIVE HIM BACK YOU WHORE!?!?" Sarah screeched ready to throw a another rock as her brother dragged her away.
the boy walked over over to the shattered window. "I...I'm sorry for my mother Miss Y/n, My aunt says they'll pay for the window..." The y/hc woman the boy off. "Don't worry about it I know it's not your mother's fault." She assured as they watched his aunts and uncle load his mother into a carriage. the boy then looked around making sure his mother couldn't hear.
"Is it true?"  
"Absolutely not, I'm not hiding your father..."
"No, not that I know fathers gone, I meant...I heard things about you being able to speak to the dead, solving murders?"
"I don't speak to dead, I speak for the dead and I swear on your father's resting soul, I will find out whose behind this and bring peace to your mother."
The boy thanked her and went to join his family, Y/n winced hears Mrs. McCray scream at the top of her lungs "I WON'T LET YOU HAVE MY BOY!?" before being restrained by her sisters-in law as her brother shook his head clearly at loss and tired of his sister fits, as they rode away...
"Speak for the dead, eh?" Shay queried sounding amused and intrigued as Y/n averted her eyes embarrassed /face red from embarrassment as she thought he'd gone to find her father once Mrs. McCray was whisked away, "Well being a death doula, that is what I do in a way..." they were suddenly interrupted by her father entering the study, wooden planks under one arm hammer and nails in the other "Except most death doulas don't go on path of Derring-do just because they think someones a killer." Y/n looked offended at her father's words.
"Well I wasn't wrong before!" she huffed agitating her father more. "Stay out of it." he warned boarding her window up, he then turned to their visitor. "And you've got your evidence Cormac, Now I suggest you take you leave." Shay bid the last name's farewell, but before he reached the door he was stopped by Y/n grabbing his arm "Mr. Cormac, when you find this man." She made her father wasn't listening; he'd blow a gasket if he found out she was meddling. 
"If possible I would like you to return him here," Shay's brows furrowed at this request, "Here, why?" he asked confused over why she would want the thief whose caused her so much disarray in her house. "I think it might help if Mrs. McCray saw "Philip" for herself." Irishman nodded seemly understanding what the y/nat woman was planning. "I'll see if can keep him in one piece." He noted Y/n hadn't let go of his arm. "Is there something else you wanted" The y/ht woman fidgeted for a moment.
"Erm...Yes, if it doesn't trouble you, perhaps I could help you again?" Shay blinked wondering if he heard right? meanwhile Y/n inner thoughts were going haywire. "You idiot, why would you ask him? no man wants the creepy undertaker’s daughter especially someone as handsome as-" Shay's broke through her pity party. "That wouldn't trouble me at all." Y/n up at Shay who looked equally startled by his words.
Cue an awkward starring contest before Y/n realized she was still holding his arm, letting him go the y/hc shyly averted her eyes to the floor/cheeks went pink, Shay was thankful for that she couldn't see the tips of his ears were red, he calmed himself before walking out of the funeral home. "I'll see you again." he promised before heading back to Haytham with his findings.  
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aegricambicellulari · 4 years ago
Parti e componenti in qualsiasi telefono cellulare (Feature Phone o Smartphone Android) comprendono alcune parti piccole, medie e grandi. Sono praticamente qualcosa di molto simile nella maggior parte dei marchi di telefoni cellulari tra cui: Samsung, Nokia, Acer, Alcatel, Apple, Geonee, Asus, BenQ, Siemens, Bird, Blackberry, Blu, Celkon, Dell, Gigabyte, Haier, HT, Huawei, Micromax, LG, Motorola, iMobile, I-Mate, Panasonic, Philips, Spice, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Toshiba, ZTE, Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo Etc.
LCD RICAMBIO COMPATIBILE PER IPHONE 11 PRO Il cavo di ricezione viene utilizzato per ottenere e comunicare la ricorrenza radio. È integrato nell'ufficio del telefono cellulare. Questi sono chiamati cavi di ricezione incorporati.
La batteria è la fonte solitaria della fornitura di forza a un telefono cellulare. Tre tipi di batteria sono generalmente utilizzati in telefoni cellulari e tablet versatili:
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