txttletale · 9 hours
in the regular magic cards is there that much "you lose the game" texts for this fake card generator to pick up on or is there some kind of carcinization for so many random "do x, if you do, lose the game"?
there's a fair amount -- mostly in a 'deal with the devil' kind of format (often that's the literal flavor) where you get some crazy benefit but at a high price. some of the most well-known examples:
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(for those not familiar with magic: all of these effects at that mana cost are insanely strong without the 'lose the game' rider. except demonic pact that one's kind of bad but it's iconic) of course, roborosewater isn't aware of this -- so instead of offering powerful effects with the risk of losing on the spot as a tradeoff, it just creates cards that say shit like 'name a card. you lose the game.' and it's funny every time
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thepariahcontinuum · 6 months
i was thinking, the knowledge of trigger events must have changed the regular prison system as well right? there should be a non zero number of people that triggered while facing abuse in jails, like in solitary confinement, abuse from guards and even during death sentences? i know the shards prefer young people but there are adult triggers as well right?
anyway i think that could make a certain pressure for the carcerary system to be more regulated and supervised by the prt?
also someone that triggers on the electric chair could be an interesting character, maybe one of the ones that eventually got killed by the fairy queen
Given that Rune Triggered in jail, the idea of someone Triggering in prison/juvie is definitely valid and an excellent basis for a character and a fic.
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felixcloud6288 · 5 months
I've started watching "So I'm a Spider, So What?" at @hpeter1's suggestion and all I can say so far is the only thing I care about is the spider. I completely lose interest whenever we see the isekai class having their isekai adventures.
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carnival-phantasm · 3 years
I refuse to watch the news, any cool stuff apart from this whole intestine mess going on our definitely real country?
Some american tourist did an illegal parachute jump from Vitória's Third Birdge and accidentally landed in the middle of an army base
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brain-deadx0 · 4 years
I stand alone - Godsmack
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
the woman on the billboard was a loreal commercial
Love that
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lilitheeevee · 5 years
Hey quick question.
@hpeter1 are you like always on tumblr? I see you active every time I come on. Or is it like a blinking at the same time thing.
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thepariahcontinuum · 8 months
i thought of a cape power and possible trigger and was wondering if you could help flesh out and classify it because i never really understood prt classifications that well.
the individual would be someone with a deep inferiority complex, who didn't put effort into anything because of fear of failure, but would mask it as not wanting to do anything unnecessary, and judged others they were envious of by saying they were putting too much effort in, or that their skills weren't really necessary for basic life, as over the top. i think the trigger could be something like they giving themself a chance to put an effort in, maybe studying to get into a dream school or preparing to get a good job only to fail completely and have any self worth they had crushed since they couldnt use their usual excuses to mask it this time. maybe it would involve a reunion where they see all their old acquaintances succesful on top of the recent failure.
as for the manifestation, they would have the ability to deny others the ability to do something, as long as they denied themselves of it too. something like, since i can't go to your level, I'll bring you to mine. it would involve a statement out loud, the main one used being "[doing something] is unecessary, let's do it without it". not sure if it would be an area of effect kind of deal, or anyone that hears it, but it would be useful both to deny stuff they can't do (like specifying others powers or equipment others have that they don't) but also stuff they can strategically (like "seeing is unecessary, let's do without it" while an enemy is in a complicated situation to not see in. this is rarer to be used though, since their mentality is of a loser that focus more on what they don't have. it's like a more versatile hatchet face power eith more range but with the caveat of only holding one statement at once and having to activate it by talking?
it wouldn't really solve the issue of their inferiority complex, i think it would only exarcebate it since they would focus so much on what others can do that they can't and never will. really feels like someone that would struggle to work with others for a long time since that envy would only grow. not sure if it's really a type of natural cape or if it works better with a caldron vial cape to rub insult in the injury (not even having a power for real, requiring to buy it in a bottle)
Okay so it does sound like you've basically got the idea of this guy down and you really only do need some detail work.
Firstly a think that this is a natural trigger, just because this guy wouldn't go to the effort of contacting Cauldron, he'd just bitch about capes on PHO all day instead and even if he did find Cauldron....They wouldn't take him, they do canonically have some standards on who they give vials to.
The Power feels like it would come under the Master classification, I'm saying that because it reads like a variation on Victor's power...Maybe with a Striker/Blaster/Shaker based on the method/range of application.
I would actually make a change to the Trigger Event though....A reunion feels too late, he'd be too old. I'd make it graduation instead. Basically after calling everyone a try-hard for years, never putting any effort in for fear of failure this guy decided that he was actually gonna try and get into college, to learn something a make a future for himself and he just failed....And at graduation he saw all those happy people, about to go and live the rest of their lives and absolutely nobody even bothered to look his way. That's when he Triggered.
He's a small time villain, literally just stealing whatever he wants at any given time....He can't be a hero, that requires efforts and he was probably just too old to be a Ward and was in no way physically capable of being on the Protectorate. The capes in Ward are allowed to not be Supermodels unlike the MCU, but they've still gotta be able to pass a basic fitness test surely. Even as a villain he'd never amount to much because Worm understands that one person is not gonna get far in this kind of setting, you need a crew....This guy does not have the drive, vision, connections or the people skills to put that kind of operation together.
Personality wise....Fucking Redditor. This guy has a Fedora and he's so lazy he couldn't even be bothered to grow his neckbeard out fully; this guy is basically a combination of every 'Niceguy' incel and the absolute epitome of the kind of "Caring about anything is dumb" philosophy behind South Park's "You mad bruh" humor.
So yeah.....Your OC Eric Cartman.
Have you got a name for this guy?
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
wait, is there no actual spider man ish cape in worm? is taylor the closest we got?
I think so
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thepariahcontinuum · 1 year
a tinker that specializes in civil engineering, as in structural stability with concrete, wood, metal and plastic but in ways people couldn't normaly figure out, with molecular combinations between the materials never before achieved. can't think it could be applied to combat in any way, trigger event related maybe to isolation and being lost in the woods or tundra, building a shelter and being found some years later?
That is an absolutely brilliant idea and I love it.
The Trigger event idea works, although I might be a smartass and say they were lost on an island just do they can have the last name Wilson as a Castaway reference.
This is someone who joined the PRT simply because it was the place they could put their skills to the most effective and Immediate use. They're (I'm using they but I'm honestly imagining he/him) part of a rescue and disaster relief team with people like 'Huygens' from a previous ask, someone who is deployed after natural disasters and Endbringer attacks for disaster relief to build temporary accommodations.
They/He also does a lot philanthropic work, since Tinker tech requires constant upkeep they're taking and teaching college courses trying to bring engineering knowledge for humanity as a whole up to Tinker levels whilst also renovating low income housing.....Which makes them a god friend of another previous OC 'Cabin' since they're both fundamentally good people who want the best.
Costume wise, this is someone who wears a grey hazmat suit with a gasmask and highlighter yellow hi-vis vest and manages to not look unapproachable or intimidating. Definitely got a utility backpack full of tinker tech and materials, definitely got a clipboard at all times.
Cape name: 'Utopia'
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
Episode 168
Honorable mentions:
I once had an ongoing list of the UnOrdinary world like a research page but then it disappeared somehow in my google docs (still dunno how), but I’m thinking of recreating it if only for my list of places in UnOrdinary because I can’t remember if Newside is a new place or if we’ve been there before in the story. And that upsets me.
I just want to bring back that time about a year ago (yes I’m old) when I did an analysis on the superhero posse when they were just becoming the superhero posse. If you search up #episode 117in my tags, you’ll find it, but I remember putting the three into a small ladder hierarchy based on how much authority they were giving off and I said 1. Blyke, 2. Remi, 3. Isen. I’m very happy that even a year ago, Blyke was displaying signs of leadership. I put his name down as having the most authority within the group, but I was kind of surprised when I did that, even then. Past me knew, past me could tell the future (AN: I suggest looking at that actually the lineup if just so good)
the flow of this post is kind of choppy I think so sorry for that
    So: yes, I’m finally talking about Blyke again. Sorry about not mentioning him last week, I just really was focused on John for that one and the post would’ve felt less cohesive if I wrote about Blyke too. Also, there wasn’t much development on Blyke’s storyline in that episode except basically telling you that, yeah, it’s confirmed that Blyke is going to attempt to become a “superhero” (actually kind of a big deal but you all already knew so eh). I’ve been closed too much for initially thinking that Blyke would dabble in ability enhancement drug use, and someone even agreed with me :(. But yeah I was wrong (sadly. Think of the potential). Anyway, moving forwards into the episode, it was obviously very Blyke heavy and, along with the whole superhero things, there’s some other stuff I want to talk about. 
    Something that I noticed being throughout the episode was that there were a lot of Blyke/King comparisons. First of all there was Blyke putting both him and Isen into Arlo’s perspective when Isen was complaining about Arlo. That was definitely pretty obvious to me that Uru-Chan is trying to compare the two often, because these have been often lately, so that the readers catch on to how they are becoming more similar in personality and thoughts, stuff like that. Almost entirely, though, how Blyke keeps thinking of Arlo and what Arlo would be thinking. Arlo is literally the representation of power and authority in this comic, his personality is almost defined by being king. Blyke slowly thinking more and more like him is suggesting the fact that Blyke is becoming more and more king-like, probably due to his inevitable crowning as Wellston’s new king (maybe? I’m not sure how that works with John and all?)
    This is close to another example of Blyke being compared to authority/the king/Arlo (?) in this episode because Blyke, around the middle of the episode, starts talking about how Arlo won’t be here next year and the other high-tiers will need to take over. He says, “So, whether we want it or not… I think we owe it to the school to take some responsibility… And start treating our roles more seriously.” The leadership jumped out. Anyway, he’s obviously very aware of the high-tiers’ responsibilities and seems to just decided that he needs to carry them out. I don’t really know what I’m saying but basically: Blyke has been paying attention to the school’s status, assessed how best to handle the situation, and has just taken the responsibility on his shoulders without anyone, a.k.a. the king, telling him to. He is acting like a leader, more so out of any of the other high-tiers.
    There’s a bit more things that connect Blyke and kingship, or general authority, in this episode, but most of it is just in like way of thinking or vibes, and that’s difficult and unnecessary to explain in this post. Just, the comparisons are obvious pointing to one outcome: Blyke’s crowning as the new king of Wellston. I already said in this post that it’s inevitable. And everyone pretty much knows that it’s going to happen. Even all of the characters. This is just important to be aware of because of where his storyline is headed. Blyke is trying to become a superhero to become stronger, to grow more powerful, and yes it’s because he wants to take down John, to feel like he’s competent enough to be king, but it is inherently a very risky decision. There’s a lot of things that could go wrong and I just want to remind everyone of Rei, who was also a superhero and king. And we all know how that turned out. I do think that Blyke wouldn’t continue to be a superhero forever, maybe even no longer than a few episodes, so what happened with Rei is unlikely to ever happen with Blyke, but there are still those possibilities that could occur because of this decision.
    Finally: superhero. Blyke has decided to become a superhero, and lowkey I’m really excited. I know I was just talking about how risky it could be, especially for a future king, but guys I just want more Blyke fight scenes don’t you? We are being fed okay? Anyway, he’s made it clear he’s doing it to get stronger and that he’s made sure that he’s taking less risks than Remi did (which is very great thank you Blyke 100% leader material). I don’t really have much to say about this because there really isn’t anything to analyze or anything, I just have to say that I really appreciate how you can just tell that this was thought through by Blyke so much more than Remi thought about her plan, she was really all about instincts. This new take on the superhero mantle is very ‘Blyke’, you know?
    Anyway, the whole superhero thing being reintroduced into the story isn’t just for Blyke’s convenience because I am 100% certain this is a way for uru-Chan to show us again the world of EMBER and that storyline because it has been a while. And this is a very efficient way to expose some of the inner workings behind all that, so I am very excited to see that next week.
    Poor, poor, poor baby Isen. He just wants peace. And then people keep involving him in their messes, what a shame. 
    There aren’t really any new developments on him and things basically stand the same as when I last talked about Isen (about his and Arlo’s drama) but there’s a few things I want to talk about concerning Isen and things that happened in this episode helped me decide to talk about them so yeah.
    First thing I want to talk about is Isen’s new anger towards Arlo. I know anger is a harsh word and I think I mean something closer to irritation, but still, I like seeing this from Isen because Isen really has been taking a lot of Arlo’s shit, of everybody’s shit. And I’m kind of intrigued by the possibilities of where this might go. Now, I know Isen is a more docile character, he likes to keep his distance from drama (I actually talk about this in the second thing I want to talk about), but his drama with Arlo is literally about Arlo not letting him be. And I realize here that I could make an entire rant about how this is a parallel to what John and Arlo went though, and how Arlo keeps pushing people into the light and causing issues, but I won’t, even though I easily could with what I’m gonna say. Basically: I’m looking at the possibility of Isen truly rebelling against Arlo, even though we got a big blow up last week from Isen at Arlo so that was nice. I want more tears, fighting, betrayals. Okay? I want Isen to join Joker and Cecile (whaaat you did not hear me say that). Anyway, I’ve always been interested in the idea of normally calm characters going absolutely berserk, and I think everyone has. Plus I think it’s likely what with all of Isen’s sleep talk of, “GET BACK HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE, ARLO!” 
    Second thing I want to talk about is how Isen is obviously anti-responsibility. His whole thing with Arlo is that Arlo dragged Isen to do work that Isen didn’t want to do, and even this episode, Isen interrupts Blyke, who was trying to say that they would have a lot of future responsibilities, because he didn’t like the topic. Isen is so obviously ill-suited for authority and he’s been saying it throughout the comic. I remember that I went through of phase of literally only liking Isen and thinking he was the best character ever, so I can’t speak for what I’ve said during that time (don’t remember), but I know that Isen wants as little to do with the hierarchy as possible (which is why he’d side with joker people, joker wants the hierarchy gone too im sorry). Anyway, this is just something I want to establish as something I think. Isen wants literally nothing to due with responsibility, and honestly, same. This is kind of a big deal, but because this is pretty recurring and I don’t really know how to explain why this is a big deal, we’ll just stop here.
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brain-deadx0 · 5 years
How direct does the murder have to be? What if it's unintentional?
So if someone is intentionally harmed and dies from it (whether the killer intended for them to die or not) there’s a ghost.
If it’s a situation where the killer didn’t mean for the person to die or be hurt (say car accident) there’s no ghost.
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brain-deadx0 · 5 years
How common is it to see ghosts? Is there a reason the PI is able to? Is there some logic behind? Is ghost seeing accepted? How do people react? Is it like cristal healing or more like native's medicine? (in regards to being believed in by the masses) do all murdered people become ghosts? When they become ghosts, are they able to move on? How? Do they stay forever? Do the ghosts know when people are able see them? Do they feel? Or do they have to actually perceive the PI reactions to notice?
Oh my god! Questions! Lots! Thank you so much!
It’s pretty uncommon for people to see ghosts. So much that it’s regarded by most as fake or people pulling a scam.
It’s kinda sorta hereditary but not everyone can actually see the ghosts so much as sense them so while plenty can feel a presence very few can actually see the ghosts themselves
And yes all murdered people become ghosts. They can’t move on until whoever was involved in killing them either gets punished for killing them specifically (like getting arrested or even getting beat up by someone depending on the grudge the ghost has) or the killer dies of natural causes or something.
So the ghost in this story, Lee, has figured out that most people who might notice them don’t really look at him so much as around him. And because of that most don’t notice that there’s an actual ghost in the room. So someone starring straight at him would get his attention. But he could usually tell fairly quickly if they actually saw him because of any reactions he tries to get out of them to check.
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
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Memes sent in for meme Monday by @hpeter1
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unordinary-analysis · 5 years
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@hpeter1 I actually haven’t thought about this because I really didn’t know about tumblr groupchats until like two days ago or something? Are they new? Did it happen during the hiatus? Anyway maybe if I knew more about that that could work but idk. I really like that idea, but the one problem would be that people would just talk to me normal or whatever because they wouldn’t know about a gc. Is that how it works? Lol
@genuinelyshallow I really like this idea. I’ve been using hashtags to mark my posts for a while like I’ll say what it is in the tags like “episode 136” or something, but I don’t have a universal hashtag to separate them. Doing that sounds really easy and sounds like maybe my best option? Let me think about it more, about if that would be enough.
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