fuckyeahasexual · 6 months
For the IUD anon: I've had a Kyleena IUD for a little over a year and a half now and I've loved it. It's hormonal and it's one of the smaller ones in terms of physical dimensions. I'd heard a lot of horror stories (who doesn’t) going in, but I have a gyno I really trust, which I think is the biggest part.
She gave me a prescription for misoprostol (brand name is cytotec) to take the morning of since it helps dilate/soften your cervix, but I know that's not super common. But I know misoprostol has also come under some scrutiny politically recently since it's used in abortions sometimes, so it's possible that some gynos who would prescribe it for IUD insertion are maybe not doing that as much anymore? I don't have any data on that, but regardless.
The other thing I'll say is that I scheduled my appointment for the insertion right as my period was ending (I was having some spotting still but not really any flow) because the cervix also tends to be a bit dilated at that point still, so if you aren't prescribed anything then it may be a good idea to schedule for just before/after your period as it may be a bit easier.
I think I saw some other responses about bleeding post-insertion, which I don't particularly remember experiencing much, but I was still spotting also so it's possible I just didn't think enough of it to have it stand out in my memory.
In terms of the actual process, it honestly wasn't awful, but pain-wise I'm not the best judge. I used to have debilitating cramps for 2-3 days of my period, and during the worst of it would be pretty much immobilized on the couch with a hot pad even after taking pain meds. So. The insertion itself was pretty tame, comparatively. It wasn't nothing, but it just felt like what I would call moderate cramping. I did have some fairly decent cramps afterwards as well, starting maybe 10min or so after. They didn't last too long, though. So, I'd second the advice of taking some ibuprofen or whatever your preferred pain med is.
My gyno by default does a one month post insertion check up but it's possible that others just do follow ups if something doesn't seem right to you. Just take it slow and listen to your body.
In terms of longer term trends, my periods are definitely a lot lighter and I don't really get cramps anywhere close to what I used to. At worst I take some pain meds for a day but they get me back to not feeling any discomfort. The only other thing really is that the amount of time between my periods and how long they last is actually more variable now. Used to be 28 or 29 days from the start of my cycle to the next like clockwork, with about 7 days of bleeding, but now it can be anywhere from 26-32. Although, it generally goes so that I have a few months with like 30-32 days between with maybe a 4-5 day duration and a few months with less time from start to start but a few more days of bleeding.
Hope this helps!!
Thanks for sharing!
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cytotec20000 · 4 years
#طريقه #أستعمال وأستخدام حبوب #سايتوتك #ميزوتاك #ميزوبرستول💯✅ للتواصل وتساب00966599287172الصيدليه الطبيه
طريقه أستعمال وأستخدام حبوب سايتوتك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول💯✅ للتواصل وتساب
00966599287172✅الطريقه الصحيحه بدون ان يحدث كوارث للسيدة المقبله علي استخدام حبوب
ميزوتاك وحبوب سايتوتك وحبوب ميزوبرستول بالمنزل ودائما بقوم بتقديم النصيحه لكل المقبلات علي
استخدام حبوب تسقيط الحمل … ممنوع ممنوع نهائي الاقدام علي استخدام اي نوع من علاجات تنزيل الحمل
بدون وصفه طبيه من الطبيبه او الطبيب المعالج وتحت أشرافه الكامل ولا تستخدميه علي راسك … نصيحه
طريقه أستعمال وأستخدام حبوب سايتوتك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول💯✅ للتواصل وتساب00966599287172الصيدليه الطبيه
طريقه أستعمال وأستخدام حبوب سايتوتك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول💯✅ للتواصل وتساب
00966599287172✅الطريقه الصحيحه بدون ان يحدث كوارث للسيدة المقبله علي استخدام حبوب
ميزوتاك وحبوب سايتوتك وحبوب ميزوبرستول بالمنزل ودائما بقوم بتقديم النصيحه لكل المقبلات علي
استخدام حبوب تسقيط الحمل … ممنوع ممنوع نهائي الاقدام علي استخدام اي نوع من علاجات تنزيل الحمل
بدون وصفه طبيه من الطبيبه او الطبيب المعالج وتحت أشرافه الكامل ولا تستخدميه علي راسك … نصيحه
للمقبلات علي الاجهاض بحبوب سايتوتيك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول
طريقة الاجهاض بحبوب ميزوبرستول (سايتوتيك — ميزوتاك ) و طريقة الإجهاض عن طريق الحبوب و
كل الإستفسارات و المعلومات حول طريقة الاجهاض و حبوب ميزوبرستول سوف تتحصلين عليها سيدتي
حبوب ارتوتيك ( حبوب الاجهاض ) سوف تتعرف عليها عن كثب ما عليك إلا قراءة هذا المقال المخصص لمعرفة أكثر حول حبوب سايتوتيك .
قرار إنهاء الحمل — الإجهاض
قبل التفكير في الإجهاض أو استعمال حبوب الاجهاض ، من المهم أن تكون كل بنت وسيدة على علم بما هو مسموح فيه وغير المسموح فيه بقوانين وعادات بلدها في موضوع الإجهاض ، وما هو قانوني وغير قانوني حتى لا يحدث مشاكل هي بغنى عنها .
و الاختلافات في كل دولة
لأن هناك اختلافات كثيرة بكل بلد عن الأخرى من حيث العادات ومن حيث القوانين التي تمنع الاجهاض من هنا قدمت موضوعي هذا لشرح طرق الاجهاض و حبوب الاجهاض للتوعيه لكل بنت او سيدة راح تقدم على الاجهاض المنزلي عن طريق الحبوب ( سايتوتك 200 ) “ ميزوبروستول “ قراءة المقال من هنا
حبوب سايتوتيك 200
HOW TO USE CYTOTEC طرق الاجهاض المنزلي ادويه تسبب الاجهاض طرق الاجهاض حبوب الاجهاض
200 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC -كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك 200
HOW TO USE CYTOTEC Home abortion methods Medicines that cause miscarriage Abortion methods Abortion pills
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How To Use Cytotec
طرق الاجهاض المنزلي
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حبوب الاجهاض
صيدليه النهدي
#حبوب الاجهاض في الشهر الاول#طرق الاجهاض المنزلي#ادويه تسبب الاجهاض#how to use cytotec
طرق الاجهاض المنزلي
صيدليه النهدي
How To Use Cytotec
حبوب سايتوتيك
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حبوب سايتوتك في السعوديه - Cytotec pills in Saudi Arabia - 00966599287172
 ( مصر - السعودية - الامارات - الكويت - قطر )
سعر حبوب سايتوتك سعر حبوب سايتوتك في جدة سعر حبوب سايتوتك #في السعودية سعر حبوب سايتوتك في تونس سعر حبوب سايتوتك في تركيا سعر حبوب سايتوتك الاصلية سايتوتك للبيع سعر حبوب سايتوتك سعر حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض حبوب سايتوتك كيف استخدامها حبوب سايتوتك رخيصه دواء سايتوتيك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول دواء سايتوتك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض دكتور حبوب سايتوتك دواء حبوب سايتوتك خروج حبوب سايتوتك من المهبل خطورة حبوب سايتوتك حبوب سايتوتيك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول حد جرب حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض حراج حبوب سايتوتك حد
جرعه حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول
جرب حبوب سايتوتك جرعه حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول جرعة حبوب سايتوتك لتنظيف الرحم جربت حبوب سايتوتك ثمن حبوب سايتوتك في تونس ثمن حبوب سايتوتك حبوب سايتوتك بعد القيصرية حبوب سايتوتك لتنظيف الرحم حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض متى يبدا مفعولها حبوب سايتوتك في الاسبوع الخامس حبوب سايتوتك الاصليه حبوب سايتوتك تسليم يد بيد حبوب سايتوتك الدفع عند الاستلام تجربتي مع حبوب سايتوتك تجربتي مع حبوب سايتوتك فتكات حبوب سايتوتك للبيع تأثير حبوب سايتوتك على الجنين تناولت حبوب سايتوتك
تجارب النساء مع حبوب سايتوتك
ولم يحدث اجهاض تجارب النساء مع حبوب سايتوتك تاثير حبوب سايتوتك على الحمل تجاربكم مع حبوب سايتوتك تجارب البنات مع حبوب سايتوتك تأثير حبوب سايتوتك على الرضاعة بكم سعر حبوب سايتوتك في الجزائر بديل حبوب سايتوتك بكم سعر حبوب سايتوتك بعد اكل حبوب سايتوتك بنات من جربت حبوب سايتوتك بكم حبوب
طريقه استخدام حبوب سايتوتك 200 - How to use cytotec pills
سايتوتك بدائل حبوب سايتوتك بيع حبوب سايتوتك في الرياض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك وما نزل الجنين استخدمت حبوب سايتوتك ولم اجهض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ولم يحدث اجهاض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ونزل دم خفيف اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ولم ينزل دم اضرار حبوب سايتوتك بعد الإجهاض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك بالفم ولم يحدث نزيف اضرار حبوب سايتوتك على الجنين اعراض حبوب سايتوتك اضرار حبوب سايتوتك
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rozeabortion · 10 months
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Termination Pills in Mastulu (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1397997094-termination-pills-in-mastulu?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=rozeabortion&wp_originator=qGUXKioCsI5RUf2kNBQdvT%2BDoWXJ6VARflGpLv81yh%2FsedVs96hlPZQHz654nLnU%2BwgDc%2F9TKrgOy4OIDvWphCzr3lZYf3oR50I6KFmAb%2BA98o5YUBaC%2FlLVYjgzeqJx At Rose Abortion Clinic 0769909369, we provide Surgical and Medical abortion using Termination Pills in Mastulu. Surgical is where the abortion is removed vaginally using a gentle suction method ( simple surgery with a small instrument is a same-day procedure done by a professional doctor. the process can differ depending on how many weeks is your pregnancy and also the time you will spend in the clinic. Medical we use safe and pain-free abortion pills to end the early pregnancy before it results in the birth of a child you will see larger blood clots in 2 to 4 hours, we use two different medicines mifepristone and misoprostol also known as abortion pills or Cytotec the abortion clinic pills we use are so effective and they work the same day the good thing after a medical abortion you can go back to work, we deliver safe abortion pills around South Africa. Our Abortion Clinic in Mbombela provides safe and pain-free Cytotec misoprostol abortion pills to all destinations. First you take a pill called mifepristone. This medicine stops the pregnancy from growing. Some people feel nauseous or start bleeding after taking mifepristone, but it's not common. Your doctor or nurse may also give you antibiotics to take to prevent infection. The second medicine is called misoprostol. You'll either take the misoprostol right away or up to 24 hours after you take the first pill your doctor or nurse will let you know how and when to take it. This medicine causes cramping and bleeding to empty your uterus. For most people, the cramping and bleeding usually start 2-4 hours after taking the misoprostol. It's normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) or clumps of tissue when this is happening. It's kind of like having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. Call us now at 0769939069 0769909369 hopewomensclinic.com
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cytotec20000 · 4 years
طريقه أستعمال وأستخدام حبوب سايتوتك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول💯✅ للتواصل وتساب
00966599287172✅الطريقه الصحيحه بدون ان يحدث كوارث للسيدة المقبله علي استخدام حبوب
ميزوتاك وحبوب سايتوتك وحبوب ميزوبرستول بالمنزل ودائما بقوم بتقديم النصيحه لكل المقبلات علي
استخدام حبوب تسقيط الحمل … ممنوع ممنوع نهائي الاقدام علي استخدام اي نوع من علاجات تنزيل الحمل
بدون وصفه طبيه من الطبيبه او الطبيب المعالج وتحت أشرافه الكامل ولا تستخدميه علي راسك … نصيحه
للمقبلات علي الاجهاض بحبوب سايتوتيك ميزوتاك ميزوبرستول
طريقة الاجهاض بحبوب ميزوبرستول (سايتوتيك — ميزوتاك ) و طريقة الإجهاض عن طريق الحبوب و
كل المعلومات و الاستشارات الطبية التي تريدها سوف تجدها هنا أو الإتصال بنا .
بشكل عام سيدتي وعلي حياة الناس نقوم بتقديم الدعم الطبي والاستشارات الطبية التي تقوم على متابعتها الدكتورة أنجي الخطيب أخصائي النساء والتوليد بالمستشفى السعودي الألماني والتي يمكنك التواصل معها من خلال الموقع الدردشة الحية او التواصل علي الرقم المخصص للاستشارات 0096659928717
الشركات الأصلية لـ حبوب ميزوبرستول
كل الإستفسارات و المعلومات حول طريقة الاجهاض و حبوب ميزوبرستول سوف تتحصلين عليها سيدتي
فور التواصل معنا عبر الدردشة الحية أو على رقم الواتس أب الخاص بنا 0096659928717 . سوف
تتعرفون على موقع حياة الناس على الكثير من المعلومات الخاصة بـ حبوب الاجهاض و طريقة استعمال
الحبوب و أنواعها أو التواصل معنا بشكل مباشر للحصول على إجابات لجميع استفساراتكم حبوب سايتوتيك
سوف تتعرف عليها عن كثب ما عليك إلا قراءة هذا المقال المخصص لمعرفة أكثر حول حبوب سايتوتيك — قراءة المقال . ​
حبوب ميزوتاك
حبوب ميزوتاك سوف تتعرف عليها عن كثب ما عليك إلا قراءة هذا المقال المخصص لمعرفة أكثر حول حبوب سايتوتيك .
حبوب ارتوتيك
حبوب ارتوتيك ( حبوب الاجهاض ) سوف تتعرف عليها عن كثب ما عليك إلا قراءة هذا المقال المخصص لمعرفة أكثر حول حبوب سايتوتيك .
قرار إنهاء الحمل — الإجهاض
قبل التفكير في الإجهاض أو استعمال حبوب الاجهاض ، من المهم أن تكون كل بنت وسيدة على علم بما هو مسموح فيه وغير المسموح فيه بقوانين وعادات بلدها في موضوع الإجهاض ، وما هو قانوني وغير قانوني حتى لا يحدث مشاكل هي بغنى عنها .
و الاختلافات في كل دولة
لأن هناك اختلافات كثيرة بكل بلد عن الأخرى من حيث العادات ومن حيث القوانين التي تمنع الاجهاض من هنا قدمت موضوعي هذا لشرح طرق الاجهاض و حبوب الاجهاض للتوعيه لكل بنت او سيدة راح تقدم على الاجهاض المنزلي عن طريق الحبوب ( سايتوتك 200 ) “ ميزوبروستول “ قراءة المقال من هنا
حبوب سايتوتيك 200
HOW TO USE CYTOTEC طرق الاجهاض المنزلي ادويه تسبب الاجهاض طرق الاجهاض حبوب الاجهاض
200 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC -كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك 200
HOW TO USE CYTOTEC Home abortion methods Medicines that cause miscarriage Abortion methods Abortion pills
200 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC -How to use Cytotec 200
Originally published at https://hayatannas.com.
How To Use Cytotec
طرق الاجهاض المنزلي
ادويه تسبب الاجهاض
طرق الاجهاض
حبوب الاجهاض
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pillsonlinerx · 3 years
How Effective Is Cytolog for Medical Abortion
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Worldwide, many pregnant ladies have securely ended their pregnancies using the abortion pill Cytolog. Regularly available in online pharmacies, Cytolog is affordable, easy to store, and is a safe technique for individuals looking to end their pregnancy. The medicine softens and enlarges the cervix, causes uterine compressions, and helps the pregnancy tissue to flush out. Cytolog’s multidimensional use in medication makes it more open when compared with other abortion pills, similar to mifepristone. Cytolog is 95% successful in abortion in the principal trimester when utilized as suggested. So you can buy abortion pills in the USA easily with the help of our website.
How is Cytolog Pill utilized for medical abortion? 
Cytolog 200mg tablet is a prostaglandin that builds the belly's (uterus) compression and widens the cervix, subsequently expelling the pregnancy. Subsequently, Cytolog 200 mg together causes the end of pregnancy and should be utilized consistently for medical abortion.
What is the Dosage Measurement for Cytolog?
The suggested oral portion of Cytolog for medical abortion is 800 mcg (combining 4 pills of 200 mcg each)
Similarly, if the intake is done by the vaginal method then you need to insert 4 pills of 200 mcg each (i.e 800 mcg) in your vaginal area. 
What drugs, supplements, or substances interact with Cytolog? 
Cytolog might interact with acid neutralizers that contain magnesium. Different medications may likewise interact with Cytotec. Tell your physician about all medications, over-the-counter meds, and enhancements you take.
What are the symptoms of Cytolog?
Common side effects for Cytolog pill includes:
Vaginal spotting
Stomach cramps
Heavy bleeding
What are the Warnings and Precautions you must know before you buy Cytolog pills online?
This medication should not be utilized by ladies who are breastfeeding. Consult your physician prior to taking this medication.
Bacterial diseases 
The use of this medication has been reported to cause bacterial diseases in certain patients. An instance of disease after utilizing this medication should be educated to the specialist. 
Unusual bleeding  
The utilization of this medication has been related to bleeding in certain patients and henceforth any such occurrence should be accounted for by the specialist. If not taken for medical abortion
Uterine rupture
This medicine has been linked with issues uterine rupture when used for labor induction. Caution is recommended while using this medicine if the patient is in the late thirties and beyond or the delivery is cesarean.
Use of this medication can cause diarrhea and subsequently should be co-administered with other diarrhea-causing medications.  
Serious iron deficiency 
The utilization of this medication isn't suggested for ladies with serious iron deficiency. 
Different illnesses 
The safety and viability of this medication are not set up for patients experiencing diabetes, kidney impairment, coronary illness, or respiratory infection. Subsequently, an alert is prompted in such cases.
Use in smokers 
This medication should be utilized with alert in patients who are smokers as the danger of adverse impacts is significantly higher. 
Use in pregnancy 
This medication can cause abortions, birth imperfections, and other severe inconveniences if given to pregnant ladies. Henceforth, the utilization of this medication for the treatment or avoidance of ulcers isn't suggested. Advise your medical expert if you are pregnant or arranging a pregnancy in the coming future.
Gastrointestinal issues 
This medication should be utilized with alert in patients having gastrointestinal issues
Additional Information:
Our Website provides genuine and detailed knowledge of Cytolog Side Effects Drug and gives an exhaustive perspective on accessible medication data on the potential side effects when you order cytolog online in the USA.
This is definitely not a complete list of side effects and others complications that might happen. Consult a medical expert if you observe any severe issues.
Email Id - [email protected] Website - https://www.pillsonlinerx.com
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حبوب سايتوتك في السعوديه - Cytotec pills in Saudi Arabia - 00966599287172 ( مصر - السعودية - الامارات - الكويت - قطر )
وين الاقي حبوب سايتوتك #في السعودية وين احصل حبوب سايتوتك في الامارات وين الاقي حبوب سايتوتك هل حبوب سايتوتك تموت الجنين هل حبوب سايتوتك توقف نبض الجنين هل حبوب سايتوتك تسبب الوفاة هل يمكن بلع حبوب سايتوتك هل حبوب سايتوتك تسبب العقم هل حبوب سايتوتك لها أضرار هل حبوب سايتوتك تسبب تشوه للجنين هل يوجد حبوب سايتوتك في الصيدليات هل حبوب سايتوتك مضمونة هل حبوب سايتوتك تنزل الدوره نسبة نجاح حبوب سايتوتك نزول دم بعد اخذ حبوب سايتوتك نصب حبوب سايتوتك نزول دم بعد استخدام حبوب
Cytotec pills in Saudi Arabia - شكل حبوب سايتوتك الاصليه
سايتوتك نتائج حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض من جربت حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض متى يبدا مفعول حبوب سايتوتك من جربت حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض فتكات مين جربت حبوب سايتوتك مين اخذت حبوب سايتوتك واجهضت ماهي حبوب سايتوتك متى الأكل بعد حبوب سايتوتك ماهي اعراض حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض متى تستخدم حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض متى ينزل الجنين بعد حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض اعرف طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض لماذا تستخدم حبوب سايتوتك اجهاض سايتوتك للبيع شكل حبوب سايتوتك الاصليه والتقليد لماذا يستخدم حبوب سايتوتك كم سعر حبوب سايتوتك كم سعر حبوب سايتوتك في تونس كيف افرق بين حبوب سايتوتك الاصليه والتقليد
Cytotec pills - حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض
كم سعر حبوب سايتوتك #في الامارات كم حبة طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول كيف اعرف اني اجهضت بعد حبوب سايتوتك كم مفعول حبوب سايتوتك كيف احصل على حبوب سايتوتك في العراق فشل حبوب سايتوتك في ماذا تستخدم حبوب سايتوتك علاج حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض عالم حواء حبوب سايتوتك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الثالث طلب حبوب سايتوتك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك لتنظيف الرحم صيدلية تبيع حبوب سايتوتك شركة فايزر حبوب سايتوتك شرب الماء مع حبوب سايتوتك شربت حبوب سايتوتك
حبوب سايتوتك في السعوديه - Cytotec pills in Saudi Arabia - 00966599287172
 ( مصر - السعودية - الامارات - الكويت - قطر )
سعر حبوب سايتوتك سعر حبوب سايتوتك في جدة سعر حبوب سايتوتك #في السعودية سعر حبوب سايتوتك في تونس سعر حبوب سايتوتك في تركيا سعر حبوب سايتوتك الاصلية سايتوتك للبيع سعر حبوب سايتوتك سعر حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض حبوب سايتوتك كيف استخدامها حبوب سايتوتك رخيصه دواء سايتوتيك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول دواء سايتوتك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض دكتور حبوب سايتوتك دواء حبوب سايتوتك خروج حبوب سايتوتك من المهبل خطورة حبوب سايتوتك حبوب سايتوتيك طريقة استخدام حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول حد جرب حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض حراج حبوب سايتوتك حد
جرعه حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول
جرب حبوب سايتوتك جرعه حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض في الشهر الاول جرعة حبوب سايتوتك لتنظيف الرحم جربت حبوب سايتوتك ثمن حبوب سايتوتك في تونس ثمن حبوب سايتوتك حبوب سايتوتك بعد القيصرية حبوب سايتوتك لتنظيف الرحم حبوب سايتوتك للاجهاض متى يبدا مفعولها حبوب سايتوتك في الاسبوع الخامس حبوب سايتوتك ا��اصليه حبوب سايتوتك تسليم يد بيد حبوب سايتوتك الدفع عند الاستلام تجربتي مع حبوب سايتوتك تجربتي مع حبوب سايتوتك فتكات حبوب سايتوتك للبيع تأثير حبوب سايتوتك على الجنين تناولت حبوب سايتوتك
تجارب النساء مع حبوب سايتوتك
ولم يحدث اجهاض تجارب النساء مع حبوب سايتوتك تاثير حبوب سايتوتك على الحمل تجاربكم مع حبوب سايتوتك تجارب البنات مع حبوب سايتوتك تأثير حبوب سايتوتك على الرضاعة بكم سعر حبوب سايتوتك في الجزائر بديل حبوب سايتوتك بكم سعر حبوب سايتوتك بعد اكل حبوب سايتوتك بنات من جربت حبوب سايتوتك بكم حبوب
طريقه استخدام حبوب سايتوتك 200 - How to use cytotec pills
سايتوتك بدائل حبوب سايتوتك بيع حبوب سايتوتك في الرياض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك وما نزل الجنين استخدمت حبوب سايتوتك ولم اجهض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ولم يحدث اجهاض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ونزل دم خفيف اخذت حبوب سايتوتك ولم ينزل دم اضرار حبوب سايتوتك بعد الإجهاض اخذت حبوب سايتوتك بالفم ولم يحدث نزيف اضرار حبوب سايتوتك على الجنين اعراض حبوب سايتوتك اضرار حبوب سايتوتك
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myabortionstory · 5 years
story 36
When I was 15, I started dating someone. I used to live in a small town. My father had just died, and I came from a very conservative family, even more than that, I would say, my mother was a very authoritarian woman. I hate to say this, but, with my father’s death, it was like I was able to know the world and begin to live.
I think I liked the boy, it’s very hard to go back in time and say what was all that, because now it all seems like a teenage fascination. I had all that excitement of someone discovering life. We had been dating for a while when I lost my virginity. At 16, I got pregnant, but before that we had a memorable talk, even before I knew I was pregnant and went to talk to him, and I kept thinking about it. One day, he had asked me, “what do you think about abortions? Would you do it?”. I had never thought about it before, I’m 41 years old now, a much more mature woman, and I’ve lived more and I’ve known women, abortion stories. But at that time, at 16, it was all very new to me.
When I got pregnant, I didn’t even have to ask his opinion, it had been already settled in that talk we had had and that I couldn’t forget. He made me take a urine analysis, he took my urine to the lab, he took my sister-in-law’s document to have access to health insurance. We did everything in secret. When the result came and it was positive, he didn’t even ask my opinion, there was no discussion. He said “I can’t take this responsibility, I won’t, I have no conditions, you will have the abortion”. I would say it was not a choice at that moment, it was an order. I didn’t have his support or society’s support to say I would be a single mother in a small town, at 16, and without a father. He even said, like he was threatening me, that my mother and my brother would leave me, would kick me out — I wouldn’t have anyone’s help, only judging, that is.
This created a lot of internal conflict, of course, I had no one to talk to. I talked to a cousin, but she was kind of silly, she was my age and didn’t really help me. The guy gave me some kinds of tea, he gave me pills and nothing, then he got Cytotec, he spent a lot of money to get it and settled the time and date for us to meet and have the abortion. I can’t lie, while I waited him to sort it all out, I was already dreaming about the baby. You know when you start daydreaming? It was me. I thought he was going to change his mind, would appear in front of me as a hero and say, “we will take this responsibility together, it will be alright”.
I went to his place, took the pills, and he was beside me, watching the whole abortion process. It hurt, it hurt a lot. The beliefs and the taboo around me, it was a pain that I could say I felt in my soul. It was a lot of bleeding and I did not go to the hospital. For some time, I blamed myself, I punished myself, I thought I was the one and only person responsible for that. I couldn’t open up with anyone, how could I tell someone that I am a criminal? I didn’t want to go to jail. I have tried to talk about this before, two or three times, but the disapproving looks made me quail and not say anything.
At 21 I got married, and it was only in my second pregnancy that I could put things in their places in this story, during my prenatal care exams, talking to a nurse. I understood that it was something I had to go through, or that I let myself go through. When I told this story and when I talk about it again now, I can tell you that I do not regret it. People ask right away “do you regret it?”. It seems to be the first question that arises. No, I do not have any regrets, that’s not it. What I still have is the feeling of loneliness that I had, and that’s why today I'm empathic with all women who go through this. You know, it’s very ironic, this empathy came into my house so I could be empathic with my daughter.
My oldest daughter, 16, got pregnant and the father’s family is very religious, evangelical. She came to ask me, I told my story, she was surprised. I told her I would be there for her whatever her decision was, either to have the abortion or the child. She decided to keep it. Now I have a grandson, 2 years and 10 months old. We are a wonderful family, my daughter, my grandson, my other daughter, we are four and at that time I also told my youngest daughter. Both of them are, like their father, very evangelical, but I think they look at the subject of abortion in a different way nowadays, different from what the Church says. It says it’s a sin and that women should go to jail. When this is spoken about, I am sure they remember me, their mother.
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Infections can usually be treated effectively by medical professionals. When you're putting together a plan for your self-managed abortion, which should include a safe place to experience bleeding and cramping and time to take it easy afterwards, as well as ibuprofen (not aspirin, as it can increase bleeding), antiemetics (in case you get nauseous), and someone you can call for support and/or transportation, make sure that you're also able to get to a medical facility within one or two hours.  Not everyone will be able to readily access medical care after abortion —  because they can't afford it,  it's not geographically manageable (one reason people choose the abortion pill in the first place), they can't get child care, they're in a dangerous relationship that restricts their ability to travel, etc.
Remember that if you do seek medical care post medical abortion, you don't have to tell a clinician that you took abortion pills; you can say you're having a miscarriage. Misoprostol, one element of the abortion pill (which can also be taken on its own to terminate pregnancies up until 12 weeks), cannot be detected in the blood or any bodily fluids within a few hours after use. A health care professional will not know if you took abortion pills, and if they tell you otherwise, it's a scare tactic.
A crucial element of having a safe and effective abortion with pills is having the actual medication that you need. There are a lot of places online that claim to offer abortion pills, be that misoprostol on its own (also called cytotec), or the misoprostol/mifepristone combination, but in fact do not have the real medicine. Women Help Women believes you deserve access to not only abortion pills, but also contraception AND accurate scientific information about how it all works and what you can expect.
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madlen-ksa-blog · 5 years
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سايتوتك كيف تستخدميها | 2020 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC
حبوب حبوب سايتوتك و كيف تستخدميزها حصريا على موقعكم المفضل و الأقهوى الذي يختص في هذا المجال خاصة عملية الاجهاض او طريقة الاجهاض عن طريق الحبوب و أهم النقاط حول كل هذا الموضوع , و في هذه المقالة الحصرية سوف نتعرف على كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك 2020 بشكل صحيح .
طريقة استخدام برشام سايتوتيك لعام 2020 :
أهم النقاط الأساسية حول حبوب سايتوتك :
مع دخول العام الجديد 2020 ومع وجود استفسارات عدة من الاصدقاء والمتابعين عن افضل طريقه لاستخدام حبوب سايتوتيك وما هي الطريقة الصحيحة التي يجب أتباعها من المقدمات على ” اجهاض الحمل” بـ حبوب سايتوتيك 200 للعام الجديد 2020 .
معلومات :
برشام سايتوتيك 200 وسبق وكما شرحنا عن التركيبة الكيميائية لبرشام سايتوتيككما يط��ق عليه المستخدمين هو يحتوي على المادة الفعالة للتركيبة الكيميائية “ميزوبرستول” واتفقنا ان حبوب اجهاض الحمل تأتي تحتها عدة مسميات الشركات الدواء المختلفة علي سبيل المثال :
سايتوتيك فايزر
ميزوتاك سيجما
ارتوتيك فايزر
طريقة استعمال برشام سايتوتيك 200 :
اولا :
يجب أن يكون عمر الحمل من أخر الأسبوع الثالث حتى الأسبوع الخامس حتي تستطيع الحامل استخدام ” الميزوبروستول “
ودائما بأكد وبنصح كل فتاة مقدمة على تنزيل الحمل استشارة الطبيب قبل الاستخدام طريقة أستخدام ميزوبرستول .
HOW TO USE CYTOTEC | كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتيك 200 :
وضع الحبوب بالفم :
من عمر حمل 4 أسابيع حتى 12 أسبوع من الحمل الطريقه تكون كالتالي حبوب سايتوتيك 200 افضل توقيت للاستخدام حبوب سايتوتيك بالصباح بكير وعلي الريق وذلك لان هرمون الحمل بيكون في هذا التوقيت خامل وكسول وتكون داخلة الحمام لان ممنوع الحمام لمدة 4 ساعات على الأقل تقوم الحامل بوضع شربه مويه بالفم وبلع المويه حتى يكون مرطب وتضع 3 حبات تحت اللسان وتتركهم حتي يذوب وما تبقى من الحبوب تبلعهم بشرب موية .
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womenscare · 5 years
Medical / Non-Surgical / Chemical Abortion by Pill Clinic.
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Medical / Non-Surgical / Abortion by Pill or Instrument-Free Abortion (3 to 24 weeks)
There are many names that are used to suggest what a Medical Abortion is. Some names used are Abortion Pill, Abortion by Pill, Early Non-Surgical, Chemical or Instrument-Free Abortion.
The US FDA approved the first and only medication indicated to terminate pregnancies in the year 2000.
The Abortion Pill is the combination of two medications to end a pregnancy:
1) Mifepristone (RU 486, Mifeprex, Mifegyne, French Pill) and 2) Misoprostol (Cytotec).
Approximately 39% of the abortions performed int the US were Medical Chemical Abortion procedures.
The Medical Chemical Abortion process is highly effective and safe. Serious complications and side effects requiring hospitalizations or surgery is rare.
Maternal death occurs 11 to 14 times more often in women who deliver a term pregnancy than undergoing a chemical abortion procedure.
How Does The Abortion Pill Work?
It blocks the hormone Progesterone from attaching to its receptors on the Uterus (womb). Progesterone is responsible for maintaining the growth of the pregnancy and Uterine Quiescence (no contractions)
When the Progesterone hormone is blocked or unable to be during pregnancy the following occurs:
The lining of the Uterine wall begins to separate which reduces the nutritional and oxygen supply to the fetus
The cervix (opening at the lower part of the Uterus) begins to soften and dilate (open).
The pressure inside of the Uterus rises and contractions begin.
Local prostaglandins are produced by cells lining the wall of the Uterus that in turn causes contractions
Essentially how Mifepristone works is to cause the fetus to separate from the wall of the Uterus.
Misoprostol is a Prostaglandin E1 tablet that causes contractions of the Uterus. This leads to bleeding and the fetus being expelled through the Vagina.
How Far Along In Pregnancy Can The Medical Chemical Abortion Procedure Be Performed?
The FDA has approved the “on label” usage of the Abortion Pill Procedure up to 11 weeks from a woman’s last menstrual period (LMP).
There is extensive medical data and studies around the world where millions of women under medical supervision have terminated their pregnancies in the first trimester (3 to 14 weeks), second trimester (14.1 to 28 weeks) and third trimester of pregnancy (28.1 or further).
It is possible up to 4, 5, 6 or 7 months or further to undergo a medical chemical abortion procesure.
In essence; there is not a upper gestational age limit or cut off in performing the Abortion Pill Procedure if medically indicated or in countries that have no elective upper limit for termination of pregnancy (Canada, Vietnam, North Korea, China).
Historical Perspective Of The Medical Chemical Abortion:
Medical Chemical Abortion Using Methotrexate:
FDA approved in the 1950’s to treat many forms of cancer(oral, breast, colon, choriocarcinoma), arthritis.
Noted to cause early miscarriages and severe fetal abnormalities
1990’s- Developed Indications for treating ectopic pregnancies
Late 90’s – Use of Methotrexate alone noted to terminate pregnancies alone in nearly 100% of cases in patients 6 weeks or less. Normally takes 4 weeks before bleeding begins and process is completed by day 35 to 40.
Combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol found to terminate pregnancies up to 9 weeks in 88 to 95% of women.
Between the early 90’s to Sept. 2000, the medical chemical abortion procedure could only be performed using Methotrexate and Cytotec in the US.
How Does Methotrexate Work To Cause A Medical Chemical Abortion?
Methotrexate stops the growth specialized placental cells called Cytotrophoblasts. The Cytotrophoblast are responsible for producing a specialized cell called the syncytiotrophoblast. These cells are responsible for producing the hormone HCG. When Methotrexate destroys those cells, the placental tissue is no longer has the ability to spread and grow.
Methotrexate stops the growth of the placenta. Mifepristone causes the fetus to separate from the wall of the Uterus.
The combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol is still used in the US to terminate first trimester abortions by Physicians and medical personnel who have the knowledge and experience in using it.
Why Do Most Physicians And Clinics Who Perform The Medical Abortion Procedure Do Not Use Methotrexate?
The Physician has no experience
The Methotrexate is not FDA approved for termination of pregnancy. Many medications are used “off label” for other indications than what they were FDA approved for
The combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol is less effective at ending pregnancy (88 to 94%; 9 weeks or less) compared to Mifepristone and Misoprostol (92 to 98%; 9weeks or less)
It is that small difference in success rate that encourages Physicians and medical facilities to primarily make the decision not to offer Methotrexate and Misoprostol to patients
Physicians with years of experience are able to get nearly a 100% success rate using either combined method with minimal to no complications, hospitalizations, infections, blood transfusions or maternal death.
The term “Abortion Pill” has become synonymous with using only the combined method of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. In order for women to be fully informed, the combination of Methotrexate and Misoprostol should be discussed.
There are times when Mifepristone cannot be used and Methotrexate possibly substituted under the following circumstances:
Chronic steroid usage
Allergic to Mifepristone
Unable to swallow a pill or present with continuous nausea and vomiting and unable to swallow a pill
Methotrexate is injectable
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200 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC -كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك 200 | تعليق صوتي
200 HOW TO USE CYTOTEC -كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك 200 | تعليق صوتي
كيف تستخدمين حبوب سايتوتك — HOW TO USE CYTOTEC
للتواصل علي وتساب  00966539021345
تعرفي بالفيديو علي طريقه استخدام حبوب سايتوتيك 200
  أحياناً تحمل المرأة واحيانا تحمل ايضا البنت البكر العذراء وهي غير مستعدة للإنجاب او الحمل ولكل حالة ظروفها الاجتماعية الخاصة بها . إذا لم ترغب السيدة في الاحتفاظ بالجنين،…
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bdcruise · 5 years
My Birth Story
“All I saw were lights & having the will to see my daughter.”
On Wednesday July 10th, 2019 we had a Cytotec set up to help induce labor. I was already 3 days past due & wanted more than anything for her to be here. We went in at 11 AM and they did the first Cytotec. They sent us home a few hours later with no change. So Thursday July 11th, 2019 we went back at 6 AM for induction with Pitocin.
We got to the hospital and were set up in our labor & delivery room. My mom, sister & fiancé were all there in the room with me. They started the Pitocin & the contractions quickly began to get stronger but manageable. Prior to being induced I had started having mild contractions on my own clear back to Tuesday night — so I had already been having contractions for what felt like forever and getting no where. After being on Pitocin all day my body had not progressed at all. My doctor decided to stop Pitocin for the night & let me “rest”. She decided to Cytotec me every 4 hours to help thin my cervix. In the morning they checked me again and I hadn’t done much or gotten any rest. I went from a finger tip to 1 cm. Around 7 AM they started Pitocin again. And again, the contractions became stronger but manageable. I laborered all day Friday July 12th, 2019 with little change. Around 11 AM they decided to do my epidural at 3cm to help me relax. Getting the epidural went well and not as painful as people had told me — so that was a plus! Once I received my epidural I started to dilate quicker. By 5 PM I was at a 5/6 and by 9 PM I was at 7cm. But at 10 PM I started having the worst contractions and realized my epidural was no longer working. The anesthetist came in 3 times before realizing that I was in fact not receiving any meds & the clip on the tubing had sprung a leak and was leaking all over my bed sheets. In the middle of him realizing this I had become tachycardic and my baby was showing signs of distress. They diagnosed me with Pre Eclampsia and decided the safest option was to deliver immediately. So around 11 PM on July 12th, 2019 I was wheeled into the OR for an emergency C-section. I told my doctor to get her out before midnight so she could have the same birthday as her brother (dog), Pongo, who had turned 1 that day! When they got me in the OR and pushed more meds they made me so sick and I threw up for what felt like my entire surgery! But, she was born at 11:51 PM on July 12th, 2019 & shares a birthday with her big brother!! They stitched me up and took me back to my L&D room for skin to skin. I immediately started telling my nurse that I felt like there was a lot of bleeding but was told it was “normal”. I must’ve said it 10 times but no one was listening. After about an hour they took me to my Maternity room. Vincent was holding the baby on the couch and I remember looking over at them and thinking how lucky I was. My nurse was getting me all situated when I started to lose consciousness. I remember seeing stars and then nothing. I heard people telling me to open my eyes and stay awake but I couldn’t. I had no control of my body. When they finally got my BP back up the nurse asked if I wanted to try breast feeding again. Just as she was about to hand me my baby girl I felt like it was going to happen again. I told her I thought it was happening again and she put the baby down and called everyone back in the room. When I woke the second time the doctor was in the room saying I was hemmoraghing and needed to go back to surgery right away.
Despite me saying I felt like there was way too much bleeding my hemmoraghing went undiagnosed for hours. Just before going back to the OR I had to sign a paper that gave permission that if a full hysterectomy was needed my doctor could do it. All I saw were lights & the will to see my daughter. When I woke from anesthesia the first thing I asked was if I could still have kids — and my mom told me yes, that Emmy would have brothers and sisters. However, me being on drugs went “the f*** she will”. I become a jokester when on anesthesia. But, the morphine they gave me for my C-section had made me so itchy I was begging for my family to itch my body. But also cracking jokes —they took videos 🤦🏼‍♀️. I found out that they only had to do a D&C as well. They finally got me back to my Maternity room and I was hooked up to all these machines and had 3 IVs in my hands. I couldn’t even hold my baby.
I don’t remember much after that from the medications but they gave me another blood transfusion after my D&C to make sure my blood count was good. That was my 2nd transfusion after hemmoraghing. They watched me all weekend to make sure my vitals stabilized and then Saturday night my blood count tanked again. My hemoglobin was a 3. So they gave me a third transfusion and kept me an extra 2 days in the hospital. They also did a CT scan of my abdomen to check for more clots — which there was but they were hopeful it would expel itself.
Sunday was the first day I was able to get out of bed and shower since Thursday. It was the best shower of my life! I finally started to feel a bit better after everything that had gone on. But I was still under watchful eye. They kept me in the hospital until Tuesday and they felt my blood counts were in a safe range to go home. I was finally released Tuesday afternoon & got to take my baby girl home.
My blood pressure was still a little high so I had to go in for a follow up BP check in one week. The following Tuesday my BP check was normal and they said I was healing good.
I am 2 weeks PP today & doing really well considering what I went through. I have not let what happen make or break me. What I have learned is to be my own advocate when something feels wrong. If my story could do one thing I hope it gives women a voice for themselves when they feel like something is wrong & to not lose your voice.
Emelyn Marie Magnifico
July 12th, 2019
11:51 PM
9lbs 1oz
21 in
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