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nightmarearian · 10 months ago
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hypnos boss battle w/ angst idk
took abt an hour or smth in roblox
This was with my mouse. My hand hurts
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lcvejoy · 2 years ago
i want you to stay
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wilbur soot x gn!reader
tw: crying? breakups? angst? hurt/comfort maybe ig kinda? very abrupt ending.
word count: 1,068
a/n: this is my first fic so be very gentle with me lmao. it’s angsty tho! we love angsty! angsty is so fun! sorry in advance this prolly isn’t the grandest, but it’s a start!
it’s been 4 months. it’s meant to be easier by now.
the breakup had been mutual. you thought that mutual breakups were supposed to be easier to cope with but these 4 months have proven otherwise.
you wish it had been messy. that there was a catastrophic argument, a slammed door and car headlights.
instead, it was mutually agreed upon that you and wil were just at two very different stages of life. with his music and your studies, you both ran out of time for eachother.
at first, you and wil spoke often. you texted daily, he called weekly, each conversation still ended with a rushed “i love you”.
but that faded out. it got quiet. it got still.
and now it’s been 4 months, and you’re sitting on your couch watching a re-run episode of a comedy show that hasn’t aired in 7 years while eating leftover take-out.
there’s a quick knock at the door. you rush to answer. you’re met with a mop of brown hair, eyes that hold so much glimmer you’d mistake it for a galaxy, and an all too familiar khaki coat.
he’s out of breath, leaning slightly against the doorframe with one hand while puffing out his cheeks as he takes in dramatic breaths.
“i leave tomorrow… f-for america” he takes a breath in, standing upright now, “i just wanted to say goodbye. i’ll be gone a couple months” he finishes, waiting.
“oh” you splutter, “okay”.
“okay” he agrees. he’s searching your eyes as he pauses. the pause feels too long. there’s a feeling of wariness, both of you are unsure exactly what to say.
“well… b-bye” you finally mutter, looking down at your feet.
he lets out a breath. “bye” he whispers, and begins turning around to walk off your front porch step. you stay planted where you are, refusing to watch him walk away but listening to each step he takes.
he stops abruptly. you can hear his shoes plant themselves under pebbles, can hear him taking long inhales and shaky exhales. you wait.
“ask me to stay.” his voice comes out shaky. you look up, he’s facing away from you, looking down at his feet as he plays with the hem of his coat.
“what?” you ask, though it sounds more like a plea coming from your lips. “please” he mutters, turning around to face you. you lock eyes for the first time in months. you realize you can no longer read his expression. you can’t tell what he’s feeling just by looking at his eyes. it breaks you a little more.
“a-ask me to stay. please, just ask me to stay” he whispers just loud enough for you to hear it, like it’s a secret he’s been keeping. his eyes are glossed over. you feel your own begin to well-up with tears.
“i’ll stay if you ask” he shakes his head, looking back down at his feet. “i-i’ll do anything you ask. i’ll call off the whole tour. i-“ his voice breaks, he looks back up at you, both of your cheeks wet with tears. “please” he begs.
you shake your head, closing your eyes to force yourself not to look at him. he waits for you to answer, to think, to feel. he’s always been patient with you.
you open your eyes to meet his - “i cant” you whisper, “you want this too badly, wil”.
“i want you more” he responds quickly, with a firm but wavering voice, “i want you more” he repeats, as if convincing himself it’s true. you shake your head again, squeezing your eyes shut as you let out a sob. the tears are pouring now.
“i-i cant ask you to drop your whole tour just for me, wil. even if you want me to, i couldn’t-i cant do that” you pause to take a shuddered breath, looking at him once again. he stands there, staring, tears streaming down his cheek like a waterfall. “i would never do that” you finish. you stare at one another, both of your tears never falter.
finally, he breaks.
his knees buckle from underneath him as he falls to the ground. sobs wrack his whole body. he brings his hand up to his eyes to shield you from seeing his face as it crumples.
“wil?” you start, edging toward him slowly.
“wil?” you try again, slowly lowering yourself in front of him to match his height.
his breathing is sporadic as he tries to calm down his sobs, desperately wiping his tears on his sleeve.
“im sorry” he chokes out, as he continues to fall apart in front of you. you place a hand on his shoulder in a desperate attempt to comfort him. “i just-“ he continues “i just really fucking miss you” he looks up now, his face red and splotchy from the tears, his nose running, his hair messier than ever. “i miss you and i-i would do anything you asked of me if it meant i get to come home” he whimpers.
your chest hurts - as if your already shattered heart has just been smashed into a million unfixable pieces. you look at him desperately, like you’re asking him how do i fix this? tell me how to fix it. how can i take your pain away?
“you can come home” you whisper, new tears gather in your eyes, “i-“ you take a deep breath “c-can you stay the night? i haven’t been sleeping well”.
his eyes widen with an almost childlike astonishment.
“just for tonight” you state “and tomorrow you’ll go on tour as planned. and we’ll call everyday until you come back home. y-you can tell me about how awful america is through each city”
he laughs wetly, wiping his remaining tears on his sleeve once more. you do the same.
he grabs both of your hands in his and begins to stand, causing you to follow his actions. he grips tightly, almost hugging your hands into his chest. “okay” he whispers.
you smile lightly at him and begin leading him into the front door, where you both have countless memories and you both hope to make countless more.
you lead him to the bed that never quite felt like yours without him in it, and, like muscle memory, you lay together like you had once done every night.
you don’t have much trouble sleeping that night.
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alyimoss · 7 months ago
dreamtale twins... dreamtale twins ily.... ily dreamtale twins...
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bloorpeon · 29 days ago
Quiet And Small
A small story based on @energ00n’s Apprentice AU!
I’m so sorry for how messy and all over the place it is, this is my first time writing in months and I just needed to get the words out. Full explanation for everything at the end, thank you so much if you read it, I love you.
Following Dustmark, a quiet and distant street rat from the Dead End, who has found herself as the newest apprentice to Alpha Trion. It’s a nice setup, a place to sleep, food, a shower, and even things to read!
The only issue? She’s illiterate.
The Hall was quiet, but the shuffle of afts on seats and the tapping of datapads filled the silence. Though nothing was ever, truly, quiet, not for Dustmark. The minibot outlier heard everything within fifteen (15) miles, and if it wasn’t for her lucky audial additions that let her dim her audio sensors significantly, she’d be crying from the noise of Iacon.
But that wasn’t her only issue, the sound was only one form of sensitivity. She was sensitive in every sense, and on top of it all, her processor ran miles in milliseconds. She could think fast, and she was smart.
But she couldn’t read.
The datapad she was given sat on the floor in front of her. While her classmates and fellow apprentices sat at their desks, reading their latest assignment, Dustmark was huddled up under her desk. She couldn’t read her assignment, had no clue what it said, nor what it wanted to teach her.
So there it sat, illuminated, but unused.
She never slept in class, she always paid attention when her Prime spoke, and took notes by drawing pictures. But at the end of the day, how could the student of an archivist thrive if she couldn’t understand a thing?
Despite her speech impediment, she aced all the vocal assignments, reciting stories or dates, descriptions or names, poems and the likes. But her written assignments remained blank, and she was at the bottom of the class. Both in height and in grade.
Dustmark had only resided at the temple for a week, but she was already listening to her fellow apprentices talk about how soon she would likely be kicked out. And truthfully, she was fine with it. The prime lifestyle was enjoyed while she had the chance, but returning to the Dead End wasn’t the end of the world.
The next morning she sat in the dining hall with the other apprentices, all from their own Primes. While most usually sat with their own, some other the other students were mixed in at the tables. The only available seat today was next to a pair of mechs, she had heard about them, Orion Pax and D-16. From what she knew, Orion Pax was a troublemaker who snuck into the restricted area of the archives. D-16 seemed to be the calmer, rule following kind. Prima and Megatronus, what a strange pair.
Her audial levels were low, but still enough to listen to the ones next to her. Through the bits and pieces of the conversation that she did listen to, she heard something interesting from Orion Pax.
“I found something new in the archives!”
“You’ve been in the archives so many times, how could you have possibly found anything new?”
“No idea, but I did! Theres a hologram table in there, I couldn’t find what goes into it, but I’m totally checking it out next time!”
“You’re going to get yourself caught if you use it!”
“Maybe, but think of all the information on it!”
The archives, she had been in there a few times, but only for a quick look. But the term “hologram table” sounded familiar, she’d seen Alpha Trion use one before, but only with the other Primes. Though she did spot what he plugged in, a chip of some sort. Hm.
The rest of the day went the same as usual. A long instruction session from her Prime, taking notes with her little doodles, and then sitting beneath the desk with her empty datapad. She sat alone at dinner, and once the temple had grown quiet, she made her move.
The dorm building for Alpha Trion’s apprentices was fairly close to the archives, so it made for a quick run. Dustmark had put rubber on the bottom of her pedes, allowing her to run silently while keeping grip. She punched in the code for the main archives room and quietly made her way inside.
The room was massive, filled from floor to ceiling with books, pages, and datapads. Shelves on shelves of knowledge and information, all of which she couldn’t access.
She ran the entirety of the room three times before stopping, the hologram table was nowhere to be found. Then she had a thought, if the table wasn’t in the main room, then it must be in a further room. The restriction section.
You know, for a room called “The Restricted Section”, you’d think there would be better security. But a few crossed wires later and the door slid open with ease.
Though they never tell you about the silent alarm.
The restricted section felt like it was freezing, but the distraction of the table was enough for her to forget the temperature. She found a shelf full of the data chips, she picked one at random and plugged it in. The table lit up immediately, reading the chip before playing the media.
It was a tad bit loud, but the double doors should be plenty to stop the sound from getting out. Her servos wrapped around her arms, rubbing them as she shivered from the temperature. The video played, and not only was it a voice, but it had pictures! She could watch and listen, finally able to learn in a way she could understand.
She huffed out in excitement, a cloud of her breath forming. Was it getting colder in here? She didn’t care, she was too exhilarated to care! She could learn!
Dustmark was able to watch four more videos before a heavy weight fell upon her shoulders. It was warm, a welcomed sensation to combat the freezing temperature of the room. The video ended and Dustmark turned around, looking up at the silhouette behind her.
There stood Alpha Trion, and as Dustmark softly grabbed at the fabric around her shoulders, she realized it was his cape. Her audials fell as she looked down, she was in trouble and she knew it.
“You seem cold.” He said, his low and rough voice echoed throughout the room. His servos were held behind his back, standing tall. Dustmark slowly looked up, covering herself more with the cape, nodding.
“I had assumed you would’ve taken the bait, but not so soon. I figured young Orion Pax would’ve gotten here before you did.” He continued, now walking past her and taking out the data chips she been watching. The minibot only watched in silence.
Alpha Trion seemed to notice her hesitation, but he didn’t speak about it. He simply grabbed the stack of chips she had collected, putting them back in order, and returned them to the shelf. “I have a few questions to ask of you, young one.”
Dustmark nodded, she remained where she was, but she continued to follow him with her gaze. That seemed to be enough for him as he continued to speak.
“Is there a reason as to why you do not complete your assignments?” He asked, Dustmark nodded.
“Is it the same reason as to why you have been watching videos in a freezing room for two hours?”
She nodded.
“I see. Now I have a final question for you…” Alpha Trion approached her, falling to a knee in front of the minibot. Dustmark watched him with soft, yet nervous optics.
“Dustmark, are you illiterate?”
The question was expected, but it still felt shameful to admit. The Dead End is fairly illiterate as a whole, so everyone assumes. But in Iacon? No one is illiterate here, this is the city for the intellectual and well educated, not for Empties like Dustmark.
She could only look down at the floor in a wave of shame, nodding softly. Alpha Trion hummed, nodding as well as he stood up. “Thank you for your honesty, Dustmark. Come along, it is late and you should’ve been in recharge a long time ago.”
Alpha Trion had walked Dustmark all the way back to her room, she gave him back his cape before he left. Unsure of what was to come, Dustmark climbed into her berth, sliding under her thick covers, and falling into recharge.
Come morning, she had fully expected to be awoken to find that she was being taken back to the Dead End. But there was no one at her door, no note, nothing. It felt wrong to put on her garment, but she did anyway, wearing it with a form of shame as she made her way to the dining hall.
She ate, listened to gossip, and made her way to her morning class. It was a warm day, welcomed after her long night in the freezing room, and the classroom was quiet as usual. She found her seat, but paused before sitting down, gaze stuck on the desk.
On the surface was a red datapad, there was a cord attached to the top of it, upon closer inspection they turned out to be audialplugs. As Alpha Trion approached his podium, Dustmark took her seat, tapping the screen to turn it on.
There were pictures on the screen, instructing her to place one of the plugs in her audial. As she did so, she heard a computerized voice come from it. Watching the screen, the voice seemed to be reading the words on her assignment, lighting up the read word as it went through each sentence.
A smile tugged at her derma as she looked up at her Prime. He was watching her as Dustmark grabbed the datapad and hugged it.
A month had passed since she was given her new datapad, Dustmark was finally keeping up with her classmates. She found that she could select from answers on the assignments, instead of writing them out, which helped her when it came to turning in work. It didn’t take long for her to rise through the ranks, now being one of, if not the first to turn in work.
She had started learning how to read on her own, and after class, Alpha Trion teaches her how to write.
Soon they’ll be allowed to start using the Archives on their own, but Dustmark had already found her own way in. She started to like that Orion Pax guy, he seems to know his way around the vent systems. But she’s not too sure about that D-16 guy, seems like a snitch.
Either way, everything seems like it’s finally starting to go her way. She may never be a Prime, but this was still this best thing to ever happen to her.
—— END ——
If you made it this far, thanks! Is it shitty? Yea a lil bit, I’ve been in a creative funk for a hot minute so this was me trying to get into it again.
I wrote 2 other versions of this story but I just wasn’t feeling it, so I finally just sat down and decided to write. So if you’re wondering why it’s a lil bit everywhere or seems to be kinda chaotic, then that’s why!
Out of all of my OC’s, I really wanted to write Dusty in this au the most. She’s a very complicated character, but I actually had to change her up a lot to fit within the AU! I wanted to write a whole lot more, I’m talking multi chapters, but this was just for me to kinda throw it out and figure out what Dusty’s place in this story would be.
Originally I had planned for her to be an apprentice of Solus, but after bouncing it around, I figured Alpha Trion would’ve been way better. Dustmark is incredibly curious by nature, the only thing that stops her is that she’s illiterate. You might be thinking “if she’s illiterate then why put her with the archivists????” Well you see, it’s really the only place she fits in a natural way
I don’t believe AT would deny someone the chance to go through a Prime apprenticeship just because they can’t read or write, nah, he’d likely find a way to help them!
This probably isn’t canon for me, more just a rough draft, if I do decide to write a multi chapter thing for this then it would go in a different direction.
Uhhhhhh if you have any questions then you’re more than welcome to send me an ask or comment! All the love to Ene for their amazing AU, it’s so silly and sweet!
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greyhounddbites · 21 days ago
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gl0omurai · 9 months ago
The thing ™️ about servamp is they always gotta introduce 3 people a damn volume.. i look at the tag on tumblr as someone who’s only 40 or so chapters in and there’s fanart of 37 new characters
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promiscuousg1rl · 2 months ago
kind of hated the way that chapter was looking so i took it down! i may try to rewrite it or even change up the plot a bit idk.
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demon-nyra · 2 months ago
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15 YEARS AGO 15 anyways
Drew her!
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Since I say that they get forms based on the link who pulls the sword, it means I can create the others based on this video she has blue hair and pronouns. What more could you ask for
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kayohhey · 4 months ago
Keep seeing all the cool Life SMP Series stuff and going “omg i love that, I should watch this series” and then looking at the multiple days worth of watching I’d have to do 😭
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alekss-creative-corner · 5 months ago
How does one even begin to talk about their wips on here? It's been so long since I have. I dont remember.
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wearefruits · 2 years ago
Chapters: 3/? Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Robin Buckley as Spider-Man, BAMF Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley Has a Crush on Nancy Wheeler, Nancy wheeler has a crush on spiderman, Lesbian Robin Buckley, Bisexual Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington Are Best Friends, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Slow To Update, Tags Are Hard, bros before hoes (unless those hoes are Nancy Wheeler), Tags May Change Summary:
Robin Buckley thought her only ‘power’ she’d ever have was being invisible. Really, it was quite a feat… especially being friends with Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson and all. Still, while hanging out with known people, she continued to to be the exact opposite. Unknown. Invisible.
A gift she would say.
That is, until she was bitten by a radio-active spider and and gained these… ‘things’. She won’t call them ‘super’ powers, because they aren’t quite super, and she didn’t feel ‘powerful’ with them. Just out of control. They’ve really only gotten her into trouble thus far and now she was taking on high school, weird lab goons, and an embarrassing crush on a straight girl all at once.
Robin Buckley is no super hero. She’s just a kid. A kid who happens to be ‘the only hope for Hawkins’.
Jesus this stinks.
I actually have zero idea on how to use tumblr, but i love this place and what I've seen so far! If you’ve seen this fic before its because you have. I orphaned the original and decided to reupload it and hopefully add new chapters.
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lcvejoy · 2 years ago
as for the request--
perhaps some major angst building off of the angst fic (I'm bad with remembering names) where Wil is getting progressively more and more distant. less affectionate, being stand off ish. he focuses more on work and streaming and all of that than reader and reader starts staying out at the beach more and more to avoid it..
you can make the end fluffy or angsty I just wanna include
"You don't love me anymore, do you?"
"No, I don't."
i (dont) want you to stay
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wilbur soot x gn!reader
word count: 1,320
tw: angsty. breakups. hurt/no comfort?? wil is kinda toxic. not proofread.
a/n: this is a pt. 2 to “i want you to stay”. i got a bit carried away. but i’m so excited that it was requested. it made me so giddy that i wrote this at work lmaooo - sorry if it’s all over the place
on your first date, wilbur took you to a pier. he asked you if you wanted to take a walk with him. it was late at night, maybe early morning by that point. the beach was vacant of people and the moon was reflecting off the soft waves of the ocean. you sat together, shoulder to shoulder, and you talked for hours about anything and everything.
you used to do that a lot - just talk, for hours, about anything.
the conversation that night turned into talks of the moon and the stars. how far away they are but how close they seemed, how beautiful they are when they shine together, how much you both wished you could scoop up a star and put it in a jar to take home. “if i could, i’d take every star in the sky and put them all into little jars for you” he’d said, smiling at you. you laughed “yeah?” you asked. “yeah” he agreed.
“and why would you do that for me?”
“because you sparkle” he gleamed, “if i had to compare you to any physical representation, it would be a star. you sparkle and you shine and you’re so goddamn bright” he rambled.
your face got so hot despite the air feeling so cold.
he kissed you for the first time that night on the pier. he walked you home. he called you an hour later, saying he missed hearing your voice. you talked for a few more hours before deciding to sleep. it was beautiful. he was beautiful. it remained beautiful for months.
wilbur went on tour as planned after he spent the night. it was a tearful goodbye, and he left with promises to call every day.
he kept his promise, calling everyday and telling you about each show, each crowd, each city - it’s good and it’s bad. he told you he missed you, that he couldn’t wait to come home. you told him the same.
“goodnight, star” were the words he muttered before ending the call each night.
when he arrived home, you met him with open arms. you brought him home. that night, he suggested a walk to the pier. “so you can see the stars” he’d said, “so you can see how i see you”.
the next couple weeks were great. it felt as though that 4 months of being broken up had never even happened. you felt secure, loved, you felt as though you and wil had finally met in the middle, no longer on different paths.
wil started streaming again. he was working on new music. he was busy. you were understanding, you were busy too. it was nearing exams, and each of your classes had begun to pile you with assignments and study notes.
but you both always made time in the evenings to talk about your day, to eat together, to lay in bed with a soft “goodnight” and a kiss.
until that eventually began to become less frequent. it started with late night streams a couple times a week, then morphed into late night streams and late night songwriting, then morphed quickly into late night streams, late night songwriting, and late night hanging out with friends. until soon, it became rare for you to even see wil at all.
there were arguments. the arguments always ended in apologies. you both always ended up cuddled in bed, dried tears on your cheeks, a promise to do better, a “goodnight” and a kiss.
but the late nights didn’t stop.
and eventually, you started taking yourself to the pier to look at the stars alone. so you could see yourself the way wil once saw you.
wil never noticed your absence. he was never home to notice.
until he was.
you’re on the pier. you’ve been coming to the pier every night to look at the stars. it’s the only thing bringing you comfort.
your phone rings, and the familiar contact appears.
“hello?” you answer.
“where are you?” wil rushes out, sounding almost panicked.
“the pier” you reply.
“i’m coming” he rushes. the call drops before you can reply.
wil arrives 5 minutes later. the walk to the pier is 15 minutes. you wonder if he drove. he sits down beside you, staring up at the stars along with you.
“you’re still just as bright as them” he says. you look at him, he’s already looking at you with a slight smile. you stare, there’s a beat of silence.
“what’re we doing, wil?” you mutter. his face falters, his lips moving into a straight line.
“what do you mean?” he asks.
“i mean-“ you pause “i mean i never see you. we barely talk and, when we do, we argue and we cry and you promise to do better but you never do. you’re never home. you asked to come home but you’re never there. you said you’d do anything if i just ask and i’m asking you to come home. t-thats all i want” you’re pleading, your eyes full of tears. he stares. he doesn’t hold much of an expression. there’s a stale silence between you that feels longer than it truly is. it’s just you, him, the moon and the stars.
“what are we doing, wil?” you ask again. patiently waiting for his answer. you have always been patient with him.
“i don’t know” he responds truthfully.
you look back up at the stars. they act as a painful reminder of what you once resembled. he once saw you that way - a star, a bright, glowing, shining, sparkling star. you aren’t sure how he sees you now.
“you don’t love me anymore, do you?” you ask, looking only at the stars while your tears stain your cheeks. you can feel him staring at you. you can hear his breathing - it’s steady.
“no” he whispers “no, i don’t”.
and with those words, your heart shatters. your world spins. the stars stop shining.
you nod your head, as if you understand but you truly don’t. you’ll never understand.
his breath remains steady. it never falters. you don’t look at him as you rise to your feet.
“where are you going?” he asks. you hear him rush to his feet.
“home” you say, wiping your tears as you walk up the pier.
“i’m going home” you reiterate.
you hear his footsteps behind you, following from a distance. you stop. he stops too.
“i’m going to my home. you can’t come home” you try to sound confident in your words, but they come out shaky.
“what?” he whispers, his voice now sounding more broken than before.
“darling, we can fix this. please. i-i didn’t mean it, really” he pleads, his words are rushed and stuttered, “fuck… i-i really didn’t mean it like that. i meant i don’t love you like i used to. i-it’s different, it feels different, b-but i still love you, i-“ he pauses, stepping closer, “please, star” he begs.
you turn around now. you look at him. you look him in the eyes. your eyes are wet with tears, your nose is running, your cheeks are splotchy but you don’t hide it. you want him to see it.
“will you still do anything i ask?” you question. he stares at you, you can see the tears in his eyes from the light of the moon but you never see any fall.
“of course i will. anything. anything you ask, i’ll do it” he breathes out. there’s hope in his voice.
“don’t come home. i don’t want you to stay” you say, almost demanding.
you turn on your heal quickly and walk up the pier, leaving him with the stars and the moon. you let out a choked sob, finally breaking. imploding into yourself like stars do. your light dying out, no longer shining, no longer sparkling. one day, you think, you’ll shine brighter than before, but not right now.
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pinkyhaert · 9 months ago
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unmotivatedartistry · 2 years ago
do feminine things give me massive dysphoria? yes
did I put on long pink fake nails on just now? yes
i have no regrets. until tomorrow probably
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clingacat · 1 year ago
making another animation. its been over two hours and ive only got the figure sketches. theres only thirteen layers and its three seconds long. help
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squid-the-kid · 1 year ago
sometimes being trans is just looking up full body pictures of guys side views..
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