kyufiber-moved · 5 years
*long, drawn out, extremely heavy and tired sigh* 
*moment of silence * 
F  U  C  K
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Only Us
Fandom: 6 Underground
Specified gender: Female
Pairing: Four/Billy x reader
TW: blood, violence, swearing, One is still a bit of an ass
Genre: Angst and Fluff
Word Count:3.9K
Requests: CLOSED
A/N: Not the best thing I’ve written but I wanted to get something out for Ben’s birthday!!! I had no idea how to end this either, sorry. (Spot the Dear Evan Hansen reference lmao) 
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The sunset looked glorious from your kitchen window, your hands warmed by the cup of coffee in your hands. Scarlett rays framing your face in a tender glow. A small smile grew on your face at the tranquillity of the moment.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find you?" The unrecognised voice made your body tense and your hand shot out, grabbing the gun always stored in your back pocket, and aimed it at the intruder.
"Who the fuck are you?" You asked lowly, placing your drink down beside you. The man raised his hands in surrender, showing that he was of no harm to you, but you never lowered your gun. You couldn't risk it.
"Listen, my name's one. And I'm kinda dead-" He began to explain but your eyes narrowed, and you stood up.
"Bullshit. What do you want from me?" You snapped. The stranger watched with cautious eyes and took a reluctant step forward. Your hand tightened on the gun, your finger never faltering off the trigger.
"I'll tell you, just put the gun down. I'm not gonna hurt you. I promise," He stated calmly. You don't know why, but something about him told you that he was telling the truth. So gradually, you lowered the gun, putting it on the table next to you, close enough that you could reach it if you needed it. He nodded at you, appreciating your trust in him. He approached you and you took a small step back, still eyeing him.
"So, start talking," You demanded, folding your arms over your chest.
"I understand you haven't had a job since you were discharged from the army," One said, choosing his words very meticulously, so not to freak you out or sounding like a stalker, though technically, he really was one "After you won your medal of honour. The second woman in history, I believe?"
"That's right," You confirmed anxiously, preferring not to think of your military days, eyes casting down.
"Well, I'm here to offer a job, if you're willing to take it. My team need another fighter," You scoffed, picking your drink back up and taking a sip.
"I don't do that shit anymore. Enough people have died because of me," One frowned, expecting a more positive response but thinking more of her response, it made more sense that she would reject his proposal. He had to try harder.
"We help save people. Anyone that dies doesn't die in vain," One lied. It was only a white lie. You'd get used to it after a few missions.
"I already gave you my answer," You shot back shortly, brushing past him to put your now empty cup in the sink. One gently grabbed your arm, causing you to turn around, an eyebrow raised.
"One mission. That's it. You might like it," One attempted to compromise and you rolled your eyes, starting to get annoyed with his constant pestering.
"You're not gonna stop bothering me until I agree, are you?"
"Not a chance," One shook his head, resisting to urge to smirk as he realised he was getting closer to you agreeing.
"Fine. One mission."
Your funeral was full of people. A lot of your family. Tons of your old military companions. Hell, your mom even brought your dog with her. When One told you that you had to fake your death, you nearly went back on your deal. You couldn't do that to your loved ones. But eventually, you accepted that it had to be done. It was one of the hardest things since you were discharged. Watching your family and friends crying over your empty casket. It probably would've made you tear up yourself if you hadn't spent time away fighting. But even One could see that it was hard for you to watch.
"C'mon, let's go meet the team," One said quietly, placing a hand on your shoulder. But it took you a few more seconds before you followed after him, looking at your family for the last time.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Alright ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to meet our new member?" One called as he stepped into the caravan on the abandoned airfield.
"Finally, I get to meet someone other than you dumbasses," Five commented. Three and Two were sat next to one another, running over a map for the next mission, and they barely looked up as One entered. Four and Seven were drinking beers, and Wally was lounging over the couch with his head in Four's lap. One gestured for you to follow him, and hesitantly, you did so, awkwardly playing with your fingers as you stepped inside the caravan. You never liked having all eyes on you. That's probably why you hated receiving your medal of honour. Everyone was just watching you, wordlessly. That is until Seven rose and extended his hand.
"I'm Seven. That's Four," He pointed to the blonde with the dog on his lap "Those two with the map are Two and Three. And the girl with the book is Five,"  Each of them waved to you, and Five gave you a small smile. But Four couldn't stop staring.
"Alright, so, I meant to cover this with you earlier, but we all go by numbers. We don't tell each other our real names, we don't go back for one another. No strings attached to each other or the outside world. In this field of work, we can't afford to become emotionally connected. You go by Eight now," One chirped and you nodded. From everything he'd told you, you could understand why names can't be used.
"So, how many missions have you guys done?" You asked, clumsily perching yourself on the edge of the table.
"Uh, including the one we just did, two," Five replied softly, folding the corner of her page and placing the book down. Four's hands ran over Wally's head.
"T-two?" You muttered, before turning to One, "I thought you said you'd done tons of missions?"
"Yeah, that may have been a little bit of a lie, but we will go on tons of missions," One admitted and you sighed, but let out a small chuckle.  You were already starting to like this team.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- One mission turned into five. And then five turned to ten. It turned out that the adrenaline rush was addictive, and after three years, you'd joined their little family. But the person you'd clicked most with was Four. At first, you'd hated each other. He was so cocky at times and it really ground your gears. Still did even now, but it was more bearable. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Such a fucking show off," Four grumbled as you and Seven did some target practice. You had yet to miss and Four was starting to get pissed off by your accuracy.
"Did you say something, Ken doll?" You turned to Four, your gun falling to your side, eyebrows raised expectantly. Four had so much he wanted to say but when he opened his mouth to say it, he couldn't seem to let it out. Looking like a damn fish, Four just glared, folding his arms over his chest like a toddler.
"Come have a shot if you want Four," Seven offered with a smirk on his face, knowing fully well that Four was nowhere near as good a shot as you or himself.
"You know, I'm going to stick to my parkour if it's all the same to you. I'd rather practice doing my job than yours," Four commented snarkily. You let out a quiet giggle.
"I know for a fact you've used a gun on a mission before Four. What are you afraid of?"
"So, how was Florence? Two told me a little bit about it," You asked Four, sat beside him on the couch as you picked the dirt from under your nails.
"Florence? Absolute shitshow, if I hadn't been there, more than one of us dead," Four stated cockily, shrugging his shoulders.
"Is Florence the reason there's no Six?" You asked gently, ignoring his annoying nature. Four shifted uncomfortably and silently nodded his head.
"One's still looking for a new driver. When One brought you, I thought you were gonna be the driver," He replied, diverging the conversation away from his fallen friend. "So, a medal of honour, huh?"
"Yeah. They gave me a medal for killing people for the country but would put me in prison if I killed a guy out here," You answered grimly, looking up from your nails. Four chuckled, but you only wished you were joking.
"Why'd you accept it if you didn't want it?"
"At the time, I was thrilled by the offer. I never really thought about it until after I had it," You answered shortly, folding your arms over your chest.
"You made history though, surely that's something?" Four attempted to lighten the subject, but from the grimace on your face, he could tell he wasn't succeeding any time soon.
"I guess. Not particularly thrilled about being the US army's poster girl," You glanced out the window, a part of you missing the quiet life you had before joining the Underground. But the friendships you'd made were ones you never wanted to be rid of. "So, what did you do before all of this?"
"I was a thief. Worked with a bunch of others, going all over the world and stealing some of the most priceless pieces of jewellery. That's how One found me- a robbery gone wrong. A girl on my team decided the jewellery in my mouth was more important than my life," Four answered, clearly still a tad bit petty about the whole situation. You patted his arm softly, silently telling him that it was alright to be mad. He looked up, eyes catching with your own. Neither of you said anything, but you couldn't pull your eyes from one another. You could've sworn you saw his eyes dart down to look at your lips before he cleared his throat and mumbled some excuse about needing to talk to Two before shooting off.
"Eight, do you have eyes on the target?" One's voice whispered through the earpiece.
"Target is heading to the lower East facility now," You answered back, quietly sneaking around the corner, narrowly missing the bodyguards of the mighty, corrupted prince.
"Four, Eight, follow the target. I got a plan," Seven instructed. You could see Four between the two adjacent buildings of the pompous structure you currently were in.
"Roger that," Four replied, stopping on the edge of the building, seeing a sign that connected your building and his. He hesitated, remembering the last time he tried to cross a sign. But he was with a new group now. It'd be okay. So with a heavy sigh, he began making his way across as you crept through the facility, both of you following after the royal and his guards. In the corner of your eye, you spied two isolated guards dropping, probably Seven working his magic.
Four climbed down from the sign, meeting you near to the door the Prince had entered, three bodyguards stood outside the front. You both crouched, waiting for Three and Five to compose the distraction so you guys could get in. One was busy disabling the security cameras, while Seven took out the occasional bodyguard from his position, just close enough to get to you if things got messy. Two was meant to follow after Three and Five, but when they opened the door, they were rather Two-less. Four could guess that something had gone wrong or she was handling something that Three had fucked up - that was normally how it worked. Four and you exchanged a look as Five approached the guards, and Three stood politely behind her. The two guards straightened, glaring down at the pair, one of them grabbing his gun.
"You're not permitted to be here. We're going to have to ask you to leave," One of them said, completely monotone, but a harsh look on his face.
"I was sent here for the Prince. A little present, if you will," Five winked at the guard. The two guards exchanged a look, one of them raising his eyebrows. They moved closer to the pair, leaving a big enough gap for you and Four to get to the door.
"And you?" The other asked, looking at Three.
"I'm her escort. I doubt the Prince would want his gift to come damaged," Three answered smoothly. You and Four looked at each other and nodded, beginning to move forward. Three watched you both carefully, making sure the guards didn't turn around. As soon as you and Four got inside, both him and Five attacked.
When you got inside, you and Four both hid behind some of the furniture. The teenage, only 17, Prince was talking to two politicians. He was planning to murder his sister so he would become heir to the throne and these politicians were trying to help him. You snuck around the circular room, hiding behind couches and tables.
"Four and Eight have made it inside. Bodyguards are down," Five commented, knowing you to wouldn't be able to make any noise when you got inside.
"Eight, you need to plant the listening device on the desk in front of the Prince. Four, you have to distract the politicians and the Prince so she can plant the listening device. It's up to you guys now. Once they're distracted, Four you gotta get out there. You'll be on your own from then on, Eight, "One repeated the plan, and you and Four nodded at each other from opposite sides of the room.
You carefully stepped as close to the desk as you could get without being seen as Four edged back to the door, opening it and slamming it, before hiding again. The Prince and Politicians looked at the door cautiously but continued on with their conversation after a few seconds of reluctance. There wasn't anything to throw and he had nothing on him to make noise.
"Five and I are back at the car with Seven," Three stated over the earpiece. So much for the help, if it got messy
"Me and One are on our way," Two added. It really WAS just you and Four now.
Four knew he'd have to call out and make a run for it. All the guards were out, so it was the safest possibility for both him and you. He looked over at you one more time before he let out a yell.
"Hey! Over here, your majesty!" The three men shot up, and the Prince called for his security. Your head snapped to Four with wide eyes, as he began sprinting, opening the door and bolting out, the two politicians running after him. The Prince paused before walking out after them and shutting the door behind him, going to find out where his bodyguards had gone. You sighed quietly.
"The distraction has been taken, planting the listening device now," You whispered over the earpiece, planting the device on the desk, and one on each of the men's coats. You ran to the door, peaking your head out to see if the coast was clear. When you saw no one, you snuck out, heading towards the stairs and sprinting down them. It was only when you got to the exit, the car so close, with your team waiting inside, that your heart stopped. A hand grabbed your hair and yanked you back. You let out a yelp in pain. The car's tinted window hid their faces, but you could tell they were all surprised, and, you hoped, concerned. The person behind you used your hair to pull you back to their chest, pinning your hands behind your back, a knife coming to rest on your throat. You gulped, fearfully, shooting a desperate look to the people in the car.
"Quite a clever stunt you and your friends pulled. But you can't pull the wool over my eyes," A cold voice spoke in your ear. The Prince. You felt the blood in your veins freeze. "I know trickery when I see it. I could hear the fight outside. I know your friends took my guards out. I just set the trap for you. And you fell straight into it," You were terrified. This guy was clearly bordering on the edge of insanity and you were scared of what he'd do to you. Tears were so close to escaping your eyes, but when the car in front of you started up and drove off, you couldn't fight them off. "I've been wanting a new play toy for a while. Let's have some fun, shall we?"
"One, stop this fucking car!" Four screamed from the back seat, Two and Three have to hold him back from attacking One.
"I've told you, she wasn't careful enough. We can't risk everything we've built for one member,"
"One, I swear to fucking god if you don't turn this car around I will post all the pictures of us and tell everyone that we aren't dead. I will tell them EVERYTHING we've done! Now turn this fucking car around right now!" The air was tense. Four had never been so hysterical about something. One showed no signs of turning the car around so Five grabbed the steering wheel, causing the car to wobble.
"What are you fucking doing?" One yelled, setting the car straight again.
"One, we're going back to get her. We can't risk everyone finding out about us. So do as he fucking says you dumb bastard," Two said, and although she spoke a lot more calmly than Four had, they both held the same venom in their voices. One looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Seven, Five and Three were all glaring at him. Realising he was outnumbered, One let out a loud groan, before sharply turning the car, causing everyone to jolt to the side.
"Get your dirty hands off me," You screamed as two of the Prince's guards, who'd finally woken up, held your arms back.
"You might as well save your voice, no one can hear you," The Prince stated, shooting you a disgusted look.  He came right up to your face and you sneered at him before spitting on him. He stumbled back, wiping his face.
"You little bitch!" He snapped before pulling his arm back and punching you in the nose. You moaned as pain spread all around your nose. You could already feel it bleeding, he'd probably broken it. Fantastic. Another punch landed in your gut before you had time to recover and you lost your balance and fell to your knees, coughing at the impact, the two guards still holding your arms. You looked up at him through your hair and he smirked before calling another guard over with a curl of his finger.
"Why don't you teach this little bitch a lesson. Make sure she'll remember it for a long LONG time."
The car had barely stopped when Four jumped out, not taking the time to wait for the rest of the team as he ran inside. He stepped over the unconscious bodies of bodyguards and the team spread out, looking for the Prince.
"I have eyes on Eight. Higher Western facility, near the politicians' office," The instant Seven's voice spoke the directions, Four sprinted so fast he nearly tripped over his own feet.
Seven had his gun pointed at one of the bodyguard's head, and Two, who joined them a few seconds later, pointed her gun at the other bodyguard. Four watched with baited breath as the pair took their aim. Two bullets flew through the air and the two bodyguards dropped, and your arms dropped weakly to your sides. They'd definitely broken a few things. It hurt to even lookup. The Prince and the remaining bodyguard, the one who had taken the time to torment you, looked around, confusion written on their faces. One and Two ran up to the two remaining men as Four rushed to your side and picked you up, knowing you wouldn't be able to run. You gripped onto him tightly, fear gripping onto every bone in your body.  He and Five raced back to the car, needing to get you looked at as soon as possible. Eventually, you blacked out, and all you felt was Four's hand clutching yours desperately.
They hadn't broken anything but your nose, but the bodyguard had given you two black eyes, some bruised ribs and a few cuts all over from the ring he was wearing when he hit you. Every time you stood, your entire body ached. Four was there to help you through it, of course, taking your hand and guiding you to and from places. One was still pissed off at Four for making him stop the car, potentially jeopardising the mission. And you were just as angry at him for even CONSIDERING leaving you behind.
"Look, I never wanted to leave you behind, Eight," One reasoned "But you have to understand that the team comes before the individual."
"Without the individuals, there'd be no fucking team, One! You left me to die there!" You hissed, slamming your drink down on One's coffee table. You'd come to his trailer to try and have a civil discussion, but everything he said seemed to get under your skin.
"You messed up, and you paid for it!" One shot back, shrugging off your response.
"If you had been me in that situation, would you want to be left alone?" You asked sharply, folding your arms over your chest. One looked at you and looked down again, not giving you an answer. "That's what I thought. When you're ready to apologise to me, you know where to find me," You made your way over to the door and exited, closing it behind you. Four was waiting for you like he said he would be, and you could tell from how red his face was, he had heard the whole conversation. And he wasn't happy. "C'mon let's go to your trailer."
"He acts like his fucking big brother, getting to decide who comes who goes, who lives, who dies," Four ranted furiously, pacing around the trailer. He'd been there, he knew EXACTLY how you must have felt in that situation. He'd just been foolish enough to believe that One had learnt from the last time.
"Four, he's just a rich asshole. C'mere," You beckoned him from your spot on his couch. Hesitantly, Four came to sit next to you and you curled up next to him "I don't want to talk about him. I just want you here with me. Us and only us."
Four smiled down at you tenderly, pressing a kiss to your forehead and wrapping his arm around you. You rested your head on his chest, feeling how fast his heart was beating. It made you laugh. He was so sweet.
"You're such a softie," Four teased but he pulled you closer to him, leaving no space between you.
"You love it, Four," You responded quietly, voice muffled by his jumper.
"My name's Billy," He corrected and you rested your chin on his chest to look up at him. You grinned and Billy nearly felt his heart melt.
"That's a cute name," You mumbled sweetly "I'm (Y/N)," Billy didn't say anything but he rested his head on top of yours, burying his nose in your hair, just appreciating your touch an comfort. He'd tell you someday. How he felt. But right now, he was happy just being near you. That was enough for him.
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