cheriafreya · 3 months
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Maybe the end is predestined... but it is not today.
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cartooness · 5 years
Sum Masonder Stuff part 82 or something lol
Okay, so. Lavender Grey and Mason Adalbert are both huge dorks. They are. And they're in love and it's beautiful. So, here are some dialogues I've made up for them haha.
Lav, jokingly,- You look like a cheeto.
Mason- Well at least I'm flaming hot then!
Lav, staring at Mason, admiring him with so much love- You're gorgeous. <3
Lav, red as a strawberry,- O///////O thanks.
*proceeds to hold him tight under the blankets*
Lav- I love all of you <3
Mason- You do??? :')
Lav- Of course I do! I love you here *pecks his forehead* and here *pecks his cheek* and here *this goes on for a while lmao*
••Like almost an hour later••
Lav, very smitten,- Does that answer your question?
Mason, malfunctioning due to the amount of love,- Yeah. My turn.
Lav- Heh.
Mason- *does the exact same thing*
Lav- Button?
Mason- Lovely?
Lav- >///< sorry I just. Love my pet name so much.
Mason- Well it's true! You ARE lovely! *hugs her and kisses the corner of her mouth*
Lav- Aww, thanks n///n
Lav- Button. I'm cold. Are you?
Mason- Yeah, kinda.
Lav- Wait I'll get us a blanket. *uses magic to levitate a blanket towards them*
Mason- Also my heart is cold. Can you warm it up owo??
Lav- *adjusts blankey, then snuggles up close to him.* Of course. <3
Mason- Can I kiss you please?
Lav- Okay.
Mason- *kisses her hands*
Lav- Ò/////Ó *SPUTTER*
Mason- ÒwÓ
Lav- Hmph. My turn. *holds his face and kisses him rather passionately*
Mason, a few minutes later,- Ò////Ó
Lav- ÒwÓ
Mason- Lav is like a basket.
Travis- Explain.
Mason- She holds me.
Lav- *is carrying him bridal style* uwu
Mason- !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Decan- She's been like this for an hour. I'm scared. Do you think you know what happened?
Mason- ...catnip.....
Decan- Wha?
Mason- *sigh* Okay so, Jace invited Lav and I to the animal shelter he works at and she was playing with all the cats, which was absolutely ADORABLE, and SOMEHOW, SHE FOUND CATNIP, SNIFFED IT, AND NOW SHE'S HIGH OR SOMETHING!!! Is it because she has cat like qualities????
Decan- She. Got high. Off of catnip??
Lav, delirious,- HELL YEAH I DID!!! *goes back to the floor*
Decan- I'll carry her to her room. *sigh*
((This was so stupid fhdhgsfhah))
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the ocean~♡
Lav- My eyes are brown?
Mason- Your eyes sparkle like the Hudson River?
Lav- Button, can we cuddle please?
Mason- Of course!
*cuddle each other*
Lav- *snuggles up real close*
You're such a wonderful human being, you know that? You're so compassionate about others, even when you've had a rocky past, you listen to others and what they have to say, and you're never angry like, ever. It's really rare to find people like that.
Mason-.... well, I'd say you're not so bad yourself. First of all, you're like. The most powerful human to ever exist, and that's really saying something, and from what I've been told, you escaped from your childhood hell and actually made it here, and by the luck of the all mighty universe, found a family to call your own. And the trauma? You have a super strong support system AND you're a natural born fighter.  Not to mention, you are like, SO smart about so many different things. It's amazing. And you're so, so sweet and passionate about so many people and things you love and care about. Falling in love with you was the best thing that's ever happened to me. *realizes what he just said*
Lav- *blushing like crazy* you... fell in love.... with me?
Mason- Yes! I have! I've fallen and I can't get up! You're, just, so smart, so passionate, so strong, not to mention you're absolutely GORGEOUS in every sense of the word, how could I not fall in love with you! I love you! So much!
... I love you too. Jesus, I am so in love with you I literally can't put it into words. You are such a wonderful, kind, handsome, absolutely adorable human being, all around the absolute love of my life. *holds his face*
Lav- And I think I want to kiss you until I can't feel my face anymore. You?
Mason *blushing* - Yes please.
And then they’re hardcore making out, and by that I mean they're in a mad lip lock while hands are entangled in hair and/or holding the others face. This goes on for a while lmao.
~~About like 7 minutes later~~
Lav- *breathless and very lovestruck*
Mason- *Also very breathless and very lovestruck*  So... my love, how'd I do?
Lav- Well, darling, I think you've really outdone yourself~
And then they’re snuggled up into each other, once again, enjoying the moment. <3 ((they're so cute ahhhhh))
Ok so, I like to think Mason would definitely have yearning sessions with Kyle because they would. So this was right before lav and mason got like, together together.
Kyle- You ever just have the need to like. Cuddle up with someone. And hold them close.
Mason, in a proper yearning mood,- Ugh, YES. Don't judge please, but you know Lavender?
Kyle- Yeah. We see each other every day, and she made me pride pins. That was really kind of her.
Mason- .... I would love to hold her tight and just. Snuggle up with her all day. Yeah, that sounds wonderful.... -///-
Kyle- OOOH! YOU LIKE HER!!!! ~~~
Mason- Heh!? Wha.... maybe!!! I don't have to tell you!!! *hiding his face*
Kyle- My dude, it's okay! I mean, she's nice and stuff, you guys are already giod friends, so it's not like there'd be any major problems I guess.
Mason- Well, yeah, but I just don't know if she likes me back! Like, as more than a friend!! I dunno. I'm going to her place tomorrow on Friday, and maybe I'll tell her then. Better to rip the band aid off now when it's fresh or whatever.
Kyle- Ah, ok. Tell me how it goes!! But for now, let's finish Mr. Caps homework.
Mason- Yeah, let's do that.
Ok now here's one with Lavender and her friend Tracy ; )
Lav- Cloudy?
Tracy- Yeah?
L- I like Mason. A lot.
T- Oh, please! You guys are so CUTE! You're always with one another, always enjoying company, and I'm pretty sure those platonic relationship cuddles are flustering you now. Do you get all shy and stuff when you're around him now?
Lav- Wha- yeah? But it used to not be that way!! Hmph. Damn his cute face and his laughter. And his caring touch. And his beautiful smile. He probably tastes sweet as well...
Tracy- >:3 You're head over heels for him!!!!!
T- But what if he does??
Lav- ... but what if he does? *hopeful*
And then they kissed the next day XD
So me and my lovely mutual @ghostly-business came up with these uwu
Did you know Lav's favorite way to hold Mason is by straddling him and snuggling into his chest while holding each other taught? Also he strokes her hair and face as well ((Note- on this blog straddling is never s*xual)) And they're on her bed, with a warm blankey, enjoying the moment :'') They nap/sleep together all the time. For reals. Mason has been in her room more times than he can count lol. They are so cute and fluffy and in love it makes me so soff Lav wears flavored lip balm all the time (like me, currently wearing the flavor strawberry sprinkle :p) , so she likes to kiss him and she'll be all like "What flavor is it? OwO" and he'll either actually guess or be like "Hmmm, I dunno, I need to taste it again ;)" cause he's flirty like that sometimes and they're favorite flavor is root beer. Or he decides to purposely guess something very wrong to mess with her, and guesses things that are inedible like “toothpaste” and they both giggle about it YES. HE WOULD.
"Pft, not even CLOSE to blueberry, Button."
 "I know, I know."
Have you seen Cloudy with a chance of meatballs???
You know that scene where flint and same like, puffed their cheeks up and kissed each other? Big masonder vibes right there :OOOOOOOOOOOOO :D !! I also rly love the jello scrunchie tooo aH
 Honestly they are like, a version of masonder. Exactly, The embodiment of masonder. YES. Also Mason would totally go to like. A peach farm and pick a bunch for lav cause she loves peaches. Mason, one day, on the phone, "Hey lav meet me at my place I have a surprise byeee" Imagine them. Sharing a peach tho, like, they just take a big bite of it at the same time and then give each other the biggest smiles. Y E S.
 I’m. Somft
And she's all like "Ah, nothing beats a near over ripe peach!" Mason, "I think your smile begs to differ" Lav-😶😶😶
 Mason- And you're definitely way sweeter than they'll ever be <33 *pecks her lips*
 I just had a wonderful idea. Lav and Mason, on a fruit farm date, And they have so much fun. There's a bunch of kids there as well, and it's so cute seeing them help the babies reach stuff. Or taking pictures for other families. Yessss love that.
 Imagine they find this weird looking fruit and give it a name like “Fred” or something like that and take a bunch of photos/selfie of said fruit. Y E S. THEY WOULD. I'M LOVE. Mason- LOVELY OMG LOOK AT THIS STRAWBERRY
 Lav- :OOO It looks like a Fred! They name it after Scooby doo’s Fred Jones because it looks similar to him. Like it’s just vaguely Freddy like. And then it's the evening, they have like 2 baskets of various apples and peaches and stuff, and they're sitting under a big tree, Lav's head on his shoulder, and Lav's all like "Mason, I'm going to feed you a strawberry, okay?" "Okay. Ah-" and then she catches his mouth in a kiss and starts passionately kissing him. He's kissing her back as well, and after a minute or two, they depart and he holds her in his lap. The sun is going down, so they head to Mason's house, and they put away all the fruit they didn't already eat, and now they're in his room. Mason lays on his bed, Lav right after. Then they get real close and snuggle into each other. "I love you." "I love you too." And then they drift to sleep.
OK BUT I had this new idea abt the whacky strawberry thing - what if, instead of Fred Jones, the strawberry looked vaguely like Lewis. They call it “Lewis Pepperberry” and the second they show Lewis he’s just:  ಠ_ಠ. Lewis Pepperberry has a very special place in the fridge.
 Oooh! Yay! Lav put a spell on it so it'll never rot.
I’m thinkin the green leaves of the strawberry could be the 2 little tufts of hair on the back of head (hopefully you know what I’m talking abt lol -) Must never let the Pepperberry rot.
 Oh Vivi and Arthur would absolutely LOVE the Pepperberry, they would never let Lewis live it down. They would pepper it in (hehe) to their conversations from time to time and Lewis would always be caught off guard by it. Mystery would find it kinda ridiculous but support it anyways (and maybe put into some of their conversations as well sometimes)
Vivi, after kissing Lewis,- Mm, sweet as a pepper berry~♡
Lewis- Ò////Ò Vivi, darling, Please....
 Oh did I ever tell you lav is strong enough to bridal style carry Mason and she loves to scoop him up and shower his face and jaw with kisses?
“Sometimes our relationship is built by being silly and Lav holding me bridal style and smooching me” - Mason
 Also yes, masonder in a nutshell. Infinite smooches and holding. Along with being huge dorks. Omg.  You know how when moms kiss their newborn babies and they make those little noises while they kiss them 50 times on the same spot of their cheek? This makes little sense, but Lav and Mason kiss each other like that. They like, chose a spot and rapid fire kiss it like 50 times and it makes this little like, noise, IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN LMAOO. I literally can't explain it omg. But they smooch All. The. Time. And Mason is a surprisingly good kisser lol. Lav is almost there XD.
 I think you may be talking about a raspberry (not the fruit, the informal def is: a sound made with the tongue and lips in order to express derision or contempt. It’s like a pbbth sound I think how you’d describe it? I might be wrong so correct me if I am lol) KINDA. Like, it sounds like you're calling for like. A cat. This makes no sense I'm so sorry. It’s alright XD
But they do blow little raspberries on like the neck and stuff to get a laugh out of each other. Awwww.
The night of their wedding. They go to their room it's literally DRENCHED in pillows and blankets and sheets. There's a note from everyone that says "do what you want :p" They build the best pillow fort ever and be cute and cuddle and snuggle. They also try for a baby but that's another story lol
XD I love that tho pillow forts are most certainly their thing. They do it every Friday night and watch a sappy movie too with their favorite beverage. 
I LOVE YOU, YES They're watching Frozen and Lav is belting all the songs as Mason awkwardly dances, he sings along as well. Big cuddle time, Lav is probably laying in or on Mason’s lap, or against his side with her arms wrapped around him and his hand stroking her hair. Yes :'') They always sing along during musicals on Friday night’s it’s a rule that must NEVER be broken. Y E S. (Unless they’re in a theater, that’s the only exception tho) Of course uwu
 :OOO THEY SING BROADWAY TOGETHER. YES. BROADWAY MUSICALS THAT IS. THEY KNOW THE BE MORE CHILL AND MEAN GIRLS MUSICAL BY HEART. Those also happen to be the only musicals I know all the songs of haha. Mason definitely brushes her hair. Lavender has very voluminous hair and it's long and pretty and so much fun to play and style it. He'll blow dry it and brush it for her 100% And then he'll hold her and sleep with her :') I’m listening to a song in Singin in The Rain and I heard the PERFECT masonder quote that I think fits them really well: *it’s raining pretty hard outside* Lav - “Be careful, it’s raining a little harder than usual tonight.”
Mason - “Really? From where I stand the sun is shining all over the place ~”
And then Mason gives a sweet peck to her lips (it’s not the EXACT quote from the movie bc I altered it so it isn’t as specific and could be applied anywhere, but it still followed what was said)
 Awwwwwwwww I love it!!
 I don't deserve my own ocs mgsmgysltsltlstlstlslts
 XD They’re too good for this world. Exactly. They have so, so SO much love for each other.
😍😍😍😍😍 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Constant masonder mood.
And that's what we came up with XD
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