devourallbooks · 4 months
if there are 10000 people who hate wake one entertainment I am one of them. if there are 1000 people who hate wake one entertainment I am one of them. if there are 100 people who hate wake one entertainment I am one of them. if there is 1 person who hates wake one entertainment that's me. if there is 0 people who hate wake one entertainment, wake one entertainment has assassinated me.
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married-2-the-music · 9 months
K-pop Discography Deep Dives: Chung Ha
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Chungha first debuted in 2016, through the temporary group I.O.I., which also launched the careers of soloist Jeon Somi and actors Kim Sejeong and Kang Mina. As a soloist, she debuted with Why Don’t You Know in 2017 after I.O.I. 's disbandment.
Here are my credentials: I’d consider myself a casual fan of Chung Ha, who I know mainly through her friend Sunmi. I’ve heard a decent amount of her title tracks, and a few b-sides, but I’m looking forward to hearing more of her songs and forming a more accurate opinion of her work as a whole.
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Why Don’t You Know is surprisingly chill with its acoustic guitar and lighthearted whistling effects, but has a calm kind of tropical summer catchiness that’s honestly pretty effective. It’s not an instant classic, as it does sound a lot like other tropical-inspired songs, but I did like it, minus the rap, which felt a bit too harsh for a song like this. (Also, can I say, I love that yellow, green, and red cardigan she wears in the MV! It’s stunning.)
From the EP, Hands On Me is a jazzy little opening, and I wish it was longer. It reminds me of a 9Muses track in the best way possible. Make A Wish continues that jazziness with a self-assured, smooth Chicago-esque showmanship that I really appreciated. It’s definitely a shoulder-dancing song, if you know what I mean. Cosmic Dust is a pretty traditional ballad, but provides a nice showcase for Chung Ha’s vocals.
Roller Coaster is pretty minimalistic at its beginning, and I was a bit worried that it’d be boring, but it turns out that those worries were unfounded. By the chorus, it spirals into an engaging dance floor bop that had me nodding my head. My only gripe is that I wish it took its high points a little higher, with perhaps more vocalizing or more of a cathartic point at the end of the chorus (a la TXT’s Chasing That Feeling), but overall that’s a small critique.
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From the EP, Offset, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Do It at the beginning but I grew to appreciate its energy. I liked Bad Boy a lot, though I enjoyed the fast-paced verses and pre-choruses more than the chorus. Its last minute got me, though, and it became a solid hidden gem of mine. It was a bit of whiplash, though, to go from the fun of Bad Boy to the abject heartbreak of Remind Of You, a good lesson that not every album necessarily needs a ballad if it doesn’t fit in.
Love U is a song that I hadn’t realized I’d actually heard before, since I’d only heard the chorus. The opposite of Roller Coaster, its intro starts with a hard-hitting trap beat, while the song itself feels more like Why Don’t You Know with its bright summery energy. I enjoy the background vocalizing and the underlying drum beat too, though I feel like the chorus is a bit too empty for me to like as much as I did Make A Wish or Bad Boy. From the EP, Blooming Blue, I enjoyed the bright call-and-response of “I’m in love, I’m in love” from Cherry Kisses and the bass guitar contrasted with Chung Ha’s high voice in Drive.
Gotta Go is a single, and intrigued me right from its unique flute-meets-trap sampling, that matches with Chung Ha’s signature synthy background. The chorus is very interesting, because it both is and isn’t an anti-drop; it doesn’t exactly release the tension of the song, but it doesn’t let it fall away either. Instead, it’s a little like a Taemin track in that the tension never really goes away. I do like the high note before the last chorus, though I wish that there was more of a bridge. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about this one. It’s not a favorite, but I don’t hate it, and I don’t think I’d skip it if it showed up on my shuffle.
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Snapping picks up similarly to where Gotta Go left off, with a beat in the middle of a lot of k-pop; not a super invigorating one, but not boring by any means. I’m glad that the anti-drop was left until the end of the chorus, as if it was the entire thing, I would be disappointed. I do really like the “now I let you go.” As is, I don’t mind this one, and I wouldn’t skip it, but I wouldn’t search it out either.
From the EP, Flourishing, I had a clear standout in Chica. Clearly taking influences from Latin Pop and some Spice-Girls-esque feel-good-you-can-do-it-babe Girl Power, it’s hard not to smile when you hear it, especially at the “chica, chica, see you’ve got it all; chica, chica, see you’re beautiful!” All in all, it’s a delightful addition to my playlist. I also liked the song Flourishing itself, especially its pre-choruses.
Now, we start Chung Ha’s 20-song epic Querencia, which has four sides, Noble, Savage, Unknown, and Pleasures, and each has a title track. Side A, Noble’s, is Bicycle, a sing-talk track that leads with a trap-beat background and melds K-pop girl crush with Ariana Grande-esque lyrics. I…really do not like this song. I have a very low tolerance for “I’m cooler than you” music in general, but when it’s pared with such an empty chorus and feels like a recycled Blackpink b-side? Yikes. Sorry, Chung Ha. From Side A {Noble}, I liked the subtle Latin-pop influences and interesting percussion of Masquerade and the great, chugging beat that’s so great at leading Flying On Faith (a rare completely English song that I loved).
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Stay Tonight is Querencia’s second single, and thankfully returns to her signature synthpop. The verses had me nodding my head—a huge improvement from Bicycle—and had me excited for the chorus. But, after the great high note in the pre-chorus, the chorus itself didn’t feel like enough of a payoff, instead feeling more meandering and unengaging. While I absolutely liked it more than Bicycle, it’s not in my top 10 of her singles.
From Side B {Savage}, I enjoyed the way-too-short a-capella section at the beginning of the choruses and the “don’t make me, don’t make me dream of you” in Dream Of You (another English language track I enjoy). I also liked the breathy vocalizations in both Bother Me and Chill, Chill especially.
Play is the third single, and embraces a more playful and upbeat sound that harkens back to Why Don’t You Know, Love U, and Cherry Kisses. Though the subject isn’t that different from the other two, the genuine fun that its chorus is when it explodes and the excellent interpolation of reggaeton (in both the beat and the choreo) and brass makes this one something special. The chorus here absolutely delivers, with several parts all coming together to form a very satisfying payoff. Definitely my favorite single so far.
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Demente is also a single from this side, and shockingly, it’s all in Spanish. It’s not unusual for K-pop idols to release songs with Latin pop inspired beats, or even in different languages, but this is definitely a rarity. Demente (which means “crazy” in Spanish), is honestly a really solid, catchy pop song, and (though Spanish isn’t my first language) if I didn’t know that she wasn’t fluent in it, I wouldn’t have guessed. As I’ve mentioned on my blog before, I’m a linguistics major, so this was a delight to listen to. Genuinely, kudos to Chung Ha, and to Guaynaa, the featured artist, who has the distinction of having a rap that I thought really added to the song. From Side C {Unknown}, my hidden gem was the acoustic guitar and piano led, comfortingly slow Byulharang.
X is the final single from Querencia, and is a more emotional, stripped-back performance that Chung Ha dedicates to her mother and the work that they both put in to achieve her dreams of becoming an idol. Filmed entirely in black and white and featuring an enormous, Godzilla-like Chung Ha wandering through a tiny, closed-off city fighting against her, it’s a great example of why soloists should write their own tracks. It’s imbued with a lovely sense of pathos and feels like a fitting way to end a magnum opus of an album. From Side D {Pleasures}, I liked the restful album closers in Everybody Has’ traditional ballad structure, the calmly catchy Comes N Goes, and the instrumental Querencia.
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Killing Me is another single, and while it’s similar to Gotta Go, it feels sleeker and more streamlined, focused on achieving the goal that is its chorus. Because of this, it’s quite short–under three minutes–and, though it’s not the best of her singles, it doesn’t overstay its welcome. Another perfectly fine track that I wouldn’t skip but wouldn’t search out.
Sparkling feels more like Roller Coaster than anything from Querencia, which had me excited right away. It has, well, unsurprisingly, a sparkling quality to its instrumentals, and would be right at home on a dance floor. It’s delightfully bubbly, tip toeing and tap dancing all over the place with delight, and that energy is infectious. As always, I wish it had a more defined chorus, but I really like the lead-in in both the bridge and pre-choruses.
From the EP, Bare & Rare, Good Night My Princess caught my ear immediately with a sense of warmth that’s unusual for a ballad, and I loved it even more when I found out that Chung Ha wrote it as a thank you for all the sacrifices her mother made for her to be able to grow up and pursue her dreams, similarly to X. The song features Chung Ha’s voice at its most lovely, and it made me tear up a little, if we’re being honest. I also enjoyed Bibi’s feature and the excellent sense of drama in Crazy Like You, the celebratory mood in Louder, and especially the crying-on-the-dance-floor vibes of Love Me Out Loud (which gets more addicting with every repeat).
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I’m glad I did this! I enjoyed Chung Ha’s work more than I thought I would, although I shouldn’t be surprised as a big fan of Sunmi and synthpop in general. I learned that she writes many of her own songs, and that she speaks some English and a little Spanish, so color me impressed. I found a bunch of songs I enjoyed—mainly b-sides—that I added to my playlists. So I’d say you could consider me at least a fan now!
My Top 5 songs are Play, Love Me Out Loud, Chica, Cherry Kisses, and Flying On Faith, with Good Night My Princess as an honorable mention. Chung Ha gets an 8.25 out of 10 from me, which is about what I expected. I think that where her songs often falter for me are the choruses, which unfortunately is one of the most important parts. When she pulls it off, she’s made some excellent tracks. But more often than not, I find myself loving the buildup but being disappointed by the pay-off. There were very few tracks I didn’t at least enjoy, and this isn’t me saying that I think her work is bad. But with just a few changes and a greater sense of pay-off, she would have a pretty unbeatable discography.
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Next time, we’ll be starting a two week series on a pretty huge girl group, and we’ll be having a boy group supplemental next week. Tschüss!
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ambivartence · 2 years
maybe a little late but song recs for u!
twice by south club
her and mental breaker by block b
gravity by dpr cream + dpr live
mr insanity by dpr ian
bloom by enoi
the light by imfact
on the sky ft. meenoi by jaeha
manitto by villain
burn by iz
from20 by from20
unspoken by lee seung yoon
work work by lee jin hyuk
sorry it's so many! i hope you find something you like in this list though!
hi!!! sorry u sent this like 2 weeks ago but i'm finally getting to finishing all the song recs sent to me i hope you dont mind 😅
twice - ok i really like this
oh this is such a lovely song it's so laidback and easy going
her - downloading immediately
block b is so good omg i think i've listened to this at a certain point before but i've forgotten so thanks for bringing it back into my life <3
mental breaker - ok i really like this
gah another great block b song i love how nostalgic this dance pop style is with the very simplistic chorus
gravity - already in my library
yo i LOVE this song i was obsessed with it 3 years ago when i literally only listened to krnb ugh DPR live makes music for my soul i swear
mr insanity - downloading immediately
omg i am soooo overdue for listening to this entire album so thanks for the rec!!! this one is really good and i need to go listen to the rest as well <3
bloom - downloading immediately
anon ur music taste is fire??? i'm only halfway thru this list but would trust u with the aux any day. this song is so good who r these guys ..... just looked them up and im sad they disbanded :( the poor omega x boys :(((((( </3
the light - kinda catchy
oh this one is also so catchy i love the beat and all the singers have such distinct voices
on the sky - downloading immediately
this song sounds so pretty???? their voices work nicely together (meenoi's accent is so cute?? reminds me of bol4 jinyoung) and it's just got such a uplifting mood it kinda reminds me of encore songs that kpop groups do
manitto - ok i really like this
this is so cool there's so much going on and the instrumental is really spooky in such a fun way <3
burn - not my thing
oh this is a good song but i think just not my style right now :') really excited to see u included k-rock for me tho that's so sexy of u anon <3
from20 - kinda catchy
asdfdkfajdjflj i just saw the album title for this release? "20; still greedy for juice, i'm kissing this 20" LOL what 😂 but the song is really good! another great k-rock rec thank u <3
unspoken - downloading immediately
okay YES u found the sweet spot!! indie style k-rock my beloved <3 amazing ugh omg
work work - downloading immediately
omg the pentagon-ness of this song is so chef's kiss !!!! i just searched him up and he's in up10tion? that's so cool i rly need to check them out more :')
ps anon pls reveal urself so we can be best friends im begging u
🚫 song recs are closed 🚫
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woozi · 3 years
i agree how you described twt, sometimes everyone's just ready to fight it seems, i've genuinely had fun on both platforms at different times but now it's just too much on stan twt (no space for difference of opinion djsjdjj) it's good to know you're having fun as well :3 & omg i've seen few of my moots starting to give svt their attention after fallin flower dropped, everything abt it is <3333 the song, mv, choreo i love it.
hdjdjddkdjdj " virgos 😐 " also me in next breath "happy birthday mark :D i love you so much 🥺💕💗" any virgos reading this i really hope you enjoy your month to the fullest djjdjd <3. righttt?? you're correct abt mark's temper being very virgo djdjdkd.
your line screams hard-working people <3 jihoon, jaebeom, jeonghan the 3Js <3. isn't jaebeom also an infj? (i don't take mbtis seriously but at the same time it also makes me happy if it ends up matching someone i like djdjjd) chan & yugs 🥺 these two imo have the sweetest personality, like the one which makes you feel welcomed & they also have the cutest laugh 🥺.
i love jus2 <3 focus on me is one of my favorite kpop mvs of all time & also drunk on you??? i love this song so much, very sexy of them. the vibes, style and everything w/ their album, i want more songs like that. and for when i am feeling melancholy i need more songs like jjp's verse 2 😭💔 but i am also okay if they don't want to go back to these units bcoz everything so far they've been giving is just as great <33 ( maybe in future we'll get blessed w/ features 🥺)
honestly g7 as grp and individually have won me over with their music style, even if i don't like full album ik there will be 3-4 songs which will be exactly what i like to listen to, all of the music they've released individually i've liked it so much. there is this song of youngjae's, titled "i'm all ears" i had no idea of its existence until it popped up in my spotify i'm so glad it did, it's been in my playlist ever since. there was also a time when i was obsessed with jackson's 'on the rocks' djdjdk.
aww <3 the live performance video of 1° has mark as thumbnail so for long time i used to associate this song with him jdjddk. i think the only j*pe thing i'd miss is got7 studio live sessions 🥺. RIGHTJDKSKS aju nice's mv is very cute djjddk I love it, in reality its reverse tho, i see them and boom! 💖💛💗🤍💕💙
it was the year they won first bb*as award so that gave them the exposure, and no i don't follow them anymore. mixed feelings abt them, very negative feelings abt f*ndom fjdjdjd. i do miss what it used to feel like liking them sometimes. at that time i never thought i'll willingly drop them from my interest (i've stanned zayn since 2012 first him as grp member then solo. sometimes thinking abt it gives me a whiplash hddjks it's been 9 years, really thought it would be same with them too but it didn't happen)
i've had falling in love by yugs and in to you by jaebs on loop for days djdkdk i really love these two songs and also air by bammie <3 (i'm slow jams kinda person djdjdk :3)
(bam released the most fun album & title this year idc abt others, ribbon is one of the soty) also special mention of look so fine & running through the rain. yes! you do make sense they feel organic & very them.
exactly 😭 it's more believable when they drop stuff out of nowhere like encore 😭😭. the way youngjae posted his letter on twt too ddjjdkssk the announcement & release of encore is such a 'you just had to be there' situation the excitement, nervousness, confusion and everything 😭 sometimes i can't with them. also is the bibi with mark on ost, the same one you mentioned in last ask? the ost is really good <3, it must've been fun to see it happen (if its same bibi).
making a whole ass playlist just for me???? 😭😭😭🥺💗 yza you're so sweet nooooo 💖
and don't worry abt replying late jdjdkdjd i mean it, sometimes my friends text me after weeks and i'm am the same. it's really okay <3. i hope this week is treating you kindly, take care yza - 🪂
p.s ( just saw last post djjej) - it was me who manifested more bunny dino <3 manifesting even more <33
i was on stan twt during my younger years too and it was v fun and memorable to me ngl <3 idk what happened though.. it's evolved to be.. Something Else.. i still see a lot of good people there though 😭 and now that i'm in my Hag Era... idk it's just too fast for me now 😭 it's still my go-to place for updates though nothing can top twitter on that dept
and ms fallin flower.... i feel like everyone was blown away by it (based off of what i see carats when talk about it) and rightly so!! she SERVED. the looks too oh my god. it's another factor i look forward to and enjoy so much when i watch their performances!!
u know what? virgos 😐 indeed KJJKDFJKFDJKFDKJ i want to slander virgos today because it's their season and no one slanders them that often so <3 ABOUT MARK'S VIRGO TEMPER THOUGH... i know i've said i enjoy seeing it sm but whenever i think abt it i cant help but say that.. I Love His Temper <3 he doesn't get pissed off in a scary and douchebag-y way it seems so... contained?? IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT he punched an a/c though so that might not be the perfect word to describe him lmaoo <3
THE J TRINITY HFDJFJDJHDF BESTIE UR MIND IS SO!!!!!!!!!!! honestly... maybe it's the acts of service for me <3 JKDFKJFDKJFJKD i think this is just my eldest sister and savior syndrome speaking though kfjkdkjf ALSO OH MY GOD THE WAY U NOTICE THESE THINGS <3 THAT'S SO SEXIE OF U!!! and yes he used to be an infj!! there was an interview that's more recent wherein he mentioned that he's now an enfj though but i cant rmb which interview it's from :/ ALSO MOOD FKJJKGJGKF i dont believe in mbtis too but im just... a little obsessed w it for the fun of it all <3 and the way u described them </3 what if i tear up a little </3 I LOVE CHAN'S LAUGH SO MUCH BUT IM SO SOS O GLAD U BROUGHT UP YUGYEOM'S LAUGH??????????? IT'S NOT TALKED ABT ENOUGH LIKE...... HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! one of my bird moots said he sounded like a schoolboy in choir 😭😭😭😭😭😭
GOD UR TASTE!!!!!!! what if i start falling in l*ve a little :/ what then :/ focus on me was ahead of it's time and people fucking slept on THEM i cannot fucking believe this. this has to be some kind of sick joke 😭 ALSO HAVE U SEEN THE CHOREO FOR SENSES!!!!!!1 INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!! holy fuck!!!!!! sorry for the expletives but like.... holy SHIT they did THAT!!!!!!!! ALSO UR SO RIGHT </3 jjp verse 3 when... ALSO did u know i let go of the jjprojects url... thats the worst mistake of my life KDKJDSKJDSJK also agree wholeheartedly <3 i think they're all trying to find their footing this time around as soloists and im so proud of them for that!! i'll stand by my jus2 agenda though bc they're almost in the same company so maybe.. i might have hope left 😭
SO TRUE BESTIE!!! the same principle goes w svt for me as well <3 got7's such a flavorful group musically like... all of them have the capacity to go solo and they're still considered flops.. waht the fuck <3 ALSO OMG FJDKJFKFJD YOU'VE HEARD The Song!!!!!!!! maybe he'll be releasing something along those lines <3 esp now that he's supposedly coming w an album KJSJKDJSK on a similar note.. do u also listen to jamie (the other artist on the song) <3 NOO SHUT UP THIS CANNOT BE FOR REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i was obsessed w on the rocks too 😭😭😭😭😭😭 IT WAS MY FAVORITE ON THE MIRRORS ALBUM HELLO??????????????????????????? im proposing to u rn
ok now i have to watch all the live vids again JKDSJKSJDKDSKJ ik keep saying 'ur so right', 'i agree', and 'so true bestie' but im gonna have to say this again bc i LOVE LOVE LOVE live sessions sm no matter the artist. i also just am a little partial to live bands in performances like that in general so JDJKKDSJDS
the way you're saying these cute things abt the svteenies.. </3 giving me heartache!!! i'd bully them though i can't coddle them anymore <3
not the fandom JKFDKJFDKJFDKJFKJF ok but i think it's mostly their younger fans tbh. it wasn't this bad before.. i also really liked bts during their debut days. their songs were really good!! i kind of lost interest though and couldn't really get into them although their songs slapped lol. my irls are still into them though so i still hear about them. 9 YEARS............................... wait oh my god it HAS BEEN a little over a decade since 1d was The Thing huh 😭 now i feel kinda old lmao. and i totally get that feeling </3 it really do be like that sometimes JKFDJKJKFD
you really ARE keeping up w the sevens oh my god how are you doing it!!!!!!!!!!! it's like getting svt content now at this point but more complicated bc u need to get the updates from different sources JDKJSDKJJSKD love ur song choices too <3
ALSO FULLY RELATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when i saw bam's teasers... the aes was my cup of tea and THE HIGHLIGHT MEDLEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't fucking get it out of my mind it's objectively one of the best things i've seen from kpop in 2021. i'm super impressed <3 love how abyss really supported bambam on this. they really went all in for him!!
I KNOW GKJDFJDK I GOT SUPER ???????/// DURING THE TIME EVERYONE THOUGHT THEY WERE DISBANDING LMAOOOO they pulled a move that's so unheard of though no one really expected That. i respect jaebeom so much for handling all the paperwork and shit behind the scenes it must've been HELL!! ALSO IT MEANT I CRIED FOR NOTHING THEN 😭😭😭 AND YES OH MY GOD IT'S THE SAME BIBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE SHOCK I HAD WHEN I SAW THE LIST????????????????????????? thought i was gonna black out like,,, mark,,, AND BIBI??????????????? she's fucking phenomenal how is she just a YEAR older than me.. INSANE!!! ... and i also thought jackson was gonna have an ost for this movie.. idk why it wasn't released though i didnt look into it :/
i had a rough few days so i'm not yet finished with the playlist (my laptop's Dead i am still trying to revive her and uni's starting soon 😭) but for the mean time, here's another one that some people from caratblr previously asked for JDSJKSDJ these are mostly english songs though its not my k-playlist KJDSKJSDJK
i do hope this week gets better!!! and i hope that you'll have a fun one too <3 thank u for being so patient w me 🥺 i just get so many messages and find the need to recharge FDKJDFJK
ALSO I FELT LIKE IT WAS U!!!!!! OH MY GOD, i even searched my blog for the word manifest but for some reason your ask didn't come up in the search so i didnt mention u in the tags so i wont misattribute if it ends up not being u 😭 thank u for manifesting this chan for me he's my little... hop hop now ig... 😭
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binniesthighs · 4 years
miss ro!!! ur jeongin fic was so cute that letter with all the misspellings made me cackle low-key - really can imagine 바보 빵 (fool bread(?) not sure how they render that nickname in english for him) writing it 😭 him and mc were so cute no lie
so like i swear dpr ian used to have a soundcloud that i would listen to but for some reason i can’t track down the stuff anymore ?? but equally maybe i’m getting confused bc i listen to a lot of k-artists on soundcloud (i remember the day i discovered got7 jb’s music on there and completely lost my shit lmao but that’s a diff story) i’m honestly such a sucker for soundcloud artists why am i like this 💀💀 but he literally dropped off the grid apart from his insta after his idol group disbanded and his spotify is basically empty apart from zombie pop (which is p cute it’s in the dpr archives album) and his new album. i honestly love all the tracks on it bc have been listening to the singles since they dropped but nerves and scaredy cat are my faves i think of the new ones?? i low-key suck at song recs lmao bc usually I just queue the entire album start to finish / listen to ppl’s curated spotify playlists for like kr&b/indie&chill etc while i’m doing work so i usually hear stuff i like but don’t know the titles ?? last year i was heavy obsessed with dpr live’s album tho “is anybody out there” and also ph-1’s 2019 album “halo” is still one of my faves. i can try and dig through and find specific songs i saved tho if u want!
also i’m watching the making of the album documentary now and it’s honestly spectacular (and only 13mins it needs to be longer 😭😭😭) - he goes into the back story of each song and talks about his life too and there’s clips of him filming the MVs and laying down the tracks. it’s low-key getting me v emotional especially when he was talking about dope lovers and how he had some p bad relationships bc he tends to push ppl away when he’s going thru stuff and he was recording the lyric “it was all for a kiss” and then he said “was it for a kiss or was it from a kiss because honestly, i think a lot of shit happens after the kiss” and ooft that hurttttt
british insults are honestly the best - i love them bc they’re like super snarky/get to the point but they’re not actually like properly derogatory names? like i rly get uncomfy when ppl properly swear at someone even if I like hate them with a burning passion lmaoooo
omg snow day??? we haven’t had snow for a while now :(( my friend lives in mass tho and she said it was snowing yesterday too i’m jel :(( i thrive in the night too lmao but man my insomnia’s been kicking my ass lately 🥲🥲 i deadass live my life like chan and i rly thought this would stop after uni but i guess it’s just my state of being 😭😭
i love reading ur replies they rly brighten my day 🥺🥺 i get a bit in my head sometimes lmao gotta love that anxiety/depression mix 🤪🤪 and rly worry i’m being annoying/ saying too much / blocking up ur feed for other readers also 🥲🥲 i hope other ppl aren’t getting annoyed by how long my asks are 🥺🥺 mayb one day i’ll reveal myself n we can just msg instead or sth idk 😭😭
n e ways i’m gonna dip now but i hope you have a good day/night/week too, miss ro!! my life is spiralling low-key so might be gone for a bit but in the meantime i hope things go well for u!! and do lemme know what u think of MITO !! (and honestly check out the making doc if u have time!!) -😖
😖 awe heck, my responses make your day? 🥺 that makes me so so happy!! i know how ya feel, I tend to have hot and cold weeks, and my writing is what tends to keep it at bay :) as well as talking to all you cuties! You don’t annoy me at all sweets!! however ya feel like talking is fine with me!! ;) also don’t ya worry about dipping either! life gets crazy and I totally get ya! <3 
more under the cut! 
also thank you so much about my new jeongin fic!! writing his lil letter was my favorite part actually hahahah i was trying to channel my inner awkward teen boy for that one LOLLL to suit his character being super sweet and loveable and a lil shy on the side I knew that he would make some cute lil mistakes hehe 
I’ll def listen to your recs!! I really need to listen to more kr&b tho! I have like two or three playlists that i listen to allll the time and am in dire need of new music haha the other week I discovered Kali Uchis’ new album and that’s been on repeat for me like crazyyyy recently FRICK its so good haha so that is my recommendation hehe 
That sounds like a really interesting documentary tho!! I actually really like music documentaries! hahah I watch them with my dad sometimes about classic rock artists etc. it super cool to me to hear about everything that goes into an album as well as the creative process behind it too! like when skz do their little interviews and stuff before an album releases I lovvve that haha for the same reason I love hearing about why authors write what they did too! gahhh i’m ramblin but the creative process is so cool to me! I’d love to check it out! 
whats funny abt swearing is that (oddly) even at nearly 21 years of age I am still not allowed to swear around my parents hahaha but when I’m not around them??? i will say anything and everything lolll but never at people like ya said haha i remeber a while ago I heard “bucket of fucks” and I thought that was pretty funny haha, also yay for snow days!! its funny bc I’m currently not in the state where I go to school so the weather was just fine here but there was like two feet of snow on the actual campus haha i heard that the students got together to have a snowball fight on our soccer fields (i just hope they were safe ooP) 
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kpoptimeout · 5 years
Top 20 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs of the Decade (2010-2019) PART 1
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The 2010s has come and gone before we knew it.  
Continuing with the K-Pop Timeout Tradition (see 2018 Ver) of listing the Top 10 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs because all the other sites are just bothered with the Top 10 that pretty much everyone will have heard of/have fan wars over, below we have created a list of the Top 20 Most Underrated K-Pop Songs of the Decade because 10 spots is not enough to cover the amount of talent slept on.
For these reasons, we will list 10 of them here in PART 1 and an additional 10 in PART 2. This is in alphabetic order NOT in the order of awesomeness because all of them are awesome. Also, all MVs are linked in the song titles because Tumblr won’t let me share that many videos in one post.
100% “U Beauty” (2014)
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TOP Media has really failed to make their groups successful since TEEN TOP (and have not really promoted TEEN TOP these days either) and 100% was the first group to fall victim to TOP Media’s poor promotions. Debuting in 2012, the group had so much potential and talent. Rockhyun is arguably one of the best K-Pop main vocals of his generation (which global superstar Rain concurs as a coach on KBS’ “The Unit”) but most K-Pop fans won’t even know.  Out of their repertoire, we found “U Beauty” to be worthy of being in the Top 20 most underrated tracks of the decade because of how catchy and wholesome the song is - boy groups often go for either a very cute or very powerful sound and this was a perfect balance of the two. The boys are able to show their cool and manly side through the powerful choreography and the soothing bridge while the rest of the song is cheerful and sweet. It blows our mind that these boys did not receive more attention in 2014 following such a great track. The boys are still an active boy band so go support their latest releases and check out this underrated gem called “U Beauty”!
A-JAX “INSANE” (2013)
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A promising boy band which debuted during DSP Media’s more problematic years (essentially this whole decade until 2016/17), A-JAX never got the promotions they deserved. “INSANE” could have been the right direction for the group to pursue (except DSP gave them cute songs afterwards and later no songs at all). Perhaps because this song was slept on at the time of promotions (the album only sold around 2000 copies) that DSP did not try the sound again. However, it is powerful, slightly dark, yet poppy and fun with a good amount of EDM thrown in. We have had lots of quirky sounding girl groups like f(x), Orange Caramel, Red Velvet and Oh My Girl but not many quirky sounding boy bands since SHINee. “INSANE” was a unique song that could have paved the way for A-JAX to have gone down such a path. While the group has officially disbanded this year, “INSANE” is without a doubt one of the top underrated bops of the decade that you should check out!
B.A.P “WAKE ME UP” (2017)
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B.A.P had a great start during their early days and were essentially EXO’s rivals in the 2012-13s and brought the powerful self-produced boy band sound before BTS’ debut. However, likely due to a combination of TS Entertainment being shit and them being shittier after the members sued them during 2014-15, B.A.P never reached the heights of their early 2010s popularity again after returning in 2016 and have officially disbanded in 2019. While B.A.P dropped many underrated bops in their final years, we found “WAKE ME UP” to be the one making our Top 20. Not only was this song wonderful to listen to with the haunting repeats of “WAKE ME UP” in the intro and chorus, but it also has a brilliant message as one of the first K-Pop MVs to clearly illustrate different types of mental illness. Especially since the lyrics also spoke to some of the members, especially leader Bang Yongguk’s own mental health struggles, it was frustrating seeing such a good and heartfelt song receive so little attention in South Korea. If you love meaningful K-Pop tracks, you would love “WAKE ME UP”!
C-Clown “Shaking Heart” (2013)
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C-Clown was one of the many amazing new groups in 2012 and had a clear sound and direction of ballad-pop bops. “Shaking Heart” was the last song they made in that style before their company made them go for the more generic mainstream hip-hop heavy sound and it definitely one of the best songs of the decade that was heavily slept on. It showcased the vast talents of the group - Kangjun and Ray’s amazing vocal colour and range (and lowkey still most visually powerful vocal line from a small label), Rome and TK’s contrasting rap styles, Siwoo’s consistency and Maru’s potential in becoming a golden maknae. The group has unfortunately disbanded in 2015, only 3 years after their phenomenal start. While most of the members appear to be doing quite well, with Rome (now going by his birth name Christian Yu) having founded DPR and being a famous K-Pop MV director, Kangjun having a solid modelling career and Maru re-debuting as the main vocal for RnB trio TREI, the group itself could have done so much more if more people took notice of what a bop “Shaking Heart” is and gave them the opportunity to do more tracks of that style. Hence, if you enjoy boy band tracks that combine more ballad styles with pop, this is the song for you!
Dalmatian/DMTN “E.R.” (2012)
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Dalmatian, later styled DMTN, was famous K-Pop producer MC Mong’s boy band that was gaining positive attention until member Daniel’s marijuana scandal. Member Simon often still does impromptu fan meets when he travels for work (he is now a coach and producer for idol groups in Japan) but the group has been inactive following 2013. While DMTN may now be a group of the past, their music was without a doubt amazing, with “E.R.” being a perfect example of the epitome early 2010s K-Pop sound (those who heard the DMTN “E.R”/B2ST “Fiction” mashup back then knows what’s up). The song had an emotional chorus filled with amazing ad-libs and beautiful piano instrumentals, a subtle yet sexy choreography and dramatic MV. If you love the early 2010s K-Pop sound, you would love this underrated bop!
GLAM “I Like That” (2013)
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Many new K-Pop fans either don’t know them or only know them as the reason Big Hit Entertainment has not been recruiting female trainees for many years now (because one member went off to blackmail world star Lee Byunghun - you can learn all about the drama here). However, GLAM was actually an extremely promising girl group and the first idol group fully produced by Bang PD under Big Hit. Like their now world-famous brother group BTS, GLAM was a group with great vocals and rap, with no problem going hard in choreography and making woke statements (their debut song includes lyrics about being down to kiss boys or girls). “I Like That” was a perfect example of their style and abilities. While the song was just a remake of 1990s K-Pop track "Why Do You" by Chuli and Miae, it was done so well it was essentially GLAM’s own song. It is fun, it is catchy and just a strong and confident girl group bop that existed early in the decade when most girl groups besides 2NE1 and 4Minute did not go hard but cute or sexy. If you love powerful girl group tracks, you would love “I Like That”!
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The first boy band ever debuting under LOEN Entertainment (now Kakao M), the 5-member group of all visuals had many amazing tracks usually in the vein of dark and sexy concepts. The members were also active in song production and choreography and honestly had everything one could ask for to create a successful group. However, South Korea and overseas K-Pop fans both did not seem to have noticed the existence of such a talented and consistently awesome group and they disbanded in 2017. “DREAMER”, their debut track, is arguably one of the best songs of the decade because of the stage musical style of the song - the piano instrumentals in the verses and the marching band inclusion in the buildup to the chorus, with the crazy smooth footwork and wonderful harmonisation of the boys. There is no other K-Pop boy group song like this. If you are a fan of musicals, this is the song for you!
Ladies’ Code “Galaxy” (2016)
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Ladies’ Code had a strong debut, being one of the top rookies in 2013 along with current superstars BTS. While their developing career took a huge blow after the car accident which claimed the lives of two members, EunB and Rise, the remaining girls Ashley, Sojung and Zuny powered on to continue creating amazing music. It is painful to see how their excellence is still ignored by the K-Pop fan base at large. Even Billboard listed “Galaxy” as the #19 best K-Pop track of the decade and very deservingly so. “Galaxy” was their first return as a 3-piece and see the girls take a darker and more mature sound following their earlier fun and quirky retro bops. This transition was done well, as more retro sound choices like jazz instrumentals and 80s chime synths were still used in this comeback as a bridge between the sounds of the two Ladies’ Code eras. The song also complements main vocal Sojung’s exceptionally raspy and low voice very well. These girls are still active and deserve so much more. If you enjoy the darker experimental tracks of f(x), Red Velvet and LOONA, “Galaxy” would be your jam! 
MYNAME “Baby I’m Sorry” (2013)
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Debuting in 2011 under legendary Korean RnB duo Fly to the Sky’s Hwanhee’s label, MYNAME was the boy band you knew could sing. And damn they could sing so well. Even the rappers of MYNAME sing typical K-Pop lead vocal quality. For this reason, it made a lot of sense for MYNAME to go for a more ballad-pop sound and flourish in such a musical environment. While they did produce a lot of great songs of that sound, the lack of attention from the Korean public pushed them to go for a more generic hip-hop based boy band sound in 2015. “Baby I’m Sorry” was an example of the greatness of their earlier sound which was just brilliant Korean action drama OST material. The MV was also one of the rare story MVs that make it seem like you are watching a movie (plus the boys acted well). While MYNAME is still active, they now pretty much exclusively promote in Japan, where they are actually appreciated and chart high. In Korea, the members gave their last shot as being idols in KBS’ poorly received survival program “The Unit” and now just act sometimes or model. If you love dramatic ballad-based boy band tracks, you should check out MYNAME’s “Baby I’m Sorry”!
Nine Muses “Wild” (2013)
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Once known as the real generals of the Korean military due to their huge fan base among conscripted soldiers, Nine Muses was THE sexy girl group of the decade who somehow always existed between real fame and nugudom during their active years from 2010-2019. Like they have dedicated fans but they never win music show #1s. And the song that should have really put them on the map for all Koreans and K-Pop fans is their 2013 comeback “Wild”. This was just pop perfection - it is catchy, showcases each of the 9 members’ unique vocal colours and performance style, and had some of the sharpest and most in-sync girl group choreography execution of all time. It was also one in a long line of Nine Muse songs that sound like high fashion runaway music and arguably one of the peaks due to the specific line-up of members at the time. Check out “Wild”, if you would like to listen to one of the best K-Pop girl group tracks of the decade!
The other 10 Top 20 Underrated K-Pop Tracks of the Decade are listed in PART 2.
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gucci-slut · 5 years
before requesting:
selca ships will be posted faster than other requests, especially astrological and written ones. 
we are both full-time students and we work, and selca ships are easier and quicker to do
ships will take time to be published 
again, we are both quite busy, so it’s tough to find free time
however, we will definitely get to your request
please be patient 
every ship has an overall aesthetic theme 
for every ship we do, we like to have an overall theme with aesthetic photos of stated idols and other applicable photos
ex: “soft edit edition”
please refer here to look at a list of ideas for themes
themes are not confined by the list, you can state a theme you’d like if it’s not on the list
please state at least 3 possible themes you’d like. some themes are harder to find for some idols. 
when that happens, it usually ends up with us making an edit
if you do not specify some themes, we will pick for you
but please choose some themes, it makes my job easier 
if you want to request more than one category, please separate into different submission pages 
so, it’s easier to organize and track
you can request as many times as you’d like
don’t request the same groups for the same ship
ex: if you already request exo for a selca ship, please do not do it again
you can request the same category with different ships
if you’d like a specific line (hyung, maknae, ot12, 2000′s + below etc.) please specify
not necessary
specific lines will not be considered unless specified 
please specify which nct unit you’d want  
we are count each unit as separate bands  
please do not just ask for ‘nct’
we are trying to limit the work as requests keep coming in, and we’d like to get them out as soon as possible.
people have not be following that rule, and we would appreciate it if a specific unit was addressed. 
eligible for request (written, astrological, disney, playlist, college/hs, vintage, movie, vacation, threads):
boy groups
super m
super junior 
nct dream
nct 127
nct u 
big bang
stray kids
monsta x
girl groups
red velvet 
girl’s generation
solo artists
jay park 
sam kim 
zion t 
dpr live
eligible for request (mtl ship, reactions/scenarios/blurbs)
boy groups
super m
nct (any units)
super junior
big bang
monsta x
stray kids
girl groups 
red velvet
girl’s generation
solo artists
jay park 
sam kim 
zion t 
selca ships: closed
post a minimum of at least one photo of yourself
photos with filters are fine; however, ones without would be preferred
photos where facial features are clear and noticeable are necessary
 selca ships will always be private 
do not worry, we don’t save the photos
privacy means a lot to us, so they’re always going to be private 
maximum of groups: 4 per request.
age is not required, but it helps
if you’d like a specific line (hyung, maknae, ot12, 2000′s + below etc.) please specify
not necessary
specific lines will not be considered unless specified 
any group applicable
even disbanded groups
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
written ships: closed
please leave any information you deem necessary in describing your character. traits can be (not limited to/confined by):
personality attributes 
personality cons
ideal types 
daily routine
maximum groups: 3 per request
no maximum length to what you can write 
but, something less than a page would be appreciated 
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
bbcss/gbcss ships: closed
from the information and groups you requested, we will ship you with idols under each category.
bbsss - boyfriend, best friend, secret admirer, crush, sibling
gbsss - girlfriend, best friend, secret admirer, crush, sibling
post at least one photo of yourself 
please specify if you’d like it to be private 
do not worry, we do not save any of the photos
a brief explanation of your personality 
not necessary, but is helpful
maximum groups: 2 per request
any group applicable
idols chosen can also be randomized - please specify if so
also state if you’d prefer male idols, female idols, or both
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
playlist ships: closed
we ship you with an idol from a requested group, and we create a playlist for you 
we also give an explanation for the idol chosen 
+ a small blurb 
the playlist will compose of songs that we fill would describe the relationship and the personalities of each of you
information that is need:
 an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
this one is not necessary, but could be beneficial to us
genre of music you dislike/like 
also not necessary, as we kind of implemented this ship to introduce (possibly) new music to people
but you can pinpoint some genres you’d like us to stay clear from or focus on
maximum groups requested: 1
disney ships: closed 
we place you in a disney movie based on your information, and describe your disney life in accordance to the request groups. 
ex: your disney movie would be sleeping beauty and you requested nct127. you are aurora, your prince philip would be jaehyun, your maleficent would be haechan, etc.
we also give a small synopsis as to why we made those decisions, and why each person is said character. 
information that is needed: 
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
photos (if you’d like)
maximum groups: 2
the idols chosen can also be random
if you’d like a random disney ship please specify
idol life ships: closed
based on the information you give us, we will give you a synopsis of your life as an idol. 
e.g. what company you are in, your position, your secret boyfriend, your scandal, etc.
includes small playlist of types of music and songs your group would similarly “create
small look book of fashion, make up, and hair styles you would adorn
information that is needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
photos (if you’d like)
age (if you’d like)
no groups need to be requested. 
all idols chosen will be handpicked by us 
however, you can suggest 1-2 groups, and we might incorporate idols from that group
please state if you’d prefer to be shipped with a female idol, male idol, either, or none.
k-drama ships: closed
in this ship, we will place you in your own k-drama. we will place you in a new setting, genre, and idols that would be in your own drama. we will give you the run down of how the show will play out. 
includes a small playlist of your drama’s “soundtrack”
note, we are not placing you in a already existing drama 
however, we will include titles of dramas that we find are similar to the concoction we have created, as a form of “recommendation.”
information needed:
an explanation of your personality 
photos (if you’d like)
age (if you’d like)
no groups need to be requested 
all idols chosen will be handpicked by us 
kingdom life ships: closed
we give you a synopsis of how your life would be in a kingdom era and the idols that would appear in your life
ex: time period, location, you’re a princess, and the prince you’re arranged to marry is jaehyun (nct), but you are in love with the rival kingdom’s prince, jin (bts)
information needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
photo (if you’d like)
age (if you’d like)
no groups need to be requested 
all idols chosen will be handpicked by us 
college/hs life ships: closed
we give you a brief explanation of your life in college, or high school and the shenanigans that ensue with the idols involved. 
e.g. your locker buddy, your seniors, your secret admirer, who asks you to prom, your roommate, who invites you to parties, one night stand, drinking buddy, study buddy, etc.
information needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
photo (if you’d like)
please specify which you’d prefer: college or high school 
maximum groups: 1
idols chosen can also be picked at random
please specify if you’d like it to be random
life ships: closed
we give you a brief synopsis of your life and the idols that are involved in in it.
e.g. your neighbor, your schoolmate, your best friends, your fiancé, unrequited love, your husband, your soulmate, job, where you end up living, wedding, etc.
information needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details)
photo (if you’d like)
maximum groups: 1 
idols chosen can also be picked at random 
please specify if you’d like it to be random
party/club ships: closed
we give you a brief synopsis of a party/club you attend and the idols that are also at that party
e.g. invites you, who’s party is it, dances with you, buys you a drink, hits on you, who jumps on the table, dances on the strip pole, etc.
you may specify a particular setting if you’d like:
halloween party, frat party, kickback, pool party, etc or just a generic party/club setting
information needed: 
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details) 
photo (if you’d like) 
maximum groups: 3  
idols chosen can also be picked at random
please specify if you’d like it to be random
vacation ships: closed
we give you a brief synopsis of your vacation time with the idols involved
e.g. invites you to their vacation plan, where you guys go, airplane buddy, hotel roommate, the activities you guys go in, flirts, confesses, etc
information needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details) 
what season you’d prefer for your vacation (spring, summer, autumn, winter)
photo (if you’d like) 
maximum groups: 1
vintage ships: closed
based on the information given, we will place you in a time period and give you a brief synopsis of your life there with idols
e.g. the 50s, a greaser who likes you, your outfit, the marine who asks you out, a mini playlist of songs of that era that suit your story etc.
 information needed: 
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details) 
photo (if you’d like) 
maximum groups: 1  
idols chosen can also be picked at random please specify if you’d like it to be random
mood board ships: closed
we pair you with an idol from the requested group you are most compatible with and create a mood board for you 
we also explain why we paired you with them
specify any information you find important and want:
personality explanation
not all information stated above is necessary, but personality aspect along with favorites, likes, and dislikes are very helpful
picking a theme is highly important here
maximum groups: 1
any group applicable
can ask for a “random mood board ship” as well
we will pick a random idol of our choosing that we thing suits you best
movie ships: closed
a quick ship where you give us a group, and we ship you with two guys. In addition, we give you a list of recommendations of movies, and a brief scenario where we place you and one of the idols in a movie setting.
information needed:
an explanation of your personality (look at the written ship rules if you'd like some examples of key personality trait details) 
optional: film genres you like and dislike, and your favorite movies. mostly so we have a feel of what you like.
maximum groups: 1
name ships pt.1: closed
based on your name, its meaning, and its history, we will ship you with an idol 
no other information is necessary
any group is applicable 
maximum groups: 5 per request.
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
name ships pt. 2: closed
for each letter of your name, we will recommend you a song starting with that letter
the only information we need is your name, and optionally, music genres you like and dislike
astrological ships: closed
please leave information needed:
 astrological information 
sun, moon, mercury, venus, mars
brief explanation of your personality 
natal charts screenshots and juno/ceres are not required, but highly recommended
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
random selca ships: closed
any information you want that would be helpful:
small biography of yourself 
we will ship you with the first idols that pops into our head.
shipped with 2-3 idols.
please state if you prefer a female idols, male idols, or both.
mind you, it will probably be limited to the groups/solo artists we know more about. 
do not forget to state at least 3 possible themes you’d like (refer to ‘before requesting’)
most-to-least likely to (mtls) ships: closed
a most-to-least likely list of band members that we find you would be most compatible with.
maximum groups: 2
information needed:
a brief description of your personality
photos of yourself that are not too altered by filters.
other information we might find helpful
most-to-least likely to (mtls): closed
mostly anything can be asked for 
we are allowed to decline if we don’t feel comfortable writing for it.
we’ll let you know if decline it
mtls are only opened to nct, exo, shinee, bts, red velvet, seventeen, and got7 at the moment
I will update to other groups in the future
blurbs/scenarios/reactions: open
essentially the same rules as mtls.
for a personal scenario, please provide information about yourself that you think is important, similar to info. in the written ships. 
threads: open
ask any scenario/subject of your choosing
hate to be redundant, but it’s similar to the mtl rules.
mood boards: open
different from mood board ships
specify an idol of your choosing and a theme for it
themes can range an aesthetic such as pink
or a subject such as: “(insert idol/group) as Slytherin” 
or a subject such as: “sugar daddy! au (insert idol here)”
any idol is applicable
icons/header/lockscreen edits: open
specify which one you’d like
1 idol per request 
any idol applicable 
example of possible aesthetic themes:
soft pink 
cool palette 
soft edit 
you do not have to specify a theme, it simply optional
other edits: open
specify a form of edit you’d like
ex: polaroid edit, soft edit, fake instagrams etc. 
any idol applicable 
limited to photo edits for the time being
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benhaardy · 6 years
king of my heart || b.h.
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(i apologize i do not know where this gif is from i found it on weheartit but im not sure thats who made it but here is the post. if you are the owner please let me know so i can credit or take it off at your request. thanks!)
Summary: Ben takes you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere and you reminisce of his accomplishments and your years-long friendship.
Request: Can you do a fluffy first kiss imagine with Ben? Thanks!
A/N: so uhhh the request was literally the simplest thing EVER but my extra ass had to put some Extra Sass™ upon this lol. idk why i wanted to go big for such a simple prompt but its ben and its his birthday today so HE DESERVES IT!
gotta add in that S H E E R D R E S S S H I R T because i’m still not over it, thank u, next.
the outfit i had in mind: dress (the one in the middle) shoes necklace earrings, though obviously you can imagine your own outfit.
song that the title/some of the fic is based off: king of my heart by taylor swift
obviously, i am a huge fan of the longtime best friends to lovers cliche and idk if anyone else thinks this but i write my characters as super affectionate in the first place so i hope it isn’t weird to anyone to have like the really touchy-feely best friends or friendships in my stories ig? idk, just a thought cause i literally just noticed how affectionate my characters are ANYWAYS here's wonderwall
thank you for sending a request in! hope you enjoy it!
also happy birthday to our king i hope he has a beautiful day
Wordcount: 1.7k
Warnings: a few frick words (2). fem!reader. mention of nudity. fluffy!! not proofread, but beta’d
“Ready, Y/N?” Ben called from downstairs
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
You put the final touches of your outfit on. Perfume on your wrists, Tiffany necklace on, you went down the stairs carrying your nude Louboutins and adjusting your earrings. It wasn’t really your style to do any of this, really, but your best friend Ben had wanted to take you to the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere. Go big or go home, you figured. At his asking, you didn’t see or know what he was going to wear so you played it safe with a black dress.
You went down the stairs and got to the bottom floor. Ben was standing in the middle of the living room, back turned to you. He was looking down at the cat weaving in between his legs. As far as you could see, he was wearing an all black suit. “Ben?” you said. He whipped around to see you as you were putting on your shoes.
“Oh, wow, Y/N,” he beamed. Ben put his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide with surprise. “You look so good!” You opened your arms to embrace him, to which he stepped into, his arms around your waist.
After a few seconds, you both pulled away but his arms still stayed in their place and your hands lingered on his biceps. “I could say the same about you, Benny! Everything looks great!”  He let you go fully. You looked up and down at his outfit. Sheer black dress shirt, black blazer and trousers, everything was tailored perfectly to his body. You grinned. He cleaned up very well, but it wasn’t like he didn’t dress nice in the first place.
“Ready to go?” he asked. “Car’s waiting outside.”
You watched from the side of the carpet as the main cast were getting photographed together. That was your best friend! Standing next to Roger fucking Taylor and Brian fucking May. Everything still felt surreal, though he had been in the public spotlight for the past few years, this felt different. Your senses just felt heightened. The flashing lights, the hues of purple and pink and gold all around, surrounded by people you either knew well or were complete strangers to you. Your eyesight was crisp, noticing everything you could, taking it all in. You did musical theatre, you hadn’t really dealt with something as big as this, even with Apocalypse.
And here your best friend was, in the middle of all of this. Your mind played back all the memories of you two in drama school with his all-nighters, monologue after monologue, script after script. You couldn’t be more proud of your closest friend, all of his hard work going to this. You could remember Ben’s shifty eyes backstage the very first show of Judas Kiss and the blush on his cheeks after the show when he remembered that you had watched him perform and there was that one scene of full frontal; he figured it was worth the embarrassment, it’s not as if you hadn’t seen worse.
Back to Eastenders and its countless shirtless and kissing scenes. You thought back to the countless nights that you spent up with him when he was weighing leaving the show or becoming Archangel. At your own urging, Ben left Eastenders, ready for the next chapter, ready for the next big thing. One of the best memories of your life was traveling to the United States with him for Comic-Con and driving up and down the west coast a week before he had to attend it. He took you to Disneyland and Universal Studios after everything with the convention was said and done.
Now, Bohemian Rhapsody! You laughed at the memories of Ben scrambling to find a good drum teacher close by and how he turned up in the middle of the night to your flat to tell you he got the part. You couldn’t ever forget his embrace in the dark of your living room, his face buried in your shoulder and his arms, tight and strong around your waist. Your happy tears wiped away by Ben’s hand as you drew apart. Though you both were excited, it was still the middle of the night, so you both just slept in your bed once more with the cats.
Ben would always invite you over to watch him play and give your input. You had to admit, he had gotten pretty good over all the lessons. Though you discouraged his lying about playing the drums and seeing the consequences in his clamber to learn as much as possible, it paid off in the best way possible. They started the process of making the movie. Though you couldn’t really be by his side throughout filming, you were basically there, his perpetual FaceTimes keeping you in the loop with everyone. You even “met” the guys and Lucy, who you hit off with very well. Ben made sure you were always by his side and he was always by yours.
So when you saw him here, at his biggest premiere surrounded by even more amazing actors and actresses, you couldn’t help but shed a tear. This role of Roger had basically brought him into the light.
You watched them take pictures until Ben beckoned you over, the group disbanding and walking over to their families and significant others to pose for their own photos. You came over and he put his arm around your waist, hugging you close. Your hand was on his back and you both posed for pictures, the flash basically blinding you, the sounds of the shutters all around. “Smile,” Ben whispered into your ear.
Everyone was at the rooftop restaurant that you were all going to eat at after the premiere. You were sitting in between Roger and Ben, having been introduced to all of the people around the table. Never in a million years, you thought, never in a million years did you think you’d be here, conversing with the real Roger Taylor or getting along with his daughters, or telling Lucy Boynton and Anita Dobson where you got your necklace and earrings.
“If you’ll excuse us, Y/N and I are going to go out to the balcony,”
You scooped another spoon of food in your mouth before saying, “Oh, okay we are? Okay.” You gave a polite smile to Roger, who you were talking to before Ben got your attention. Standing up, you followed Ben out of the tall, ornate door, out to the terrace where you could see all of London. The view was breathtaking.
“What is this all about?” you inquired as you came over to Ben standing with his hand on the glass, observing the scenery in front of him, the various coloured lights illuminating London.
“How do you feel about all this, Y/N? The whole shazam,” he questioned, wanting to know your true feelings about everything.
You shook your head, “What can I say?” You looked out along with him. “If you had told me in the first year of uni when we met that we would be here right now. Eating dinner with two freaking members of Queen and their families and being around some of the best actors and musicians in the world!” You said, your voice breathy. It was crazy what your best friend had been able to accomplish. “I would’ve slapped you and called you mental. This is all so... wow.”
“I couldn’t have made it here without you, Y/N. I’d be a complete and utter trainwreck. I wouldn’t even, like, survive without you, you know?”
“Ben,” you shook your head vigourously, “Don’t…don’t. This is your thing. This is your work. This is your doing. I was just there along for the ride and you were there with me,” you reasoned. “It’s just...just that simple.”
He shook his head but smiled. “None of this is that simple.” Ben turned to face you, still looking down. You moved to look at him yourself. “You mean everything to me, really. It’s not just the support. It’s the little things. It’s how you never fail to put your jumper sleeves over your hands and bury ‘em in your face. It’s how you look at me when you’re adjusting my suit and doing that little,” he paused and did little sweeping movements in the air, “that little sweepy thing on my lapels and you look back up at me and smile. The way you smile, the way you look at me, love, it just- it drives me crazy in the best way. You’re always there for me, yes, but that is not the only reason that I love you.” Ben took hold of your hand and held it close to his heart, his hand encapsulating yours entirely. “I want you, Y/N.”
You leaned forward and an abundance of holy shit holy shit did I just do that did I really just do that did he reeeallly just say those amazing things about me?’s rang through your head, echoing and echoing. You kissed him. His plump lips were upon yours finally. At first, Ben was stiff, taken by surprise at your sudden action but he softened quickly with the feeling of you on him. Your hand stayed on his chest while his moved down to your hips. As the kiss deepened, you laced your hands around his neck.
He pulled away. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted that, love,” he said, breathless, his lips swollen and pink.
“Me too, Ben.” You smiled and cupped his cheek in your hand, to which he kissed your palm and held your wrist lightly. He looked down at his shoes, blushing.
“We should—“ he started, his thumb pointing back to the inside. “We shoul—“
You exhaled. “Y-Yeah, yeah we should, we should.” Ben grabbed your hand and led you inside. He pulled your chair out for you and you sat in it. You brushed imaginary dirt off your dress, trying to act casual.
“Looks like you two had fun out there!” exclaimed Roger, a bellowing laugh coming from him.
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 5 years
thoughts on each nct unit
oh thats a good one... ok this got so fucking long IM SORRY
nct 127 - i love them a lot they're obv my main fandom and as individuals they're breathtaking just like all of nct but... the line distribution is always terribly unbalanced with mark and taeyong eating up the entire song every single title track. moreover i definitely have a problem with taeyong's voice ( though that's not only in nct 127 ) and it really sucks because in baby don't stop he had sung lines and his voice was perfectly fine - they're obsessed with making him a rapper and they shouldn't ? he's a great vocalist, sm should acknowledge that more often. i get wanting more rappers but like if you're gonna have a rapper idk make it one of the boys who barely get lines like sicheng or yuta lol, even jaehyun is more of a vocalist than a rapper so making him a rapper is weird... johnny's right there anyway he needs lines too and i think he is supposed to be a rapper so. i really wrote a lot just for taeyong i'm sorry skshsjsb just a bit annoyed his actual skills get overlooked by sm even though he's nct's poster boy with mark.
we need ot10 back together soon but honestly having sicheng in both nct 127 and wayv was... a terrible move. very different units, both very busy bc they're focused on different marketing when it comes to who they want to reach, sicheng will have to sacrifice more than one nct 127 or wayv comeback to be with the other group that's promoting at the time like we saw with superhuman, wakey wakey, while he was with wayv for regular and take off ( even tho he got no real lines in regular... clowns sm ). it's just a shame sm can't even stick to their actual units and give them proper managing. also nctzens need to realise taeil & doyoung aren't the only vocalists, jaehyun is amazing and in fact so is jungwoo ? nobody ever talks about his vocals but he is... great hello ? i'm gonna waste so much time on hyuck rn so hold on.
the way sm won't acknowledge hyuck's vocal prowesses also bothers me. he's been improving a LOT and if your focus is on hitting high notes this boy can hit crazy high notes just like taeil, sm just won't give him the lines bc they're milking taeil's voice and that's all they use him for ( which i hate... i love taeil so much when will sm treat his artists right lol !!! ). he's also a great dancer but i think people forgot he was great because of his hiatus and like ok but he's been back for months haha. one last thing... let the members collab w/ artists who aren't jason derulo please n thank yooou.
now... to stop criticising sm's management for now... nct 127 is a great subunit. the members have real chemistry and work off one another very well, the unit remains diverse and the songs are PHENOMENAL. i don't care what anyone says about cherry bomb or firetruck it's just that people have bad taste i won't hear it. the visuals are always amazing, except johnny's wig in wakey wakey but that's in the past... i like the differences we see from cb to cb and yet it remains true to nct 127. you know which subunit you're listening to even with the contrasts and that's Cool, yeehaw ! i think i can shut up abt 127 now lmao.
wayv - TRANSCENDENT. seven members, not too few nor too many, the line distribution isn't too bad for once ( except regular but that's just how regular is i GUESS, also ten is definitely being favoured ), the main dancers get to show their abilities ( though i'd have enjoyed more centre time for sicheng in take off bc... that was really ten's song in all aspects lmao ), i don't know about the other wayv rappers' singing abilities but chill rapper lucas was a good pick. i'll say yangyang and hendery aren't too bad either ! xiaojun's vocals make a man dreamy ( i am a man ), kun... should get more lines hehe of course he should i love his voice and he just doesn't get enough yet. like i said they really favoured ten with their actual debut, looking forward to see how they handle the line distribution in the future. the management must be a bit different given wayv isn't only sm from what i understood ? it's a bit too soon for me to properly have an opinion on wayv aside from what i said about sicheng earlier and well, the line distribution and centre time overall. ten is my wayv bias but like, the others should still get some attention, they're not idols just to look pretty in the background lol.
nct dream - as individuals i LOVE them of COURSE i do... but this subunit's concept is a bit clanky to me. the whole graduating thing leaves a bitter taste in my mouth especially considering mark just graduated which means the 00 liners will graduate this year... all four of them... and hyuck hasn't even made a cb with dream yet. they'll probably introduce new members in the upcoming months but watching it unfold makes me worry about an nct dream with just chenle and jisung, now i'd love a song with both of them but maybe not as nct dream lol. thankfully they also hope they'll be able to have nct u songs as og nct dream which is what i was definitely hopeful for so it might happen, not yet but maybe some day.
sm made nct dream but everyone including nct dream got SO attached to the og unit it just feels like it can't work, especially since it's been three years and no new members have been introduced yet. it's been og nct dream up until december 2018, there had been no changes, sm just... handled this bad once again ? lmao. idk how to explain it but that sums it up ? aside from that i have nothing to say about the line distribution and all, i think it's handled pretty well on dream's side... even though the only dream content we've gotten this year was dnyl akshdjh. i love it of course but like it's not an actual dream cb so it's a bit... yeah.
and now the one we can all agree on,
this unit has SO MUCH potential. it could be used SO WELL if the management wasn't done by sm. we could get the best bg content sm could put out without shinee and ot9 exo but we are let down TIME and TIME again. i won't even develop on that because i know everyone thinks the same so i don't have to do the maths for you skhsjsdjdhdj, this just gets me so Mad i hate sm's management so much. it's like they think that bc they've got the best artists out of the big 3 and so they can just do whatever they want and it'll pass but i can't STAND THIS holy fuck bring back f(x) you fuckin uglies stop clowning rv let suju disband at LAST do SOMETHING RIGHT
tl;dr the boys good sm bad
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ujuro · 6 years
this is my running list that i have kept in my drafts all year of things that i wanted from kpop in 2018. some are kind of vague but honestly which groups were “successful” and which weren’t is really obvious because the “unsuccessful” ones just didnt come back at all ugh
long post here we go
things i wanted from this year:
-success for wjsn: my girls got a win and their best-selling album yet so we’re on a roll now. but im somewhat worried because a lot of it comes from the new fame of c-line and between you and me i...dont think theyre ever coming back. prove me wrong yuehua.
-success for loona- is a debut mini selling over 50,000 copies success? ya know there are people that will say that based on how expensive and long their debut project was that everything was a flop and loona’s doomed but i dont really think that way. when lookin at it strictly as an actual debut they did great. i love my girls.
-success for clc- we’ll never know if anything could have come from a comeback after black dress because CUUUUUBBBBEEEEEE but im not salty or anything nooooo
-success for dreamcatcher: happyface and i think the girls themselves realize that their concept will never be mainstream but ya know what? my girls had a good year! they’re working hard and building a fanbase and theres nothing more i can ask for really
-someone please pay attention to sonamoo please: FUCK TS
-same for gugudan this is depressing: i dont know how their last comeback did but it seems like they kind of staying the same which is sad because gugudan probably ranks the highest of post ioi groups in terms of raw talent and consistently good music. stan my girl nayoung. 
-weme and pristin to actually get non-controversial actually good title tracks so we can put all of that to rest (though i’d die for wee woo don’t fuckin try it):  crush was well liked so we got that but FUCKIN PLEDIS OH MY GOD IM SO MAD IDEC THAT GET IT WAS GOOD THEY DIDNT GET A NON-CONTROVERSIAL TITLE TRACK THEY DIDNT GET ON AT ALL and NO PRISTIN V DOES NOT MAKE UP FOR IT FUCKIN PLEDIS anyway
-news on after school….any news…free them…: WELL lizzy is was freed and kaeun is in limbo (more on her later). now all we need is eyoung to be freed and i can sleep better. 
-news on secret: the news is that TS is a shitshow but what else is new. at least hyosung and jieun were freed.
 -Shinee to be happy and healthy: this is sort of a wish because i can never really know if they’re happy but in terms of what i can judge aka content this was a great shinee year. minho solo when
-9muses comeback PLEASE: got a great kyungri solo debut and it aint over till hyemi says its over but please one more comeback PLEASE
-hello venus comeback: LOOK i know fantagio is a mess but they managed to gave their other groups a comeback COME THE FUCK ON
-for companies to just stop kidding themselves and disband dal shabet and bestie: with woohee gones dal shabet is over and im pretty sure bestie’s company doesn’t exist anymore so i guess thats solved
-solji to come back to exid: YEEEESSSSSS OUR MOTHER AND QUEEN IS BACK
-more non-taeyeon snsd solos (and a taeyeon one too thatd be great): fuck solos we actually got lil touch i didnt see that coming at all. oh AND a bunch of solos too snsd had to die so snsd could live i guess.
-any post-ioi group to get a win: Dia and wjsn! 
-ladies code comeback (or at least a hint at group activity): the hint came from a christmas song so i should be happy however i am unsatisfied. 
-t-ara news: the news is theyre being secretive in between solo work c’mon hyomin give up your plans
-fiestar news-disbanded and im still sad
-brown eyed girls comeback: someday...i have hope...i know they want to...
-LEE HI COMEBACK: FUCK YG but that goes without saying
-deleted a stupid one sorry gyus
-yoongi singing: lol im not even into bts anymore but i still like yoongi and seesaw is still a banger great job my dude
-kaeun to get into the produce48 group: hmph. normally i wouldnt be worried with her high place and the hype like it should be easy to give her something to do right? however this is pledies we’re talking about so i can only hope that what lizzy said and the rumors of her joining a new girl group come true. argh why pledis id even trust her with cube over them look at soyeon
-girls day comeback: see brown eye girls above
-a not terrible produce 48 group k at least put hitomi in it: I love izone i got over my hangups with the lineup real quick and now cringe at grown-ass adults still going off about a fourteen-year-old. like y’all. you can stan the group its fine they’re nice and talented girls. i swear. you’ll like them. hyewon is my queen. i still find wonyoung too young to connect with (im finding now that im too old to truly bias any idol under 16 or even 17. yujin is fifteen but she’s near the middle of my izone bias list.) but ya know what? its fine. theres 11 other girls to like. la vie en rose is a bop. sakura i love you. that is all.
-PLEASE EX 2NE1 MEMBERS DO SOMETHIN; minzy’s touring and bom of all people seems likely to release solo work before cl but like. its sad man i dont really consider this one done. fuck yg.
-fuck an fx comeback someone just tell me if they’re alive: can i even answer this one i dont know i think i was mad when i wrote it
-some kind of jbj/ibi like group from produce 48: Nope, probably unlikely due to the difficulties of getting any akb girls over there (i follow all of the contestants on instragram and they all seem pretty busy like miu and sae and miho and miru have actual shit to do). but i can dream.
alright out of approximately 30 wishes (i cant count) about half of them (i cant count) were at least partially fulfilled. this year was great for a lot of groups i like but not really for my 2nd gen and post-ioi faves. all of my absolute fave stuff came from groups that didnt even exist last year- fromis, idle, and izone. 
how do i even react to all of this im feeling to many emotions. moral of the story: fuck kpop companies the end
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electrickkarma · 6 years
My Kpop opinions that no one asked for but like, what’s the internet without unasked opinions.
1) CLC deserves much more recognition. I still can’t believe their first win was with Black Dress.
2) Every GFriend song sounds like an anime intro and tbh they all sound almost the same for me (I’m not saying their songs are bad).
3) Twice isn’t overly cute and they slay all the time.
4) Give Mina more lines.
5) I really dislike shippings. Whether it’s between different idols or idols of the same group. Idk, I feel like most of the time is over-analysing everything and i’ve seen it get borderline unhealthy. But if you enjoy it, you do you sis.
6) Wendy is the most talented member in Red Velvet (they’re all talented but at least for me, Wendy stands out).
7) Namjoon is underrated af.
8) SNSD are the queens of KPop and will always be.
9) I’m sick of armys and exo-l’s being rivals. If BTS and EXO can get along and be respectful, why can’t we?
10) Shine by Pentagon is one of the best songs of the year.
11) The unit was better than both editions of Produce 101.
12) But the groups that came from The Unit are average next to IOI and Wanna One.
13) I love Jackson with all my heart but his solo songs were kinda disappointing.
14) IU is the best soloist in Kpop.
15) I personally think that neither BTS, EXO or Big Bang are the kings of Kpop. For me Super Junior takes that title. They changed the industry and they are still together releasing bops. Legends.
16) Blackpink’s comeback was kinda disappointing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not bad at all! Dududududududu (idk) and Really are bops but i was expecting another sound.
17) BTS deserves all the success they have and they aren’t overrated at all. They’re the most influential Kpop group in the world and even if you don’t like them, it’s easy to agree on that.
18) I can’t fully stan EXO and it’s kinda because so many of their songs aren’t written by them. I know that there are a lot of groups that I stan that have their songs not written by them but I think they have so much potential to do something huge and that kinda najasbdhwnzkehd me (but tbh, SM is the one at fault there).
19) I hated NCT 2018’s song (but they were HILARIOUS in variety shows). Still, NCT 127, U and Dream are fire.
20) In every group, there is this one member that i can picture quitting or like, they don’t continue their contract. Even if it never happens, i know (or at least i feel it) who would be.
21) As sad as Jonghyun’s death was (I miss you and I love you😭), I think it was in some sort if way a good thing (DON’T COME FOR ME) in a way that it’s a turning point in how companies should put more interest in idols mental health. Like, I wish it didn’t happen and i cried so much but it helped to set that point straight (to like, management).
22) Mamamoo has the best “salute” ever.
23) YG’s idols rules are the most stupid things ever. That driving license thing sucks ass.
24) Seungri from Big Bang is one of the smartest idols out there. He has an empire of clubs, restaurants, even academies. He has a raw talent in business.
25) Henry needs more attention. He’s a musical genius, he can act, he’s funny so he does really well in variety and he’s so handsome. SM lost a really talented guy and i hope he gets all the recognition he deserves.
26) I sadly think SNSD is over. I love them so much but I think that with Tiffany, Seohyun and Sooyoung out (and Jessica ofc but that was years ago), the group will never be the same.
27) I have mixed feelings about Wanna One. I want them to stay together forever but at the same time some of them are in groups that i stan really hard and I want them to go back to their og band.
28) Red by Hyuna makes me angry. Idk why, I just hate that song. It doesn’t make sense to me.
29) Jessi is a freaking queen that breaks all the korean standards and i love her.
30) BTOB has the best vocalists, there is no doubt about it.
31) The BTS fandom isn’t as toxic as it seems. Of course there are some toxic fans but the non toxic ones are more than the toxics and we all get along (international and korean armys) and it’s pretty nice to be a part of this fandom.
32) I’m sick of people bashing Momoland and saying like they’re not talented and saying that without Bboom Bboom they wouldn’t be famous, and i’m like, every group has a song that made them really famous. Shut up, they’re talented, cute and aren’t hurting anyone so get over it.
33) D.O scares me so much. I think he’s a great vocalist and an amazing actor, but he scares me ahahaha. Maybe it’s because he’s kinda quiet (from what I’ve seen at least, I might be wrong since i haven’t seen a lot of videos of EXO), maybe his glare... I don’t know.
34) Leave Taehyung’s mullet alone. He looks amazing.
35) I hate when people stan only a few members of a group. I’ve seen cases where people are like, I love this group but i hate this or this member. YOU DON’T LOVE THE GROUP IF YOU HATE SOME MEMBERS. Get tf out of here.
36) Red Velvet is one of the most (if not the most) versatile groups ever. They fit every concept and they slay in all of them.
37) Don’t call Black Pink the queens of Kpop. They have like 8 songs. They’re still kinda rookies. Stop. They are so talented but it’s too much to call them the queens of Kpop. They have a long way to go.
38) Give F(X) a comeback.
39) Replay by Shinee is one of the best songs ever and the live version brings tears to my eyes.
40) ROCK N HIPHOP is BTOB’s best song. Go listen to it. You’re welcome.
41) If NU’EST doesn’t get enough attention when their comeback as a whole group happens, I’ll be so disappointed at life.
42) The Eve by EXO has the sexiest dance ever.
43) ONF is such a good group, keep an eye on them because their music is so good.
44) People should stop over sexualising (if not just sexualising as a whole) idols bodies.
45) People should stop sleeping on Monsta X.
46) A collab between BTS and EXO is something that I need and i’m sure it would break the internet.
47) The latest Winner comeback was disappointing. Their other songs are so good and i was expecting so much for that comeback but tbh? I almost hated their songs. Still love them as a group tho.
48) People that listen to kpop should stop talking all the time about kpop. It’s not everybody, but i know quite a few persons that listen to kpop and it’s the only thing they talk about. If for me, a person that listens to kpop (and western and latin music), it’s tiring, I can’t even imagine how it feels for people that don’t listen to kpop. I feel like I can’t actually get to know those persons because they only talk about that and they don’t have other things to talk about.
49) Somi should just go solo. I saw this in a video on YouTube and I agree completely. She’s really talented and her looks correspond to the korean beauty standards, so she ends up taking all the attention a lot of the times. I feel that like, in a group she would be the center of attention and a solo career would be the best for her. It reminds me a little bit of 4minute with Hyuna. She was basically 4minute in terms of recognition, the one with the most fans... they disbanded, she went solo (without counting triple h wich i adore) and she’s doing really well.
50) SM has some of the best stylists in the industry. Every single person under that label looks bomb af in every comeback, award show, mv... I want every single outfit they wear.
51) It’s crazy how happy Kpop makes you feel.
Tell me your opinions if you want! I’d love to hear them. I’m thinking about making a YouTube video out of this but i suck at editing😂.
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hiphopscriptures · 4 years
Fresh Artist Fridays: Brave Williams
Don't Tell Me No, is an unapologetic assertion of vulnerability. It gives you permission to not let your ego make decisions for your heart and a reason to say yes to love. "To me, my song Don't Tell Me No, has a timeless sound. It's Classic. I really wanted to channel that feeling in the video; so I decided to pay homage to an era that represents that to me, the jazz era," mentions Brave. "I wanted something simple, elegant, clean and classic. A beautiful black piano, a talented pianist (Johnnie "Smurf" Smith), and an old school mic," she adds.
The song was written by Brave Williams, Brittany Barber (John Legend, Ty Dolla), and Kristal Tytewriter Oliver (Diddy, Chrisette Michele) and produced by Ivan “Orthodox” Barias (Mary J Blige, Phony PPL, Chris Brown) and the classic visuals were directed by Zack David. "Don't Tell Me No" music video was globally premiered on Bossip.com and is available on all streaming and download platforms now.
Brave Williams Bio:
Call it her parents’ prophetically-ordained choice of first names for a baby girl or divinely inspired coincidence - as per textbook definitions which encompass everything from “a bit daring” and “ready to face and endure” to “without showing fear” – singer/songwriter/SAG-AFTRA actress BRAVE WILLIAMS has been nothing less than courageous, spirited, determined and dauntless in her whirlwind rise to notability within the worlds of music and entertainment over the course of the past few years. Having quickly and effectively established herself as that simultaneously “sultry and edgy while everyday relatable” songstress whose “Oooh Luv Ya” and “Road Trippin’” 2015 singles set off buzzworthy online presence and fast-growing download support, in definitively brave fashion, BRAVE WILLIAMS more than lives up to the meaning of her name as she precedes her audacious, anticipated self-titled full-length debut set (a Brave New World/SRG ILS/Universal Group release) with the recent release of her oh-so-sultry R&B beat-ballad latest single, “Don’t Tell Me No.”
With her now signature self-assurance paired with a heavy dose of vocal temptress; the lovelorn, “old-school-slow-grind-meets-slinky-paced-modern-R&B” flow of “Don’t Tell Me No” finds the vocalist noted for championing her girls actually addressing the fellas this go ‘round, all while examining relationship “goings-on” and vulnerabilities both genders can easily relate to. “It’s completely relationship-driven,” Brave explains, upon sharing the inspiration for the song, “based on conversations I’ve had with my sisters and best friends. Men always have this idea that they have to be strong and powerful with whatever it is that’s going on. And men are just as scared as women to fall in love. So to me, it was like a declaration to men like ‘I know you’ve been through some things that have your protective wall up, but don’t let that heartache or disappointment become your permanent identity. You can still be open to fall in love, but fear will keep that blessing from happening.’ Because there’s so much noise happening – like politics, the social climate and things on the news – I want people to be reminded that love can slice through all of that…and kill all the noise. I want that to be welcomed, and I want people to be invited to always go back to love despite everything’s that’ going on.” Though attitude-laced, ladies’ anthem-styled singles like 2017’s bouncy, head-boppin’ “U Tried it” and early 2020’s deep-bouncin’ “Options” may have empowered the ladies, she’s ultimately a fair and equal opportunity (musical) communicator. “I am so pro-women, like I am always here for my girls,” she ponders upon the mention of feminism, “but I never want anyone to think or take my interpretation that I’m anti-man, because I’m not anti-man. I love my men, which is why I wrote ‘Don’t Tell Me No,’ because I wanted to speak to my men like ‘I know you’re scared. I know that you can be feeling some type of way about love and relationships. But let’s do this together; don’t tell me no.’”
Largely produced by Ivan Barias (Musiq Soulchild/Mary J. Blige/Chris Brown) while Brave handled songwriting alongside co-writers Brittany Barber (John Legend/Ty Dolla/Love & Hip Hop Hollywood) and Kristal Tytewriter (Diddy/Chrisette Michele), multifaceted Brave’s anxiously-awaited Brave Williams full-length LP aims to make good on the promise and hoopla generated by the release of her Fearless EP (2015) and its breakthrough singles. “Ivan is part of my Philly team whom I’ve known for several years now,” she shares. “He actually produced a lot of my records on Fearless. Once we met through [our mutual manager] Michael we just clicked. So it’s actually Ivan and Tytewriter [I worked with]; she’s a Philly-based songwriter who’s worked with Diddy, Ledisi and Estelle…and she’s also an engineer. So she engineers all my sessions.”
Hence, beyond the independent woman-themed “Options” and the love introspection of “Don’t Tell Me No,” the BRAVE WILLIAMS contemporary hip-hop/R&B music listeners have come to know musically and melodically elaborates and narrates an everyday love journey with a debut set that manages to tell a full-fledged story. “This new album is me being totally transparent about relationships; so I’m taking you through the beginning, the middle and the end of relationships,” says the sassy siren of her Brave Williams debut. “Whatever those emotions are, it’s telling a complete story. So in the beginning, when you’re extremely happy and have that full love feeling, is something I wanted to capture with the uptempo songs. Or going in the middle when you realize ‘Ok wait a second; the person I met six months ago has left the building’ and it’s like “Who is this guy? Let’s not forget that I still need you to treat me like you treated me in the beginning.’ And it takes you all the way to the end, whatever the end might be; if you’re happy, there are happy songs on there. And if it’s a breakup or even some of my own trials and tribulations that’s I’ve experienced in relationships, I’ve definitely penned those songs. It’s kinda like a diary…..a relationship diary [which is a bit scary].”
As it turns out, the seeds for her talent and penchant for storytelling can be traced to her early Baltimore, Maryland-based childhood…more specifically in the back-seat of her Mom and Dad’s red Chevy, on a day she vividly recalls hearing legendary rapper Tupac’s “Keep Ya Head Up.” “I remember it like it was yesterday; I was mesmerized,” Brave recounts. “I know that I had heard hip-hop before that moment, but that was the first time that it really resonated with me and I started writing. I really just started writing poems. I had no idea I could sing because I started out rapping.” Always quick to showcase her rapping and spoken word skills at open mics, she confesses that she stumbled onto the notion that she could sing upon trying to turn one of the raps she’d written into a song. That epiphany spurred a newfound exploration and appreciation of the R&B of her generation (“I love Faith Evans, Jill Scott since her first album and ‘What’s the 411?’ by Mary J, because she was like the perfect marriage of hip-hop and R&B”), as well as more classic R&B from the likes of Stevie Wonder, Bobby Caldwell and one of her idols, 80s singer/songwriter/musician Patrice Rushen.
Armed with her newfound appreciation of soul/R&B and burgeoning songwriting talent while honing her singing chops, characteristically ballsy go-getter Brave ventured and dared to develop her craft partaking in countless local open mics, one of which permanently changed the direction of her life and fast-forming music career. “Someone in the crowd pulled me aside after I got off stage [one night] and said ‘I wanna introduce you to a producer in D.C. who’s looking for an artist,’” she recounts. “From that, I was introduced to [producer] Rich Harrison (Beyonce'/Amerie), I signed a solo deal with Columbia Records and I never let them know that I had just learned how to sing two weeks before.” Thus the spirited determination which defines her very name arose, in which case she admittedly “faked it. I was like ‘Yeah, I could sing’ and once I got in the studio they could tell I was undeveloped. So once ‘the cat was out the bag’ I knew I didn’t want to lose my deal, but I needed to put myself around singers so I could grow. So that’s how I came up with Richgirl.” Signed to Jive Records, though the female quartet (which also included fellow siren Sevyn Streeter) captured the attention of an immediately awestruck urban audience with their mad-tight Harrison-produced “He Ain’t Wit Me Now,” which fans concluded should have been huge and remains a multi-million-viewed VEVO music clip, the group never quite got off the ground.
However, when you’re the living and breathing synonym for the word “brave” – in fact, indomitable – you move one, following your creativity and passion where fate takes you. In the case of BRAVE WILLIAMS, that meant persistently pursuing her dreams, adeptly learning from her experiences and exposure and seizing opportunities presented until that eventual “right place, right time” scenario. “It was because of that experience [with the group] that I got the knowledge to start my own label,” admits Brave, “just to learn the administrative work a major label actually does. To learn the type of work that’s required of an artist…like the long hours and tour life. It gave me tools to really navigate and properly start my own label (Brave New World). That’s what I did after the group disbanded and then that’s when I put out my first song, ‘Ooh Luv Ya.’ Then I hired everyone I needed [like a street team], the PR and ‘this and that’ to get that song on radio. And so when that started playing on radio, that’s what got the attention of R&B Divas (TV-One reality show).” Like a fast-rolling, momentum-building snowball, Brave commenced to not only recording her Fearless EP with subsequent singles and landed noted acting roles in VH-1’s CrazySexyCool: The TLC Story biopic, BET’s Angrily Ever After, her first leading role in Netflix’s Love Dot Com and BET’s The Christmas Lottery (alongside Greenleaf’s Asia Epperson and Family Matters’ Reginald Vel Johnson), but embarked on her passion for philanthropy though hands-on work and involvement with Associated Black Charities, the Baltimore area’s St. Francis Mentorship Program and City Women’s Shelter, acting as Ambassador/lead lrainer for the Steve & Marjorie Harvey Girls Who Rule The World girls’ mentorship program (for 200 young girls from around the world); and advocating health, fitness training and wellness through her very own Brave Williams Fitness Club. The club’s specialization in weight loss, diet nutrition, personal training, tailored fitness plans and increasing muscle mass is a personal passion she takes quite seriously and a source of great pride given its results in her local community. “In the last two years I’ve transformed 3,200 bodies,” proudly shares ISSA-licensed (International Sports and Science) certified trainer, Brave, “from women who were morbidly obese and those who’ve suffered from diabetes, to heart palpitations and other illnesses. It’s always my goal to get them off the various medications and another thing that I’m really passionate about.”
In the meantime, music listeners can also rest assured that same exact level of creative passion was invested into every song that comprises her curiously-awaited Brave Williams debut collection. “I wanted to be transparent in my moment and that was the moment of writing this album and reflecting on everything. I want people to relate to it. I want to be able to inspire the people who hear the songs. And if they’re in that type of relationship at that time, they can use some of my records as navigation on how to handle what they’re feeling. My whole purpose is to inspire.” Sounds to me like the musical mission taken on by beautiful and multi-talented BRAVE WILLIAMS was much more than accomplished.
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furariginza · 8 years
hi i was tagged by my friends @akatsukinoito & @ilovecherrytotomatos so i’m gonna answer both of their questions and then make up some new ones! 
melissa’s questions:
1. Okay milk, dark, or white chocolate??
dark choco! 
2. Current favorite restaurant(s)?
recently i’m super into taco bell
3. Where do you want to travel?
giverny, france 
4. Do you like using a pen or a pencil more?
always a gel pen in hand
5. What language(s) do you want to learn?
6. How was your day so far?
i slept all day and i loved it
7. Any childhood dreams?
become friends with every person in the world 
8. Do you watch YouTube? Do you have any fav YouTubers??
i love trisha paytas and supermega
9. Favorite movie?
lion king for animation, coyote ugly for real life movies
10. Do you play any intruments? If you don’t, are there any that you would want to learn how to play??
i played saxophone in middle school and HATED it because the reed was wet and gross. then i did guitar and forgot almost all. did piano in highschool but forgot most. 
maya’s questions. .. . 
1. What songs/groups did you listen to in middle school?
i really liked this taiwanese group called fahrenheit + super junior 
2. What’s your hairstyle right now?
long with bangs 
3. Something that everybody seems to love but you hate?
smoking weed? gives me headache 
4. Do you know any good fantasy books? Because I haven’t read any good books in a while and I need recommendations.
i wish i had time to read anything other than textbooks lmfao
5. Go to THIS post and tag urself. Which are you? I’m :|
i’m petty or pocketsand for sure
6. Ever had to stop supporting a group? Why?
b** b*** and 2**1 because they’re consistently messy and making bad decisions.
7. Go to THIS post and when you’re done laughing, tag urself. Which are you? I’m Baekhyun.
i’m jongin gottdam it 
8. How’s school?
i love it and i never wanna graduate 
9. Least favorite color?
shit brown 
10. If you could have me draw fanart for any group/idol/person/thing, who would it be and why?
of my stupid ass boyfriend so i can look at it and smile 
1. which artist has the best underrated non-title tracks? 
2. which group do you think will disband next?
3. a song you wish your favorite group would cover? 
4. gimme 3 non-title tracks that you love?
5. which idol could you see as your best friend?
6. what concept do you want your bias group to try some day?
7. what’s a popular song that everyone loves but you just can’t get into? 
8. which idol would you be most nervous to meet in person? 
9. what do you consider to be the most challenging kpop dance? 
10. which idol do you think should puruse a future acting career? 
i’m tagging : @scorpiogfs @siin-b @glorydae @viewmp3  @min-sana @trasoshi @mytaengel @hunisthesun @taesgrl @yeeunspinkhair @cupidhara @angelsunmi / / you guys don’t have to do it if you want to, but if you do, tag me so i can get to know more about u too ! 
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Here, @soar319 I made a doodle for this one. Ahaha! Happy New Year, you made Gabe cry, thanks and you’re welcome! >x’DDD
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Soar319: This shit i thought of while listening to shelter by porter robinson & madeon, both the original and cover by Juby and lemme tell you I probably cried a little inside. It’s sad but has a happy ending I promise bro I mean one is happier than the other but still HAPPY ENDING PROMISE
Lúcio and Gabby are happy together, planning to live together and all that cute stuff when the war is over but Gabe dies before that can become reality, leaving behind his mask with some black smoke billowing around it
Lúcio is heartbroken, and the team lets him off missions for a while. He takes the upmost care of the mask, keeping it safe inside a box in his room that he dusts regularly. He doesn’t listen to music and doesn’t go look at the stars until Hana forces him to, going up to the roof and feeling like the stars aren’t as bright as they were
He turns on crossfade, seeing no numbers inside the two icons cause nobody was around. But he blinks when a little one shows up, sitting up to see who was there. But nobody was around… the one remains, Lúcio guessing that maybe it was a bug in his tech.
He leaves early from dinner one night, sitting at the bench that Gabe always liked to play his guitar at. Pulls up crossfade, expecting to hear his songs, but instead a guitar melody flows out with the little one appearing again. Gabe is still there, he’s the one listening, he’s still watching over Lúcio.
In battle, Lúcio always sees the little one, encouraging him to go on. He swears that there’s black smoke around him whenever he’s on the brink of death, giving him just enough strength to amp it up or get to a health pack. At base, the little one is always there, Lúcio smiling whenever he feels something like talons brushing across his arm or something wisping right across his lips
When the Crisis ended and Overwatch was no longer needed, he sits alone at the hangar waiting for his plane to pick him up to return home to rio. The little one is still there, Lúcio softly telling Gabe that overwatch is over, he doesn’t need to worry about him, you can rest in peace. He closes his eyes, and when he opens them the one is gone now. Gabriel isn’t listening anymore. He turns off his music, wiping away a tear.
He boards the plane, flies out and reunites with family, laughing happily and hugging them, how he has missed them! His little siblings are so excited to hear his stories of kicking ass and see his kit, lucio taking out the earpiece and showing them his crossfade ability. He stops as he sees that it’s 6 people listening
His mother, father, older sis, two siblings… who was the sixth? It couldn’t be…
His little bro asks why Lúlu is crying, big bro what’s wrong?? Lúlu shakes his head, nothing’s wrong, he’s actually so happy… he lives with the extra number on his visor, smiling whenever he sees slightly darker shadows in his room or feels gabe’s presence around him. but one day the extra number is gone and doesn’t return. He guesses that Gabe finally moved to rest, and continues living
Lúlu goes into a full fledged panic as he realizes the mask was gone one day, scouring his bedroom top to bottom along with the entire house. His family doesn’t know anything, Lúlu devastated as he realizes the last big piece of Gabe is gone. He shakes his head and continues on, at least he still has the beanie and a little skull charm…
One day while he’s making lunch with his big sis for his siblings the door has a few knocks. His sis goes over to answer it, Lúlu curious as when she yells for him as the person knew him. He thinks that it’s probably Hana or Lena, washing his hands and walking over while fixing his dreads. He stops dead in his tracks as he sees who was at the doorway, eyes wide.
Gabriel, with the mask strapped to his side, was standing there clear as day, a smile on his face. He gives a little wave, Lúcio’s sis blinking as Lúlu barrels into the man sobbing giant tears, hugging tight as hell with Spanish and Portuguese sputtering out. Gabriel holds Lúlu still and plants a long overdue kiss, Lúlu crying giant happy tears, oh my god how are you alive, it’s been so long, come in come in!!
The smoke around the mask was still Gabe, and usually with injuries it takes maybe a week or two to patch up; with the damage Gabe hit, it took quite a while to properly regenerate a body back, but he finally did it, and is back. Along with lucio playing his healing music sped the process up a little, and now they can live together, cuddle and kisses and Gabe gets to meet lulu’s family ———– The other version is lulu dies, he went too far to try to protect the team and while they won the crucial mission, it came at the cost of lulu. Gabe is furious, sad, and guilty, he should’ve protected his frog better but he couldn’t. He takes a break from Overwatch, going on an alone vacation to have some quiet time away from the team.
He listens to lucios songs, sitting at the ilios lighthouse and dorado rooftops reliving the memories he had with lulu. The more memories and moments he recalls, the more he realizes that no, Lúlu would have smacked him and told him to believe, this ain’t the Gabe that laughs in the face of danger and powers right through every obstacle. Returns to overwatch and resumes missions.
A mission comes around, and Gabe dives to take a rocket blow to save McCree. He widens his eyes as he hears the faintest sounds of Rejuvenescência, no… it couldn’t be… The team widens their eyes as they hear it too, wounds slowly healing up. They turn their sights onto the objective, rushing in to capture it; they feel a speed boost, an all too familiar song right on the tips of their ears as they rush in, a victory on the mission.
Gabe knows that lulu is still there, fighting with them. He goes to lulu’s grave, sitting down and closing his eyes. He lets his soul appear, and hears a frog croaking; lulu’s soul, a frog that’s ribbit ribbit and singing, hopping left and right. He’s there, energetic as ever, smiling and laughing. How did he miss at laugh…
Whenever he’s alone he would close his eyes and there’s Lúlu, smiling and encouraging him. Gabe feels a little bit better, knowing that his audio medic is there, even if he can’t see him. Each mission the team always has one extra support, always seemingly giving just enough health for them to win, the faintest music playing in the background of their earpieces
Their final mission, Gabe crashing to the ground and struggling to get up; he could hear he yells of the other heroes, sounds of defeat coming closer and closer. What chance do they have? They can’t possibly win…
“You gotta believe! Keep your head up, Gabby!”
With sudden surge of energy, Gabe goes in, each hero rejuvenated and ready to win. The fight is long and difficult, but they all pull through, victory sweetly granted. As overwatch is disbanded, Amelie asks where Gabe is going to go. He doesn’t know, looking out to the cliffs of Gibraltar. Move back to LA? Travel around the world? Go with his old friends or go with his ex-talon buddies? He shrugs, deciding to stay at Gibraltar for a bit till he has decided.
It’s a bit lonely staying at the base alone, the rooms all empty and hardly any sound echoing through the hallways. He wonders if perhaps he should live a life of solitude, maybe being alone is the best course of action. He continues to stay in Gibraltar, till a sound echoes down the hall. It’s coming from lucios room. Music.
Gabe cautiously goes over and opens up the door, the room empty like every other room. But a phone was playing music, sitting in the center of the room. His phone. How did it get here…? Gabe picks it up, looking at the track it was playing. A playlist he doesn’t remember downloading… he goes to delete it, but then he sees the title
It’s from Lúlu. He looks at the songs once more, eight songs, all made by Lúlu. The seven first songs, the first letters… Eu te amo it spells out. Gabe looks at the last song, a jumble of numbers and letters. He plays it, and he hears a new song. He didn’t even realize he was crying, as he hears the faintest whispers of lulu singing, saving the playlist.
Gabe isn’t alone, he doesn’t need to live alone. Lúlu is always there, his sweet frog, his audio medic. He closes his eyes once more, and there’s lúlu’s soul again, hopping around and singing his heart out. Gabe sees Lúlu, and holds his own soul, the owl softly hooting. Live life, Gabby. The fighting is over, you can rest easy now. And Gabe finally decides where he was going to go. But wherever he goes, he finds comfort in knowing that he isn’t alone, Lúlu is there, always playing music and hopping around.
And when he finally dies, he can hear the music waiting for him, Lúlu smiling and laughing like always.
I love this. ;u; Thanks for the lovely fic, man! Always. ;U;<333 Love the part where Gabe cried. I just HHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNGGG DUUUUUUUDE.
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fluffi · 3 years
i think it was because god's menu was released around the same bp and svt made their comebacks. same thoughts tho on gm > bd and i was also glad that bd got the wins gm didn't. and same with the streaming mvs while studying : ] ahh, the easily distracted people we are. (reading cut and litol font bc poor ppl who see this on the dash TT)
i've heard chinese ballads (usually osts of films and from a chinese friend) and their songs really tend to tug on my heartstrings. i hope sm gives shotaro more stuff to do soon :[ with some of the units being active and sungchan being an mc on a weekly show, it makes me wonder what he's doing. do you think nct will form a new subunit?
no, i'm not lactose intolerant so it really took me by surprise. it was a one-time thing. hopefully it doesn't happen again. i can't really say i'm a big fan of ice cream but it's good occasionally yk as a treat to yourself. and ahhh, i miss drinking smoothies. my favorite stall has been closed for nearly two years now, idk if they ever re-opened since our city mall burned down :[
i think it's an nct thing? it's why i never get tired of them bc they're always active in a way. you should've seen how things went down last year! march 127 album, april dream mini-album, may 127 repackage, june wayv album and the whole nct 2020 thing. it was a wild year. about the track, i listened to it once and forgot about it. might give it a few more listens but it might not grow on me at all. yes! wasn't a big fan of hot sauce at first too bc i thought the intro was weird (not jaemin's part, like the first thing that plays). and yes, that hook loops in my head 24/7. i even made it my instagram bio.
stray kids world domination indeed! and i agree that their performances were really impressive (specially the deadpool one, best one yet) but sometimes i would fancy ateez' more. i didn't watch kingdom too bc it stressed me out as a multi. always caught between being happy for one group and being sad for the others. and atz and tbz! you're still getting into nct and you're thinking of adding 19 more boys! judging from what i know your taste in music is, i think you'll like tbz's music better since there are a lot more soft songs there than in atz. but do give both discographies a listen in the future!
oh izone! i've only heard of them at music shows and dance choreo compilations bc of them being in sync. they're really satisfying to watch! i thought their title tracks were catchy as well! quite unfortunate that i never got into them really. but again, i dont think i can handle stanning temporary groups.
i'm starting to see a pattern in your biases :D i wouldn't be too surprised if you'll be drawn to jeno at some point in your dream venture. dream is soooo easy to love so if you really end up ulting them, i would understand why. and also, YES PLEASE WRITE FOR DREAM AND TAG ME IF YOU WILL. THANK YOU ><
thank you! :c don't get your hopes up tho, the masterlist must've been interesting to browse but are the fics truly worth it? XD i think not. since you already know koe, i'm reccing users @/rouiyan, @/nsheetee and @/loonacitys. i don't have that much fluff in my ficrecs blog. i think, i've heard of lvdsc before (maybe even read a fic or two) but i can't find their blog now. be careful in privating your works, you might end up losing them forever if you don't keep track of their links...(?) that's what happened to the works that i privated :/ take me with you if you move blogs ;n;
seungmin frequently left updates abt what he was doing, left good nights and good mornings, the occasional i miss you. he called fans 'baby' once. not sure if it was a mistranslation, or really just a one-time endearment. other than that, nothing beyond the usual. seung vlives always make me cry ;n; he always look so adorable and precious. also the gif, the fic was more on fake head-butting really but yes you could say it was also a fake nose boop bc it sounds cuter. i'll make sure to tag you on future seung content on the dash. (time to officially claim him as your ult, yes. dont make him secret anymore :3)
sorry it took me a while. tumblr went batshit. the ' werkl;' stopped working midway and i got busy with school yesterday. also haechan birth today and i'm so emo abt it. it's literally just a boy turning 21.
little font and cut saga lets go!!
(just kidding, i cant do little font typing for long periods of time, makes my eyes go beserk haha.)
true true, im afraid for txt on music shows now because theyre going against some big names (literally bts like whatj jsdf what was hybe thinking). yeah, streaming mvs while studying aka watching mvs on loop lmao. i still want to stream skzs final kingdom performance on instinct but i remember that theyve already won!! hehe
ah chinese ballads always make me emo, i like to scream out lyrics to the songs at the top of my lungs and sit there on the verge of tears. its a cultural thing maybe *sobs*. ooh, what show is sungchan mc-ing in? ill check it out. i thought sm would make nct japan for sungtaro (i heard sungchan speaks japanese) so it was a shocker when they made...nct hollywood lmao. given the current circumstances we're probably not going to get a new subunit anytime soon :( hopefully taro will have stuff to showcase during that period of time.
burned down?? oh my, what happened to your mall? that sounds terrifying. i remember when the front of my school caught on fire and we were all ushered out but we thought it was a drill and didnt find out till years later lmao.
oh true, since theyre such a big pack too. constant comebacks and promotions haha, nctzens never catch a break with 23 members. i listened to the new track again (ive forgotten the name already) but i cant- i cant do it. its just not my style hhh. i rewatched the mv for the godly visuals though. i dont know if youre talking about that 'bibididibibidiododo' part by that female morphed voice at the beginning of the song, because i wasnt a fan of that too. it grew on me though.
same, actually! im not an atiny and dont stan any other group in the show besides skz but i watched each groups performance and ranked them haha. at times ateez would rank over skz, it was wild. also yeah, my other multi friend was freaking out about kingdom and ended up abandoning the show because she was so scared of the fanwars and having to deal with her 'conflicting feelings'. about the stanning thing, in my defense, i have a list of groups i want to stan and ive recently added tbz and atz. the list is long, i have a long way to go! also yeah, i dont prefer ateez's songs and i have a bunch of tbz title tracks in my playlist but if i approach their discography like i did with nct then i think i would like at least five songs.
izone are my queens. theres a reason why theyre the only girl group who made it to my ult list haha! super talented and filled with variety and visuals, a perfectly concocted group (literally, sobs in pd48 scandal). ah, temporary groups. yeah i cried about their disbandment for like 3 days straight, it was bad.
a pATTERN?? INTERESTING. DO ELABORATE. jeno, oh my gosh hes like bang chan. an intimidating-looking bear whos actually filled with love and softness on the inside. im currently having a jaemin run though, his make a wish fancam is doing some wacky things. also yeah, dream is really easy to love. i fell for them so hard, theyre all talented and cute and adorable and the team ambiance is so nice. really rising up my stan list now. i mightt write for dream! ill have to see, hehe.
personally i think the fics are going to be worth it. i can feel it in my boOOnes. ooh, recommendations! fun :D ill check them (and yours) out after i finish this 30k jisung fic. ive been trying to finish it since yesterday but i keep getting sidetracked. also, i made a mistake. its luvdsc with a 'u', maybe thats why you couldnt find it? ahh. thank you for the privating tip though! will keep in mind. and of course ill take you with me if/when i move blogs. we're friends now! <3
SEUNGMIN CALLED STAYS 'BABY'???!!@)(@#*()! I SHOULDVE BEEN THERE ASKDFJDF. im exciting for the fake nose boop drabble!! i love soft couple moments hehe. also yeah maybe its time to make him my ult...hes going to have to compete against jake my beloved ope.
dont worry about being 'late' or anything! we all have our own stuff to do. also yeah tumblr is weird asf sometimes. if you havent realized i typically answer longer asks around the same time everyday, when i get to sit in front of my computer and pull out my clickity-clackity keyboard. super relaxing.
AND YES HYUCKIE DAY!!! HES SO ADORABLE HONESTLY. im in love with all seven members of dream, my fic rec blog is currently filled with fics for them haha.
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kpopdancings · 6 years
Why K-Pop Star Chung Ha Washes Her Face Three Times Every Night
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Why K-Pop Star Chung Ha Washes Her Face Three Times Every Night
Why K-Pop Star Chung Ha Washes Her Face Three Times Every Night
Raise your hand if you’re ready for Chung Ha to have a goth concept. The 22-year-old Korean pop singer has covered the bases for cute and colorful looks since debuting with disbanded girl group I.O.I in 2016. Now that she’s been a soloist for a good year and a half, imagine her swiping on black lipstick before taking the stage.
Chung Ha doesn’t hate the idea when I suggest it during a recent phone interview. “Maybe for Halloween,” she tells me as she sits backstage before a performance in Seoul. “One day, I would love to try it.” She even brings up trying out a midnight blue lipstick because she loves dark lip colors, so I swear I’m not the only one who is putting this concept into the universe for Chung Ha.
At the moment, Chung Ha is focusing on the concept for her newest mini-album Blooming Blue, though. True to the season, the music video for its title song “Love U” radiates summer vibes, including but not limited to, Chung Ha’s beachy blonde-streaked brown hair and popsicle-stained lips. “[The concept] might remind you of a pool party,” Chung Ha says. I dare you to watch the music video and not want to slip on your bathing suit.
Experimenting With Beauty Trends
Some of this summer’s most popular beauty trends also dominate Blooming Blue’s concept. I have to admit that I screamed internally when I scrolled past a photo Chung Ha posted on Instagram to tease the album of her face speckled with pearls in the formation of freckles. It’s exactly the kind of experimental look that gets me excited about covering K-pop for Allure.
For another promo shot, half of Chung Ha’s hair was tied up into two mini buns, her cheeks were swept with a lemon-yellow blush, and her lids were covered in a shimmery wash of bubblegum pink. Bold eye shadow, in particular, has been incorporated into makeup as she makes the rounds on South Korea’s popular music shows to promote “Love U.” Like many K-pop stars, Chung Ha consistently has the same makeup for every performance. For this comeback, colorful underliner is the focal point of her makeup. “I put on different colored eye shadows on my [lower lids],” she says of her everyday look. Today, she notes that it’s purple, but she’s also done baby blue and fuchsia.
My favorite part of the whole look is the tiny star-shaped rhinestones placed right below Chung Ha’s tear ducts. While promoting her last title song “Rollercoaster,” Chung Ha points out that she had circular ones on the middle of her lower lids. For her goth concept, she can do tiny half moons on the outer corners of her eyes — just saying.
Because Chung Ha seems so on top of beauty trends, I ask her if there are any happening in Korea that haven’t made their way to the U.S. yet. “I’m not sure because we can share everything on YouTube,” she says. True. That’s how she recently found out about cryotherapy. “I haven’t tried it before, but I really want to,” she says. Maybe we should get cryofacials while we’re in Los Angeles for KCON LA? (I’m only half-kidding.)
The Impact of “Rollercoaster”on Chung Ha’s Look Throughout our interview, Chung Ha repeatedly refers back to “Rollercoaster.” Its bright concept truly helped solidify and define Chung Ha’s aesthetic in the K-pop world. Not only was has it been her favorite concept so far, but it’s also one that she says fits her personal style best. The glow-in-the-dark makeup was fun, but Chung Ha still isn’t over the amount of glitter involved. I thought I loved glitter, but Chung Ha lives for it. She brings it up so many times I start to wonder if it runs through her veins.
With copious amounts of sparkle on her eyes, outfits, and nails for the music video, the concept made Chung Ha feel more comfortable than, say, the cutesy, ice cream-themed concept I.O.I had for its final album. (She names this as the hardest concept for her to pull off.) While in the makeup chair for “Rollercoaster,” “I gave a lot of suggestions, like, let’s do glitter here, let’s do glitter there,” she says. “I love glitter so much.”
Turns out, giving input on her hair and makeup concepts is commonplace for Chung Ha. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like input from others either. “I also love listening to other people’s advice, so I could try new stuff like the freckles,” she adds.
Chung Ha does have thoughts on her next concept, though. Surprisingly, the look she has is mind is completely opposite to her favorite look. “For my next concept, I’d like to go very matte with more of a nude tone,” she says. “And my hair not colorful, just black or maybe brown — really minimal.”
Chung Ha’s Go-To Skin-Care Routine Despite being experimental with her hair and makeup in her professional life, Chung Ha rarely tries out new looks when she’s not working. “Because I wear makeup all the time when I’m on schedule and on stage, I give my skin time to rest and breathe,” she explains. “I actually don’t put on makeup that much in my free time.”
Instead, Chung Ha concentrates on giving her skin some TLC with soothing sheet masks. “They’re comfortable and easy to dispose of,” she explains. Wash-off masks, on the other hand, aren’t her favorite because rinsing them off can be harsh on skin, and she’s all about gentle formulas.
Cleansing is also a key part of Chung Ha’s skin-care routine. “Even if you put so many good products on, there’s no use if your skin isn’t washed thoroughly,” she explains. If she’s wearing makeup, Chung Ha starts off with an eye makeup remover before embarking on a three-step process. An oil cleanser kicks things off by gently sweeping away any leftover makeup. (My favorite is the Banila Co Clean It Zero Original Cleansing Balm, in case you’re looking for a recommendation.) Then, she reaches for a foaming cleanser like the Neogen Real Cica Micellar Cleansing Foam.
Lastly, Chung Ha like to do what she calls “bubbling it out” with face wash that, well, bubbles. (She didn’t mention her go-to, but try the Belif Pore Cleaner Bubble Foam.) “That’s about it,” she finishes off the list, as if it isn’t an extensive cleansing regimen. I tell her some people just use a face wipe and call it a day, so I respect her washing her face three times. “Really?” she replies. “I thought I was really simple because I wear so much makeup.”
She thinks the rest of her routine was simple, too. Spoiler alert: It’s not. After cleansing comes her toner set. The first one is a cleansing toner. (Allure editors love the Acwell Licorice pH Balancing Cleansing Toner.) The second is a hydrating toner. Then, she smooths on an essence, a moisturizer, and a sleeping pack — in that order.
If you lost count of how many steps that is, Chung Ha’s skin-care routine adds up to nine steps. Occasionally, a tenth is incorporated. “If I would do another one, I would do eye cream,” she adds. “But I don’t usually do my eye cream. I forget.” Same. I’m glad K-pop stars forget to put on eye cream, too.
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