dufrau · 2 years
Alight bud, it's time.
2, 13, 20, 26 (I know you make, but the details!!), 36, 40 and 48
also 34 makes me cry a little.
Hoo boy lets go!
2. Describe your favorite pair of socks: I hate wearing socks honestly. I am barefoot as much as possible and in the summer I wear vans without socks. But I also like boots a lot so I need socks for those. I guess the pair I wear the most are like mid calf and they are purple and grey striped. Although I did buy some heavier winter socks this year that are like buffalo check plaid, I just havent worn them enough yet to give them the honors.
13. Do you prefer to write in pen or pencil? I like ballpoint pen a lot, for writing and (heretically) for drawing. But I dont have any ballpoint pens right now, I just have gel pens and I kind of hate them. I would take a pencil over a gel pen. I like the idea of fountain pens and I 100% understand why people collect them, but I am too messy I think to make good use of them. My handwriting looks like a serial killer's no matter what implement I use.
20. What kind of math are you best at? Addition and subtraction of single digit numbers. I only made it to Algebra 2 and I barely passed that class. Matrixes broke my brain. I can figure out what 20% is to tip people and that's about as mathy as I prefer to get.
26. Can you cook or bake? If so, what are some of your specialties? Yes. I am a very good cook, and good enough at following recipes to be a passable baker. The things I can make without really even thinking about it are roast chickens, basically any kind of beef stew or chicken soup, steaks, bbq chicken. Carnitas for tacos. I yolo salads, they always come out good. Heart kind of home cooking kind of stuff. Nothing fancy really. But its good and nobody goes home hungry.
36. What’s an arcade or table game (air hockey, ping pong, etc) that you’re really good at? Does beer pong count? Because I have had some triumphant moments at that. I would love to be good at pool but Im just not, and none of the super fast paced stuff works out great for me because number one im getting old and number two i am generally drunk if im playing games. I used to be very good at Big Buck Hunter but it's been a while since I've played so I'm probably pretty rusty.
40. What’s your favorite kind of tree? There was an apricot tree randomly along Pearl street in cambridge near my old apartment, just hanging out over the sidewalk. It was a weird place for a fruit tree, very urban and busy, and it didnt seem like anybody ever picked fruit from it because every year the sidewalk would get just absolutely disgusting with it. But I liked that tree because it was unexpected and neat. There's a sapling in our front yard that I was hoping was an apple tree but Im pretty sure its not. I like fruit trees I guess. It's just wild that you can plant a tree and ignore it and it will just rain fruit down on you. A miracle!
48. Do you have a favorite plate or bowl? No favorite plate. We have a multicolored set of bowls and I am partial to the lighter blue one because a lot of the bowl food I make is orange/reddish and I think it photographs well in a light blue bowl. I have a favorite beer mug, a fat little round keg shaped mug we got at Schilling brewing last fall. And I have a favorite wooden spoon, it's slightly rounded but has a great scraping edge on it for deglazing. And my favorite wine glass is a mason jar.
And BONUS QUESTION 34 yes i can read a clock. Genius confirmed!
(questions from this post)
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sea-and-storm · 3 years
BETTER WITH AGE : Ghoa Mankhad
PROMPT : Describe your muse at ages 20, 40, and 60!
Tagged by @afreesworn, so blame her for this rambly bit of quasi-prose because when I saw this meme, it decided to live stubbornly rent-free in my head until I finally sat down and wrote it out. But it's late and I'm rusty, so excuse the inevitable clunky writing and weird stream-of-consciousness rambling. x:
Also I haven't been on tumblr in a hot minute and I'm probably gonna go on a meme spree here soon so I'll spare people from a tagfest since I have no idea who has or hasn't done these. :T
So uh, if you see this and wanna do it, just.. consider yourself tagged!
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-- AGE 20 . . .
At age twenty, Ghoa is only just gaining her first true taste of freedom. It hasn't been long since she left the Steppe behind, fleeing a life of violence and oppression at the mercy of others' cruel whims.
Kugane is still very much a foreign land to her, equal parts terrifying and intoxicating. It is a city whose lifeblood is the trading of koban, unlike the bartering and trading -- and the taking by force -- that is prevalent in the lands she calls -- no, called her home.
Even more awkward to her is the earning of coin; but for that problem, there is an unexpected solution. Her name is Ino, a hyuran native of the land Ghoa now finds herself in. The only things that come more easily to her than her usual cocksure grins are the coins that she seems to have a knack for getting her fingers on. She readily takes the wayward Xaela under her wing, and together they begin to dream of schemes to turn their lives around. Gods know they both deserve it after the difficulties they've both already lived through.
At twenty, Ghoa doesn't yet know that this relationship born of mutual survival will soon grow into something more. Friendship. Companionship. Love. She's even less aware that the same relationship that pulled her up from the darkness of the past will end in yet more tragedy. She's blissfully unaware of the scars that this loss will one day leave behind, an invisible guilt that would linger with her for many, many long years to come no matter how hard she tries to outrun it.
As for the Storm? There have certainly been times in her twenty years that she has felt the itch of electricity arc across her palms, aching to be released. Yet she has kept it pushed deep down, kept tightly under control. Her upbringing has led her to fear the power born to her. Rather than continue to train to control it, she opts instead to push it down, push it away. It rumbles like darkened clouds on a distant horizon, the occasional faint but harmless rumble of thunder carried upon the winds. That rumble begs for her to let it loose, to let the rains and winds and lightning break free around her. Instead, she turns a blind eye, pretending not to hear its pleading as she looks towards what she hopes to be a sunny future.
-- AGE 40 . . .
At age forty, Ghoa has gone through a gamut of changes that she never could have anticipated.
She has loved and lost, and she has blamed herself for it. She's roamed far and wide, half searching for a place that she might call 'home' and half attempting -- without success -- to outrun the ghosts of the past. Her life has turned towards the dark, towards the selling of illicit potions and dangerous poisons and the ever-profitable trade of secrets. She has become a creature of hedonism and selfishness, closing her heart towards those around her and putting her own needs and whims above all else. She has finally learned what it seems her earlier years had perhaps been trying to teach her all along: that the joys of the world belong only to those strong enough and clever enough to climb upon the backs of others to grasp them. And she has vowed never to let another climb upon her in their own pursuit ever again.
It would have been easy for her to continue down this path, to continue down it until nigh impossible to turn back. Yet within these twenty years, chance has once again placed someone in her path that would radically change her life's trajectory. Rather, she met several someones. She calls them friend, lover, kin.. but most of all, at age forty, she calls them family. Blood or not, she has come to share a deep and profound bond with each of them.
Through them and their various trials and tribulations, she has come to see that she was wrong. Joy is not the sole providence of those who seize it by force of will. It belongs to those whose backs have been tred upon, yet still rise up from the darkness -- often with one another's help -- time and again. It belongs to those who refuse to give into despair and anger and bitterness, no matter how tempting. It belongs to those who are strong enough to allow themselves to be vulnerable and feel, rather than closing themselves off to everything and everyone around them.
At age forty, Ghoa can say without hesitancy or reservation that she is surrounded by those she cares for and whom care for her in turn. In coming to love them, she's come to love herself. Most of all, she has learned that her 'home' is not a physical place. It exists at a table full of drinks and raucous laughter. It exists in a conversation first awkward and quickly turned warm from a man who is at once unknown and yet achingly familiar to her. It exists wrapped in strong arms, even as tears well in her eyes and her clutching fingers are reluctant to ever let go.
Home is where she can be with those she loves, and perhaps that yet undiscovered realization is why Ghoa has been so very restless her entire life.
These past twenty years have yielded to her one more life-altering realization: that she can no sooner deny the Storm within her than she can deny her very self. It runs in her blood, electrifies her soul. Suppressing it is suppressing herself and, after all, had Ghoa not long ago vowed never to allow herself to be suppressed again?
Though the reunion has been long in the making, Ghpa's bond with the Storm feels like catching up with a long lost friend. At times, it is awkward and uncomfortable and even explosive. Others, they are in perfect harmony with one another. Regardless, Ghoa no longer winces at the rumbling skies as they approach, but looks instead with eagerness as the wind and rain begin to whip around her. Her breath hitches in excitement with each flash of lightning and roaring peal of thunder. They're discovering each other all over again after so long apart, and it will take time.. But it is a start that Ghoa has eagerly made.
-- AGE 60 . . .
At age sixty, Ghoa has begun to show the ravages of time. Her hair, once the color of breaking waves, has darkened and faded in vibrancy over the years. Lines have begun to form at her eyes and at the edges of her smile; their initial coming, of course, much to her dismay. Yet for what she has traded in youthful beauty, she's gained in poise. There's a certain air she keeps, a wisdom and a knowing sense that has come from a long life full of the lowest lows and the highest highs, from a life lived well and to its fullest.
She looks back now on the past six decades and sees all the past versions of herself with renewed clarity and understanding. The scared young woman just trying to survive the cruel hand dealt to her. The one who at one turn felt hope and love for the first time, and then just as quickly replaced both with guilt and self-loathing. The woman who convinced herself that she was better off putting herself above all others, caring not for who she hurt in the process. And yet, there is also the woman who found herself caring so much for those around her that she would fling herself into the face of danger to protect them at a moment's notice.
Ghoa looks back on these women now and realizes there was no one single point at which she became herself. She is the sum of all the parts of her life, both bitter and sweet. Even the worst moments of her life, she realizes now, eventually lead to change -- growth -- within herself. Though.. perhaps not in a linear fashion, as Ghoa was ever wont to stumble along the way. But with that realization now comes acceptance, peace, and healing. For the first time, she is able to look back at her years without picking out all the parts she wishes she could change.
Now at sixty, Ghoa has likely lost some of those she cares for along the way, gone but never forgotten nor less loved. Yet as always, the Storm within remains her most constant companion. Gone are the days where she fears its power or it roars out of her grasp unbidden. There is a mutual respect and understanding between them, and with that comes a power she never knew.
Once as a girl, Ghoa watched as Elder Unegen called lightning down from the sky upon herself and walked away not only whole, but embraced by arcing jolts of electricity curling protectively around her until she released them back unto the sky. She doubted back then that she could ever be so powerful. Yet now, Ghoa has not only performed the same feat, but she has done so in front of the next generation of Stormcallers. She will fill them with awe at what is possible, and she will guide them with a gentle but firm hand as any Elder Stormcaller aught now that she has come full circle and returned to the very tribe in which her long story began.
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lumiereswig · 4 years
man remember when i wrote fanfics? werent those the days
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friendshipismuses · 6 years
((hey guys! so this blog’s dead as fuck. you’ve probably noticed. I never really intended for it to be as active and loved as my Trixie or AJ, hence why they have their own blogs, BUT BUT BUT.... all this talk of the final season’s got me itching to do stuff with other characters. ones i’m very bad and rusty with, but i’m here for fun.
I feel like what I should do is make a wishlist! below the cut are ships I’d like to write / ideas in general that I’d like to write for each character. HEADS UP, it’s mainly ships and nothing too substantial ghjgfhjsjds i’m bad with coming up with thread ideas w/o knowing what muse it’ll be with. but there’s a few vague ideas in there.
if you’re interested in anything don’t be shy! reply to this post, IM me, inbox me, whatever. we can talk about it! I’m open to doing similar things with multiple people, too! we can change it up a bit. I don’t think I plot nearly as much as I should / would like to due to anxiety. lol.
anyways! yeah. that’s it. it’ll be under the cut. BUT IN CASE YOU DON’T CARE FOR SPECIFICS-
in GENERAL just in case you don’t know what to hit me with, i’m mostly itching to write starlight, fluttershy, pear butter, capper, autumn, and ember!!! I just feel those muses the most. those are in no order. so if you’ve hesitated before, try one of those guys!))
Starlight Glimmer
honestly, anything really. I don’t have any specific ideas for her. 
ships are always welcome. I don’t have any that I’m dying to write for her, so I’m just open to discussing anything.
but just some threads with her pals would be nice.
Twilight Sparkle
hoo boy after that trailer this is a lot to think about, mainly because I haven’t written her that much and I haven’t gotten much of a feel for my portrayal in particular.
bUT i’m way open to talking about it! I’ve noticed she’s the muse that’s probably gotten the most attention here. to my surprise. I kind of just added her bc I felt like I could probably pull her off. now I’m unsure. I feel pressure. there’s so many amazing Twis.
I really really really wanna write some TwiPie, funnily enough that’s probably my most wanted thing with her rn. That’s just one of my favorite ships, and I think it’d be cute and interesting to see how it goes. 
other favorite ships are Twixie and TwiLuna, not itching as much to write those for some reason, but I figured it’s worth mentioning. but Twilight ships in general are pretty damn good.
other than that, same goes for Starlight, I’m open to discussing anything.
i think I’ll need to see how season 9 goes before I have more specific ideas on where to take her, so as of rn I’d mainly prefer to just write before that until it happens and I know all the context. 
Rainbow Dash
up for anything, again.
she’s another one I added bc I felt like I’d be able to handle her, but I really love her as a character, so of course yes she’s here. 
would jump at the chance for some FlutterDash probably, bc I like it a lot, but I could write it with her or my Shy. doesn’t really matter.
other than that, any ship, really, she’s very shippable. my dash is of course a flaming lesbian tho i will say that. most of my muses are bi / pan but idk. dash just. girls.
I do want to just write more of her in general. She hasn’t gotten a lot of love here. Give the Wonderbolt some love. Not too much tho it might go to her head.
okay so I love Fluttershy ships, they’re so cute, how could you not
mainly though I think I’d most like to write Rarishy. besides FlutterDash. and like. again. I can do either end of that. Rarishy’s a big want for some reason.
platonic Fluttercord is my shit! I love them! I don’t really ship it anymore for reasons mainly regarding the fandom, but anything can happen I guess. It really just depends if she clicks with a particular Discord enough. it’s just not something I’ll probably want to do right away if ever. I’m cool with Discords who have a crush on her tho, just know as of rn mine doesn’t see him in a romantic light. Just a best friend.
stuff with the animal sanctuary! they haven’t really mentioned that again I don’t think, but I really liked that idea.
Fluttershy is one of the characters that made me make this blog, bc I really wanted to write her but not enough to give her her own blog. so if you throw literally anything at Fluttershy I’ll probably never be mad. I like writing her.
alright. so I love Rarity. but I added her later bc I always felt like I wouldn’t write her well. but the lack of Rarity here makes me depressed, so I decided I’d like to try my best!!!
would really enjoy to write Capperity, Rarijack, or again, Rarishy.
but other than that of course feel free to hit me up. those are just my favorites.
Pear Butter
more specifically, I’d love to do threads with any Apples!!! naturally. past threads or AU threads. I have verses for either.
not really that open to shipping her with anyone other than Bright Mac, but I have a verse where they did split up in case someone hits me with something good. all you have to really do is ask.
I’d also like to do threads with just about any character, tbh! I love her and I’m itching to see her interact with everyone, be it past versions or current. Please please throw anyone at her. 
IF YOU INTERACT WITH MY APPLEJACK BLOG, I’ll definitely write with that in mind, if you’d like. Like, some AU threads, since I do like to mainly keep her parents being gone a thing over there. But it’d make my heart happy to see her interact with AJ’s friends, even more so my AJ’s friends.
Capper Dapperpaws
I love this boy so much. He’s one of my favorite characters. I had my own blog for him but lost the login like an idiot. I just think I’m shit at writing him.
threads with him spending time in Equestria. learning how things work. being accepted and loved like he deserves. having a good time. all that jazz.
honestly kind of would like to write him as eventually somehow earning up enough to come and stay in Ponyville. anyone have any morally correct jobs for him?
just get him out of Klugetown tbh it’s no good for the poor baby.
but like. i’m 100% down for threads in Klugetown despite that.
I can probably come up with more specific ideas if you just wanna plot! I really beat myself up over not remembering how to get into the account I had just for him, truly. if I ever figure it out I’ll move him back there, no questions asked.
ANYWAYS as mentioned above I’d love to write Capperity. but tbh I’d be interested in shipping him with a lot of characters. so don’t feel afraid to ask!! also I’d shamelessly write more Trixie/Capper from the other perspective. my favorite extremely rarepair.
Princess Skystar
ok that’s it you can go
jk but goshhhh do I love that ship.
anyways, she’s another one I really haven’t written much. a shame. I want threads with the birb / fish. 
show her around Equestria or she can show you around her home! doesn’t matter!
another character that was a driving decision for this blog
I just wanna write about her learning how to be nicer, how to be the best ruler for her subjects
making friends, perhaps more than friends,
don’t really have any ships in particular for her, but i’m so down for suggestions, i think she’d be very interesting to ship with a lot of characters.
just dragon talk, man. i love dragons. i just wanted a dragon muse, now i’ve got one, and i’ve been neglecting her.
please send ember literally anything oh my god. 
Autumn Blaze
THIS CUTIE. i knew instantly that i’d make her a muse. i just don’t know if i’ll be any good with her yet. kinda added her right before being inactive. if she starts getting attention i’m definitely going to rewatch the episode for good measure.
just be her friend please. listen to her ramble on. she just wants somebody to listen.
would really like to write some Autumnjack tbh. I like that ship. you can hit my Applejack up with it too if you write Autumn, idc.
as usual other ships are fine, throw ideas at me.
really wanna see her just. interact with others. since she kinda didn’t for a while lmao. also the kirin are just so interesting. let her talk to you about them.
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