hakufoja · 2 years
I’m still here
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onchan00 · 2 years
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It’s been 12736289 years since I used tumblr.. ANyway Twitter dumps here  HKFG-verse short comics
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atupik12 · 2 years
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Them wearing nick and judy outfit cuz why not
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jesschelle · 2 years
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jazzaiko · 2 years
11.11 Pepero Day - cupiko
Pairing: Yusuf Hamdan (Ucup) / Piko Subiakto (Piko)
content warning: Pepero Game, slight kiss
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Originally posted on Twitter 
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tsinghsias · 2 years
(moving my son of hades!piko brainrot here because i love him and we should renounce that agenda everywhere. the piko di angelo agenda if you will)
piko's first day at the camp half-blood kinda goes like this: he was about to drive to his art studio before a mob of monsters in a broad daylight suddenly speeding towards his direction from behind.
terus ya panik pokoknya anjir masa monster beneran ada???? piko wouldnt even think theres another type of monster beside of new york's traffic jam. terus udah muter2 tetep dikejar sampe akhirnya dia motong jalan buat sembunyi.
enter: gofar sama tuktuk baru nutup bengkel mereka.
pokoknya gotuk lagi haha hihi hepi banget mau balik ke kemah mereka until they stumbled upon piko hyperventilating inside his car. ditawarin ngopi lah sama gofar (kasian doi keliatannya capek -gofar) terus mereka lengah n monsternya udah NGEJAR di belakang bgt
gotuk fully knowing what monster it was n who are theyre after terus mereka buru2 selametin piko the civillians pake numpang ((numpang)) mobil piko dibawa ke tempat aman (piko still drives it (padahal tuktuk juga mau) n gotuk settles with the monsters)
nah udah agak lamaan si piko berani ngomong kalo itu monster2nya sebenernya udah ngejar dia duluan. kaget lah gotuk kayak anjir ternyata ini ada demigod yang gaada pendamping terus dikejar2 monster!! god knows what would happen to piko if they didnt get him on time
terus akhirnya ganti rencana: mereka harus langsung bawa piko ke camp half-blood.
enter: ucup sama fella as children of hermes.
after the chaos had died down and the monsters had... died... gofar langsung buru2 telp fella yg emang stay terus di chb kalo mereka nemuin demigod
terus sama fella dibilangin hati2 kesininya yada yada yada telponnya ditutup. terus dia lapor ke ucup (lagi asik main gaple) katanya mereka bakal punya sodara baru (as in every demigods had to stay at cabin hermes first... iykyk) nah si ucup cengar-cengir jail
EMANG MOTIVASI UCUP JELEK kayak dia bilang, oh bagus dong? semoga anaknya bisa diajak nyolong sama gue (pokoknya intinya he accepts the new kid as his sibling tapi anaknya ttp bakal diajarin maksiat) terus yaudah they come to pick up gotuk n piko at the camp's gate
di mobil posisinya gofar di bangku belakang sendiri terus tuktuk nyetir, piko tidur di bangku sebelahnya terus yang otomatis disapa ya gotuk duluan (pikonya ngga keliatan soalnya diluar gelap udah malem + piko tidurnya muka ditutup jaket) trs ucup nanya, anak barunya mana?
yaudah tuh sama gofar ditunjukin piko lagi tidur. ucup then poked at the jacket. gaada jawaban. trs dibangunin pelan. gaada jawaban. terus ucup gatega karena tetep harus bangunin anak barunya, akhirnya dia langsung ambil jaketnya (something to remember: ucup anaknya iseng)
anak2 yang lain tadinya mau marahin ucup krn kasian piko baru tidur gila lo cup??? akhirnya gajadi soalnya ngeliat ekspresi ucup bengong total pas dia liat piko yg lagi tidur. Anjing. ANJINGGGGGGGGG. ucup bengong total.
pokoknya kalian inget tadi dia seneng2 punya sodara baru? sekarang boro2 seneng. nyesel yang ada. yang secakep gini masa jadi sodara dia doang. terus fella tbtb teriak kenceng banget (sengaja biar piko bangun): UCUUUUUUP KALO LIATIN ANAK BARU YANG CAKEP, HOMONYA KONTROL DONG!!
ANJING (2). ini juga penyesalan ucup nomer 2 alias ini cewek orgil kenapa bisa jadi sodara gw sih!! mana gotuk ikutan ketawa kenceng. fix ucup emang udah gaada harga dirinya. terus si anak cantik (cie ucup) (BUKAN SODARA GW!! -fella) akhirnya bangun trs nanya, maaf ini dimana ya?
baru pas piko ngarepin jawaban dari gotuk, gofar langsung (pura pura) izin duluan ke bengkel cabinnya ("sikat cup sikaaat" "anjing lu far"). tuktuk juga sama. (trs ucup udah ga ngarep apa2 dari fella.. biarin lah anaknya kabur aja) trs ucup buka pintu mobil piko
sambil ngulurin tangan: hai, kenalin gue ucup, sekarang lu ada di camp halfblood. tadi lu yang katanya dikejar monster kan? well, gue, gofar, tuktuk, sama cewek yang tadi itu punya pengalaman yang sama kayak lu tadi. ayo, keluar dari mobil dulu. gue anter lo keliling tempat ini.
piko's first day at camp halfblood kid kinda goes weirdly for his own liking (getting randomly here by a pair of brothers who later ghosted him), but-- the series of events that eventually led him to this camp was much weirder, and frightening, even.
but this ucup boy, that smiles more widely after piko shake his hand back, piko had a feeling that-- everything from here is just gonna get more, more weirder, hell, maybe he soon would see his own death. but atleast its nice. to have a company.
(or to have his dead body buried by his new company, perhaps. also, he then shouldnt worry about getting back to his apartment. fuck his landlord and the damn bills.)
(to be continued later maybe lolz....)
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kgchls · 2 years
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Inspired by First Love drama iconic scene <3
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vorondil · 2 years
Should the wide world roll away
Leaving black terror
Limitless night,
Nor God, nor man, nor place to stand
Would be to me essential
If thou and thy white arms were there
And the fall to doom a long way
Stephen Crane - Should the wide world roll away
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leaving-fragments · 2 years
that is not a rhinoceros ? 👁️👁️
no, but it has rhinoceros energy
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spitting tetra crew origins on the floor its headcanon moments these all go off tee saying ex brought them all there (ppt2) since i joined right when that game was released hgl;hkfg; Ex: Split off from his parents starsurfer crew at 14, earlier than he was supposed to, because he felt a bit stifled there (They were pretty strict about his magic and the use thereof, and it wasn't helping much with adjusting to it). Yoinked the ship set aside for him and bailed to see the galaxies. Ess: born and raised on the Tetra by her father. Ai: From a planet in the Lupis star system. Runt of his litter, abandoned on a dustball planet. Discovered by Ex shortly thereafter. Tee: Originally from the Ophiuchus star system, Snuck onto the tetra while fleeing people trying to capture him (Will i talk more abt this late? perhap) Casually dropped that he was being chased, and ex did not want him heading back out into that so offered him a home on the ship. Jay and Elle: From a planet in the gemini star system. Twins born on their planet are often born with linked powers, but the people in their particular village feared those powers and tended to separate twins at a certain age. Jay, who was just old enough to walk well, was not having this and managed to run off to find his sister. Ex happened upon him and elected to help him. Upon finding Elle, he ended up just taking them with him when he saw how the village's people treated them. O: Ex actually met O when he (ex) was a teenager! just a funky lil creature from a planet in the Libra star system. O literally just followed him back to the ship after being befriended and he decided to keep him. partner c: Zed: was being built after the addition of jay and elle, seeing as 5 was a little much for ex to handle alone. Good thing too, because...yknow imminent disappearance.
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
What's your favorite movie? Also I hope your week has been going well and you have a swell weekend! - 🩰
oh gosh i always struggle with favourite questions because i like many things and its so much easier to say whats ur favourite in [genre] but i will do my best. thinks hard . also hard cuz theres some bad movies that i can watch on repeat cuz theyre so bad theyre good .. god.. fuck ... UGHHHHHFLG;HKGFLHFL; HKFG GKHF L; HKFGH
i'm gonna say alien and then post this so i cannot change my mind.
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onchan00 · 2 years
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 Merch special HKFG-verse!  19-28 Nov 2022  Pengiriman dari semarang ya <3 
 Isi form dll >> here
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jerukecil · 2 years
#hkfg #piko #mrs #mencuriradensaleh
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aliorsboxostuff · 2 years
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Senja — Evening | hkfg | Cupiko
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jazzaiko · 2 years
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Pairing: Yusuf Hamdan (Ucup) / Piko Subiakto (Piko) Rating: General) Tags: body swap, soulmate au, high school
Ketika Piko berulang tahun ke-16, tiba-tiba dia terbangun di badan Ucup
Inspired by this 
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hizokucycles · 5 years
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Reposted from @gary_fixie_hk - 人生好難,做香港人仲難,香港人加油💪🏽 # #hongkongfixed #njs #hkfg #bridgestonenjs #njsexport #druginc #nitto #nittohandlebars #simworksbynitto #duraace #fixieboy #alter #fixedgear #hkfixedgear #singlegear #lifewithfixed #fixed #fixie #fixiebike #fixielife #hizokucycles Hizokucycles.com https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_nOWxnnPL/?igshid=6tipzq333suy
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