#HIIIIII gay little butch hair
killerchickadee · 9 months
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Imma properly cut it tomorrow but I wanted to hack most of it off tonight so I'd stop fucking debating with myself about it.
Hair go byeeeee.
Also idk why selfie mode on my camera looks like it's taking pictures in 2012 whatever.
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lesbianrobin · 3 years
Helloooooo, i just finished the witcher and i know you watched and want to ask you: what are you favorite characters and dynamics and what do you want from the next season???
hiiiiii so i will admit i havent actually. watched s2 yet. i'm waiting until i go back to school bc i watched s1 while studying (i would do some work and then reward myself with an episode kdcjdjd) and i enjoyed doing that so. that is why i am waiting. but i have seen a lot of gifs from s2 and been spoiled on a lot of stuff, so i'm REALLY excited to see the relationship between yennefer and jaskier develop!! i'm also really into geralt and ciri's relationship, it seems really sweet from what i've seen so far and i'm always such a sucker for adoptive parent/child relationships in media.
my favorite character in s1 was jaskier because i'm gay and predictable and after him was yennefer but like. i had Such a love/hate relationship with her dkcjdjcj which is partially just because she's a complex character yknow? she isn't always likable even if she is sympathetic but i think my initial difficulty with her also had to do with the way the show structured s1. whenever there are multiple storylines going on and the show cuts away from something interesting to go to something else, i tend to get kind of annoyed with the new thing if i don't find it as interesting, and i was usually more invested in ciri/geralt than i was yennefer's backstory. after i watched the full season and some time passed i appreciated her a lot more and now she's one of my favorites.
of course i love geralt and ciri as well, don't get me wrong. i care about them both deeply. i just kinda connect more with the sorta... nontraditional heroes?? geralt and ciri are complex and interesting and lovable, but i feel like i can point to a lot of other characters in various shows/movies/books/etc who are rather similar to the both of them. there's a lot of "gruff action man adopting powerful/traumatized/important young girl" content out there. and it slaps every time! but it's pretty familiar by this point. yennefer's journey is honestly unlike any other protagonist's that i can think of off the top of my head, and her capacity for extreme changes in personality and circumstance while remaining recognizable is really cool. she's a fun character And she makes me think a lot about the nature of power which is awesome.
idk how to really articulate just how special i think the character of jaskier is like i know he's primarily just comic relief within the show but he's just like. so refreshing. like it's So nice that within this narrative full of people with unimaginable power and grand destinies there's just this fruity buff guy who wants to sing and make his mark on the world who voluntarily chooses to get involved because he saw a scary hot dude in a bar once and decided they would be ride or die for each other regardless of what the scary hot dude wanted. AND he's a dramatic little bitch who rubs chamomile on his bestie's ass. i love him So much. what i want most from season 3 is for him to wear the gay little jackets with the puffed sleeves again because from what i've seen in s2 he kinda butched it up which. yes he looks hot and i love that for him and personally i like his hair way more now than in s1 and i like that the new look makes it harder for fandom weirdos to twinkify him. BUT i still miss the puffed sleeves.
anyway sorry if this isn't what u were expecting dkcjdjf thank u for asking!!!
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