#HI i hope i did leviat right!!!! i went back and read some old rp logs to try and get their vibes. i miss them
bread--quest · 10 months
mokita !! aaand 6 my favourite number. they don't have to be in the same piece i just couldnt choose between the two on what to send
hiiiii i swear i didn't forget about these! i just ummm was saving them for a rainy day. yeah. and its not actually rainy right now but i am waiting for the bus and whenever im waiting for the bus i am, emotionally, waitin' for the bus in the rain (in the rain). ok anyway here u go
mokita (kilivila): a painful fact everyone is aware of but which--out of compassion--no one mentions
All of the Masgor Marimorts know that Phanta's always been a little...odd. Talking to people who weren't there, smiling at the wrong times, having imaginary friends long past when she should have grown out of it.
Most of her friends have been imaginary, really. In hushed conversations late at night, Hazel and Joel wonder why it is their sweet little girl can't find anyone living to hang out with. She's all of 14 now, and mostly remembers the basic politenesses they've tried to teach her and doesn't usually mention ghosts for at least 15 minutes of conversation, and they think she's perfectly charming even if she is a bit strange, so why can't she find any living friends?
Shelie's hypothesis is that even if Phanta may insist on clinging to beliefs with no basis in reality, they're her little sister, and they've never done anything wrong in their life, and high schoolers are stupid. So there.
Phanta, for her part, doesn't usually seem bothered by this. And the rest of her family has become quietly resigned to the sad fact of it. And yet, when Phanta starts chattering on about her new best friend Leviat at the dinner table, Hazel still hopes enough to ask "And where'd you meet?"
"Oh, the graveyard!" Phanta says happily.
Hazel and Joel exchange glances. Shelie sighs. They all agree, without saying anything, not to push it. Let Phanta have her ghosts.
"That's great, honey," Hazel says.
an-n-n-nother day goes by! so hold me tight, hold me tight– or don't!
"I'm pretty sure my whole family thinks you're not real," Phanta says brightly, balancing precariously on the graveyard gate.
"Watch it, idiot, don't fall off and crack your skull open," Leviat says.
"Or– they think you're a ghost, and they don't think ghosts are real," Phanta says, leaning backwards against Leviat's good advice so the gate swings backward. "Whee! Anyway, don't you think that's funny?"
"Yes you do! I can tell!" Phanta struggles to lean enough to swing the gate back in the other direction–"Watch it—" and is eventually forced to concede defeat. "Anyway, even though it's funny to let them keep thinking that, I still think you should come meet them! Shelie would really like you, I think. You both like a bunch of the same stuff, like being good at crosswords, and doing surgery on stuffed animals, and hanging out with meeee!" They do little jazz hands on this last word.
Leviat rolls their eyes. "I already said no, and I will continue to say no until you give up or the sun fucking explodes, the latter of which is starting to seem more likely."
Phanta sighs. "Oh well. Doesn't really matter, I guess."
"Nothing does."
"Nope!" She hops off the gate and swings it fully open invitingly. "Come on, let's go see if they've come up with a new kind of pasta yet!"
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