“I miss sleeping with you.” uhh cecil @ carlos during the otherworld desert arc anyone
@oflegendaries  //  sharing a bed.  //  accepting + selective.
      “I know querido. I miss that too.” Carlos shifted, stretching one leg across the dusk-tinted desert sand; he pulls the other close, leg pressed against his chest and chin resting on his knee.
Carlos has never been the type to get homesick. It’s not really in his nature. Sure, it’s nice to go home  &&  see his friends, his family, but he loves travelling too much to miss home. For the first time since he was sixteen though, he finds himself homesick. The longing to be somewhere familiar, to be home, unfurls in his chest; it’s an aching bruise that lingers somewhere beneath his ribs. It’s as painful as Carlos remembers,  &&  just like before, he can’t do anything about it quite yet.
He doesn’t know how to get home yet, but that’s fine. He can figure it out,  &&  maybe he can come to terms with Hydra’s presence in SHIELD too. Maybe he can learn to deal with surge of icy fury  &&  sick betrayal everytime he thinks about what happened. There’s the guilt too, when he thinks about the way his research could’ve been used to hurt people.
Carlos can’t think about that right now though, so he sets it aside in favor of focusing on Cecil. “I miss you so much.”
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