magioffire · 3 years
something that i said earlier that made me go “OH”
everyone wants to love a fae but is anyone actually ready to love a fae, or even has what it takes to endure the love of a fae? fae are brutality and beauty incarnate. you can admire and appreciate and even care about nature and everything within it, you can even give yourself to the pursuit of the knowledge of, or the preservation, or simply the love of, nature, but how does one actually love a force of nature? especially without being harmed in the process? love is about understanding, about trust. and yes, you can *try* to understand a hurricane, a tornado, a forest fire. you can figure out how the hurricane forms, or how the forest fire sparks and spreads, or how areas are particularly suspectible to flooding or drought. you can come to understand how a forest fire is a plan for the future, a form of cleansing, but you will never understand why it happens, on a fundemental level. you will never understand why the tornado whips away your home and everything youve ever loved, why the hurricane drowns your home town, why the forest fire consumes your barn with your animals inside, why the drought saps your crops and starves your family, it simply does. how can you love and understand and trust these things, without putting yourself in the path of self assured destruction. it will not be mutually assured destruction. the tornado continues on it’s path of chaos long after it has bulldozed over your property. the drought doesn’t care that you had a bad harvest a year before, the fire doesn’t care about the scorched earth it leaves behind. it will not hesitate to do it again and again, because it’s simply in it is in its nature. and that is what it means to try and love a fae. you can try, and you might be able to convince yourself that its okay, that everything will end well, and it might, but that doesn’t change the fact you’ve put yourself in the center of forces far beyond your understanding. .
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