xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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No one’s... asked her that question. Not since all that CHAOS unfurled. The only person who at all KNEW ABOUT IT. Was the only person who DIDN’T NEED TO ASK. But now its finally been posed to her, Seraphina actually finds her breath CATCHING. Her heart STOPPING. If anyone had asked her when she’d first laid eyes upon Helena if she ever thought it POSSIBLE for someone to care abot her AT ALL -- She’d have scoffed at them... But not only does Helena CARE about her. Helena LOVES HER. (She's pretty sure this is love anyway... She’s never experienced it before...) “I feel...” Pause to ask herself if the word is TOO EXTREME. It’s not. “BLESSED... Like my Fairy God Mother found my OLD WISHLIST fallen down the back of her drawers and just made ALL OF THEM come true...” And she HAD wrote lists just like that as a kid... Call her a cliche but CINDERELLA & SLEEPING BEAUTY were among her favorite movies and fairy tales growing up for THAT VERY REASON. “I... I know how much courage that took... ESPECIALLY Delilah. And I know how much I must need to MEAN TO HER for her to stand up AGAINST Delilah like that... she...” Her breath caught again and her hands came up to her heart. Teeth sucking in her lips as she smiled LOVINGLY. “She was risking her LIFE. She was risking Delilah leaving her alone FOREVER... And I just...” Hands raise higher to SHIELD her eyes. Because she’s TEARING UP. And needs to hide the way its making her MASCARA run  If anyone had asked her when she first laid eyes on Helena LeBlanc. If she’d find herself growing to be THIS FUCKING SAPPY over her... She’d have said they were CRAZY. But then...
                                                                              Life was FULL of surprises like that...
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