croixart · 7 years
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archuve · 7 years
In Search Of Food: Bonus Date
I have a decided to actually write the date! Or was trying to but before I knew it the word count reached 5k and before we even got to the date! XD So the date is going to be in two chapters, one for before the date which I had a lot of fun writing and has actually written and the other for the actual date which I haven’t written yet.
This bonus date is dedicated to @croixmeridies !!!
https://worldsinword.tumblr.com/post/166916054278/in-search-of-food (The previous Chapter- 1/3)
Chapter 2/3
Croix looked at herself in the mirror, her fingers weaving and moving through her lavender hair as she murmured small words of motivation to herself. Today was Wednesday after all, the day where she would be on the date with the one and only Chariot Du Nord. Her fingers paused, her mind flashing back to the small moment of days ago. The way her heart pounded against her rib cage, how her cheeks hurt from smiling so much and how her entire face was on fire from just one singular moment.
Chariot Du Nord kissed her.
Granted it was a kiss on the cheek but it was enough to shortcut her usual thinking for days and nights. Her mind was on a repeat, over and over the scene replayed in her thoughts. Sometimes it would stop there at the kiss and she wouldn’t be distracted again from work. If she was a bit unlucky the whole day would go on, from how she first met Akko to how she leaves calling Chariot ‘ma Cherie’. Often it left Croix in a dreamlike state before it ends or an external source snapped her out of it.
Then, there were those moments.
These moments where in her head, Chariot Du Nord doesn’t stop at the kiss on the cheek. Some nights it was a simple kiss which lead them to kiss passionately, Chariot’s back against the wall whilst Croix’s hands roamed through her gorgeous red hair. Some nights Chariot didn’t bother with the cheek but went straight to her lips and on the rare singular occasion… Croix didn’t leave the house at all and spent the night there.
Every time, every single instance where Croix dreamt or thought of something regarding the beautiful redhead, Croix knew she was swooning. She either swooned in her head or in reality, sinking her head into the palms of her hand as she sighed with her emerald eyes evolving to heart eyes. It was if she was caught under a spell.
A sudden jingle of robotic hums brought Croix back to reality as she let out an amused sigh at herself, realising that just now she was in that trance she was contemplating. She looked to the side,  the corner of her lips curled upwards as her phone screen illuminated a message from none other than Chariot Du Nord. She picked it up, a slight rise in the pulse as she looked at the message before the excited smile dissolved into a disbelieving laugh. The user may have Chariot’s name but the contents showed the person behind it was not.
Croix: Why do you have Chariot’s phone Akko?
Chariot Du Woah:*Gasp* How did you know it was me??? :O
Croix laughed once more at her message before her eyes flicker back to the original message of the topic and laughed even more. Where does she get these things?
Croix: After your search for ‘food’ for your mum, I highly doubt she would start a conversation with a pickup line and of food of all things.
Chariot Du Woah: What’s wrong with mine???
“Everything,” Croix muttered under her breath as she typed a different response, her mind rolling back to the message before laughing once more. Are you an Ice Cream? Because I bet you’re sweet when I taste you. “And the fact I didn’t think of it first.”
Croix: I’ll explain when you’re older
Chariot Du Woah: I mean I don’t get it but I know ice cream is really tasty! So it must be good!
Croix: Good, stay pure and out of the internet. Croix wanted to add another piece of advice before something hit her instead.
Croix: Wait, didn’t Chariot ground you from the internet?
Whatever Akko was typing to her paused, then walls of text exploded on her screen. To Croix’s further amusement, her typing reactions made it looked like Akko was going through the five stages of grief.  
Chariot Du Woah: Ummmm I have no idea what you are talking about
Chariot Du Woah: Actually, I do got some idea, why are you snitching on me???? Like come on Croix you are supposed to be friendly to the kid whose mum you’re dating
Chariot Du Woah: Like we are supposed to be great friends, I give you advice about mum and you don’t tell mum about these sort of things. Let’s start now and since I came up with it and you start your end first
Chariot Du Woah: Oh who am I kidding I’m so dead
Chariot Du Woah: This is fine, I can live with the inevitable death that awaits me
Croix: Lmao actually how did you get the phone in the first place?
There was a set of ellipses before there was a pause and then they left altogether. After a little while, Croix got concerned with the lack of messages.
Croix: Akko?
Chariot Du Woah: Croix I am soooo sorry for what Akko just written
Croix: Ah there’s the real Chariot behind the name, how are you? And don’t worry it’s fine.
Chariot Du Woah: Well, I’m doing well and ummm
Chariot’s texting paused there, then the dots appeared, then disappeared. This repeated for a while until Croix got one message that explains everything.  
Chariot Du Woah: I gtg cause Akko is trying to get my phone
Croix: It's fine XD, I’ll see you later for our date, ma cherie
Croix couldn't deny how her fingers were shaking from typing the small endearment nor could she ignore the wide smile across her cheeks and her heartbeat that drummed in her ears.
Chariot Du woah: yes… I’ll see you soon
Croix was about to leave it there before another message came instead, one that made Croix laugh before revealing a wistful smile.
Croix chuckled once more at the abrupt ending, a message no doubt coming from Akko and in her head, she wishes Akko a safe departure to the world of the dead. “So far everything is going well.”
“So far everything is going terribly,” Chariot replied as she groaned into her hand, ignoring the childish boo in the background. She lifted her head, her red eyes glaring at the person in front of her. “And you’re not helping acting like you were Akko.”
“That’s only because when I tried to give you some advice you called it stupid.” Marjo rebutted as she crossed her arms and leant against the wall.
“That’s because it is!” Chariot exclaimed, lifting her arms up to emphasis her point before she walks up to Marjo and points to her. “You want me to give her a-” her words end there as Chariot’s cheeks reddened and her tongue becomes all twisted. “A…” Chariot tried again before the fire behind her words dwindled once more.
“A….” Marjo prompted with a raised brow and a badly hidden laugh. “Oh come on, it’s not that bad Chariot.”
“A private show,” Chariot hissed which made Marjo erupt to a fit of laugh. “I don’t know why you find this so funny considering you came up with it.”
“It’s the fact that your cute little head went straight to the deep end of things, when I could mean  just show an old dance routine you did,” Marjo said but the glint her eyes shows all the bullshit her words are hiding.
“You want me to do a private show in a secluded room, I specifically remember you said a bedroom Marjo.” Chariot said as she buried her head in her palm.
“I would never say that,” Marjo said with a fake gasp, one hand clutching her chest as if Chariot’s words wounded her so much. “I would never try and get my best and closest friend into some pretty person’s pants,” Chariot was about to open her mouth in protest before Marjo pointed her other hand out to Chariot. “Before I even gave her the talk!”
Chariot’s mouth flung open. She stood there shocked as Marjo collapsed into a fit of laughs from her expression. But before she even had the chance to gather her thoughts and project them into a lecture to her dearest friend, something else voiced a concern of utmost importance.
“Hey what’s this talk?” Akko asked, popping from the doorway. “Can I know it?”
There was a pause of silence. Then, out of nowhere, Marjo exploded into cackles but Chariot made no attention to her. “No, not yet anyways, you’re too young,” Chariot explained weakly, giving out excuses that didn’t seem to satisfy the curious child as she lead her away from the kitchen and to the living room. “It’s adult stuff.”
Akko seemed to understand that, she nodded her head before looking up at her mum with a curious tilt. “Is it something you and Croix will be doing?”
“YES!” Marjo screamed from the kitchen before Chariot turned her head to scream back at her.
“NO!” Chariot turned her head to Akko, whose eyes were gleaming with excitement, “No we will not be doing that, we will just have a nice dinner and then we will head back home.”
Her words made Akko’s excited grin fell to a confused frown, around them Arcas was barking wildly before he ran up to the front door and barked at it. “I thought you guys were having lunch and dinner?” Akko’s words drained the colour of Chariot’s face, dread obvious on her face as Akko looked at her with wide eyes. “Wait, you forgot!”
“Akko,” Chariot said with a guilty smile, “When was my date suppose to happen again?”
“Hold on a sec mum, I need to hold Arcas back from the mailman.” Akko sighed as she ran to the front door, passing Marjo as she walked to Chariot.
“Oh man, I haven’t laughed like that since you told me how Akko found your date,” Marjo said before she looked at Chariot’s worried face, “Hey Chariot, what’s wrong?”
“Marjo…” Chariot said with a glance to the doorway, hoping that the time she has in her head isn’t when the date is supposed to start. “I think I forgot when my date is supposed to start.”
Marjo deadpanned at her, “You are the most useless lesbian I have ever met.” Chariot was about to say something, like how that was hypocritical coming from a gay disaster like her or a string of panicked words tripping over the mess of anxiety but all words drew blank when Akko spoke.
“She’s here already!?” Marjo said as Chariot decided to run upstairs to get prepared. Chariot gave her no response but the slam of the door upstairs. “Okay, I need to see how hot this Croix person is.” Marjo moved to the door but before she turned and even caught a glimpse of Croix she was thrown back to the ground. “Arcas please,” Marjo said as she tried to move the dog away from her as he kept licking her face.
“Arcas continue!” Akko declared making Marjo find the sudden strength to move Arcas out of her face and sit up. But before she was got up, Arcas already climbed on her lap, his paw pressed against her chest as she tried to hold back the living marshmallow from pinning her with slobbering licks once more. In her determination to get up she failed to notice Akko sneaking around and behind her.
“What do you mean contin- AKKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Marjo shrieked as she struggled to find the strength to fight back Arcas with one hand as the other tried to remove the blindfold that Akko wrapped around her face.
“I’m sorry Aunt Marjo but mum needs to see Croix first before you or else you’ll spoil the surprise,” Akko explained as she knotted and then knotted the blindfold again before throwing herself on Marjo to pin her down with Arcas.
“Akko how many times do I need to tell you? Don’t call me aunt, it makes me feel old!” Marjo said as she continued to wrestle Akko and Arcas in the darkness. “And let me go! I am the adult of the house so I am in charge.”
“And as the daughter of the owner of the house, I am on a higher level of power by association!” Akko argued as she managed to pin an arm down, Arcas barked in agreement as he continued his quest to bring the mighty Marjo down. “Therefore you must stay down!” With that command Arcas gave one final slobbering kiss to Marjo, catching her off guard as she came down to the floor with a slam. “Down with the bourgeois!” Akko chanted with a laugh as she continued to pin Marjo down.
“This- this is-” Marjo spluttered, getting cut off with every kiss Arcas gives her. “This is Mutiny! Al- Alcor! Alcor help me!” She pushed Arcas out of the way once more but with a war cry Akko came and sat on her stomach making Marjo groan from the sudden weight on her. “Where is that damn old bird…” Marjo wheezed before she collapsed under the two overgrown puppies with a defeated sigh.
Meanwhile, just around the corner, the other adult in the house was facing her own small menace. It was one singular being but it was far worse and threatening than what Marjo faced squared and then squared again. It was a dusty old crow with white wings and a dimmed pale blue body. The four pointed star across his chest may have been a sign of welcoming comfort but the deadly look in his one eye said otherwise.
This crow was called Alcor, and from what Croix can tell as she stared up at his perched form on the coat rack, this bird will be the biggest problem she would ever face and that’s not counting the time she ordered pizza at 3 am and realised she didn’t own any plates.
“Hello?” Croix began before she started to inwardly curse at herself. She was acting like an idiot, and in front of her date’s familiar no less. It was one thing to mess up in front of the child, it was a whole new level in hell to mess up first impressions with someone’s familiar. She didn’t even know if the deathly silence the bird was giving her was a good sign or not, hell she didn’t even know their name!?
“Umm, my name is Croix.” She started again, once again being completely unnerved that she is getting no response. “Do you know where Chariot is?” The name of his owner made the bird shift, his eye narrowing as he shifted closer to Croix. To Croix, it seemed that she was heading in the right direction. “Yeah, I um… I’m her date.”
The term date made Alcor freeze. His head shifted from looking at what’s below him to staring straight at Croix. The temperature around Croix dropped drastically the moment her two eyes met one, where her soul met the cold judgement of hell freezing over. She was so caught off guard that she could only gulp when a rush of wind swept past her, messing up parts of the hair. Her eyes kept flickering from Alcor’s deadly gaze and the outstretched metal claw he wore that just lingered above her exposed throat.
The fabric of time collapsed upon itself. That moment, where in reality was a mere second, lasted as long as the years that this encounter had stolen from her. Alcor continued to make no sound but Croix heard his silent threat loud and clear. ‘Look after Chariot… or die.’ With such a clear and noble intent, Croix could do nothing but carefully nod in response. Seeing that the message was sent across, Alcor glared at her one last time before swooping back to his perch on the rack whilst Croix aimlessly massaged her throat before running her fingers through her hair to let out a sigh of relief.
“We did it Arcas!” She heard Akko’s voice cheer from the living room. Croix glanced back at Alcor, blinking in surprise that he already made no attention to Croix, his body seemed dormant as it rose up and down in a gentle manner. “We have defeated the monarchy!” Akko cried once again in triumph, prompting Croix to check what all the commotion was all about. Needless to say, she was amused to find Akko, cheering with Arcas running circles around her whilst a seemingly unconscious adult tied up with a skipping rope leaning against the wall.
“I love how whilst I was getting threatened by a bird you captured your caretaker,” Croix chuckled as she leant on the door way with her arms crossed, one more time she looked at Alcor to see if she got a response but the bird to be fast asleep. Or at least he seemed to be, she could never really trust the bird now, even if he is one of Chariot’s familiars.
Akko stopped in her celebration to look at Croix with a weird expression on her face. “You were threatened by a bird?” Croix stopped staring at Alcor and looked at Akko dead in the eye, inside those red pupils she saw the cool persona Akko think she was starting to crumble into who she really was, a nerdy gay mess, a mess in all aspects of life.
“No,” Croix answered after a long period of time, “Forget that I said anything.” Akko blinked, caught off guard by the sudden response. Seeing this Croix smiled to herself as she decided to switch the topic and make Akko forget that it ever happened. “Anyways, I heard you say the monarchy, did you know us witches have something similar?”
The confused look in her eyes vanished as the fireworks exploded in her retina leaving sparkles in its wake. “We have princess witches!?” Akko exclaimed as she looked at Croix with her hands clasped together eager to learn.
Croix laughed at the enthusiasm, letting out a silent sigh that she was so easily diverted and her cool persona still lived on in Akko’s head. “Not really,” she grinned as she rubbed her head affectionately before she flicked out her wand and casted a holographic image, further boosting Akko’s opinion of her. In front of them were nine different hats and Croix closed her eyes briefly to begin an informative but fun lecture to Akko. “We have what we call the nine olde witches-”
That was the plan of course... before Akko bursted out into laughter. “They aren’t princesses Croix, they’re old witches like great great great grandma trees. My mum tells me all about them.”
Croix huffed to herself as she made the holographic disappear before she showed a different symbol, one that was a unicorn shape, to many people around the world it was known as the Cavendish Crest. “That may be true, however, are you aware that some decedents of the nine of old witches are of a noble status?” She smirked at Akko’s shocked expression, her eyes wide with amazement as she stared at the crest before it morphed into a child with blond curly hair. “So in their own right, some are seen as princesses in the witch world.”
“Wow!” Akko gasped as she continued to stare at the girl. Croix smirked to herself, proud that she managed to open more of the witch world to Akko. “The girl is so pretty!!” Or her gay awakening maybe. “She looks like my age? Is she my age? Do you know her? What’s her name?” Akko asked making Croix laugh as she rubbed her head affectionately.
“Does someone has a little crush on a princess witch?” Croix teased as she turned off the holographic image with a laugh and crouched down to Akko’s level.
Akko turned to look at her, her cheeks blazing red and her face pulled the most adorable angry face Croix had ever seen, it was as if she was looking at a puppy trying to be angry. “I don’t have a crush-” Akko halted as her eyes lingered on something behind Croix. All of her anger disappeared into awe, the fire in her eyes becoming a twinkling flame once more. The moment Croix turned around, she could see why. Standing near the bottom of the stairs was Chariot Du Nord.
Chariot was dressed in a simple white blouse, a set of four pointed stars placed together to show the big dipper constellation was in the corner chest. She wore simple jeans and wore white flats to fit. It was a simple and casual look but to Croix Chariot just looked stunning. Croix’s mouth was wide open, her brain short-circuited as she gulped down the fear and slight anxiety that came with dating.
Chariot looked stunning, like a beautiful angel. Compared to Croix who was wearing nothing but a white tank top, a red flannel, black jeans and a pair of old converse she didn’t even look like she belonged next to her. However, the way her eyes tried to avert her gaze along with the soft touch of red on her cheeks made her feel that she dressed well, at least enough to impress. “Does someone have a crush on a pretty mum?” Akko teased next to her. Croix gave her an annoyed glare that didn’t look at all intimidating to Akko.
“If I didn’t then we wouldn’t be here in the first place” She turned back to Chariot who was just walking down the final steps to them. “You look beautiful by the way Chariot.”
Chariot blushed at the compliment, her eyes looking everywhere but her. “Um, thanks… you look nice too MARJO!?” Croix raised an eyebrow at the familiar name and from the corner of her eyes, she could see Akko wince. Chariot, on the other hand, rushed to her friend, shooing Arcas off her legs before she began untying her. “Akko what did you do?”
“Why do you think it's me? It could be Croix for all we know?” Akko said, making Croix raise her eyebrows at her.
“Why would I try to knock out an old classmate of mine?” Croix replied making Akko open her mouth wide as she went to assist Chariot who got rid off all the skipping rope and was in the process of waking her up.
“Chariot my dear step back a bit, I know one sure way to wake her up,” Croix said as she flicked out her wand and motioned Chariot to move. She took a deep breath, stepped back and then pointed her wand on Marjo whilst everyone moved back a bit more, expecting something grand or spectacular, instead, they just saw the incantation of a magical megaphone.
“WHO THE FUCK WANTS A VISIT TO THE NURSE'S OFFICE?” Marjo shouted, snapping awake before bouncing on her feet with blood lust in her eyes.
“Marjo!” Chariot chastised as she walked up to her with a mixed expression of concern and amusement. “Language!”
“Oh, I’m sorry Chariot. WHOM THE FUCK-” The repetition of her words before was caught in her throat as Marjo laid her eyes on the person behind Chariot who looked back with an impish grin. “ARE YOU?”
“You aren’t going to believe this Marjo” Croix chuckled as she looked at her, “But does the name Croix Meridies ring a bell?”
“You mean the scruffy weeb nerd who everyone thought was a loner and who also blew up a part of the school?”
Whatever Croix or anyone was about to say died with Marjo’s words creating this deafening silence as both mother and daughter of the family turned to Croix who had a flushed expression on her face. It obvious that Croix didn’t even think about getting that kind of response nor was she prepared for all hell to break loose after that stunned second of silence.
“Wait YOU blew up a part of a school Croix!?” Akko exclaimed as her eyes sparkled with an interest Croix knows she shouldn’t have. Her face broke into an expression of panic as she glanced at Chariot, she didn’t want her past to bite her back in the butt. It was unclear if Chariot’s vacant and dazed expression was a good sign or not but it allowed Croix to take a breath and try to answer Akko’s question as calmly as possible.
“It was a lab accident and-”
“Wait YOU’RE CROIX?” Marjo said with her mouth wide open as her eyes travelled up and down Croix’s outfit. “SINCE WHEN DID YOU GET SO HOT?”
Croix flushed at the blunt and crass compliment before she cleared her throat and tried to regain the situation. “I am trying to explain something Marjo,” she scolded before she continued to explain the context of her blowing up a part of the school to Akko, however, it seemed the aspects were already long gone in Akko’s head.
“Wait, if you went to Marjo’s school and Marjo went to Luna Nova...” Akko mused making Croix’s face pale slightly, already knowing what she is going to ask. “DID YOU BLOW UP LUNA NOVA CROIX?”
Croix winced at the sheer volume of Akko’s words, even more, when it seemed to stir Chariot back to the living. But before anyone can say anything else, Marjo turned to Chariot with a grin and a glint in her eyes. “Chariot for your sake would you marry this girl?” Both Croix and Akko turned to face Marjo, eyes wide and jaws dropped. Croix’s heart vibrated violently against her ribs as her cheeks flushed the deepest shade of scarlet. Chariot blinked once and then twice and then gave her response.
“Yes- wait what?”
This time there was no silence for Croix to digest the sudden information that was gifted to her, nor there was a time for her to breath. She knew that Marjo was playing some sort of joke, not in the way to tease or make fun of and maybe what she meant was genuine but this isn’t something she should take seriously. But that doesn’t stop her body reacting as if the news was suddenly real and true.
Her mind was racing, blood was pounding against her ears and fiery heat that came with it was drowning her thoughts and her logical way of thinking. Her throat was parched, the air in her lungs was gone with the sudden gasp she just made. Her brain short-circuited, her side infamous of being a gay disaster was exposed and she could only just hear what is happening around her.
“SHE SAID YES, CROIX I FOUND YOU A WIFE!” Marjo screamed with delight as she ran over to said person and began to shake her with avid excitement, one that she shouldn’t have after being unconscious for the latter half of an hour.
“MARJO!” Chariot yelled as she ran over and grabbed Croix and stole her away from Marjo’s grip. She held Croix from the behind, hands secured around her waist as she pulled her away to the side. Marjo looked at her with raised hands in surrender, an eyebrow rose in a suggestive knowing manner as Chariot narrowed her eyes and almost growled at her. “Number one, You are insufferable and number two don’t shake people like that, what do you get to say to yourself?”
“You already said yes and I know Akko is your daughter and all but I call dibs on being your maid of honour.”
Chariot rolled her eyes as she turned Croix around to face her, her eyes softened at the adorable face Croix pulled when she was all dazed with a red blush all over her face. “Hey Croix, you okay?”
Croix stirred, her eyes blinked owlishly as she touched the temple of her head. “I think so yes…” She mumbled before her eyes meet Chariot’s and her confused expression broke into a soft but loving smile that made Chariot’s heart beat wildly. “Thanks for saving me back there,” Croix smiled as she moved her way out of Chariot’s hold much to Chariot’s displeasure before she seized Chariot’s hand and kissed it with a wink. “I will greatly remember to return the favour ma Cherie.”
“Wait, if you two are getting married…” Akko mused aloud ruining the romantic moment between the two. Chariot heard a sigh come from Croix and before she had a chance to question her she could see why. “DOES THIS MEAN IM HAVING TWO MUMS?” Once again the blush on Chariot’s face deepened as she sent an apologetic look to Croix before she let go of her hand to hold Akko’s as she crouched down to her level.
“Akko my dear, no one is getting married.” Chariot said softly, she squeezed their hands together when Akko’s excited smile started to fall and her eyes began to water.
“At least not yet,” Marjo murmured, ignoring how Chariot sent her a glare.
“Your Aunt Marjo just wanted to do a bad joke and if you want you can be in charge of the house whilst me and Croix go on our date okay?”
The aspect of being in charge made Akko’s face become a complete 180, her excited nature revived as she nodded her head with glee, even more when she turned to Marjo. “I told you I have more power over you Aunt Marjo.”
Marjo baulked at her which made Chariot giggle. Her attention then turned to Chariot with her eyes sending daggers but Chariot chose to ignore them. “Okay we will be going now,” Chariot smiled as she kissed Akko on the cheek, “Stay safe, don’t ruin the house and make sure Aunt Marjo eats okay?”
Akko nodded once more before giving Chariot a kiss on the cheek, “Okay mum! I love you and Croix look after her okay?” Croix gave a nod as well as a thumbs up as she walked to the hallway, Chariot stood up and followed her.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea to leave Akko in charge of the house?” Croix asked once they were out of earshot. “I don’t mean to insult her by the way, it's just last time we left her alone she knocked Marjo unconscious and tied her up with a skipping rope.”
“Oh don’t worry, Alcor is actually in charge and I know he can make sure the house is in one piece when I come back home.” Chariot answered as she fixed her hair and searched for a suitable jacket to wear.
Croix paused behind her as an eerie sensation sent chills throughout her body. “Wait… whose Alcor?”
Chariot, seeing that she couldn’t find much closed the closet door and walked to the coat rack and stroked the top of Alcor’s head with a finger. Behind her, Croix’s face paled as she gave wry smile to the bird who was beginning to wake. “This old friend of mine and my first familiar.” Alcor gave a caw similar to a human yawn as Chariot turned to the side to look at Croix. “Have you two met yet?”
“Ahhh yes, we are…. Acquainted.”
Chariot grinned at her, she then turned to Alcor and gave him some instructions to help him look after the house and Akko more before opening the door and looked at Croix. “Let’s get going Croix before this date feels too overdue.”
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