yourvirtualpetzpalz · 11 months
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I might change the innermost ring color but I'm pretty happy with this alternative texture scheme. Maybe I'll post a dog hex next? What do you guys think?
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seafoamaphrodite · 3 months
was gonna let it go but nvm i’m pulling out the baneful magick
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mamangasick · 1 year
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The Witch And The Beast
Kousuke Satake
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amberlide · 27 days
hi,sorry bother you, but I like dark garreth and pan this fanfic, every (Blush ), amazing.....
Hi Anon! :) Please, don't be sorry! You're not bothering me at all! My DMs and asks are open for a reason :D I guess you're referring to my fic Hexed, thank you for liking it! I do blush a lot while writing it... ahah I'm sorry I don't update as often as I wish :( I'm considering opening for commissions for kinkoctober, but I don't think people will be interested. Anyway! To thank you for your kind words, here's an excerpt from the next chapter! It's unedited and SFW ^^
Chapter 13 - A hairy party
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome!” Weasley’s voice boomed from the balcony, capturing the ravenous stares of the partygoers. Their necks craned, and they held their breath in anticipation. “Thank you for coming tonight; I hope you’re enjoying yourselves!” His gaze swept across the crowd with sly satisfaction. “But we all know why you’re here. So, I won’t withhold your entertainment.” He fumbled with the lace of his cloak and tossed it aside, revealing his bare chest and broad shoulders. 
Everyone held their breath. Then, his body began to change. He grew taller, more muscular; his arms rippled, and his hair lengthened, turning a darker shade of red, along with his sideburns. His skin darkened as well. Penelope squinted her eyes. 
Was that an Aging Potion? What was so special about it? And then, she began to shake for no apparent reason. In fear.
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random-fandom-whump · 2 years
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Whumptober Day 21: Coughing Up Blood ↳ Supernatural S03E09
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rayven-interrupted · 11 months
Slow dancing in a dark abyss
I whisper
Just give in to this
Starving, I need all of it
Say yes..
Windswept stygian chaos
my eyes plead
I, the desolate goddess
the devil was no match for me
be my energy
my untold felony
the sapid taste of serendipity
Say yes
Say yes to me
In violet silence I have scripted
Eternally adrift amidst the endless darkness
my ink spills a raging sea
Spellbound I lift this hex of death
I scream you silently
say yes
just give in to this
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anin13 · 1 year
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The book at the end is “Wikihow to get radical, exaggerated, unwarranted self-acceptance” totally not by Karl. Inspired by the Lilo and Stitch chart and because I wanted a Ruki and Laito interaction
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raurquiz · 2 months
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#Happybirthday @ClaudiaLives #claudiachristian #actress #susanivanova #babylon5 #thirdspace #TheRoadHome #thehidden #highlander #atlantis #thelostempire #halfpastdead #hexed #911onfox #ncis #brokennews #everwood #nypdblue #niptuck #BloodofZeus #TheRookie #DotaDragonsBlood
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newattitude · 6 months
Hexed - Aura de la luna - KOKOS par �� ​​​​​​​​Pтιтɴoυrѕ Alтer ✰ Via Flickr : ✰ Credit ✰ 
  Hexed - Cruella Eyeshadow EvoX Unisex - Gothcore 
  Aura De La Luna - Triangle Septum - Gothcore 
  KOKOS - Earring Rokiti Gauged XL/S - Menselected Event open 3 April 
 NEW ATTITUDE ● New Attitude Blog ● Twitter ● Tumblr ● Pinterest ● Instagram ● Flickr ● Facebook ● Deviants Art
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yourvirtualpetzpalz · 11 months
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My .pet from my new lion base! I gave him a Russian Blue personality, so he has such a soft meow. His name is Mod. and I'm so excited to show him off! :) His spots grow out and his mane grows in as he ages, but his sharp teeth and claws (as any cat owner knows) are with him for life!
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kittyt-hexxed · 2 years
Book Two of Hexed - The Fury of Zaun (Vi × POC!Reader) - Ch.18
Next Upload Date: March 9th
Act 2: Chapter Eighteen - On the Inside
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Warning: Vi and Caitlyn argue, list of life-threatening injuries, Stillwater explosion aftermath
Summary: You end up sitting around the shiny new councilors’ table and get an inside look on the Piltover situation.
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When you met up with Jayce, he mentioned that he heard about you from Mel. To your annoyance, you end up talking to him about your House the whole way there. Viktor walked smugly next to you, secretly thankful that you were the one suffering in place of him. At one point, you jabbed him in the side before sweetly apologizing for accidentally hitting him. Viktor had laughed from a mixture of surprise and joy and jokingly told you it was an honor. You and Viktor ended up chatting to each other the last few minutes of your walk, though you could feel the discomfort radiating from Jayce as you did.
You quirk an eyebrow at the squad of Enforcers standing outside of the building. Having some form of security measure is a smart idea, but that wouldn’t stop you if you were serious about gaining entry. They don’t even bat an eyelash at you as you slip past them with Jayce and Viktor at your side. You were glad that they didn’t because you weren’t opposed to driving a dagger into them and watching their blood stain christen the repaired building. You were, admittedly, still feeling high emotions from what happened earlier this morning. Being a little trigger-happy was part of it. The inside of the building was just as you expected - pristine. You could tell that a vast amount of the material is from the mines in Zaun except for some outsourced materials. If you hadn’t promised Zealot that you wouldn’t blow this building up again, you would’ve been giving Jinx the go-ahead tonight. The Council’s conference room was a grand space with the only available seating around the table. You raise an eyebrow at the lack of seating for others. ‘Don’t these things take a long time? Other people who attend would have to stand for the majority of the time. That’s quite unfair if someone has a disability that doesn’t allow them to stand for long.’ The other Councilors in the room glance your way when you waltz in and Mel seems to brighten up when she sees you. Councilor Kiramman on the other hand seems to be torn at your appearance.
“Jayce. Viktor! Y/n!” Mel greets you all as she walks over, “I see you’ve met.”
“Briefly. I was visiting Viktor when Jayce came by.” You respond, holding your arm out, “It’s wonderful to see you again, Mel. A bit earlier than planned, but I hope I'm not intruding.” Mel takes your arm and gives it a firm shake. Your uncle had advised you to get in as close as you could to Mel. He explained that she was a very cunning woman, but as an outsider on the Council, she may not has as much influence as you think she does. You trust your uncle so you were going to take his advice.
“Of course not. Honestly, with your unique position, we could use your input on an issue that recently happened. I’m sure you might’ve heard about what happened this morning?” Mel takes your arm and starts guiding you away from Jayce. You glance back at Viktor to make sure he’s okay with the event playing out this way and he motions for you to continue forward with her.
“I did hear what happened from the whispers flowing throughout the city. It’s all everyone was talking about this morning. Do you have any clue about how it happened?” You ask with fake worry.
“We have a clue about it.” Councilor Kiramman speaks up, “But, we will address that once everyone is here.”
“Councilor Shoola, this is Y/n Pyre. A family friend.” Mel introduces you to a well-put-together black woman. You raise an eyebrow, realizing that you’ve seen this woman at Renata’s mansion a few times. She raises an eyebrow back, a glimmer of recognition in her eyes as they flick up to your hair where your horns would be. ‘It looks like I’ll be needing to have a private conversation with her. Whether or not I’ll need to take her out will depend on how the conversation goes.’ You file that information away for later.
“It’s nice to meet you, Heiress Pyre.” Councilor Shoola holds out her hand, “Although, I wish it was in better circumstances.”
“Heiress Pyre, niece to the Warlord Cassius Pyre and the Heiress to one of the oldest remaining Noxian Houses.” A very professional-sounding voice says from behind you. It strikes a chord within your chest and you turn to lock eyes with vivid blue ones. A loud, aggressive song bursts into your mind along with screeching from the Brackern within you. You’re almost visibly startled by their reactions and your mind is flooded with image after image. It forces you to close your eyes and allow their emotions to flood through you. You feel a hand on your shoulder - Mel’s from the sound of her soul song - and you clamp down on your connection to the Brackern.
“Yes, but I’m afraid I don't know who you are Ms…?” You pause, waiting for her to respond. You were feeling waves of rage from the Brackern as you gaze at the white-haired woman. At first glance, you would have missed her augmentation but the creatures within you would not let you miss it. Hextech. A Namestone glitters at the center of her chest and the sharp sting of your fangs is followed by the taste of rich iron as you try to keep yourself from growling.
“Camille. Camille Ferros.” She holds her hand out to you, “One of the new Councilors.”
“It’s nice to meet you Councilor Ferros.” You shake her hand and an electric shock races its way up your arm from your clasped hands. You notice a flash of confusion in the woman’s eyes before they flick down to your joined hands. She felt it too.
“Why don’t we take our seats?” Councilor Kiramman offers, “Everyone else will be arriving shortly.” The others agree and Mel leads you back over to Jayce. Even though you weren’t looking at Camille you were hyper-aware of her. Her Namestone was begging for you, pleading for you to come back and it was torture to sit and ignore its screams for help. That moment of contact had given it all it needed from you. It didn’t help that the Brackern within you were acting positively feral. Viktor gives you a concerned glance as you take a seat next to him because he can see that your hands were shaking aggressively. You flash him a smile to ease his nerves when you hear the doors open. As if someone manually turns your head, you find yourself looking at the one woman who can smother the burning rage within you. Violet. A real smile spreads from your lips to your eyes.
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The moment the boat was docked, Vi jumped off and started to make her way up the docks so she could go back to the Kiramman’s and sleep. She was feeling exhausted after being awake for the last forty-eight hours. Normally, it wouldn’t bother her. Vi was used to staying awake for a week straight when her mind wouldn’t let her sleep. She was tired because she’s been dealing with stupid Enforcers that don’t know how to do their damn jobs! Not to mention that they drained her energy and the little patience she had. Now that includes Caitlyn, too. Whenever Vi was in her line of sight, she could feel her eyes burning holes into her skin. She could ignore it with no problem but the other Enforcers had noticed - because, of course, they’d notice that and not the crime scene in front of them. Vi exhales in frustration.
“Vi! I swear to god if you don’t stop running from me-!” Caitlyn huffs indignantly, shutting up when Vi whirls around with an annoyed look on her face.
“I’m not running, cupcake. I’m tired and don’t want to deal with this shit right now. I get that you want to talk about what happened, but I don’t.” Vi hisses, her patience gone.
“We have to talk about it.” Caitlyn snaps quietly, “Your sister is the one who blew up the prison!”
“You don’t know that! Don’t accuse her of things when you have no proof!” Vi slams her hand into the wall next to her, causing cracks to form, “She’s not your scapegoat.”
“Who else uses colored smoke in their bombs?!” Caitlyn retorts, “Admit it, you know it was her and we need to find her before she causes more damage.”
“Here we go again.” Vi scoffs, crossing her arms, “And what are you going to do when we find my sister? Threaten her? Throw her into Stillwater? Oh, wait, you can’t.”
“You never want to talk about this! You’re always avoiding the conversation!”
“You ever think I don’t want to talk to you about it because you are acting insufferable? Your first instinct is to arrest her when you know that’s not what I want and it won’t help the situation. You’re always thinking like an Enforcer and if I wanted to talk to an Enforcer I’d go do that. I’m not running from you or the conversation. I’d rather have the conversation when you’re thinking like the woman who broke me out of prison and not the Sheriff with a stick up her ass.” Caitlyn’s jaw drops as Vi glares at her. Every time Caitlyn brought up the conversation, it was the same thing over and over again and Vi was done. She knows that her sister is responsible for what happened and it’s something she is currently conflicted with herself over. When she witnessed the rubble left behind, she felt so deliriously happy that she had to find somewhere private to laugh. At the same time, people were murdered. Body parts and blood were found scattered amongst the rubble. Vi needed space to think and sort out her own emotions, and Caitlyn’s constant badgering wasn’t helping her.
“Vi, I-”
“-Sheriff!?” Someone calls out for Caitlyn. The two women stare at each other as Caitlyn calls back to the person. Vi sees one of the Enforcers enter the side street over Caitlyn’s shoulder and scowls.
“Sheriff, you and Vi have been summoned to a Council Meeting. They need you there right away to discuss what’s happened with Stillwater.” They say, making Caitlyn sigh.
“Thank you, we’ll head there now. If there’s anything needed, please send a Pneuma Tube as soon as possible.” Caitlyn informs them.
“Yes, ma’am.” They nod and walk away. Vi stares at Caitlyn a bit longer before turning on her heel and heading to the Councilor’s Building. ‘I just want to sleep. Fuck, they better not make me angry because my fuse is non-fucking-existent right now.’ She grumbles to herself. The sound of Caitlyn’s heels behind her only irritates her more, and she has to take a calming breath. Vi made sure to stay ahead of her, not wanting to welcome any more conversation with the insufferable woman right now. She needed to prepare herself for whatever is going to happen in this meeting. They would immediately pin it on her sister and she would be needing all the strength she has to keep herself as calm as possible.
Thankfully, as she walks through the streets no one is talking about the explosion anymore. The dockworker over there had seen what happened and ran to tell people before he could be stopped. That’s most likely why the Council Meeting is taking place now and not later this evening like usual. Vi has no issues getting into the building since she’s been coming here for months now. She knew everyone on a first-name basis and even knew some of their problems at home. If there was one weapon Vi always had on her, it was her charisma. If she really wanted to, she could learn so many secrets from the staff and Councilors themselves. They wouldn’t even realize it. Without a pause, Vi walks into the Council Room, and her gaze wanders around the room to see who’s already there. The Councilors in the room are seated with only a couple missing, not that she cares. Vi nearly stumbles mid-step when she sees Y/n grinning at her from next to Jayce! She couldn’t help grinning back, feeling her annoyance vanish at the sight of such a beautiful smile.
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You’re on your feet before you can even think about it, swiftly crossing over to Vi and embracing her in a much-needed hug. You can see the exhaustion on her face, and it makes you wonder how long she’s been awake. From the subtle way Vi relaxes into your arms, a soft exhale of relief leaving her lips, you know it’s been a few days. Her being in your arms made the rage in your mind quiet, even if it would be just for a moment, you relished in the much-needed peace.
“It’s nice to see you again, Vi.” You say formally, stepping out of the embrace to clasp your hands in front of you. Vi examines you for a moment before nodding.
“It’s nice to see you again, Y/n. Although, I wasn’t expecting you to be here?” Vi tilts her head. You could see another question behind her eyes but you only give her a soft smile. She’d probably pull you aside later to question if you had anything to do with what happened to Stillwater.
“I was asked to come for my expertise.” You shrug, eyes shining mischievously, “I was visiting my friend Viktor when Jayce came by to collect him.”
“Heiress Pyre.” Caitlyn greets you from behind Vi, walking in with two other people you assume to be the missing Councilors, “You’re joining us today?” Her voice goes up slightly in pitch, surprise on her face.
“Yes.” You nod, hearing Viktor call you, “If you’ll excuse me? We can talk afterwards.” You meet Vi’s eyes and she nods. You flash her a smile and return to your seat with Viktor, getting a curious look from Jayce in the process. ‘That’s right. The majority of these people don’t know my history with Vi. I doubt Mel would have mentioned that to Jayce or anyone else.’ True to your guess, the other two people who walked in took the empty Councilor seats. You can’t identify them at first look, but you’re sure their names will be mentioned at some point throughout the meeting. Vi and Caitlyn take their seats behind Councilor Kiramman and the room goes quiet. You can see Caitlyn give you a strained look, her tense shoulders showing you that she was uncomfortable with your presence.
“Now that everyone is here, the meeting can go ahead and begin.” Jayce stands, calling attention to himself, “Around 3:12 am, two Enforcers were witnesses to the explosion that happened at Stillwater Hold. Instead of me giving a retelling, I’ll have one of the key witnesses give a first-hand account. That witness just so happens to be our very own Vi.” He motions to her. You raise an eyebrow and turn your attention towards Vi who seems like she’s used to Jayce’s antics. She stands, her posture straight and confident showing that she wasn’t intimidated by the Council. You’re amused to note that her hands are even tucked into the pockets of her Enforcer uniform, further showing that she’s not bothered in the slightest.
“I wasn’t scheduled to be on patrol last night but I switched out with someone since I couldn’t sleep. I thought I might as well do something useful, so I did my usual rounds before stationing myself at pillar twenty-six to observe the water. As usual, one of the newer recruits came by to greet me once he learned that I was on duty. We talked while observing the water as a way to pass the time. During the conversation, a thick fog rolled in and obstructed my view of the building. With the weather being the way it was, that didn’t ring any alarms for me. It was shortly after that I heard a loud screeching in the air.”
“A loud screeching?” Councilor Kiramman asks.
“Yes. I thought it was a bird call at first, but I’ll be honest and say that it made me nervous. It didn’t sound like any bird I’ve heard before.”
“Was the recruit with you scared by it?” Councilor Shoola inquires.
“Yes. He was scared by it, so it made me more alert. But, since we couldn’t see anything through the fog there was nothing we could do to investigate it.” There’s a silence for any further questions before Vi continues speaking, “I’m not sure how much time passed after the screeching noise but the explosion came shortly after that. I heard it before I could see it, but once the fog was cleared I could see the smoke with no issue.”
“And this smoke… it was colored?” One of the unknown Councilors speaks up.
“Yes, Councilor Dawlit.” Vi nods, “Various colors that stood out against the night sky. You couldn’t miss them. Not only that but from my position you can clearly see that Stillwater was gone.”
“Are you telling us everything?” The other Councilor arches a brow.
“Councilor Kippern.” Jayce frowns.
“No, it’s alright.” Vi shrugs, “I was going to get to the interesting part. I could hear more explosions after that, but they were significantly quieter. The interesting part was that fireworks were going off. I couldn’t hear them but I could see them.”
“Fireworks?” Jayce blinks, “Why would there be fireworks?”
“A loud statement, perhaps.” Mel drawls, “Or a celebration. Whatever their reason for blowing up the prison was, it must have required them.”
“It has to be Jinx.” Councilor Kiramman says firmly, “She’s the only one who has been caught using colored explosives.”
“What did you find on the scene, Sheriff?” Jayce directs the conversation to Caitlyn. Vi sits down and crosses her legs while Caitlyn stands up.
“Before we could even get to the prison, we had an… obstacle in the way. We found the Warden of Stillwater - Mateo Hill - hanging from some poles on the dock while unconscious and horribly injured. It took three squads to get him down without aggravating any of his injuries. This was our first clue as to the explosion being caused by Jinx as her monkey symbol was drawn on his back.” Caitlyn starts handing out photos to everyone, narrowing her eyes at you briefly before taking her position, “The water was filled with debris the closer we got to the island, so we had to be very careful. When we managed to get to Stillwater Hold… the whole building had been blown apart and what was left of it collapsed to dust. We grappled down into the hole and it was a gruesome sight. As we searched for survivors, we found multiple body parts…” She gives a full report, pointing out specific pictures as she talks. You couldn’t help but feel extremely smug seeing the wreckage. None of the people had been alive when it blew up, but they didn’t know that. The disgust and outrage from all of the Councilors had you interested in what they said. You could tell who didn’t really care for the supposed deaths and who was genuinely upset.
“Viktor, you’ve seen Undercity tech. Do you have any idea what kind of explosive would have been needed for this? How Jinx would’ve made it?” Jayce asks, drawing attention to the two of you as you’ve been quietly conversing over the images.
“From the pictures, it’s hard to say. Zaun has access to a plethora of materials Piltover has no idea of. She could have used any number of them to create a bomb for this. From some of the marks on the stone, it looks like there was some kind of corrosive chemical in it. It must’ve eaten away at the foundation before it was detonated.” Viktor explains, “But, this is clearly the work of multiple explosives. Even one strategically placed wouldn’t have brought the whole building down.”
“So, she couldn’t have done this alone.” Councilor Ferros points out, making the Brackern’s anger flair up, “That’s a lot for one person to do in a highly secured prison.”
“Do we have any inside information?” Councilor Shoola taps her fingers on the table, gazing off in thought.
“We don’t know what happened inside the prison and our only witness is currently… incapacitated.” Caitlyn sighs in frustration, forcing you to look down to hide a smile.
“What are Mr.Hill’s injuries?” Jayce frowns. ‘Oh, I have to see Vi’s face for this. I don’t even know about his injuries. Jinx and I weren’t exactly gentle.’ You look up and pointedly wait until you make eye contact with Vi. She gives you a questioning look, her head tilting and making a strand of hair fall into her face. Your heart flutters in your chest at the image she’s giving off. Her being in an Enforcer’s uniform irks you, but the image of Vi in a uniform makes you squeeze your legs together? ‘Did my heart just skip a beat? What am I doing?’ You force your legs to relax.
“-list of injuries from the ICU. Starting at the top of his body and working our way down - basilar cranial fracturing, concussion, broken jawbone, heavy facial bruising, fractured collarbone, multiple bruises along the upper body, broken ribs and rope burns from being tied up. As a result of heavy handling, the broken bones have shifted and will need to be reset before he’s given a Healing Tonic.” Caitlyn hands out the signed doctor’s report and it gets passed around the table. You’re unable to see Vi’s expression because you’re immediately pulled into a conversation with Mel.
“Y/n.” Mel addresses you, “Do you have any idea if there are people working with Jinx? I’m sure you’ve heard or seen things since you live in the Undercity.” All eyes turn to you and you clear your throat, slowly standing up as you formulate a story.
“Those of us in the Undercity tend to stay far away from Jinx. She’s volatile and unpredictable.” You frown and cross your arms over your chest, “But, I’ve heard whispers about Jinx getting close with one of the newer gangs - The Furies. From what I heard, their leader is just as unpredictable as Jinx is. I don’t get involved in gang business, especially when the rumors around said gang is appalling.”
They continued to ask you questions and you answered them with incomplete truths. You were careful to leave out specific details and give vague ones if necessary. Vi’s lips twitched into a smile as she picked up on what you were doing. Caitlyn didn’t take her eyes off of you the whole time and you disregarded her. The Councilors ended up in a deep debate on what to do about Jinx and what to say about Stillwater. You did your best to steer them toward an option that works in your favor. Throughout the meeting, you learn that Councilor Ferros is someone you need to look out for. But, the most interesting thing was how Mel and Councilor Shoola tried to go for more tamer options.
“It has been decided. We will set up regular patrols within the city to keep an eye out for Jinx. Thankfully, it shouldn’t be too difficult to spot someone with red hair.” Jayce sighs, making you blink. Vi signals you from across the room, running a hand through her hair as she repositions herself. ‘She’s the one who gave them her description?!’ You bite your tongue, holding in a snicker. You feel Viktor kick your ankle and you give him a look. He motions to your hands and you glance down to see your claws glitter back at you. A flash of panic goes through you and you force them to change back. ‘Shit, I really need to talk to Iesura and Umbra after this. If they’re that angry that I’m reacting without realizing it, this must be very serious.’
“-official statement that Stillwater Hold had an unfortunate accident where a gas line exploded. The discovery of Mr.Hill will not be disclosed, and the dock worker is already under strict obligation to remain silent on it. If we tell the people about Jinx, it’ll only freak them out. Thankfully, the only other people that know are within this room.” Councilor Kiramman concludes the meeting, going over the final notes and tying up any loose ends. The moment the Council is dismissed, Vi is out of her chair and coming over to you.
“Thank you for coming to the meeting.” Jayce says to you, shaking your hand, “Your perspective as someone living in Zaun has been invaluable.” You try not to wrinkle your nose at his sweaty hand.
“I’m glad I could be of some help.” You smile, subtly wiping your hand on the back of your thigh. Vi brushes past Jayce, getting a slight glare from the man at her disrespectful actions.
“You’ve got a second to talk, Y/n?” Vi asks you.
“Of course, I do.” You nod, a soft smile on your face. You hear the clicking of heels and glance to the side to see Mel approaching with Caitlyn right behind her.
“Actually, I was hoping to speak with you. I planned on sending a missive today, but I’d prefer to do it now since you’re here.” Mel states before glancing between you and Vi, “If you have a moment to spare, that is?” She gives you a sly smile. ‘Speak with me? About what?’ You puzzle. The only thing you can think of would involve House business.
“Yes.” You clear your throat, feeling your cheeks warm, “I do. Where would you like to have this meeting?”
“Why not the Visitor’s Hall?” Vi offers, cutting Caitlyn off before she can speak, “I can stand guard, just in case.” You smile at that. You can see in Vi’s piercing eyes that she doesn’t want to let you out of her sight.
���Perfect.” Mel agrees, motioning to the door, “Shall we?” You hold up a hand and turn to Viktor.
“If you’re heading back before I’m done, can you let my brother know that I’ll be there soon?” You ask Viktor, watching him nod.
“Don’t worry. Sky and I will keep him busy until you return.” Viktor chuckles, “I have a few things to show him that I could use his help on.”
“Great!” You grin, turning back to Mel, “Let’s go.” You and Mel are escorted by Vi to the Visitor’s Hall which is more of a very large room. There’s a bar with an assortment of drinks and finger food and a few couches to sit on. Vi tells you that she’ll wait outside until you’re done talking, and that makes you feel relaxed. ‘Although, the reason she’s waiting is so she can grill me about Stillwater. It’s still nice to have her close to me.’
“So, Mel, what can I do for you?” You take a seat across from the woman. Mel shifts in her seat, glancing down at her hands before sighing.
“I’m afraid that I don’t have as great of an influence on the Council as I once did.” Mel says out of the gate, shocking you, “With the others dead, Cassandra now holds seniority and the most sway. I am not of Piltoven blood, so that already limited my position… but now the newer elected members all hold very similar views to her.”
“Mel… I- Why are you telling me this?” You stutter, caught off-guard by her sudden openness.
“Our families are Battle-bonded so I figured…” Mel trails off, taking a sip of some water she had grabbed on your way in. ‘Oh.’ You blink. ‘Mel… wanted someone to confide in? This is a large difference from the woman I met the other night.’ You observe her.
“It would be nice to have a confidant you can trust not to expose you?”
“Exactly.” Mel sighs, “I’ve taken steps to ensure my place on the Council, to build myself up, but at the end of the day I’m still under Cassandra’s thumb.”
“Pardon me for asking but… what about Jayce? Or Councilor Shoola?” You tilt your head.
“Jayce?” Mel laughs, “Oh, no. Jayce is too easy to manipulate. He’d be spilling all of my secrets to the right person and I can’t have that. And, Shoola? Well, she’s a woman with her own secrets. We’re soft friends, but nowhere close enough for this.” You nod and let her continue talking. Mel ends up rambling to you about everything. The sweet, delicate melody of her soul filled the room as she talked, and it made you misty-eyed. Not only was she telling you the truth, but she genuinely felt comfortable doing so. She had been holding so much in that the first sign of someone she could truly trust… she broke. Mel told you about her mother, her exile, how she became a Councilor, how she manipulated another Councilor to solidify her spot, and - what makes you choke on your water - how she felt horrible for what’s happening with Vi.
“Ex-cuse- Me.” You cough, fighting to not inhale the water in your mouth. It takes a bit longer than you’d like, but Mel’s patient with you.
“What do you mean by that? What’s going on with Vi?” You question, eyes widening as you do.
“She’s stuck with the Kirammans. I tried to get her transferred to me after I noticed that she was exhausted all the time, but I was turned down.” Mel frowns, “I’m afraid that Cassandra might be working her too hard and you seem very close to her, so I thought I’d mention it to you. Maybe visiting her one evening might help her relax? From the few times I’ve seen you two interact, you’re very relaxed in her presence.” She states, watching as you look down at your wrist. Your ice cream tattoo smiles up at you.
“Now that I know she’s okay… I just might.” You flash her a smile, “Is that all you wished to talk about?”
“Yes, sorry.” Mel chuckles, playing with her fingers, “I didn’t mean to ramble like that to you.”
“Don’t worry. House confidentiality.” You grasp her forearm tightly, “I appreciate you trusting me with this.” You really did. You expected it to take much longer, but you could see the loneliness in Mel’s soul. Although a successful adult, her soul song spoke of a young girl who desired nothing more than to be loved and recognized. You’re touched to hear a happier note to it, now that she has confided in you.
“Thank you for listening.” Mel gives you a very soft smile, her eyes shining with unshed tears, “I’ll send Vi in when I leave. I hope we can converse again soon.” You liked the sound of that. You were glad that you didn’t doubt your uncle. You would have felt ashamed if you had doubted him at first.
“Likewise.” You nod, watching as she stands, “It was wonderful to get to know you.” Mel gives you another smile before schooling her features and heading out of the room. A minute passes and you wait for Vi to enter. When the door opens, you turn to it with a bright smile only to scowl when you see Caitlyn come storming in.
“I don’t know what reason you have for being here, but you’re not welcome!” Caitlyn snaps, “Leave before I tell them who you are!”
“Caitlyn.” You chuckle, standing up from the couch to approach her, “Did you forget how easy it was for Jinx to kidnap you? Now think of how easy it will be for me to sneak into your room and kill you.” You whisper into her ear, glancing at her terrified face with a smirk. You shove past her and head for the door, intending on finding Vi. She wouldn’t have let Caitlyn in here if she wasn’t busy with something.
“You can’t threaten me!” Caitlyn calls from behind you. You pause and turn to her, your eyes glowing as you do.
“No, Sheriff. You can’t threaten me.” You smile darkly, “Have a fun time cleaning up Stillwater or what’s left of it anyway.” With a wave, you open the door and step out to see Vi in a conversation with Cassandra Kiramman herself. ‘Hm, so that’s why she let Caitlyn in.’ You put a smile on your face as you approach and the sound of your boots gets their attention.
“Heiress Pyre.” Councilor Kiramman greets you, “I hope you don’t mind me having a word with Vi.”
“Councilor.” You nod, “I don’t mind, but I’m afraid I need Vi to show me the way back to Jayce’s workshop. I have a feeling I’ll get lost trying to head there on my own.” You give a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of your neck for emphasis.
“Of course, we wouldn’t want that.” Councilor Kiramman clears her throat, “Get her there safely.” She sternly addresses Vi and you hear Caitlyn come out of the room. Your fingers twitch at her treatment of Vi, and you take a deep breath. Vi doesn’t bother responding, only giving a nod before holding out her arm to you. You take it and the two of you immediately begin walking down the hall. Your body starts thrumming with energy at the physical contact and it startles you, so you decide to distract yourself.
“If you’re wondering about Stillwater… Yes. It was us.” You say casually, using your magic to create a privacy ward, “No one can hear what we’re talking about by the way. Whoever walks by will only hear us talking about something else.”
“Then, why?” Vi glances at you, “Why would you do that? I know that group you were talking about is yours. They may not understand but I do.”
“Short answer. You. They hurt you. Long answer. It was time for our people who were unjustly imprisoned to be set free.”
“…Why didn’t you kill the Warden, then?” You can hear the strain of her holding back the anger in her voice, “From how extensive his injuries were, you held back from killing him.”
“Killing him is your right.” You state firmly, making Vi halt in the middle of the stairs, “Jinx and I agreed on that before we got there. We’re not taking that from you.” A dark look appears in Vi’s eyes as she holds your gaze. You search for an indication of what she’s thinking, but you can’t tell what it is. ‘She must be feeling a lot of emotions right now.’ Vi exhales, closing her eyes and shaking her head to clear her thoughts.
“That’s...” She struggles to speak, walking down the stairs as she thinks, “not what I want.” You hold in a scoff, not wanting to upset her.
“Well, the option is there.” You shrug, “If you decide that’s what you want.” The conversation falls silent as you both think about Vi’s decision. You were a bit frustrated to hear her say that because you knew she wanted to. ‘Why is she running from herself?’ You furrow your brow. Something about Vi had felt off since she returned home, but you haven’t been able to put a finger on it.
“Will I see you again? Outside of all this mess.” Vi asks as you stop outside of the building, “I… would like to.” The two of you turn to face each other, and you grab her hands in yours.
“Are you asking me out on a date, Violet?” You question teasingly, but you’re actually surprised.
“Yeah, I am.” Vi tugs you closer, “I miss you and I want to take you on a date.”
“Tomorrow, then.” You grin, your heart fluttering, “Meet me at the bridge. 9 am. We can decide where to go from there.”
“Ah, I- You know what? I’ll be there.” Vi grins, “9 am, sharp.”
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theartofmetal · 2 years
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58. Hexed - Children Of Bodom (Melodic Death Metal, 2019)
Art by Denis Forkas
This post is also an ode to Alexi Laiho, rock on!! †
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amberlide · 10 months
List of tags for Hexed (complete)
Hello! Since more and more people are checking my work, I thought it was time to point out something about the tags. (honestly, I am impressed by the amount of support Hexed is receiving! Thank you so much! This is making me incredibly happy! Currently writing chapter 5! ;) )
Link to AO3 So, this is a non-con work, rape fantasy, meaning most of the smut is non consensual, but the protagonist is enjoying every and each one of the acts. But it's also heavily plotted. As you may noticed I'm adding the tags as I go with each chapter, it's not something that I like, but I want to avoid spoilers, especially with the smut, as it's part of the plot. But since more people are following the plot I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, I decided to prepare this post with a complete list of all the tags for the smut. Some of the tags are still unsure, but I put them there just in case, I may remove them along the ride, better have them than not. Check under the cut at your own risk, the spoilers are real!
Forced Kiss, Rough sex, Oral sex (male and female receiving), Deepthroating, Female/Male masturbation, Thigh sex, Dry humping, Anal fingering (male and female), Anal sex, sex toys, pegging (not sure yet), Spanking, Groping, sounding (Urethral sounding for male), shower head orgasm (for female), orgasm denial, overstimulation, polyjuiced - characters turning into half-animals (so furry I guess?), knot sex (wolf x fox (or bunny, not sure yet), tie kink, BDSM (yes consensual) somnophilia, scent kink, public masturbation, vaginal fingering, male and female dominant/sub, tits sex, first time sex, threesome (not sure yet). If you have any questions let me know! :)
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maylilywrites · 11 months
reading so i can escape reality so why are people talking to me?
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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raurquiz · 1 year
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#Happybirthday @ClaudiaLives #claudiachristian #actress #susanivanova #babylon5 #thirdspace #TheRoadHome #thehidden #highlander #atlantis #thelostempire #halfpastdead #hexed #911onfox #ncis #brokennews #everwood #nypdblue #niptuck #BloodofZeus #TheRookie #DotaDragonsBlood
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