yuff7e · 2 months
Hii! I have two ideas I don’t mind if only one is written: Could you write head-canons or like anything about Inosuke with a s/o whose love language is physical touch? Or could you write head-canons about Inosuke with an artist gf who maybee has a whole book with drawings of him 🤭🤭? Whatever is easiest tysm!!
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⋆˙ inosuke with an artist s/o who loves physical touch !! ⟡♡ headcanons / fluff
gender neutral
omg hi anon !! and yes ofc i can :)) im making this whole thing gender neutral but i can do a separate fic of inosuke with an artist gf and he find out she’s been drawing him since the very start and how he reacts if you’d like ?? anywho, enjoy !! <3
the cuties song -> www.spotify.com
- inosuke and you have a pretty stable relationship tbh
- considering the fact he’s a feral boar man
- since you two have been together, you haven’t noticed inosuke having any hobbies
- like at all besides screaming and challenging people (and sleeping…) (…aaannndddd eating)
- but hey! that’s fine! you have yours and inosuke has… his
- now anywho, you were waking up bright and early for another day of training
- when suddenly you didn’t feel the crushing weight of inosuke on you…
- (he always sleeps on you and waits until you wake up! but today he wasn’t… oh god.)
- “inosuke? inosuke!”
- he had been rummaging around in your things while you were asleep !!!
- you rush over to him and jump on top of him to hide what he might’ve saw
- he lets you take him down and looks at you
- he’s doing that weird gawking giddy thing he does whenever he’s happy
- you just stare back at him
- “what?”
- he holds up a sketchbook, filled to the brim with drawings of him
- “inosuke!! this is private stuff!!”
- “so?”
- mans does NOT know privacy
- yalls relationship is a one way street for that matter and he sticks to it.
- so he is veerrryyy adamant about seeing the rest of what’s in that book
- finally, you give in and let him look at it
- he’s amazed by the cool illustrations and doodles you’ve made for him
- “these are me?!”
- “yeah…”
- *cue him flipping through them aggressively*
- “i want this one!”
- “inosuke you can’t just take them! well— i mean maybe you can but i don’t want you to!! i spent a long time drawing these—..”
- “i don’t care!”
- “okay. insouke— seriously..!!”
- once he starts ripping some of the pages you snatch the book
- he tries to fight you but realizes you’re being serious so he stops but is still agitated
- he wants them!!
- now, onto physical touch
- honestly i wouldn’t see him having a problem with it, it’d probably just stroke his ego more knowing he’s got a pretty partner like you by his side caressing his arm while he boasts about how he’s the “king of the mountains”
- a real “i’m on top of the world” moment fr
- but he did kind of freak out when you touched him for the first time
- you were walking through the butterfly mansion, on the way to see inosuke
- you two had planned a little first date type-thing
- (with the help from tanjiro and zenitsu..)
- but you were happy and couldn’t wait to go and see him!!
- once you got there he wasn’t dressed up, just in his casual attire
- no clothes..
- anyway, you walk up to him and touch his shoulder
- he turns around so fast screaming “WHO THE HELL JUST TOUCHED ME?!”
- realized it was you and just stared
- the skin to skin contact got him feeling some typa way
- and ever since then you’ve just been doing the same thing you always do
- “hey inosuke!” you giggle as you hug him and he just freezes
- if he’s in the middle of a screaming fit and you go over and wrap your arms around him he’ll stop IMMEDIATELY
- “er—!! hey!”
·˚ ༘ you’re outside training when you hear screaming coming from the inside of the butterfly mansion, and you weren’t too surprised that when you walked in your boyfriend was being quite the sore loser.
kanao had just beat him in one of the training games, and he wasn’t too happy about it. “she was cheating! she’s cheating! let’s do a rematch!! this time i’ll beat you!” we’re all the words you heard from him as he stomped his feet aggressively.
you sigh and look at kanao who’s just staring blankly at inosuke, “i guess we could have a rematch..” she squeaks, inosuke jumping right for her - and of course he loses, again.
he’s defeated, running back over to the side lines and throwing his whole body into the wall - banging his boar mask against it and throwing a few punches. you trot over to him, your arms extending until you fully fall into his side.
he stops what he’s doing and immediately goes to push you off, not realizing it’s you. until he notices your voice, “inosuke! stop screaming! you’ll have another rematch soon.”
he immediately grabs your arms to throw you off (which he could’ve easily done since you didn’t have your guard up) but he just complained while you were practically on top of him. saying things like - “hey! get your hands off of me! i have another match to win!” or “what’s the deal?! can’t you see i’m busy?!”
of course since he hasn’t pushed you off yet you know this is calming him down, and eventually it does. his anger subsides but only for a little bit, the match eventually redos and kanao gets a few good hits in until he wins.
instantly, he’s rushing over to you and tackling you to the ground!! “i did it! ya see that? i knew i could win!” he’s yowling and jumping around and you just smile at him fondly. “congrats inosuke! but i have to go back outside and finish my training—..”
before you could finish inosuke picks you up and twirls you around before setting you back down, patting your head. “alright! don’t be long. i want you to see me beat the rest of these people!” a blush creeps onto your cheeks as you giggle, a little out of breath.
“heh.. alright! i’ll be back.” you kiss his shoulder quickly before jogging away - causing him to freeze and someone catching him off guard and winning another match…
you didn’t hear the end of it later that night!! but it was all okay when you woke up for another day and inosuke was laying on you per usual, not rummaging through your things this time.
YAYA I FINISHED !! it’s not as serious as i honestly hoped for but im actually super proud of this i think this is really cute !! hope u enjoy <3
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