satorisoup · 2 months
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@6okuto kou YIPEEE !! :>
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askthegirlwhowaited · 7 years
will you do all the numbers of the tag list thingy :)
Kassy: oh my lanta! here we go
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?��Kassy: none. if I’m not listening to my iTunes collection, you’ll catch me listening to 8tracks
is your room messy or clean?Kassy: my room is literally a disaster 98% of the time. to be honest, its totally a depression thing.
what color are your eyes?Kassy: every possible shade between blue and grey. My eyes change based on lighting as well as my mood.
do you like your name? why?Kassy: yea sure. it’s somewhat a popular name, but still not one I hear very often. And I spell it differently so Starbucks trips are fun xD
what is your relationship status?Kassy: completely and utterly in love with the most amazing human being on the planet
describe your personality in 3 words or lessKassy: loving, bubbly, soft
what color hair do you have?Kassy: I will suck out your soul xD
what kind of car do you drive? color?Kassy: none, currently. But when I do drive, its my dads grey Ford Focus
where do you shop?Kassy: wherever has what I’m looking for. Got Topic and Forever21 are my biggest go to’s
how would you describe your style?Kassy: I dress for comfort. Leggings 98% of the time and it varies what I’m wearing with them.
favorite social media accountKassy: definitely Tumblr. But snapchat is a close second
what size bed do you have?Queen size. Buuuuuut, when Ryan sleeps over, I really wish I had a king, cause him and Jynx are total bed hogs!!
any siblings?Kassy: One. A brother who is 10.5 years older
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Kassy: hmmmmmm..... right where I am. I would say Florida so I’m closer to DisneyWorld, but in all honesty, the travelling there is all part of the fun. I love flying!
favorite snapchat filter?Kassy: its a tossup between the puppy and the snow bunny.
favorite makeup brand(s)Kassy: I’m a complete whore for MAC and Kat Von D. KVD more for everyday wear though
how many times a week do you shower?Kassy: depends on where my depression is sitting, if I’m being honest.
favorite tv show?Kassy: that’s currently on tv? Once Upon A Time
shoe size?Kassy: US woman’s 9
how tall are you?Kassy: 5′8″
sandals or sneakers?Kassy: both. all depends on the time of year
do you go to the gym?Kassy: once in a while. again, all depends on my depression that day
describe your dream dateKassy: being with the person/people I love most. Doesn't matter what we are doing. Just being with him and including him in my life
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Kassy: I think probably about $7 in change
what color socks are you wearing?Kassy: I dont really wear socks. I feel super constricted.
how many pillows do you sleep with?Kassy: 4 are on my bed. But I really only sleep with 2
do you have a job? what do you do?Kassy: I’m a preschool teacher 
how many friends do you have?Kassy: enough to make my heart feel very full
whats the worst thing you have ever done?Kassy: I can't think of a particular moment, but everyone has rough patches in their lives
whats your favorite candle scent?Kassy: its always between Mango, Vanilla or Peppermint
3 favorite boy namesKassy: James (not even kidding), Kyson and Brayden 
3 favorite girl namesKassy: Lily (again I’m literally not even kidding), Addison and Rayden
favorite actor?Kassy: Colin O’Donoghue 
favorite actress?Kassy: Jennifer Aniston
who is your celebrity crush?Kassy: its a total toss up between Colin O’Donoghue and Jenson Ackles
favorite movie?Kassy: I actually don't have one. There are just too many amazing movies!!
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?Kassy: I don't really have a lot of time to read
money or brains?Kassy: brains. because smarts can get riches. Riches can't get smarts.
do you have a nickname? what is it?Kassy: sooooo maaaaany!! Kassasasie, Padfoot, Nala, Kass, Cissy, and too many others
how many times have you been to the hospital?Kassy: too many times to count
top 10 favorite songsKassy: again, theres too many amazing songs in the world. I can't narrow it down to just ten
do you take any medications daily?Kassy: nope!
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Kassy: when I was a teenager, it was combination, but now its dry
what is your biggest fear?Kassy: being alone
how many kids do you want?Kassy: ideally, 2 that are biologically mine. But I do want 3 kids
whats your go to hair style?Kassy: thrown back into a ponytail. Cant take that dance life away from me lmao
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)Kassy: its a townhouse. I can't say size though because big and small are all based on perception 
who is your role model?Kassy: myself in 10 years
what was the last compliment you received?Kassy: my parents and I went out to dinner 2 weeks ago and I felt super ugly that day. hair was gross and pulled back, no makeup, sweats, I was sick. And the waitress told me that I was gorgeous
what was the last text you sent?Kassy: to Ryan telling him that I love him
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?Kassy: I never really “found out”. I just kinda grew up and knew. No omg moment or anything.
what is your dream car?Kassy: honestly, the biggest inhumanity to the earth and my pocket on gas... lmao a Jeep Wrangler.
opinion on smoking?Kassy: I suggest not doing it. It’s super bad for your health. But I mean, I used to smoke... so like, I don't want to say anything hypocritical? lol but yea, make good choices
do you go to college?Kassy: not at the moment
what is your dream job?Kassy: stay at home mom, honestly. but economy can't support that. So exactly what I'm doing
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?Kassy: Rural. I absolutely need to be surrounded with city lol
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?Kassy: answered already
do you have freckles?Kassy: NOOOOOOOOOOO :(
do you smile for pictures?Kassy: yep. not with teeth all the time though.
how many pictures do you have on your phone?Kassy: 1,517. There are a lot of screenshots and useless things I need to delete lol
have you ever peed in the woods?Kassy: not in the woods, but in a forrest
do you still watch cartoons?Kassy: Disney Girl for life!
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?Kassy: McD’s
Favorite dipping sauce?Kassy: either ranch or plum sauce
what do you wear to bed?Kassy: underwear and a tank top
have you ever won a spelling bee?Kassy: I live for autocorrect, so nope lmao
what are your hobbies?Kassy: this lmao thats it
can you draw?Kassy: absolutely not
do you play an instrument?Kassy: piano
what was the last concert you saw?Kassy: Demi Lovato/Nick Jonas
tea or coffee?Kassy: tea, all the way
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Kassy: we don't have Dunkin, so Starbucks
do you want to get married?Kassy: yep! Hopefully in the next few years
what is your crush’s first and last initial?Kassy: K but you don't need to know the last initial
are you going to change your last name when you get married?Kassy: 100%!! That is honestly one of the things I’m most excited about
what color looks best on you?Kassy: purple
do you miss anyone right now?Kassy: le boyfriend
do you sleep with your door open or closed?Kassy: answered
do you believe in ghosts?Kassy: I believe in spirits, yes
what is your biggest pet peeve?Kassy: I have many lol
last person you called`Kassy: Moony
favorite ice cream flavor?Kassy: either Reese’s, cookie dough or mint chocolate chip
regular oreos or golden oreos?Kassy: Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?Kassy: RAINBOWWWW
what shirt are you wearing?Kassy: just a tan coloured tank top
what is your phone background?Kassy: fan art of James and Lily
are you outgoing or shy?Kassy: I like to think equal parts of both
do you like it when people play with your hair?Kassy: no, not really
do you like your neighbors?Kassy: he's an airline pilot so I’ve never met him cause he's rarely home
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Kassy: this is terrible, but nope lol
have you ever been high?Kassy: its how I survived high school to be honest
have you ever been drunk?Kassy: too often
last thing you ate?Kassy: dinner which was a rice dish my mom makes
favorite lyrics right nowKassy: the chorus to fight song
summer or winter?Kassy: if its what this winter was like, then that!
day or night?Kassy: day. not a fan of the dark. too much anxiety 
dark, milk, or white chocolate?Kassy: white. Im allergic to the others
favorite month?Kassy: October
what is your zodiac signKassy: Pisces
who was the last person you cried in front of?Kassy: Ryan
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