ranseiuniter · 6 months
@allthingsglittergold // starter call
Hiroko had her share of meetings with foreign champions and dignitaries abroad. Rarely, though, did any of them express meaningful interest in Ransei. Even rarer was that interest enough to bring them to her.
Equal parts encouraging and nerve-wracking. The more people who came to truly understand Ransei's way of life, the better their prospects. But if the visit went poorly...
Well, she didn't want to think about that.
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"Champion Gold, it's wonderful to see again. I'm glad to see that you arrived safely. How was your trip?"
Hiroko had ventured out to Fontaine's port to meet their guest upon his arrival. Travel between the kingdoms without any direction was a recipe for disaster, and Motochika... well, she wasn't going to leave him with Fontaine's warlord for especially long. He tended to be... a lot.
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    To be honest, the concept of pokéballs as a whole doesn’t exactly sit right with her. 
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@tabletbound​ | liked for a starter. sorry isandro.
This... creature makes her skin crawl. Though it may wear the face of a man, the energy it exudes is anything but. Her senses tell her its a pokémon, but certainly not one made by Arceus, nor any other divine being.
In one swift movement, she pulls her naginata from her back and points it at the creature. Whatever this thing is, it must not be allowed to progress any further, lest it spread its sickening blight to the world.
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“Go. Now. Back from wherever it is you came. Or you give me no choice but to use force.”
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ranseiuniter · 6 months
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"I do not want to discuss the ghosts."
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ranseiuniter · 6 months
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"There are definitely ghosts around the castle, but they've never really bothered me or really even done anything besides... just sort of meander around, really. Maybe it's because I have a normal-type affinity? I wonder if Katsu has ever been bothered by them....."
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ranseiuniter · 6 months
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Boops her eevee. Boops her eevee. Boops her eevee. Boops her—
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ranseiuniter · 6 months
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"Oh, sparring? May I join in?"
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ranseiuniter · 6 months
For every “⏳” I receive, my muse will openly talk about a bit of their backstory.
"The strongest memory I have of my father is from the winter after Aurora was beseiged."
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"It was a hard season. Most of our crop that year was ruined. We had to ration what little we had so our people wouldn't starve. Even my father and I went to bed hungry some nights.
"I couldn't sleep that night, so he sat up with me. Sang an old lullaby that I hadn't heard since I was a baby. It was after he thought I'd fallen asleep...
"He told me how sorry he was that I was born in Ransei. That even he, as a Warlord, couldn't give me a life free from the suffering of our homeland. He said that if he could, he would have raised me in Kanto, or Sinnoh, somewhere off in the mainland where I would never have to know the hardships of war. He said he knew I would grow into a great leader... someone who would find ways to make our kingdom even greater. But that in a more fair world, I would have had a choice in the matter.
"I think about that night often. I don't think it's ever really left me. I wasn't even his child by blood, but all the same... I hope he can see the Ransei I've created in his absence. I hope it can stay peaceful. I hope the work I'm doing will be enough. I hope he's proud of the child he raised."
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@tabletbound // follow up thread time? follow up thread time.
"So, how has that Meadow Plate been functioning? Have you been able to use it as a source of energy?" Well, at least she wasn't pointing any weapons at him today! That was certainly a step in the right direction, right?
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"If it's working as intended, then we can proceed. Don't give me that look, I don't expect you to have found your emperor in the span of two days. There are other things I'd like to investigate first."
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ranseiuniter · 1 year
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Sips tea. Yeah, no, she's not participating in this one. The mainlanders don't need to know.
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
Lovely Ponigiri is Open for Business!
(Luvdisc Day Festival 2023)
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"Welcome to Lovely Ponigiri! Come try Ransei's regional specialty! Curious about the colors? It's not dyed! These are made with a locally-grown specialty rice, strains only native to Ransei! We have a wide variety of colors and fillings for you to try as well!"
Classic Ponigiri
Made with delicious white rice. For those who like to stick to the classics.
Recommended fillings: Any!
Red Ponigiri
Made with Auroran red rice, which imparts a subtly spicy flavor. For those who like to be a little adventurous!
Recommended fillings: salted magikarp, fried tofu, tempura
Blue Ponigiri
Made with Auroran blue rice, which imparts a rich and slightly salty flavor. For those who enjoy a bit of decadence!
Recommended fillings: cheese, pickled plum, kombu
Dessert Ponigiri
Special heart-shaped sweet ponigiri! Made with Auroran purple rice, it has a naturally earthy and nutty flavor to it that pairs perfectly with a sweet adzuki bean filling! Share it with your sweetheart!
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@unovasrose​ liked a starter call
Oh, wow! So this was what a film studio was like? Hiroko kept finding herself in awe as she was guided through the lot. She’d only ever seen a handful of films in her life, but to think just how much went into them!
She must look rather undignified, eevee in her arms and glaceon close at her heels, gawking at every soundstage they passed. By the time they reached the main building, Hiroko was practically sparkling. This was all so exciting! A film about Ransei’s history! And she would get to help make it!
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“You must be Miss Vail, right? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She bows, and her pokemon follow suit. “I’m certain you were already told, but I am Azai Hiroko, ambassador of Ransei. They’ve brought me here to consult on this project.”
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
@tabletbound​ / smol katsu starter
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Ah, yes. Babysitting a life-sucking revenant slug while Hiroko went to sojourn with Arceus over something-or-other. This is definitely how he expected his day to be going.
Ahem. “So. Er. ...You’re undead.” Astute observation, Katsu. What a brilliant way to open a discussion.
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ranseiuniter · 1 year
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"Should we put up more scarecrows?"
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ranseiuniter · 1 year
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"I know it's the easiest solution, but I really wish that people back home would stop calling me up every time they need to chase off a scyther eating their crops or such. It's really quite tedious at this point."
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ranseiuniter · 2 years
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"..." All of those answers raise so many more questions.
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