valleydreamt · 2 months
@handsomethrowrug sent ;;
Oh no. Maelie is being followed by a rather bemused-looking Scar. "Oh come now. I can't imagine the Valley would be devastated if one Sunlit bird goes missing. I'd even have it in my cave so no one needs to be upset. It would be our little secret."
⋆ ❝ And you know that you'd likely get caught instantly, even if I was the type to keep this a secret. ❞ She answers, hands grasping the bottom of the wooden box and hoisting it up, ❝ The Sunlit Plateau is your place-- and the sunbirds are technically your subjects, Scar, you're supposed to keep your subjects alive, no? ❞ She adds firmly, the box of gems shifted in her grip a little as she moves to another group of boxes nearby ( sorting materials and such are surprisingly taxing-- but she's not the type to quit whilst she's ahead ). A puff of air escapes her mouth as she tries not to laugh-- the sound simply coming out the same as a deflating balloon; but Maelie is still very bright.
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⋆ ❝ If you're hungry, you can order a meat dish from Remy's, or get the meat itself from Gaston's. ❞ She points out, ❝ Moana also gives out fish for free, so you shouldn't want to eat to sunbirds! ❞ Maelie chastises, ❝ Why would you want the sunbirds, anyhow? We have poultry, you know-- they're pretty similar. ❞ The box is stacked onto another; a darker wooden box full of vitalys crystals from the mine, Maelie's hands draw back, rubbing her chin as she placed her other hand on her hip.
⋆ It is very difficult to appease and be diplomatic with most of the harder-to-please villagers, but she's managed to do it so long ago, and even if Maelie has been out of her element after so long, she can do it again. Besides, there's never been too much of a problem in the Valley since things with the Forgotten.
⋆ ❝ How come you want to eat those guys? ❞ She asks, looking at him, ❝ With everything we got, you have a lot of options already. ❞
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