radiance1 · 6 months
"Old fuck!" Said Dan as he kicked down the wall to Vlad's office. Vlad only let out a sigh, apologizing for the noise and then ending the meeting right then and there. He glanced over at Dan and wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Do you truly have no concept of a door?"
"It's more fun this way," He mentioned offhandedly as he stomped his way over the Vlad's desk and slammed his hands down on it. "Do something for me!"
Vlad, silently, moured the loss of another table and those three glorious months of peace. He looked Dan in the eyes and raised an eyebrow. "And what, exactly, do you want me to do for you?"
"So you know Superman-"
Dan reared back like he'd been slapped. "The fuck!? You didn't even hear me out yet!"
"I don't need to." Vlad calmly sipped at his tea that wasn't there a second ago, and then let out another sigh. "And do stop screaming obscenities at me, it is horribly low-class and you're better than that."
"You're only saying that because I'm a fusion of you." Dan pointed out with a deadpan expression. Vlad snorted. "Obviously."
"Hear me out and I'll think about it."
Vlad sighed again, crunching away at a cookie -seriously where is he getting all of this??- before waving a hand in Dan's direction that basically said "Go on."
"Alright so Superman, you know the guy and you most certainly know his weakness." He swipped a cookie, then continued at Vlad's nod. "Kryptonite, nasty stuff yea. You know who uses Kryptonite the most out of basically everyone?"
"Lex Luthor."
"Lex fucking Luthor."
Vlad placed his teacup onto the desk, threading his fingers together and resting his chin on them as he stared the fusion down. "You know, if you wanted me to... complicate, his gathering of Kryptonite. You could have just led with that."
"Would it have worked?" Dan genuinely asked.
"I would have thought it over a bit more before my refusal." Vlad answered and Dan growled. "Just accept already you old-timer."
"Now, now. If I didn't know any better, I would think that you were perhaps, worried about the Man of Steel himself?" At that, Vlad's eyes turned red as a playful smirk graced his lips.
Dan's eyes narrowed as he lifted a finger towards Vlad acusingly. "Don't you dare try your mind control bullshit on me."
Vlad chuckled. "Oh I would not dream of it, I was merely..." Vlad's eyes shined with mirth as he deliberately paused. "Stating an assumption."
Dan hissed, translating his sheer annoyance through ghost speak while Vlad respond back with a purr. More than throuoghly pleased.
Usually, it was the other way around.
"You can go to hell with your assumptions." He leaned over the desk, destroying it even further as he his claws dug into it. "Either you deal with him or I'll do it myself."
Vlad stared him down for a good few moments, the room falling silent as they stared each other down. Vlad sighed. "Fine, I don't need your little temper tantrum leaving me with such a giant mess to clean up." He tapped a button under his desk -mercifully safe from the destruction- and waved Dan away. "Now if you will excuse yourself, I have a few calls to make, a desk to replace, you know the works."
Dan nodded and over to the giant hole in the wall before pausing. He reached out with ghost speak, sending out a violent threat through intent if he did not follow through.
Vlad simply responded with nonchalance, exasperation, and even a bit of annoyance.
A few weeks later
Lex Luthor is livid.
Someone has been buying up all of the Kryptonite before he could get to it, which should be impossible in itself. But no, then they proceeded to mess with the shipments he managed to get his hands on, interrupt deals to acquire them and even outright destroyed a few.
He has his own stockpile for emergencies, yes. But it's very noticeably dwindling.
Meanwhile with Vlad
"Now what exactly am I supposed to do with all of this?" Vlad asked himself, staring at the large pit of Kryptonite capable of filling multiple warehouses.
Honestly, it was utterly useless to him.
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earth4angels · 2 months
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
modern!benjicot blackwood x fem reader ─── p in v, car streamy hot smut, sexting, whipped, possessive benji. reader is jace's younger sister, jace is overprotective. benji has a foul mouth he is also in a band. summary: summer nights were always your favorite nights. the night young and filled with possibilities. your boyfriend was back from his gig tour, and you missed each other so much.
a/n: yea idc kieran is gonna stay my benji, hbo gotta get him back on set for season three.
benji nation tag list: @valdezthg @jacaerysgf @h-0-error @nikki-is-a-nerd @poppyflower-22 @housetargaryenloyalist @not-a-glad-gladiator
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You lay on your stomach, your feet tapping in the air to the music blasting through your room. In front of you was a book, entranced in the letters of what lay before you, any noise other than your boyfriend's voice echoed through the room.
"How in the hell would she even want to take him back?" you mumbled angrily under your breath, upset the main character had forgiven her lover after he cheated. "Ugh worst book ever, never letting Aly recommend me books again!"
You swiped the book off your bed as you rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling. You tilted your hand slightly to the side and coming across the picture of you and your boyfriend, Benjicot, you smiled. The picture brings you memories, of that day which rained heavily, but Ben had thought it was a good idea to find a photobooth.
You reached out to grab the small photo that held four different pictures of both of you. Each picture changed but never did the smiles you both held, except for the last photo. You blushed recalling the events that took place.
You sat in front of Ben - on his lap, his hands cupping your breasts as your head was tilted back, his lips locked on yours. You clenched your thighs together at the hot sex you both had that day when you arrived at his apartment.
Ben was still touring; he was a member of a band that was now slowly reaching mainstream media. You were happy for him, hell, you even told him it was a long time coming. However, you missed your boyfriend, it was already three months and all you ever saw of him was through a screen.
The picture returned by your bed stand where you held a lot of polaroids of both of you as your door slightly opened, a head peeked out through the crack of the door. You rolled your eyes, a slight smile slipping onto your lips.
"Are you going to come downstairs to join us for a movie tonight or not?" Jacaerys eyes wandered over your room, wincing at the loud music blasting through the speakers.
"What movie?"
His eyes found yours again before he rolled his eyes in a way that said, 'you already know.' You snorted, "Right. Let me guess, Luke wanted to see Scream and the boys wanted to see Toy Story?"
Jacaerys walked into your room then, his steps soft, his eyes narrowing when he noticed the sad glint in your eyes. "Hey. You know that I love you right?"
You groaned rolling onto your stomach again, burying your face into the pillow, "Ugh Jace..."
He chuckled before he laid his head onto your back, his arms wrapping around your waist, "Just saying. But you can tell me anything okay? Don't keep things bottled inside, it's not good for you."
You peeked an eye open to see him already looking at you, Jace knew how to get you talking, and while you found it incredibly annoying, you knew without your older brother you would have lost your mind. He was the calm while you were the storm.
"I just miss Ben, that's all."
"Ah... well." Jacaerys cleared his throat, his fingers tapping a beat onto your back, it soothed you. "Have you spoken to him?"
"Um... not exactly. Well, I did but it was like two weeks ago, he's been busy touring. He's recently headlined sold-out shows."
Your brother hummed; you sat up noticing his silent demeanor.
He moved his head towards yours, he looked at your narrowed eyes, warning him not to jump to conclusions. He sighed, rising his hands in surrender.
"I know. I know. But can you blame me? I love you, and you're my younger sister -"
You cut him off with a jab, "One year younger, Jace."
He breathed through his nose, "One year younger, whatever. But you're my sister nevertheless, so I will always protect you and feel the need to look for harm before it comes. I know you trust him. However, I'm your brother. Boyfriends and brothers don't always clash well."
You moved your head to the side, avoiding the deep stare your brother was sending your way. He sighed, he moved his hand onto your open knee, "But, I'll trust your judgment, and if you love and trust him a lot, then I will respect that."
A smile reached your lips before you turned to face him again, “That’s all I’m asking.”
Jacaerys poked your forehead with his finger before he cocked his head to the side, “Now come downstairs and stop moping around. If Daemon sees you like this, he’s worse than I am.”
You scrambled to getting up, reaching towards your stereo to turn off the music before following your brother downstairs.
“By the way, his new music is good, I’m glad he’s finally getting the recognition he deserves,” Jace mumbled, while he side eyed you. You only bit your lips hiding the proud smile you had.
“Yup, that’s why he’s the best.”
Jace groaned, feeling grossed out, “Okay stop getting cocky, go grab the pizza from the counter while I grab the blankets.”
You saluted him playfully, “Your wish is my command your majesty.”
“And so, we kissed and practically made out in the science room, ugh it was so hot!” Aly rambled, her hands moving around as she explained her story to you.
You nodded, replying with a short ‘uh-huh.’ Mentally you were not present, you were focused in painting, your eyes dancing back and forth towards the colors and your drawing book.
“You’re not listening,” Aly said pouting at you. You said nothing, however you held a smile as you painted, bringing you a sense of comfort. “Y/n.”
The brush moved delicately, adding another layer of color, you started to see the vision come to life. You were so close to rendering the shape more before the brush was snatched out of your hands. You gasped, jumping at your bubble being popped.
Aly sat next to you with your brush in her hand, her eyes narrowed, “Welcome back Picasso.”
You struck a tongue out towards her, yanking back your brush before you dipped it back to your glass of paint water to avoid the bristles drying.
“Sorry Aly, I just wanted to finish so I can submit this to the art show next week.”
Aly ruffled your hair in affection, “You’re worse than Ben.”
You winced at the name of your boyfriend, the name bringing you longing. You missed him. As you thought of him, your phone pinged. Your lock screen holding a picture of you two at a orchestra concert, his hands wrapped around your waist and yours held his cheeks laughing. Your heart thumped with a pain you couldn’t describe.
“Has he.. spoke to you by any chance?”
“Um… not really. Two nights ago he called, it was very loud though, so I couldn’t understand him well. But, he mentioned the tour was being successful and he’s in talks to signing into a label!”
You widened your eyes, this news surprised you, “No way? You’re joking?”
Aly shook her head, “Nope, it’s what he said. He’s close to becoming an all time celebrity.”
Your heart soared with pride and love for him. You wished this to happen. You knew how much Ben worked to get his music heard, only playing at small gatherings. He made you so proud, you couldn’t help but laugh with joy.
“Hopefully he’s back soon though, he’s a little shit.” Aly mumbled again, leaning back onto the blanket you both had set up on the grass.
You hummed, still holding a smile. Your phone pinged again, you dreaded it being Jace asking you to come home already. Grabbing your phone, you were then met with a message from your rockstar of a boyfriend. Your heart jumped to your throat as your eyes widened.
“I love you.”
The beat of your heart felt so hard it thumped against your breasts, your hand twisted grabbing your shirt to attempt it to stop.
“Fuck. I miss you. I’ll be home soon baby. Wait for me a little longer.”
You let out a girly giggle as you typed your response quickly. You looked up then, an idea slipping through your head. Grabbing your phone, you scrambled to get up. Aly opened her eyes, a look full of curiosity.
“Aly, i’ll be back! I gotta use the bathroom.”
She only waved her hand, you blew her a kiss before running across the field, into the school grounds. A few people waved at you, you hurriedly waved back, small hellos slipping from your lips. You arrived to the restroom, opening up a stall. The restroom was quiet, thankfully nobody was there. Yet the sound of your heart was loud.
Your fingers shook with excitement, you opened your phone to Ben’s messages. Typing, your foot tapped with mischief.
“I miss you… I wish you were here. I miss you and those hands of yours.”
In a heartbeat, the next message came.
“Yeah? How much do you miss me darling?”
A shaky breath was all you exhaled, you were wearing a skirt with your boyfriend’s band t-shirt and a pair of sneakers Ben had gifted you the first christmas you spent together.
You sat at the toilet quietly, extending your hearing to check if anyone was there, when you got confirmation you propped your phone onto the toilet paper holder. You pressed record, not showing your face as you wanted to focus on the way your hands moved.
Slowly, your fingers trailed over your body to the bottom of your skirt where your fingers trailed down the black panties you owned. Slowly, you pulled them off. Making sure the camera focused on your lower half, you continued.
You wanted to make Ben heard the sounds of your breath quickening, the way your fingers trailed through the opening of your folds and the wet sounds that came from it. You thought of the last time Ben had touched you, it was quick but he made sure he dedicated all the time to you, not caring that his cock was hard and straining his jeans the whole night after that.
You pictured his fingers, the fingers that held metal rings that you currently owned one of them. The way his face buried into your neck as he bit onto your skin, whispering how he loved you and how he couldn’t wait to have you.
Your fingers worked quick as you thought of Ben. Your eyes were hooded, filled with tears from how over stimulated you were. You had two fingers inside, pumping them in and out, rubbing your sensitive bud with your other hand. It wasn’t until you thought of how Ben held you over the toilet sink, his tongue licking your throat as his hand cupped your jaw, his fingers deep inside your cunt - you squealed.
Your legs shook hard, the smooth runny liquid of your orgasm dripped down your fingers. You sat dazed, and with shaky fingers you pressed the stop button on your phone. You laughed breathlessly at what you had just done.
“I missed you this much, that I wish you were the one that did this instead.”
You hit reply as you attached the video onto the message. You giggled at the thought of having Benji bothered through his set. You stood up with shaky legs, cleaning up any evidence of what happened.
As you cleaned yourself by the mirror, grabbing your baseball hat to clip it around your head, a message pinged your phone. You quickly opened it, and what you saw left you bothered the entire day. Damn you Benjicot Blackwood.
“Soon, I’ll have you screaming my name darling. Just wait and see.”
Attached was a picture of Ben in what seemed in his tour bus, standing in front of a mirror stark naked, holding his cock in his hand, it was hard, wet, and my god it was big. You gulped, suddenly feeling like you needed water.
You sat at your family dinner table, books in front of you as you quietly did your studying. A plate of sliced fruit was placed in front of you, you looked up finding the warm eyes of your mother.
“Eat my sweet.”
“But mom…”
Rhaenyra flicked her fingers against your forehead slightly, you pouted, letting out a whine. She only smiled as she walked closer to you, placing a kiss onto your forehead.
“Eat. Don’t be Jace who forgets to eat when he’s studying as well.”
You rolled your eyes at the mention of your brother, “That’s because Jace is a overachiever. Dare I mention a teacher’s pe-“
“Ah ah, don’t be mean y/n. Your brother works hard yes, but he only strives to be the best and to be worthy of being my heir.”
Rhaenyra combed her fingers through your hair as she nagged you. Your head tilted towards her touch, loving when your mother babied you. You said nothing, only nodding your head. You heard her clear her throat suddenly.
You raised your head to look at her, “Mom?”
“I saw Benjicot on the news. He’s becoming quite big isn’t he?”
You moved your head away, avoiding her eyes and dreading of a conversation that happened once in a while. You didn’t blame them, but it was getting exhausting.
Dating the lead singer of a rock band wasn’t on their list, especially knowing he was gaining attention all over Westeros, he had the eyes of not only girls but the media. Your mother, loathed the media as she didn’t like what they whispered about you or your brothers.
You heard your mother breathed in before she grabbed your shoulders softly, “I don’t mind you dating him sweetheart. I just want you to be safe. If you believe he’s the one for you, he respects you, loves you? Don’t worry about what I think. I care about you at the end of the day. I only met the boy once and he was kind, honorable.”
Biting your lip you nodded, “I do trust him, and I understand where you and Jace come from.”
Your mother quirked a smirk, “Ah.. don’t worry about Jace. Secretly he approves but he needs to be a little… intimidating. He wouldn’t be an older brother if he wasn’t.”
You rolled your eyes, “He’s a pain in the ass.”
Your mother swatted your shoulder, “Language. He loves you, be a little compassionate. You will be the pain in Luke, Aegon or Viserys’ once they start bring girls over the house.”
The thought of having girls come over and the possibility of any heart break gave your heart a tug. “Ugh you’re right okay.”
Rhaenyra kissed your head again, gesturing to the plate of fruit, “Make sure you eat, and get to bed early okay? You have your exams in the morning.”
“I love you mom.”
She smiled, “And I love you darling.”
“I am free! Worst experience of my life!” Aly exclaimed as both of you laughed, arms linked together, steps rushing out the door of the school’s grounds.
“Graduation is finally next week, we are going to go off for another 4 years of hell,” you reminded her as she whined
“Such a buzzkill, let’s just enjoy the fact that we are free and we got the summer to relax before we move in to our dorms and start orientation.”
You smiled, you slipped on your sunglasses, blocking the heat of the sun hurting your eyes. You glanced around looking at everyone rushing out the building with big smiles on their faces. However something catched your eye and you weren’t sure whether you wanted to throw up or you wanted to scream and run.
People started to squeal, and whisper between each other. You felt the eyes of people looking at you, Aly gasped.
Benjicot Blackwood, in full leather pants with only a white tank top on stood in front of campus, leaning against his vintage sports car, he seemed like he was talking on the phone, a cigarette hanging on the corner of his lips.
“Oh my god, he’s back and he never told me?” Aly exclaimed beside you, “Worst cousin in the world if i can say.”
You paid no attention to her as you got closer to the man that owned your entire heart. He continued to talk on the phone, his eyes scanning through the faces of people that began to circle him before he found yours.
He spoke something fast before he placed his phone into his front pocket, he tossed his cigarette onto the floor, his lips turning into an amused smile. You ignored the gossip as you continued to walk towards him, you saw how he licked his lips, his smile widening as he took you in.
“Hi my darling,” he said as you got closer, your heart beated fast. You let out a short laugh as you threw yourself into his open arms, he chuckled, holding you close, burying his head into your neck. “I’ve missed you baby.”
You let out a sigh of relief that you finally had him back, “I missed you Ben…”
He pulled away, his eyes twinkling with mischief that left you clenching your hands onto his shoulders. He leaned towards your lips, you met him in the middle being surrounded by the softness of his lips. You tried to memorize the smell, his touch, the scent of cologne mixed with the faint smell of his cigarette that he had just smoked.
He groaned into your mouth as you pulled the hair by his nape, “Careful darling, you’re touching hot territory.”
Tugging it more, you whispered into his lips, “I don’t care.”
He sucked in a breath, his hold tightening around your waist, “You’ll regret that baby.”
His eyes screamed something you wish you understood, his mouth opened to retort something when Aly came forward pushing the crowd of people out of her way, “Nice for you to let me know you were coming douchebag”
Ben held a gaze on you, he licked his lower lip slowly, you felt the moisture gathering down there, you were afraid you might jump him here and there in front of all these people before he side eyed his cousin.
You sighed in relief when he put you down, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
He clicked his tongue, “I catched the first flight home. I missed my girl and I couldn’t miss the graduation either.”
You smiled, the blood rushing towards your cheeks. Aly rolled her eyes, “A notice would be nice asshole.”
He grinned a boyish smile, “Love you too Aly.”
Aly glanced around at the people that gathered, their phones out as they took photos of them. You saw the wrinkle on her forehead that only showed she was starting to get irritated.
“Alright shows over! Go home!” Aly screamed, her hands waving around at every word. You heard Ben snicker.
“I’ll take you home and pick you up later,” he told you.
You looked up at him finding him looking down at you, his hair falling down in nice waves onto his forehead. You reached out to push his hair back, smiling when he leaned towards your touch even more, “Where are we going?”
He placed a kiss onto the palm of your hand, “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”
You moaned in annoyance. He grabbed your waist as you attempted to jump into the passenger seat, he leaned towards your ear, “Dress nicely, hm I’ll like to hear those moans loudly later.”
The entire car ride he had his hand on your thigh, you played with the rings on his fingers, finding every ring interesting as each ring was different than each other. You heard him speak to Aly, your mind wondering where he would take you later.
“Alright baby, we’re here.”
You leaned forward, finding the gates to the big entrance of your family’s home. Turning your head back towards Aly, “I’ll see you later Aly, text me if you want to go to the Riverlands, i’d love to go.”
Aly sent you a kiss, “I’ll text you, have a good night babe!”
Ben had already opened the door for you, his hand stretched out for you to take. You giggled when you held it as he pulled you out, leaning you back onto the door.
“Remember wear something nice,” he softly said it as his hands cupped your face pulling you towards him, his lips warm. You pressed against him harder, feeling him bite into your lip as a warning. You continued however, snaking your hands into his long black hair.
You snapped your eyes open, pushing Ben away from you in a flash. Besides the car stood Jace, his hand holding little Aegon’s hand.
You saw the way Benji straightened his back, swallowing hard at the sight of your brothers. You nibbled onto your lip, fearing your brother would make a scene. None of you three said a word, until Ben held your hand softly, his throat clearing.
“Hello Jacaerys.”
Jace looked towards Ben, his eyes narrowed. You saw how his eyes moved up and down Ben’s figure, calculating, analyzing him, finding any wrong thing. He resorted to just giving a nod, “Congratulations on the sold out tour.”
Benji laughed, nodding in thankfulness, “Thank you. Um, I wanted to question you for a moment if that’s okay?”
Jace looked towards you who avoided his gaze as you focused on the shoes of your brother instead. “Oh? What about?”
“I wish to take out y/n tonight if that’s alright?”
He quirked an eyebrow, “Why are you asking me this?”
Ben only tightened the hold of your hand, “Because you care about her, and I only want to protect her as well. I plan to stay longer, and I truly love your sister, on contrary to what you think.”
He was silent, only looking between you both, analyzing. Aegon only played with his little dragon toy not caring of what was happening in front of him.
You begged him with your eyes to not ruin this for you, Jace only sighed. His shoulders dropping, “I appreciate it Benjicot-“
Benji interrupted him, “Ben or Benji. I hope to have a friendly relationship with the male my girlfriend looks up to and thinks highly of.”
You side eyed him in betrayal, you never wanted Jace to know how you thought of him. Your brother looked at you fast, his eyes widening but now filled with love towards you.
“Alright Ben. I hope we do have a civil nice relationship. Do bring her home safely. Call me if anything happens.”
Ben nodded, smiling in reassurance, “You got it.”
Jace looked at you again, his eyes screaming we will talk later, yet he walked away, Aegon jumping childishly after him.
Ben looked towards you again, his hand lifting yours before he placed a kiss on the front, “See you later baby.”
You rolled your eyes, “You’re an ass.”
He smirked, his eyes twinkling, “Yeah? Well you’ll have no complaints later on.”
You groaned, pushing him away to follow the direction your brothers took. Behind you Benji was laughing hard, his hair flowing nicely through the wind.
Ben never told you where he was taking you so having no sense of occasion how to dress, you wore something casual. A corset shirt, with a mini skirt. You decided on a pair of ballet flats, your hair was straightened, a head band holding the front of your hair back.
Your phone pinged, a message from Benji announcing his arrival. You rushed to grab your essentials, shoving them into your purse as you sprayed your perfume. Your body tingling with nerves, it has been a while since you went on a date with your boyfriend. You missed him a lot, and it felt just like how you first met.
Luke was heading upstairs with a bowl of chips in his hands as you rushed downstairs. He looked at you in shock, “Woah…”
You stopped, stealing a chip from his bowl, he whined.
“If you see mom, tell her i’m out with Benji?”
His eyes widened, “Woah woah?! He’s here?! Please tell him to give me a free CD of his new record, it sold out before I got my hands on it!”
You groaned, rushing out the door, hearing Luke whining how he wants a free CD from his future brother in law. As you got outside you met the eyes of your boyfriend.
He stood with by the door of the passenger seat, his hand holding a cigarette, his hair was slicked back with only a loose strand of hair in front of his forehead.
You were glad you weren’t overdressed. He stood in an all denim outfit, you found it hard to control yourself as again all he wore was a tank-top. Shaking your head from any urging thoughts, you approached him.
His eyes shined, his lips stretched with a huge smile he was sporting as he laid eyes on you.
“Hi to you darling, dare I say. You look delicious as fuck?”
You snorted, “I don’t know. Do I?” You spun in front of him in a twirl, enjoying the way he whistled, his dark eyes scanning you up and down.
“You look beautiful darling. Ready to go?”
You nodded your head as he took you into his arms, pecking you softly on the lips as he guided you to the passenger seat.
You didn’t know where you were headed, but whatever or wherever it was, Ben didn’t give you time to guess as he spent the entire car ride talking to you.
His hand never left your thigh, and while you felt comfort you just wished he would lift his fingers closer to your core that was burning with the thought of having him. You bit your lip hard, wanting your boyfriend to ravish you.
“Alright we’re here.”
You looked away from his face, confusion hitting you hard as you didn’t know where exactly here was. You looked back at Ben who only smiled. Deadpanned you asked, “Um.. where’s here?”
“Oh princess, you’re cute and funny.”
You stared at him confused. You scanned the area again with more detail, you gasped when you realized where you were. He had taken you to the highest point of Landing. The mountains where clouds were close to humans touch, where one said humans were closer to the gods due to the way stars felt so close and shined the brightest. You could see the sea from where you stood, the stars, the city’s life.
“Ben.. oh my god this is beautiful.”
You didn’t know he was looking at you with such dumbfounded love eyes, “Yeah. Really beautiful.”
You looked back at him, “Are we spending the whole night here? Sightseeing?”
He clicked his tongue, “Of course not. I bought us take out, we’re having a dinner, picnic style here.” He reached his hand in the backseat where he pulled out a basket, and a huge blanket, it looked soft. Your heart skipped the beat at the details he thought of.
He placed the basket softly onto your lap as he moved to open the door, your eyes followed him silently watching him grab things from the trunk to place them outside. And as you watched him move silently, for some reason you got nervous, jittery. It was like having a first date all over again, the butterflies flowing everywhere in your stomach.
You loved Benjicot, and nobody knew him like you did, no one will ever see this side of him, because the Benjicot they knew was a rockstar, a guy who jumped and sung his heart out on stage. A guy full with fury, with over excessive amount of energy but also with thoughts that were considered anxiety.
However the Benji you knew, the one who sent you flowers before he even introduced himself to you, the one who wrote a song about you which blew him into stardom, the one who would sneak into your room when he overthought another series of scenarios that hadn’t happened yet but he found comfort in your arms, that was the Ben that you knew and grew to fall in love with.
You snapped out of your thoughts as Ben opened the door for you, guiding you towards the picnic he had prepared, your heart soaring to your throat. He had prepped candles, a light holder that was used typically for camping, but he organized everything to the last detail, even going ahead to getting pillows, separate blankets if you were to get cold.
You placed the basket onto the floor as you moved towards the smiling Ben, who was currently feeling extremely satisfied, your hands pulled him down towards you, as you kissed him deeply.
He gasped into your mouth in surprise, holding you tightly against him. You placed two final kisses on his lips as you pulled back, leaving him leaning forward instinctively for more.
“I love you. I love this… thank you.”
He opened his eyes to gaze into yours, “Always.”
You pulled him down into the pillows he had prepared for you both, as you took out the food he had ordered, your heart growing warm at the sight of the food, it was your favorite dishes.
Both of you are in full conversation, never was there a moment a silence, Ben had went out of his way to even bring a small stereo to play music. As you got closer to finishing you began to get quiet, biting absently onto a strawberry he had bought for you.
“Y/n.. are you okay, did you not like it?”
You turned towards him, eyebrows furrowing, “No of course not! I love it, everything. You. I love you. I was just thinking.”
“Of what? You can tell me anything, you know that.” Ben pulled you onto his lap, you straddled him, your arms wrapping around his neck.
“I just miss you when you’re away… you’re gone for long and then the media is ruthless… you’re signing to an official label… eyes will be on you even more…”
Ben kissed you, interrupting your rambling. You moaned into his mouth when he had bit into your lip, allowing the small gasp to slip his tongue, massaging your tongue with his. His hands ran through your legs, cupping your behind to push you harder into him.
“You talk a lot. And worry for small shit that hasn’t happened yet.”
You opened your eyes to see him grinning, you poked his forehead, “Asshole.”
“Again, I don’t see you complaining. But, you need to relax. I love you y/n. I want to share all of my ups and downs with you, i want to explore the world, share all my success and failures with you. I want to marry you.”
Your eyes widened.
However Ben continued, “I don’t really give a fuck if I have media on me, I just care about you. I care about your opinions, your thoughts, your wellbeing.”
You stuttered, his speech leaving you dazed. You couldn’t find words to describe how you were feeling at the moment, you just needed him. So you leaned down to kiss him, this time your hips moved against his crotch. He grunted, his hands becoming desperate holds on your behind.
He leaned you towards the pillows, “Here? Are you-“
You kissed him again, “Here. God. Anywhere I just want you.”
Benji’s eyes twitched with such emotion that left you tightening your legs around his waist, thrusting softly towards him. Grinding softly, you held onto him tighter, desperate to feel him closer, annoyed clothes were in the way. Benji’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he took sharp breaths.
“Stop. Seven fucking hells y/n, stop.”
You paused, the heat of the night making you feel a little warmer than usual. You were surprised to hear him stop you when usually he would just yank open your clothes to take you.
He took a deep breath before he got to his feet, still holding you against him. You squealed, wrapping yourself around him as you watched him sit you on top of his car.
“You’re a devil in disguise princess.”
You grinned, pushing his hair back as you leaned towards him to bite softly at his chin. He pushed you back on the hood of his car as he laid kisses on every piece of your skin that was open. You moaned at every suck, bite, lick he was leaving as he explored your body.
He stopped when he got to the waist band of your skirt, “This is pretty.. should we keep it on?”
You were breathing hard as you tried to form a sentence. He chuckled, licking his lips once again. You feared if he took any longer to touch you, you’d just start crying. Your wish came true when you yelped loudly at the cold touch of his rings trailing your legs up to your waist.
He pulled your panties down, but instead of just the usual way of just flinging it to the side, he shoved it into his front pocket. Your core growing more wetter than usual, the thoughts of what he might do with those excited you.
“Are you sure here? We can just go back to my apar-“
You shuddered at the air going to your bare core, “Ben please, here. I need you.”
You watched as his eyes closed, before he leaned down to press a kiss onto your chapped lips. As he kissed you, his fingers moved quietly, your mouth opened as you felt the first finger enter you. He shushed you, murmuring how lucky he was, how much he missed you. He kissed your long loud moans, his finger working in and out of you faster.
Accidentally biting into his lip, you tasted the metallic taste of blood, instead of grossing you out, you kissed him more. Benji only hissed as he buckled into your core, he was feeling stressed knowing he was close to coming just with the way you were reacting to a finger of his.
“Ben-Ben I can’t.. I need you..” you tugged his hair tightly, still moaning into his mouth. He only pressed a kiss onto your cheeks, your nose, leaving you intoxicated with his touch.
He removed his finger, moving to remove you of your corset, his mouth opening in slight shock when you wore nothing but just your top.
“You truly are a little devil.”
You attempted to send him a grin but he had already leaned down to continue his exploration, his mouth wrapped on your perky bud, as the other massaged the other. He moaned, sending vibrations all over your body. Your eyes teared from the sensation, you were laid exposed on the hood of your boyfriends car, at the top view of Landing, you were truly close to the gods than ever.
Your mind was elsewhere, too lost in the pleasure that you almost missed what he had said, he had grabbed your chin again as he pulled you close to his face.
You probably looked like a mess but if you did, he didn’t complain, he only looked at you with full adoration and all the care of the world.
With the help of Ben who noticed you were too exposed, only wearing the skirt he kept on you, he carried you instead inside his car. He moved quickly. Allowing the front seats of the car to be pushed all the way forward to allow you both to find comfort in the back seat.
He sat you on top of his lap, you looked at him as he did you. His eyes glittered in the moonlight, you felt lost in his eyes, your fingers trailed from the top of his head to every freckle, the slight bump of his nose, his slight scar on the top of his lip that added so much character to the man you loved with all your heart. He breathed you in, closing your eyes as you memorized every detail that made him Benjicot.
You took his peaceful state to remove his jacket, pulling his tee off of him, your core burned as you took in his shape. He had gotten more muscular and god… it made you need him much more.
“Do you enjoy the view or are you going to carry on darling?”
Ben had his eyes closed still, however his lips were twisted into a smirk, you grew with a need to make him start begging.
As you moved to remove his jeans, which he moved slightly to have them off, you noticed how hard he was, you smirked knowing how to get him hot, desperate.
You knew he wouldn’t expect it so you moved quick before he had you shaking instead. You took him in your hand, needing two to handle him, and with a long stripe you took him in your mouth. He gasped loudly, buckling into your hold.
“Fucking hell…” he grabbed onto your hair, pulling it, digging his fingernails when you took him all the way in. You slightly gagged when you felt him deep down your throat but you enjoyed to hear Benji whimper in your hold, he was grabbing tightly onto your hair, not enough for it to hurt but it sent fire through your veins.
You moved your head up and down, using your hands to grab hold of the skin that you couldn’t put in your mouth, and with that motion you had Benji moaning loudly, shaking, trembling. He was whispering, gasping how beautiful you looked, how much he had missed you, how he thought of you every night when he touched himself.
“Seven hells, y/n!”
You yelped when he pushed you off of him, only to have you under him, he kept your skirt on and with no warning, he held you close, his mouth on yours as he pushed in all the way into your wanting core.
The entrance felt too good you only moaned into his mouth as he shuddered indulging himself in your heat and how good you felt around him. You only held him close to you, he had his face deep in your neck.
“Is this okay darling? Do you feel me?”
You felt him more than anything. You felt every push, every single time he pulled back and thrusted into you again, you felt his hands holding onto your waist, how he whispered into your ear the declarations of love. You only nodded whimpering when he began to thrust at a rhythm.
Benji wanted you to feel his love, the absence he felt when he wasn’t by your side. He wanted you to feel how much he would do for you, how he would bring you the fucking moon if you asked for it. He would rather burn himself than to ever loose you.
He held you with such care contrary of the way his hips were moving, how he pushed against you hard that you feared the car would break with how desperate he was thrusting.
“More.. god I love you.” You whined into his shoulder, biting into the pale skin, he whimpered. Shaking in your hold as you probably were as well he moved to the side, sitting you on top of him.
“Ride me darling, let me see you pretty girl.”
You leaned onto your feet, guiding his throbbing cock into your folds again you slid all the way down, gasping at the new angle. With half lidded eyes you watched Ben whisper several curses, his head falling back into the seat as his tongue poked out slightly.
“L-look at me Ben…” you commanded, reaching for his hands to place them onto your waist. You were shaking hard knowing you were close, and you felt he was close as well as you felt the throbbing inside you, the twitching.
He opened his eyes, and he was rewarded with such sight that he wished he had his phone with him to capture such sight. You sat on top, a black flattery skirt on, breasts full on display as the tips of your hair was tangled with the way he had hold of them.
“Fucking hell, you are beautiful my love. All mine. Are you baby? Are you mine?”
You whimpered as you lifted yourself from his throbbing cock to only slide down hard watching his eyes tear from the need to just ravish you but his love overpowered him.
“I’m yours Benjicot Blackwood. Today and tomorrow, and always I will be yours.”
You grabbed his hand which he interlocked with yours.
He sat up to grab you face to face, and with that began a round of the most pleasure you had ever experienced. You never let go of his hand as you never faltered in the stare you had on him. You swore you never felt him this close. Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your chest, Benji’s breath quickening yet he never let his dark stare leave yours.
You were beautiful, you were a goddess to Benji, and though he was surrounded by million of other girls, he would never think anyone matched your level. No one looked much prettier taking his cock like you did. He’d go to war for you if you simply asked.
You clutched into his shoulders, letting out a sob as he had touched your sensitive spot, “There.. Ben…”
“Come on pretty girl, you’re almost there. I’m almost there”
You threw your head back as you moved up and down, Ben meeting your every thrust with enthusiasm. He would be there to catch you when you fell. Always.
He shook when he felt the bubble in the pit of his stomach, he began to see flashes yet he shook his head as he looked up at you. His gaze turning into a blur, he was close but he wanted to see you.
“Come on baby, give in to me.”
You grabbed onto his neck, sobbing into his mouth, “I love you Ben..”
He felt as if the world ended tonight, he wouldn’t mind. This would be the perfect way to die, “I love you more baby. You are my entire world”
With a final thrust, you came crumbling down into his hold, you sobbed as he kissed you through your aftershocks, feeling him gasp as he came deep inside you.
You sat in each other arms, riding the aftershocks, shaking as if you were in the cold winter, you didn’t want to look at the state of the car knowing you’ll meet a disaster. You and Ben were never nice to the surroundings once you started.
You heard him breathe uncontrollably, holding him onto your chest, you felt his arms cradle you close. You sat in silence, waiting for your breaths to be back to normal. It was then you felt Ben chuckle against your bare skin.
You tilted your head back to have a good eye on your now laughing boyfriend. “What’s so funny?”
“You really did miss me. Maybe I should go away often,” he shook his head, the sweat dripping from his chin. You rolled your eyes as you joined in his laugh.
You were glad your boyfriend was back in town, in your arms where he belonged.
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Alastor x Reader - A very long mating season (doctor's appointment gone wrong)
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Link to pt.2
WC: 9,698
Alastor’s been acting weird for a while now, and Angel Dust calls in a friend of his, you - the only doctor in the whole pride ring - to have you take a look at him. Despite Alastor’s insistence that it’s only a bad headache, you swear on your doctor’s oath that something more is going on… (fem reader)
SEX, NOT scientifically accurate, me NOT a doctor, reader and Alastor boing their groins a few times so yk do what you will with that info, rut, heat, sex, sex, sex, sex, sex, blood (not that much), porn with plot, not edited
“Say, what do ya think is goin’ on with Smiles these days?” Angel Dust reclines his elbows on Husk’s bar, sipping at his drink while waiting for Charlie’s response.
“Alastor? Oh no, do you think something’s wrong with him?”
Angel tries not to roll his eyes at the princess. The poor girl, going around managing hell with a heart of gold and… seemingly zero observation skills. “Yeah Alastor! He’s been acting all weird lately. Hidin’ away at his radio tower most of the day, in his room when he’s here, never comin’ down anymore to make breakfast, not responding to my pranks! Ugh, I’ve been bored as fuck here without his crazy reactions.” 
Husk chuckles at that, pausing his cleaning. “Are you sure you miss that last part? I remember a certain someone almost getting killed several times over a joke.” 
Angel groans at the smug grin of his companion. If the damned cat wasn’t so cute he definitely wouldn’t let him get away with all his complacent remarks. 
Nifty darts out from under the bar, joining in on their discussion. Nobody bats an eye, as they were all used to the little demonness’s mannerisms by now. “Ooooh is this about Alastor? I saw him walking around and pulling at his own head earlier. He looked like he was in pain!” She giggles impishly. “Wonder what that’s all about!”
Charlie looked close to tears in worry, and without Vaggie around to help, Angel sighs, awkwardly trying to solve the tension he brought up. “Hey don’t worry ‘bout it, if you’re all noticing and it’s not just me, I know a doctor we can call up.” 
“There are doctors in hell?”
Angel snorts. “Fuck, even the princess of hell herself doesn’t know it! Yea there are doctors, or at least there’s one doctor I know of for sure. I guess most of the caretakers on earth ended up in heaven.” He twiddles with the soft tufts of milky fur on his chest. “She used to patch me up after… ya know, my work with Val and all. Not sure if she’s got experience with patients like him, but I could call her up and give it a shot.” Charlie darts into a standing position, squeezing Angel in a tight hug. He pats her shoulder hesitantly, still not used to how loving the princess was. “Yes! That’s just it Angel.” Then her sparkly eyes widened even more, sparkling brightly at a vision only she could see. “Oh Angel! Helping a friend out of the kindness in your heart! You’re already getting so close to redemption, I can feel it!” She pulls away just as quickly as she leaned in, shooting two thumbs up in his direction. “I’m counting on you for this one!”
“Yea, yea.”
Angel fumbles with the smooth buttons on his phone screen, finding her number in recents - he’d just called her a few days ago when Val worked him for 2 days straight, filling his body with his sick drugs and leaving him untreated, lying cold on the studio floor. 
“Hey toots? Yea, this is Angel calling.” 
There’s unintelligible mumbling. 
“No, it’s not for me. It’s for a… friend.”
You’re in your office wiping down the scarce collection of medical equipment you’ve garnered in hell. Hell’s sky casts a pomegranate glow on your figure, inflecting off the pleats in your skirt and button-up shirt. You had forgone a traditional white coat, as there was no such clothing around here. 
When you first landed in hell, you quickly realized that the social hierarchy similarly mirrored that of earths. There were the wealthy and powerful sins, celebrities - flashy, big overlords - and finally, the common people, average sinners. 
In the beginning, your optimism led you to think you could maybe become someone important. Why not try? You had an eternity in hell after all. Yet it didn’t take you long to realize that you didn’t have what it takes to be known. You weren’t a serial killer or a twisted psychopath in life. You didn’t have it in you to climb the social ladder like a cold-hearted politician.
You were a good-natured doctor who saved lives, who thrived on knowing you were the reason your patients could live comfortably. Your only flaw? You could say that curiosity was what killed the cat, or in this case, deer. You giggled, playing with the little bush of a tail you had. It was what guided you to persist through the long years of medical school despite the imposing student debts, unsympathetic parents and all. It was also what drove you to murder. 
One, just one time.
You remember the day with crystal clarity. Your boyfriend, who had tied you up and bound you to his car, which he steered off the edge of a cliff. The hot slickness of crimson liquid coating his hairline where the windshield smashed him, the horrified pried open state of his jaw, his eyes wide and searching for nothing in particular as they stung with the salt of his blood. 
The fall had miraculously loosened your ropes enough for you to wiggle out of them, hauling your scraped wrists out of the scratchy material. He begged you to help. He, who had betrayed you and planned to smuggle you away from the life you built for yourself. There was still time to call the police. His heart was beating steady and strong. You thought his body would be of better use to your research than alive.
Someone who dedicated their whole soul to saving lives, ended up in hell for taking one.
But that cruelty was a one time occurrence, and you still opted to play the good doctor in hell. You snort at the irony as you wipe down the stethoscope in your hand, then promptly set it down on the counter as your phone interrupts your reminiscent thoughts with a sudden ring. 
Ah, it was Angel, a regular patient. You were fond of the spider demon. He’s saying something about a friend needing help. “Of course, could you get your friend on the phone so that I can schedule an appointment?”
Nervous laughter rings on the other side of the conversation. “Uh, here’s the thing. He doesn’t know that I’m makin’ this appointment.” 
“Oh?” Now you’re surprised.
“Listen this is gonna be a lot to ask for, and I already ask for too much outta you-.”
“Angel, you could never ask too much from me.”
You hear a shaky sigh. Then a pause. “A-Alright then, would it be ok if ya come over to the hotel and check him out there? He’s in some weird sorta pain, but he’s not the type to tell us.”
“Sure, I don’t see why not. When should I come over?” “It’s not emergent, as this has been goin’ on for a while and he’s still up and movin.’ How ‘bout tomorrow mornin’ 8:00 am? It’s gettin’ late and I’ve seen him like once today. I’m thinkin’ we should have the best luck tryna catch him after breakfast, when Charlie has him do a few tasks around the hotel.”
“Sounds good to me. Could I get a patient name?”
“Yea, Alastor.”
“Alriiiight.” You stretch out the word as you quickly jot down his name and time of the appointment. “And demon type?”
Angel snorts as though it was a funny question. You smile from the contagious sound of his entertainment, despite having no idea what was so hilarious. “...Demon type?”
“Sorry toots, I wasn’t laughin’ at ya. He’s a deer.”
“Oooh, a deer demon? Like me…” You jot that down too. “Take care, Angel. Let me know if you want me to give that ugly moth a sedative overdose!” 
Angel laughs, and you end the call on a gleeful note despite knowing that neither of you could really do anything to the overlords. Or… perhaps you could, perhaps they were made of the same perishable flesh as any other, perhaps you were letting their status outshine their mortality. Though that’s a thought for another time.
You perch yourself on top of your working chair, clicking through your VoxTek computer to file the appointment in your weekly schedule. 
Alastor. The syllables taste rich and familiar on your tongue. You swear that you’ve heard it somewhere before.
Alastor as in the radio demon Alastor? 
It took you a second to recognize him, as you’ve only seen him a handful of times, but once you do, you’re suddenly not so confident about today’s appointment. 
It takes everything in your power to sculpt your expression into a neutral one. You scan your eyes over your surroundings. Darkened green walls encapsulated a small bar that looked reminiscent of a casino slot machine. Angel Dust, your spider friend, and a sour-faced gray cat demon sat chatting at the bar, nervously glancing between one another and the tall man in red. Then there was the princess of hell, Charlie, and a white haired vertically challenged woman crowding the deer demon, waving their hands exaggeratedly as though they were trying to prove a point to him. 
Their heads swing in almost unison at your arrival, and you instantly realize that they must’ve been distracting him from your arrival. Right. He didn’t even know you were coming. You swallow your nerves and make your way to the bar, skin sizzling with the phantom touch of his crimson eyes on your figure. His twisted sharp grin blurred through your peripheral vision as you focused on maintaining eye contact. 
“Hey, I’m a doctor, and I’m here to-.”
“Eek! You’re here!” Before you could even offer your hand for a shake, Charlie all but sprints at you, interrupting you with a tight hug. You blink away the strands of her hair that caught in your eyes from the swirl of the motion. 
“Hello, Princess Charlie.” You wave politely. This was your first time meeting any sort of royalty in hell, although she wasn’t nearly as intimidating as the strawberry-haired demon situated behind her.
“I’m so so excited to have you here and oh! Are you by chance interested in joining our hotel? My hope is for sinners to be redeemed-.”
“Charlie.” The short white-haired girl lays her hand on Charlie’s arm. “Let’s not forget what she’s here to do, babe.” She must be her girlfriend.
White-hair shortie directs her attention to you. “Vaggie, nice to meet you.” She keeps her introduction short and sweet, gently pushing at Charlie once again, reminding her to inform you of the situation.
“Right, right. So, you’re here, the best and only doctor in the entire pride ring to help our friend who’s been struggling a bit.” You keep a cordial smile plastered on your cheeks as she talks. In the back of the room, you see Angel now working at distracting Alastor from leaving. Impatience begins to tug at your heartstrings, pleading the princess to keep it short. You didn’t want to fail so soon.  “...And we’re just really worried! He’s been having pains apparently, in his head. Headaches.”
You turn to look at said demon, who was still sitting atop the same bar stool, perched so stiffly that you could feel the secondhand pain of his muscles that must be aching. There’s a slight swishing of his tail, and he clutches what appeared to be his radio stick tightly with one clawed hand. Was he nervous? Your eyes sweep over the sweat beading under swept bangs, and the clenching of his teeth. Ah. It must be his “condition.” 
“Alright, Princess. I can tell you all really care for your friend. Just leave the rest to me.” You squeeze her shoulder warmly, guessing that she must be fond of physical affection. She grins delightedly at you.
“Great! This is so so so good. Thank the devil! I’ll leave you to that then! Best of luck! Not that you’ll need it or anything.” You keep waving at the princess until she disappears beyond the door, watching as she spun around several times to match your waves. 
You were equal parts burning with the need to get things started, and dreadful of approaching the menacing demon, who had resigned his attempts of fleeing. You walk carefully, tiptoeing as though you were advancing toward a frightened animal. Angel Dust - and the grumpy cat - look at one another, and finally dash away, after making what you assumed to be some sort of excuse to Alastor. 
He doesn’t look at you at all, instead choosing to stare straight ahead with that abnormally wide strained smile of his - if not for the slight twitching of his ears, you would think he’s not even aware of your presence. 
You clear your throat nervously, flexing your forearm to prevent it from trembling before holding it out for a handshake. If the rumors were correct, and you had no doubt they were, you certainly didn’t want to lose the radio demon’s respect; especially not in the first meeting. 
“Hello, you’re Alastor, the radio demon aren’t you? I-It’s nice to finally meet you!” Well, you were never that good at first impressions anyway.
For a moment you think you hear him sigh, a static-filled gravely sound. Nearly imperceptible. Then he’s turning to you, reluctantly reaching his hand to yours at a snail-like pace. You try not to feel too rejected. Or feel too mocked by the seemingly ever-present grin on his face, and the clear scrutiny in his eyes. 
“Likewise, my dear. It’s always a pleasant surprise to meet another deer demon in hell, given their supposed rarity. ”
You had an impression this was far from pleasant for him. Maybe he doesn’t want competition? You snort, brushing that thought away. As though a low-level sinner like you could be a threat. “Ah, right.” You playfully flick the fur of an ear, trying to lower the tension. His darkened eyes follow the motion of your hand. “I barely remember that I am a deer demon sometimes! Everything is the same as when I was human, except for the addition of some ears and a tail.”
His grin turns sharper, with the cutting flavor of something uncomfortable. “I assure you dear, you are very much not human. I can tell.” 
“...Right.” You close your eyes briefly, willing yourself into a more business mindset so as to ignore how awkward the whole situation felt. “So, could I get a description of your symptoms? I know Charlie told me, but I want to hear it straight from the source.”
You smile encouragingly at him, as you often did with difficult patients while alive. And you had a feeling Alastor was every bit of that - a difficult patient.
He straightens up, losing the slight hint of ease he’d started to gain. “Well, it is like I said. I seem to be experiencing pains in my… head.” He winces a little - likely due to said head pains, you note.
“And how long have you been experiencing these pains?” You lean against the edge of the stool next to him, not quite sitting on it but not standing either. 
Your ears twitch at the subtle creak in his stool. He’s shifting around again. “...Around three months.”
Your eyes widen, pushing yourself off the stool. “Three months! Why didn’t you say anything…?” You quickly shut yourself up before you could cross any boundaries, silently scolding yourself for the overt reaction.
“The pain wasn’t that bad.”
He’s lying. You narrow your eyes to warn him, you can tell.
He tries again. “...I assumed the pain would go away on its own.” 
“And not get worse?” 
He gives an affirmative nod. You ask him several questions after that, trying to get a quick history of his health complications during his time in hell. With each question he answers, you find yourself only getting farther from any sort of possible conclusion. 
As soon as you started working as a solo doctor in hell, you learned really quickly that demons rarely suffered from the same ailments as people did above on earth, and if they did their symptoms were different. Your mind rushes through illnesses other demons had visited you for - a snake demon who couldn’t get his skin to shed properly, a cyclops demon who grew an extra eye that blocked the vision of her original eye, a volcanic demon whose lava had leaked to his internal organs and started burning him from the inside…
What about deer demons? Little was known about them, to the point where you were even unsure of your own biology.
You bring a finger to your lips, chewing on your nail while thinking of your next steps. The curiosity within you begged to think of a conclusion, or even just a premise. Nothing. You finally pull your finger away from your lips, remembering where you are. Right. There’s no need to overthink things. You haven’t even done a physical examination yet. Speaking of which…
You gesture for him to stand up, regretting the motion immediately as his gaze turns displeased; likely at your attempt to order him. “Alastor, would you lead the way to a more private space?” His ears straightened, and he looked at you defensively. Why did your words never come out right? You blush and wave your hands back and forth in denial. “N-no, not - I meant for your physical examination.” 
Thankfully, he ignores your blunder. Nothing about his steady grin and lidded scarlet eyes revealed what he thought. “Right this way then.” 
You timidly follow after him.
Have you gotten so rusty during your time in hell that you couldn’t even talk to a patient without turning into a blubbering mess? You’ve only been here for a decade… or two… three decades. In that time, you’ve met with all sorts of patients, from lowly sinners to more powerful overlords. He’s tall, you observe. Very tall - almost 7 feet? Over? It shouldn’t intimidate you, he was far from the tallest demon you’ve encountered. 
But they didn’t tower over you. They didn’t have his same opposing presence, which unfairly dominated the entire room with its sheer power, and they certainly didn’t have… they didn’t have his… 
Your knees go soft at the same moment he comes to a sudden halt, causing you to bump your body into his. Your forehead bumps into the hard bone of his scapula, startled hands reaching out to steady yourself by gripping onto his suit. He twists his head acutely to look at you, and you flinch, preparing yourself for his notorious anger, but you are only met with discomfort in his eyes. You hurriedly distance yourself from the demon. 
His jaw clenches and unclenches, and he’s looking at you as though he’s holding back from killing you right then and there. A strange, almost pleasant shiver runs through your body. You blink. What a strange response to potential danger.
Before you had time to apologize - for what, you don’t know you just feel like you’ve wronged him somehow - he masks his irritation with the same cheeriness in his smile. “And we’re here! Will my bedroom be a good enough space for your physical examination, dear?”
You swallow back the ever-growing weird feeling inside you. “Yeah, of course.” 
He hums an old-fashioned tune as he walks into his room, sharp clacks of his shoes dulling down on the red carpet that covered his bedroom floor. Your curious eyes catch two red armchairs, several deer skulls hanging ominously on the walls, a large maroon bed that was so neatly made it looked to be a mere display, and the soft glow of a swamp surrounded by forest trees in the distance. 
You unpack the equipment you carried with you - stethoscope, thermometer, gloves, examination light, cotton balls. You left your less earthly conventional items back in your office, as you had absolutely no idea whether they would be of use. Each new patient meant you had to study and adapt to their unique anatomical features and curses, on top of your prior anatomical knowledge. 
Alastor stays silent the entire time you rummage through your materials, except for the occasional thump of his tail on the bed sheets and the consistent hum of jazz and radio static, which was periodically interrupted by sharp pops. You smile internally at the flattening of his ears; he must be really annoyed by that hyperactive tail of his huh? Personally, you were quite fond of your own. But you could see why a man like Alastor would be bothered by this. 
You pull on your gloves, starting to settle into a comfortable pace. All is going well, you reassure yourself. All except for the weird musky smell from him that kept tugging unexpectedly at your insides. Better not breathe all that in. He could be contagious.
You pull out a thermometer. “Alright, I’m going to take your temperature ok…?"
He simply nods. So quiet today, especially for a man who never seemed to shut up on his infamous radio broadcast. 
Just when you think he couldn’t get any rigid, you see him stop dead at your hand cupping his chin. “Open your mouth for me…” His claws tear into the bed sheets beneath, and you pat his shoulder, trying to get him to relax. His tail furiously thumps against the sheets. Oh. He doesn’t want you to touch him. 
You remove your hand from his chin and manage to take his temperature, dipping the oral thermometer beneath his tongue. You could practically feel the heat emanating off his skin onto your hand. It would be surprising if he didn’t have a fever. “Since demons all have varying levels of body heat, I can only measure fevers by comparing them to your baseline temperature. I’d say you definitely have one based on your appearance alone…” You pull out your notepad. “...But I still need to record the results for future reference.” 
You might as well be talking to yourself. You didn’t mind it though, given that you were trying to ignore his overbearing presence. “Now, I’m going to examine your eyes and ears.” You take out your light and gently gesture for him to look upward. At least he was complying now. Eyes seem normal, just as evil and red as a demon’s eyes should be. You move to his ears, which you didn’t even dare to touch based on the sudden cautioning glare he was shooting at you. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t touch anything.” You smile non threateningly before shining the light at his ears, humming as you peeped inside. They quiver, the fur slightly brushing against the head of your examination light. 
“Hmm, nothing there either…” You rummage through your bag, pulling out your stethoscope. He narrows his already lidded eyes in distaste. “I’m going to have to make some contact with it… but I’ll be fast I promise. Just tell me if you want me to pull away.”
He grits his smiling teeth, finally speaking up for the first time during the whole appointment. “You will not be coming near me with that… thing.” You’re taken aback as he suddenly stands up, brushing off his coat. A single droplet of sweat runs down his clenched jawline. “I did not require such a ridiculous examination in the first place.” He’s trying desperately to keep up his usual buoyant facade. But his frustration, at something, kept breaking through the surface. “I’ll be perfectly swell in due time! Tell the princess that these pains are nothing and it will resolve itself.” 
You panic, reaching out to grasp at his lapels before you could even think about it. You’ve never had a patient leave untreated. “Wait! Alastor, I can’t just let you go like that. As a doctor, at least let me try to help!” The second you make contact with him, you watch in horror as his face twists into something truly terrifying. Crack! There’s a breaking sound, then his form twists, joints lengthening asymmetrically with frightening speed until he dwarfed you by at least an additional 3 feet. He leans down to stare you in the eye. You’re unable to look away from the morbidly glitching radio dials. “You can’t help me. Nothing you do will ever be of use to my situation. It would help me more, in fact, if you left this very instant.”
…What did he say? 
Nothing you do will ever be of use to my situation.
Nothing you do will ever be good enough.
Just like they told you when you started medical school all those decades ago. 
You don’t even notice that you’re crying until you’ve been standing there wordless for so long that his demonic form has slowly, inch by inch shrunken to his original self. You don’t even notice that your vision is blurry. All you felt was defeat. Humiliation, rather. Who were you to think that you could help an overlord in any way? You weren’t even qualified to be a doctor down here in hell. No one is. You just thought you’d try. That’s all.
The ball at the pit of your throat tightens until you can barely breathe from concentrating on stopping the traitorous tears salting your cheeks. Distantly, through the muffled ringing in your ears and erratic static engulfing the room, you hear a low exhale. 
Could you get any more pathetic? You hold your breath when you feel a single clawed finger wiping at the stabbing fluids running down your face, each one hot and heavy with shame. You blink to clear your teary vision, and you see him looking down on you with an unreadable expression.
Apologetic? No, why would a man like him say sorry? Besides, he had nothing to be sorry for. He was correct in his reaction, you really couldn’t do anything to help. You just had to go and cry about it afterwards. Fuck. You sniffle pathetically, 
He speaks softly, the dense static lessening in volume. “There’s no need to shed tears over something that is not your fault.”
It doesn’t help. You didn’t cry often, but once the tears started it was difficult to stop. He lets his hand drop to his side and moves back to his previous position on the edge of his bed. 
“This isn’t something you can help me with, my dear. It’s an unpleasant condition I’ve had to suffer every year since I landed in hell, and nothing but waiting it out would help. This year just happens to be… more difficult than the others.” 
“Y-You’ve… had to go through this every year?” You picture the pain he must go through, and the empathy within you instantly felt for his hardships. What type of horrible things did he do on earth to deserve this? You snort with your trembling voice at your ridiculous question. You’re in hell, dumbass. What do you think?
“Every year.”
“Well, m-maybe I can help and we just don’t know it yet. Let me try, at least?” Hope dares to grace your mind, and the tears, although still running down your face, slow to a trickle.
He hesitates. He’s going to say no, isn’t he? That’s alright, you’ll do everything in your power to research deer demon biology on your own time. “You may try.” 
You blink in surprise, and your lips slowly twitch upward into a forming smile, despite the liquid sorrow still lining your eyes. In contrast to his uneasy expression, his tail thumps lightly at your grin. You find it… cute how closely the movements of his tail matched his feelings.
You pull out your stethoscope once again, attaching the tips of the headset to your ears. You glance at him for permission one more time, and he tilts his head with a disconcertingly wide grin as though to feign nonchalance. His flattened ears and tight fists however, told another story. Nonetheless, he compliantly unbuttons the top of his shirt and looks to the side, lying on his back. You smile apologetically and gently press the stethoscope to the skin of his chest.
Heartbeat… was sound. Slightly quick, likely due to current discomfort. You move the stethoscope around his chest, and you hear what sounded suspiciously like a breathy gasp. Focusing on your work, you dismiss it as a background noise. Lungs seem normal. 
Your own heartbeat is starting to quicken, for a reason other than the sniffles that had dulled to an occasional disturbance during your examination. His scent. Your eyes nearly tear up again from the effort not to breathe him in from your proximity. You feel the gummy walls lining your mouth salivate, the sticky fluid pooling in the crevices of your teeth. Was this possibly a symptom? Perhaps he was contagious after all, and the illness was an airborne one. You think back to a time when you had to treat a cloud-like demon who was overly condensed with liquids; and the very next day, you found that you’ve contracted a similar ailment yourself, your entire face bloated with an excess of fluid.
Perhaps that was Alastor’s case as well?
You should’ve brought a face mask. You move the stethoscope lower to his abdomen. Digestive track… you press the diaphragm tighter against his lower abs to get a better read. 
This time, the low noise that escaped his throat was almost impossible to miss. The strange feeling inside you squirms at the sound, but you clear your head of any dirty images, knowing that the radio demon was famed for not being interested in anything of that matter. Right. He’s most likely just in pain. Stay professional. You shift the stethoscope around, searching for a sound. Don’t make this moment any longer than it already is, you pray to no entity in particular.   
You move further down, still not hearing a sound from his digestive tract. Was that the issue here? He’s been having a rough time because there’s issues with his digestion? Well, that would certainly explain his reluctance to admit his illness. 
You’re so focused on listening that you don’t notice the gasps through gritted teeth rising in volume, relentless shifting of the demon beneath you, or the way your head, leaning ever so close to his skin in an unconscious effort to move closer to the stethoscope, was fastly approaching a forbidden area. Not even the heated gentle graze of suit fabric brushing against your chin interrupted your concentration. Neither did a strangled static-filled noise piercing the air. 
It was only when you felt the sudden assault of rough cloth, covering something pulsing warm and hard, colliding into your cheek did you finally blink in surprise, dropping the bottom half of your stethoscope in your haste. 
You stand up in a flurry, fluttering your lashes in disbelief as Alastor, the infamous feared radio demon overlord you only just met today, laid on his bed beneath you bucking his hips shallowly into the air where your face was a moment prior. His teeth are clenched so hard crimson black liquid drizzles over his gums and soaks the lapels of his suit. His eyes twitch along with his flattened ears, flickering and crazed, while his claws have shredded what was left of his bed sheets at this point.
His voice turns into something inhuman, growls layered with the eerie buzz of static. Before you could fully process the situation, he encircles a hand around your wrist, gripping you with bruising force to land on top of him. His arms encircle you, sinking his claws into your hips. Fuck, that hurt. But… you let yourself breath in his scent at last, having let your guard down with the suddenness of his movement. The effect was immediate. It felt as though you’ve given yourself a tranquilizer, with the way your muscles seemed to suddenly fail you and you melt submissively like butter into his hold. 
He tosses you onto all fours, and your elbows knock into one another as you strain to hold yourself upright. The dizzying, all-consuming fog of heat building within you and permeating each of your senses with its presence was all too foreign for you. Your mind scrambles, losing all progress of diagnostic thoughts. You wanted to pull away, to get him to calm down so you… could… talk…
That was the last of your conscious thoughts as you feel yourself slip into some sort of hypnotic bliss. He pulls your skirt to the side swiftly, pressing his hips to yours, the movement coarse and sloppy. The noise he lets out at the contact is depraved. 
“Darling… I’m just going to stay here for a bit… ngh - just for a bit.”
For a moment, he simply stays still, staticky gasps breathing hot on the back of your ears. He played with your tail, which was shaking back and forth with a mind of its own. You arch your back needily, pressing into him and prompting him to growl and finally hump into your heat. 
Was he saying something? You couldn’t tell with the way your brain had gone soft. An internal, animalistic voice told you to not think. Just part your legs and let the buck behind you have his way, it says. You whimper, the soft sounds slightly muffled by Alastor’s pillow - his pillow, which smells deeply, intoxicatingly, irrevocably like him. You’ve only met him today, but he was safe. The voice tells you that he’s yours, he’s going to protect you, he’s going to mate you.
He snarls into your ear at your needy whimpers, roughly jerking his hips into yours repeatedly. You whine, feeling the heat inside your abdomen crescendo into a sudden pain. You need him. You need more of him.
“A..Al…astor…hah… p-lease I need mo-re…” Your words fall apart with each thrust of his clothed cock over your soaked pussy, eyes starting to water with the frustration of not having his cock fill your aching hole.
In your heat-ridden mind, there was nothing you could think of but the insatiable need to be fucked dumb until you were filled by something. You cried in disappointment at not knowing what to ask. You try, you really do, but you can’t remember what the two of you were doing before this for the life of you. You gather enough strength in your ragdoll limbs to twist your neck at him, hand clumsily reaching for his pants. 
Then he stops.
He fucking stops.
Like a spell being broken, Alastor’s movements stutter to a halt the second your finger touches his zipper. He tears himself away from you, breaths shaky as he steps backward. It takes your dumbed-down consciousness a few moments to register what was happening. Your eyelids, which have begun to stick together from the adhesive of your dried tears, pry open ungracefully.
No. No, no, no, no, no! The fire in your abdomen twisted and turned, threatening to consume you whole with its intensity. He can’t leave now. No! You whine in protest, but he’s avoiding all eye contact with you. The bare skin on your hips were damp, and you realize it must be from the sweat you now see dripping off his skin in torrents. His mouth is twisted irregularly wide, even for him, as though he were pouring his all into maintaining his composure.
“My dear, I’m afraid I lost control of myself there. I do apologize, but right now you need to leave.”
You whimper, still stupidly reaching for him. Why would you leave? He’s right there. You need him, and you can smell, with a frightening accuracy you’ve never previously noticed in yourself, the desperation rolling off him. You climb toward him needily, pawing for his well-endowed girth, still twitching and hard under the offensive cloth, begging to be freed. 
He didn’t take so kindly to your advances this time. With a single blink of an eye, you were torn away from your potential release and thrusted into the hallway, where you landed on your bottom, legs folded under one another and ears pressed against your head, staring at Alastor’s shut door with dazed eyes and unfulfilled burning in your womb.
Shit. As your mind clears and you tune into your surroundings - the red, flickering lights of the hallway and coarse texture of the rug beneath you - you think of the diagnosis that’s been right under your nose (literally) this whole time. You’ve dealt with animal patients before.
Yearly pains, usually lasting several months. Signs of fever. Changing behavior. Your heated reaction to his condition, the supposed contagiousness of it all. You’ve been blind as a deer in headlights. 
Alastor was in a rut.
Alastor thought that he'd gotten used to his ruts. That he would be able to handle his issues himself for the rest of eternity. 
It’s been nearly a century since he’s landed in hell, nearly a century since the torture began.
The first time the feeling hit him, it had been a complete shock. The feeling was foreign and intrusive; and while he had gotten used to his new height, physical animal features and sudden craving for cannibalism rather quickly, this cursed feeling was an entirely different field of issues altogether. 
He’s never been interested in sexual intercourse with another. Of course he knew what desire meant, but his own sense of desire had been so low throughout his life he barely needed to even touch himself. The small, infrequent bouts of want he experienced as a human was nothing like the searing hot whip of desperation that would haunt him in hell. He found it amusing, in an unpleasant sickening way; the way he thought himself to be entirely fearless, unaffected by what usually frightened others, yet the higher ups still ended up finding the one thing that bothered him and used it to punish his dead soul. 
He maintains the same grin and duties he had to attend to normally, albeit with a stiffer posture and less patient remarks. He didn’t touch himself. He had found out the hard way, during his first year, that touching himself would only increase the desire to an unbearable point and draw out the rut that much longer.
So he’d suffer through day by day, ignoring the itching in his antlers and the yearning confined in his slacks. 
Unfortunately, he’s come to the realization that each year without a mate, the duration of his rut would last longer than the previous. This year had been the longest yet, and given how fast time seemed to pass when he was not in a rut, it felt as though barely any weeks had passed since his last rut. If he were being honest, perhaps five months would be a better guess than three. Still, he followed the same rule he always did: do not give into the urges by having another, or make it worse by touching himself. It was his way of maintaining some semblance of control down in the depths of hell, where he found himself chained to not only a master but these unfavorable urges of his.
Though it was easier said than done. Many times he’s found himself unable to keep his composure, excusing himself from breakfast with the others, locking himself in his radio tower for days working on scripts, killing any scum who walked his way, doing anything to distract himself from the treacherous burning in his crotch. Anything to stop the inevitable bucking of his hips into nothing as his lower half takes on a mind of its own, wretchedly trying to catch a surface, any surface, to grind on.
Just when he finally got himself under enough control to sit at the bar for a drink, his hotel friends join him. Usually this was not a disturbance, yet the way they all seemed interested only in talking to him did strike his suspicion. People never initiated conversations with him, unless it was to foolishly challenge him to a fight. Not even his supposed friends, who had grown cordial enough with him over time but still maintained a comfortable distance.
Yet here they were, taking turns talking to him as though they’ve been doing the same congenial routine since he got here. Suspicious indeed!
He smelled her before he saw her. A sweet, tantalizing scent which wriggled into his throat and squeezed, causing him to stiffen his muscles and lid his eyes. She’s a doe. He realizes this all too late as he finds her standing in the doorway, bathing in the mouth-watering scent. The sudden flash of pain in his pupils alerts his companions, but not before they too, notice the girl.
He wanted to leave then, and really he could do so if he wished. Vaggie and Angel Dust couldn’t defeat him, and Husk was under his control anyway. But the traitorous need to get more of that delectable scent wafting off her body in waves was too strong for him to ignore. He’d only stay a few minutes more, he promises himself that. 
A few minutes turn into 10, and suddenly he’s all alone with her. 
A doctor. How ironic! She claims to hold the cure to his miseries, all the while not knowing that she had become part of the cause. Her presence was nearly unbearable to him who’d been in a rut for so long without a mate, and Alastor had to physically force himself to sit still by digging a claw into the meat of his thigh. She doesn’t notice his dilemma, nor does she notice the subtle crossing of his legs to hide the bulge of his painfully erect member, that had started leaking profusely into his slacks.
He plays the part of a gentleman the best he could, warning her with his eyes to maintain her distance. The poor girl was nervous and self-conscious, he could feel that. Normally he’d never care, but the damned hormones that influenced his thinking during his rut told him to soothe her, to assure her that everything would be ok, as tears quiver down her face. It was disgusting, the feeling of wanting to protect another. Disgusting, but also oh so right.
He held back when she accidentally touched him in the hallway. He held back, when she leaned in uncomfortably close, checking his temperature. He held back when she turned around, revealing her twitching tail and skirt that would be so easy for him to tear away and have his way with her. 
Yet he knew the unavoidable situation that would occur as soon as she had him lay down on his back, stethoscope in hand. He couldn’t help it. Each touch of her cool, gloved fingers pressing against his too-heated skin felt like the bitter promise of heaven for a soul deep in the trenches of hell. 
When her face is that close to the throbbing, aching part of his lower half, there was nothing he could do as a sharp sting of pleasure shot through his brain. He bucks his hips upward, body spasming and entirely fatigued from the many decades of having denied himself his biology. 
Why was he doing this again? At this point, who was he fighting against? Was he proving a point to the higher ups, letting them witness his impressive self control? Or was he torturing himself, making himself a fool by adding to the pain they already gave him? 
In the midst of his dilemma, he hadn’t noticed the way he grabbed her body and threw her onto the bed, nearly humping his hips into hers. He had been pent up for so long that he couldn’t even feel the pleasure initially, because his body was so used to him denying it. But when she turns her head to him, reaching out to touch him, looking at him with hazy, needy eyes…
Yes, that snaps him out of his thoughts. He must be out of his mind. After surviving a whole century of this torture, now he was letting go of himself all because he was put in front of another deer demon? 
He forgoes being courteous and removes her from his room as fast as he could, not giving the animal part of his brain a single second to change its mind. 
As soon as she was out, and he made sure his door was locked, he let out a pained growl, nearly crawling away from the door. His antlers lengthened, form twisted, the more animalistic part of him cries out in anger. Anger at himself, for throwing out his only chance at relief. His cock feels nearly numb with pain, growing in need from the narrow encounter a few moments prior. Resigning to his fate, he shakily unbuckles his pants, refusing to rip them off like he truly wanted to, for the sake of the little dignity left inside him. Rationally, he knew he was about to make things worse, but his instincts fed lies to him, telling him that this would make it all better.
Before he could even begin touching his leaking cock, he heard her. More specifically, he could hear her broken whimpers through the wooden material of his door, echoing needily through his head. Her scent had grown even stronger if possible. It was mind-numbingly sweet, despite the intensity being anything but so. He must’ve sent her into a heat, he realizes. 
This was going to… complicate things. Although Alastor could take care of himself, and was prepared to do so for the rest of his time in hell, he couldn’t let her - his doe - suffer from something he caused. Especially not with his current state of mind, where every molecule of his being told him to protect her. His mate. 
Then he hears the unmistakable slick sound of small fingers thrusting into something wet, and his ears stand pin straight as they turn to the door. 
He decides that the devil has tested him enough.
You’re leaning on the shut door of Alastor’s bedroom, sweat pooling in the thin threads of your clothing. Through the door, your head was clear enough to think; but that didn’t stop the incessant heat pooling between your thighs, attempting to suction all your attention toward one thing and one thing only.
Was this the type of pain Alastor has been in this whole time? You whimper, rubbing yourself depravedly against the rough carpet beneath you. 
There was nowhere to go. You were in no state to ask Charlie and the others for a room of your own, and you wouldn’t be able to tear yourself away from the scent of him if you tried. You mewl as you ground yourself in just the right spot - but the usual satisfaction didn’t come. Frustrated, you try grinding yourself harder into the carpet, ears alert for any noises you might catch from beyond his door. You hear the unzipping of his pants, and you cry, feeling almost betrayed at the sound of him. Shakily, you tuck your fingers beneath your skirt and plunge your fingers into your entrance, letting your fingers fill the gushing cavity.
You moan at the glimmer of relief, then immediately sigh in frustration as your fingers did absolutely nothing to quell the ache. 
The door rips open. 
“Alastor?” You blink wearily up at the disheveled demon, all seven feet of him glaring down at you. It doesn’t even register you to feel embarrassed at this point, with your hand still stuffed under your skirt in an obvious act of self-pleasuring. 
In a blink, the ground beneath you disappeared. Black smoke claws at your lungs and you squeal, finding yourself reappearing into existence on a plush crimson mattress. He materializes in front of you, breathing inconsistent and ragged, the radio static heavy in his voice. 
“Darling…” He encircles your wet thighs with his damp gloves, leaning over your so closely you could feel his sweat drip onto you. He leans his forehead on yours, the flush on both your faces matching in color. “I need-.”
You pull him down by his hair before he could speak, tiring of the whole waiting game. You didn’t want to hear a whole speech, all you wanted was to have him rail you so deeply into the bed you’d forget who was who. His lips crash onto yours, and you kiss him furiously, the heated passion arising from natural biological need stronger than anything you’ve ever felt with a human man.
He groans into your mouth, spreading your legs with his knees, and slots his cock desperately into your soaked pussy. This time, you don’t give him enough time to pull away before you hurriedly work at the zipper. The moment your hands wrap around his member, hotter than the rest of him even, he lets out the most depraved noise you’ve ever heard another make. To think that you would’ve heard such a thing from the radio demon seemed nearly incomprehensible just a few hours ago. 
He takes control again then, flipping you haphazardly into the four-legged position you had assumed earlier. There was no need to prepare anything - the both of you were leaking so much that you were sure he could slip in without any pain, despite his impressive size - but still he hesitates, pausing with his tip at your entrance. It twitches against your slick.
He must be thinking again, you realize. Thinking dangerous thoughts, that would take away your relief. You weren’t going to let him stop this time, especially knowing now how badly he needed it.
“Alastor if you don’t put it in right now-.” 
He growls, each rivet of the sound layered with radio static. Without another word, he thrusts his whole length in. Or at least you thought it was the whole thing. But when he doesn’t move, and you peek curiously at the junction between you two, you realize with fascinated horror that he was only halfway in. 
You keep your neck in that twisted position, wanting to watch his face while he waits for your walls to loosen enough to take the rest of him. Instead of looking away, like he’d done so while trying to hide his condition, he stares straight into your eyes with his piercing blackened gaze. Between his dark eyes, the slightly lowered grin, lengthened antlers and bloody drool slipping down his chin, he almost felt more animal than person. Especially given the complete silence, aside from his staticky heavy panting. Like he was incapable of speaking at the moment.
The enchanting stare-off between the two of you was interrupted by a sudden sharp thrust from him, causing your head to tilt back as you ground out another whimper. There’s a loud smack as his balls hit the base of your pussy. Something wet drips on your bare shoulder blades, where his claws had torn off the top of your shirt. It’s from his mouth, you realize. His hot breath condenses on the back of your neck, and without warning, you feel the entire top row of his teeth sinking into your skin followed closely by a guttural moan. You half scream, half moan at that, and you feel the lips on your neck curl into a grin.
He starts moving his hips; back and forth, back and forth. Little white specks dot your vision, which was blackened as your eyelids reflexively shut from the overwhelming pleasure. Your brain shuts off, the only things you could feel being the throbbing yet fulfilling sensation of his teeth digging into your neck, the warm rivulets of your own blood running down your sides, his claws shredding into your hips, and of course the maddening gratification of his cock repeatedly drilling into your hole.
This heat thing- no, he was turning you into a hedonist. You feel his teeth momentarily pull out of your skin to lick at the blood trickling from your wound, your heartbeat helping gush the red fluid out in erratic waves. There’s a gulp; he’s swallowing, drinking the blood out of your body as he never stops thrusting. 
He pulls his teeth out and suddenly flips you around, cock still thrusted deep into your womb. You get a good look of his face, his eyes half-lidded, pupils an endless reddish black void, smile dripping with a mix of his natural darkened bloody spit and the fresh, vibrant red of your blood. He leans in, pressing the salty iron on his lips to yours. You, in all your heat-dazed mind and curiosity, let him thrust his tongue into the cavern of your mouth, invading your tastebuds with something musky and bitter, mixed well with  a pulsing sweet irony taste. 
You’re tasting him on your tongue. Him and you, together. You must really be fucked dumb because that’s the thought that brings you over the edge, body stilling as a cry rips from your throat, choking on the blood that had started to clot in your throat. Your walls spasm wildly around his length, causing him to thrust faster.
He fucks into your limp body on the bed, a look of deep concentration on his face as he works to overcome a century of not having orgasmed. He cums without any warning, face frozen into the same smile he always wore. He doesn’t want you to see him come undone. 
Your breaths begin to steady as he clings onto your hips, spurting endless amounts of sperm into your body. It never seemed to end. Each time you thought he was done, his hips would convulse and you’d feel another bout of liquid fill your womb. You reach a shaky hand to pet the bulge that filled your lower abdomen, your innards being stretched uncomfortably full from the girth of his knot and endless cum. He glances at you then, almost sheepishly. Almost apologetically, like he’s doing something wrong. You caress his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him.
You speak up. “That was… not what I expected when I arranged this appointment.” 
He stares at you in what looks like amusement.
It’s only now, in the aftermath of your session, that you notice how much of your blood was coating your skin, forming a thin, sticky layer. Yet he showed no signs of stopping, the same deranged grin gracing his face as the one that was there when you first started speaking. 
“I apologize dear, but it seems that we are far from done.”
He digs his teeth into your abdomen now, savoring the taste of iron on his tongue. You hiss in pain, twisting your body on the sheets as though to avoid his assault. But he maintains a firm grip on your sides, and you give in, letting the pleasure of being under his control overtake the pain. He sinks his teeth deeper, and there’s a weird tingling sensation where he bites. You wiggle a bit, realizing that the tingle was coming from the strange sensation of his teeth hitting muscle. 
“N-not done…?” Your own heat felt like it was fading, returning you to your normal state of mind.
“I’m not sure how long this will last, given the amount of time I’ve been putting off the whole ordeal.” He pulls your thighs around him and situates you in his lap. You blush, feeling shy all of a sudden at his unexpected display of affection. “Once it deflates enough to pull you off…” He nibbles at your earlobe, threatening to bite into the soft flesh. “We’ll be here for quite a while darling.”
You hum contemplatively, resting your head on his sweating chest. A long time… you weren’t looking forward to explaining all the missed appointments to your patients.
And you certainly weren’t looking forward to facing Charlie and the others. 
Two weeks later, Alastor finally let you leave his room for the first time. 
You limp to the door, wondering how you were going to explain the fact that you spent two weeks straight fucking the cum out of your supposed patient. Well, he was still a patient. And you had treated him. Just with a more hands-on method than you originally thought. 
You had cleaned up to the best of your ability in Alastor’s bathroom, where he took you one last time over the sink. Luckily, your shirt covered any wounds he left on your upper body. Unfortunately, given how short your skirt was, there was no way you could hide the deep bite marks from your thighs to your ankles. 
“So… you found out that his ‘illness’ was contagious because you contracted it, then locked yourself in his room essentially to quarantine from the rest of us?” Angel asks speculatively. It was clear he doubted the words coming from your mouth.
“That’s the most kind, pure-hearted thing I’ve ever seen a sinner do!” Charlie on the other hand, instantly bought into your lie. She holds your hands excitedly, a million thoughts racing through her head at what she could do with this information.
“Then what about those marks on your legs? Looks like you got mauled by an animal.” Husk is quick to point out the evidence, but you laugh, covering it up with another excuse you thought up.
“Oh that’s from when I went exploring alone in the swamp. Alastor didn’t tell me there were dangerous animals in there. Now I’ve learned my lesson!”
“Riiiight then why didn’t either of ya respond when we came checkin’ up on you all those times? We were worried, ya know?”
Alastor enters the bar, a grin brightly plastered on his face and clothing as polished as ever. “We were busy!” 
He’s already decided that you wouldn’t be leaving his side after you saw him in such a vulnerable state. That, and the strange alteration the rut left on his hormones has led him to form an… unexpected connection to you. After a few back and forths, you excuse yourself, standing up from the bar stool and heading back upstairs with the excuse of forgetting something in Alastor’s room.
On the way up, you feel the burning of several suspicious stares, as well as a strangely possessive and loving one. Your phone dings.
It’s a message. From Angel.
Just admit ya’ll fucked up there
A/N:  I’m not a big fan of writing “he growled” buuuuut my other options according to Google are “he snarled, barked, yapped, bayed(?)” and I wasn’t about to fucking write about how he bayed at the sight of your pussy. Maybe I should’ve just gone all in on making him a little bitch and only wrote “he whimpered pathetically” but alas the fic is over
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Steve, it’s an emergency. I need to kiss you. Actually, I need you to kiss me. But I can’t just do it without asking because what if you don’t want me to, and I practically attack you? So yes or no? I swear it’s for a good cause.” Eddie comes running up to Steve in the bar, panting so hard Steve can see the chest movements.
They have taken Robin to a bar out in Indy to get her laid finally. Or at least a tongue in her mouth. The girl is pent up. And it’s Steve’s job as best friend to make that happen (Robin has told him to stop saying that, ‘it is gross’). Eddie is the only other queer person they know and, luckily, has made quite a few trips to Indy to know which bars were the good ones. He tells Steve that, like Robin, he is desperate to get laid, so this is the perfect opportunity.
Steve does his best to try and ignore the burning jealousy he feels at that. Eddie doesn’t know about his feelings (hell about his sexuality), and Steve is pretty sure Eddie doesn’t see him that way.
“Huh?” Asks confused, his brain struggling to process.
“Okay, I see you’re stuck on how to answer, but Steve—“ Eddie grips Steve’s shoulder, and Steve tries not to swoon. “—my ex, the extra shitty one, is here, and if he sees me alone I’ll either a) go home with him tonight and—“
Steve cuts Eddie off with a searing kiss. The thought of Eddie going home with someone else was enough for Steve’s brain to catch up to speed. Steve presses Eddie against the bar. The loud bass of the music suddenly becomes a light thrum in the background. All that he feels is the delightful pressure of their lips together. Eddie’s hands slide up into Steve’s hair as he gets pressed harder into the bar. Steve’s hands' grip Eddie’s waist and give them a tight squeeze. The idea of bruises being left behind, a mark of what they are doing here, makes Steve deepen the kiss. His tongue used to massage Eddie’s, tasting the menthol and rum on his breath. Eddie moans loud and heavy, vibrating Steve’s entire body.
“Eddie?” A voice interrupts them. Steve feels his anger spark back slightly but wills it down because the interruption is probably needed. They are very close to getting kicked out for public indecency.
“Oh hey, Ryan.” Eddie looks the blonde man up and down. He’s cute, Steve notes, but he lacked personality in his appearance. He isn’t what Steve expects from an ex of Eddie’s. He isn’t naive enough to think Eddie dates exclusively metal heads, but he expects someone to match Eddie’s energy. This guy—Ryan apparently—looks like every other guy you’d find on a Sunday in Supermart. Boring and lacking imagination.
“Who’s this?” Ryan looks at Steve pissed.
“Steve?” Eddie wraps an arm around his waist, bringing Steve close up against him. “This is my boyfriend.”
“This dude’s your boyfriend?” Ryan snorts. “C'mon baby, I know you can do better.”
Steve feels his anger finally pop. “He is not your baby. Yea, he can do better than both of us combine, but I’m lucky enough to get him. Now, you interrupted our time together, and we both know you saw what we’re up to, so don’t act like it wasn’t on purpose.”
Ryan startles backwards, “I—“
“Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. I meant leave the fuck right now.” Steve grits out, some of his Upside Down protection mode popping out. Ryan scatters quickly.
“Jesus, Steve, that was amazing. I’m sorry I had to make you uncomfortable with that.” Eddie’s eyes find his and cuts Steve off before he can protest and explain no, he really did like that “—and you never even let me explain reason b, by the way! Reason b is b) he would probably humiliate me in the middle of the club.”
Steve nods at Eddie but has one track mind at this point. He grabs Eddie by the face this time before crashing their lips together once again. This time Steve moans into Eddie’s mouth as they both get lost in the kiss.
Steve pulls back ever so slightly and talks directly into Eddie’s mouth, “Sorry. I think he’s still staring. Needed to do more.”
Eddie, with swollen lips and a kissed-out face, looks around the bar to find nothing. “I don’t see him anywhere.”
Steve smirks and pulls Eddie by his belt loops so they are flushed together. Steve leans into Eddie’s ear and nibbles at his lobe. “Hmmm, you’re right. I think he’s actually in the bathroom. Maybe we should kiss in front of him there.” Steve whispers hotly.
Eddie’s brain, which has short-circuited much like Steve only minutes ago, finally catches up. Eddie groans, his face collapsing into Steve’s neck. He licks a stripe up Steve’s neck all the way to his mouth. “Fuck. Yea, baby, I think I saw him too. Think kissing, though, won’t be enough. We might need to up our game.”
Steve nips at Eddie’s lips, “I was hoping you would say that. Guess I just know how much you love your games, Eds.”
They meet each other for one last searing kiss before rushing to the bathrooms to share a very tight, very heated stall.
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pimpnchips · 3 months
In the night
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Jenna hypnosis (makes you extremely gay).
((Also, part of this was from my wattpad story! it’s deleted now, I moved over here instead)
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Summary: Tara plays hard to get..but not for long
The way her hair flowed past her shoulders, how her smile lights the room up, even a single glance from her made your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Just talk to her" Mindy says, popping a chip in her mouth while looking in your direction.
You shake your head, "no it's not that easy, this is a game to her"
Mindy rolled her eyes at your lame excuse for not talking to tara, she had been trying to get you two together by playing both sides, but the both of you were just as stubborn as the other.
"You're just as dumb as you look right now"  looking you up and down staring at your basic black outfit. It wasn't a bad choice but it wasn't mindy's ideal outfit.
"shut the fuck up, what do you know about style" You retort back "you never put enough effort in anything"
Mindy snorted, "are we fighting or flirting?" She teased, sticking her tongue out at you. You look at her raising your eyebrow, "no way in hell would I ever flirt with you"
While the two were busy bickering, Tara walked over and jumped in your lap wrapping an arm around your neck like she always did.
She looked in your face and smiled, "Hi" she said softly, resting her forehead against yours. The butterflies in your stomach multiplied tenfold.
You looked into the brown eyes you have come to love so much, "hey" you replied  smiling back, pulling her close. You heard Mindy clear her throat next to you, reminding the both of you she was still there.
You turned away from Tara just long enough to give her a glare, before turning back to face her again. "Uh, do you wanna get outta here?" You asked, "go for a walk or something?"
She smiled, "Yea, sure, that'll be nice"
You both got up, ready to go outside the apartment complex to go for a walk. Even though it was night the city still looked beautiful, so why not go and enjoy it.
But of course mindy always has something to say so she interjected, "I clearly made this happen" she says, pointing her fingers at the two.
You could only roll your eyes at her and grab onto Tara's hand as the two of you walked towards the exit. You didn’t even realize your action and immediately panicked , trying to remove your hand.
“It’s okay, we can hold hands” She smiles.
You nod, taking deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down. But you couldn’t help the stupid smile on your face or the blush that spread on your cheeks, especially after seeing the way she was smiling and blushing as well. You don’t let your thoughts take over you though, focusing on enjoying the time walking with Tara instead.
Tara pulled you closer to her, “so, what’s been up with you lately?,” she asks, tilting her head slightly. It’s the same action that drives you crazy when you first met, it took all you power not to grab her cheeks and kiss her senseless.
But you resisted it since you weren’t completely sure what she wanted.
“Not much, just work, mostly. Why?,” you said looking at her. The two of you stopped walking and stared at each other.
“I heard that you hooked up with one of the girls in our film class” She said quietly, but the look on her face seemed as if she was upset about it. Her tone sounded off, almost bitter.
You felt bad for making her feel like that, “oh…uh…yeah, we did” you said nodding your head ‘but she’ll never be you’, you added mentally.
Tara looks up at you, seductively almost , “you couldn’t have..just waited for me?” She says slowly. She leans in closer, “I know you wanna fuck me”
she purrs huskily, her breath hot on your skin. You felt your heart beat pick up its pace, a shiver run through your body as your eyes met hers once more.
She smirks at your reaction, leaning back slightly.
This time she doesn’t stop to admire the view. Before you knew it, she had pushed you against the wall, pressing herself up to yours. You could smell her perfume, mixed with the smell of the city pollution.
You couldn’t move, you couldn’t think. All you could focus on was how soft her lips felt against yours. Her arms wrapped tightly around your neck. She tasted sweet, like strawberries. You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to feel the warmth radiating off of her. It was intoxicating.
You pulls back slightly, “ I knew you wanted me” you whispered, your confidence coming back.
“Yeah, yeah. Now come here and fuck me” She whispers back, grabbing onto you waist. Your eyes locked, not daring to break contact. She laughs softly, moving her mouth down your jawline. This was definitely going to be better than any night ever. You were addicted to this girl.
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lotstradamus · 2 months
any chance for a spare old man daniel/armand fic rec? 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥺
in the details by infinitevariety - 'a turning point. immediately post-s2.'
hell is: by cannibalenthusiast - 'Daniel drinks another martini and a half, says, “You’re lucky I’m on blood thinners. I used to handle my liquor way better,” as he sets the unfinished drink on the table and offers Armand his arm again. Armand sits next to him this time, their bodies turned in toward each other as he cradles Daniel’s arm and drinks. The blood gives him a headrush, and he blinks rapidly to attempt to clear his vision. This time he leaves the wound for longer, lets blood drip down toward Daniel’s wrist before he laps it up. “Fuck,” Daniel murmurs as he watches. “That’s more like it.”'
I like your getup, if you know what I mean by cannibalenthusiast - 'His brain conjures the image of Rashid standing primly with a plush towel draped over his slim wrist. “For your jizz, Mister Molloy,” he says. Daniel snorts and spits onto his hand.'
the fog eating the night by tei - 'If Louis had wanted him alive, he'd have escorted him out himself. But he hadn't. He'd left Daniel standing there stunned, and walked out like none of this had mattered to him at all. Whether he meant to or not, Louis had given Daniel to Armand.'
old habits by tei - '"You're fucked up, you know that?" Daniel says. "Do you really like that shit? Or is it just a habit for you by now?"'
hell and you by quensty - 'With respect to Daniel’s life, pain in the ass is spelled A-R-M-A-N-D.'
strange mutations by leavethebes - 'Armand’s done it to him once before—gored him through the stomach, gutted him like a fish, snipped his gills off, and drained him right down to the fluttering valves of his heart. Left Daniel little more than a shriveled husk of a person, and somehow Daniel is back here anyway, on his knees in front of Armand and begging for the oblivion that was promised.'
you know that one tweet that's like 'iwtv is like porn for people who are into such weird shit that sex isn't even involved anymore?' yea
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yanderambling · 2 years
concept: Masochist Puppyboy!Yandere(m) x Bully!Reader(gn)
words: ~1k
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, bullying, physical/verbal abuse, reader smoking
in case this looks familiar: this is my best recreation of a story i posted on my deleted account- i loved it too much to let it die, hopefully you'll like it too!
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Adrian tries in vain to still his wagging tail, but it only propels faster as he gets closer to you.
This happens every morning: he passes by your "spot" where you hang out with your delinquent friends before school, and you always make sure to give him trouble- and it never gets easier for him to handle.
Sure, he could take a different route to school. Hell, he could even just cross the street. But then how would you catch his eye as he passes and send his heart racing? How would you snatch his tail between your fingers and give it a harsh tug that has him stumbling to a stop and biting back a moan?
"What's got you so excited this morning, freak?"
Adrian chokes on his words, causing your friends to mutter and laugh amongst themselves. He clears his dry throat before trying again, but it's so hard to focus on words with your fingers gripped in his fur.
You scoff. "That's what you say every morning, though." You gesture at him with his own tail, your voice dripping with bored condescension. "I'm starting to think this thing is broken."
The uncomfortable pressure makes Adrian's stomach flip in the most delicious way. "'m-'m sorry..." He murmurs, his heavy tongue struggling to form the words he wasn’t really sure why he was saying.
Another scoff from you, this one distinctly amused (god you’re beautiful when you laugh, even your mockery is breathtaking). "Yeah, you're sorry alright."
Adrian sees one of your friends start to step forward in his periphery, but you halt them with a simple wave of your hand.
Adrian's heart soars.
That's right! You're the only one that gets to touch him like this! You're the only one that gets to pull his tail and pinch his ears, that gets to yank his shirt and steal the breath from his lungs, that gets to grab his arm so hard he’s left pushing on the bruise for a week. Wow, you don't even want your friends getting close to him- you must really care for him!
"The hell are you smiling for?"
Adrian jumps at your blunt words, blinking at you with wide eyes as he struggles to bite down on his grin. "I- I'm not- sure- I-" He can't just say it, he knows how flustered you get about him around your friends, but he also can't very well ignore you. He gulps. “I'm- I don't- I'm not, um-"
You cut him off with a breathy, sardonic laugh (he can all but hear the angelic choir underscoring it). "Oh, jesus, whatever. Where's my damn lunch?"
Adrian perks up at this, a direction. “Oh!” He quickly turns to retrieve it from his bag, the motion causing your grip to tighten and his tail to be jerked in a downright sinful manner.
“H-hhnn-h-here…” He digs out an expensive-looking bento box, quickly holding it out to you with both hands.
Adrian has been bringing you a homemade lunch every morning for the better part of the school year (made by himself with lots of love and only a little spit, but you seem to like it so much!), content with eating from the convenience store so his parents don't get suspicious about him packing two lunchboxes. He's happy to do it, to know he's serving you every day, that his dedication and affection are regularly being consumed by you- it's an honor that thrills him to no end. (You just think you're taking his lunch, and that his mom is a killer cook.)
You snatch the box from him, giving his tail a final (mouthwatering) tug before you open the container. Adrian subconsciously holds his breath as your mouth curls into a tantalizing smirk.
"Sushi, huh? Trying to get on my good side, mutt?" You flick his ear as you snap the bento closed.
Adrian is surprised his legs haven’t given out. "Y-yea-ea- I- I know it's- your favorite..."
You snort, even managing to make that sound like music to his ears. “Yeah, I'll bet."
You swing your bag around and stuff the lunch away, drawing your hand back with a cigarette and lighter.
Adrian watches in awe as you hold it to your mouth; he’s completely enraptured by the way your sweet lips purse around the filter, the way your fingers flex as they ignite it, the way the flame reflects in your entrancing eyes, the way your cheeks hollow the slightest bit as you puff. He’s practically drooling as he watches the smoke crawl from your parted lips.
"What are you waiting for, a tip? Get lost."
Adrian startles out of his reverie, blinking slowly as he comes back to himself. Oh, right. He's given you what you needed from him, he can leave now.
He obediently ducks his head and hurries on his way, only throwing about a dozen or so glances back your way before he rounds a corner.
Leaving you is a physical pain, and it hurts more each time he has to do it. Every step away from you is like a knife to his chest, every inhale of air you haven't breathed is suffocating- but it's a pain he's more than happy to feel. Because to feel the pain of leaving means he got to be around you at all, a sacred privilege he still isn't sure how he earned.
It's not because he's a hybrid, they make up over half the school and you've never payed any of them the same attention- no, you chose him. For one reason or another- love, destiny, (he's an easy target; solitary, never fights back, eager to follow your demands, and he doesn't tell anything to anyone no matter what you do to him. he’s pathetic, really, but a nice little puppy to have around), whatever it may be- you chose him.
And you just keep choosing him.
With this reassurance in mind (and one of his many treasured photo albums of you open on his phone), Adrian continues his trek to school with a skip in his step.
He's already looking forward to watching you eat his lunch from across the cafeteria.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post~
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demonslayerunhinged · 27 days
Unhinged rant >:(
Demon Slayer fandom discourse
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I want to start this by saying, I know that Demon Slayer isn't an explicitly queer manga/anime because Shōnen Jump, but I believe that Demon Slayer is for the queers and has lots of themes that we can identify with like love, acceptance, loss, guilt and strength.
Despite what these stupid, smelly, ignorant, power-scaling, non-ass-washing, Cheetos-dust-snorting, once-a-month-showering, dude-bros would have you believe, Demon Slayer isn't just another battle Shōnen anime/manga, it's a love story and about the perseverance of the human spirit and if that doesn't speak to the queer experience then I don't know what does.
Plus, I don't know how Gotogue-sensei is as a person, but I think the fact that she managed to make one of the kindest mcs in shōnen speaks volumes about her disposition. I don't think she would be one to reject queer fans identifying with her story so well.
In these recent times, it seems like everything is going to shit, the world is slowly regressing into the dark ages destroying decades of progress and trying to distract ourselves from all this by engaging with the fandoms we love is hard because everything seems to cater to cis, straight, white men.
To be honest, I created this blog mostly out of spite, but I also wanted to carve out a tiny space for myself where I can talk out of my ass and not have some decrepit reddit dude bro go all 'well, ackshually ☝🤓' on me, and I'm happy to have met so many like-minded people.
So, I've compiled a list of answers to the common types of nonsense drivel these fuckers post in response to shipping and queer discussions and theories about Demon Slayer. You can copy and paste whenever and wherever you encounter these black holes of ignorance and stupidity if you want.
In the Taisho era, there were no gay/queer people: This is one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard, and the fact that it's a really common response really shows how we've failed as a society. Queer people have existed for ages all over the world, Japan has an extensive queer history. Demon Slayer is based on samurai culture and samurai culture was really, really, really, really, really, really, really gay. Sure, it had rigid roles, but that doesn't make it any less queer. A quick Google search would go a long way to nourish that dried-out, shrivelled husk you call a brain. Go read a book you walking condom ad, your parents and education system have obviously failed you.
It's forcing sexuality into the story: We literally had a whole season dedicated to the mcs going to the 'entertainment district', we have a sexy man with three wives who talks about 'loving' them all equally, we have the abundant male fanservice, one of the mcs talks about women on the daily, we have a boy who eats demons and is horny shy around girls all the time, we have his brother who exposes his tits because he's proud of them, we have a demon who was essentially a sexual predator that targeted 16-year-old girls and ate them, the main villain shape-shifts into a woman to 'get' information as a Geisha, we have a girl who literally lusts after almost everyone she meets but yea no lets not force sexuality into it 🙄.
I don't care: Okay cool, but I value your opinion as much as I value the shit I took this morning.
It's who they are as a character that matters: Sexuality is a part of a person's character. Your sexuality defines your experiences, decisions, options and outlook on life. That's why you as a straight man can be so ignorant.
It's forced*(I really hate this one): Honestly, fuck you. Why is it that you only think something is forced when it doesn't revolve around you and your experiences? You guys are fine with tons of anime/manga that sexualize women and girls to an insane degree even when it doesn't make sense, but that doesn't stop you from consuming and glazing the hell out of the authors, but when we talk about including queer characters suddenly it's forced? Your existence is forced, and you can just eat shit.
I don't like it: Who the fuck do you think you are dictating how other people consume and interpret the media they consume? How about you go hump your smelly, cum-encrusted anime body pillow.
Men can be touchy/emotional with each other without it being gay, it's just our western standards: No it isn't the majority of shipping activities and works come from Japan, which wouldn't happen if it was just part of their culture. We're not stupid, we know men and boys can be friends without it being sexual, and we know when a friendship is just that, and then we know when two guys are straight up pining for one another.
It's not canon/the mangaka didn't explicitly state it: They can't because of Shōnen Jump, so a lot of them pass off information about a character through subtext, metaphors and allegories. They also don't have to, things don't have to outright stated or 'canon' for them to make sense and if you need them to be so for you to understand or enjoy the story then a moment of silence for your head since it's without a brain.
It's not common: Despite Shōnen Jump, there are lots of mainstream anime/manga that have queer characters: One Punch Man, Hunter x Hunter, Dr. Stone, Windbreaker, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Naruto, Gintama, Dragon Ball Z, My Hero Academia, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, Blue Period and that's not to talk of the ones with queer subtext like I dunno ALL Sports anime/manga to ever exist!
Why do you look for LGBTQ in everything?: It might be hard for straights to understand but growing up queer and looking for a connection causes us to develop what we call a gaydar that helps us identify characteristics, mannerisms, features and vibes from a person that screams 'ONE OF US! ONE OF US!'. It's only natural, and our gaydar doesn't suddenly turn off when we're consuming media, especially when it's media that we love and hold dear to our hearts. It doesn't matter if the mangaka inserted these characteristics intentionally or not, that doesn't stop us from picking up on them, and why should it?
Shipping is stupid: So is power-scaling, but that doesn't stop you assholes from making thousands of posts, creating YouTube channels and sharing content about it and cramming it down our throats. It's even worse because it's from grown-ass men.
The characters have no chemistry/they hate each other: A lot of queer ships have more chemistry, history, interactions, personality and development than a lot of 'canon' straight couples. It's literally a trope in media that all a man and a woman need to be in a relationship is to be in close proximity to each other, then their relationship goes on to be drier than salted crackers in silicone packets scattered in the Sahara desert. Well, I guess you can't blame the creators, you write what you know after all.
I know this is a lot and I know how angry I sound right now, but I'm so sick and so tired of all these guys who are as useful to the human race as pieces of freshly shat out dog turds that have been thrown in the grass by the sidewalk in a hot summer afternoon, who can't see past their lice-infested neck beards trying to make something as colorful, interesting, joyful and queer as anime and the fandoms fit their own boring, stupid and misogynistic worldview.
In Conclusion, Demon Slayer is amazing, horny* and unbelievably queer.
*I'm talking about the male fanservice btw :)
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pure-oddity · 7 months
Worth the Trouble
Simon/Ghost x Mean!fem!Reader
Warnings: slightly toxic? Reader is verbally mean and ghost Def manipulates the situation so he can have the missus come see him. PiV , Smut MDNI
“Heard LTs lost it, goin around on a rampage.”
“Just about near it. Price thinks he's injured and trying to downplay it. Won't tell him much aside from ‘I'm fine’. Hell for all we know hes just got a man-cold”
“Ach, the poor bastard”
Gaz snorts and continues with the next set, Soap checks for signs of struggle or strain before continuing (a dutiful gym buddy)
“Heard he blew some recruits ear out.”
“Think he backed out entirely, can't blame him - if I weren't already knee deep in this shit I'd tuck tail and run from Ghost”
“You n me both. Well. I did always have a taste for trouble. Probably woulda sought him out and he mighta strangled me.” he muses happily imagining his Lt tossing him around.
“Surprised he hasn't already “ gaz laughs, his eyes determined through the final pushes.
Soap laughs at that, thinks his lt has gotten close once or twice.
“Don't worry much about it though” gaz grunts.
Soap meets gaz's eye, watches a bead of sweat trickle down into his hair line.
“Why not?”
“Captain says he's calling in the secret weapon. Going nuclear.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Johnny questions, thinks of what could possibly be nuclear in regards to Ghost.
“Dunno. But I guess we'll find out.” Gaz finishes, setting the bar back in place and sitting up with a groan. He gives a sniff to his shirt and audibly gags.
“Yea that's rank, you wanna hit the showers?”
“Sayin I stink Garrick?”
“Sayin we should hit the showers”
“Cheeky cunt”
Soap follows his fellow Sargent to freshen up in the shower block, a stealthy sniff to his armpit solidifying his choice in joining.
The issue of the ornery Lieutenant momentarily forgotten.
He always knew price had an easy time with the ladies, but to parade one around so freely - a young woman at that?
“Well well, did price finally let you out his basement? I knew he had a pretty bird caged away somewhere!”
He reaches out a rugged palm and his smile is all boyish charm.
“Names Soap, nice to meet you bonnie”
She doesn't respond and doesn't move to shake his hand. Her arms remain seated within pockets of the leather jacket she adorns. Just continues to chew a wad of gum, sizing him up like one would an enemy. She looks bored, mildly annoyed.
He can't feel too upset over the snuff, the ample amount of cleavage on display makes up for it.
“Not the sociable type? No problem, work with one of those - I'll break you down”
She looks at price now, who - soaps noticing - looks like he swallowed a lemon laced with depression.
“MacTavish. This young lady is not my bird - lovely as she is - but she is the solution to our problem.”
For once Soap is speechless. Realization kicking in suddenly and with a force so strong his jaw drops.
“.....is that why he's pissed?? Lads gone without a bit of pussy and he's lost the plot? “
“Just sayin! Sorry lass, don't mean to be crude” he does mean to be crude actually. He is crude, but usually he waits till the second date before parading that fact around.
“......let's just get this over with. Fuckin bullshit for you to pull me out here. again” She grosses, looking miffed.
“Right, yes. Again, I do sincerely apologize- I wouldn't if I had another option”
“You're his captain, just order the fucker to act right” She scolds him, dissaproval evident in how she sizes him up.
“Unfortunately my lieutenant is a master of malicious compliance. Sweet as sugar with me, but a menace to anyone else.”
She sighs something resigned and annoyed. He watches as she blows a small bubble and pops it with a sharp click. Her brows scrunched and nose wrinkled into a sneer.
“Are…are you actually here to - do I get something like this if I start throwing a fit?!”
He eyes the woman next to his captain as she walks past him, seemingly familiar with the layout of the building.
“MacTavish. Shut up.”
“Yes sir.”
A brief pause
“Is it cause he's a lieutenant? Do I need to be a lieutenant?”
“Give me 50 Sargent MacTavish “
“Yes sir.”
He drops quickly and works through the 50, counting quickly before springing back up and towards the direction his captain and mystery woman left. He catches up to the tail end of their conversation.
“-he won't come out”
“really. Have you tried, I don't know, kicking the door in?”
“No. A bit extreme don't you think?”
He watches as she walks to the door, examines it, and he thinks ‘no, no way’. Watches as she turns and braces herself against the doorframe and thinks ‘Oh she's insane’ as she picks her foot up and slams it back against the door with a solid thump.
She gets 4 in, he notices the damage to the door grows steadily - the odd tinge of arousal at the unhinged behavior of this woman.
Feels his stomach drop to his knees when the door is thrust open and she's dragged inside the darkness.
The door is hardly shut when the screaming begins.
His captain waits patiently while he looks towards him and the door.
His LT is loud but she's managed to be louder. He can't make much out from how fast everything is said, muffled through the slightly askew door
“-acting like a fucking toddler!”
While this isn't his particular brand of dirty talk, he supposes it makes sense for the ghost to want a heavier hand.
Too heavy, it would seem. The loud thump is jarring, enough so that he springs towards the door. Price grabs him, handles him into his side with a fierce look and a sternly mouthed ‘no’
The screaming had stopped. The silence is deafening. Johnny thinks at least one of them is dead. A woman that crazy probably wouldn't go down that easy, even against a ghost.
His body flinches when the door opens, he expects a limp hand to flop out horror movie style- heavily surprised to find the lass perfectly intact, not a hair out of place.
He peeks in the open doorway to see Ghost knelt in a way that can only be described at revenant. He sits at her feet, face pressed to her stomach while he clutches her body to him. she has a hand on each of his shoulders and glares down like an angry God.
“We'll be in the infirmary captain, he's got an infection. Stupid fuck.” She slips from Ghosts grasp with some struggle, swatting at clutching hands as she commands him “up”
Ghost, much like his namesake,rises like the dead and slinks out of the shadows of his room and into the light. He looks, oddly pleased(downright giddy) for a guy just pronounced a ‘stupid fuck’.
He watches as the fury marches towards the medbay, her hellhound shadow tight on her heels - might have even carried her if she didn't look as rabid as she did.
“That's Doll, Johnny. Ghosts leash, and Simon's keeper. Try to annoy her less yea? She sends ghost after you and there'll be fuck all I can do to stop him.”
“Heard…..doll? Really? I think of a doll, I think sweet and porcelain. Not, pissy with a heavy heaping of crazy. She looks like the type to cut brake lines.”
“Yea well, just don't let her know which car is yours and you'll be fine.”
“Sure she won't just cut them all?”
He sighs, something heavy and worn.
“I'm hoping she's forgotten where we keep them.”
“Hi just him today, thanks.”
“Oh um, and you are?” Doctor Nicole has seen a lot. Hasn't seen this yet. Might see more if spouses were more common on base.
“Im his voice currently. And his brain. He's not smart enough to use either on his own to tell you about his infection. Left leg, by the way.”
“Oh well. Oh. Um. I - I'll have you hop up on the bed then lieutenant! I'll take a look and. And fix that.”
He doesn't move, stares at the woman(his voice and brain, apparently) like she's the only one in the room - in the world.
His world groans and throws her head back - he chuffs.
“Listen to the fucking doctor , on the bed. Now.”
His steps are heavy and solid as he seats himself on the edge of the bed. Thighs spread and hands limp between his legs. He looks like a hunched beast eyeing his next meal.
The doctor finds that having her keep his attention is better than having it herself.
“Well. Uh, left you said?”
“Yeah. Calf area - knife probably? Something sharp.”
“Well then, uh , lieutenant? Are you able to, to roll your pant leg up for me to see? Or is the pain too severe?” she prods gently, he doesn't respond.
“Roll up your pants.” like a marionette with strings tightly wrapped around her fingers, he moves to roll up his jeans to reveal the sickly wound.
“Oh yeah definitely an infection. Odd for you lieutenant, usually you're better at catching this.”
The woman scoffs and slumps in her seat. He leans towards her as she sends him a scathing look.
“He's a fucking man child. Threw a tantrum to get what he wanted and now he's being pampered.”
“Mhm.” The affirmation is the most sound he's made since coming in here.
“Well I'll just. I'll just get this taken care of” Nicole stumbles put, feeling like an intruder.
“ ‘Priciate that doc. Don't be afraid to make it hurt.” Her tone is tinged with sadistic hope.
“Oh I. I'd never intentionally hurt someone under my care - that's unethical “ the military may not be the most ethical, but she's damn sure going to try to be.
“Pity. He'd deserve it, letting it get this bad-willingly might I add.” She snips at him , face scrunched.
He hums something delighted, and the doctor wonders if she should order a psych evaluation. Remembers the 141 are notorious for dodging said evals and dismisses the thought entirely.
If he likes when women are mean and degrade him, that's his business.
He sits still, moving only when told by the woman in the chair who's now playing on her phone.
He stares at her intently, glares at the phone occasionally. The doctor finishes quickly, grateful that the infection was only in its earliest of stages.
“Okay so I'm prescribing a round of antibiotics, I noticed that you have an allergy to penicillin so I'm giving you doxycycline." She writes the perscriptipn down quickly, grabs a bottle stocked preemptively for cases like this.
"Take it with a meal twice a day every 12 hours until the bottle is empty. Come back within a few days just to make sure it's progressing and then again when the bottle is empty.” She types in a quick series of notes notating the lieutenants upcoming appointments.
“He'll be here. I'll make sure of it” there's a bitter edge to the woman's words, the doctor wonders how anyone could stand to be with someone so angry.
“God I hope you do” ghost groans out, threat either going over his head or straight to his crotch.
The doctor flinches, forgetting the lieutenant capable of speech.
“Well thanks for the help. I'll be getting him back to his captain.” the woman hops up and walks towards the door.
“Oh uh, have a g-good one!”
She smiles politely, drops it quickly when she eyes the once again silent wraith behind her
“Let's go, it would be rude to make your captain wait.”
He nods and follows along after her, like a deformed elongated shadow.
An odd couple, the doctor muses. But not the oddest she's seen. Not even the weirdest.
Another soldier bursts in, she hears the words ‘snake bite’ and ‘penis’, wishes she was stuck back with the ghost and his guide.
“You alright then, lieutenant? Everything sorted?”
“Affirmative sir. I've got the prescription, doc cleaned me up and changed my bandage. “
“Good. Thank you for coming, Doll.”
“He only acts like this because you let him, you know.”
“I do. But sometimes it's easier to go along the path of least resistance. Trying to argue with a stubborn mut, or handle the fury of his actual commanding officer? I'll take you anyday love.” He finishes with a purr, noting the sudden tenseness in Ghosts shoulders.
“Careful, might put thoughts in a girl's head if you keep talking like that.” She notices too, but eggs the poor lieutenant on - smile a touch cruel.
“Oh? That all it takes? Not a fan of Mactavish then?” semi-joking now. He'd be a liar if he said having a pretty woman snark up at him didn't effect him at all.
“Prefer waking up with mouthful of English breakfast personally. Speaking of-” She turns towards ghost, her face still cold and indifferent as always.
“I'll be in your room. I'll only be here another hour and then I'm gone. Why don't you see if your captain can find it in his heart to dismiss you early”
She smiles something sharp and sinful, takes off in a run that makes Ghost body jolt - he looks like a junkyard dog choking himself on the end of his lead trying to get a bone just out of reach.
“Captain. May I be dismissed.”
“Captain price, may I please be dismissed, sir”
There's a desperate edge john isn't used to. Something rabid, something hungry. A darkness kept caged wriggling through iron bars.
“dismissed, lieutenant “
The ghost breaks off into a sprint, and the hunt is on. Price can't think too much about how it ends, his trousers already too tight at his twinge of interest.
Similar shades of fucked up, the both of them.
He's panting in your ear, groaning as his hips slap against and bruise your ass.
“fu-fuck. Come on, give it to me. Show me you're- fuck! Show me you're worth all the fuckin trouble - Oh god, simon!” You can't help but scream, hope he doesn't have neighbors.
His pace is mind-numbingly good, making up for the dry start in the beginning. Prepped just enough to fit him but not enough for the ache to be avoided. But he knows your body thoroughly , and with a few well aimed thrusts and a circles of your clit you're dripping down your own AND his thighs.
A mess on his bedsheets - he thinks of it as a present for later, you think you spoil him.
He fucks you like an animal, unhinged and hurried- like he's worried you'll get up and leave, worried you'll realize he's not worth the trouble.
He pins you further under his weight and changes the angle - groans at your wail of ecstasy .
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You - you better not pull this shit again. I - I let you keep this fuckin job -please don't stop- let you play hero but -oh god, oh god - but don't-”
You gasp, moan something pained and drawn out as you come again along his rigid cock - muffling a scream into his pillow as he grinds up into the sensitive spots in your cunt to draw your orgasm out further.
“k-keep this shit up toy soldier, see how quick I put you back in the box!” You snarl , glaring at him over your shoulder. He groans deep and slams as deep as he can, unloading against the deepest parts of your hole.
He's still hard when he slips from you, wrangling you onto your back before slipping back in. Your legs fit nicely on his shoulders, and you're grateful for your flexibility.
You scoff. “can't cum lookin at a skull , switch to another one or take it off - might have a chance of getting me off then” you wonder how mean he'll be, wonder if he'll actually stop to find a different mask.
Dont have wonder long as he's quick to throw the whole thing off. The black grease around his eyes is streaked from the sweat - hair plastered to his forhead. He looks happy to see you.
“not - not bad! Might be worth all this after- after-after!” You buffer aloud. Like a skipping record, you'd be humiliated if it didn't feel as good as it does.
In fact. You should be mad at his constant interruptions, but he's persistent on fucking through your cunt and into your brain.
“Tell me. Tell me dolly. Tell me sweet heart. I'm worth the trouble, yeah? I'm your trouble right? Gonna keep coming back, keep coming on my cock?” He says it like he doesn't exist somewhere in your rib cage nearest to your heart. Like you don't already live in his.
“Yes, yes!” You promise, the one you will die before you break.
“Yes what?" He implores, a steady chant of 'keep me, keep me, keep me' running through his head.
“To all of it you fuck! Yes! All mine, my cock, my headache, my brute - fuck!” your own mind proclaiming that you'll keep him 'forever, forever, forever"
You're crying now, overstimulated tears as your thighs quiver on his shoulders.
“Yeah. Yeah. All yours, n' you're mine. All fuckin mine. Not Prices and not fuckin Johnnys” he snarls, bitter and possessive.
“Gotta act up, gotta cause a mess. Can't get you here otherwise. “ he continues, pace consistent to further along your impending ruin.
It's getting hard to keep up with the banter. Hate how he's still capable of talking while you're becoming goo.
“J-just fuckin wait till you're off deployment! Fuck!”
“Nu-uh, get too tight n mean when I do. Have to drag you here to give you your fix so you're sweet when I get home. You're my sweet girl right?” He coos mockingly.
You don't respond. too busy clawing red ribbons into his back.
“Right?” He punches your cervix now, enough to make you choke and bite into the meat of his shoulder.
You bite hard. Harder when he moans. You lick at the indents and nose into the hammering pulse at his neck.
You can tells he's close with how his tempo gets thrown off, how his huffs louder. Having forgiven him for making you drive all this way, you give the dog a well earned bone.
“Yours, your sweet girl. You just need to work for it a bit hm? You don't mind huh big guy? My big guy?” You whisper into his ear, whine into it in a way you know drives him crazy.
He comes with a shout, one you know the whole fucking base heard. You're too fucked out to care much, especially when the brute lakes down and settles his weight on you with a contented sigh.
He hums, a touch demanding and you roll your eyes. You rub a hand gently up and down his torn back, scratching gently at his scalp to feel his heavy sigh of contentment.
“You gonna take care of yourself now? Got everything out your system?”
He hums, tone non-committal - fucker. As long as price has your number, as long as the ghost stays restless - you'll be called in eventually. Not a matter of 'if', but 'when".
Thankfully you don't mind being the nuclear option. Not much anyway. Especially if this is what it gets you. A moment of peace, skin pressed against skin - soft breaths evening out against your collarbone.
'Yea', you think. 'He's worth the trouble.'
(End notes: the thump that was heard was actually Simon falling to his knees. Dude goes from 0-100 when it comes to love so he either ghosts(hehe) you or worships you.)
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avengersassemble123 · 9 months
Characters/pairings: Mitsuya x reader, Hakkai x reader, Angry x reader, Smiley x reader, Kazutora x reader
Mitsuya had his hands behind his back, while youheld his face by one hand, and the other holding the wax stick in his nose. You wheezed as you put both your hands on his chest for his support.
"(NAME) STOP STOP" Mitsuya said, as he held your shoulders, shaking it and looking at you with wide eyes. You loved your boyfriend, but the sight of him with full blown eyes and two wax sticks up his nose is enough to make you wheeze more, while Mitsuya let out chuckles in between too, as he desperately shook you.
"This is too suspenseful (NAME) just pull it please." You somehow found your boyfriend more adorable, as pure panic was setting him in by the realisation of what was about to happen, but at the same time wanted to get this over with.
"Ok ok I'm sorry but its way too-" You laughed as you tried to calm yourself down before holding and preparing to pull out the sticks.
"Ok. one. two."
At the count of three, you tugged on the stick lightly, as your boyfriend grimaced, before holding your hands abruptly and pulling it away from him, as he looked the other direction, holding his nose, groaning loudly in pain, while you looked at him wide eyed, as more laughter bubbled inside you, as you hugged him, "Oh my godd baby, im so sorry" You laughed as Mitsuya buried his face into your neck while not removing his hold from his nose.
After a few minutes, he starightened up, nodding his head side to side to prepare himself, before holding your shoulders and closing his eyes, "Just pull it without counting down, just do it."
You then suddenly pulled out the stick, as Mistuya cursed out loud, as he bent down, one hand on his knee, while the other cupping his nose, while chuckled, soothing his back.
"Its okay baby, just one me left. I know you can do it."
Mitsuya straightened one more time, breathing heavily before you pulled out the other stick as well, as Mitsuya groaned, as you disposed off the sticks. You hugged him, your face buried in his chest, soothing his back, while he hugged you back as well, his head on top of yours, but still cupping his nose.
"Alright. lets fucking do this." Nahoya said, as you applied the hot wax on his eyebrows, making him wince out a slight 'ow', his wide grin unwavering.
You chuckled lightly applying the hot wax, "Baby are you sure you wanna do your eyebrows?"
"Yea, its not even that important. In fact, i didnt shave in a while so how about you wax around my lips."
"You can even grow out facial hair?" You snorted, before you felt Nahoya pinch your waist, making you squeal.
After applying wax on his eyebrows and his philtrum, you waited for he wax to slightly cool down.
You stood between his legs as he was seated on a chair, before picking at the corner of an applied wax strip, as he held your hand, "The hell you playing for?"
"I need to get a grip on the wax" You explained laughing, as Nahoya winced slightly, before you held onto his face tightly with your left hand, and ripping out the wax strip on his philtrum.
Nahoya groaned loudly with his lips closed, while his hands held the edges of the chair tightly, as you laughed at his reaction.
"YES I CAN DO IT." Nahoya cheered himself loudly as you continued laughing while removing the wax strip, "YESS" your boyfriend howled as you managed to remove the wax strip completely in the fourth try.
"I DONT GIVE A SHIT ANYMORE" He proclaimed loudly, as you now worked on the eyebrow wax strip, your stomach hurting from all the laughter, "DONT FUCKING PLAY WITH IT (NAME) JUST RIP IT-"
"I DIDNT DO THIS SHIT TO BE FUNNY DUMBASS" Nahoya groaned, as you clutched your stomach, wheezing.
After you managed to remove all the wax, you cupped his face as he grumpily crossed his hands across his chest, as you kissed his reddened cheeks while he sat with a pout.
"Baby are you sure wanna go ahead with this"
"Yea it doesnt seem that bad. i dont think itll hurt much."
Souya said, as he sat on a chair facing sideways, while his back faced towards you, shirtless. You applied wax on a part of his back, before sticking the strip on it, "Im just gonna do a part first before i do the whole back, just so you'd know how it would feel, got it?" You said, as Souya nodded.
"Is the wax supposed to feel this hot?" Souya asked nervously, making you chuckle, "Thank god i didnt go for the whole back." You murmured before getting ready.
"Okay baby, im pulling it now. Are you ready?" You said, making Souya nod, before you held his shoulder by one hand and gripping a corner of the wax strip, before ripping it out.
"AAAIYYEEEE" Souya screamed, straightening his back in reflex before falling down along with the chair, making your eyes widen, as you covered your mouth is surprise and laughter, as you hurried towards your boyfriend, soothing him through your tears built up from your laughter, as he laid across the floor, rubbing his back with his arm, as he groaned. You soothed his hair, while he accepted your actions, groaning, "I DIDNT KNOW IT HURT THAT MUCHH???"
"Souya i did tell you, it would hurt a lot at first. thats why i started with a part of your back, rather than waxing the whole."
Souya nodded, pouting as he got up, still rubbing his back, as he picked up the chair and fixed it, before sitting on it, "Lets just get this over with."
"U sure baby?"
"Honestly no, but i wont hear the end of it if Nahoya finds out about this."
You cooed at him as you then proceeded to wax his whole back.
Safe to say, the whole session was filled with Souya's screams and groans, to which later on you had to treat him with his favourite food for dinner.
Souya never looked at waxing the same.
Hakkai laid down on the floor, as you knelt down beside him, heating up the wax, as Hakkai observed the boiling wax. "Honestly..the more i look at it, the less fun it looks..." Hakkai nervously sweated. You blew slightly on the hot wax before applying on his back, making him let out a grunt, "Damn thats hotter than i thought."
You chuckled as u continued applying the wax, before letting it cool down as u both chatted in the meantime.
You towered over him, as you placed your legs on either side of him, as you bent down to get hold of his wax. Before you started, you handed your boyfriend his shirt which he had taken off before.
"What's this for?" Hakkai asked confused.
"You'll see." You said, before suddenly ripping out a strip.
Hakkai howled as his body twitched, as you laid a hand on the shaved skin to calm him down as laughter escaped your lips.
"Holy shit that was unexpected." Hakkai exclaimed as he then buried his face in the bunched up tshirt, while you continued laughing, "I did tell you it wasnt gonna be easy."
"But Yuzuha does it with a straight face."
"Because she is used to it. You're not."
You then ripped out another strip, making him howl, as he buried his face in the tshirt, his howling being muffled, as you laid your head on his back, trying to make your stomach ache lessen.
"Just rip that thing already" Hakkai grunted, as he stuffed his mouth with the t-shirt. As you removed the last strip, Hakkai groaned loudly as he fully laid down 180 degrees, his face in his rolled up shirt.
You continued to laugh as your rubbed his back soothingly.
as you fixed the waxed earbuds in his nose, you pressed his nose for the wax to fix properly, as he slightly winced at the hotness of the wax.
"Okay baby this is gonna hurt, so ill make it quick okay?"
"Yea yea, this is not the worst anyways. Pull it out in one go though. I can take it."
You chuckled as his fingers played with his nose trying to adjust the wax, while you swatted his hands away to not mess something up and scolding him like a child.
"Why do i feel like you're gonna cry?"
"What me? pfft thats the last thing im gonna do."
"Okay, whatever you say."
You guided his hand to hold his nose, while you held the earbuds with both your hands.
"Okay, ready?"
"mmhh hmm'
"Okay, one, two, three."
You pulled both the earbuds, as one got out, while the other partially got out, as Kazutora loudly howl out an 'OWWWW". Without warning you ripped the second one out as well, making him howl out louder, as your removed your hands from him, while he faced away from you, lying on the couch, holding his nose.
"OWWW YOU JERK!" Kazutora yelled as you reached out to him, laughing.
You both had slight tears in your eyes, yours out of laughter, while his out of the sudden pain, as you hugged him while he kept holding his nose, groaning and muttering 'what kind of girlfriend does this'
Safe to say, you had to shower him with kisses and cuddles to make it upto him.
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elderwisp · 3 months
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Syx: Much better, thank you.
?: Yes, Chef.
Syx: Icarus?
Icarus: [ flatly ] Rin let me up.
Syx: Oof, you look terrible. 
Icarus: Rough morning.
Syx: It’s her, isn’t it?
Icarus: I could never hide anything from you. 
Syx: You doing okay though? Mentally? 
Icarus: I will be. I broke things off. 
Syx: Holy shit! That’s amazing. Now let me borrow some of that smart decision making. Do you like the lemon glaze or the strawberry glaze? 
Icarus: Definitely lemon but I’m feeling a bit sour right now. 
Syx: The melodrama! 
Icarus: Not even. I feel like I’m entering a new era of my life.
Syx: The last time you said that my mom thought you were possessed. 
Icarus: HAH! I remember that, it was the day I showed her my tattoo. How’s she doing by the way?
Syx: She’s alright, really tired most of the time. She misses you and Ares quite a bit.
Icarus: We’ll need to stop by soon then.
Gabriel: Yo, they sell pain here!
Gum: Bread, Gabriel, they sell bread.
Gabriel: OH.
Icarus: Speak of the devil. Ares!
Ares: Hi! I brought some people, I hope you don’t mind. We were a bit hungry after practice. 
Icarus: Ah! Perfect time to tell the band how great they did. Right, Syx?
Syx: Huh? Yeah! Sorry. [ whispers to Icarus ] icarus?
Icarus: yes?
Syx: i fucking hate u
Icarus: i know
Gum: Your name is Syx? 
Syx: Me? Yea!
Gum: That’s so sick, my name is Gum!
Syx: Like bubblegum?
Gum: Yeah, here’s the thing, it’s not actually my legal name…
Gabriel: Gum, NO. 
Gum: I- Alright. Damn. So is this your bakery?
Syx: Yeah! I co-own it with another person but he takes care of the admin aspect of things. 
Gum: Wow! That’s amazing. 
Gabriel: Hey, I’ll be back. Yo, Icarus, is that your Harley out there? 
Icarus: Yeah, man. Wanna go look at it? 
Gabriel: Hell yeah. 
Gum: Well.. Do you ride bikes?
Syx: God no, I’d crash in an instant.
Gum: Same, I’d probably fly into a window or somethin.
Syx: [ snorts ] HAH!
Gum: oh my god you snort when you laugh!
Syx: AH!
Gum: No! No, it’s good!
Syx: I- Thanks. Before I forget, you killed it at that concert.
Gum: Really? I feel like I did so bad. I don’t usually sing in front of people but our lead singer quit. I’m hoping it won’t be forever. 
Syx: Why though? 
Gum: I’m better at drums, I enjoy being outta sight. The spotlight is… A terrifying place to be.
Syx: I mean, I get it, but I think it’d be a mistake to go back. N-Not that I doubt you’re a phenomenal drummer. I think the spotlight looks great on you. Figuratively speaking!
Gum: [ chuckles ] Thank you. I wonder if they have classes for stage fright.
?: Chef? Sorry to interrupt, they need you upstairs.
Syx: Ah, yeah, I’ll be up in a sec. See you around?
Gum: Yeah!
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
Can you do a fic where Hobie and reader are really good friends and she's just horny af at the moment so she asks him if he has a friend that'll fuck her with no strings attached cause she don't want a relationship. Hobie ends up doing her.
Oooooooh! I actually have never written something like this before!
No Strings Attached
(Like literally also listened to the song by *NSYNC while writing this don't judge me pls I still like boy bands :'>)
Hobie x Fem!Friend Reader
Because I'm tired of repeating myself: HOBIE IS AGED UP IN THIS FIC
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Sex, PIV sex, condom usage, safe sex (wrap before you tap!), friends, FWB(?), marijuana/weed smoking, some booze is involved, hook-ups, nipple piercings, nipple play, sensitive nipples, Bratty(?)Reader
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It was a typical Saturday night, you were chilling in your flat with Hobie, shooting the shit, watching some stupid program on the telly, drinking some foul-tasting beer and passing joints back and forth between the two of you.
There was an uncomfortable silence that annoyed the fuck out of you.
So you decided to break it.
"Hey, Hobes?" You coughed slightly, passing the rapidly shrinking smokeable to your friend.
"Yea?" He asked as he took the last drag as deep as he could, letting the smoke out through his nose with a soft sigh.
You leaned down and got your grinder and papers, beginning to prep another joint to be inhaled by the two of you; Hobie taking another swing of his beer as he watched you and waited for you to finish your thought.
The sickly almost sweet scent of pot wafted the air around you like a foul incense; but you two were hardcore potheads so the smell was more comforting to you than anything.
"I really need to get laid." You sighed boredly, and look at him as you blindly roll the paper between your fingers, bringing it to your mouth to lick it before giving that final twist.
"Fuckin what--" Hobie choked on his beer, setting it on the coffee table as he looked at you, his pierced brows raising just to check if he heard you right.
"Look, it's been a while and a vibrator can only do so much before it gets boring. And forget shit like Bumble, can't trust freaks on the web." You snort, rolling your shoulders before you look back over at him.
His jaw was hanging open slightly.
"You got any friends that'd be willing to hook up? Not looking for a whole thing... just a one time or even just like... fuckin' booty calls at this point." You finish.
"Uh..." Hobie settled back on the sofa and looked at you, his mind drawing a blank. Both for available friends he knew you could trust and words to finish a thought.
"It's alright if you don't, I just figured it'd be faster to ask you." You smirk at him like it was the most casual request in the world.
You let Hobie drop his head back as he looked at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought; lighting the joint and taking the first hit.
Interesting. Not often you were able to render Hobie Brown speechless. Not since he walked in on you walking around in nothing but your panties that one time because he didn't fucking knock on your front door before letting himself in--
"Shit." He mumbled. "Hell... I'd do it, 'f ya comfortable."
You almost drop the joint onto the sofa.
"Wait, what--"
"You got rocks in ya ears?" He grinned, suddenly regaining his momentum.
"I said I'd be willing to fuck you if that's what ya want. Hell, it's been a while for me, too."
He leans forward and takes the joint, pulling it between his lips before leaning back comfortably, taking another nice deep drag as he breathed it out in a cloud.
You blink dumbly.
"Is that an I'm not interested "oh" or a Shit, really? "Oh"?" He smirked, coughing a bit.
You chew your cheek in thought. You didn't trust anybody more than Hobie, you'd been friends for years. You had so much dirt on each other you could probably pin murders on either one of you (metaphorically).
"This doesn't have to be anything more than sex." You tell him.
"I know." He replies.
"This isn't some kind of declaration of love--"
"I still want to be friends."
"Good, cause s' do I."
You fall into a silence again, before looking back at him.
Hobie had his head tilted expectantly at you, waiting patiently for your decision, not wanting to make a move without your go-ahead.
"Ah, fuck it." You say, turning so you can crawl over him, straddling his lap, splaying your hands over his chest before pushing him down into the cushions.
"This is just a... casual thing. Nothing else has to come of it. We can still go back to just bullshitting like we always do."
"Already said that, luv. Read ya loud 'n clear. So's that mean you're in?" Hobie smirked, his large hands quickly grabbing and kneading your ass through your pyjama shorts.
You finally grin back down at him, gripping your t-shirt and swiftly pulling it over your head, the chilly air of your flat sending goosebumps up your spine as your nipples hardened.
"Hey hey hey!" Hobie said, sitting up so his face was right at your breasts, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he looked at them.
Hanging from your cute, perked nipples were two stainless steel bars with little chains and a small metal flower hanging from them.
He was immediately transfixed.
"When did ya get these?"
"I got them like, six months ago when--"
Your voice dies in your throat when his mouth latches onto one of them, pulling the chain between his teeth, tugging it with his tongue as he pinches the flesh with his teeth.
"Shit!" You gasp, being caught off guard.
You always had sensitive nipples, and deciding on going with piercing them had not been easy. The artist at the shop however loved it, she kept bringing up previous clients who were the same.
Since you had those bars put in? It made everything feel worse. That's secretly why you liked the chains. The way they gently tugged on the fabric of your shirts or bras always had your head a little fuzzy in the best way.
And Hobie? Right now, Hobie was downright abusing your nipples, his tongue and teeth tugging, rolling, flicking and nipping at them; taking great care to make sure the chain didn't get snagged on his own piercings, both tongue and lip.
You already felt a heavy pool of arousal start to drip straight from your core, and when Hobie turned his mouth to the other neglected breast and toyed with the chain between his fingers on the one he left, your hips bucked against him of their own accord, the friction from the growing his jeans sending searing jolts right through your shorts, panties, and straight to your clit.
Hobie's hands were both occupied now, one hand gripping and squeezing the tit he was biting and sucking now, the other toying with the piercing on your other nipple.
One of your hands gripped at your hair and the other held onto the back of the sofa as Hobie continued to abuse the sensitive flesh, and you whimpered when you felt a wave building up already just from the stimulation he was applying there, alone.
"Fuck." Hobie growled into your tit, the vibrations from his voice making your breath hitch. "You're fuckin' soakin' through."
"C-can't help it--" You panted, urging him on with a roll of your crotch onto the bulge in his jeans.
"You gonna cum like this, eh?" He grinned, looking up at you with your nipple between his teeth, his fingers snaking down to press the soaked fabric of your shorts and panties into your aching sex.
The sight alone has your pussy drooling lasciviously.
You manage a breathless nod and he moves his mouth back to the other nipple, tugging the chain he just abandoned with his fingers.
"Then fuckin' do it. Don't jus' grind in 'ta me, luv."
Hobie presses hard, your swollen clit craving the friction he was promising as he strokes it through the offending garments with his hand.
You make a mewling nose as you buck into him, his mouth latching on and sucking your nipple, as if he enjoyed the metallic taste of your piercing on his tongue as he pinched and tugged forcefully, drawing your orgasm out sharper and faster than any previous sexual partners had from you.
"Hoo-oollly shiii-iit!" You moan into the smoke-heavy air.
Hobie grins and bites down a little harder this time, and that sends you careening over that edge, your mouth opened in a weak groan as you cum, gushing through your clothing and onto his hand, the excess dripping onto his jeans.
Hobie continues to stroke you, helping prolong your orgasm as you dumbly hump into his hand.
He pulls away to allow you to breathe, bringing his wet fingers up to his mouth and slides them in, his tongue laving around each digit as he sucks them clean.
"Not bad. Sweet. You must be drinkin' that pineapple juice again, eh?" He grins up at you.
You smirk down at him and shake your head.
"Fuckin' git." You chuckle.
Hobie grunts and grabs you by the thighs, practically knocking you onto your back, narrowly missing the arm of the sofa as he lifts and pins you down, all but ripping your shorts and panties off.
He looks like the cat about to eat the canary.
And you're the canary.
"You gonna sit there or do something?" You challenge.
Hobie laughs at you and leans in, the promise of a kiss barely there on his lips, before he pulls back, unzipping his fly and tugging his aching cock free.
"Uh, hey Hobes--"
"Yeah, I know. I got one or two." He waves you off, reaching for his old beat up leather wallet (that was honestly more duct tape than wallet at this point) and tugged out two gold-foil packages from between some notes.
He tears them apart and tosses the spare onto the table with his wallet and rips the other open with his teeth.
Hobie rolls the latex down his length, the rubber promising a good time with the ridges and bumps along the length of it.
You grin and bite your lip. This was promising to be a great night. You wonder why you haven't asked him to do this sooner.
Before you have a second to realize what's happening, Hobie deftly picks you up again and spins you around, so your back was pressed against his chest as he spread your legs over his thighs, your pussy bare and exposed as he reaches down and spreads your lips with his fingers, toying with the delicate, weeping flesh, there, avoiding your puffy clit entirely.
"Jus--fuck--Hobie!" You squirm, gripping his forearms with your hands with an impatient whine.
"Ay, you're the one bein' a brat, luv. Brats don't get rewarded for bad behavior." He hummed, continuing to play with you like he had not a care in the world, teasing your hole, gliding back up again--but still avoiding your clit.
"N-now you sound like those fuckin' assholes in charge!" You grunt, impatiently trying to arch into his touch to get the friction you crave so badly.
Oh, you shouldn't have said that.
"Oh, am I now?" Hobie hummed innocently, his mouth at your shoulder.
You could feel the bastard smirk as he pulled his hands away from your slick and aching cunt, making you whine in protest.
You were quickly silenced when one of his hands smooths between your shoulders and forces you forward a bit, his other hand guiding your hips where he wanted it as he lined his cock up.
"Y-yeah you f--ffffuuuuuck!" Your voice raises in pitch when he slams you down on his dick, splitting you open in the most delicious way possible.
He groans at how tight you are, feeling your velvety walls squeeze and flutter around him through the condom.
"Oh, fuck, luv. Goddamn." He hisses through gritted teeth.
When you tried to straighten back up again, his hand goes back to in-between your shoulder blades, forcing your upper body forward again, his other hand kneading your ass and spreading your cheeks as he started ruthlessly snapping his hips up into yours, sucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched his latex-wrapped cock get swallowed by your greedy cunt again and again, already leaving a nice, creamy little ring towards the base of the condom.
Fuck. This was hot. One minute you two were hanging out, chilling, and now you're pitched over as Hobie just ruts into you like a horny animal.
"Fuck!" Hobie grunted, pulling you back against him, one of his hands snakes around you to tug on one of your nipple piercings, making you moan pathetically.
"Don' make me do all the work, luv. Help me out." He pants in your ear.
The only sounds you can let out are breathy little "ah's" and "fuck's" with each grind of his hips.
Your arms have to stretch to grip at something, anything to give you a bit of leverage as you just keep bouncing on his cock with everything you have, the ridges and bumps of the condom combined with his calculated thrusts hit every single spot inside of you; his hand fondling your piercings sending fresh sparks down your spine, driving your second orgasm closer and closer to crest.
"Fuckin'... damn. Look at you go." Hobie chuckles heavily in your ear, sweat beading and dripping down his brow.
"Taking me so nice... Bouncing on my dick a good girl." He hisses when he feels you tighten up around him.
"Shit, you're so fuckin' greedy--" He growls, fucking up into you with more force, your tits bouncing so much now that one more tug of your piercings send you over the edge, your vision blurring slightly as you cum around Hobie's cock, still pummeling your cunt with purpose.
Your pace slows a bit as you whimper and whine, and that isn't enough for Hobie.
He forces you back over again, gripping your hips in his hands as yours grip the coffee table in front of you for stability.
"Not... fuckin'... done yet!" He grunts, his hips completely lifting off the cushions with each roll and thrust as he chases his own orgasm, the squeezing muscles of your pussy choking the air out of his lungs as he feels his balls draw taut.
He grits his teeth tightly, his abs flexing with effort as he fucks into you, his cum spurting and filling the condom as he huffs and groans, riding his orgasm out like you were some sex toy.
He pulls you against him, his cock still inside you, twitching as you both breathe heavily, your head leaning back against his shoulder.
"Fuck... god." You groan with satisfaction.
"Yeah, you just did." Hobie grins like the cheeky shit that he is.
"Fuckin' git." You laugh, smacking him with the back of your hand softly; his hand catching yours as his thumb caresses your knuckles.
"Wanna go for round two?" You snicker.
"Well, we got one condom left." He tilts his head.
"What are friends for, right?"
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
#38 "i was eavesdropping and i heard something i can’t scrub from my memory" sounds like it could be very funny, especially from a kid's perspective!
you read my mind, it 100% needs be a kid POV, sorry this one is a bit shorter than my usual but it was fun to write. *it actually ended up being longer than I thought cause I have a problem with not knowing when enough is enough lol* ♡
find the request game here
Lucas was going to throw up. He liked to think he had a strong stomach, he really truly did, but this was too much even for him.
“What the hell is your problem?” Max asked him as he came back to Steve’s living room.
“Yea you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Will pipes up, head leaning on his knee.
Lucas swallowed dryly, he had to phrase this carefully. “Well I was eavesdropping…”
Max snorted from her seat on the couch. “You Lucas Sinclair was eavesdropping? Didn’t think I’d ever see the day. What about the whole ‘respect people’s boundaries’ thing you rave about?”
“And I still stand by that! It’s just I didn’t want to interrupt and…” Lucas thought back to a few minutes ago. He had gone into the kitchen to grab Max an ice pack; she was having a bad hip day. When he had reached the door, he had heard Steve and Eddie talking, and it had sounded serious. Lucas felt bad about interrupting, but he also couldn’t go back to Max without the ice pack. They had been good for months now, and he didn’t want to risk it. (He knew this was ridiculous considering they weren’t really that dysfunctional, and she loved him, a reluctant secret smile confession on her end. But there was this deep part of Lucas who was terrified of disappointing her). So he was content with waiting outside the door until they were done.
Lucas really should have turned around and left.
“What if they don’t…want to be around us Stevie?” Eddie whispered.
“Baby they are just kids. They are good kids. They are our friends. They won’t be upset.” Steve murmured back.
This was the point Lucas should have turned around, but he was confused and wanted to understand.
“You aren’t even the slightest bit worried, that maybe they won’t be accepting? I don’t think any of them have been exposed to gay culture, let alone two men dating?”
Oh. Oh no. This was really private. Lucas should have really turned around but at that point, his feet were glued to the ground.
“I mean yea a little bit…they are shitheads. Especially Mike—“ Lucas had to hold back a snort, “—but they are good. It’s why we are friends with them. As much as it pains me to admit we are friends with children.”
Lucas wished he could see their faces.
“What if…what if they are more than shitheads this time?” Lucas had never heard Eddie’s voice sound so small.
“…do you want to wait a little longer?” Steve’s voice asked gently, with no anger.
“If that’s okay. I just…want to live in our bubble a little longer. Well our bubble plus Robin.” Lucas imagined Eddie biting his hair in that moment.
“Yea baby. We take this at the pace you need. And Robin already knows, which is pretty much the only person I can’t keep a secret from. And I like our little bubble too.” Lucas heard shuffling around, like fabric reaching around itself.
“Yea. I think I can go a little longer without the twerps making gagging noises every time we kiss. We can wait to tell them we’re together.”
“Hmmmm should we do a practice show right now, to prepare for when we need to freak them out?” Eddie’s voice turned suddenly flirty.
“I like the way you think.” This was the last words Lucas heard before the sounds of the two of them clearly heavily making out came through the doorway. It was at the first moan that Lucas ran away.
Lucas was brought back to reality when Max snapped her fingers in his face. “Want to share with the class loser?”
Oh god, Lucas was gonna throw up at the memory.
It wasn’t the fact that they were men and that they were dating. Lucas was, in fact, really happy for them. He had never thought about it, but in a weird way, it made sense. He wanted them to be happy. And if he was really being honest with himself, he was hoping maybe this would get Max to stop staring at Steve when he doesn’t have a shirt on (a few months later, Lucas would be horribly proven wrong of this theory).
It wasn’t this kissing that made him want to vomit either. Sure, the idea of his older brother figure making out with his dungeon master wasn’t a pleasant thought, but he had witness Mike make out with El, so he was pretty immune to grossness.
No, the problem was Lucas realized with great certainty he was going to have to keep a secret.
He gagged at the thought.
Sure, he could keep a whole other dimension and government conspiracy theory a secret from his parents (and, ya know, the world), but he caved relatively quickly when it came to Max. And Max could tell whenever he was lying. But Lucas wasn’t stupid; he knew you couldn’t just tell other people that someone you know is gay. He didn't know the word for it, maybe there wasn’t one, but Lucas knew what it was like to be different. He didn’t want to make Steve and Eddie feel bad, or cause others to be mean to them. He didn’t think the rest of the party would care about the gay? Bisexual? Queer?—wait, that’s a bad word, Lucas thought—it didn’t matter what specifically, but he didn’t think they would care about the gay stuff—more like Lucas knew his friends. El and Max would have a million, invasive questions. Mike would be a dick, but not for serious reasons. More like “I have weird insecurities” reasons. It would probably be good for Will (again, Lucas isn’t stupid). And Dustin, holy shit, he would most definitely either be pissed he didn’t know sooner, or would rub it in everyone’s face that he made it happen. Both of which Lucas knew would be horrible reactions.
God, he was going to throw up. He was going to lie to his friends. His girlfriend. He couldn’t just share this secret. It would go horrible if he told, it’s not his secret! His stupid, stupid friends (not El and Max) would blow up if it came from him first. And then Eddie and Steve would be upset, he told, and they would think that the party hated them for something out of their control, even though they love them no matter what! And oh god, he’s gonna have to lie so much—
He was spiraling, he needed to calm down.
“Lucas?” Max’s face suddenly softened, like she knew he was having a hard time getting the words together. Lucas looked at her face, and took a couple of seconds to count her freckles but lost track quickly. He didn’t mind; he would to start again later. He followed the laugh lines around her eyes that weren’t there last year, and thought about trying to make her laugh.
Max said nothing as he stared, even as the guys pressed him to answer. It was strange, he was terrified of lying to Max, but he knew deep down she would understand. That she would know he was lying but wouldn’t call him out on it.
“I was eavesdropping and I heard something I can’t erase from my memory. I almost walked in on Steve giving sex advice to Eddie, so I walked away before it got gross. I forgot your ice pack; I’m sorry.” Lucas apologized; he did genuinely feel bad he didn’t succeed on his mission.
The guys started chattering behind him, asking questions and yelling out in disgust, but Max stayed quiet for a second, then said, “It’s okay, stalker. Didn’t have high hopes for you anyway. You always get distracted.”
Lucas sent her a grateful smile, and pretended to be offended. “Are you saying I don’t finish what I’ve started? You should know better, Max.”
Max threw her head back, and full body laughed. She scooped Lucas’ hand and wove her pale fingers between his. “That’s me being nice, Lucas. Don’t go around telling people that. Or I’ll have to up the ante.”
Lucas kissed the back of her hand and whispered, “Maybe I like it when you’re a little mean.”
Max blushed and looked to check if the guys were paying attention (they weren’t; they were still arguing over sex they weren’t having), and leaned over to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. Max didn’t ask any questions even though Lucas knew she knew he was lying.
Lucas didn’t let go of her hand, and quietly hoped that Eddie made Steve feel the way Max made him feel.
He deserved something special like that.
I need you guys to know that I had to keep backtracking to correct boys into guys, cause I’m so used to writing from an older persons perspective. But I wanted some steddie and lumax mixed together. And Lucas! Deserves! More! Attention!!!
thank you so much for the ask I had so much fun with this one.
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fanfictionalraven · 4 months
Dream Warriors Chapter 9
Title: Dream Warriors Chapter 9
Summary: A plan is devised and set in motion to bring the reader back.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Rowena, other original characters
Word Count: 3,170
Warnings: Canon typical violence and peril
Author’s Note: The penultimate chapter!!
Read Chapter 8 here.
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Dean leads Rowena up to Y/N’s room. He stops at the door and looks at her. The others weren’t going to be on board with this at all. He sighs and holds a hand up for her before going in by himself. Sam looks up and smiles at him, sadly. 
“Hey. You made your decision?” He asks. Dean pinches the bridge of his nose. 
“I want to try one more thing and if it doesn’t work then…” He trails off, unable to actually say it. 
“Try what?” Cas asks. Dean sighs and reaches back, pulling the door open. Rowena smiles as she steps into the room. 
“Hello, Boys,” she says. Sam shakes his head quickly. 
“No. Hell no,” he says. Dean runs his hands over his face and looks back at his brother, pleading. 
“Let’s just see what she knows. Hear her out. She says she owes Y/N and that’s why she’s here,” he tells him. Sam watches as Rowena walks over to your body and examines it. Dean looks over and frowns. “Don’t touch her.” Rowena rolls her eyes before walking over to the book on the table. 
“What happened?” She asks, picking it up and opening it. Sam looks at Dean before sighing and looking at her. 
“We were on a case. A witch. She put some spell on Y/N and disappeared,” he says. Rowena nods slightly. 
“Did you hear the spell?” She asks. Dean shakes his head. 
“No. There was too much happening,” he tells her. She nods as she flips through the pages casually. 
“Did the witch disappear or run away?” 
“Pretty sure she disappeared,” Dean says. Rowena closes the book and holds it close to her chest. 
“Has she been inexplicably injured?” She asks. Dean looks at her and nods, crossing his arms. 
“Yea. She got a burn randomly and then…a lot worse,” he says. She smiles and nods. 
“Somnium clipeum. It’s the Dream Shield,” she says.  
“Dream Shield?” He asks. She nods, setting the book back on the table. 
“It’s very complicated but a perfect escape route,” she says. The others wait expectantly as she walks back over to you. “The victim falls into a very deep sleep and the caster takes refuge in their subconscious.” The three men all stare at her. 
“You’re saying the witch is actually…inside Y/N?” Sam asks. Rowena nods once. 
“That’s impossible,” Cas says. The witch snorts a laugh. 
“Says the graceless angel,” she says. Dean shakes his head quickly. 
“How does this work?” He asks. “What’s happening in her head?” 
“Whatever the witch wants. If she’s smart, she’s just hiding in some fantasy world created to keep Y/N asleep,” she explains. “However, since she’s been injured, I’d guess she’s toying with her instead.” 
“What’s the point though? What happens if Y/N dies?” Sam asks. Rowena shrugs her shoulder. 
“Your witch can take control,” she says. Dean frowns quickly. 
“She’s trying to take Y/N’s body?” He asks. Rowena nods and Dean runs his hands over his face. “What can we do?” 
“Nothing. There’s no reversal spell. No true love’s kiss,” she teases, earning a glare from Dean. “Y/N has to kill the witch in order to regain control,” Dean frowns and looks over at your body. 
“Y/N’s smart. She’ll figure it out,” Sam says. Dean shakes his head. 
“So, we just sit and wait?” He asks. Sam frowns and Rowena glances between them. 
“Smart as Y/N is, the witch gains more control every minute she’s there. Killing her will be incredibly difficult,” she tells them. 
“Is there anything we can do? Anything at all to help her?” Dean asks. Rowena walks over to the window as she thinks. 
“There may something but it’s incredibly risky,” she says. 
“What?” Dean questions. 
“I could try to send her a message,” she tells him. Dean nods and looks at Sam who shrugs. 
“A message how?” The younger brother asks. She turns back to look at them. 
“I change the spell a little and I can send someone else in,” she says. Dean nods. 
“I’ll do it,” he says. Sam sighs and glances at him. 
“What’s the catch? The risk?” He asks. 
“If Y/N dies, Dean will be lost as well. If Dean dies in the dream, he dies in real life,” she says. Dean shrugs his shoulders. 
“I’ll do it,” he says again. Sam shakes his head and turns to his older brother, but Dean cuts him off before he can speak. “You aren’t talking me out of this. I can’t lose her, Sam. I can’t. She’s…everything.” His voice breaks and Sam sighs. He knew how important you were to Dean. He’d known long before Dean did. 
“What do we do?” He asks, looking back at Rowena. 
“I’ll need to gather ingredients and I won’t be able to do it here,” she says. Dean frowns and looks over at your body. 
“How do we get her out of here?” He asks. 
“I can help with that,” Arnold says, raising his hand in his seat. They all look over, having forgotten he was even in the room. Dean smiles a little and nods. 
“Alright. Arnold and I will get her to the bunker. You three go get the stuff for the spell,” he says, looking at Sam. 
Rowena gets a list of ingredients together. Sam splits it between himself and Cas before the three leave to get everything. Dean looks over at Arnold. 
“What’s the plan?” He asks. Arnold stands and straightens out his tie.
“Let me do the talking. You sit there and look heartbroken for your dying wife,” he tells him. Dean nods and falls into the seat next to your bed. Arnold presses the call button and a nurse answers over the speaker. He asks to speak with the doctor. A few minutes later, the doctor comes into the room. 
“Is everything okay?” She asks Dean, glancing at Arnold. He nods slightly and Arnold clears his throat, pulling a business card from his suit pocket. 
“Good evening, Doctor. My name is Arnold Freidman, attorney,” he says, handing her his card. She takes it and looks at it before looking back at him. “I represent the Winchesters.” 
“Okay,” she says, nodding. 
“Mrs. Winchester doesn’t have long left, correct?” He asks. The doctor frowns and nods. 
“Off the ventilator, she’d probably only have two maybe three hours,” she tells him. Arnold nods and sticks his hands in his pockets. 
“Mr. Winchester has made a decision. He’d like to take his wife home so she can be comfortable and surrounded by family,” he tells her. She looks down at Dean to find he’s grasping your hand in his.  
“Very well. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more to help,” she apologizes. Dean nods slightly and she looks back at Arnold.  
“The family has gone on to get things ready and make sure everyone has a chance to get there to say goodbye. We’ll need a few hours,” he says. She nods and leaves the room. Dean lets out a breath and looks at Arnold.  
“That was easy,” he says. Arnold smiles a little and moves back to his seat. “Now we just wait for the word that they’re ready.” 
The two stay at the hospital and Dean finishes up your paperwork with Arnold’s help. Sam eventually calls Dean and tells him they have all the ingredients and Rowena has begun to work. Arnold informs the doctor that they’re ready and she releases your body to them. Dean lays you in the back seat much to the doctor’s dismay and thanks Arnold for all his help.  
Dean drives back as fast as he can, constantly glancing back at you in the back seat to make sure you’re still breathing. As he approaches the bunker, you begin to thrash around once again. He looks back to find your side is bleeding. 
“Dammit,” he roars, punching the gas a little harder. He whips the car into the garage and jumps out as Sam comes in. “Something happened,” he calls to his brother. Sam runs back out the door as Dean pulls you from the backseat. He carries you all the way to your bedroom where the others are waiting before laying you on the bed. Ripping your shirt open, they all stare in horror at the wound in your side. 
“That’s a gunshot wound,” Sam says. Dean rolls your shirt up and presses it against the wound as Cas rushes from the room. He comes back a minute later with some supplies, alcohol, a needle, and thread. 
“We don’t have much time,” Rowena points out. Dean frowns and looks at Sam then back at the witch. 
“Can he stitch her up while you do the spell? Will that work?” He asks. Rowena nods and Cas takes Dean’s place, pressing against the wound. “What do I need to do?” 
“Drink this,” she tells him, holding up a glass. It’s filled with a thick, dark substance almost resembling cough syrup. Dean takes it and downs it quickly, no hesitation. “Lie down and close your eyes,” she instructs. Dean glances over at Sam who has just begun to clean your wound. He lies down next to you on the bed and takes your hand in his. 
“Be careful,” Sam tells him, looking up from his work. Dean nods once before closing his eyes. Rowena holds her hands above his body as she begins to chant in Latin. Cas watches her as Sam works, stitching up your side. She drops her hands then sits in a nearby chair. 
“Did it work?” Sam asks, rising to his feet as he wipes his hands off on a towel. She looks at him, insulted. 
“Of course it worked,” she says. Sam nods and looks at the bodies of two of the people who mean the most to him. 
“What do we do now?” He asks. 
“We wait,” she tells him. He frowns and shakes his head. 
“I need a drink,” he mumbles before leaving the bedroom. 
Dean opens his eyes and sits up, looking around. He’s on the ground outside a bar that seems vaguely familiar. He rises to his feet and brushes himself off before pushing the door open. Music greets him instantly, your favorite song blaring from the jukebox. He looks around and only spots you sitting at the bar, a bottle of whiskey and a glass sat in front of you. You look over and frown. 
“Great,” you mumble, looking back at your glass. You down it quickly and stand up. “So, who are you supposed to be this time?” 
“What?” Dean asks. You shrug your shoulders and cross your arms. 
“Best friend? Husband? Boyfriend? High school sweetheart who went away to the war?” You ask, mostly to yourself. Dean stares at you and shakes his head. 
“It’s me, Y/N. You’re under a…” 
“A spell. I know,” you tell him. He nods and starts to walk over. 
“Okay. You remember the spell and the witch?” He asks. You roll your eyes and turn back to the bar. 
“I don’t like this one. Can we hit fast forward?” You ask no one in particular. Dean reaches you and puts a hand on your shoulder. 
“Y/N, I’m here. You’re dying out there. Rowena showed up, said she owes you for something. She sent me in to help,” he says. You turn on your barstool before downing another glass of whiskey. Looking him over, you start to laugh. 
“This is the most convincing one yet. Although, you’ve never shown up here before. She only puts me here when she’s resting so I’m always alone,” you say, reaching up and touching his cheek. He turns into your hand and puts his own over yours. 
“You have to believe me, Y/N. We’ve got to kill her or she’ll take over your body,” he tries to convince you. It almost works but you know it’s too good to be true. You shake your head and lean back against the bar behind you.  
“You know I’ve tried to kill her. It never works. She knows what I’m thinking before I do,” you say with a shrug of your shoulders. The music on the jukebox stops and you sigh, looking over. “Last call.” 
“What?” Dean asks, glancing over at it. 
“She’s got a new one ready to go. The music only plays when, ugh…I’m on hold,” you laugh. Dean looks at you and frowns.  
“Y/N,” he says. You put a finger over his lips and look around.  
“You remember this place?” You ask. He looks around the bar and shakes his head slightly.  
“I recognize it but I can’t place it,” he says. Your arms wrap around his neck and he looks at you suddenly, taken aback at your affectionate gesture. 
“This is where we celebrated my first successful hunt,” you tell him. He looks back around and nods, remembering.  
“Right. We got so drunk that night,” he says. You laugh and nod before yawning.  
“Here it comes,” you mumble, slumping against his chest. He frowns as he looks down at you.  
“Y/N??” He calls trying to wake you up. The room grows dark and he feels your weight slip from his arms. “Y/N??” 
Light begins to grow around him slowly and he realize he’s in a different room now. He’s standing just inside the front door of a house. Footsteps approach from the top of the stairs in front of him and he frowns, peeking up. You come down towards him, a big smile on your face and a hand resting on your suddenly very pregnant belly.  
“You’re home early. Everything okay?” You ask stopping in front of him. He stares down at your stomach. “Dean? What’s wrong?” You ask, reaching up and touching his cheek. Dean meets your eyes now and you smile. “Babe, you okay?” You ask.  
“You’re pregnant,” he says, voice shaky. You laugh and nod.  
“Yea. Congrats, it’s yours,” you say before standing up and kissing him. His eyes widen quickly when your lips meet for the briefest of moments. “I’m gonna go start dinner.” He stares after you as you go into the kitchen before shaking his head.  
“This isn’t real. Calm down,” he tells himself before following you quickly. “Y/N, we need to talk.” You glance over at him as you start to chop some green peppers.  
“What is it?” You ask. He takes a deep breath. 
“This is gonna sound crazy but…this isn’t real. You’re under a spell. It’s got you in a coma, dreaming like this. It’s gonna kill you if we don’t act fast,” he says. You stare at him for a moment, shocked, hands starting to shake.  
“What?” You ask, your voice trembling. Dean walks over and takes the knife from your hands carefully.  
“You have to believe me. We have to go kill this witch or you’re gonna die,” he says. Your eyes fill with tears as you look up at him.  
“Are you…are you really here?” You asks. He nods quickly.  
“I am. Rowena cast another spell so I could help you,” he explains. The tears slip over as a sob breaks through your chest.  
“Oh my God,” You cry, throwing your arms around his neck. He sighs and wraps you up in a tight hug. 
“You believe me?” He asks, rubbing your back soothingly. You nod your head as your cry. 
“You’re either really here or this is more elaborate than her normal dreams,” you tell him, wiping at your eyes. He looks down at you and his eyes fall to your stomach again.  
“This is weird,” he says. You look at him then down and run a hand across the significant bump. 
“You’re telling me,” you say. “I usually play along with the dreams now. It’s the easiest way to get to her.” He nods and reaches a hand out, hesitating.  
“So this…this is supposed to…supposed to be mine?” He asks. You laugh lightly and nod, allowing him to touch your stomach. 
“Our little miracle baby apparently,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow at you. “I have my own memories and the ones that she plants. Several miscarriages and years of fertility treatments led to this little guy. Any day now,” He nods, eyes still glued to his hand on your stomach. 
“How, ugh…how do we find her?” He asks.  
“She always makes herself known. She’s never not been in one of these. Bit of a drama queen,” you say. Dean nods slightly and you reach up, lifting his chin to meet his eyes. “You can stop panicking. This isn’t real.” 
“I’m not panicking,” he says. You smile and shake your head. 
“So, what’s been going on out there?” You ask him. He sighs and his hands come to rest on your waist. 
“We got you to the hospital and they didn’t have a clue. It got even weirder when you started getting hurt randomly. Whatever happens here, happens to you for real. A burn, broken ribs…just before I got here, you ended up with a gunshot wound or something,” he says. You frown and nod. 
“Yea, that was a weird one. Very…Bonnie and Clyde,” you tell him. He nods slightly. 
“We don’t have a lot of time. She’s draining your body. You were on a ventilator, but we had to get you back to the bunker for the spell. We have an hour, maybe,” he says. You frown and shake your head, as you think. 
“I don’t know what to do, Dean. I’ve tried to kill her, I have. But she…” 
“Knows what you’re thinking before you do. Right,” he says, nodding. You sigh and runs your hands over your face. 
“Okay. Best way to find her is to play her game. So, we just…go about our business,” you tell him, taking a step back. “Dinner.” You turn back to your cutting board and pick the knife up before a pain shoots through your side causing you to scream out. Dean rushes to your side and wraps an arm around your waist. 
“What is it??” He asks. You shake your head, cradling your stomach. 
“Something’s wrong,” you say, dropping to your knees. Dean goes down with you, holding you close. 
“I’ll say so,” another voice says from the other side of the room. You both look up to find the witch standing in the entrance to the kitchen. “You aren’t the Dean I created.”  You scream out again and grab at your stomach. 
“Stop this!!” Dean tells her. The witch smirks and crosses her arms. 
“It’s only a matter of time now,” she says. 
Rowena’s sitting in the chair still, the spell book open in her lap. Sam and Cas are both standing in the room, waiting.
“This book,” Rowena starts, flipping pages delicately. “It’s…ancient.”
Your body begins to thrash in the bed and they exchange looks before rushing to your side. Cas tries to hold you steady as Sam checks your pulse. 
“She’s fading fast,” he says, frowning up at Cas. 
Read Chapter 10 here.
Forever Tags: @roseblue373
Jensen Tags: @call-me-mrs-winchester
Dream Warriors: @aylacavebear @winharry @djs8891 @suckitands33 @rickgrimeswifeu @deans-spinster-witch @jackles010378 @foxyjwls007 @alisyacsa @lailawinchesterr @urinternetmom @justrealizedimmascifygurl @kr804573 @thej2report @just-levyy @snowayumi @deans-baby-momma @demons-eats-pie-too @brightlilith @kazsmr67 @onlyangel444
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bengals-barnesbabe · 3 months
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Things Are Changing
Pairing: Tee Higgins x Chase!SisterReader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Language and Ja'Marr being the ultimate younger brother. Mostly fluff though.
A/N: Someone requested more of this cute little universe so here ya go anon ♥︎
Tenderheaded | Main Masterlist | Princess Ti
“I fucked up.” Tee said as soon as he got in the house. 
With the groan Ja’Marr let out, he could tell his teammate was rolling his eyes.“Man shut up, you ain’t do shit.” 
Tee shook his head and slowly looked around the corners of his place, making sure his wife wasn’t lurking behind any walls. “Y/n’s gonna kill me.” 
“No she ain’t. How are you still scared of my sister? There ain’t nothing scary about her small ass.” 
“That’s easy for you to say. I married into this family, yall shared a womb.” His brother in law snorted on the other side of the phone. 
“Don’t be weird. Look you’ll be fine as long as you leave my name out of it.” Then he hung up.
Tee sighed taking a seat on the couch. His phone had gone black allowing for his reflection to look back at him. There was no way to hide it, the short hair was a very distinct look, especially on him. He hadn’t seen his hair this short since he was a kid, but the low maintenance it provided was needed for now. The only thing he was scared of was the shape of it, it definitely wouldn’t pass his forever beautician’s standards. But he did what he had to do. 
‘Hopefully she’ll see the brightside.’ He thinks smoothing his hair forward just as the front door opens.
“Tamaurice, what the hell.” That’s a great start.
Tee turns towards his wife and smiles, hoping your favorite feature of his takes care of some of the blow. “What, you don’t like?”
You hesitantly walk up to the couch and touch his head. “It’s short.”
He chuckles and places his own on your belly, caressing the soft protruding skin. His favorite reminder of the love they share. Then he looks up at you with loving doe eyes, but is met with a slight pout.
“I did it for you.” He whispers gently taking your hands. 
“I don’t get it. I loved your hair.”
Tee sighs and lightly tugs you down into his lap. “I know, but you wouldn’t have much time to do anything with it once our little princess gets here. I don’t want you to have anything to worry about except taking care of our baby girl. While you're doing that I’ll be taking care of you.” You smile as both of your hands meet on your bump.
“That’s so sweet and thoughtful of you.” Your soft praises are joined with wet streaks down your face. “Damn these hormones.”
He chuckles as you wrap your arms around your very loving husband. “For real though,” you sniffle. “This baby is beyond lucky to have you as her dad, and I’m forever thankful to have you as my partner.”
“Only the best for my queen and our princess.” Tee wipes away your tears and pecks your soft lips.
“Mmmm does that mean you’re gonna take care of my hair too?” A playful smirk grows on your cheeks as you pick at your dark coily puff.
Tee snorts, “baby you know I got you.”
“Good, cause whoever did this to you should be put in jail.” You grimace looking over his cut again.
“It’s not that bad mamas.”
You kiss your lips with both brows raised. “You know I can cut hair right? I didn’t do all those hours of cosmetology and barber school for my husband to come home looking like one of the three stooges.”
“The whole point was so you wouldn’t have to do it.” 
“Yea well, baby’s not here yet so come on.” You stand from his lap and hold a hand out. “What?”
“We’re going to the washbowl and starting your wave journey today.” Tee shakes his head and takes your hand.
“You’re real possessive over my hair mamas.” He smirks now towering over your bronze figure.
You shrug, pulling his hand towards your in-house salon. “Duh, look what happened when you went out on your own! It looks like a blind person did it.”
“It was your brother.” Pause. You stop in your tracks then take a deep breath.
“Y-you let…JA’MARR’S DUMBASS FUCK UP YOUR HAIR! I need a minute, go to the studio.” Breathe bitch breathe.
Tee watches as you pull out your phone and start mumbling obscenities under your breath.
“Baby, its not worth it. You shouldn’t be stressing yourself out like this. Think about the baby.” 
You shake your head, the plump frown on your face unmoving. “If she’s as stubborn as you, princess will be completely fine. But she would not let this bullshit slide, her uncle Marr needs to answer for his crimes.”
“I don't think she’d be that worried about my hair compared to how I’d feel if you went into preterm labor right now.” You turned to your concerned husband, his deep brown eyes yearning for you to take a step back.
“Baby, I’m only 7 months and some change.”
Tee’s worried demeanor immediately dropped as his eyes widened. Shit, what did I say?
“You’ll be 8 months tomorrow. Was I the only one paying attention at those OB appointments?” He snorted.
You scrunched your face and looked down at where your feet would be if not for your bump in the way. “I paid attention, I just have pregnancy brain duh.” 
Tee slowly closed the distance between you and hugged you from behind. “Oh yea?”
“Mhm but don’t forget that before I was your wife, I was Uno’s big sister. So just because some things are changing around here doesn’t mean I just give up my sisterly privileges of yelling at my brother when he messes up.” 
Tee chuckles and kisses the skin where your shoulder meets your neck. “Of course not, big sister for life.”
“Exactly you get it..” The words come out breathily as you lean into his kisses.
You feel him smirk against your skin and kiss the sensitive skin behind your right ear. “What about this, I’ll go to that bakery you like and get a cheesecake sampler box.” You immediately perk up at the mention of your ultimate pregnancy craving. “If you go over to that couch and sit your pretty ass down.”
He turns you around to see your face beaming with excitement.
“The big one?”
He slowly nods. “24 flavors with the 3 extra brownie bites.” So you went and sat your ass down.
“God this is all I’ve ever wanted in life.” You moan after biting into a slice of NY Cheesecake. Tee shakes his head in pure astonishment 
“Of course not. A husband who’ll drive 30 miles to get me the best damn cake in Ohio.” You smile at him. “Bonus points for being the most amazing husband even before I got pregnant.” You dote pecking his full lips with your sugary ones.
“Aww thank you mama, now can I have a bite?” He smiles but you jolt back, the cakes that were balancing on your belly now clutched in your hands. 
“Y/n.” You shake your head. “Baby there’s 26 slices left.”
“Okay and, your daughter called those.” You shrugged.
“Y/n you don’t even like some of those.”
As the soon to be mother you just point to your bump, “it’s not up to me babe. I’m just following orders.”
Tee kisses his lips then slouches into the couch. “Just following orders my ass, more like ordering my ass around. But nah I did this to myself, got the woman I love pregnant then a got a wack ass haircut. Oh yea I’m doing gr-
Before he knows it, Tee has a brownie stuffed in his face.
“Wuv woo.” He muffles attempting to smile at you.
You just shake your head and return to your own treat. “We love you too chocolate face.”
reblogs, comments and likes are very appreciated ♡
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kayslibrary · 2 months
Simon Riley's hair obsession (Simon X black reader)
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Hi guys! This break was completely unprecedented (it will probably happen again). I just checked my last post date and it was JANUARY 21ST????? I did NOT mean to step away for that long lmaoo But im back! I wanted to dabble in the Cod fandom but I’m a little intimidated idk. There are a lot of different archetypes of the characters, and im a little nervous I won’t do the characters justice or portray them correctly so please give me feedback and or/ KIND critiques if you please! 
Im gonna start my Task Force 141 saga off with Simon (whose surprised lol) and this is gonna be paired with a black afab reader so ENJOY PPL
Warnings~fluff,, Simon being a lovestruck fool
Simon likes your hair. No, Simon  LOVES your hair. That was one of the first things he noticed when you two first met. When you two were in the earlier stages of dating, he would just stare at your curls. “Beautiful, full curls,” he thought to himself as you would go on about your conversations. Now that you both were living under the same roof, He knows what goes into keeping your hair from frizz and tangles and how much it takes to maintain it. 
“Baby, can you pass me the edge control?” you requested from your shared bedroom, “what control?” He inquired, puzzled “The edge….the blue jar with the black lid on it” “The lid that's hard to open,” he asked as he walked in with 5 bottles and jars cradled in his arms. “Yess that one” you giggled,  pacing over to him to grab the one you were looking for. “This one” you smiled as you nab it from Simon. 
Other times Simon would sit on the bed and gaze at you in awe (homeboy is WHIPPEDD) “Yes Simon?” you groaned at the pain in your arms “Nothing baby doll, continue on” he smiled “Right…FUCK!” the rubberband that you’ve been finagling with popped “baby what's wrong?” he practically teleports to your side. “The stupid rubber band popped ugh” you fume with frustration. “It’s okay honey..here let me help” Simon offers as he puts your hair into a ponytail. “Is this good?” “This is more than good..thank you baby” you sigh with relief. 
To add to that thought, Simon is a big helper!!! Wash days once took 4 hours but now it took 2 hours thanks to the extra help. Like imagine you both in the shower getting clean and you both take turns washing each other's hair??  SO CUTE “Baby you know I can do this myself” Your eyes roll to the back of your skull with please as Simon scratches at the right places “I know but I want to help you. I enjoy it as much as you do” he snorts as the water cascades from the showerhead onto you both. 
OH YEA, you definitely caught him watching those ‘how to care for kinky hair’ videos sometimes, you find it admirable that he would take the time to educate himself apart from what you tell him. “Wanna help out more” he kisses you with devotion because let's be real HE WHORESHIPS THE GROUND YOU WALK ONNNN. 
Before you, he didn’t know the first thing about protective styles, different hair products for your hair, how to wrap it at night but now that hes with you, he understands and for you guys anniversary he surprised you with a heap of gifts BUT ALSO surprised you by braiding your hair for you. Who needs a hair salon when you have one built into your partner (huge money saver LMAOO) 
In conclusion, I think Simon Riley would be OBSESSED with your hair whether it be in braids, out and about, or straight. “You look good in everything, hell you could be bald. I’d still love you the same” he’d grin.
Author note- i love this? Hello? 10/10 crumbs and the table are GONE. i love simon but i am a rudy girl what can i say IMMA WRITE FOR HIM NEXT WATCHHHH but yea its good for me to get back into my groove. Glad to be back pookies be safe wherever you are!! Bye now!!
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