tomhollandaise Β· 3 years
I'm so fucking close to quitting my job πŸ™ƒ
#so during my monthly one on one conversation with my manager I brought up the fact that I've been feeling incredibly burnt out#because I've worked scheduled overtime every single week since I got promoted back in September#and it's starting to bring back mental illness symptoms that I haven't experienced in a really long time#and she dead ass looked right at me and said#yeah I can tell because you've been#...#I don't want to say slacking but#and then went on to talk about how she appreciates that I'm being honest#but that I still need to make sure that I'm working towards a goal and she wants to see me passionate again#HEEHSHHS I WANTED TO SCREAM SO BAD#and when I asked for examples of my quote unquote slacking#she said that she has to come to me and ask for help instead of me taking the initiative to do HER TASKS myself#and that while i come across as passionate with customers I don't seem that way behind the scenes???#idk#so like I'm slacking because I'm doing my job and not the rest of managements i guess???#and then I went to her this week because I keep getting scheduled over 6 days in a row#which is 1#against company policy#and 2#incredibly exhausting#and she was just like#yeah sometimes I forget to check the previous weeks schedule and that happens :(#and I was just like ok??? then fix it???#and then the updates I did tonight went terribly#because the company changed EVERYTHING last minute#and I only had 1 day to prep#and my manager was like#oh you can start prepping soon#but first I need you to finish 2 days work of shipment that I haven't had a chance to get to :)#so I had nothing at all fucking prepped
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