09lover · 9 months
YOUR OCS ARE SO CUTE I'M SQUISHING THEM so curious about yuunan... what did he do.. what about his crime.. why was he a shut-in...
also it's so hard for me to make ocs who are much older than me too.. i'm like "w-what is it like to have a job. w-what is it like to be in your thirties. what-"
erm…. Ermm.. lets say.. lets say he was kept in there unwillingly without knowing until he grew himself a consciousness.. thumbs up to his parents for trying to build someone out of him..
RIGJT??? like how do i.. write it that it doesnt soind stupid or wrong.. i also cant draw ocs that look old so its a very big L too…
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rosemarynonnyknight · 5 years
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It takes a moment to make a decision. . A decision never to waver from your path. . A decision to see the dreams in your heart come to pass. . A decision to no longer allow the world to tell you what you can expect and what your limits are. . You can decide to set the tone for your own life. . To break free of the norms of the people around you. . To BE ALL OF YOU again. . Take this moment. . Make it that moment where you decide what yuo are creating. . Where you commit to never go off path again. . Make this your moment, my love. . You are born to prosper in every area of life. . This life is to be a grand adventure. . Do not be deceived by the times when things seem tough. . YOU GOT THIS! . You are powerful enough to design the life you desire. . You can have the relationships. . the money. . The fulfilling, joyous work. . The energetic, healthy body. . The deep connection to Source that powers you up. . You can have it all. . Make this the moment, the day you choose YOU!. . EMOJI me below if you say YES! and tag in someone you care about. . Please remember... 1. Your vision is your permission. 2. You are capable of your calling. 3. You are much more powerful than you realise. 4. Yes you can get everything you want. 5. You are enough. You are worthy. You deserve the very best of everything. . AWAKEN! . Take advantage of my 2 books - The Amazon Bestselling 'Deliberate Millionaire’s FREEDOM book: Live free, wealthy and on purpose' and the BRAND NEW book: 'DELIBERATE MAGIC - The art of deliberately designing a free, fulfilled, financially abundant and love-drenched life.' Each book will help you release old ways of thinking that keep you trapped on a lower level than what is possible for you. - Pop over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/freebk or the link in my @deliberatemillionaire bio. . Much Amazing Love https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxw_4EElgu2/?igshid=8xhiakj861hp
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