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sofuss-y · 7 months ago
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he hates his stupid baka life (WIP)
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bubblepopsims · 1 year ago
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[Sabrina: “girl…. You have no idea…”] 2 [Sabrina: “When I say this man is fine… I mean he is FINEEEE.. and dresses so nice and sophisticated, he is educated, well off by wanting to see this house.”] 3 [Sabrina: “No, Unfortunately he is engaged- I know… Bitch I know… yeah, and here is the best part..”] 4 [Sabrina: “To a little miss del sol valley -Flips her imaginary hair- The girl is nothing but good lucks, so fakely bubbly and “oh my god this is soooooo cuteeee” bitch I don’t know..they need to stop taking our men becau–“] 5 [Distant voice and footsteps] [Sabrina: “*annoyed whisper* Shit.. they are here! I’ll call you later”] 6 [Maddi lets out a excited gasp: “Oh Raffy… Oh…..”] [Rafael: “*chuckles lightly* yeah when I saw it, I had a feeling you would appreciate this.”] 7 [Maddi: “Raffy… this is more than appreciation.. I mean I feel –“] [Sabrina: “Oh sorry.. *clears throat* I as not here to greet you guys at the door….”] 8 [Sabrina: “…….. He is… so …. Fine……..”]
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vctrvn-ls · 2 years ago
ranking of the betababies + 6 guests
les gooooo
@kennysboxergf tanku for tagging me ☺️
11. Gib
uuhh yeeh not my type. ahaha I’m sorry guys someone has to go last! in my defense I barely watch him like at all and I haven’t seen him more than like twice w the BetaSquad and I’ve seen him once in the sidemen so I really don’t know anything ab this guy…
10. Darkest
alr plz don’t come at me, ik he’s gone mad up here but I j don’t rlly see it, he’s super funny and I like him but w everyone else that I’m rating he’s gonna have to be 10th sadly…
9. Johnny
guys he’s mad fine 😔 mad mad fine, but I have to put him here, cause charisma counts for me, it rlly does and like…idrk how to feel. don’t come at me guysss ik he’s v slay, I love him. But 9 is the place.
8. Chunkz
a little low? maybe, maybe. I like me a big boy, but again w everyone else he gon have to go here gurl, v v sadly but still. I love Chunky tho. he looks rlly good in white/gray colors like fr, I also love it when he wears beige like the suit he wore a month ago.
7. Deji
I’ve been watching the Sidy Sides more and more recently aaaand-HEAR ME OUT, he kinda u know (heehee) he kinda fine. Plus he’s so funny, like he’s got MY little sister humor , maybe that’s why I like him sm. Like actually guys when he’s j sitting there and not screaming he looks rlly good.
6. AJ
I’m not gon lie he’s only low bc of the others, IK THIS IS MY CONSTANT EXCUSE BUT GUYS srsly, like he’s super yummy and idec that he’s short, but he’s still a little…low 😭
5. Filly
Now this is where it gets interesting, my top five are v interesting. Filly is so so soooo fine in my opinion. Charisma, face, body like I’ll close my eyes on the height part but I can’t even complain cause he’s still a lot taller than me. Like acc when I first saw him I was like “FINE FINE FINEEE!!!”
4. Sharky
Yeeee the ladies man. Honestly when I first started watching the BetaSquad I didn’t even like pay much attention to him ahaha it’s sad Ik, but now I acc see him. He is soooooo fffiinnneeeeee!!!! I luv u Sharky btw (putting that out there)
3. Harry Pinero
Now now now. “Lisa why is this fossil so high up on your list?” Guys I have a response. I rlly like his face. That’s it. Also I just DONT GET the hairline joke, like yes ok the sides are a little pushed back but why everyone pissing themselves over it? Like Id bully smth else other than his hair. Idk maybe it looks worse irl but to me I see nothin. Also do I even have to mention how funny he is?? Like ye he a menace on dating shows but that’s j for YouTube, for real I feel like he’s super chill and acc genuinely super fucking funny. And fine…a little old…but fineeee
2. Kenny
Uummm he’s the man of my dreams honestly. Good style, super hot, hot, very hot and did I mention hot? Like when I see a photo of him my phone just magically disappears into my left hand while my right hand just…uh…goes to do it’s own thing. I mean I post Kenny edits 24/7 because HE FINE FINE.
1. Niko
Are we surprised? Haha. No. Nikos leng. Mad. Fucking. Leng. Like if I ever see him irl ppl are LITERALLY gonna have to hold me back. Despite me switching (or trying) to a Kenny girly Niko will forever be in my heart (I’m still sad ab the gf now that it’s official) he’s tall, good face, good curly hair, long ass fingers, big ass hands (auntie walk but that okkaaaayy!!!! It’s cause he got a big booottyyy!!!! It’s gooooooood!!!!!)
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chrissturnslovergirlx · 3 months ago
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littlelabrateacaped · 1 year ago
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Warning: Below is an explanation on the au, it is long and I like dumping EVERYTHING in on go soooooo.... have fun reading MWHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH
an au of mine where Nezu after escaping never becomes a hero but becomes best buds, and roommates with one of the officers SANSA, they butt heads, play pranks on each other, and they could be more than just friends....
YES FUCK YOU I SHIP SANSA AND NEZU, MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you disagree with the ship its fineeee you can see them as best buds if you want. Here is a lovely scene of Nezu taking a smoke break after trapping Sansa in a cage as one of his "little" pranks
Yes I know Nezu is confirmed to be a smoker butttttttt Sansa is trying to get him to stop. Nezu does know how to fight thanks to his past and if Sansa requested it Nezu would help with his job but INSIST on not being a hero.
Tsukauchi does know of Nezu but never met him same with the other officers but Sansa explains that he doesn't like getting involved with heroes so meeting the police in Nezu's eyes already makes him involved with heroes.
Nezu's tail is long... very long... He can stretch it longer than what is shown. He can also breath underwater CAUSE I SAID SO MWHAHAHA, but he can breath underwater and it has proved useful when Sansa needs to swim in some task he needs to do so Nezu does the swimming for him and he is a NATURAL at it.
So you all must be wondering... does he wear a suit still... OF COURSE HE DOES, he loves his red jacket but he wears a suit... well technically not a suit, he wears a black shirt with a white tie, he also wears overralls being held up by white straps, they are not shown cause the jacket is big enough to cover the straps.
The two animals also have a kinda code or signals telling each other something is wrong. Nezu would normally walk in both legs but if he gets on all four, his actions alert Sansa to get ready in case of a fight, or if Sansa's bell stops ringing and Sansa is holding the bell it means something is wrong and they both need to be quiet, things like this gets the two to be on their guard before any humans can react.
Now... can Sansa walk on all four? Yes but is learning. Nezu teaches him but Sansa is still in the learning to run part... Yeah him practicing in the police station does not help...
What about UA? who is the principal? well its Recovery girl, some heroes like Hawks are teachers, none of them met Nezu... yet but that will be for another post to explain
Does Sansa smoke? Obviously not, its bad and questions why Nezu does smoke but lets him knowing its helping him cope with his past
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bitchlessdino · 2 years ago
Lmao the link didn't attach fidnsjsj
Here (sfw link)
When he does the thing of turning his face and smirking while he talks is soooooo fuckinh atttactive I need him BADDDDD
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emeraldbabygirl · 16 days ago
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cockettechris · 2 months ago
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idk what you don’t see in him
no hes not😭
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mirouie · 1 year ago
Luke lifts his head as he hears his brother say “Aphrodite girls”. He spots you and his face lights up like a Christmas tree. Immediately he walks up to you and hugs you, his lips placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
Luke Castellan. You tilt your head back and look up at the stars as if you expect to see his name engraved up there. You have always liked his name. Luke Castellan. It feels like a secret incantation on your lips.
THAT IS LITERALLY SO SWEET?? luke castellan really is such a pretty name 🥺💗
He looks at you and you can't help but smile. Fascinating how beautiful an evening with a campfire could be. For a moment it feels like gods and monsters didn't exist. For a moment everything seems peaceful.
the writing ughhhhh! that’s so beautifull
“No, actually… Y/N…” He runs a hand through his hair, trying to find the right words. “Gods, you´re so beautiful.”
Sisterly advice
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▪︎Luke Castellan x fem!reader
▪︎daughter of Aphrodite
You and Luke have always been close. So close, in fact, that newcomers automatically assumed that you were dating. The surprised look on their faces when the older campers told them you weren´t, was according to your siblings hilarious.
It's evening and you're sitting on your bed, your legs crossed, while Silena is braiding your hair.
Of all your half-siblings she is your favourite one. Loving, gentle and kind. She is the perfect definition of a daughter of Aphrodite, as she embodies everything that comes to your mind when you think about love - and you want others to feel the same way. They should also think of her and not your other siblings with their childish plays and cruel rituals of breaking others hearts. Maybe they themselves don´t understand what it means being the child of love.
Silena´s fingers run gently through your hair, parting it and intertwining the individual strands together.
“So… what about Charlie?”
You don't have to see her face to know that a smile flashes across her lips at his name. “What about him?”
“Did he finally ask you out?”
She laughs, trying to pretend that she finds the idea absurd. “We are just friends.”
You turn around and give her a look that expresses your opinion about it all too clearly. Don´t try to fool me, darling. I see what´s going on between the two of you!
Again, Silena laughs, gently turning your head forward again to finish the braid. “Okay, other topic. What about you and Luke?”
You copy her laugh. “What about us? We´re just friends.”
You could feel her rising her eyebrows. “Let me give you some sisterly advice: Just friends don´t look at each other like that.”
“Who did you quote? That sentence is so cliché!”
She laughs, taking a hair tie from your bedside table and wrapping it around your braid. “Well… maybe it is but it totally fits you and Luke.”
You turn around, giving her a skeptical look.
Silena shrugs and sits down beside you. “I mean… have you seen his smile when he looks at you? Also he constantly finds excuses to touch you. He improves your posture in archery, even though you are at least as good at it as he is. And – “ she looks at you triumphantly, “He gives you a kiss on the cheek every time he greets you or says goodbye.”
You feel your cheeks flush and cross your arms, trying to think of a counter argument. “A lot of people do that.”
“Yeah, but you´re the only one where Luke does that. Haven´t you noticed?”
To be honest: no, you haven´t. But now as you think about it in detail... it is true. When Luke greets one of the other girls, he just smiles at them.
“In addition, he immediately drops everything when he sees you”, Silena adds, “Yesterday he left in the middle of training because he saw you walking by and wanted to talk to you. Or on Friday, he was in the middle of a conversation with Chris and you waved at him. And what did he do? Exactly, he immediately jogged over. Also last week…”
“Enough!” You laugh, trying to make her shut up by covering her mouth.
Silena dodges you, laughing as you reach into the void. "He let you draw hearts on his sneakers! He watches the sunset with you! He bought you a bracelet for your birthday! You know, I could go on with this for hours." She steps closer, cupping your cheeks with her hands. “Believe me, sis: He´s in love with you!” Her voice is melodic, angel like even. Loving, gentle and kind.
You feel the heat rising to your cheeks and embarrassed you pulls away and cover your face with your hands. “I´m pretty sure he isn´t! You´re overinterpreting!”
“Nope, I´m a daughter of Aphrodite, I can feel it!”
“So am I! And I don't feel anything!”
Silena grabs her cherry lipstick. “Your reaction makes me think that you like him too!”
Did you like him? You weren´t sure. Of course he meant the world to you, but did you like him more as than a friend? Wouldn´t that be weird kissing him since you know him for so long?
"I'm not sure", you finally manage to say, rolling off your bed and taking a look at the clock. Fortunately, you can at least put the topic off for today. "Oh, damn! Come on, we are already late!”
Silena grabs your hand and leads you outside of cabin 10. It´s already dark and in the distance you can see the flickering flames of the campfire. Most of the campers seem to have already gathered there, their drink in their hands and a smile on their lips as they talk to their siblings and friends.
“Finally!”, one of the Apollo girls greets you.
Chris Rodriguez grins. “Why are the Aphrodite girls always late?”
That is definitely not true! You're not always late. Just most of the times. God, you hate being a cliché.
Luke lifts his head as he hears his brother say “Aphrodite girls”. He spots you and his face lights up like a Christmas tree. Immediately he walks up to you and hugs you, his lips placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
From the corner of your eye you can see Silena rising an eyebrow, as if to say "Well, what did I say?"
“You look amazing”, Luke whispers in your ear, before breaking away from the hug and greeting Silena with a smile. “Charlie is already waiting for you!”, he grins, nodding towards said boy.
Silena giggles, before walking over to him. Gods, it was so obvious that she was head over heels for him.
Luke takes your hand and leads you over to his place next to Chris, where he had already a blanket spread out for the two of you. “Mylady” He pretends to bow.
You can feel your cheeks blush as you sit down. “Thank you so much, Mister!”
Gods, somehow Luke always manages to put a smile on your face. You sit down and stretch out your legs, feeling the comforting heat of the fire.
As Luke takes a seat next to you, you can feel him slide closer, his arm touching yours. Feeling him beside you was comforting, the closest feeling you had to "home".
Luke Castellan. You tilt your head back and look up at the stars as if you expect to see his name engraved up there. You have always liked his name. Luke Castellan. It feels like a secret incantation on your lips.
You can feel his eyes on you. The flickering flames make his face look almost golden. Golden boy. Why didn´t you notice before how handsome he is?
The next song starts and immediately everyone joins in. They lie in each other's arms and rock back and forth, bawling Country roads.
Well, maybe it was just because Silena had told you, but Luke really seems to find exuses for touching you. He leans against you, his arm around your shoulders - even after the song has already ended. You enjoy feeling him so close next to you. The heat he radiates. His soft skin against yours. The realization hits you straight in the face. You had fallen in love with your best friend.
He looks at you and you can't help but smile. Fascinating how beautiful an evening with a campfire could be. For a moment it feels like gods and monsters didn't exist. For a moment everything seems peaceful.
 “Can I talk to you for a second?” You can feel Luke´s warm breath on your neck as he whispers in your ear.
Your heart skips a beat. Did he notice the way you looked at him? Did he suspect something? Was Silena wrong? “Sure!”
Your voice sounds more enthusiastic than you feel.
Luke takes your hand and leads you away from the campfire, away from the singing and the laughter of the others.
You look at him, smiling nervously. “Sooo… what is it? Or did you just want to escape singing Knocking on heavens door.”
He shakes his head, laughing. “No, why would I want to miss Drew´s wonderful voice?”
You cringe at the thought of your sister singing louder than everyone else – and on top of that terribly wrong. She doesn't hit a single note.
“No, actually… Y/N…” He runs a hand through his hair, trying to find the right words. “Gods, you´re so beautiful.”
It´s not the first time that somebody told you that. In fact, being a daughter of Aphrodite, you had heard it thousands of times already.
Still his words felt special to you. Special because he wasn´t just anybody. Ä
He was Luke. Your best friend Luke. Luke who was always there for you, who comforted you when you had trouble with your family, who managed to make you laugh when you lay in your bed crying your eyes out over something your stepmother had said. Luke who you trusted with all your heart.
“I wanted to ask you if you'd like to go on a picnic tomorrow?” He avoids looking at you.
Why is he so shy about going on a picnic? That's quite strange since you´d done this a few times before. You had even found your very own spot with a fantastic view over the sea. There was nothing more beautiful than watching sunsets while drinking juice and eating biscuits. So why does he seem so insecure?
Luke seems to notice your confusion. “I meant as a date”, he clarifies.
You raise your eyebrow, your heart racing. “Are you asking me out?”
For a moment you stood there, perplexed. Why was it so obvious to the others while you had no idea?
"So... what do you say?" Luke looks at you, biting his lip nervously. He seems to assume that you aren't answering because you're looking for a way to reject him as gently as possible.
Quickly you step forward, brushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Yes, I'd love to go on a date with you."
"Really?" Immediately he blushes deeply. That must have slipped out.
"Sure, why wouldn't I?" You giggle, taking his hand. "I've known you for years now. You're kind and brave and one of the most caring people I know."
A laugh escapes his lips. "Wow, if I had known that, I would have asked you way earlier." His hand slowly reaches for your cheek.
You hold your breath as he leans forward and places a soft kiss on your lips. It didn't feel weird at all. The opposite, actually. Seems like sometimes best friends can turn into lovers.
You wrap your arms around him, pulling him closer. Soft kisses become more passionate. His hands run through your hair, slowly brushing loose strands out of your face.
When he pulls away a huge smile creeps across his lips. "I love you, Y/N"
You return his smile, taking his hand and intertwining your fingers. "I love you, too."
As you walk back to the campfire holding hands, Silena beams at you. "I told you, Y/N, friends don't look at each other like that."
You shake your head, laughing. "Your advice really is the best."
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orinthered · 3 years ago
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i hope that shadowheart blows me up with a bomb i love her so much 💕
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marshmallows2345 · 3 years ago
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i want him to pin me against his car hood and rail me in a parking lot he's so so so so fineeeeeeee
i just want him so bad
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owiez · 4 years ago
Hes soooooo fucking fineeee
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rojnapat · 4 years ago
omg its fineeee💕🤗 AND YES eps 7 was really beautiful ,, also khai is me- will hide from my crush when theyre around but be sad when they arent LMAO sdhjska i love how khai is like oh shit im falling for him ajdhsj BUT i also think he subconsciously always really liked him but didnt realise it ? yknow how he says in that one eps "dont say that to anyone or they might fall in love with you" to third when third says that pickup line i guess ,, the ep where he moves in with khai. 1/2 -tol lb anon
2/2 also is SOTUS good? i might have to get around to it,, and yes i have seen your gifset!! its what got me into TOL but im waiting to finish watching before looking at it again and reblog it 🤗🤗 eo 8 hurt btw,, and baby khai is now very badly hurt oh man idk what ep 9 has for me but i dont think im readyyy -tol lb anon💕
same anon!!!! khai goes from being this unreachable ethereal asshole to being incredibly relatable and i love it so much ahahaha. i hope things go better (and smoother) with your crush tho!! and oh yeah he absolutely was always in love with third but didn’t realize it!!!! the novel does explicitly state it but the show doesn´t--- although the hints are all there!!! like the way he looks at him lovingly and tells him how happy he is to have him in his house??? or him getting jealous of Un???? but yeah the angst is real in this show and it goes from 0 to 100 so fast im sorry flfldksjfkld but to me it just is so worth it. now about SOTUS, in my case it’s a pretty subjective preference-- the show is really all over the place, the sideships have very confusing inconclusive storylines and the first season is soooooo unnecessarily dramatic (the second season is rightfully dramatic and it broke me) also by no means its on TOL’s level when it comes to aesthetic, cinematography and even music (and don’t get me started on the sound) but to me ALL OF THAT is so worth it because the main love story is beautiful to me kldfsjklfjd it’s a very sweet slow burn and the protagonist’s main love interest, arthit, just stole my heart and never gave it back. he genuinely carries the whole show on his shoulders. but if you’re gonna watch it looking for off jumpol (khai’s actor) he plays a minor character, although he is still hilarious and i enjoy every scene with him slkfjdlskd
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kmr-56-blog · 7 years ago
pt 1🙄
okay so i’m pissed i just typed like a fucking 400 word ssay and then posted it and turns out tumblr did not fucking post it. i hate this stupid fucking website. i just fucking typed this whole thing out in detail and it didn’t post so i’m boutta write a summary of what i wrote before. fuck tumblr.
so anyway i’d been talking to this guy for like a week and we had been trying to link up but the timing was always wrong. if i was free, he wasn’t, if he was free, i wasn’t. so last night he snapped me and was like u wanna 💨 tonight and i was like 🤷🏻‍♀️yeah. this guy is 22yo and fineeee af. so i wait for my parents to go to sleep so i can sneak out and he picks me up. we drive to this lil church that used to be my smoke spot freshman year and park behind it. so we smoke 2 fat ass blunts. and boyyy lemme tell u 😂 i was fuckinf blitzed that gorilla glue had me stuck 😩 i haven’t been smoking a lot lately bc i just recently got caught so my tolerance is wayyy down so those blunts had me fuckinf lifted. so we’re just vibinn and shit and he starts getting closer and closer to me and i’m like 😳😳 “can i tell u smthg” and he’s like “yeah what is it” and im like “i’ve only done this one time” (IK IK. i was lying bc it was rlly my 3rd time but earlier this week i told him i’d only done it once so if i was like “oh this is my 3rd time” he was gon start asking questions) so he responds with “maybe u need smthg to compare it to” and i’m like yessss 😏😳😳 so he starts leaning in for the kiss. now lemme tell u i’m not a huge fan of kissing my past 2 experiences were just terrible lmao it was just mainly uncomfortable for me. but this guy. holy shit. he knew how to kiss. i didn’t want him to stop like unnnf🤤 he was biting my lower lip and slowly pushing his tongue into my mouth and i was just L O V I N G it 😩 so it’s getting p saucy so i’m like “u got a condom” and he looks around for one but couldn’t find one so he just looks at me. and i’m like “there’s a gas station like 2 min up the road” and he’s like okay and starts kissing me again. he’s rubbing me thru my jeans and just making me soooo fucking 💦💦 until he pulls away and he’s like “we have to go” and i’m like looking up at him like 🤯🤤 “yeah we have to go” so he gives me another kiss and puts his shoes on and gets in the front seat. so we go to the gas station and get the shit and come back to the church (so unholy😂) and we get back in the back. so we kissing again and he reaches down and unbuttons my pants so i take them off. so with the other 2 guys, they had no clue where the clit was lmfao💀 like they would try to rub my shit and i’d just be laying there like wyd. but this guy 👀 knew exactly where it was at😩 he had me squirming around b4 he even had his dick out. so i’m laying on my back and he puts the condom on and everything. i put it in and he starts pushing it in deeper and unnnmmff🤤 and then he starts like ramming that shit in and im like 🤪😭 that shit hurt so good😪 i feel kinda bad i was kinda screaming in his ear 😅 so he’s steady going in and then he takes my legs and puts them on his shoulders... girl i almost died 😭😭🤤 he was getting SOOOO deeeep omfggg fuckkk i needa see this boy again 😩 so annnywayyy he’s like sum “get on top” so i get on reverse cowgirl and slowlllyyy start riding it 😩 felt sooo good 🤤 as i started getting used to it i started taking it deeper and bringing it to the head and unnnfff🤤🤤💦 feeling the tip was making me crazyyy😩🤤 ik he was surprised at how good i could ride bc my ass tiny af 😩😂😂 even tho my ass small he was still grabbing it and smacking it like it wasn’t like a tru gentleman 😂😂 nah so he grabbed my hips and started p o u n d i n g me and ughhhhj oml i was soooooo wet u don’t even understand. so then he pulled me back to where my back was against his chest and he was pounding me from below and i just. i just can’t even describe lmfaooo
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no-vamos · 3 years ago
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LEE KNOW – ‘THUNDEROUS’ FANCAM @ MBC Gayo Daejejeon / 211231
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