aonokumura · 1 month
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I hate him so much sometimes
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destinyc1020 · 7 months
My Movie Review: "Madame Web"
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Whew....LAWWWWWDDDD..... Y'all where do I even begin? 😭😭
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This movie was SO bad y'all.... Like.... I'm almost in shock at how bad it was lol... 😓
It takes a LOT for me to label a movie just plain BAD, so this is really saying something. It was awful... 😭
Like, you know a movie is bad when you and other people in the audience are laughing at how BAD the film and the acting is lol. 😅🤣 Seriously! My friend and I and a couple sitting beside us were laughing the ENTIRE movie at how bad the acting was.
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You guys, the acting was so criiiiiiinge! 🙈 I seriously have not seen acting this bad by an ENTIRE cast EVER lol. It was so bad, I was literally sitting there laughing at the dialog and the delivery. The only people who were decent were Adam Scott, the other side characters, and the three younger girls who were playing teenagers (Sydney Sweeney included). Everyone else sucked wind so bad. I swear, I don't think I've seen a movie where not only the LEAD was doing bad acting, but even the VILLIAN in the film was such a baaad actor, omg. 😭 His voice was so robotic. He was so WOODEN. He sounded like he was just reading his lines. Half the time, I wasn't sure if he was really talking to someone in the room like that lol. His voice sounded so unnatural.
This movie made me appreciate DECENT acting lol. I never realized how just your VOICE and your delivery of your lines can make the entire difference btwn someone who's a good actor, vs someone who's a bad actor. 🥴
Dakota Johnson.... Okay.... I gotta talk about her cuz lol..... 👀 This was actually my FIRST time seeing one of her films, so I went in with an open mind ykwim? But CHILE! That woman cannot act. 😭 At least, not in this film! Half the time, her character was talking out loud to herself. 👀 Her line delivery was so bad, and her voice was so monotone and didn't fit some of the scenes she was in. It was so cringe to the point where the couple of people beside us were LAUGHING at how bad her acting was. 😭 I know Dakota is another NepoBaby, but I thought that surely her acting must be better than this since she's had quite a few lead films under her belt by now. But nope! I was legit shocked by how bad her acting was in this. 🥴
Not only was the acting bad, but the WRITING of this film was horrendous also! Stuff that should have been conveyed by a look, a glance, a facial expression, etc. was all SPOKEN OUT LOUD by Dakota's character Cassie smh.
Like, what on earth kind of writing is that?? I haven't seen writing and editing of a film THIS bad in a very long time.
It took forever for the real action of the film to even begin. It took over an hour and a half to even get to the "meat" of the film, and when you finally get there, it's like: "this was it???" 🥴
Sony Sony Sony!!! What is you doing??? Y'all know I try to defend Sony on here. I have a soft spot for them. But geez.... I'm sorry Sony, I cannot defend this movie lol. 🤦🏾‍♀️
What on earth??
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What sucked the most though, is that we didn't even get to see anybody suit up in their costumes/uniforms/suits because we only got snippets of them in the future in costume.
Soooo basically, it really wasn't a "superhero" film to me. Like, it was all this buildup and buildup to NOTHING in the end.
At the end, my friend said that the movie was so bad that she liked it lol. 😅
I'm not going to try to sway anybody's decision....Go see it if you wish. All I know is it was so bad to the point of laughter out loud for me all throughout the movie lol. 😅🤣
You know how some actors OVER-act and it's so cringe?? Yea, it was THAT level bad in some scenes lol. Maybe not on THIS level bad like the film "Showgirls" ROTFL, but it was still pretty bad...
The Pros:
The three "teenage" girls and Adam Scott were probably the best parts of this movie tbh lol
It was so bad, that it was pure comedy for us after a while lol😅
The Cons:
The writing was HORRENDOUS in this film
Dakota's acting and voice was just awful lol
Most of the acting SUCKED in this movie lol
The Villain was awful and sounded like a robot. Most of the time, it sounded like he was literally just reading his lines off of a script rotfl 😅🤣
The editing was horrible also!
We didn't really see the protagonists become "superheroes"
Just plain bad!! I seriously haven't seen a movie THIS bad in a VERY long time. 😩 Thank goodness I have a movie membership and didn't have to pay full price for this, cuz I'd be PISSED! LOL
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strawberrywindow · 1 year
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it's just a vivisection, general, RELAX, they're just checking his healing factor out 🙄
this is a redraw of one of the first IH things i sketched about 2 years ago when i first started to get into drawing again after a veeeeery long break 😂
i liked the idea of after IH, Ross just has these two losers in custody/'help me get banner and you're exonerated uwu 😊' but immediately regrets thinking he could rely on them because they do stupid shit like this on the daily. anything that makes ross suffer brings joy to my heart 😌
i'm gonna be working through the last few marvel ideas i've had on my list of things to draw before i lose any and all motivation to do them as other fandoms crowd my mind lol
i've wanted to redraw this particular comic for a while but while looking through my old art the other day and going 'oh my god why did you even post that 😐' at most things i was like, we're doing this NOW 🤣
not perfect, but it's improvement and i'm glad to see it. if you've been around since my pencil chicken scratch doodles i love love love you because people being so nice when i first started again was a big motivator to keep going even when i was thinking my stuff was garbo 🤧❤️
Also are you ready?
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aloysiavirgata · 5 months
I just read This Her Fever & I liked the way you wrote Bill Scully. He’s an overbearing ass, but it’s also easy to see his point of view (though his jubilant ‘man’s work!’ “0In A Christmas Carol makes me criiiiiiinge). What do you think of him?
Thank you, anon! There are a few things I’d change it that fic but overall I’m pleased with it still. It was SO fun to write.
You know, I’m the big sister in my family. And I would fucking HATE Mulder. Loathe him. I would cheerfully rip his spine out through his stomach.
So you know. I have a lot of empathy for Bill.
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kitausuret · 2 years
I feel like these could be the same for some people, how about you?
🤦🏻 A fanfiction/chapter you are embarrassed about having written?
😅 Was there a fic/chapter that you were nervous about posting? Why?
Hmm.. a fic I'm embarrassed about? Well, some of my really early fics I'm not like, totally happy with, particularly like Cross-Cultural Purposes where yes I had fun with it at the time but I feel like now I would probably write it differently? I feel like I have a much better grasp of both Flash and the symbiote's characterizations.
I also have a large number of fics hiding on Amino (you'll never find them~) that I AM legitimately embarrassed about and that's why I haven't put them on Ao3 or Tumblr or anywhere. There is one I wrote about a GotG Flash/Venom and Kitty Pryde team-up that I really want to wrangle into coherence because I love Kitty but also writing hard. But every time I go back and read it I'm like criiiiiiinge because it is so incoherent. 😭
As for a fic I was nervous about posting.. probably Bravado because it was my first explicit-rated fic I had ever published online haha. Yes, Dust to Dust was posted earlier in that year but I hadn't actually written any Explicit content in it yet (I have now though hehe).
I also get nervous posting anything with Peter Parker! Mostly because I know he has such a long and storied history and I really worry about screwing up his characterization. I feel the same way about Harry Osborn though and that's why I haven't published anything with him in it lmao
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limelocked · 4 years
people need to realise ranboo can and does do wrong. hes not perfect. his actions get excused so fucking much and it pisses me off.
does a funky lil dance
none of the characters on the smp are free from sin, do not excuse their actions it is criiiiiiinge~
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scarlet--wiccan · 3 years
"Don't be such a Wanda. [...] Worrying's totally sapiens." CRIIIIIIINGE
Oh, yeah, that’s the other thing-- fake slang, and especially fake teen slang, is hard to pull off. What Spurrier is doing here is arbitrarily pasting out-of-place words onto existing vernacular functions. It’s cheap, and it feels fake because language is meant to evolve organically. This is more of a writing rule than it is a language law, but invented vernacular should serve a need that cannot be fulfilled by existing language. Mutants, in the X-Men sense, are a fictional population with a fictionalized history of oppression, so when we write dialogue for an anti-mutant bigot, we have to fabricate certain terminology-- “mutie,” as a pejorative, serves a purpose. If DJ wants to say something is cool, he can just say it’s cool, he doesn’t need to say that it’s “krak.”
It also reads awkwardly because they’re proper nouns-- Wanda, Krakoa, homo sapiens. We don’t really do that in contemporary English, and when we do, it’s not usually in reference to specific individual.
I will say that if Spurrier is trying to examine rapidly-emerging Krakoan culture, and specifically give us a portrait of fully inculcated Krakoan youth, DJ is a pretty smart character to use as-- forgive me-- a sounding board. He was depowered on M-Day, died in the infamous bus explosion, and stayed dead until the resurrection protocols were established. For him, M-Day is a recent memory, and he’s been reborn into fully-formed Krakoan society. This is a character who would be in really deep, and it’s obviously meant to be unsettling-- Kurt is weirded out by the whole thing, too. He’s concerned about the ways in which resurrection is changing people’s behavior and outlook, and he’s clearly wigged out by the obvious flaws in the psychic process. He doesn’t seem to be a fan of the Crucible, either. Apologies to Arthur Miller, I guess.
So, I could argue that the dialogue and characterization are uncomfortable on purpose, but we’ve been dealing with “uncomfortable on purpose” since HoXPoX and we’re still not any closer to understanding what that purpose is. I appreciate a long-term plot, but I’m a little tired of this weird sense of unease.
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vastderp · 6 years
i almost want to post about the time a dude proposed to me in the comic shop. got down on one knee and everything while I was reading the latest Preacher.
we weren’t even dating.
i used to be so spineless i let him down with a ‘maybe someday’. criiiinge.
nothin’ says eternal bond of commitment like interrupting a decently illustrated massacre with dweeby het romance
EDIT: no wait, i just remembered. i told him i was too young to even be thinking about marriage, and HE cheerfully announced my answer was a “definite maybe’ and i let him go on thinking that forevermore because, again, criiiiiiinge.
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anti-marxistcult · 7 years
I just watched a clip of Mark CUCK Ruffalo and OHHH the criiiiiiinge! 
So sick of these Left-Wing democrap Hollywood beta males thinking that women are so weak, fragile and oppressed so they these male feminist actors feel they can then spew this trash about telling everyone to treat women like delicate little children. He and others like him (looking at you Joss Wehedon) so they can look “good” and virtue signal in their shitty interviews to stay relevant while they shill for their insulting rhetoric and ideology.
You sexist condescending fucktard.  Go make another cameo in a superhero movie in CGI pajamas you forgetful prick.
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Cringe-Worthy Excerpts 3.0 | This is basically humiliation
Hey People of Earth!
@sarahkelsiwrites​ and I created this game called Cringe-Worthy Excerpts where we basically go through our books and share mega cringy excerpts featuring words we generate from a random word generator. You can read my post in this series HERE, the second HERE (things get really messy). Also check out Sarah’s first post and second post.
Today, we’re doing things a little differently. Usually in this series, we choose lines from every single book/project we’ve ever worked on ever and share the most cringy, but today, we’re going to be playing this game with our most recent project ONLY.
So my WIP at the moment is FOSTERED #5 (which really needs a name pls), and hers is WITHER. Both of us are at a similar word count, so it’s going to be some pretty fair playing ground.
I’ll also be immensely humiliated, hence the title.
Sharing the cringe-worthy excerpts from my most recent works is always the worst... So enjoy as I embarrass the crap out of myself.
Word searched: Able
That he’s really only ever [SPOILER]—an irrational fear I haven’t been able to shake. But the relief I feel—that pools through my body, touches at my insecurities and loosens them from around me, is stronger.
I mean this is less cringy and maybe just a little purple LOL. I call this a win since I couldn’t find anything cringier than this!
Word searched: Naïve
I went from naïve to bitter. From feisty to untrusting. From energetic to lethargic. From happy and carefree to this. But one thing that hasn’t changed is him.
I mean yeah, this is sorta cringy. I mean that last sentence kinda kills me but maybe that's just cuz it’s cheesy.
Word searched: Conversation
And it warms my heart to see them talking to this boy—this young, sixteen-year-old boy—so animatedly and with such genuine interest. Eventually the conversation slows to a stop and Mitch tells them that it’s late, and he needs to get back before Robbie completely loses his shit.
That em dash placement is pretty cringy. Not gonna lie. Like why? did? that? need? to? be? there? I already had an age drop though? Yeah. Warms my heart is so overused at this point and it’s not like it works here... Don’t know why interest is italicized but...
Word searched: Woman
“You remember me,” I whisper to Rosemary, trying not to soften at her frightened gaze because this woman was the leader of a monstrous cult.
I mean there were so many ways to phrase this and I chose this way like srsly btch. This sentence is soooooooo terribleeeeeeee, oh myyyyyyyy criiiiiiinge.
Word Searched: Toss
This is upsetting cuz I just wrote this like last week but:
By now, she’s got to be nine and entirely capable of thinking for herself. Although her face is hollow and sunken like mine, hair choppy, glasses bent, her youth doesn’t cease to arrange her features. There’s almost a glow to her skin, and although it’s diluted with grey, just seeing it makes my heart melt with relief. Being around Phillip’s seemed to ease her mood. “Yes,” I say, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. I toss a small smile at Tristan when he slowly starts edging back into consciousness. “I’m sorry for interrupting your nap.” I tell him.
like why did I phrase this like this ??? I mean that whole diluted with grey thing is great, but then I. had. to. ruin. it. with. a. cliché ??? like who says she’s got to be, and ‘her youth doesn't cease to arrange her features’ just fml fml I say fml.
(I know I marked this as a paragraph to do an in depth edit on because I liked its concept but stilllllllllllllllllll)
and whats with that action+dialogue tag omg Rachel its not necessaryyyyy.
Yeah this was the worst one. LOL. Upsetting, seeming as though of all these excerpts, this is the most recent...
So I hope you guys enjoyed! I learned my current writing is not as cringy as I think it is (went through a lot of cringe-less excerpts this time), so I guess that’s cool? If you do this, make sure to tag Sarah and I in your posts!
Speaking of which, check Sarah’s post out HERE.
That’s it for now! Thanks for reading. :)
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