kinemonsassbiter · 3 months
And here we all can see literally seconds when Kin realised he's bi he would die for Oden
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Also including:
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The way he looked both deeply amused and surprised....The way he showed all that range around in one minute.... Can't not think about these reactions and how it all cam be connected to the idea that he seems so deeply touched by it because he literally had no one who would think about him (expect for Tsuru) and Kin's thoughts on that no one would care for him because of own self-hate and understanding that he isn't living like proper man... And than there's Oden, the madman of Wano, literally saving HIS back and taking HIS blame for no reason! Despite them both literally meeting each other minutes ago! Do you think it's like. The first time he ever saw someone being so nice to him despite own fault, despite of what kind of person he is? And that this single act if kindness made him change his life completely? And that it also perfectly characterised Oden too? There's so much words to speak and thoughts....
I love my pathetic man.
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
Hello :) please could I request headcanons of the hashira having a crush on a hashira!reader who’s very motherly to the younger demon slayers but shy and secretly craving affection from the other hashira 💙💙
demon slayer hcs: motherly hashira!reader x the hashira pt 1
characters: fem!reader x giyuu, rengoku, tengen, shinobu, kamaboko squad (mentioned)
AN: some of these are platonic instead of romantic.
pt. 2 with mitsuri, obanai, sanemi, and muichiro is HERE
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stop because i love this
you don't talk to the other hashira much
but its not because you don't like them!
they're just a little intimidating
and you want them to like you so bad
but what if you accidentally embarrass yourself in front of them
would be my biggest fear tbh
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this guy is just as shy as you are
awkward asf too
but seeing as you're one of the few hashira that are kind to him..
he really likes you
also really appreciates the way you take care of the younger slayers
especially the Kamado siblings
i mean he did literally put his life on the line for those two
you guys don't talk much when in each others company
really its more of a dead silence lmao
like thats a surprise at all lol
but he enjoys being in your presence
he thinks you have a very calming aura around you
and he never feels any hostility from you
if you guys are paired up on a mission?
my guy is glued to u
no way is a demon going to hurt someone as pure and kindhearted as u
not on giyuu's watch
even tho he's goin to be protective of u during missions
he knows that despite your sweet nature, ur a hell of a fighter
respects you sm
thinks of you as his only true friend within the corps
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i can never get enough of him i swear
he absolutely adores you
goes out of his way to talk to you every chance he gets
ur all the way on the other side of the butterfly estate?
sunshine boy is hunting you down
ur on a mission a few miles away from his estate?
he's alrdy otw
also very oblivious
you get shy when he starts talking to you
maybe you start blushing
"oh are you sick? your face is all red. i hope you don't have a fever..."
and hes putting his hand on ur forehead to check ur temperature
if he touched me id faint
admires how you genuinely care for the younger slayers
the way you encourage them to get stronger
the way you help them train
the way you make sure they're eating and drinking enough
you remind him of his mother
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when him & his wives finally have children..
ur designated babysitter 100%
being the sound hashira he has a great sense of hearing
so he hears your interactions with the younger slayers
you're not afraid to talk to the kids
you comfort them. laugh with them, scold them, etc.
wonders why you act so differently in the presence of the hashira
makes it his mission to make you comfortable around him
u don't have to worry abt affection when tengen is concerned lol
compliments you 24/7
"you look very flashy today!"
"you are a great teacher!"
"You should become my 4th wife!"
no bc that lmfao ^
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you two are very familiar with each other
it's very often that you're dragging inosuke or genya by the ear to the infirmary to be treated
mostly inosuke
so she is well aware of how motherly u can be
she's a regular witness to the many scoldings given out to the younger slayers
you also asked her to train you in basic first aid
your red face and stuttered words were so cute she acted like she couldn't understand you
just so you would repeat it
loves to tease you
nothing too bad!
and never mean!
just thinks you're so adorable
really appreciates when shes sent on missions and you help out in the infirmary
wants to be better friends with you
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dwaekkicidal · 4 months
𓆩Mochi Boyfriend Channie𓆪
gn!reader | he was top of the poll :3 Lix's will be posted tomorrow and then I will only make more if somebody requests other member versions <3
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Mochi Channie who introduces you to the boys pretty early on, mainly because they begged to meet their new parent but also because they are his whole life, so it's important to him that you all get along. Their opinion is important to him so when they all approve of you instantly (and you handle them well), he’s through the roof
Mochi Channie who is shy about skinship, especially in front of the others, but will tank through it just to see the smile and blush covering your face (as if his ears aren't bright red)
Mochi Channie who encourages you to allow him to spoil you and eases you into it with smaller things like buying you small snacks, then ordering your favorite food after you’ve had a long day and showing up unannounced with it and your favorite treats, then finally will ease you into accepting brand name jewelry/clothes or any gifts that are generally expensive/valuable
Mochi Channie who puts everything (that he can) on pause to answer your texts and calls, even cutting himself off mid sentence when he sees your contact show up with a distressed message
Mochi Channie who calls you every morning and night when he's on tour, even when he's exhausted and doesn't want to do any talking. He'll sit there and listen to you talk about your day and falls asleep to the sound of your voice and the comfort of seeing you beside him once again
Mochi Channie who gives you secret sneak peeks into their latest endeavors, 1. so you know what he is doing at all times and 2. so he can see your eyes sparkle at events you find particularly interesting
Mochi Channie who gives you sneak peaks into songs like he did in Chan's room, only giving you a second or so of noise and then being a tease and leaving you hanging
Mochi Channie who, if you puppy dog eye him at a particular demo that sounds interesting, literally can not resist you and will show you as much of the song as you want/as he is comfortable with
Mochi Channie who, over time, opens up more and will eventually start taking your compliments to heart (Christopher you WILL love urself. 🔫<3)
Mochi Channie who is a fast learner: memorizes every little thing about you within a week of figuring out. New favorite food or drink? Knows the exact order and your preferred store of purchase. New favorite song or movie? Always plays it whenever he can.
Mochi Channie who indirectly asks stay for opinions on gifts for you. Goes on Bubble to send a picture of some items and a message along the lines of "Which do you want? haha." he reads through the replies and tallies them, using the final count to make a decision
Mochi Channie who may be inexperienced at first, but again is a very fast learner. So much so that by the 3rd or 4th time you guys are having sex, he knows your body to the same degree as, if not better, than you
Mochi Channie who has every spot that makes you squirm, every angle that makes you cry out, and every kink that makes your legs weak engrained in his head
Mochi Channie who won’t hesitate to fulfill your needs of him being rougher. also not hesitating to sit you down to discuss specifics and put rules in space
Mochi Channie who researches new positions, trying the most interesting out in order to figure out which one feels the best and has you shaking the fastest
Mochi Channie who gives you whiplash the first time he's rough with you. He wine and dines you while being his usual soft and lovey dovey self.. until he's not
Daddy Chris who pins you to the front door the second it's closed, pushing his thick lips against yours in a sloppy make out session
Daddy Chris who spends over an hour on just foreplay (mainly edging hehe), wanting things to be perfect and wanting you to be as relaxed as possible before he loses control
Daddy Chris who eases himself into you gently, like he normally does, but gives you whiplash when he starts to fuck into you meanly
Daddy Chris who "You asked for it, so just fucking take it. You promised you would be good for me, remember baby?"
Daddy Chris who does nothing but smirk and thrust harder when you cry out about how good he feels and how close you are despite the fact that he just started fucking into you
Daddy Chris who likes to put you in doggy so he can sneak a hand in your hair to pull you back-to-chest with him, giving him free rein to whisper filthy things in your ear while keeping you close
Daddy Chris who goes back and forth with his words. One second telling you things like how “You’re doing so good for me, baby. Taking me so well” and the next second saying things like “Aww it's too much? Good. Take this fucking dick, baby. It's made just for you."
Daddy Chris who pulls as many orgasms from you as he can before he's finished, sweet talking you through every. single. one. so he can watch you squirm below him with the biggest smirk on his face
Daddy Chris who only ends the night after you're overstimulated out your mind, tears running down your face and drool sliding down your chin
Daddy Chris who cleans you up, pressing sweet kisses to your temple and whispering soothing words to calm you down. He holds you close in the shower and at first just lets the hot water fall onto your skin before he washes you both
Mochi Channie who goes on like normal the next day, as if he didn't fuck you within an inch of your life the night before
Mochi Channie who still gets red in the face when you two show any skinship in front of the boys, but is more confident now that he realizes how deep in you both are <3
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freshxsturniolo · 3 months
4th July - Part 5 - chris sturniolo x femreader
pt1. pt2. pt3. pt4
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so, how was it?” tara asks, taking a sip of her iced coffee. you can’t hide the blush.
last night had turned out … exactly how you wanted to. somehow you weren’t afraid to admit it but you knew it was quick. you weren’t a prude and it wasn’t the first time you’d slept with someone after not knowing them long but with chris it felt different. usually you fucked, left, and never spoke to them again. you found yourself excited to be in his presence again and he hadn’t left your mind once over the short hours away from him.
you had spent the rest of the evening with his brothers. he had tried to ask them to leave, but you gave him an eye. you enjoyed all 3 of their presences and you weren't about to throw them out of their own home to spend alone time with him.
he was different around them. the same chris but more energetic. a love for his brothers you had never seen between siblings before. but if anything it had only made your feelings for him higher. he was sweet. he was funny. he got on their last nerve. but he loved them dearly and that you could see. the conversation had flown beyond easy with all 3 of them, nick especially. he was the one who you text the most after chris and you could genuinely call him a close friend, and you were not going to pretend you couldn't see his excitement in his eyes and his voice at the prospect of you being there with his youngest triplet brother.
chris had sat with you the whole time, his thighs against yours before he got more comfortable and his hands were thrown over your shoulder, you edging closer to him until you were cradled under the crook of his arm. when he was talking to you, his fingers were rubbing circles around your shoulder before he eventually grabbed hold of your hand, and like two lovesick puppies you played with each others fingers whilst you chatted away.
chris was happy. he'd never bought a girl back to their place and the way matt and nick spoke to you so normally and so freely let him know he wanted more from you than just the odd date and the odd fuck. he felt something for you he hadn't felt before and seeing you so comfortable in his home had only heightened that.
"it was great" you chuckle, and tara lets out a little squeal as she does a little happy dance in her seat. the people behind you turn around to look at her, but she doesn't care.
"i need details." she presses, and you roll your eyes.
"we didn't manage to even eat our food" you admit.
"oh. my. god." she laughing again. "you have to invited him out tonight."
your eyes widen. "fuck" you whisper, picking up your phone immediately.
“what?” tara asks.
“i asked him to top golf later”
theres silence as you type out another messages to chris, but the silence makes you feel uneasy and you divert your eyes to tara. the look on her face tells you everything you need to know.
“don’t start” you whine. but she starts.
“you asked him to top golf? tonight? after seeing him last night?”
you roll your eyes. “you literally just said to invite him out tonight”
her eyes widen. “in a SOCIAL setting.”
you had completely forget about the casual drinks that has been planned for today. there was a group of you and all your friends that like to go to a small bar every month, a place to sit and chat and get casually drunk. in the excitement and lead up to jake’s party for 4th of july and the obvious reasons for chris, it had completely skipped your mind.
"you really like him, dont you" she presses, and you put your phone down before you even finish typing out your message.
you look at your best friend for a second, turning a shade of red. "am i doing too much?" you ask, fear in your mind now that maybe this was quick, and maybe it would end badly. but chris wanted it as bad as you. didn't he?
tara smiles. "no. not at all."
you smile back and let out a breath of fresh air, before you groan and put your hands to your face. tara erupts into laughter.
yes. you were down bad. you WERE pinning for him.
"what where you just about to text him?" she presses on, and you sigh as you pick up your phone again.
"just that i forgot i had plans and if we could do tomorrow, maybe."
"NO" tara shakes her head, mouth full of coffee. you stare at her whilst she composes herself. "absolutely not. go"
"are you sure? i dont wanna blow you guys off for a guy"
she rolls her eyes. "hes not just a guy tho is he, he's chris sturniolo and my best friend is in love"
you hold your finger out to her immediately. "too fucking far"
she erupts into laughter. "put the damn phone down," she says now. "go, and if it goes well, tell him we're all out and come join us"
you look at your phone, message half typed out, before blowing out a sigh and deleting it.
"okay. yeah. okay."
tara squeals again, and you can't hide the rush of excitement that rushes over you.
TAGLIST : @spencerstits @chrissturnsss @slut4chriss @valkatriee @sturnsjtop @viiiwwwee @gwennysturniolo @melanch0lybby @sturnioloblues @mattstrombolii @sturnsbella @hearteyes4chris @le4hsblog @nervoussagittarius @chrissypook @sarosfilms @somegirlfromasgard @carringtonsgirlfriend @h3arts4harry
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watersunairmoon · 8 months
erm my first drabble? or thought? idk im just a whore for Satoru Gojo and needed to get the filth out of my brain. be nice to me!!
content warnings!!: mean!dom!gojo, fem!reader, sub!reader, over stimulation, dacryphilia, cervix fucking (kinda?), squirting, degrading and praising, vibrator, pushing limits kinda, passing out, cumming inside, idk just filth okay
“oh baby, youre shaking so much~” You could feel his breath tickling your ear, his chuckle sending a chill straight down your spine. The position he currently had you in was obscene- even looking at yourself in your full length mirror the two of you were sitting in front of would normally make you blush. That was, if he hadnt already fucked every worry and insecurity in you out, until it was dripping down your thighs. Back flush against his chest, head lolled back onto his shoulder, gojos tight grip on your waist, legs locked open with his own giving him full view of your leaking cunt around his length. It was enough to make him drool.
“Come on, take a deep breath. Im not even doing anything right now.” The cockiness was evident in his tone, and you could practically hear the smirk on his face. He said it so casually, like he hadnt already fucked you through your 4th orgasm of the night, like he wasnt balls deep inside you at the moment. Damn him and his stupid stamina. You would swear you could feel him in your cervix right now, certain if you had the strength to raise your head youd see the outline of his cock sticking through your lower stomach.
Your belief was quickly proven as you felt his hand trace from your hip, right to where you could feel so much pressure. Gojos slender fingers running along the bulging spot, pressing down and building even more tension in your abused womb. This pulled a whimper from your throat, causing your head to finally raise from his shoulder, only for your heat to clench tightly around him once you saw your fucked out body in the mirror. It was so embarrassing to you how he could reduce you to such a pathetic mess. But to Gojo? It was easily one of his favorite things.
“T-Toru, please, i cant…” You whine at the feeling of being stuffed so full, eyes brimming with tears at the sensation. The white haired male thought you just looked so adorable like this, pleading him to have mercy on your over-worked body, legs trembling, salty tears about to spill over your pretty little lashes. He wondered how much more he would have to push you until you were full on sobbing, the thought of it sending a throb to his sex and a twisted smile across his face, already planning out how exactly he was going to break you.
“What do you mean you cant?” He feigned disappointment, hiding his shit eating grin behind a small frown, eyes raking over your body til he met yours in the mirror. “Im not asking you to do much y’know, y’r just sitting there.” The way he said it was almost a scoff, his tone alone making you whimper. This told you that he was no where near done with you, and you more than likely had a long night ahead of you. He hadnt even came yet, he had been holding back, and that was even more worrisome. “Ive been doing the work this whole time, and youre telling me y’r the one that cant keep going? How sad.” He shook his head as he laughed at you. He was so mean sometimes, so apathetic to your situation like it wasnt his fault. But nonetheless, his teasing made the tears you were trying so hard to hold back, fall softly down your face. It was so weird how he could literally make you cry but at the same time make your pussy flutter around him. Satoru had really turned you into a whore for him, and your bodies betraying actions never went unnoticed to him.
“Awww and now shes crying. Dont act like you’re so sad baby, i can feel you tighten up every time, ya’know that right?” His taunting purr only sent another wave of arousal through you, heat pulsating around him, causing him to snicker. “Yeah just like that… your poor little whored out pussy loves when im mean, doesnt she?” He cooed, returning his hand to your hip to keep you from squirming as he lightly thrusted up into you, placing a couple soft kisses on your shoulder.
“A-ah!” You couldnt help but cry out, even from such a shallow movement “ ‘s too much p-please, please! Toru!” The tears were streaming now, but it was evident Gojo didnt care, only wrapping his arms snugly around your torso to keep you in place as he softly fucked into you. God, your reactions were making him go feral, he doubted he could stop even if he wanted to at this point, watching you fall apart on his cock was just too satisfying- you were lucky he was only doing it softly. Though it felt much more intense to your over stimulated cunny. “J-just give me a second! Please! pleasepleaseplease-” You cried loudly, gripping onto his biceps like your life depended on it, legs desperately trying to shut, hips thrashing around, you honestly felt like you could pass out at any second from the over stimulation.
Gojo noticed this, and as much as he wanted to keep fucking you until you were overflowing with his seed, he didnt need you passing out- not yet at least. So he stilled his hips with a huff “Fine, fine, stop bein’ a crybaby, calm down.” and although his words were a bit sour, he made up for it as he rubbed your sides gently. He knew he was being mean, but he hoped his soft touches were enough to remind you that at the end of the day, he truly did care about you and your needs. And he would never actually hurt you (unless you wanted him too). Besides, even if he couldnt fuck you, he had plenty of other ideas.
A breath of relief left your lungs as you tried to catch your breath, chest heaving up and down as you babbled out ‘thank you’s’, head rolling back again. You knew you probably only had a couple minutes to prepare yourself for another couple rounds of ruthless fucking, so you tried your best to stable yourself quickly. Your body was so worn out though, it was proving to be quite the challenge. Gojo wasnt even moving and small whimpers and gasps were still making their way from your throat.
“Relax, relaxxx gorgeous, im waiting for ya’” He continued to lovingly stroke your sides, hands moving lower to massage your thighs. He was being so sweet now, it was making your head spin. So much so that you didnt even notice his hand leaving your thigh and the rustling noise of him looking for something in your nightstand. But honestly, you should have known better than to trust that he was truly going to wait for you to catch your breath. You know how much he loves to push your bodies limits, and how much he loves to see you sob. You were a fool for thinking anything different. So imagine your surprise when you felt the buzzing of your mini wand right against your clit, your entire body immediately jerking up, only to be slammed down against his chest with one strong arm.
“Ah ah ah, youre not going a-anywhere~” Satoru had to hold his own self together as he felt your heat get impossibly tighter around him, almost making him choke on his words from how amazing it felt.
“fuck! ah! S-satoruuuu” you nearly screamed out, eyes squeezed shut. You bit your lip hard enough to draw blood as you thrashed around. “ahh! nghh! i cant i cant i c-cant!” You were sobbing uncontrollably, shaking your head back and forth while you tried to grip on to anything you could reach for support, which happened to be Gojos arm with one hand and reaching up to the back of his scalp with the other, pulling him close to you. Your body convulsed as he toyed your clit with the vibrator, every time he moved it right to left your pussy would throb and squeeze, making him groan out into the crook of your neck.
“F-fuck baby, you keep squeezin’ me like that n’ im gonna cum early” he moaned into your skin, relishing in the way you felt around him. You were too cock drunk to even call him out on his use of the word ‘early’-you had been fucking for at least an hour and a half, the fuck did he mean ‘early’? But his words were instantaneously lost in the heat of the moment, both of your groans and cries filling any empty space in the room.
It only took a couple moments before you felt the pressure of an impending orgasm start to build, but it felt different than usual. If you had any will left in your body at all, you would have warned Gojo, but you couldnt even get a sentence out- the only thing spilling from your lips was babbled nonsense, cursing, the occasional slip of his name, and gasps for air. You felt like your entire existence was about to snap, and all you could do was hold on to Gojo and hope he wouldnt let you fall. Luckily for you, he had just as tight of a grip on you as you did him.
“S-Shit! ‘Pussy is s-so damn tight” He moaned out, watching the mirror as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, mouth agape as you panted loudly. “Mmm-mmm, Gonna cum for me sweetie? Yeah T-Toru can tell, let it a-lllll out for me baby” He was on the edge as well while he watched you convulse on his length, and he swore hes never felt you tighten up this much. He couldnt control hisself when his hips began to involuntarily thrust into you, muttering a small “sorry gorgeous, g-gotta-“
His words went completely unnoticed by you, too caught up in your own painful pleasure to even recognize that he was speaking. At this point you werent even breathing while he thrusted into you, just shaking violently as tears fell from your cheeks down to your breasts. The coil was about to snap, and you werent sure if you were even going to be alive after.
Satorus eyes followed your tears, watching as more dripped with each thrust onto your perfect breasts, trailing down your body til they reached where the two of your were connected and mixing with your wetness. The sight borderline made him whimper, deciding he had to have a taste as he cranes his neck down to lick up the side of your cheek, groaning loudly at the salty taste of your pretty tears. “Fuck! g-gonna fill you up princess~” He squeezed you tighter as he fucked into you even faster, pressing the vibrator harder into your cunt.
And that was the final straw, your body tensed up as he continued fucking you, releasing a squeal from your throat as you squirted and gushed around his cock. Body twitching and nails digging so deep into Satorus skin that it was sure to leave marks. It felt like it lasted forever, making a mess between you and your lover, creating a puddle on the floor to clean up later.
As soon as your orgasm finished washing over you, you were out like a light, going limp as Gojos eyes widened, looking at the mess you made. “Holy s-shit” he groaned loudly, room now only filled with his own moaning and the wet slapping noise of your ass clapping against his soaked thighs. Not much longer after that, he filled you up just as he said he was going to, spurting rope after rope of his cum deep inside you.
After giving himself a couple of seconds to come down, he turned the vibe off and say it to the side, slowly lifting you off of his softening cock. He really was planning on fucking you for longer, but you were obviously worn the fuck out, body still shaking as he held you close to him. He turned you so you were now being cradled in his arms, head lying against his chest as you slowly came back to life. You stirred slightly, gaining his attention
“There she is, you did so good for me baby” Gojo cooed, brushing some strands of hair away from your face as he kissed your forehead with a smile. “tell me when youre ready and ill get us all cleaned up, kay?”
((sooooo this ended up being way longer than i anticipated oopsies, got a little carried away. but once again please be nice this is my first ever fanfic and smut in general, but im open to constructive criticism!! ik i prob have a lot to work on but thats okay :) hopefully some of you enjoyed it!! reblogs and comments are always appreciated <3))
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crishayle · 1 year
Astrology notes
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If you see a person in the store who has been standing at the same stand for 2 hours, then know that he has placements in the Libra
I noticed that it is people with the ascendant square/opposition Sun who don't know how to take compliments. They blush, are silent and embarrassed
People who have the Neptune/Uranus aspect to the ascendant or Neptune/Uranus is in 1 house,they like to throw off strange but funny Reels to their friends
People with loud and funny laughter may have aspects of the Moon to Mercury or Mercury to Pluto
I noticed that Mercury in Virgo loves to mow down like a fool, like it's stupid to joke or get confused in words and in 5 minutes give out something insanely clever and philosophical at the Harvard level
With a person with Lilith in the 1st/3rd house,you can discuss literally EVERYTHING
People with the ruler of the 10th house in the 9th can explain the most difficult things in simple words.They have excellent teaching abilities
Whatever ascendant you have, the Moon aspect to the ascendant adds a sweetness to your appearance.Even if you have Pluto in the 1st house with an ascendant in Scorpio, you will burn people with your eyes, but they will be touched from your cheeks or lips :)
Saturn in the 1st house,asc in Capricorn or aspects of ascendant-Saturn is an indication that a person lives according to his principles.When making a choice or decision, they may put their principles above logic or feelings, not because they are stupid or stubborn, but because they have experienced a similar situation in the past
If you want a guy the size of a closet, then look for a guy with the ascendant-Jupiter aspect
People with Uranus/Neptune in the 3rd house could be a hyperactive child in childhood
People with the Sun square Uranus aspect like to be needed. They like it when they are asked for advice or help. Also, such people are afraid of not being the best of everyone. Such people especially need to stay away from the cult of productivity
People with Mars in Sagittarius/Mars conjunct or trine Jupiter/Mars in the 3rd house is sooooo fast. At work or in sports, this is especially noticeable
People with Mars conjunct/trine/sextile Jupiter are good at time management
People with birthmarks or moles on their face most often have an ascendant to the Sun/Jupiter
People with the ascendant ruler in Leo like to send their friends their current look or when they meet, ask "Do I look okay?"
It is harder for people with the ruler of the 10th house in the 6th to move up the career ladder than others.Most often they are left in the same position and do not seem to notice their merits.
Mercury in the 10th House/aspect Mercury-Mars knows all the gossip at work. I'm not talking about that they distribute them, but they know everything about everyone
People with the aspect Mercury-Venus ADORE smart people. For them, this is one of the most important aspects when choosing a partner.
People with Venus/Moon in the 4th house prefer rest at home to any other rest. "If there is an opportunity, then I will stay at home"
I noticed that people with the Moon square Venus suffered a love disappointment in their lives, and sooo traumatic. Treason or deception of a loved one, they could also be rudely rejected (giving hope)
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ne-videl · 4 months
𝓶𝓲𝓭𝓼𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽'𝓼 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶
yandere Rezef Hill x immortal fem reader
quirks of eternal life and the obsessed prince.
yandere, sfw, mentions of violence, kidnapping & imprisonment, angst??, you are immortal and reaaly bored, poor english, possibly wild image of high society bc real history suck
word count: ~3.5k
a/n: hii!!
exams be killing me
glad its over until the next year but I still have a shit ton of books to read at summer bc I'm in literature class (Tolstoy I hope ur spinning in your grave I don't want to read 3rd and 4th tome of war and peace but I have to)
anyway for this fic I re-read first chapters and?? Rezef is such a dick in the beginning?? and I forgot abt it??
also when I think about someone immortal this type of person just comes to mind (I mean ofc u don't give a damn about some angry man, you literally have been through everything) and don't worry about Cayena she's chilling in a nice place
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indeed, lady [name], you are shining brighter than usual today. you've only recently returned to the capital, haven't you?" – at that warm evening, a pretty young girl was chirping in your ear, sitting with you on a luxurious sofa in the ballroom.
you listened with half an ear to a mixture of flattery and sincere admiration, looking into nowhere from under your eyelashes.
the ball was playing its climax, and the guests were harmoniously spinning in a german waltz. others, more noble and older, entertained themselves with idle conversations.
you too, thanks to your position, were little constrained by the limits of secular norms, and did not bother dancing. tonight you wanted anything other than to gallop around the stuffy hall. your eyes, devoid of the childish brilliance peculiar to your peers, looked indifferently at the guests.
the ball in honor of the beginning of summer was a great event, even the royal family usually participated in it; such celebrations instilled in their noble participants a sense of reverence for the higher-ranking present and idle anticipation of the upcoming entertainment.
but no matter how hard you tried, you couldn't see anything more from the height of your velvet sofa than pretentiously dressed men and women; strangely moving, stiffly dancing and talking vague figures under the sickening light of numerous chandeliers. all this in the stuffy luxury of the hall seemed to you so fake, pretentious and unnatural that you could barely restrain yourself from haughty laughter, or from a bored sigh.
[name], beautiful [name]! daughter of the richest man in the empire, a brilliant socialite, trendsetter and muse of famous poets.
you vaguely remembered what was inside some rubbish that you read about a hundred years ago, you don't know when and you don't know where.
and although in your case, "a hundred years" might not be just a phrase, you couldn't care less. whether this the fifth life or the hundredth – what's the difference? right, there's none – you thought lazily, openly staring at the crown prince exchanging pleasantries with representatives of the capital's bohemians.
like you, who on the last night of spring were dressed up like a Christmas tree, his highness shone with the white brocade of his suit today. eyes with the color of ceylon sapphire peeked out from under his golden bangs, giving everyone present the condescending look of the royalty. little prince – as you laughingly called him to yourself – was handsome to the point that young girls blushed deeply as soon as they saw him, and married ladies sighed dreamily.
at the sight of the handsome prince, some memory cracked in your skull, however, it died as quickly as it appeared. this and a thousand other memories were simply not worth your attention, and, of course, you never scolded yourself for the forgetfulness inherent in your age. you were above it all.
Rezef easily distinguished among the crowd a lady dressed in thick silk with bare shoulders. on your neck, which he did not hesitate to stare at, there was a pair of pearl necklace with a large emerald. when you met his gaze, you smiled falsely and slightly bowed your head.
middle-aged count, whose name he could not remember, looked at the woman in the corner of the hall, and scratched his gray beard with a smile.
"gorgeous, isn't she?" – an old dog next to him grinned vulgarly – "the beauty of the empire, they say."
"what a wonder." – Rezef did not take his strangely enchanted gaze off you, and the words escaped from his lips with a gasp – "it's not a pity to fall in love with such a creature." – he said maliciously, as if he concluded for himself.
the crown prince walked towards you, ignoring the knowing look of the nameless old man beside him.
he walked confidently, with a deceptively friendly smile, and would have been incredibly ridiculous to you if he hadn't been so handsome.
"good night to you, lady [name]." – Rezef smiled warmly, and held out his hand in a snow-white glove to you, – "may I keep you company?"
he kissed your palm, and without waiting for consent, sat down next to you.
you talked about various nonsense; Rezef did not take his shining eyes off you and listened, and you chatted in a dry tone about the opera, exhibitions and the weather in the capital, hardly forcing yourself to remember the topics that the ladies had already retold a hundred times.
but the guests were invited to the cotillion, and you left the little prince as easily as you accepted him into your shining company.
with the last round of the dance, everything that was happening completely mixed up in your head into a bright, stuffy mess, accompanied by the imperial orchestra and the clatter of shoes on the lacquered parquet.
and in the end, caught by the prince's arm, you were only a little confused, but you didn't show it.
"why won't you stay the night at the palace?" – Rezef said, whose broad chest rose and fell rapidly after dancing, just like your own.
you raised your eyebrows, looking at him from under your eyelashes, and fell into thought, accompanied by the prince to one of the front balconies.
normally, you wouldn't mind spending the night with such a handsome man, but today you didn't want carnal pleasures at all. and of course, you could afford to just turn down the prince like that; just because you're not in the mood, just because you don't want to.
"thank you for the offer, your highness, however, I will refrain." – you said.
for a second, when his eye twitched, you saw something unpleasantly bitter in Rezef's soft features, a mixture of disappointment with something else. but you didn't care to the depths of your callous heart; today you're not in the mood, today you're not having any fun at all.
and what was the point of that endless journey that you called life if you weren't having fun?
Rezef fell silent, maintaining his sugary smile and standing next to you, and you leaned on the marble railing, looking up at the sky.
the pale disk of the moon is floating high on the horizon. there was music coming from the ballroom, the rustle of dresses and the clatter of shoes, irritating your ears; the little prince had been gathering his thoughts for a couple of minutes to speak; and you rested your chin on your silk-gloved hand.
"tell me, lady [name]." – your bored gaze returned to the Crown Prince, – "this night, the moon and the stars, and me, doesn't that remind you of anything?"
you raised your eyebrow. even if you tried, you wouldn't be able to remember; over the years, memories inevitably dimmed and got lost.
Rezef looked at you expectantly, with almost childish anticipation. a sick gleam flashed in his eyes.
the longer your silence dragged on, the more you disliked his face, his eyes; the childish interest in his handsome features contrasted unpleasantly with the look of a madman. as if you won't say what he wants to hear now, the earth itself will crack and split in half.
"I'm afraid not, your highness. nothing at all." – you said, lightly shaking your shoulders.
the little prince didn't say anything else. his lips trembled, and he stared into the distance, clearly terribly disappointed.
the last night of spring burned out in your cold eyes, and you sighed indifferently.
Rezef remembered his childhood well. in a world where everyone hated him, for some reason, there were no pretty princesses or kind older sisters. nobody. at all.
there was only a lady dressed in silk and the moon.
you came to him in dreams; whether out of boredom or out of simple human pity, he didn't know. you came because you could and wanted to; because you said you loved doing what you wanted.
it was just the two of you in this dream world. you told him all the life you could remember; and you had a long one, longer than the biggest cat's tail.
the boy lay on your lap and listened, and sometimes cried.
in this world its eat or be eaten, but you definitely won't eat him.
"they all say that I have no place in this world. that I'd better disappear." – little prince was clutching the silk of your dress tightly in his hands and squinting. – "I hate them."
"all of them?" – you answered with a relaxed, lazy smile, running your hand through the boy's golden hair.
"you and I have a lot in common. that's the way life is, child. when you grow up, you definitely start hating someone." – you were grinning. – "and you cry and feel sad a lot."
"when I become emperor, I will definitely make you the happiest in the whole world! so that you will never cry again." – the boy squeezed your hands tightly in his palms and smiled radiantly. he hesitated slightly, and looked at you from under his golden eyelashes. "but you didn't tell me your name."
"[name]." – you breathed out laughingly.
"aren't you a fairy by any chance?" – little prince tilted his head to the side, looking at you with a radiant gaze of his blue eyes.
"perhaps." – you giggled.
prince laughed loudly. a fake moon was hanging over you two, and fake stars were shining; everything in the dream world is fake – you told him.
but he liked these strange dreams. and wanted them to become real; to have a real moon, real stars, and only him and you.
every time already grown-up Rezef met the woman from his dreams, he felt his heart beating faster.
human heart, such a fragile and pathetic little thing. how many of these hearts have you got your hands on?
he would gladly have torn out each one with his own hands.
the love for you, which has passed through the years, was like bitter liquor sliding down his throat. after it, the stomach turns out, but it intoxicates so much that he can't hold himself from taking another sip.
there is no light in him to give you. all he has is the suffocating darkness of his mind, cultivated by the mores of the palace, the thirst for power and cruelty. but just as no one else besides yourself mattered to you, Rezef didn't give a damn about the nature of his feelings.
poor, pathetic little prince. no one told him that this is not the way he should love someone. like a child who has not been taught to walk, and now it's crawling.
he's still holding back, but if necessary, Rezef will gladly drag you with him into the depths of hell.
but it hurts so much. every time he sees you laughing with someone else, smiling at someone else, he wants to cry.
it should be me! – his heart screams – it should be me! – his wounded soul cries while the prince stands over the corpse of one of your suitors, whom Rezef himself turned into a bloody mess. you should have held his hand. should have been smiling at him.
when someone's neck crunched under his hands again, he thought about you. would you praise him if Rezef brought you this man's head? for your smile, he would give his own heart, still fresh, in warm blood, right out of the gaping hole in his chest.
if you knew, you'd laugh.
because you are eternal, and he is just a human being. Inevitably, there will come a day when you will live, but Rezef will not. one day he will die, will end, and you will laugh coldly and continue your endless journey.
no matter what he does, no matter how hard he tries, you will always have an escape route. you can leave him.
Rezef was even a little mad at you for that. he loved you so much; if you had only fluttered your eyelashes once and smiled – even falsely – he would have laid the whole world at your feet!
but you're breaking him. you don't care. you're only interested as long as you're having fun.
oh, how he despised that feeling, and despised you. how much he wanted to kill all the butterflies in his stomach, tear out every shiny wing; wanted to never see your mocking smile and indifferent eyes again, one fleeting glance of which easily made Rezef forget about al struggles for the throne.
he loved you as he had never loved anyone before; and hated because he didn't want to love, because he knew that you won't ever reciprocate.
he and you could't be called friends, however, in the capital's high society, almost all of its representatives were friends and enemies at the same time. in any case, it was not shameful for the crown prince to visit the daughter of the richest man in the empire for dinner.
tall pine trees lined up in orderly rows along the hectares of the estate's garden, shining with luxury no worse than the imperial palace. they bowed their gloomy heads and silently greeted the carriage that evening under the hot july sun that had not yet set.
after dinner was served and eaten, you ordered one of your maids to serve tea in the garden.
"undoubtedly, what happened to the count's daughter is a disgrace to the whole family, however, I cannot help but sympathize with her." – you talked a lot again and at the same time didn't actually say anything.
the only good thing about such conversations about nothing was the opportunity to listen to your measured, eternally bored voice, and just look at you like at a painting in a museum.
the upper world was completely fake and unnatural, and you gladly accepted this fake as a living embodiment of it. and Rezef was willing to play along, because he was the prince, because it was necessary to. and so your conversation drifted from topic to topic, from one rumor to another. the warm wind made him close his sapphire eyes.
"I've seen you in my dreams, marchioness. when I was little." – the crown prince lazily tilted his head to the side, – "I know you, yet you don't remember me. isn't that unfair?" – he said with mock, with sarcastic sadness.
"is it?" – you took a sip of flower tea from a porcelain cup – "well, life is full of injustices, your highness."
a small cabbage butterfly landed right on your finger, moving its thin paws under the cold gaze of your eyes.
"lady, do you like butterflies?" – the prince smiled warmly – "there are a lot of them in your garden."
"only poisonous ones, perhaps." – you replied, and with a smile reflecting his own, squeezed the butterfly in your hand. – "they bring death, yet die themselves if I squeeze my hand just like that. how curious."
"and what about you?" – Rezef, as if enchanted, watched the transparent wings fall on the countertop – "can't you die?"
"I can't be killed in a way that matters." – you answered with a grin, as if you were repeating these words for the thousandth time.
prince pursed his lips in a forced smile. in the end, nothing has changed; he is still just a man at the walls of the eternal city. you won't listen, won't understand, and won't love.
because eternity is beautiful by itself, eternity does not need anyone else.
Rezef likes to think he's doing the right thing.
It's your fault. you could not smile at him so beautifully, not illuminate his darkness with your cold light, not make him feel this.
he didn't want to expose the ugliness of his soul, didn't want to go that far. it's all because of you. you don't even know what an insane cocktail of love and hatred you're making him feel.
and you also don't know that your tea is poisoned.
"do you like your new quarters?" – Rezef almost purred, – "I was trying to guess your preferences, but if something doesn't suit you, be sure to tell me."
"you won't feel a need for anything," – little prince smiled radiantly, – "prepare to enjoy family life. just have fun and obey me, and I will make you the happiest in the whole world."
Rezef was sitting, busily folding his beautiful hands, and enjoying for the first time the confused, trembling look in your eyes.
a giant bedroom, a four-poster bed, silk sheets on which you were sitting, a translucent nightgown that barely hides anything, and a scarlet ribbon around your neck.
while you were looking around uncomprehendingly, the prince sat down on the bed next to you and smiled sickly.
you saw that abomination again in the bright blue; the look of a pure madman, love which became an illness, mixed with almost animal hatred. a ribbon around your neck.
did he just put you on a leash, like you were some lap dog? that pup, who cried on your lap? you, a being older than his entire palace? you, for whom biting off someone's head is like having breakfast?
you haven't been humiliated like this in the last half-millennium.
"child." – you said slowly and quietly, and in your dry voice there was no trace of the cheeky, fake politeness peculiar to this aristocratic disguise of yours – "I'll pull your guts out through your mouth." – your lips trembled in sheer rage.
Rezef stroked your head and sighed.
"you came into my life so easily. it didn't mean anything to you, did it?" – the corner of his eye twitched, and he laughed bitterly, – "don't think I'll let you go now. never."
hit landed right on the bridge of his nose. you turned out to be much stronger than he expected, and your face was distorted with rage like he had never seen before. Rezef felt his nose bleed.
was the devil himself looking at him through your eyes now? – he thought with a strange calmness.
you hit a couple more times, and, shaking the blood off your knuckles, tore the ribbon from your neck.
how dare he? all of them are just actors in your endless play. if you're not having fun, then none of this makes sense. if you're not having fun, then what are you living for?
you were breathing fast, and were silent. it was as if for eternity you two just looked at each other; you – with fury, he – with calmness, even affably. you were sick of that expression.
but that rage of yours quickly subsided. it wasn't that you forgave him, it was just that after a couple of days you got bored with being violent.
and a year later, you stopped paying attention to the seemingly completely insane circumstances of your new life at all. you didn't mind his sole yet imaginary control over you, just because he didn't mean that much to you.
even now, nothing has changed at all.
and with the tendons cut at your ankles, looking at him with the same bored eyes, you were still disgustingly beautiful to him in the moonlight on the last night of spring.
"tomorrow I will become emperor." – instead of greeting you, Rezef said, entering the room. his face did not express joy, rather, bewilderment, as if he himself for some reason was not completely happy with it.
"yeah." – you said, without looking up from the book, – "congratulations."
now it was difficult for you to move around by yourself, so Rezef usually carried you in his arms.
he sat down on the bed and put his head on your lap and frowned.
"tell me, [name]," – he looked up at you, and when he met your impassive face, he forced a smile, – "why do I feel like I'll never see you again?"
"because you won't. I'm bored." – you shrugged and continued, – "you know, I could hate you." – you spoke calmly and dryly – "but you're not worth it. because in the end, I go on living; I always go on, and you, child, will fall into the very depths of hell."
you stroked his golden hair and smiled calmly. Rezef hid his face on your hips.
"I don't regret anything," – little prince suddenly said softly and laughed.
the last night of spring burned out in your eyes as you disappeared.
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brotha euugh
one day I'll go to therapy and stop being funny but not today
I finished playing slow damage and it's the best novel in my life (that shit destroyed me)
also good ends are for weak
I mean I write for yanderes ofc there's not gonna be anything good
it's either normal or "we're fucked" here
also I'm physically intolerable to good endings and will cry if I'd ever had to write one (I love sufferings)
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 8 online
hobi: just did 8 push ups i’ll smack the shit out of anybody rn
jin: if you were a girl i’d be into that
jk: pls don’t hit me
tae: thought he liked men
jimin: could of fooled me
jin: ??????
namjoon: glad to see ur working out again hobi
hobi: what’s that supposed to mean??
namjoon: i’m glad to see you working out again?
y/n: can i watch?
jk: i want you so bad omg
y/n: ??
jk: sorry i was hacked
yoongi: did one of you order food to my house?
jk: no i wasn’t
jimin: eat it yoongi
tae: DON’T
pls 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
send it back to me pls i’m begging
i’m literally starving
and shaking
jin: i think you should give it back to him yoongi could be his first meal in months
hobi: real
yoongi: threw it away
tae: WHAT IS UR ISSUE??????
yoongi: you
hobi: namjoon do you want to fight?
jk: do you want me back?
jimin: shut up
tae: don’t expect to hear from me ever again bitch
yoongi: oh nooooo
namjoon: fight??
y/n: can i watch?
jin: this is stressing me out
someone give me a fun fact to calm me down
namjoon: um
hobi: xikers are the first 5th gen group
tae: that sounds like a disease
jimin: thought we would never hear from you again
yoongi: good things never last
jin: 5TH GEN??????
jimin: ofc tae’s talking about diseases again
tae: am i wrong tho??
omg i got xikers rn
i’m itching soooo badddfd
pls i need to go to hospital the xikers on my back are killing me
namjoon: stop talking
tae: i’m not wrong
jk: are you ok tae?
what is xikers
it sounds bad
tae: i’m dying
pls remember me
jk: WHAT 😨
i will bro 🥺
y/n: he’s lying to you
jk: i’m not i swear i’ll remember you forever and ever
y/n: tae is lying to YOU
jk: oh
wtf man :/
tae: you never let me have fun
hobi: i want to be 5th gen
jk: but we said we were 4th gen??
namjoon: we are 3rd gen.
yoongi: let’s not do this again
jimin: jimin 5th gen ace
jin: although i’m in shock and disbelief rn i’ll still take on the role of 5th gen it boy
tae: ?????
tf is wrong with you
can you read
i said i’m 5th gen it boy?
let’s vote
come on guys 🤗
yoongi: i vote jin
y/n: jin
jk: ME 3
jimin: ig jin
hobi: jin4thewin
namjoon: jin?
jin: i also vote for jin
tae: burn in hell
jk: y/n 5th gen it girl?
y/n: but i was 4th gen it girl last time
jk: ur right let’s swap
y/n: best 5th gen rapper
it’s an honour really
jk: i will use my 5th gen it girl title to help better the world
yoongi can take the best 5th gen singer title
yoongi: k
y/n: namjoon best 5th gen dancer?
jk: i agree
namjoon: ??
jin: idk about you but i love my new title
tae: i bet you do
jin: you sound mad
namjoon: again?
tae: i’m not
namjoon: you can take mine if you really want
i don’t care for you guy’s silly little game
hobi: RIGHT
jin: yikes
yoongi: all this shouting for what?
y/n: wow
namjoon: fine
jimin: why did jungkook go live naked
y/n: proof lmao?
jin: right put me off my salad fr
jimin: you were eating a salad?
jin: yeah?
jimin: ok
jin: tf you mean ok???
do you want to fight?
jimin: i’m just surprised that’s all
jin: why??????
jimin: cuz yk…
jin: no i DON’T know
pls enlighten me bitch
jk: i wasn’t naked??
jimin: yes you were
jin: HELLO???
jk: i swear i wasn’t
y/n: proof???????
jk: you want to see me naked 🤭??
i’m blushing rn
tae: i was naked once
hobi: this isn’t about you
y/n: tae sent me nudes by email once
hobi: ok this is about you
jk: WHAT????)/£/
jin: by email?
tae: omg why would you tell themmmm
jimin: why would you ever want nudes from that?
tae: that????
y/n: i never asked for them
who do you think i am??
tae: what does that mean??
namjoon: you can literally get arrested for that
tae: kinky
but i did send them on accident
so i’m sure the police would understand
jin: i do not believe that at all
and by email??
how is that an accident
yoongi: right
tae: plus i did look super hot right y/n?
y/n: that not the point
tae: see how she didn’t say no
jk: SAY NO
hobi: send the nudes here i say!
jin: DO NOT
jk: say no before i shoot myself in the head
jimin: wow
namjoon: it doesn’t matter if she thought you looked good or not you can’t go round sending ur nudes to people with without warning
tae: says who?
namjoon: the fucking law?
are you okay?? like that’s common sense
wtf is wrong with you
hobi: joons getting mad oh my god >.<
yoongi: thought we established he has no common sense
tae: i knew telepathically that she needed to receive nudes from me in order to keep living
jin: so you didn’t send them by accident then
tae: accident on purpose it’s all the same thing tbh
y/n: to keep living??
jimin: they are polar opposites actually
tae: omg all of u on my dick rn
don’t be mad i stepped up and you didn’t
jk: i was goONA STEP UP
hobi: jk’s mad this is scary >.<
jin: witnessing the fall the taekook in real time
wow this is truly beautiful
tae: omg chill out??
it’s nothing she hasn’t seen before
jimin: and is that by choice?
hobi: wait what?
namjoon: everyone shut the fuck up
jin: look now you made joon fr mad
hobi: sorry namjoon >.<
tae: it wasn’t even my fault
y/n: i’m the victim here don’t be mad at me
yoongi: i’m tired
jimin: this is a lot to take in
namjoon: taehyung apologise
tae: FOR WHAT?????????
hobi: ur sick in the head
namjoon: now
tae: sorry??????
jk: nasty bitch
tae: y/n let’s tell them about us
jk: what
yoongi: 🤨
y/n: us?
tae: ummmmmmm lol?
she’s normally not like this i swear
she likes me honestly
stop embarrassing in front of the guys babe
y/n: blocking you
tae: are u using me for my body???
i sent you nudes TWICE
hobi: one in a million we are twice 🩷💖
tae: you said i was hot
are we not in love?
yoongi: lol
jimin: so like did she ask for the nudes the first time?
y/n: SHUT UP???
y/n: namjoon tell them to stop taking
namjoon: stop talking
hobi: wait…
is this the fwb you’ve been talking about for weeks
jin: wooow ur really sad
y/n: fwb?
we have not fucked
jk: oh thajnk god
yoongi: have you kissed?
hobi: yoongi’s jealous >.<
yoongi: just asking
tae: i don’t want to talk about this anymore
jimin: look he’s embarrassed
they totally have not kissed
tae: bottom lie is that she said i was hot
namjoon: calm down jungkook
yoongi: no you didn’t?
jin: is this a love triangle?
hobi: classic case of a love square
jimin: love square?
y/n: no one is in love
tae: my life is over
y/n: get a grip
jimin: i’m feeling left out put me in the square
hobi: it wouldn’t be a square then
jimin: love pentagon?
jin: make it a hexagon
hobi: wait wtf and me
love heptagon so cute 💞
what about you namjoon?
namjoon: what about me?
jimin: do you want to fuck y/n yes or no?
y/n: oh my god????
namjoon: i’m not answering that
jk: GOOD
namjoon: i never said that
jimin: i’m taking that as a yes
hobi: love octagon 🩷
y/n: what happened to talking about our 5th gen life 🙁
jk: i love 5th gen
hobi: what is with the gc name?
jimin: it’s for jin’s mental health
jin: ur actually decreasing my mental health by taking about 5th gen
jimin: are newjeans 5th gen?
jin: okay so just fuck me then?
yoongi: idk
jin: i don’t listen minors sing
it’s bad for the economy
jimin: just say they make you feel old as shit
jk: i don’t listen to other women sing
y/n: ???
jk: i mean i love when other women sing
i actually only listen to girl groups
tae: he’s lying
because that’s actually me
y/n: shut the fuck up both of you
yoongi: real
y/n: and you
yoongi: ??????????????????????
jimin: LMAO
hobi: i love feminism ❤️
y/n: it’s nice not arguing
namjoon: i’ve been telling you all
jimin: true!!!
hobi: you argue the most
jimin: me???
hobi: yes you
you and jin literally argued 10 seconds ago
jin: don’t put us in the same sentence like that i’m getting uncomfortable
namjoon: the fact that they actually shut the fuck up
what have i been doing wrong
jimin: maybe cuz you don’t have a pussy idk
namjoon: did you have to be so vulgar?
y/n: vulgar?
what are you 65??
hobi: pussy is power
NOT vulgar
jin: vulgar is such a nasty word like ew vulgar
namjoon: i’m leaving
jin: praise god
namjoon left “young forever”
tae: i love pussy btw
jimin left “young forever”
hobi left “young forever”
y/n left “young forever”
yoongi left “young forever”
jk: personally i think you’re so brave for saying that
and taekook lived!!
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tsukkisdinocollection · 5 months
Atsumu fluff au where its enemies to lovers ✌💗🤟💗🤟💗🤟 -ur cousin
Not Another Song About Love
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⭑Pairing : Atsumu Miya x Reader (Romantic)
⭑ Content Warning(s): Reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, reader is implied to have her hair down, swearing, not proofread
⭑ Word Count : 1k+
⭑ Synopsis : In a "playful" argument with your mortal enemy, he ends up confesses his hidden feelings about you.
⭑ Author's Note : thanks for the request girlie 😜 i'm so uncreative that i keep titling my fics with song names whoops
also shit's lowkey ass i can't write pathetic losers like him for my life but i like 'tsumu
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God, you hated him so much.
His stupid dark brown undercut, his stupid droopy eyes, that stupid smug grin on his face–
So how did you end up falling in love with him?
Your “enemyship” – as you called it – started when you two met in 4th grade, and he ended up pushing you off the swing because he wanted to go on the swings with his twin brother. You ended up pushing him off back, and the rest is history.
Honestly, you would have forgiven literally anybody else if they did the same thing when you were younger. But something about his annoying face made you want to punch him. Seems like he had the same thoughts, as he played along with your insults and retorts. After being in the same junior high, you had thought that things would change for the better when you enrolled into Inarizaki.
Boy, were you sorely mistaken.
Because as you locked eyes with the same boy, the same boy who you wished to cut all his hair in his sleep with scissors – your heart dropped. He was too, at least you think he was, because he widened his eyes slightly as he looked at his twin brother and back at you. Then, that stupid smirk on his face that he always had returned.
“I didn’t know you were smart enough to get into this school,” he chuckled. His brother leaned forward to take a look at you, sizing you up before sighing.
“I could say the same thing,” you frowned, folding your arms over your chest.
Atsumu let out a giggle, before stretching his arms. “Well, I have to go to class, dearie,” he mocked. “I’ll see you later.”
You rolled your eyes as he walked off with his brother, fists clenching as your hands returned to your sides.
But that was your first year. Now, you two were in your second year, and it was time for you to…turn a new leaf, perhaps. You were going to apologize to Atsumu for starting an immature “enemyship”, only to end up in another argument with him. Serious or not, you couldn’t tell. You both were just saying what was on your mind – and unfortunately causing a scene in front of the rest of his team.
You don’t even know how this happened. At first, you wanted to apologize, but then you ended up like this.
“Maybe I would’ve confessed to you if you didn’t have such a bitchy personality–” he started, eyebrows furrowing. After he spoke, he widened his eyes, slapping a hand over his mouth.
You were about to come up with a smart response when you processed his words.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Shut up!”
One of his teammates seemed to be recording the conversation on his phone shamelessly. You don’t know any of his teammates’ names except for Osamu, but honestly, you couldn’t really care less at that moment. Yet from the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk ever so slightly as he held his phone up.
You blinked, taken aback for a moment before bursting into laughter. Atsumu whipped his head around the room, the tips of his ears turning red like his cheeks.
“Stop laughing!” he whined, prideful composure lost. He didn’t even remember that half his teammates were watching, and one was recording.
Yet you didn’t stop, continuing to laugh like he had just said the funniest joke in the world. Well, in your eyes, he did.
“No way you’re serious!” you said in between laughs.
As you calmed down, you looked at Atsumu, smile faltering as you noticed how he blushed profusely, and crescent marks began to form on his palms from how tightly he clenched his fists.
You mumbled, expression falling. You froze in place, face blank.
“Agh!” the blonde cried out. “You’re so mean!”
He suddenly stormed out of the gym, rendering both you and his teammates speechless. In a panic, you ran after him, slamming the gym doors shut.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” one of his teammates asked, leaning closer to Osamu as he whispered in his ear. Osamu shrugged in response.
“He’s been in denial about his feelings towards her for years.”
His teammate only nodded. “You should go after him.”
“Nah. They’ll get through whatever that was themselves.”
As Atsumu ran out the gym, you chased after him, hand reaching out to grab the collar of his jacket and pull him back. Luckily, you managed to grab ahold of his collar, dragging him back and nearly bumping into him in the process. He yelped.
“Hey, what’re you doing!”
He crossed his arms, looking away from you like a child. You sighed softly.
“Do you really like me, ‘Tsumu?”
“I don’t allow you to call me that–”
“Shut up.”
You huffed, leaning in closer to him. Somehow, he turned a brighter shade of red, his complexion similar to a tomato.
“Don’t get so close to me,” he pouted. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his antics.
“Well? Is it true?”
An awkward silence fell upon you two after he spoke. You didn’t know what to say. To be honest, now that his true feelings were revealed, you began thinking about the times you felt your cheeks warm up whenever he came up with some cheesy term of endearment to refer to you as. You knew he didn’t really mean them, but it still caused your heart to feel fuzzy. In a good way, of course. Or, when you couldn’t help attending his matches, using the excuse of “wanting to see his downfall”.
“Hm…I guess I like you too,” you shrugged. His eyes suddenly sparkled as his pout was replaced with a large grin.
He leaped out of your grasp, pulling you closer to embrace him. Your head subconsciously nuzzled against the crook of his shoulder, a sigh escaping your lips as he smiled brightly.
“Soooo,” he began. “Are we enemies still?”
“If you wanna be,” you replied.
“...nah,” he stroked your hair softly, fingers combing through your locks.
“I think I’d like to call you my girlfriend, though.”
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cvnt4him · 3 months
Spending 4th of July w zuzu!!!
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Usually on holidays everyone on campus is supposed to go home and spend time with their families, but of course it's tradition for you all to spend some time with each other before you all part to be with your families.
You all hung out in the common area and watched a movie and laughed together eating snacks and wearing little onesies giving your last hugs to each other before leaving. You, izuku, and katsuki were the first to leave you all went together because izukus mom loved you and he loved that she loved you so he couldn't imagine going and not bringing you with him, and katsuki was basically family to inko, plus his mom and dad were barbequing among other things.
The three of you caught the train to head over to the bakugous house. You sat next to izuku lying your head on his shoulders he laid his on top of yours with a soft smile as he closed his eyes sighing in content. Katsuki groaned and looked out the window your lovey dovey bullshit was making him sick to his stomach, he couldn't believe he had to ride all the way to his house with you two.
Upon arriving you see inko welcoming you all in hugging each and every one of you. She leads you all to the backyard to see katsukis mother sitting on a chair watching her husband and toshinori [allmight] put food on the grill.
"mistuki, look who's arrived!!"
Inko calls out to her friend catching her attention, the blonde legs down her sunglasses to see her son, his friend and a girl she's never met before, you.
"well I'll be damned. Who this little firecracker?"
She asks standing and walking over to you all with open arms, she hugs izuku first with a sway before rubbing her hands in her hand through her sons hair who pushes her arm away, she slaps him in the head before he groans loudly and yells at her, they begin arguing over literally nothing as izuku chuckles nervously and turns to you. You give him a warm smile before mistuki ignores her son and turns to you with a happy smile.
"well I'll be damned. Little izuku has himself a cute lil girlfriend!"
"auntie mistuki this is y/n, my normal sized girlfriend!"
You wave politely with a slight bow to your head, you weren't exactly shy you just didn't want to exactly talk yet. You were afraid you'd say the wrong thing and embarrass yourself. You've already won over inko but katsukis mom was hot, her opinion mattered a lot to inko as well so if you didn't make a good impression she might think something bad of you. You cannot let that happen, you speak your mind often uncontrollably so it's best you keep your mouth shut so you don't offend anyone.
Izuku placed his arm around your waist and planted a kiss to your forehead, you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried you face in his neck. Mistuki and inko gush about how cute the two of you are.
You all see mistuki yell and question her son who tells her to quote "stop talking to me you old hag!" Which leads to her stomping away to hit her son with her shoe.
Izuku laughed and turned to you he looked at you with the most love filled eyes in the world. His blazing wide emerald green eyes peering down at you. His pupils were literally heart shaped. He had that stupid wobbly lovesick smile on his face his freckles being flushed with a light blush. He was adorable.
"what 'zuku."
You say looking up to him, he shakes his head and just continues to look down at you. He was so in love with you he couldn't help but admire you, your face, your eyes, your lips. You were mesmerizing and he was glad to call you his.
"I love you."
"I love you too, silly."
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AN: anyways chat happy 4th of July or wtv if any of you even celebrate ts. I'm black and my family will use any little day as an excuse to barbecue and throw water balloons n what not.
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planetsxmore · 2 years
⊹ฺ 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞/𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⊹ฺ #𝐏𝐀𝐂
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Hey there lovelies <3 Long time but I'm back - I'll keep this short and get to the reading. It's dedicated to @rosearex who helped me recover some of my PACs. Hope this resonates with y'all 🤍
✪ Disclaimer:
this is a general reading and may or may not resonate with you. please choose your pile carefully by grounding yourself and thinking of the topic - you may pick more than one pile of you'd like to - this is NOT a genderbased reading so please reverse or adjust the genders. Avoid the typos,if any.
✪ Reading Type:
exclusive charms reading - intuition - starseeds tarot deck - channeling - oracle astrology cards
✪ The Piles:
Pile 1 to 3 is left to right and is given above ^ choose carefully.
my new masterlist • paid readings • will appreciate your likes, reposts and feedback on this pac reading
© planetsxmore rights reserved 2022
let's get started ⊰⁠⊹ฺ
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Pile One
✪ Cards For This Pile:
ace of cups, 2 of swords,9 of cups, knight of cups
With the ace of cups as the first card coming up while shuffling,I can safely say that this pile will be charmed with their future spouse's actions easily. Your future spouse will likely charm you with emotions and romantic actions. They'll make their intentions clear that they have a crush on you 💞 Clearly there are two people in this pile - the ones that will have an arranged will clearly have these situations after you both are introduced. But for the ones that'll have a love marriage - it's clear that your future spouse will be the one that falls for you first or atleast notices you first.
With my intuition and the other 3 cards,the picture is quite clear here. Usually the cards contradict at times and I have to evaluate them differently together but in this pile,all the cards align with each other perfectly. I've not yet done the other other piles yet but this pile seems to have a fairytale touch here. Your future spouse will do everything to impress you. There's a sweet energy to their actions. They may look in any way,for some of you they could look stern or way too serious by looks, but emotionally - they'd be very sensitive. The knight of cups clearly shows that they'll praise you alot. They'd at times praise you a-little-too-much lol - at times it might look more like buttering but nevertheless, you'll like it. He won't be very direct at first with the 2 of swords. They may want to impress you or judge your reactions to evaluate your future action as to when they'd propose or ask you out. But when they'll interact - it'd be easy to judge that he's interested in you. They may blush alot around you. For some of you,they may ask if you're taken or interested in anyone else before asking you out or proposing.
After you go out or start dating/become committed,there may be many stereotypical actions that they'd do for you. They may gift you flowers , chocolates,gifts that may have alot of effort put into them. I don't see any pentacles cards so it's not like they'd be woo-ing you with money and all even if they have it. You'd rather be impressed by their actions and words. They may have a soft way of approaching you in the courtship period. Sometimes they may seem a little cliche to you but you'd appreciate the way they cherish you and value you during the court ship period. He'll make it clear that you matter alot to them, emotionally especially.
✪ Channelled Situations Through Charms And Intuition:
(these situations do not have to be literal,they could have a metaphoric significance in your courtship period or relationship)
girl walking in a field of white roses, kneeling down,a peck on the cheek, violet color(?), running together while holding hands,a couple twirling in the rain, recieving a bouquet of multicoloured flowers, someone dedicating a love song to the other/writing a song for their love
✪⁠ Oracle Astrology House Card Pulled:
4th House-home and family
It matches the vibe of the reading clearly showing that this person will treat you like their family from the day they meet you.it shows that they'll flirt but more than a sexual way, it'll be healing, nurturing and soulful. Strong soulmate energy coming through as well. The love will be pure and strong and their actions will represent it. You may meet their family in the initial phases of your relationship or they may talk to their mother/family about you alot lol. Their family will be well aware of how admired you are in their eyes.
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Pile Two
✪ Cards For This Pile:
king of pentacles,the fool (rev),9 of pentacles, the devil
Oh yeah - we've got the king of pentacles and 9 of pentacles here. It's obvious that your future spouse is wealthy and abundant in material possessions and they'll use it well to impress you. Don't worry, because I don't think they'll think of you as a gold digger but it's just that your FS will be well aware that life is nothing without money 💸 and so they wouldn't mind showing you that your future is secure with them. They won't show off but they will show you that they are abundant and fully capable of leading you a abundant life. I feel a few of you here are like - oh no, but I'm not impressed by all this or this is just arrogance - but sorry love,that's what's coming through. You can choose another pile of you want but remember that it's not always what you think you'll be impressed by be the case - nevertheless it's your choice.
I'll be honest - this person is proud of their wealth or slightly may come off as arrogant - but here's the thing- they're a self made man who may have worked for everything and reached where he'd/she'd be. They'll know the value of material and so he'd just want to show you that he's got that. And tbh,this reading is about how they'll pursue you - and so I think you will be impressed by this somewhat. As I said,it would come off as someone showing you how stable and we'll put together they are. They'd also dress up quite well. Somewhat sexy I heard? I mean we've got the devil card here. They may have good looks to impress you.
This pile will be impressed by their FS for superficial reasons. Looks, finances and for some,even sex. I mean it's alright guys,these things matter alot in life and perhaps later on you will build an emotional connection with them but that'll what'll be the core starter reason. Your partner will be a winning trophy for y'all. Hot yet rich. Now y'all - I don't mean out of this world rich or out of this world hot but considerably more than average y'know. Although for some of you,they could be billionaires but not for all. So yeah - that's what I got for this pile ,they'll be alot more reasons but this is a general reading and not a personal and so I can't go into details of everything - though this is one of the main themes.
✪ Channelled Situations Through Charms And Intuition:
(these situations do not have to be literal,they could have a metaphoric significance in your courtship period or relationship)
someone with in a suit waiting for another for a date, a couple booking a suite in a 5 star hotel,a couple eating sushi (?),the color silver(?), having a movie date, travelling abroad for a destination wedding,a girl waiting for the guy and he's late (?), exchanging rings and lip-locking
✪⁠ Oracle Astrology House Card Pulled:
12th House- subconsciousness and hidden nature
So through this pile,I see that you'll also likely be pursued by them is because you'll feel that you'll be able to open up to them. You'll find things you never knew about yourself. Sexually or spiritually - could be anything. They may help you explore a part of yourself that you'd never know you had in you. It's like he'll make you more daring - adventurous. Curious. You'll feel like a deep bond with them like you never never felt before. I feel like the Devil card could represent this too. I feel they'll feel the same,but this reading is about you so I can't say with full surety,but nevertheless the bond you'll share with them will be unique - and special.
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Pile Three:
✪ Cards For This Pile:
judgement, 5 of cups (rev), 6 of wands, 8 of pentacles,6 of pentacles (extra card for this pile)
Ahan wow. A strategy? Seriously your partner will have made a strategy prior to approaching you lol. This person will be very good in their plans and skills. Mental skills especially. It's like they think before they execute and that's exactly what they'd be doing before moving towards you with the intention. With the 6 of wands it's pretty obvious they'll win guys right? After all they're your future spouse 🙃 so they're plan will be set on impressing you as a person rather than a suitor first. Even if it's an arranged marriage, they'll have come up with a plan. It's like he'll want you to first see that he's a perfect individual before a perfect suitor. Now I know that sounds slightly narcissistic lmao. But trust me that's not the case. What he'll want you to see is that he or she is a very good person individually/collectively and just with you -
It'll be like he'll show you that he is frequently involved in charity (with 6 of pentacles) or philanthropic work. He'll show you that he has various hobbies (different for all) be it sports or intellectual. He'll try to show you that they're a compassionate yet practical person as a whole. Now I know noone's perfect lmao 😏 but he'll try to show you his good qualities. And tbh,he will be all of these since I didn't get any negative cards. They'll obvious have their shadow side but that's not showing in the reading because that's not the topic. The purpose is to show you that he's not just like this around you because he's just trying to impress you to date/marry them - it's to show you that they're genuinely a good person and I think you will be impressed by this quality.
He'll later on definitely flirt or praise you. Gift you and indulge you - but this'll be the main theme of their courtship period. Which I find interesting because it's something quite different. He may even tell his friends to talk about specific activities of theirs to you to impress you lmao - you're FS is such a cute drama tbh - but he'll want you to know that choosing him would be the best option for you because if he values everyone around them,then it's quite, quite obvious that they'll value the love of their life. I just heard poetry? This could be specific but someone's FS may dedicate poetry to you. Perhaps their own. With the judgement card,I think this person will propose you pretty quick in this relationship, because they'll want you to know that they think of you as a stable,long term partner and not a causal one. If it's arranged marriage,then it's pretty obvious that they'll start off with the proposal.
✪ Channelled Situations Through Charms And Intuition:
(these situations do not have to be literal,they could have a metaphoric significance in your courtship period or relationship)
a couple having ice cream and laughing,nose-rubbing,a kiss on the forehead,a couple surrounding by orphaned kids while they give them goodies,a man looking at a girl with tears in their eyes, playful hitting, helping each other make their hairstyles,blue color(?)
✪⁠ Oracle Astrology House Card Pulled:
9th House- teachings and philosophies
So for this pile, I see that you'll learn alot from your partner and that may impress you too. They may either be highly spiritual or highly educated/knowledgeable. They may be a comforting mentor to you. You may view them as being larger than life itself. He may be well cultured and mannered because this house represents travel at times and so I feel this could also indicate them being cultured well. For some of you,your father or fatherly figure may approve them alot. For someone specific,they may be at a teaching level in your field and you may be impressed by their knowledge in your field and so you'll be guided by them well (for some of you, not all)
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cynarisgayass · 3 months
𓍊𓋼~Letting the impulsive thoughts win~𓋼𓍊
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Type: Short oneshots
Description: Sorry for lack of posts, 4th of July put a stop on my schedule (which I hate sm) but anyways this is letting the impulsive thoughts win with genshin characters. Like wanting to throw whip cream at someone or boop them idfk.
Rating: Fluff/funny
Reader: GN, slight autism/adhd vibes
Includes: Wanderer/ Xiao
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It was calling to you, begging you, tempting you with it's white soft texture...(Don't be a perv ;)
Whip cream...covering the top of the pie you'd just bought, it smelled amazing and looked even better...but the thought of gently smashing into Wanderers face was literally eating at your being. Plus the counter was clean, you could literally still eat it if you wanted to so it wouldn't really be a waste..."No. No you can't, you can't."
"Can't what?"
You jumped at the sudden voice behind you...when had he walked in? Was he onto you... "Wanderer! Haha, I was just telling myself I can't eat the whole thing in one sitting. That's all, nothing else!"
He looked at you annoyed, like he knew you were up to something but not exactly what it was. "Hmm, I still don't understand how you can eat it. It's disgustingly sweet." He stepped closer to the counter, standing right, over, the pie, scowling at it.
You couldn't take it anymore, fate had laid it out all perfect for you. Your hand slipped under the pie and before he even had the chance to move you smooshed it in his face, whip cream covering all his features, dripping down his chin as you set the mostly empty crust aside.
He couldn't even react, he was so shocked and that was to funny for you, you started laughing hysterically, tears running down your cheeks as you tried to apologise. "I-im so sorry! Hahaha I couldnt- you stepped Infront- I'm sorry! Bahahaha!"
He took a deep breath and sighed, for a second you were worried he was genuinely angry, but he wouldn't be with you if he couldn't handle your impulsive thoughts. He held up the crust and scooped out what was left, "Your actions have consequences..."
You wiped a tear away and looked at him confused, "Huh?-AH!"
He mushed the pie filling on the top of your head, swirling it with your hairs as you squealed in dismay.
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You giggled in excitement as Xiao helped you tie up your kite. You'd made it yourself, using all the Yakshas as your inspiration and even better was as you made it he told you stories of them. You could tell it was a little hard for him at first, but once he started talking about the happier stories he loosened up. This one he was telling now seemed to especially resonate with him.
"They were always playing tricks, using ink to draw on my face and introducing me to people, but giving me the wrong name. Bonanus, she was usually far less embarrassing with her pranks...actually you remind me of her in that way."
You blushed lightly, "I do?"
"Yes. She would often try and find ways to make me flustered. Once she even found a inappropriate book and left it for me to read. Even leaving a note on it that read: Alatus, I've found these war tactics very useful. Read at once."
Your smile widened as you imagined him opening the book, "I bet you were completely red in the face haha!"
"I was. It made it even worse that Morax- Zhongli I mean, was there when I started to read it."
"Pffft!" You burst out laughing, unable to contain yourself as you pictured the scene with Zhongli being in the same room. Then it was like a switch went off...and you felt kinda numb, maybe sad even...wishing you could have been there. "Xiao, do you prefer that part of your life..."
He paused and looked at you in confusion, "I don't prefer one part of my life over the other. I may miss my Yaksha companions, but if I were to choose that part of my life over this one, I would no longer have you. That would be just as much of a loss if not more."
Your heart skipped a beat as the moment grew more intense, his eyes staring into yours like he was attempting to prove to you that his words were true. It was a bit much and you weren't really good with tension...so you chose to lighten the mood with the very thing you'd wanted to do since he started talking.
You reached out and poked his nose, saying a small little, "Boop" as you did so. It was so random and yet it fixed the heavy air that had gathered around you both. His face turned a light shade of pink and he returned back to what he was doing, as if nothing had happened at all.
"Is it don't yeeeettt???"
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Another dirty alphabet up nexttt~
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aki-shigaraki · 3 months
I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT how I saw someone’s slideshow on tiktok the other day and they said something like
IzuOcha becoming canon would mean that Horikoshi doesn’t know how to write romance. Their relationship isn’t even close to being romantic (besides the somehow undeniable?? argument that it’s shonen so it has to be canon, spoiler, it IS deniable since Horikoshi said he does what he wants loool). Maybe there was a crush from Ochaco at some point, but she’s past that and it’s obvious whenever we see their interactions past ~4th season. If they would become canon, that would be just bad writing. It wouldn’t make sense storywise.
BUT he DOES know how to write romance - look at the implied canon pairings like KamiJirou, HagaOjiro, KiriMina. we all agreed on them being canon not because they blush at each other, but they CARE for each other and WORRY about the other person
*insert KamiJirou first war scene „do it for someone who is closest to your heart”*
AND… because the canon pairings in bnha also have this little funny thing in common. Both sides inspire each other and in some ways they want to resemble each other too!!! I’ve noticed it especially in KiriMina, first when in Kirishima’s backstory he says that the „horns” he stylizes his hair into are inspired by Mina’s horns, and then when she said in s5ep25 that she created Acidman because of Kiri’s Unbreakable.
So, it looks like Horikoshi KNOWS how to write romance - because this is how it looks in real life. You care about your s/o, you worry about them, they inspire you, you know stuff about them because you’re curious about them, you want to spend time with them etc. It’s literally how every canon implied ship in BNHA is written. It’s not a surprise. It’s just good writing.
and you know whose relatiohsips are also written this way??? hm. let me see
not IzuOcha for sure (they had their little moments but PLEASE we get TWO scenes of Ochaco moving on from Izuku. this isn’t canon at all)
The biggest canon pairing of them all, the BKDK and their lesbian sisters TOGACHACO
it’s already canon because it’s written the way Horikoshi writes romances. He isn’t oblivious what he’s creating BECAUSE IT’S INTENTIONAL. THEY ARE CANON.
edit: it’s dynamight.delight on tiktok check it out it’s her second pinned video it’s soooo goood
my guess is: IzuOcha isn’t going to become canon, but I’m not sure if ANY of the pairings above will ask each other out etc / make it official. I just think it will be obviously hinted and my hero will end without any labels attatched to the pairings. This isn’t my only theory but yeah, the only thing that I’m sure about is IzuOcha aren’t supposed to be canon.
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missakward123 · 4 months
Can I get a kiss? (And can you make it last forever?)
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Gojo Satoru x reader, kento nanami x reader, Sukuna x reader
Jjk men reacting to you asking for a kiss when they are inside you/ or eating you out.
Warnings: P in V, no protection (wrap it before you tap it guys), Oral (f recieving), edging, overstim, spitting, degradation kink
A/N: I was bored. Hope you liked it! I literally was just listening to the song when i got inspo!! this has been sitting in my drafts like foreverrrr. (Stealing and modification of work is prohibited.)
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Gojo Satoru:
To be honest with his clingy ass the better question is when he does not want kisses? But the need is even more when he puts his inches inside you watching as you struggle to take him-his sweet girl. But it's you who asks first (for once) because you need him in a way if you don't you will die, sort of.
"Mmmm h-harder toru' " You moan as you finally adjust to his size.
"Harder? didn't you tell me to go easy this time?" He snickers as he starts thrusting- white hair messy with sweat resting on his forehead and blue eyes focused on you.
You moan in response, c'mon with a dick that big you let him have the last word sometimes.
"F-fvk that your best?" You say biting your lip. Over the years you have known Satoru riling him up is the best way to get what you wanted but in this case? - god you really love digging your own grave don't you?
Satoru narrows his eyes and puts your one leg over his shoulder.
There is nothing but the sound of skin slapping against one another, your pussy squelching so obscenely around him.
"Ya hear that doll?" He says whispering in your ear.
"So wet for me huh? it's almost like you wanna milk the life out of me." He says voice low and hoarse, god really has favourites.
As he pounds so filthily, obscenely and shamelessly into you, you can't help but stare at him- the strongest proving himself to you.
"Nggh w-want a kiss toru" You say, more moaning than speaking.
And what his girl wants, she gets.
He bends down to steal your lips in a feverish kiss.
So sweetly, so euphoric, so lovingly.... almost as if he wasn't rearranging your guts.
All you can hope is things last like this forever him being yours and you being his.
As he stares into your eyes and feels his dick harden again and falls in love again with you he promises himself to go with an actual date with you after the shibuya mission.
Kento Nanami:
Oh, he is the kind of guy who is the definition of focused. Before he met you, he was focused on his career (still is- gotta have money to spoil his girl, right?) and making sure he was not a problem to the Neighbours.......
Now, the Neighbours were SICK of you both and Nanami's favourite activity he did after coming home after a longgggg day of tiring work and his sweet wife all dolled up waiting for him.
"K-ken the neighbours are gonna c-complain-" You stutter trying to speak a proper sentence which Nanami makes hard to especially when his head is trapped between your plush thighs and arms holding your hip -he doesn't want you squirming or does he? especially the way he is eating you out? he isn't stopping till you cry (if you are lucky).
"Let them." He says, focused on you, his meal. You look at him- so -so pretty, you think.
"You think I am pretty?" He chuckles, oops did you say that out loud?
Now anyone would blush at the sight- you so shamelessly sprawled for him on the dining table (the very dining table you both entertain guests as they fawn over how lovely and suitable you are for each other), skirt hitched around your hips, mascara smudged- wait, weren't yall supposed to go on a date? -and Nanami still in his suit tie a bit loosened from his hobby he was indulging in at the moment.
You are lost in pleasure, your mind too dumb to think straight.
You grab at his strands as his tongue flicks out to tease your already swollen nub.
"C-can I come? Please please please please-" you say like a mantra feeling your orgasm dawn for the 4th- or was it 5th?
"Hmmm?" He says as if considering it- so mean.
"No let's try something else hmm?" He says smirking- on his knees like he won't do this again- but he will, and you would let him.
"C-can I get a kiss?" You say panting, eyes wide open staring at the love of your life.
"Of course, sweetheart." Nanami says smiling the facade he puts up when doing this cracking up a bit, as he catches your lips in a kiss- you could marry him again.
A bit.
He smacks your ass. "Now, darling you decide- do I let you come while you are on call with the guy who flirted with you earlier or........ I don't let you come at all?"
Uh oh.
Ryomen Sukuna:
Now, Sukuna is a menace, suprise suprise! A bit bratty and forget getting to come this curse man is not resting till you are going limp in his arms.
"Ah! I am s-so-sorry" You stutter trying to get words out of your mouth.
"S-so-sorry" He repeats in a mocking tone- so rude- and he enters into you- again- "What, brat? Can't get the words out?" He says in a concerned tone.
Oh, he is FAR from concerned if anything it's as if he is well intent on breaking you.
"P-please don't tease-" You try to say. Heavy implication on 'try' because as you open your mouths and barely get the words out, he is spitting on your clit drawing harsh circles on your bud.
He laughs as he watches you gasp and moan at his actions. "Knew you were nothing but a slvt- just hungry for some cvck huh? that's why you were being so rude earlier?" He whispers in your ear- words slowing down as his actions speed up- as he increases his thrusts so unforgivingly.
"K-kuna?" You say to him voice whiny and so high pitch- he would probably laugh it he wasn't as pent as you and with the way you were clenching around him....
"W-want a kiss" You ask- no demand lips puckering up and Sukuna chuckles before capturing your lips in a feverish kiss.
And he watches as you smile and moan into his mouth too smitten with you.
It was you after all.
Your breath hitches and fingers dig into his back- a tell-tale sign you were going to come which- "Come for me hmm?" He whispers voice all low and seductive.
And you do.
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A/N: Hope you liked it! I am NOT very good at writing it for several characters at once.......but I tried my best- please provide feedback!
I was gonna write for others too but y'know it wasnt coming off nicely these are the only ones which vibed :P
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Hi, there it's so great to find an amazing writer who enjoys Lookism so much! Please keep at it, your HC's are so much fun to read! If it's not too much to ask for the boys like Gun, Samuel, and Vasco with s/o who is a foreign girl, a very capable fighter, and honorable in combat but outside the fight she is quite self-conscious and a bit naive.
Not me reading the first part of this and thinking you're being sarcastic af lol
Thanks for being so kind anon :') I'm glad you're enjoying it, I have SO much fun writing them and putting my stupidity out! Thanks for the ask! I had a little difficulty writing it.... this really isn't very good but hope this hits the spot.
Lookism with non S. Korean S/O
You're from somewhere vague and overseas. Scenario with your partner (Gun, Samuel, Vasco, Jake)
Your boyfriend was asking you to fight yet again. You're getting pretty tired of it.
You only moved to South Korea not too long ago and ever since he discovered you picked up your skills from overseas, all he makes you do is fight him. And he doesn't go easy on you.
What happened to dates? What happened to romance?
You thought your boyfriend was growing colder towards you, now always in his own head or just studying martial arts.
He peers at you over the top of his sunglasses. Your words are hard to say aloud.
"Do you ... do you not want to be with me anymore?"
"What makes you think that?"
"All we do is fight... Literally! I can't remember the last time you even asked me for anything else."
He pulls you into his arms, "You're actually challenging me. Do you know how rare that is? I'm more turned on than ever."
You transferred from overseas after helping source partners to help grow Workers into the behemoth it is today.
Back in your field days, there wasn't anything that couldn't be solved with some violence, but your morals and fairness made you stand out amongst would-be enemies.
Even with the 3rd and 4th Affiliate President as your boyfriend, no one could deny your competence or throw around accusation of nepotism.
But you still had to get your head around the working culture in this country.
"Sammy, do I really have to call you Mr. Seo in the office?"
"Isn't that a bit weird? People have seen us together."
"No, I'm your boss. You need to show respect and address me properly here."
"Oh... Do you actually not want anyone to know I'm your girlfriend?"
Samuel pinches the bridge of his nose, can't quite believing he's going to give in on this.
"Fine. You can call me Samuel,"
"What about-"
"Not Sam. Not Sammy. Samuel."
You had agreed to meet in the park for a date with Vasco.
The first time you kissed him, he nearly jumped out of his skin claiming that wasn't how dating worked in South Korea. You found out later it was just his eccentricities.
Vasco texted you that he was running late when a group of guys start harassing you.
You threaten to call the police, but when they put their hands on you, you weren't left with many options.
"Y/N?!" Your boyfriend was staring at you in shock.
"No! Euntae, I didn't want you to see me like this!" you hide your bloodied fist from him.
"What! That was amazing!"
"Thank? you?"His compliment made you blush, you knew it wasn't what 'ladies' do but he liked it?
"Y/N! I thought people only had street fights in South Korea! Do they fight overseas too?"
You think this might be the first time Jake treated you to a meal. A job well done, he had said after you beat up some thugs who were harassing the girls.
Jake's often running off to god knows where to get god knows what done, leaving you to look after the street.
Is this the supposed Girlfriend Privileges? You having to fight in his stead? You reckon you're getting the short end of the stick.
You stare at the violently red pot of stew in front of you, with some unidentified vegetables floating around
"Jake...? What is this?"
"Oh! You've never tried many Korean dishes, right! It's kimchi stew, my favourite. Here." He spoons some into a bowl for you.
With your boyfriend's loving gaze on you, you had no choice but to take a sip.
"ACK!" you spit it out immediately and grab your glass of water to wash the vileness out of your mouth
Jake rolls his eyes at you, "You've got no taste" and takes his own mouthful.
"I know, I'm with you."
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strawhatkia · 1 year
sundress season.
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INCLUDES ! 1610!miles and hobie brown x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! they see you in a sundress for the first time
WARNINGS ! character and reader are not together...yet!,
A/N ! the way this was suppose to be the whole spider crew plus miguel and i got tired not even half way through....this just gon be a lil tester but this is getting deleted and revamped later !
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊🌻🖌✧ SPIDER-MILES !
i cannot fathom to you how flustered this boy gets on a regular day when y'all really not doing anything. the boy already really likes how you look in your regular uniform or just casual street clothes so when rio and jeff invite you over for the carne asada/cookout and you popped in a sundress of all things, he kinda doesn't know how to act.
oh, and his parents find it absolutely hilarious. this is really the time where him being jeff's son and aaron's nephew really shines through. he's awkward about it and can't seem to get through any of his sentences.
he really likes the way it fits you and the color compliments you well but he has such a hard time for like a good 30 minutes. eventually, aaron comes to save him and gives him a tip of going to get some drinks for the both of you and take you somewhere private to talk.
not to mention, his whole family thinks you two are too cute for words and takes every chance to mention how much of a good couple you two make. once you come back over to get something to eat, you are bombarded by multiple family members. miles is definitely nervously laughing to get through the embarrassment of all them making the most outlandish comments and gave up after the 4th tia said how lucky he is to have you.
— ☾⋆⁺₊🎸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 ✧ HOBIE BROWN !
this is literally the world's boldest man ever, he truly don't give a fuck whose watching. you were actually in the middle of a block party when you were called to debrief about a mission. not to be bothered to put on your suit (especially since peter b. walks around in a pink robe of all things), you step through the portal in your sundress and sandals.
certainly not the first time hq has seen you out of uniform but the sundress has you grabbing compliments left and right from all the spider people present (even miguel, which was surprising). it would be hobie to see you last though. he was originally talking to pav who was rambling on about his recent date with gayatri again when he catches a glimpse of you pass by to go into the meeting room with miguel and jessica.
now in my eyes, hobie immediately tunes out of pav's conversation at once to focus all of his attention on you and makes the split decision to follow you in there. it's not like jessica will care enough to kick him out and he does not care what miguel has to say. quite frankly, the man only sees you at the moment and that doesn't even catch up to him until he's right in front of you.
then in the thickest accent possible, he flirts endlessly throughout the entire meeting. the man has no sense of personal space around his friends and it's only ten times worse with you. hanging off your shoulders, wrapping his long arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder while hugging from behind. you do your best to acknowledge, because ignoring him will not work and only make it worse, but to also get through the meeting.
it's easy to chalk it up as hobie being a physical person but there's only so much to explain the way he feels up on the material of the dress, making comments that make you feel like you're blushing and distract from whatever miguel was saying before he gave up and just told you to come in later. without hobie.
leaving the meeting was easier than staying in it but now you gotta deal with a very cocky spiderman that is doing his absolute best to talk you into coming back to his dimension. (pav is watching from a distance with a bag of popcorn, squealing over how many of his friends are having romance novel moments)
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reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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taglist: @mypimpademia @cosmiles @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams
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