zgords · 4 years
Out of the blue Scott comes up to Zoe. He's still wearing his gym clothes from having attended dodgeball practice, and it's with pure woof energy that he picks her up and places her onto one of his shoulders, holding her in place so she won't fall over. "Zoe! Let's go grab some grub! I wanna eat with you and talk about all the bouncy balls I saw today!"
@woofjock / answered !
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     the truth of the matter is this  :  zoe knows scott is strong.  zoe KNOWS scott is openly affectionate.  this is all public and not - at - all secret knowledge  …  and yet he still manages to catch her off guard,  her eyes wide and lips parted to a silent ‘oh’ !
her heart pounds to an unfamiliar and irregular beat ( from mortal heartburn,  or a mortal heartattack,  or just  …  mortal nerves,  maybe, ) many eyes WIDE while scott holds her in place for balance,  and then just  —  continues to hold her after the initial shock.  she stares at his hands like she’s not sure how they got there,  or where they came FROM,  or what they are.  they’re just hands,  zoe.
still !  once the bewilderment wears off,  all that’s left is the warmth and the tenderness and the inexplicably clammy tentacles ( and singular HAND,  too ).  she even wraps said tentacle arm gently around scott’s wrist  —  a reassurance,  or a THANKS,  or something softer,  maybe  ;  irrevocably lost in the unnamed affection that blooms from her lungs and threads itself through the bones of her ribcage.  she’s still figuring out how that works.
it’s just that  …  well..  it all just feels a little less DAUNTING when it means figuring it out with scott.
“you did well today.  in gym,  i mean.”  she hums,  as easy as breathing !  she falls into ( metaphorical ) step with scott like second nature  ;  the cries of the damned backlighting her rumbling PURR with succinct punctuation.  carefully settling the palm of her hand onto the nape of his neck,  the corners of her lips lift in the teeniest,  tiniest and most imperceptible of smiles !  a terribly FOND and lovely thing.
and.  hardly is she a creature pressed by UNCALCULATED measures,  but.  it’s like diving into a lake where she cannot see the bottom,  pressing the kiss to the temple of scott’s forehead from where she sits  —  and,  for once,  the mortal feelings that hold her chest in a vice - grip do not feel so FRIGHTENING when they smother her.  “ …  and i’d like that a lot,  i think.”
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she breathes  ;  cheeks PURPLE and sweet and full of life.  “let’s get something to eat.”
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zgords · 6 years
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penny for your thoughts?
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