darabeatha · 10 months
@curmoritor is playing pocky with Constantine ! | He's going to shove the pocky in his mouth and then just kiss him. Sharing is caring!
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❝ haha! That is the true festive spirit sir Owen, indee―❞
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wh― He can't even finish his sentence when the entirety of the pocky is shoved right inside his mouth as if it was (an albeit small) dagger digging down his throat. He... is quite certain there was a step before this, right !? he read it online ! or was he reading outdated news and this was the new way of playing the game? much of this he could not truly question as he almost felt like coughing out of instinct, yet before he could even gulp down the sweet treat, here comes the next part of the game, which he thought was only the reward for the winning person.
But...! If he ate the entire pocky then wouldn't it make him the winner and not owen ?? This... He might have gotten the order completely wrong !!
One thing was certain as he got a kiss straight to the lips. This...
What a formidably straightforward game this was then !
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Fuhh.... Perhaps the marble emperor might need to rest a bit afterward- perhaps maybe even return to marble for a little while, to cool down a bit, of course.
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